More Aide Training today.
She reminds me of my original high school roommate, looks just like her and is goofy as well.
Original meaning my first roommate.
Well, I guess there were two, but then the one got kicked out. Then another moved in and then I switched rooms and moved in with two others and then another moved in with us so I had...6 roommates throughout freshman year?
And then she went on to room with Juwanna - who was my last high school roommate - before ditching us for Texas.
My favorite memory of her is, okay so it was freshman year and I was super homesick and I think it was like the first or second week and she was trying to cheer me up so she put a box on her head - think she was unpacking or something - and started dancing.
So I pulled out my disposable camera and took a picture.
I don't know if she heard the click or saw the flash but she turned around, put her hands on her hips and just stared at me. Box on head.
It was hysterical.
Anyway, the new aide is great. She shelved today and tagged so I got to go through and pull them. Got all the books right so I was impressed.
Not bad for her first time, though she does work at a bookstore so I guess it wasn't all that surprising.
Work flew by pretty quickly. Afterwards I headed out to see the boyfriend.
We met up at the theater to see Oblivion.
Oh my god, so weird.
So, so weird.
I was intrigued but at the same time I was totally confused. But that was kind of the point I guess.
Scale of Awesome says about 7/10.
Entertainment Weekly said "We liked Oblivion better when it called Moon and starred Sam Rockwell."
So I checked out Moon to compare and contrast.
But it's already a step up because while I don't like Tom Cruise I love Sam Rockwell.
Not only cause he's Drew's friend - Charlie's Angels, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Everybody's Fine, etc. - but also for Seven Psychopaths, Iron Man 2, etc.
Here's the trailer for that:
holy crap, that's like dead on.
Anyway, after that we watched parts of Dark Shadows and Edward Scissorhands, I know Johnny Depp marathon, and then Napoleon Dynamite.
So it was a good day.
Am watching the Voice, only halfway through so not gonna post about that until tomorrow.
For now you're getting:
Crazy Women - LeAnn Rimes
love it.
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
It's Shakespearean, it's Dickensian, it's Kardashian.
Back at work today.
You could tell it was Monday.
Lots of tired staff and not a lot of patrons so it was a little slow.
Which is fine cause it gives me time to work on other projects like more Summer Reading and volunteer stuff.
Got one of my adult volunteers started on shelving Youth Services.
She's Russian and used to work in a library in Russia so she picked it up very quickly.
So quickly in fact that I barely had to train her at all. When I went through each category she pointed out where they go and when I started her on shelving she put them in the exact space they're supposed to go.
I'm making her tag them so I can look over them, but still, I'm impressed.
That's really all I can remember about today.
Oh, except for the part where some dude asked if he could take a picture of my Green Lantern t-shirt.
But what do you say to that, really?
I told him he could find pictures of it online or find it at Target.
Guess that's what I get for wearing fun shirts.
He's another one that makes up excuses to come to the desk to talk to me. Last week he rambled about some sort of chemistry meteorology thing, I don't know I can't remember.
Tried to block it from my brain.
But Queen of the Known Universe was laughing.
Dangit, just when my stalker count was lowering out.
Castle tonight was epic. Love the flashbacks. Kind of cheesed up the drama part, but she was standing on a bomb so you had to have some sort of comic relief.
And Bones was alright. For a season finale I was expecting more. I am super depressed for Brennan now though.
2 Broke Girls was humorous.
Yes I spent a lot of tonight on the couch watching TV but I need a night off from homework and stress and all that.
Anyway, they filmed an episode - well, fake filmed - an episode of SVU in the diner and hired Max and Caroline as extras.
That's where the status is from, basically they're pimping themselves out as actresses so they can get money to pay for Chesnutt's shoes - he's a horse.
The Voice was also on tonight and of course I'm saving it for last cause I get all rambly.
Battles were last week - check out this video cause it's awesome:
Dropping it down from 12 members to 8.
I love that video, that's cool.
Tonight was Night One for Knockouts - Team Adam and Team Shakira, tomorrow will be Team Blake and Team Usher. Each artist picks their own song to sing and their coaches pair them up against each other. So they went from 8 to 4 members each for the live rounds which will start next week!
Big upsets tonight, I lost 2 of my top 5 - Midas Whale (huge shock) and Monique Abbadie.
But the winners deserved it.
Here's my lineups after Night One of the Knockouts.
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
Tomorrow will be the green and the blue as Team Usher and Team Blake are up.
The most epic of tonight's battles was probably Sarah Simmons vs. Warren Stone. You can check it out here:
It's amusing because they post all these behind-the-scenes sort of videos so you can get to know the artists.
Here is my favorite for Team Adam
(Dolly Partner, is that weird? Yes it's weird.)
and Team Shakira
(don't worry I can't tell them apart either Tawnya. and Bruno Mars? I can see that.)
and of course my other music rec of the night is:
Dip it Low - Christina Milian
alright, back to Diners, Driveins and Dives.
making me want a hamburger.
You could tell it was Monday.
Lots of tired staff and not a lot of patrons so it was a little slow.
Which is fine cause it gives me time to work on other projects like more Summer Reading and volunteer stuff.
Got one of my adult volunteers started on shelving Youth Services.
She's Russian and used to work in a library in Russia so she picked it up very quickly.
So quickly in fact that I barely had to train her at all. When I went through each category she pointed out where they go and when I started her on shelving she put them in the exact space they're supposed to go.
I'm making her tag them so I can look over them, but still, I'm impressed.
That's really all I can remember about today.
Oh, except for the part where some dude asked if he could take a picture of my Green Lantern t-shirt.
But what do you say to that, really?
I told him he could find pictures of it online or find it at Target.
Guess that's what I get for wearing fun shirts.
He's another one that makes up excuses to come to the desk to talk to me. Last week he rambled about some sort of chemistry meteorology thing, I don't know I can't remember.
Tried to block it from my brain.
But Queen of the Known Universe was laughing.
Dangit, just when my stalker count was lowering out.
Castle tonight was epic. Love the flashbacks. Kind of cheesed up the drama part, but she was standing on a bomb so you had to have some sort of comic relief.
And Bones was alright. For a season finale I was expecting more. I am super depressed for Brennan now though.
2 Broke Girls was humorous.
Yes I spent a lot of tonight on the couch watching TV but I need a night off from homework and stress and all that.
Anyway, they filmed an episode - well, fake filmed - an episode of SVU in the diner and hired Max and Caroline as extras.
That's where the status is from, basically they're pimping themselves out as actresses so they can get money to pay for Chesnutt's shoes - he's a horse.
The Voice was also on tonight and of course I'm saving it for last cause I get all rambly.
Battles were last week - check out this video cause it's awesome:
Dropping it down from 12 members to 8.
I love that video, that's cool.
Tonight was Night One for Knockouts - Team Adam and Team Shakira, tomorrow will be Team Blake and Team Usher. Each artist picks their own song to sing and their coaches pair them up against each other. So they went from 8 to 4 members each for the live rounds which will start next week!
Big upsets tonight, I lost 2 of my top 5 - Midas Whale (huge shock) and Monique Abbadie.
But the winners deserved it.
Here's my lineups after Night One of the Knockouts.
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
Judith Hill - Adam, defeated Karina in battles and Orlando in knockout round
Jess Kellner - Usher, defeated Taylor
Midas Whale - Adam, defeated Patrick, beat by Amber in knockout round
Caroline Glaser - Blake, lost to Taylor stolen by Adam, defeated Amy in knockout round
Monique Abbadie - Shakira, defeated Luke, lost to Karina in knockout round
Sasha Allen - lost battle, stolen by Shakira, defeated Shawna in knockout round
Michelle Chamuel - Usher, defeated Chelsea
Sarah Simmons - Adam, defeated Duncan in battles and Warren in knockout round
Christian Porter - Blake, eliminated during battles
Jessica Childress - Usher, eliminated during battles
Jeff Lewis - Usher, eliminated during battles
Jacqui Sandell - Blake, eliminated during battles
Karina Iglesius - lost to Judith stolen by Shakira, defeated Monique in knockout round
Holly Tucker - Blake, defeated Michelle
Garrett Gardner - Shakira, defeated J'Sun in battles and Tawnya in knockout round
Danielle Bradbery - Blake, defeated Caroline
Amber Carrington - Adam, defeated Sasha in battles and Midas Whale in knockout round
Savannah Berry - Blake, defeated Jacqui
Josiah Hawley - Usher, defeated Jeff
Audrey Karrasch - Usher, defeated Jamila
Tomorrow will be the green and the blue as Team Usher and Team Blake are up.
The most epic of tonight's battles was probably Sarah Simmons vs. Warren Stone. You can check it out here:
It's amusing because they post all these behind-the-scenes sort of videos so you can get to know the artists.
Here is my favorite for Team Adam
(Dolly Partner, is that weird? Yes it's weird.)
and Team Shakira
(don't worry I can't tell them apart either Tawnya. and Bruno Mars? I can see that.)
and of course my other music rec of the night is:
Dip it Low - Christina Milian
alright, back to Diners, Driveins and Dives.
making me want a hamburger.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Nothing says romance quite like riding motorcars in Iowa.
So here's how I spent my weekend.

Riding motorcars in Iowa with the boyfriend.

Met a lot of cool people, these two were my favorites.

Steve is the boyfriend's good friend and his girlfriend is super nice. We talked a lot, was good to have another girl out there.
Surprisingly there were a few others as well. One brought cookies and lent me one of those cool reflector jackets when we went on the night run.
I was stylin'.
Here are some of my favorite shots and videos from the weekend:

The picture doesn't do it justice, but that's like 150 feet below us.
Here's a video.
No pressure whatsoever, right?

Only 150 feet.
That was actually only one of the bridges.
The other you can see here.
That part was my favorite.
Here are some other cool shots of some fun scenery.

some dude actually carved 3 of these, but only 2 of the trees are still standing.
jammed out on the tracks for a while so i took some nature shots.

gotta love creeks.
there was a lot of good scenery on this one.

My favorite part was probably the night ride.
And it was the boyfriend's as well, what he looked forward to all day really.

That is literally all you can see when you're on the bridge. AND THEN he turned the light off!!
But I survived.
Downloaded an audio book on my iPod in case I got bored but didn't listen to a word of it. Just jammed to some music as we went.
No, it was a lot of fun.
And I think I did better than he thought I would.
Like the World's of Fun post here: The Difference Between If and When
Anyway, I had fun.
We left Friday night after work - I got off at 4, we took off around 5. He had it loaded onto a trailer behind a pickup. We listened to a variety of music on the way out there and back but there were a lot of repeats. I lost count how many times we heard "It Will Rain", "Daylight", "Drive-by", anything by Taylor Swift and that stupid don't you worry, don't you worry song.
Another thing we have in common, hatred for Swedish House Mafia.
They had some weird commercials in Iowa, what's a "naked burrito bar"?
Stopped at Culver's for supper and rolled into Boone at about 10:30.
Woke up at 6:30 AM.
The boyfriend made me a waffle.
He thinks it's funny that I'm not a morning person.
Making fun of the fact that someone is not a morning person does not turn them into a morning person.
Headed over to the railroad soon after where I met Steve and Donnie.
He was hilarious and she was a Godsend.
Everyone there was really nice. They talked train jargon so fast I basically just kept my mouth shut. But I caught on eventually.
So we rode twice in the morning, took a break for lunch. We hit up a cafe with Steve and Donnie, got breakfast for lunch, gotta love it, then headed back for a couple more rides. After that we had to take a break cause they were running a dinner train through so we went out for ice cream then checked in at our hotel.
Oh yeah, we stayed at 2 different hotels cause everywhere was pretty booked up.
Then headed back for an evening run...which then led to a night run.
Super dark and super cool.
But there were only 2 of us by then. People tend to disappear after the morning run and then filtered out from there.
But the boyfriend likes when there are less people because then you can go faster.
Lot of hurry up and wait stuff.
Men are chatty.
Donnie and I laughed at that. They talk about women talking, they're the ones holding up traffic.
But it was amusing.
After the night run it was back to the hotel, slept in, stopped for lunch at Pizza Hut - listened to a woman describe in great detail the Kaley Cuoco car commercials - and back to Nebraska.
He headed home right away cause he went into work tonight.
And I should really crash cause I'm exhausted so I'll hit you with some quotes and then I'm out.
Quotes of the Trip:
The boyfriend: You can't drive like a nice guy when you live in a big city. You have to fit in with everyone else and drive like a jerk.
aw, he's so nice.
The boyfriend: Who doesn't know Mahna Mahna?
he did a lot of Mahna Mahna-ing whilst we rode. We had the headphones so we could actually hear each other. There were a few Airplane! references in there as well.
Steve: "Good" and "McDonald's" don't fit in a sentence together, it's an oxymoron. Unless it's a breakfast burrito or snackwrap.
speaking of Oxymorons, we passed a Dodge Ram on the way home. Can you both Dodge and Ram at the same time?
All-in-all it was a good trip.
Except when I lost a ring.
One with a lot of memories behind it.
I know, what is it with me losing important stuff while on vacation with him?
So there goes my fake engagement ring.
Left a piece of myself in Boone Iowa, good god.
Told him he'd have to buy me a replacement.
We'll see about that.
Music and I'm out.
Nothing but the Taillights - Clint Black
song actually came up on my iPod during the night run. gotta love the irony cause really that's all we could see.
22 - Taylor Swift
cause i had already posted the other songs that played on repeat. aside from that freakin' SHM one.
never ever.
but see the 22 i'm used to listening to is lily allen's.
love her.
and just cause i think it's funny:
here's 32
it's driving me nuts cause i swear i know that blonde from something.

Riding motorcars in Iowa with the boyfriend.

