I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Knock, knock, knock, Penny. Knock, knock, knock, Penny. Knock, knock, knock, Penny.

Oh, Reference class.

Filled with 17 brilliant people who can't navigate a discussion line.

But the thing with an uneven number is that it throws everyone off cause when you hit the end you have to go all the way around. And moving over turns into moving two over, and apparently some of us suck at line dancing more than others.

"can i help you find anything?"
"a comic that depicts a woman whose bosom can't be used as a flotation device."

But we talked a lot about some good reference guidelines - censorship, respect, and all that. And downloaded some cool new software for Word for this reference website thing.

Which I now am supposed to pass on to Superwoman cause I am a spy in the house of me.

After class the Library Goddess and I met up to work on the newsletter that gets sent out to all the library people. No pressure.

Though the majority of it is copy and paste. Which I'm a total pro at, yeehaw.

"what are you waiting for?"
"they're in a group, i'm scared."

Then after that I stopped and got a burger with money that the Cool Aunt left for me on her door.

Cause she's cool like that.

Whiskey river bbq burger with fries.

It's amusing because I called on my way home and it was ready by the time I got there.


"i feel like two different people, Dr. Jekyll and Mrs. Whore."

So, now that I'm home, I'm taking a much needed break cause it's my last day off for a while, to watch some Big Bang Theory. Tomorrow I will finish my website though it's not due until Friday, and then start work on the newsletter - which I can't do yet anyway cause I don't have the stuff to put in it.

And I think that's it for homework this week.

I think.

I mean, there's more next week, there will always be more.

Maybe it's just timing but I feel like there will always be homework.

Like, even after I'm graduated, there will always be homework.

Mostly cause I keep inheriting all these responsibilities at work and don't have time to finish everything whilst there.

"she doesn't have a boyfriend, she has a Sheldon."

Oh well, if life was easy then I would get bored so I'm good with it.

Tomorrow is back to work so I should go to bed at a semi-decent hour as I was up pretty late last night.

"i feel like i should say, 'that bitch!' but i don't have enough information."

Here's even more useless information for you.

-Off! and similar mosquito repellents don't really repel - they hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't realize you are there.

-Duck tape was originally green and developed by Johnson & Johnson for the US military, which wanted a waterproof tape that would keep the moisture out of - and blend in with - their ammunition cases. During the postwar house boom, it was discovered that it was also good for heating and air conditioning duct work, so the color was changed from army green to silver and duck tape became duct tape.

-The homes on Wisteria Lane were lived in by the Cleavers, the Hardy Boys, and the men of Animal House before they were rebuilt and remodeled for Desperate Housewives

-60 Minutes is the only TV show with no theme song or music

-The Magna Doodle that hung on the inside of Joey and Chandler's apartment door had a different picture every episode of Friends. I KNEW THAT ONE. Also, the frame that Monica and Rachel had hanging on the back of their door around the peep hole was originally a mirror that broke during filming, but they liked it so they kept it.

-The technical (copyrighted) name for the mini marshmallows found in Lucky Charms is "Marbits". They were invented by General Mills VP John Holahan when he cut up a few orange circus peanuts, stirred them into a bowl of cheerios and was impressed with the results.

-The distinctive smell that you experience upon opening a box of crayons comes from stearic acid - which is the formal name for processed beef fat.

-Of the 20 possible answers on a Magic 8-ball, ten are positive, five are negative and five are neutral. Which, according to statisticians gives a high degree of accuracy to the ball's ability to forecast.

aaannd that's all for now.

have a good night!

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