I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, September 28, 2012

caught in a mudslide, eaten by a lion, got run over by a crappy purple Scion

"Thank God it's not flip flop Friday."

You know when your supervisor calls you in the morning and you look at the clock and freak out, thinking you're supposed to be at work and totally forgot or slept through your alarm?

That was me this morning. I saw Girlscout's name on the caller ID and like jumped up off the couch, ready to run to my closet. 

Turns out she was looking for someone to switch days with a different coworker who couldn't make it in today. 

However, I had a dentist appointment and a bunch of errands to run so that killed that. 

Surprisingly, I survived the dentist. 

It is not my favorite place to visit, mostly cause I have a crazy history with them. 

Like literally, the only memories I have from visiting the dentist are all horrible. 

Or awkward. 

Like the time the new dentist asked me if I was married to my brother. 

Well, he didn't phrase it like that, it was more like my brother was there the week before and he's like, 
"Is he your husband?"
"Um, gross."
"Brother, got it."

But he was new. 

Cause my old one got arrested. 

And my orthodontist committed suicide. 

Didn't think my teeth were that bad. 

But I'm famous at the old dentist's office. He was gonna pull a tooth but it was adhered to the bone so he ended up cutting it out in four pieces. Which would have been bad enough except that when he put the numbing stuff on I felt like I was gonna pass out so I ran out to my mom in the lobby, smacked my head on the desk and konked out. 

Woke up in his arms, apparently he was freaked. 

Not exactly something that happens to him every day. 

Which is the reason why I'm number 3 in the top 5 highlights list. 

And the only reason I know that is the last time I went in to that office I was talking to the receptionist and she was like, "should we put a big red x on the floor in front of the desk?" and the girl standing next to her looks up at me and goes "that was you?!"

Anyway, so there was that time. 

And of course braces were no fun, so there's that memory. 

What else? 

The first time I visited this new dentist I went in and they said I had 4 cavities. Though I'm pretty sure there ended up being 5 of them filled. 

And the only reason I got through it was the nitrous being pumped into my nose. Though I'm pretty sure it was more of a mental thing than a physical thing. 

Which is fine by me cause I survived. 

Much like today, though of course I need to start actually flossing flossing, not just doing it when I force myself to cause I have an appointment coming up. 

But my teeth have gotten better and I didn't have any new cavities so I'm calling it a victory.  

"Nothing says spending Friday nights alone like a calculator watch."

After the appointment, since I was on that side of town anyway - and how weird is that to say, that side of town? I grew up in small town Nebraska, population 2500, there were no sides. 

Though technically I was a farm girl outside of town, but it still counts. 

But still feels weird that it takes so long to get to work and back even though I'm in the same city. 

Where was I going with this?

Oh yeah, camera, I was on that side of town so I stopped in at Best Buy to get my new camera. Which I've been wanting to do for a while, but haven't had a day off off where I had the opportunity in a while. Most of my days off are either spent in class, doing homework, visiting the boyfriend, or going to the farmhouse. It was nice to stick around here and be able to run errands, take a nap and watch some of those library DVDs I have out that are due soon. 

Anyway, the camera is all fancy and was on sale. It's got the same features as the bigger ones but it's still compact and I can carry it in my pocket. 

Well, my coat pocket, it's not that compact. 

But I'm excited. I wanted to get a new one for Vegas because my old one is literally old doesn't have that great of quality. Plus this one has the photo burst option so I can take like five with one press of a button. Figured it will be good to capture some night life or entertainment in Vegas. I'm stoked. 

Even more stoked than I already was. 

"Nothing like crying into a bag of Doritos on a Friday night."

After buying the camera - and the new Avengers movie - I got some groceries, did some laundry, started season one of Grimm - one of my many library dvd's - and took a nap. 

Which was fantastic.

As is Grimm. I always meant to watch that one but never got around to it. Glad I waited 'til the DVD to get out cause I'd be totally lost without the first episode. 

Oh, and somewhere in there I got gas and went to the carwash. Which my car was in desperate need of. 

It's so nice to be able to wash the thing and then not have to drive on gravel roads to get home immediately after. 

Cause that just kills the whole clean thing. 

So the whole day off was pretty great, though I'm especially partial to the nap section of it, since I've been in dire need of an afternoon nap since the last time I had one. 

I know, I'm old. 

I'm feeling it. 

But then I go to work and am told repeatedly how young I am for this job and then I'm okay. 

Tomorrow I'm back at work, then heading out to see the boyfriend. Oh, and the Husker game is tomorrow night too, which I forgot until now so I'll have to DVR it. Though I'm assuming we'll do something similar to last time and go out to eat and watch it. Cause that was fun. 

Alright, music for the night and then I'm out. 

Carter is already sleeping and is stretched out so much that he's claimed an entire couch cushion. Did I mention he's a big fat Garfield-like cat? Perhaps I'll take a picture with my brand spanking new camera. 

50 Ways To Say Goodbye - Train

love the melody to this one. i have no idea what's going on at 4:06-:07 but it's hysterical.  


  1. OK, as to the 'old' comment. I know 'old' and you are not it. Old is being arthritic, wrinkled, and having your memory take a hike.
    As to the dentist, geez! If I had that kind of history I'd be uptight too. You actually passed out? The only story I have about the dentist is that he will no longer let me have earphones because I sing. Which apparently is very funny to them. Didn't think I was that bad :-)
    Hey, sometime we need to talk about Major Crimes. Are you watching? What do you think?

  2. i'm loving major crimes, but i'm a bit behind. perhaps i'll catch up tomorrow on my halfday off.