Met a lot of cool people, these two were my favorites.

Steve is the boyfriend's good friend and his girlfriend is super nice. We talked a lot, was good to have another girl out there.
Surprisingly there were a few others as well. One brought cookies and lent me one of those cool reflector jackets when we went on the night run.
I was stylin'.
Here are some of my favorite shots and videos from the weekend:

The picture doesn't do it justice, but that's like 150 feet below us.
Here's a video.
No pressure whatsoever, right?

Only 150 feet.
That was actually only one of the bridges.
The other you can see here.
That part was my favorite.
Here are some other cool shots of some fun scenery.

some dude actually carved 3 of these, but only 2 of the trees are still standing.
jammed out on the tracks for a while so i took some nature shots.

gotta love creeks.
there was a lot of good scenery on this one.

My favorite part was probably the night ride.
And it was the boyfriend's as well, what he looked forward to all day really.

That is literally all you can see when you're on the bridge. AND THEN he turned the light off!!
But I survived.
Downloaded an audio book on my iPod in case I got bored but didn't listen to a word of it. Just jammed to some music as we went.
No, it was a lot of fun.
And I think I did better than he thought I would.
Like the World's of Fun post here: The Difference Between If and When
Anyway, I had fun.
We left Friday night after work - I got off at 4, we took off around 5. He had it loaded onto a trailer behind a pickup. We listened to a variety of music on the way out there and back but there were a lot of repeats. I lost count how many times we heard "It Will Rain", "Daylight", "Drive-by", anything by Taylor Swift and that stupid don't you worry, don't you worry song.
Another thing we have in common, hatred for Swedish House Mafia.
They had some weird commercials in Iowa, what's a "naked burrito bar"?
Stopped at Culver's for supper and rolled into Boone at about 10:30.
Woke up at 6:30 AM.
The boyfriend made me a waffle.
He thinks it's funny that I'm not a morning person.
Making fun of the fact that someone is not a morning person does not turn them into a morning person.
Headed over to the railroad soon after where I met Steve and Donnie.
He was hilarious and she was a Godsend.
Everyone there was really nice. They talked train jargon so fast I basically just kept my mouth shut. But I caught on eventually.
So we rode twice in the morning, took a break for lunch. We hit up a cafe with Steve and Donnie, got breakfast for lunch, gotta love it, then headed back for a couple more rides. After that we had to take a break cause they were running a dinner train through so we went out for ice cream then checked in at our hotel.
Oh yeah, we stayed at 2 different hotels cause everywhere was pretty booked up.
Then headed back for an evening run...which then led to a night run.
Super dark and super cool.
But there were only 2 of us by then. People tend to disappear after the morning run and then filtered out from there.
But the boyfriend likes when there are less people because then you can go faster.
Lot of hurry up and wait stuff.
Men are chatty.
Donnie and I laughed at that. They talk about women talking, they're the ones holding up traffic.
But it was amusing.
After the night run it was back to the hotel, slept in, stopped for lunch at Pizza Hut - listened to a woman describe in great detail the Kaley Cuoco car commercials - and back to Nebraska.
He headed home right away cause he went into work tonight.
And I should really crash cause I'm exhausted so I'll hit you with some quotes and then I'm out.
Quotes of the Trip:
The boyfriend: You can't drive like a nice guy when you live in a big city. You have to fit in with everyone else and drive like a jerk.
aw, he's so nice.
The boyfriend: Who doesn't know Mahna Mahna?
he did a lot of Mahna Mahna-ing whilst we rode. We had the headphones so we could actually hear each other. There were a few Airplane! references in there as well.
Steve: "Good" and "McDonald's" don't fit in a sentence together, it's an oxymoron. Unless it's a breakfast burrito or snackwrap.
speaking of Oxymorons, we passed a Dodge Ram on the way home. Can you both Dodge and Ram at the same time?
All-in-all it was a good trip.
Except when I lost a ring.
One with a lot of memories behind it.
I know, what is it with me losing important stuff while on vacation with him?
So there goes my fake engagement ring.
Left a piece of myself in Boone Iowa, good god.
Told him he'd have to buy me a replacement.
We'll see about that.
Music and I'm out.
Nothing but the Taillights - Clint Black
song actually came up on my iPod during the night run. gotta love the irony cause really that's all we could see.
22 - Taylor Swift
cause i had already posted the other songs that played on repeat. aside from that freakin' SHM one.
never ever.
but see the 22 i'm used to listening to is lily allen's.
love her.
and just cause i think it's funny:
here's 32
it's driving me nuts cause i swear i know that blonde from something.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
she can't see the way your eyes light up when you smile.
Just got home.
Drove home safely, and didn't speed.
As opposed to what Queen of the Known Universe told Wordie today.
But I only have 1 point on my license.
Which I told him.
I neglected to tell him that it took me 2 stop classes to get it down to 1 point, but whatever.
Today was good.
Work went by super fast, staff meeting in the morning up on 3rd then lot of people around but not too many people. But it kept me busy.
After work I headed out to the boyfriend's. He changed the oil in my car. Such a nice boyfriend.
Minus a whole cereal sucks campaign.
He doesn't like it.
Which makes me sad because it is in my top 3 foods.
It goes chocolate, cereal and popsicles. After that it's all tacos, pizza, burgers, etc.
But he says he's not excited by cereal, like it's boring or something.
He's missing out.
So there was that.
Got his motorcar ready for this weekend's run.
Yes, the countdown continues.
Nothing says romance quite like riding motorcars in Iowa.
You probably won't hear from me for a while on here, but I'll post pictures and updates on Facebook.
Already got people questioning my health and now sanity for this trip.
But this way they'll know I'm still in one piece.
And, you know, breathing.
So that was my day.
Tomorrow is 9-4 and then we're off.
Yes, to the races.
They are called "speeders" afterall.
I'm sure I'll learn all about them by the end of the day.
Invisible - Taylor Swift
Nearly Witches - Panic at the Disco!
i know, i know, i just posted this like 3 months ago but i love it! you will all hate it, but i love it!
Drove home safely, and didn't speed.
As opposed to what Queen of the Known Universe told Wordie today.
But I only have 1 point on my license.
Which I told him.
I neglected to tell him that it took me 2 stop classes to get it down to 1 point, but whatever.
Today was good.
Work went by super fast, staff meeting in the morning up on 3rd then lot of people around but not too many people. But it kept me busy.
After work I headed out to the boyfriend's. He changed the oil in my car. Such a nice boyfriend.
Minus a whole cereal sucks campaign.
He doesn't like it.
Which makes me sad because it is in my top 3 foods.
It goes chocolate, cereal and popsicles. After that it's all tacos, pizza, burgers, etc.
But he says he's not excited by cereal, like it's boring or something.
He's missing out.
So there was that.
Got his motorcar ready for this weekend's run.
Yes, the countdown continues.
Nothing says romance quite like riding motorcars in Iowa.
You probably won't hear from me for a while on here, but I'll post pictures and updates on Facebook.
Already got people questioning my health and now sanity for this trip.
But this way they'll know I'm still in one piece.
And, you know, breathing.
So that was my day.
Tomorrow is 9-4 and then we're off.
Yes, to the races.
They are called "speeders" afterall.
I'm sure I'll learn all about them by the end of the day.
Invisible - Taylor Swift
Nearly Witches - Panic at the Disco!
i know, i know, i just posted this like 3 months ago but i love it! you will all hate it, but i love it!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
By the time I'm out the door, you tear me down like Roger Moore
Okay, to whoever got to my blog by searching for "dolly parton whorehouse stockings" I just have to say why?!
Why are you searching for that and why why WHY did that land you here?
So weird.
So the countdown 'til the motorcar trip continues.
Leaving Friday night and getting back Sunday.
Showed pictures of what we're riding in to the guard, she's jealous.
It'll be fun.
I hope.
No, I'm actually pretty excited.
Figuring out what to pack and all that is amusing. He says layers.
Gonna have to brush up on my train jargon.
Never thought I'd say that ever.
Especially after escaping them at the farmhouse.
Dad's obsessed with models, but the boyfriend is obsessed with the real thing.
Which is far more expensive.
But more lifelike so I guess that's okay.
Though one of dad's friends has one that's like a junior train and people ride in it at parades and stuff.
I was the cool kid cause I got to ride in the engine. Actually have a picture of me hanging out the side of it.
Back when I was young and cute.
I know, such a long time ago.
I would post it on here but then my coworkers would see it and then I'd be hosed.
Speaking of coworkers, tomorrow is food day for my Trainee's going away party.
I know, they're all leaving!!
Fearless Leader, Slim Shady now my Trainee. It's like all the people that were hired around the same time as me.
But Superwoman made me pinky promise that I wouldn't leave because of a boy.
Guess I'l be commuting.
Gonna have to remember to bring something this time, though I have no idea what.
Nutty bars or something of the like perhaps.
Oh, I have grapes.
That's healthy. Let's go with that.
So that's work tomorrow.
Well that and training a volunteer to shelve in Youth Services.
Work today was good. Super slow in the morning then a mad rush from like 2-5. Most of it being 3-4 which is when the New Girl and I were on the desk. It seems we are often paired together at that time and it's busy cause school gets out and then everyone has to stop at the library on the way home.
Gives me confidence that they think we can handle it on a regular basis.
Or maybe it was just a scheduling fluke.
Probably just a scheduling fluke.
What else? Oh, sent out an email about library golf asking for putters. If you have some or golf balls or anything that you think would make a good obstacle send it my way and I'll get it back to you soon after.
After work I went back to watching Blood Ties. Still on disc two but got distracted along the way.
So gonna get back to that. Or switch to DDD, see yesterday's post. See what I meant about getting distracted.
Carter's giving me the glare.
You know that "i can't sleep until you sleep so shutup and sleep."
Alright, I'm on it.
You know I'm no Good - Amy Winehouse
i know, i've posted this already.
but it's been a while.
and it's been stuck in my head all week. which i blame on Jess Kellner.
but it's one of those that i sing around the library.
well that, and this
whilst shutting things down at the end of the day or doing supply orders/summer reading stuff in the basement.
like how i used to sing george strait while shelving.
and then people notice.
and smile.
so i keep singing.
Why are you searching for that and why why WHY did that land you here?
So weird.
So the countdown 'til the motorcar trip continues.
Leaving Friday night and getting back Sunday.
Showed pictures of what we're riding in to the guard, she's jealous.
It'll be fun.
I hope.
No, I'm actually pretty excited.
Figuring out what to pack and all that is amusing. He says layers.
Gonna have to brush up on my train jargon.
Never thought I'd say that ever.
Especially after escaping them at the farmhouse.
Dad's obsessed with models, but the boyfriend is obsessed with the real thing.
Which is far more expensive.
But more lifelike so I guess that's okay.
Though one of dad's friends has one that's like a junior train and people ride in it at parades and stuff.
I was the cool kid cause I got to ride in the engine. Actually have a picture of me hanging out the side of it.
Back when I was young and cute.
I know, such a long time ago.
I would post it on here but then my coworkers would see it and then I'd be hosed.
Speaking of coworkers, tomorrow is food day for my Trainee's going away party.
I know, they're all leaving!!
Fearless Leader, Slim Shady now my Trainee. It's like all the people that were hired around the same time as me.
But Superwoman made me pinky promise that I wouldn't leave because of a boy.
Guess I'l be commuting.
Gonna have to remember to bring something this time, though I have no idea what.
Nutty bars or something of the like perhaps.
Oh, I have grapes.
That's healthy. Let's go with that.
So that's work tomorrow.
Well that and training a volunteer to shelve in Youth Services.
Work today was good. Super slow in the morning then a mad rush from like 2-5. Most of it being 3-4 which is when the New Girl and I were on the desk. It seems we are often paired together at that time and it's busy cause school gets out and then everyone has to stop at the library on the way home.
Gives me confidence that they think we can handle it on a regular basis.
Or maybe it was just a scheduling fluke.
Probably just a scheduling fluke.
What else? Oh, sent out an email about library golf asking for putters. If you have some or golf balls or anything that you think would make a good obstacle send it my way and I'll get it back to you soon after.
After work I went back to watching Blood Ties. Still on disc two but got distracted along the way.
So gonna get back to that. Or switch to DDD, see yesterday's post. See what I meant about getting distracted.
Carter's giving me the glare.
You know that "i can't sleep until you sleep so shutup and sleep."
Alright, I'm on it.
You know I'm no Good - Amy Winehouse
i know, i've posted this already.
but it's been a while.
and it's been stuck in my head all week. which i blame on Jess Kellner.
but it's one of those that i sing around the library.
well that, and this
whilst shutting things down at the end of the day or doing supply orders/summer reading stuff in the basement.
like how i used to sing george strait while shelving.
and then people notice.
and smile.
so i keep singing.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
The D is silent.
Okay, I've found a new obsession.
Diners, Drive-ins and Dives.
First it was The Voice.
Then it was falling asleep to Storage Wars.
Then it was falling asleep to home remodeling shows.
Now it's DDD.
What the crap is with this reality kick?
I hate reality TV.
Which I blame on my father.
With his newfound love of Swamp People, Ax Men, Duck Dynasty, oh there's more, what are the other ones, umm Big Shrimping.... the O'Reilly Factor.
Okay so that's news.
Well, "news"
More dramatic than others.
There's more but I can't remember them.
I posted on here ages ago his DVR lineup.
See if I can find it.
Ha, here it is.
American Pickers.
Pawn Stars.
American Restoration.
He was hooked on like was it Orange Choppers or something like that?
That motorcycle show?
Anyway, something is seriously wrong.
But it's okay, I've been watching a lot of movies to make up for it.
Last night the boyfriend returned.
Picked him up at the truck place and drove him back here where we watched Django Unchained and Game Change.
I know, a rather random combination, but it worked.
Here's Django.
if you're not gonna watch the movie you should at least watch this next clip.
apparently my brother loved it.
Scale of Awesome says about 7/10.
It was entertaining.
And even though it was long it was worth it.
I really like Christoph Waltz and it was interesting to see him play a good guy.
Cause he does that like never.
And Jamie Foxx was pretty great.
After that was Game Change.
this movie totally gave me pause.
like, was this a complete dramatization or was she really that ridiculous?
