I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Holy crap, that's Bo Pelini.

So, funny story.

I'm on lunch.

Just got my food, heading back to the building, when who should be jogging across the street headed right toward me?

Bo Pelini.

I literally could have high fived him, he was that close.

Which was awesome.

Though not as awesome as what happened next.

He ran across at a red light, which isn't really that unusual as jaywalking is kind of a part of life when you work downtown.

The weird thing about it, was that he didn't even notice the car that almost schmeered him in the process.

And yet, the funniest part of this entire experience was seeing the look on the driver's face go from "what the hell?!" to "Oh my god, that's Bo Pelini!"


He's the Nebraska Cornhuskers football coach, just in case you have no idea who I'm talking about.

Since Nebraska revolves around football it makes him a bit of a celebrity here.

And that was the highlight of my day.

The rest of it I spent working on my scavenger hunt, coming up with back up options if the books are checked it, researching more people in case more kids participate, etc. Right now I'm done with Eiseley, Cather, and Morris and am starting on Aldrich and probably add in a Neihardt somewhere along the way.

Have I explained this all to you already or are you totally lost?

Short version - putting together a scavenger hunt for my teens. They have to solve clues to make it to the end while in the process they'll be using the catalog, finding articles on microfilm, searching databases and touring the Nebraska-centric area housing all the fun Nebraska artifacts.

While this does not take place until January I still feel like I should get it done while I'm still in the excited phase and have the time, rather than put it off and then dread the whole thing.

It's fun so far so I'm sticking with that.

After work I started working on some more website stuff for class, then turned on some Big Bang cause there's only so much code that you can stare at before you want to slam your head against the keyboard.


Which is why I use "compose" mode on here and save the html for the links and videos.

It's much simpler that way.

I should really work more on the website so I'll be done.

I do have until Friday at 10.

Tomorrow is date night with the boyfriend.


And I'm just tired.

You know where you get to that point where you're just tired of working on something?

I'm there.

Think I'm gonna crash instead.

I'm still clueless on a bunch of stuff, I need to email the prof with a bunch of questions.

That will give my head time to stop spinning.

And she's smart so she'll have all the answers.

Okay, I know I said I would hold off on The Voice clips and talk until I'd seen all the auditions and have picked my top ten, but this was just too good.

i just, i can't stop laughing.

but i'm sad cause the clips don't include the coaches comments like last seasons clips.

you don't get to hear Xtina talk about his "raunchy facial expressions".

bummer. you should hulu it.

ps - cee-lo wrote "don't cha"

Okay, I'm off.

And guess what.

It's a legitimate 10:59 PM.

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