If you are a fan of politics.
Okay, no one's a fan of politics, let's go with, if you like controversy.
Okay, no bad again, how about if you like political controversy?
Does that work? If they're combined?
It shouldn't, but it does.
Then this is the movie for you.
Totally makes me think about what could have happened.
Scale of Awesome says 8/10, I was totally intrigued by the whole movie.
And since that didn't get over until like 3 and he wasn't going in to work he slept in and brought me my keys.
Queen of the Known Universe missed him yet again, as did Wordie.
So we're standing by the door and I see Superwoman going to talk to the guards and I'm thinking, oh here we go...
Cause she calls him "Stude" which I think is hilarious.
He was the "York Dude" and then it just evolved, anyway, so now it's Stude. So she came over and asked if he was "Stude".
Then after I walked him out and came back in she was like, "he's good looking!"
I died.
But he is.
Total Stud.
Total Stude.
Love it.
Anyway, work was kind of slow, but that helped.
After work I had an online meeting with my professor. I have to do an online presentation and even though I have the presentation done - I know, shocking, like months in advance and it's done - I don't know anything about the software so she basically went over it with me.
Feel much better about it now.
Now it's just about signing up for times to present and all that.
Week 15.
Basically the first week of May.
Which is also when my last assignment for Internet Reference is due.
But that's fine, cause like I said, it's done.
I just have to go over my notes so I can figure out what to say.
It's pretty much self-explanatory.
Well, what's become self-explanatory for me.
My topic is Diversity in Young Adult Programming.
Of which I've had a lot of time to work with lately.
And it was really easy.
Like, I knew where to look for sources, I already had ideas for programming on my own, I was actually excited about this topic.
Which is probably why it was done months in advance.
Getting pumped for our summer reading events.
Library Golf is gonna kick my ass, but it's gonna be worth it.
Alright, back to DDD. Here's your music.
Burning Love - Midas Whale vs. Patrick Dodd
gotta love the Battle Rounds.
My Top Twenty is still looking pretty good.
Here's my lineup after the battles.
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
Next week, Knockout Rounds.
Diners, Drive-ins and Dives.
First it was The Voice.
Then it was falling asleep to Storage Wars.
Then it was falling asleep to home remodeling shows.
Now it's DDD.
What the crap is with this reality kick?
I hate reality TV.
Which I blame on my father.
With his newfound love of Swamp People, Ax Men, Duck Dynasty, oh there's more, what are the other ones, umm Big Shrimping.... the O'Reilly Factor.
Okay so that's news.
Well, "news"
More dramatic than others.
There's more but I can't remember them.
I posted on here ages ago his DVR lineup.
See if I can find it.
Ha, here it is.
American Pickers.
Pawn Stars.
American Restoration.
He was hooked on like was it Orange Choppers or something like that?
That motorcycle show?
Anyway, something is seriously wrong.
But it's okay, I've been watching a lot of movies to make up for it.
Last night the boyfriend returned.
Picked him up at the truck place and drove him back here where we watched Django Unchained and Game Change.
I know, a rather random combination, but it worked.
Here's Django.
if you're not gonna watch the movie you should at least watch this next clip.
apparently my brother loved it.
Scale of Awesome says about 7/10.
It was entertaining.
And even though it was long it was worth it.
I really like Christoph Waltz and it was interesting to see him play a good guy.
Cause he does that like never.
And Jamie Foxx was pretty great.
After that was Game Change.
this movie totally gave me pause.
like, was this a complete dramatization or was she really that ridiculous?
If you are a fan of politics.
Okay, no one's a fan of politics, let's go with, if you like controversy.
Okay, no bad again, how about if you like political controversy?
Does that work? If they're combined?
It shouldn't, but it does.
Then this is the movie for you.
Totally makes me think about what could have happened.
Scale of Awesome says 8/10, I was totally intrigued by the whole movie.
And since that didn't get over until like 3 and he wasn't going in to work he slept in and brought me my keys.
Queen of the Known Universe missed him yet again, as did Wordie.
So we're standing by the door and I see Superwoman going to talk to the guards and I'm thinking, oh here we go...
Cause she calls him "Stude" which I think is hilarious.
He was the "York Dude" and then it just evolved, anyway, so now it's Stude. So she came over and asked if he was "Stude".
Then after I walked him out and came back in she was like, "he's good looking!"
I died.
But he is.
Total Stud.
Total Stude.
Love it.
Anyway, work was kind of slow, but that helped.
After work I had an online meeting with my professor. I have to do an online presentation and even though I have the presentation done - I know, shocking, like months in advance and it's done - I don't know anything about the software so she basically went over it with me.
Feel much better about it now.
Now it's just about signing up for times to present and all that.
Week 15.
Basically the first week of May.
Which is also when my last assignment for Internet Reference is due.
But that's fine, cause like I said, it's done.
I just have to go over my notes so I can figure out what to say.
It's pretty much self-explanatory.
Well, what's become self-explanatory for me.
My topic is Diversity in Young Adult Programming.
Of which I've had a lot of time to work with lately.
And it was really easy.
Like, I knew where to look for sources, I already had ideas for programming on my own, I was actually excited about this topic.
Which is probably why it was done months in advance.
Getting pumped for our summer reading events.
Library Golf is gonna kick my ass, but it's gonna be worth it.
Alright, back to DDD. Here's your music.
Burning Love - Midas Whale vs. Patrick Dodd
gotta love the Battle Rounds.
My Top Twenty is still looking pretty good.
Here's my lineup after the battles.
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
Judith Hill - Adam, defeated Karina
Jess Kellner - Usher, defeated Taylor
Midas Whale - Adam, defeated Patrick
Caroline Glaser - Blake, lost to Taylor stolen by Adam
Monique Abbadie - Shakira, defeated Luke
Sasha Allen - lost battle, stolen by Shakira
Michelle Chamuel - Usher, defeated Chelsea
Sarah Simmons - Adam, defeated Duncan
Christian Porter - Blake, eliminated during battles
Jessica Childress - Usher, eliminated during battles
Jeff Lewis - Usher, eliminated during battles
Jacqui Sandell - Blake, eliminated during battles
Karina Iglesius - stolen by Shakira
Holly Tucker - Blake, defeated Michelle
Garrett Gardner - Shakira, defeated J'Sun
Danielle Bradbery - Blake, defeated Caroline
Amber Carrington - Adam, defeated Sasha
Savannah Berry - Blake, defeated Jacqui
Josiah Hawley - Usher, defeated Jeff
Audrey Karrasch - Usher, defeated Jamila
Next week, Knockout Rounds.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
I'm going to grandma's house and I'm bringing an abactor.
Now that's what I call a day off.
Grad school meeting this morning.
Comps review.
I don't take them 'til the fall but that's part of GA duties.
Met at a coffee shop, of course.
Got my usual chai tea latte in a to-go-cup.
Was there fairly early so played some hearts and jammed out in the corner.
After the meeting I came back, made some stir fry for lunch - okay so I poured a bag of stir fry into the skillet, heated it and then ate it but that counts as making it, right? - watched GI Joe - cause I will at some point see the sequel - and then took a nap.
It was glorious.
After that I turned on the SVU marathon - they have those a lot on USA, on the weekends its always either that or NCIS - added a fun word game to Facebook and did some writing.
The word game has exploded, thanks to some fun friends. Basically I say a statement and then a person says what's already on the list and then adds something of their own in alphabetical order.
So I started with: I'm going to grandma's house and I'm bringing an abactor.
Right now it's at:
I'm going to Grandma's and I'm bringing an abactor, a bridge, cribbage, a dolphin, eggplant, a feather duster, Gary Coleman, a horse, an ice sculptor, jello, Kalua, llamas, marshmallows, napkins, orange juice, pipe and a question.
and I'm going to add:
I'm going to Grandma's and I'm bringing an abactor, a bridge, cribbage, a dolphin, eggplant, a feather duster, Gary Coleman, a horse, an ice sculptor, jello, Kalua, llamas, marshmallows, napkins, orange juice, pipe, a question and a renegade.
Will go well with my abactor.
I know you're all running for a dictionary.
It's actually highly entertaining, will have to do some more.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, the writing.
Mostly Sketch and Edit.
But I'm not allowed to post them until I send physical copies to Sketch.
Or she would drive all the way out here just to beat me up.
Then get in the car and drive back so she could teach the next day.
Apparently her boyfriend, whom I shall call Plant Man - which makes sense but only if you've read Sketch and Edit's - found the SnE binder but she wouldn't let him see it.
Good plan.
Though they are all on here.
I should make a master list post with them all linked.
In order.
They're so scattered on here you'd have to dig through a bunch of pages just to find them.
And they go in spurts.
As I said, have to wait until I mail her some and I usually don't until I have a bunch.
Right now I have 4.
2 of which I'm still working on.
Well, I keep changing the others ones too.
But that's my fatal writing flaw, I'm always going back and fixing things.
Cause I don't like them.
And I never let anyone read my stuff, unless it's for a class.
But that was part of the deal. I had to write her stuff or she wouldn't draw me pictures anymore.
And thus Sketch and Edit was born.
And that was my day.
Oh, I did talk to Sketch for a couple hours tonight as well.
And the boyfriend is driving and will be home late late late tonight.
Which means I get to see him tomorrow.
I know, I'm boring.
But it was an awesome day off.
Now I'm watching Bloopers.
I really hate Dean Cain.
He's so obnoxious.
And the hidden camera stuff makes me cringe.
But it's the closest to World's Dumbest I can get.
Without actually owning Tru TV.
Yep, gonna have to go up one so I can get Big Ten as well.
Alright, like I said, I'm boring so I'm gonna post some music and then crash.
Bad Moon Rising - CCR
Fun fact: apparently the refrain in the chorus is commonly misheard as "there's a bathroom on the right." So much so that Fogerty has sang it that way live for fun.
i remember karaoke-ing it with Delayed...Reaction - aka myself, Cory and then MAK who we wrote GADE for so she became a band member, and on the screen it showed "i hear the voice of raging ruin" and we all paused and went, "what the hell's a raging ruin?"
Hope you all had a good weekend!
Grad school meeting this morning.
Comps review.
I don't take them 'til the fall but that's part of GA duties.
Met at a coffee shop, of course.
Got my usual chai tea latte in a to-go-cup.
Was there fairly early so played some hearts and jammed out in the corner.
After the meeting I came back, made some stir fry for lunch - okay so I poured a bag of stir fry into the skillet, heated it and then ate it but that counts as making it, right? - watched GI Joe - cause I will at some point see the sequel - and then took a nap.
It was glorious.
After that I turned on the SVU marathon - they have those a lot on USA, on the weekends its always either that or NCIS - added a fun word game to Facebook and did some writing.
The word game has exploded, thanks to some fun friends. Basically I say a statement and then a person says what's already on the list and then adds something of their own in alphabetical order.
So I started with: I'm going to grandma's house and I'm bringing an abactor.
Right now it's at:
I'm going to Grandma's and I'm bringing an abactor, a bridge, cribbage, a dolphin, eggplant, a feather duster, Gary Coleman, a horse, an ice sculptor, jello, Kalua, llamas, marshmallows, napkins, orange juice, pipe and a question.
and I'm going to add:
I'm going to Grandma's and I'm bringing an abactor, a bridge, cribbage, a dolphin, eggplant, a feather duster, Gary Coleman, a horse, an ice sculptor, jello, Kalua, llamas, marshmallows, napkins, orange juice, pipe, a question and a renegade.
Will go well with my abactor.
I know you're all running for a dictionary.
It's actually highly entertaining, will have to do some more.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, the writing.
Mostly Sketch and Edit.
But I'm not allowed to post them until I send physical copies to Sketch.
Or she would drive all the way out here just to beat me up.
Then get in the car and drive back so she could teach the next day.
Apparently her boyfriend, whom I shall call Plant Man - which makes sense but only if you've read Sketch and Edit's - found the SnE binder but she wouldn't let him see it.
Good plan.
Though they are all on here.
I should make a master list post with them all linked.
In order.
They're so scattered on here you'd have to dig through a bunch of pages just to find them.
And they go in spurts.
As I said, have to wait until I mail her some and I usually don't until I have a bunch.
Right now I have 4.
2 of which I'm still working on.
Well, I keep changing the others ones too.
But that's my fatal writing flaw, I'm always going back and fixing things.
Cause I don't like them.
And I never let anyone read my stuff, unless it's for a class.
But that was part of the deal. I had to write her stuff or she wouldn't draw me pictures anymore.
And thus Sketch and Edit was born.
And that was my day.
Oh, I did talk to Sketch for a couple hours tonight as well.
And the boyfriend is driving and will be home late late late tonight.
Which means I get to see him tomorrow.
I know, I'm boring.
But it was an awesome day off.
Now I'm watching Bloopers.
I really hate Dean Cain.
He's so obnoxious.
And the hidden camera stuff makes me cringe.
But it's the closest to World's Dumbest I can get.
Without actually owning Tru TV.
Yep, gonna have to go up one so I can get Big Ten as well.
Alright, like I said, I'm boring so I'm gonna post some music and then crash.
Bad Moon Rising - CCR
Fun fact: apparently the refrain in the chorus is commonly misheard as "there's a bathroom on the right." So much so that Fogerty has sang it that way live for fun.
i remember karaoke-ing it with Delayed...Reaction - aka myself, Cory and then MAK who we wrote GADE for so she became a band member, and on the screen it showed "i hear the voice of raging ruin" and we all paused and went, "what the hell's a raging ruin?"
Hope you all had a good weekend!
Saturday, April 20, 2013
We are not the B-Team! Fool, we are the second A-Team!
Saw this today.
Watch it and tell me you're not intrigued.
I dare you.
Serendipity is my stripper name.
Aw Claudia, how I've missed you and your snarky remarks.
No, seriously you should watch the clip. It's a great show, totally underrated though it is gaining speed.
Got a bunch of library friends hooked.
But how can you resist?
Though now every time I see anything by HG Wells I picture Jaime Murray instead of an old dude with a mustache.
Which makes library life interesting.
Not that it's not already interesting.
Take today, the work branch closed early because of a water leak.
Didn't really matter to me though as I wasn't there anyway.
Today was our annual volunteer recognition banquet.
Got a panic text from Superwoman asking me to go over early and cover for her.
Spent the majority of the time setting up tables, putting out chairs, napkins, programs, silverware, and staring longingly at the food - it's catered like cheesecake and chocolate and fruit and all that. Got a whole plateful and ate it whilst listening to speeches.

Lots of good speeches, the mayor - totally shook his hand - library director - aka Boss's Boss's Boss - and then our library board director.
Who I've talked to once.
Which was today.
Superwoman played emcee.
Joke of the day being her remembering what our volunteer tokens were called.
Sweat-free double-walled tumblers.
Looks like this complete with straw.
And she's allowed to cause she and I picked them out.
They are awesome.
I use my UNO one from the Cool Aunt all the time.
After the recognition I attempted to finish the homework I couldn't last night - see yesterday's post - cause their site was down.
Turns out it's still down.
And I wasn't the only one with issues, Maegan also commented on my post, along with one more and then I got an e-mail from a 4th asking if I'd heard anything.
Which I didn't.
So I just submitted everything with a note at the bottom and screenshot of the website when it was down.
Got an e-mail back from the prof saying she couldn't access it either so just to send it in and she would consult with the other prof.
Hoping we don't get docked for something that's not our fault.
Though the irony is that the question is something like go to Complete Planet and search for something you know a lot about. Are there databases listed that you've never seen before? Is Complete Planet worth checking again in the future.
Um, the answer to that right now, is no.
This assignment was much easier than the last one with all the census crap - yep, remember that one and the professor that hates me?
Though I can't decide if she still hates me or not.
She seems to be pleased with my work as of late.
So that's exciting I guess.
Aside from homework I've started watching Blood Ties.
He has some great moisturizer.
They're Canadian.
But oddly entertaining.
I got the first two seasons from ILL.
2 discs in, we'll see where it goes.
Alright, on to the music and then I'm out.
Song of the night:
Miss You - Rolling Stones
Meeting tomorrow morning for class then a whole day off.
With no homework to work on.
Probably nap and watch more Blood Ties.
Or one of the other movies I have checked out at the moment.
The stack is growing.
And they all look good, but the problem is that the boyfriend and I watch a lot of movies and I think he would want to see some of them. So I'm waiting 'til he gets back.
Which is Monday.
legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
Watch it and tell me you're not intrigued.
I dare you.
Serendipity is my stripper name.
Aw Claudia, how I've missed you and your snarky remarks.
No, seriously you should watch the clip. It's a great show, totally underrated though it is gaining speed.
Got a bunch of library friends hooked.
But how can you resist?
Though now every time I see anything by HG Wells I picture Jaime Murray instead of an old dude with a mustache.
Which makes library life interesting.
Not that it's not already interesting.
Take today, the work branch closed early because of a water leak.
Didn't really matter to me though as I wasn't there anyway.
Today was our annual volunteer recognition banquet.
Got a panic text from Superwoman asking me to go over early and cover for her.
Spent the majority of the time setting up tables, putting out chairs, napkins, programs, silverware, and staring longingly at the food - it's catered like cheesecake and chocolate and fruit and all that. Got a whole plateful and ate it whilst listening to speeches.

Lots of good speeches, the mayor - totally shook his hand - library director - aka Boss's Boss's Boss - and then our library board director.
Who I've talked to once.
Which was today.
Superwoman played emcee.
Joke of the day being her remembering what our volunteer tokens were called.
Sweat-free double-walled tumblers.
Looks like this complete with straw.
And she's allowed to cause she and I picked them out.
They are awesome.
I use my UNO one from the Cool Aunt all the time.
After the recognition I attempted to finish the homework I couldn't last night - see yesterday's post - cause their site was down.
Turns out it's still down.
And I wasn't the only one with issues, Maegan also commented on my post, along with one more and then I got an e-mail from a 4th asking if I'd heard anything.
Which I didn't.
So I just submitted everything with a note at the bottom and screenshot of the website when it was down.
Got an e-mail back from the prof saying she couldn't access it either so just to send it in and she would consult with the other prof.
Hoping we don't get docked for something that's not our fault.
Though the irony is that the question is something like go to Complete Planet and search for something you know a lot about. Are there databases listed that you've never seen before? Is Complete Planet worth checking again in the future.
Um, the answer to that right now, is no.
This assignment was much easier than the last one with all the census crap - yep, remember that one and the professor that hates me?
Though I can't decide if she still hates me or not.
She seems to be pleased with my work as of late.
So that's exciting I guess.
Aside from homework I've started watching Blood Ties.
He has some great moisturizer.
They're Canadian.
But oddly entertaining.
I got the first two seasons from ILL.
2 discs in, we'll see where it goes.
Alright, on to the music and then I'm out.
Song of the night:
Miss You - Rolling Stones
Meeting tomorrow morning for class then a whole day off.
With no homework to work on.
Probably nap and watch more Blood Ties.
Or one of the other movies I have checked out at the moment.
The stack is growing.
And they all look good, but the problem is that the boyfriend and I watch a lot of movies and I think he would want to see some of them. So I'm waiting 'til he gets back.
Which is Monday.
legitimate pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
Friday, April 19, 2013
why do we even have that lever?
Chief quoted Emperor's New Groove on my wall yesterday.
So guess what I'm watching tonight.
Watch that and tell me it's not hysterical.
Please just try.
"and when it arrives I'll s-mash it with a hammer!"
Should totally make another.
Cause Kronk's New Groove was dumb.
But it wouldn't be the same since Eartha Kitt died in 2008.
She voiced Yzma.
"It's called a 'cruel irony', like my dependence on you."
Haven't seen this in like a decade.
Jokes are funnier now.
Probably one of my favorite cartoon movies of all time.
Might in fact be my favorite cartoon movie of all time...
Let me think.
The only other cartoons I really watched were Garfield - and I didn't even see those movies cause they sounded awful - Scooby Doo and the movies they made of those weren't animated, and if they made some I didn't see them. Then there was Rocket Power and....well I watch The Grinch every Christmas, the original anyway. Lilo and Stitch was good.
Yep, I guess it takes the cake.
And how can you beat David Spade and Wendie Malick's reunion?
Oh, Just Shoot Me, that'd make for an awesome movie!
Did you hear they're making a Veronica Mars movie?
Anyway, David Spade, Wendie Malick, John Goodman, Eartha Kitt, and Patrick Warburton - who I now just call Kronk no matter what he's in.
So today flew by pretty quickly.
Started off at the home branch with the Queen of Awesome.
Always fun to work with her, even if I am half-asleep on my feet.
Sleep-deprived Space Cadet #2.
Anyway, after a couple hours there headed back to the work branch, then lunch at the Chinese joint when I noticed the Eli Young Band bus parked outside the library.
And it's like massive and taking up multiple parking stalls.
The Reference Queen was curious if it was paying for every one of those meters...
The rest of the day was dedicated to catching up on the manhunt.
You always know it's big when the TV's on at work. Otherwise it's just the powerpoint.
After work it was homework. Worked on it from 8-1. Still not done.
I mean, I would be, if the website was working.
Stupid online resources and their update hours.
Apparently normal people don't research databases on a Friday night.
Or I'm just not doing it right.
Either way it's not due until 10 Saturday night.
So I'll have tomorrow to finish it up, it's literally the last question, it'll take me 20 minutes tops.
Even if it Breaks Your Heart - Eli Young Band
Goodbye Earl - Dixie Chicks
still one of my favorite videos of all time.
So guess what I'm watching tonight.
Watch that and tell me it's not hysterical.
Please just try.
"and when it arrives I'll s-mash it with a hammer!"
Should totally make another.
Cause Kronk's New Groove was dumb.
But it wouldn't be the same since Eartha Kitt died in 2008.
She voiced Yzma.
"It's called a 'cruel irony', like my dependence on you."
Haven't seen this in like a decade.
Jokes are funnier now.
Probably one of my favorite cartoon movies of all time.
Might in fact be my favorite cartoon movie of all time...
Let me think.
The only other cartoons I really watched were Garfield - and I didn't even see those movies cause they sounded awful - Scooby Doo and the movies they made of those weren't animated, and if they made some I didn't see them. Then there was Rocket Power and....well I watch The Grinch every Christmas, the original anyway. Lilo and Stitch was good.
Yep, I guess it takes the cake.
And how can you beat David Spade and Wendie Malick's reunion?
Oh, Just Shoot Me, that'd make for an awesome movie!
Did you hear they're making a Veronica Mars movie?
Anyway, David Spade, Wendie Malick, John Goodman, Eartha Kitt, and Patrick Warburton - who I now just call Kronk no matter what he's in.
So today flew by pretty quickly.
Started off at the home branch with the Queen of Awesome.
Always fun to work with her, even if I am half-asleep on my feet.
Sleep-deprived Space Cadet #2.
Anyway, after a couple hours there headed back to the work branch, then lunch at the Chinese joint when I noticed the Eli Young Band bus parked outside the library.
And it's like massive and taking up multiple parking stalls.
The Reference Queen was curious if it was paying for every one of those meters...
The rest of the day was dedicated to catching up on the manhunt.
You always know it's big when the TV's on at work. Otherwise it's just the powerpoint.
After work it was homework. Worked on it from 8-1. Still not done.
I mean, I would be, if the website was working.
Stupid online resources and their update hours.
Apparently normal people don't research databases on a Friday night.
Or I'm just not doing it right.
Either way it's not due until 10 Saturday night.
So I'll have tomorrow to finish it up, it's literally the last question, it'll take me 20 minutes tops.
Even if it Breaks Your Heart - Eli Young Band
Goodbye Earl - Dixie Chicks
still one of my favorite videos of all time.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
and i'm crazy but you like it
Today was pretty much as dead as yesterday.
This whole storms and bad weather has thrown off our customer base.
I'm blaming the boyfriend cause it all started the day he left.
Luckily he gets back on Monday.
Which means I should attempt to get as much homework done this weekend as possible.
Speaking of homework, have a big assignment due Saturday at 10PM but am lacking the motivation.
Instead of researching - which I have started so I'm not completely blindsided - I watched Cashmere Mafia.
aka another series I was addicted in 2007 that didn't last longer than a season.
Here are a few of my favorite lines so far:
Zoe: "I mean she's like Business Barbie."
Mia: "Oh my god good or oh my god bad?"
Caitlyn: "Oh my god crap."
Juliet: "How do you take your coffee? My treat."
Cilla: "Light, no arsenic."
Mia's Mom: "and his mother says he's very handsome."
Mia: "Oh like that's not the kiss of death."
Mia's Mom: "and he wants to meet you for coffee at 5 today."
Mia: "what? MOM?!"
Caleb: "More powerful than ever, more beautiful than ever, an unstoppable ascension to the pinnacle of perfection."
Zoe: "Oh great, we're being summoned by a woman wearing a velour tracksuit."
Zoe: "The woman fed my children tofu while I watched."
Juliet: "She's a monster."
Mia: "You're a brain surgeon." *laughs*
Jason: "Is that funny?"
Mia: "No, it's great it's just that you don't really meet brain surgeons you know unless there's something scary inside your head. Other than the voice of your boss or your mother."
Jason: "Should I crack it open and take a look?"
Mia: "That's more of a second date thing for me."
*comparing scars*
Mia: "Bike messenger 23rd and Madison."
Jason: "Baby stroller 81st and Columbus."
Mia: "You got nailed by an upper west side stroller mommy?"
Jason: "Hey those women use their strollers as battering rams. Plowed right through me so she could get a Korean frozen yogurt."
Caitlyn: "and I have a thing on Saturday."
Zoe: "What do you mean a 'thing'?"
Juliet: "I get nervous when she says 'thing'."
Mia: "The last 'thing' ended with a slurred 3AM 'come and pick me up I don't know where I am' panic call."
Caitlyn: "it was an Italian restaurant in Nolita and I forgot what it was called."
Mia: "It was called Burritoville and it was in the meat-packing district but close."
and then my personal favorite:
Caitlyn: "My life is like a romantic comedy. Except it's never romantic. Or comedic. My life is nothing like a romantic comedy."
Just a few out of the many good ones. Interesting to see where these characters are now or have been in since. Even Juliet's daughter was in Zero Hour, I knew I knew her from something!
Anyway, it's cool. I'll have all of tomorrow night and then Saturday before I have to post it.
It's just gonna be like last time. I'll sit in the same spot for 4 hours and do it all at once. Gotten pretty good at that. For this class anyway.
Defiantly ready for a break.
So that and discussion boards tomorrow.
Plus you know real actual work.
What happened today at work?
Read more Silver Linings Playbook. Slowly working my way through, don't want it to end. Still listening to Warm Bodies.
Both awesome movies and excellent books.
That's all I remember. Nothing big. Spent a lot of time working with BossLady. Oh, trained a new volunteer who has actual library experience and wants to shelve Youth Services. Actually used the word "adore" as in I would "adore to" shelve Youth Services.
and that's all I got.
Just so tired lately, really need to sleep so here's this then I'm out.
I can hear Sketch's voice in my head. Put down the remote...
Loca - Shakira
love it. had to watch it just to see what she does at 2:08 cause she got so into that line when Monique sang it for blind audition.
here, watch 1:04
Monique Abbadie, pretty impressive. can't wait for her battle rounds, guessing she'll be paired off with like Cathia or Mary Miranda cause they had similar songs.
This whole storms and bad weather has thrown off our customer base.
I'm blaming the boyfriend cause it all started the day he left.
Luckily he gets back on Monday.
Which means I should attempt to get as much homework done this weekend as possible.
Speaking of homework, have a big assignment due Saturday at 10PM but am lacking the motivation.
Instead of researching - which I have started so I'm not completely blindsided - I watched Cashmere Mafia.
aka another series I was addicted in 2007 that didn't last longer than a season.
Here are a few of my favorite lines so far:
Zoe: "I mean she's like Business Barbie."
Mia: "Oh my god good or oh my god bad?"
Caitlyn: "Oh my god crap."
Juliet: "How do you take your coffee? My treat."
Cilla: "Light, no arsenic."
Mia's Mom: "and his mother says he's very handsome."
Mia: "Oh like that's not the kiss of death."
Mia's Mom: "and he wants to meet you for coffee at 5 today."
Mia: "what? MOM?!"
Caleb: "More powerful than ever, more beautiful than ever, an unstoppable ascension to the pinnacle of perfection."
Zoe: "Oh great, we're being summoned by a woman wearing a velour tracksuit."
Zoe: "The woman fed my children tofu while I watched."
Juliet: "She's a monster."
Mia: "You're a brain surgeon." *laughs*
Jason: "Is that funny?"
Mia: "No, it's great it's just that you don't really meet brain surgeons you know unless there's something scary inside your head. Other than the voice of your boss or your mother."
Jason: "Should I crack it open and take a look?"
Mia: "That's more of a second date thing for me."
*comparing scars*
Mia: "Bike messenger 23rd and Madison."
Jason: "Baby stroller 81st and Columbus."
Mia: "You got nailed by an upper west side stroller mommy?"
Jason: "Hey those women use their strollers as battering rams. Plowed right through me so she could get a Korean frozen yogurt."
Caitlyn: "and I have a thing on Saturday."
Zoe: "What do you mean a 'thing'?"
Juliet: "I get nervous when she says 'thing'."
Mia: "The last 'thing' ended with a slurred 3AM 'come and pick me up I don't know where I am' panic call."
Caitlyn: "it was an Italian restaurant in Nolita and I forgot what it was called."
Mia: "It was called Burritoville and it was in the meat-packing district but close."
and then my personal favorite:
Caitlyn: "My life is like a romantic comedy. Except it's never romantic. Or comedic. My life is nothing like a romantic comedy."
Just a few out of the many good ones. Interesting to see where these characters are now or have been in since. Even Juliet's daughter was in Zero Hour, I knew I knew her from something!
Anyway, it's cool. I'll have all of tomorrow night and then Saturday before I have to post it.
It's just gonna be like last time. I'll sit in the same spot for 4 hours and do it all at once. Gotten pretty good at that. For this class anyway.
Defiantly ready for a break.
So that and discussion boards tomorrow.
Plus you know real actual work.
What happened today at work?
Read more Silver Linings Playbook. Slowly working my way through, don't want it to end. Still listening to Warm Bodies.
Both awesome movies and excellent books.
That's all I remember. Nothing big. Spent a lot of time working with BossLady. Oh, trained a new volunteer who has actual library experience and wants to shelve Youth Services. Actually used the word "adore" as in I would "adore to" shelve Youth Services.
and that's all I got.
Just so tired lately, really need to sleep so here's this then I'm out.
I can hear Sketch's voice in my head. Put down the remote...
Loca - Shakira
love it. had to watch it just to see what she does at 2:08 cause she got so into that line when Monique sang it for blind audition.
here, watch 1:04
Monique Abbadie, pretty impressive. can't wait for her battle rounds, guessing she'll be paired off with like Cathia or Mary Miranda cause they had similar songs.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
you're gonna miss me by my walk, you're gonna miss me by my talk...
Rollercoaster of a day.
Counted money in the morning, updated the TAB website, worked the desks, interesting conversations about book preferences with Queen of the Known Universe, read Silver Linings Playbook on break, got soup for lunch, watched more Total Wipeout UK, worked more desks, checked in holds, sorted carts, read more SLP on break, then worked desks yet again.
I'm really loving Silver Linings Playbook.
Quote of the Day: "Question Four: When are you going to bring home that broad you're always running with?"
And Warm Bodies.
Oh, did I mention I got that on CD?
So I'm reading SLP during the day but I listen to Warm Bodies on the way to and from work. Right now I'm on disc two.
Book is super different from movie on that one.
As is SLP, but not this drastic.
Like the movie better on that one but that could change as I'm only two discs in.
Both good reads.
And getting me back into reading.
I haven't really read anything that's not class related since college.
Which is ironic as I work in a library.
But see, I'm surrounded by books all day, the last thing I wanna do when I get home is read one.
Told that to my sister who is a pharmacist who says she understands. It's not like she goes home and does drugs.
Anyway, seeing these movies has brought back my urge to read things that aren't textbooks or articles so I'm actually having fun with it.
No, seriously, I think the last novel I read for something other than homework was one of the Castle books.
The second one I think - I own the third but haven't started it - but that's gotta be a few years.
And it's not like I don't read, I can't say that, I do read my friend's work that I edit, and need to work more on that - and I do have a book copy now that she's officially published, but like other than that I'm really lax on my reading.
And I should work on that.
I just have other things going on at the moment.
Well, passed couple years of moments.
With work and family and the boyfriend and friends and classes stuff got back-burnered.
So I'm bringing it back.
Or maybe this is just because the boyfriend is gone and I'm bored so it's temporary.
We shall see I guess.
I have no idea where I was going before this tangent...
Oh right, today, yes it was good. Work was slow but that's fine. After work went out to dinner with the sisters.
Lots of fun, ate some great Indian food.
Had my usual chicken tikka, half of which is in the fridge.
Interesting cause we can have really crappy days and then dinner just heals all.
But we're goofy like that.
Most of the conversations I can't repeat, or won't repeat.
Never boring.
Now I'm back at the apartment with my big fat cat.
He's half asleep next to me. Keeps rolling over and staring at me waiting for me to lay down so he can finally fall asleep.
I'm working on it!
Anyway, I just felt like crap today, thinking it was the weather. Like dead tired.
Helped Superwoman make this blockade thing around the men's bathroom cause they're fixing our usual one and like getting up on this chair and back down was like, okay, don't konk out in front of your boss.
She will take points away for style.
But our rock display did turn out to be pretty kickass.
Dinner woke me up.
Now I'm zonked again.
But with good reason as it is already midnight.
Alright, on to the music.
Well this is of my favorite soundtracks has now lead to a music video?! But there's a bunch of controversy around who was the originator.
Anna Kendrick never claimed to be, just throwing that out there.
Here's the progression:
Started way back in 1937, called "Miss Me When I'm Gone" performed by the J.E. Mainer Mountaineers
after that came Charlie Monroe's cover
so you add those to this clip from Full House:
and it gives you this by Lulu and the Lampshades:
then Anna Burden covered it and made it huge on reddit:
and after watching it 50 times Anna did this:
and she talks about that here:
(all worth it for the look she gives him at 1:49)
and now suddenly we're here?
there's a radio version available on iTunes, does that mean it's gonna get air-play?
Counted money in the morning, updated the TAB website, worked the desks, interesting conversations about book preferences with Queen of the Known Universe, read Silver Linings Playbook on break, got soup for lunch, watched more Total Wipeout UK, worked more desks, checked in holds, sorted carts, read more SLP on break, then worked desks yet again.
I'm really loving Silver Linings Playbook.
Quote of the Day: "Question Four: When are you going to bring home that broad you're always running with?"
And Warm Bodies.
Oh, did I mention I got that on CD?
So I'm reading SLP during the day but I listen to Warm Bodies on the way to and from work. Right now I'm on disc two.
Book is super different from movie on that one.
As is SLP, but not this drastic.
Like the movie better on that one but that could change as I'm only two discs in.
Both good reads.
And getting me back into reading.
I haven't really read anything that's not class related since college.
Which is ironic as I work in a library.
But see, I'm surrounded by books all day, the last thing I wanna do when I get home is read one.
Told that to my sister who is a pharmacist who says she understands. It's not like she goes home and does drugs.
Anyway, seeing these movies has brought back my urge to read things that aren't textbooks or articles so I'm actually having fun with it.
No, seriously, I think the last novel I read for something other than homework was one of the Castle books.
The second one I think - I own the third but haven't started it - but that's gotta be a few years.
And it's not like I don't read, I can't say that, I do read my friend's work that I edit, and need to work more on that - and I do have a book copy now that she's officially published, but like other than that I'm really lax on my reading.
And I should work on that.
I just have other things going on at the moment.
Well, passed couple years of moments.
With work and family and the boyfriend and friends and classes stuff got back-burnered.
So I'm bringing it back.
Or maybe this is just because the boyfriend is gone and I'm bored so it's temporary.
We shall see I guess.
I have no idea where I was going before this tangent...
Oh right, today, yes it was good. Work was slow but that's fine. After work went out to dinner with the sisters.
Lots of fun, ate some great Indian food.
Had my usual chicken tikka, half of which is in the fridge.
Interesting cause we can have really crappy days and then dinner just heals all.
But we're goofy like that.
Most of the conversations I can't repeat, or won't repeat.
Never boring.
Now I'm back at the apartment with my big fat cat.
He's half asleep next to me. Keeps rolling over and staring at me waiting for me to lay down so he can finally fall asleep.
I'm working on it!
Anyway, I just felt like crap today, thinking it was the weather. Like dead tired.
Helped Superwoman make this blockade thing around the men's bathroom cause they're fixing our usual one and like getting up on this chair and back down was like, okay, don't konk out in front of your boss.
She will take points away for style.
But our rock display did turn out to be pretty kickass.
Dinner woke me up.
Now I'm zonked again.
But with good reason as it is already midnight.
Alright, on to the music.
Well this is of my favorite soundtracks has now lead to a music video?! But there's a bunch of controversy around who was the originator.
Anna Kendrick never claimed to be, just throwing that out there.
Here's the progression:
Started way back in 1937, called "Miss Me When I'm Gone" performed by the J.E. Mainer Mountaineers
after that came Charlie Monroe's cover
so you add those to this clip from Full House:
and it gives you this by Lulu and the Lampshades:
then Anna Burden covered it and made it huge on reddit:
and after watching it 50 times Anna did this:
and she talks about that here:
(all worth it for the look she gives him at 1:49)
and now suddenly we're here?
there's a radio version available on iTunes, does that mean it's gonna get air-play?
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
as refreshing as tangerine ice cream.
Here's my day in a nutshell:

They are rocks.
Tied together so they don't escape.
No, they're supposed to be decorative rock things that hang from our "Our Volunteers Rock" bulletin board.
Of which Superwoman and I created.
Sort of.
It's a cool idea, however, what people don't get is that I'm not crafty.
Never have been.
Like literally, I can MacGyver stuff with paperclips and quarters but I'm not arts and crafty.
Yes, I can write - no not the blog, the blog is fluff - but like visual representations of stuff like drawing and painting and sculpting I can't do.
It's just not my forte.
So being put in charge of a bulletin board is harder than one would think.
Superwoman came up with the design then put me in charge of hanging up the background while she went to cut out the letters.
Twenty minutes later - after I had stabbed myself twice and rambled loudly enough about my failures to attract someone up from Virtual Services to check on me and attempt to help - it still kept falling off.
I cut the paper long enough, but that was the only thing working in my favor.
The tape rebelled, the paper wasn't even, it was ripping at the sides, and it was super light so you could see the tape beneath.
And I was bleeding so I had to get bandaids.
Technically not my fault, someone left a pin attached the board so when I was smoothing down the paper my hand ran across it stabbing my finger.
Though I guess I can't say that about the second time - same pin, different finger.
So I came home with 3 bandaids - already having one on my thumb for the majority of the day.
Did I mention I'm not crafty?
And am a bit clumsy?
Anyway, so she came up and helped hang the paper and then we had these graphics that I had to staple to the bulletin board but like I said, I'm clumsy, and I'm sure the stapler has it out for me so none of them were stapled completely right, like the staples were crooked and barely in.
So then she put me in charge of the rocks. She gave me string and lots of rocks and told me to tie them together so I took them up with me to the lab - cause at that point it had taken longer than the scheduled hour to finish the display - so Queen of the Known Universe and I attempted to tie rocks to other rocks in a decorative manner.
As previously mentioned, my arts and crafts skills are lacking, and apparently QotKU is quite adept at wrapping packages and if you get that cross-ribbon approach down you'll be able to wrap rocks in a way that they'll stay in the string when you move on to the next one in the line.
For me, however, see I blame my bad present-wrapping on my cat cause he likes to lay on the wrapping paper whilst I am attempting to wrap, but really, I just suck.
Anyway, so my rocks kept coming out of the strings so basically I think I tied like 2 rocks to each other and the rest QotKU finished.
They have yet to be hung.
I'm thinking that's going to be another challenge with this bulletin board as they are heavy and I don't think tape or staples will hold them for long.
Anyway, so this failed experience just reminded me of the last bulletin board I was put in charge of - this one was at the home branch back when we had a bulletin board instead of wiring stuff hanging from the ceiling.
But they were kids' artwork pieces and we were supposed to arrange them on the board and hang them up.
Behind the PACs which meant I had about a foot of space to work with.
Which would have been okay if my cat hadn't have bit me on the arm the night before.
He got the muscle so my entire arm was basically numb for the entire day.
So it was dead.
You should have seen it, not only am I behind the PACs with a dead arm, but I'm also on a step-stool so basically I used my dead arm to hold up the picture - well, leaned against the wall with it between my arm and the board. And then with my right hand I held the stapler and since I couldn't staple with my left it was like I basically took the stapler in my right hand and smashed it against the wall repeatedly until something stapled.
Loud, and ridiculous, but surprisingly effective!
So that was the highlight of my day.
I sat down for maybe like an hour total the whole day.
Lots of volunteers coming in and out and was constantly starting them on projects and then running supplies. And getting people new cards - big huge tour came through and half had fines to pay.
Oh and one of my favorite classmates stopped by, we talked for a bit about the joys of grad school.
It's cool to meet fellow Mizzou-ers that live in the area.
I know, it's like a personality disorder.
I was a lion, then a knight, then a bulldog and now I'm a tiger?
So that was my workday.
After which I came home, read more of Silver Linings Playbook, which I did during lunch and both of my breaks during the day.
Quote of the Day:
Waitress to Tiffany after she swears up a storm: "Hey sister sailor-mouth"
And then watched The Voice.
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
One epic battle really, the rest were alright. Not too surprising on who won.
Put Your Records On - Danielle Bradbery vs. Caroline Glaser
"but i want a big loaf of that..."
Okay, so I had Danielle on my top 20 but not high enough apparently.
She's crazy good and she's only 16.
It took me forever to figure it out, but it's Leanne Rimes!! That's who Danielle sounds like.
Drove me nuts for hours.
Granted I still like Caroline better (age 18) and I'm glad that Adam stole her.
and it amuses me that at the very end you can see adam holding his hand over the button ready to steal her.
No one wants to join Usher's team. Every time he tries to steal someone they go with the other coach.
But he's a hard ass, have you watched his coaching clips?
Kind of a jerk, don't blame them.
Plus Adam vs. Usher?
Gotta go with Adam, 24/7.
legitimate pre-midnight post, barely. holy crap tag in use.
and check this one: having fun during some downtime during their battle

They are rocks.
Tied together so they don't escape.
No, they're supposed to be decorative rock things that hang from our "Our Volunteers Rock" bulletin board.
Of which Superwoman and I created.
Sort of.
It's a cool idea, however, what people don't get is that I'm not crafty.
Never have been.
Like literally, I can MacGyver stuff with paperclips and quarters but I'm not arts and crafty.
Yes, I can write - no not the blog, the blog is fluff - but like visual representations of stuff like drawing and painting and sculpting I can't do.
It's just not my forte.
So being put in charge of a bulletin board is harder than one would think.
Superwoman came up with the design then put me in charge of hanging up the background while she went to cut out the letters.
Twenty minutes later - after I had stabbed myself twice and rambled loudly enough about my failures to attract someone up from Virtual Services to check on me and attempt to help - it still kept falling off.
I cut the paper long enough, but that was the only thing working in my favor.
The tape rebelled, the paper wasn't even, it was ripping at the sides, and it was super light so you could see the tape beneath.
And I was bleeding so I had to get bandaids.
Technically not my fault, someone left a pin attached the board so when I was smoothing down the paper my hand ran across it stabbing my finger.
Though I guess I can't say that about the second time - same pin, different finger.
So I came home with 3 bandaids - already having one on my thumb for the majority of the day.
Did I mention I'm not crafty?
And am a bit clumsy?
Anyway, so she came up and helped hang the paper and then we had these graphics that I had to staple to the bulletin board but like I said, I'm clumsy, and I'm sure the stapler has it out for me so none of them were stapled completely right, like the staples were crooked and barely in.
So then she put me in charge of the rocks. She gave me string and lots of rocks and told me to tie them together so I took them up with me to the lab - cause at that point it had taken longer than the scheduled hour to finish the display - so Queen of the Known Universe and I attempted to tie rocks to other rocks in a decorative manner.
As previously mentioned, my arts and crafts skills are lacking, and apparently QotKU is quite adept at wrapping packages and if you get that cross-ribbon approach down you'll be able to wrap rocks in a way that they'll stay in the string when you move on to the next one in the line.
For me, however, see I blame my bad present-wrapping on my cat cause he likes to lay on the wrapping paper whilst I am attempting to wrap, but really, I just suck.
Anyway, so my rocks kept coming out of the strings so basically I think I tied like 2 rocks to each other and the rest QotKU finished.
They have yet to be hung.
I'm thinking that's going to be another challenge with this bulletin board as they are heavy and I don't think tape or staples will hold them for long.
Anyway, so this failed experience just reminded me of the last bulletin board I was put in charge of - this one was at the home branch back when we had a bulletin board instead of wiring stuff hanging from the ceiling.
But they were kids' artwork pieces and we were supposed to arrange them on the board and hang them up.
Behind the PACs which meant I had about a foot of space to work with.
Which would have been okay if my cat hadn't have bit me on the arm the night before.
He got the muscle so my entire arm was basically numb for the entire day.
So it was dead.
You should have seen it, not only am I behind the PACs with a dead arm, but I'm also on a step-stool so basically I used my dead arm to hold up the picture - well, leaned against the wall with it between my arm and the board. And then with my right hand I held the stapler and since I couldn't staple with my left it was like I basically took the stapler in my right hand and smashed it against the wall repeatedly until something stapled.
Loud, and ridiculous, but surprisingly effective!
So that was the highlight of my day.
I sat down for maybe like an hour total the whole day.
Lots of volunteers coming in and out and was constantly starting them on projects and then running supplies. And getting people new cards - big huge tour came through and half had fines to pay.
Oh and one of my favorite classmates stopped by, we talked for a bit about the joys of grad school.
It's cool to meet fellow Mizzou-ers that live in the area.
I know, it's like a personality disorder.
I was a lion, then a knight, then a bulldog and now I'm a tiger?
So that was my workday.
After which I came home, read more of Silver Linings Playbook, which I did during lunch and both of my breaks during the day.
Quote of the Day:
Waitress to Tiffany after she swears up a storm: "Hey sister sailor-mouth"
And then watched The Voice.
Here's my top twenty for season four including the changes:
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
Judith Hill - Adam, defeated Karina
Jess Kellner - Usher, defeated Taylor
Midas Whale - Adam
Caroline Glaser - lost battle, stolen by Adam
Monique Abbadie - Shakira
Sasha Allen - lost battle, stolen by Shakira
Michelle Chamuel - Usher
Sarah Simmons - Adam
Christian Porter - Blake, eliminated during battles
Jessica Childress - Usher
Jeff Lewis - Usher, lost battle to Josiah
Jacqui Sandell - Blake
Karina Iglesius - lost in battle, stolen by Shakira
Holly Tucker - Blake, defeated Michelle
Garrett Gardner - Shakira, defeated J'Sun
Danielle Bradbery - Blake, defeated Caroline
Amber Carrington - Adam, defeated Sasha
Savannah Berry - Blake
Josiah Hawley - Usher, defeated Jeff
Audrey Karrasch - Usher, defeated Jamila
One epic battle really, the rest were alright. Not too surprising on who won.
Put Your Records On - Danielle Bradbery vs. Caroline Glaser
"but i want a big loaf of that..."
Okay, so I had Danielle on my top 20 but not high enough apparently.
She's crazy good and she's only 16.
It took me forever to figure it out, but it's Leanne Rimes!! That's who Danielle sounds like.
Drove me nuts for hours.
Granted I still like Caroline better (age 18) and I'm glad that Adam stole her.
and it amuses me that at the very end you can see adam holding his hand over the button ready to steal her.
No one wants to join Usher's team. Every time he tries to steal someone they go with the other coach.
But he's a hard ass, have you watched his coaching clips?
Kind of a jerk, don't blame them.
Plus Adam vs. Usher?
Gotta go with Adam, 24/7.
legitimate pre-midnight post, barely. holy crap tag in use.
and check this one: having fun during some downtime during their battle
Monday, April 15, 2013
"you want some Smooth Move?"
So today rocked.
Slept in, went in at 12, worked basically upstairs the whole day.
Mom brought food keeping her reputation as favorite staff mom.
Was super swamped the whole day, but did get some time to write reviews for SLP the book and movie, and then Argo the movie.
Woohoo, speaking of, Bradley Cooper just won the MTV award for best male performance.
Sorry, watching the awards show I recorded cause I haven't had a chance to.
Love Rebel Wilson.
Anyway, we just got these installed at work this week.

They're awesome.
Even have sensors that can tell if your food gets stuck in the machine.
After work came home - Smo is staying over cause she has class in the morning.
I got to give her her birthday present - aka Pirate's Booty and some laxative tea called "Smooth Move". cause she used to say "Smooth move, Ex-Lax".

Carter hoarded the box, before he got addicted to fishing here:
Anyway, so we watched The Voice.
She is also a fan.
Tonight was the first night of battles, some big surprises.
Here's my top twenty for season four including the changes
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
Judith Hill - Adam, defeated Karina
Jess Kellner - Usher, defeated Taylor
Midas Whale - Adam
Caroline Glaser - Blake
Monique Abbadie - Shakira
Sasha Allen - stolen by Shakira
Michelle Chamuel - Usher
Sarah Simmons - Adam
Christian Porter - Blake, eliminated during battles
Jessica Childress - Usher
Jeff Lewis - Usher
Jacqui Sandell - Blake
Karina Iglesius - stolen by Shakira
Holly Tucker - Blake, defeated Michelle
Garrett Gardner - Shakira, defeated J'Sun
Danielle Bradbery - Blake
Amber Carrington - Adam, defeated Sasha
Savannah Berry - Blake
Josiah Hawley - Usher
Audrey Karrasch - Usher
Was a pretty good night for battles. Here are my favorites, songs of the day:
A Man's Man's World
You Know I'm No Good
and i'm out.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Voice Season Four Top 20
Have to post this before the battles tonight, here's my top 20:
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
Red = Adam
Green = Blake
Blue = Usher
Purple = Shakira
Judith Hill - Adam
Jess Kellner - Usher
Midas Whale - Adam
Caroline Glaser - Blake
Monique Abbadie - Shakira
Sasha Allen - Adam
Michelle Chamuel - Usher
Sarah Simmons - Adam
Christian Porter - Blake
Jessica Childress - Usher
Jeff Lewis - Usher
Jacqui Sandell - Blake
Karina Iglesius - Adam
Holly Tucker - Blake
Garrett Gardner - Shakira
Danielle Bradbery - Blake
Amber Carrington - Adam
Savannah Berry - Blake
Josiah Hawley - Usher
Audrey Karrasch - Usher
Saturday, April 13, 2013
old, but i'm not that old. young, but i'm not that bold.
Aw, Shamy.
I love Big Bang Theory.
And Amy Farrah Fowler.
She makes me laugh.
She's still in the Penny is weird phase. I'm trying to figure out what changes her mind into labeling Penny as her "bestie".
Can't remember, been a while since I've watched. I haven't seen anything from this season at all. Is Wolowitz still up in space?
I should really look into that.
Today was crazy.
9-1 with volunteers at the library. We cleaned all the computers and dusted first floor and half of second.
After which I helped out at the desk, and headed out to G-Town for the camp meeting.
This year's theme is "Back to the Scripture" - a play on Back to the Future.
We do a lot of "play on" themes. There was Fear Can Never Factor In, Mission Possible, Extreme Makeover: God's Edition, Survivor In Christ, and last year's Be Transformed. Plus various others.
Stoked for this year.
Gonna have some fun skits to go with the theme.
Though I'll be sticking with the HeeHaw stuff for the older ones.
Gonna have to dig up some more verses.
So nice doing those in the air conditioning.
Definitely makes a difference, plus this year they're giving us a flat rate so we're saving like 1500 bucks.
Double bonus.
And I got the software for the website so gonna have to brush up on my HTML.
I've been put in charge cause I'm the only one of us who knows HTML.
Should be interesting.
Have a feeling I'm gonna go flailing to Boss's Boss's Boss's Assistant, aka my ex-professor who taught it to me last semester.
Aw man, it's storming again.
Carter is not pleased.
Don't think he's a fan of thunderstorms.
Not that I blame him.
It's been super stormy here in Nebraska.
Granted not as severe as other parts of the US, but like every other day there's some sort of weather warning.
Today was up in the 60's which is probably why it's storming out.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, camp.
So yes, went over notes from last year, updated the application forms, added some promotional stuff on Facebook, am excited to do the website, but a bit nervous.
I'm sure I'll ramble more about that later.
We'll meet up again in May to send out forms.
There was a good number of teen helpers there last year, and we actually divided them up into two groups - well, the ones we didn't stick in cabins - but the rest did games one day and then kitchen the next so that they both got to work in the air conditioning at some point.
And we're sticking with that cause it seemed to go over well.
Gonna be short on lifeguards this year, should be interesting. I'm hoping that Megz can make it at least one day. If not we're gonna be royally screwed.
Trying to brainstorm ideas for time fillers if we can't take them tubing.
They love it but we can't go if the water is too high or too low.
We used to do counselor hunts instead, where basically the counselors would hide and their campers would have to find them.
I remember once our counselors wore camo and hid up in the trees.
Like up up in the trees. Took us forever to find them.
Someone once buried themselves in sand.
That couldn't have been comfortable.
Though my favorite was when a certain someone hid on top of the old cafeteria and then fell through the roof.
Don't look at me like that, it wasn't me.
Still funny though.
The new building is too high to climb on.
Sad day.
One year we had them do extra crafts but that was expensive.
Maybe a scavenger hunt would be good, but then we'd have to come up with one involved enough that it would take up a whole afternoon.
It takes like 4 hours for all the tubing festivities cause we leave at 1 and then usually don't get back until like 4 and cleaned up by 5. And then it's time for the younger kids to eat already.
So there's a lot of time to cover.
Anyway, I love our core group and the Music Mentor was able to make it, along with Scuba Steve, Blackstone and Obi-Wan. We had our usual icecream and joked around a bit.
After the meeting I headed out to the farm to jam with the parentals.
Who then ditched me for supper - joking, I left anyway.
But it's going to be their 48th anniversary so they're celebrating.
Didn't realize it had been that long.
Didn't remember my sister was that old.
Don't tell her that, I'd get smacked.
No, she's not old. Cause that would mean 17 years from now I'll be old and that ain't happening.
Actually I feel old now. Especially today after working with all those college kids. But I had Superwoman there to help me wrangle them.
I'm zonked.
The boyfriend is stuck in Sacramento. The train that's supposed to be there like now is delayed cause it derailed. No idea when they'll get out of there. Bummed for him cause they made big plans for tomorrow in Seattle. Hoping it doesn't take too long.
Alright, gonna watch some more Big Bang and crash at some point soon.
Back to work tomorrow.
Song of the Day:
Counting Stars - OneRepublic
love it.
I love Big Bang Theory.
And Amy Farrah Fowler.
She makes me laugh.
She's still in the Penny is weird phase. I'm trying to figure out what changes her mind into labeling Penny as her "bestie".
Can't remember, been a while since I've watched. I haven't seen anything from this season at all. Is Wolowitz still up in space?
I should really look into that.
Today was crazy.
9-1 with volunteers at the library. We cleaned all the computers and dusted first floor and half of second.
After which I helped out at the desk, and headed out to G-Town for the camp meeting.
This year's theme is "Back to the Scripture" - a play on Back to the Future.
We do a lot of "play on" themes. There was Fear Can Never Factor In, Mission Possible, Extreme Makeover: God's Edition, Survivor In Christ, and last year's Be Transformed. Plus various others.
Stoked for this year.
Gonna have some fun skits to go with the theme.
Though I'll be sticking with the HeeHaw stuff for the older ones.
Gonna have to dig up some more verses.
So nice doing those in the air conditioning.
Definitely makes a difference, plus this year they're giving us a flat rate so we're saving like 1500 bucks.
Double bonus.
And I got the software for the website so gonna have to brush up on my HTML.
I've been put in charge cause I'm the only one of us who knows HTML.
Should be interesting.
Have a feeling I'm gonna go flailing to Boss's Boss's Boss's Assistant, aka my ex-professor who taught it to me last semester.
Aw man, it's storming again.
Carter is not pleased.
Don't think he's a fan of thunderstorms.
Not that I blame him.
It's been super stormy here in Nebraska.
Granted not as severe as other parts of the US, but like every other day there's some sort of weather warning.
Today was up in the 60's which is probably why it's storming out.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, camp.
So yes, went over notes from last year, updated the application forms, added some promotional stuff on Facebook, am excited to do the website, but a bit nervous.
I'm sure I'll ramble more about that later.
We'll meet up again in May to send out forms.
There was a good number of teen helpers there last year, and we actually divided them up into two groups - well, the ones we didn't stick in cabins - but the rest did games one day and then kitchen the next so that they both got to work in the air conditioning at some point.
And we're sticking with that cause it seemed to go over well.
Gonna be short on lifeguards this year, should be interesting. I'm hoping that Megz can make it at least one day. If not we're gonna be royally screwed.
Trying to brainstorm ideas for time fillers if we can't take them tubing.
They love it but we can't go if the water is too high or too low.
We used to do counselor hunts instead, where basically the counselors would hide and their campers would have to find them.
I remember once our counselors wore camo and hid up in the trees.
Like up up in the trees. Took us forever to find them.
Someone once buried themselves in sand.
That couldn't have been comfortable.
Though my favorite was when a certain someone hid on top of the old cafeteria and then fell through the roof.
Don't look at me like that, it wasn't me.
Still funny though.
The new building is too high to climb on.
Sad day.
One year we had them do extra crafts but that was expensive.
Maybe a scavenger hunt would be good, but then we'd have to come up with one involved enough that it would take up a whole afternoon.
It takes like 4 hours for all the tubing festivities cause we leave at 1 and then usually don't get back until like 4 and cleaned up by 5. And then it's time for the younger kids to eat already.
So there's a lot of time to cover.
Anyway, I love our core group and the Music Mentor was able to make it, along with Scuba Steve, Blackstone and Obi-Wan. We had our usual icecream and joked around a bit.
After the meeting I headed out to the farm to jam with the parentals.
Who then ditched me for supper - joking, I left anyway.
But it's going to be their 48th anniversary so they're celebrating.
Didn't realize it had been that long.
Didn't remember my sister was that old.
Don't tell her that, I'd get smacked.
No, she's not old. Cause that would mean 17 years from now I'll be old and that ain't happening.
Actually I feel old now. Especially today after working with all those college kids. But I had Superwoman there to help me wrangle them.
I'm zonked.
The boyfriend is stuck in Sacramento. The train that's supposed to be there like now is delayed cause it derailed. No idea when they'll get out of there. Bummed for him cause they made big plans for tomorrow in Seattle. Hoping it doesn't take too long.
Alright, gonna watch some more Big Bang and crash at some point soon.
Back to work tomorrow.
Song of the Day:
Counting Stars - OneRepublic
love it.
Friday, April 12, 2013
cause somewhere in the crowd there's you...
I was totally productive today.
Even on my day off.
You'd be proud.
Picked up the boyfriend's car from the train station - Oldest Sister drove me and gave me a cookie for breakfast.
Set up a dentist's appointment for May - you know how much I hate those with my history.
But so far, not famous at this office.
At least not to my knowledge.
So that's something.
Go here: Famous @ the Dentist Office
Got Arby's for lunch.
Took a nap.
Okay, so I wasn't totally productive.
Watched like 3 discs of SVU season 13?
I think?
I don't know I've gotten them all through ILL but I've had this one requested since October. So it's whatever the latest season on DVD is.
Ya, 13.
I figured I'd hate it cause it doesn't have Stabler, but the new ones aren't so bad.
I would, however, protest if Benson quit.
Munch isn't in it as much. Did you know Richard Belzer's played that character in like 4 TV series?
Wow, more than four if you count cameo's.... John Munch on IMDB
Anyway, after my nap and SVU break I did a ton of homework.
Mostly for Diversity in Libraries.
Frustrating as it was.
We're in groups of 4 and we each had to come up with 5 African-American books, which we did last week, but today we had to look them up in these specific library catalogs to see if they own them - I had NY and Springfield - however in my libraries, unlike the others, they catalog the editions separately (which technically you're supposed to do because people look for certain editions of things) so I had to look in like 3 places and add everything together while everyone else had like 1 place and that's it.
Anyway, she didn't say if we were supposed to add up each edition or just do the 1 edition our group member picked or if we were supposed to add in the different formats and all that, just blah.
Whatever, it's done. And I'm content with it.
I think.
I'm content that it's done.
Let's go with that.
Now it's back to SVU.
I would do more homework but I'll actually have time to do that during the week since the boyfriend is in Seattle.
Next homework assignment is due on the 20th for Internet Reference, and then like the 9th or 10th of May for the final assignment. In Diversity next week we're discussion boarding - can I use that as a verb? - about this collection assignment and then we present our posters. I did mine on Diversity in Young Adult Programming.
But I have no idea how to present that on Blackboard Collaborate so I'll have to figure that out at some point. But that's the final for Diversity.
And then I'll be done until June when I take Foundations - 1 credit class I can finish in a day - and Library Systems which only lasts through June.
So I'll be free for camp, huzzah!
Speaking of camp, huzzah! We have our first meeting of 2013 tomorrow so I'll be headed out to G-Town after work.
Tomorrow's gonna be interesting because I have volunteers coming in from 9-1, then I'm off and headed to the meeting which is at 2:30, then I'm stopping by the farm because they're burning ground - which I'm sad I can't make it to cause I'm working instead.
Think I mentioned this, my siblings and I own land and are burning it to the ground to start over. We did that when we first got it too. The boys enjoyed smacking the fire with big flopper sticks and riding around it on four wheelers.
And I think there was beer and snacks involved at some point.
Can you say "redneck"?
Anyway, I'm bummed, but I can't exactly miss work cause they're my volunteers.
Well, they're UNL volunteers, but I'm in charge of them for the morning. They're going to be cleaning the computer lab - cause that gets done never - wiping down tables and chairs on 4th floor - cause that gets done never - dusting the reference shelves - cause that gets done never - and then whatever else my coworkers suggest that also never gets done.
Theme sensed?
So that'll be an interesting morning, and then I'm pumped for the camp meeting. It'll be the core group most likely aka myself, Obi-Wan, the Music Mentor (i'm hoping anyway), Pastor Blackstone, and Scuba Steve O, and maybe Josh.
One of these things is not like the other, I know.
But Josh actually is a nickname.
I think Obi-Wan and I are the only ones who call him Josh, everyone else calls him Pastor.
But he's not our Pastor so it's allowed.
I just remember showing up at teen camp after Obi and I went grocery shopping and he was there and I was like, "hey josh!" and he was like "FINALLY someone who doesn't call me Pastor!"
I'm stoked for camp already. Application sheets were made and will be approved at the meeting along with the budget, theme, menu and all that. If our Head Chef can make it that is.
Anyway, I should stop talking about camp now because you know if you get me started it's never ending so I'm going to put the computer down and back away slowly...
after these anyway:
i'm thinking soundtracks...
Super Trouper - Donna & the Dynamos
love 2:34-2:35's "look, look, look"
didn't realize how many abba songs i actually knew until i watched this movie and went, "but they didn't sing that or that..."
i blame my father.
We Built This City/We're Not Gonna Take It - Rock of Ages
i know you're supposed to root for the rockers but i like Catherine Zeta-Jones so much more than Russell Brand.
it was hysterical at like 0:51 the boyfriend's like "oh my god, that's Sebastian Bach!" to which i replied "oh my god, how do you know Sebastian Bach?!" so now i love him even more.
and that's i got for today.
i know, another pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
Even on my day off.
You'd be proud.
Picked up the boyfriend's car from the train station - Oldest Sister drove me and gave me a cookie for breakfast.
Set up a dentist's appointment for May - you know how much I hate those with my history.
But so far, not famous at this office.
At least not to my knowledge.
So that's something.
Go here: Famous @ the Dentist Office
Got Arby's for lunch.
Took a nap.
Okay, so I wasn't totally productive.
Watched like 3 discs of SVU season 13?
I think?
I don't know I've gotten them all through ILL but I've had this one requested since October. So it's whatever the latest season on DVD is.
Ya, 13.
I figured I'd hate it cause it doesn't have Stabler, but the new ones aren't so bad.
I would, however, protest if Benson quit.
Munch isn't in it as much. Did you know Richard Belzer's played that character in like 4 TV series?
Wow, more than four if you count cameo's.... John Munch on IMDB
Anyway, after my nap and SVU break I did a ton of homework.
Mostly for Diversity in Libraries.
Frustrating as it was.
We're in groups of 4 and we each had to come up with 5 African-American books, which we did last week, but today we had to look them up in these specific library catalogs to see if they own them - I had NY and Springfield - however in my libraries, unlike the others, they catalog the editions separately (which technically you're supposed to do because people look for certain editions of things) so I had to look in like 3 places and add everything together while everyone else had like 1 place and that's it.
Anyway, she didn't say if we were supposed to add up each edition or just do the 1 edition our group member picked or if we were supposed to add in the different formats and all that, just blah.
Whatever, it's done. And I'm content with it.
I think.
I'm content that it's done.
Let's go with that.
Now it's back to SVU.
I would do more homework but I'll actually have time to do that during the week since the boyfriend is in Seattle.
Next homework assignment is due on the 20th for Internet Reference, and then like the 9th or 10th of May for the final assignment. In Diversity next week we're discussion boarding - can I use that as a verb? - about this collection assignment and then we present our posters. I did mine on Diversity in Young Adult Programming.
But I have no idea how to present that on Blackboard Collaborate so I'll have to figure that out at some point. But that's the final for Diversity.
And then I'll be done until June when I take Foundations - 1 credit class I can finish in a day - and Library Systems which only lasts through June.
So I'll be free for camp, huzzah!
Speaking of camp, huzzah! We have our first meeting of 2013 tomorrow so I'll be headed out to G-Town after work.
Tomorrow's gonna be interesting because I have volunteers coming in from 9-1, then I'm off and headed to the meeting which is at 2:30, then I'm stopping by the farm because they're burning ground - which I'm sad I can't make it to cause I'm working instead.
Think I mentioned this, my siblings and I own land and are burning it to the ground to start over. We did that when we first got it too. The boys enjoyed smacking the fire with big flopper sticks and riding around it on four wheelers.
And I think there was beer and snacks involved at some point.
Can you say "redneck"?
Anyway, I'm bummed, but I can't exactly miss work cause they're my volunteers.
Well, they're UNL volunteers, but I'm in charge of them for the morning. They're going to be cleaning the computer lab - cause that gets done never - wiping down tables and chairs on 4th floor - cause that gets done never - dusting the reference shelves - cause that gets done never - and then whatever else my coworkers suggest that also never gets done.
Theme sensed?
So that'll be an interesting morning, and then I'm pumped for the camp meeting. It'll be the core group most likely aka myself, Obi-Wan, the Music Mentor (i'm hoping anyway), Pastor Blackstone, and Scuba Steve O, and maybe Josh.
One of these things is not like the other, I know.
But Josh actually is a nickname.
I think Obi-Wan and I are the only ones who call him Josh, everyone else calls him Pastor.
But he's not our Pastor so it's allowed.
I just remember showing up at teen camp after Obi and I went grocery shopping and he was there and I was like, "hey josh!" and he was like "FINALLY someone who doesn't call me Pastor!"
I'm stoked for camp already. Application sheets were made and will be approved at the meeting along with the budget, theme, menu and all that. If our Head Chef can make it that is.
Anyway, I should stop talking about camp now because you know if you get me started it's never ending so I'm going to put the computer down and back away slowly...
after these anyway:
i'm thinking soundtracks...
Super Trouper - Donna & the Dynamos
love 2:34-2:35's "look, look, look"
didn't realize how many abba songs i actually knew until i watched this movie and went, "but they didn't sing that or that..."
i blame my father.
We Built This City/We're Not Gonna Take It - Rock of Ages
i know you're supposed to root for the rockers but i like Catherine Zeta-Jones so much more than Russell Brand.
it was hysterical at like 0:51 the boyfriend's like "oh my god, that's Sebastian Bach!" to which i replied "oh my god, how do you know Sebastian Bach?!" so now i love him even more.
and that's i got for today.
i know, another pre-midnight post. holy crap tag in use.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Special Librarians Dominate Dewey by Cataloging for Their Customers Instead of Other Librarians.
One class down!!
Had our final session tonight, had to give final presentations. They divided up the grad students into different rooms and then undergrads critiqued us.
I was freaked basically the whole day about it.
Recorded it last night and listened to it on repeat all day today.
but here it is, as requested.
aaannd the feedback from the undergrads was good.
apparently i seemed confident and enthusiastic about material.
ohhh, "perfect voice and volume level" i think that's a compliment.
"great volume throughout presentation. understood you clearly."
"looked comfortable"
"good citations they were very supportive."
"very comfortable speaking in front of an audience" HA!
"thought you made very good points. they were all clear and abundantly supported. rock on."
oh, but i'm informal.
i'll take that in spades if i pass.
"strong speaking voice and eye contact backed up points"
"cool gestures" okay?
"great use of humor. makes presentation memorable"
wow, this one's handwriting is even more atrocious than mine.
wasn't sure that's possible.
i think it says...."catchy, dewey must go" ummmm "yes know your customer's reads" no, needs, it's "needs" yes looks like "mia" no that's not right, is it nice? yeah, "nice" i think "just" no it's "job speaking as the expert on this topic. you did well including visits and librarians in your presentation"
"engaging, conversational tone, lots of energy, talked a bit fast at times"
yeah, i get that a lot.
but if "informal" and "fast" are the worst they got I think I'm good to go.
Pending final posted grades that is. I'll keep you posted.
on to the music:
haven't heard this one in a while
All My Loving - The Beatles
lost count how many clips he pieced together, but it's cool.
all-in-all it was a good day. totally bizarre though as i was only at the work branch for three hours. one of which was a staff meeting, then i was off desk, then i was on desk, and then i was at lunch and off to a meeting before leaving at 3 for class.
after which i met up with the boyfriend since he's leaving tonight. he and his dad are going to seattle for a week and a half.
to pick up a motorcar that he bought.
see how nice of a girlfriend i am that i let him get away with that?
and say nothing?
but i'm sure he would have plenty to say about my weird hobbies.
or obsessions rather.
Women's Murder Club, Charlie's Angels, ancient Egypt, blogging, mis-matching my socks, Silver Lining's Playbook, chocolate, the list goes on.
anyway, the only things i said were to have fun, take pictures, and text me at least once a day.
cause i'm bossy like that.
Had our final session tonight, had to give final presentations. They divided up the grad students into different rooms and then undergrads critiqued us.
I was freaked basically the whole day about it.
Recorded it last night and listened to it on repeat all day today.
but here it is, as requested.
Title: Creativity and Collection Management in Special
Thesis: Special Librarians Dominate Dewey by Cataloging for
Their Customers Instead of Other Librarians.
Let me start this off by saying, I have nothing against
Dewey. I think it’s a great organizational system that has been constantly
evolving through time and that’s why we still use it.
However, Dewey is not customer friendly, it’s overwhelming.
You’ve got baby name books shelved in the middle of the geography and history section.
You’ve got mythology lodged between law and political science.
However, Dewey is not customer friendly, it’s overwhelming.
You’ve got baby name books shelved in the middle of the geography and history section.
You’ve got mythology lodged between law and political science.
Without the help of a catalog even veteran librarians
sometimes have trouble finding items.
But Librarians are innovators man.
We rise above.
We take the improbable and make it possible.
We are all that and a bag of potato chips.
But there’s something to be said even more for special
librarians. As a public librarian – well, a Library Service Associate – I enjoy
the variety of material and patrons that
I get to work with on a daily basis. But in a special library it’s very
different. Each special library has a specific patron base they focus on. They
choose their collection based on the needs of that patron base, not based on
what other librarians say they should have in their collections.
1. Special
Librarians Focus Their Collection Development on Their Patrons’ Needs
Part of being a special librarian is getting to know the
needs of the patron base that they are serving. They must ask themselves what
titles they should add, and what titles they should avoid. One of the Special
Librarian Competencies that I read about dealt with this subject. It states
that a special librarian must have “expert knowledge of the content of
information resources, including the ability to critically evaluate and filter them.”
They do this by being aware of relevant material to their specific patron base.
While many are open to the public, they’re not based on the public’s needs.
Lisa Kelly at the Library Commission said it perfectly – “if the public library
has it, we don’t,” because they’re a librarian’s library.
At each of the libraries I visited I asked if there were
specific criteria an item had to meet before it was added to the collection and
the answer was always the same. They focused their collections based on what
their patrons would find the most useful, and if an item didn’t fit that
category then it wasn’t added.
What was really interesting was that a lot of the librarians
that I talked to had someone above them that could veto items in their
collection, but they rarely did because they trusted the librarian’s opinion.
Let’s move on to Collection Maintenance.
2. Special
Librarians must constantly maintain their collection to stay relevant to their
patron base.
According to its website the Law Library of Congress (2012)
has a “collection of over 2.65 million volumes spanning the ages and covering
virtually every jurisdiction in the world” (para. 1). Obviously, the special
libraries we visited don’t have that kind of space.
Take Tom’s library at the Regional Center. It’s a one room
library, filled with both nonfiction, fiction, plus magazines, and internet
computers. Tom took over the job from a lady who kept everything. He said he
worked with the Library Commission to weed down the collection.
At the Law Library they must have the most recent material
because laws are constantly changing and you don’t want to give someone bad
information. The problem with that is that updating is expensive. And according
to Sandy Plazcek at the Law Library, 95% of their items don’t even check out.
Since expanding is often out of the question, a lot of the
libraries have resulted in working in a consortium of sorts. The Law Library
used to be able to purchase and keep all of the state statutes, but now divide
it up so groups can make sure certain ones are current. The same is true for
the State Library. They used to have all of the states’ statutes, but because
of spacing issues now they exchange statutes with states if they need them.
But even though their spacing is limited, they still have
their eyes out for their customers, by making sure if they don’t have a needed
item there, they still have access to it.
Now there is also the option to go digital. This saves space
and can broaden your patron base. In his article “The Future Is Boundless”
Christopher Harris (2010) says, “Collections won't lose their bookish quality
even if print volumes are replaced by ebooks. It's the same information, the
same stories that we treasure, only in a new format. Our brains must be made to
recognize this new interpretation: library = books, but books = ideas (not
The majority of the libraries I visited had websites. Some
even with their own online resources like the Library Commission’s Books in
Series database. Many had technology available in house with internet computers
or databases, but none had completely digitized their collections.
So we’ve talked about collection development and
maintenance, now we’ll move on to creativity in action. This section shows how
much special librarians know their patrons.
3. Special
Librarians Have To Be Creative to Draw Attention to Their Collection
In the article “Issues Facing Academic Law Libraries - New
Challenges, New Opportunities” Linda K. Fariss talks about the different
challenges of working in an Academic Law Library. According to Fariss (2012),
“Law libraries, like all types of libraries, are looking for ways to re-invent
themselves” (p. 37). And that’s what libraries have to do these days to get
peoples’ attentions. Special librarians, like all librarians, are focused on
getting people to use their resources. They’re always coming up with ways to
get people interested. But, with limited space and budgets they really have to
be creative.
Some examples of creativity that I’ve run across throughout the semester include:
Some examples of creativity that I’ve run across throughout the semester include:
State Library – Secret passageways
- Not only
is the building historic, but it has secret passageways? That house secret
books? Who can resist stopping by?
Law Library – Minigolf tournaments
- The law
librarians know that law students can use a break every once in a while, so
they host an annual mini golf tournament in the library. An event like this not
only provides fun for potential customers, but it’s also a way to show off
their collection.
Regional Center – Wii for recreation
- Tom got
a Wii for recreational purposes and also added more “let’s get it going”
material to his collection.
Library Commission – Talking Books
- The
Library Commission knows that there are readers out there who are disabled and
can no longer read, so they’ve come up with a solution. Talking Books. They
record anything from best sellers to magazines and mail them out for free.
State Penitentiary – Legal Aides
- Sam’s
library is divided into two sections, the legal library and the recreational
library. Since most of the prisoners there do a lot of their own legal work Sam
hires a few of them to be legal aides and assist the other inmates. This
encourages inmates who don’t know the processes to come into the library and
get help.
So, let’s go back to my original thesis: Special librarians
dominate Dewey and catalog for their customers instead of other librarians.
Let’s break that down.
Special Libraries Cataloging for Customers:
Special librarians could care less about what other
librarians say they should have in their collection. While yes they may take
their advice, it’s them that truly know the needs of their patrons. They know
them because they have a passion for their job, their collection, and their
patron base. Or they would work somewhere else.
Tom has a big self-help section at the Regional Center
because that’s what his patrons like to read. While some people are worried
about censorship and would be hesitant about including books on suicide at that
particular library, Tom knows that his patrons can use it for research. He’s
also able to work with the staff there to make sure that the books fit in with
each individual’s treatment plans.
While some would be apprehensive about being a prison librarian,
Sam loves it. If you were to ask someone on the street what material they
thought would be in a prison library you would probably get a blank stare, and
then a mentioning of legal documents. But Sam’s library is so much more than
that. His material does have to be approved from his bosses, but he still
includes items like the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy claiming “prisoners have the
right to read bad fiction too.”
Special Libraries Dominating Dewey:
Special Librarians dominate Dewey by coming up with their
own organizational systems, especially the smaller ones.
Let’s stick with Tom and Sam’s libraries.
Tom does use a form of Dewey, but he doesn’t divide up the
youth and adult, shelving the Harry Potter novels by JK Rowling in the R
section of the fiction. Most likely because of limited spacing issues, but also
because he knows his patrons will find them there.
My personal favorite example and the basis for this entire
presentation shows exactly how special librarians dominate Dewey by cataloging
for their customers instead of librarians…Sam at the prison library, knows his
inmates won’t read Romance, so he shelves Twilight and other paranormal
romances in the Horror section.
Final Thought:
I focused this presentation on the collection management in
special libraries, but special libraries are so much more than their
collections. All of the librarians that I met this semester have so much
passion for their jobs, but another common theme I ran across at every single
library I visited was that they focus on the needs of their borrowers. And
that’s why there’s something to be said about special librarians.
apparently i seemed confident and enthusiastic about material.
ohhh, "perfect voice and volume level" i think that's a compliment.
"great volume throughout presentation. understood you clearly."
"looked comfortable"
"good citations they were very supportive."
"very comfortable speaking in front of an audience" HA!
"thought you made very good points. they were all clear and abundantly supported. rock on."
oh, but i'm informal.
i'll take that in spades if i pass.
"strong speaking voice and eye contact backed up points"
"cool gestures" okay?
"great use of humor. makes presentation memorable"
wow, this one's handwriting is even more atrocious than mine.
wasn't sure that's possible.
i think it says...."catchy, dewey must go" ummmm "yes know your customer's reads" no, needs, it's "needs" yes looks like "mia" no that's not right, is it nice? yeah, "nice" i think "just" no it's "job speaking as the expert on this topic. you did well including visits and librarians in your presentation"
"engaging, conversational tone, lots of energy, talked a bit fast at times"
yeah, i get that a lot.
but if "informal" and "fast" are the worst they got I think I'm good to go.
Pending final posted grades that is. I'll keep you posted.
on to the music:
haven't heard this one in a while
All My Loving - The Beatles
lost count how many clips he pieced together, but it's cool.
all-in-all it was a good day. totally bizarre though as i was only at the work branch for three hours. one of which was a staff meeting, then i was off desk, then i was on desk, and then i was at lunch and off to a meeting before leaving at 3 for class.
after which i met up with the boyfriend since he's leaving tonight. he and his dad are going to seattle for a week and a half.
to pick up a motorcar that he bought.
see how nice of a girlfriend i am that i let him get away with that?
and say nothing?
but i'm sure he would have plenty to say about my weird hobbies.
or obsessions rather.
Women's Murder Club, Charlie's Angels, ancient Egypt, blogging, mis-matching my socks, Silver Lining's Playbook, chocolate, the list goes on.
anyway, the only things i said were to have fun, take pictures, and text me at least once a day.
cause i'm bossy like that.
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