I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

get-et-et in line and settle down.

So he didn't trip or say the wrong name.

And no one passed out up front or at the reception.

Though Juwanna was pretty close to losing her stomach contents for a while there.

You could tell too cause she and Smo and I dance.

Like dance.


And she went from jumping and swinging and craziness with us to just swaying softly while Jared held her upright.


But she was good by the end of the night.

It was a fun time, I dragged the boyfriend out onto the floor though I think I drug the boyfriend's best friend out there more.

He seemed to have a pretty fun time.

Got some sweet pictures from mom of us doing Macarena and Cotton-eyed-Joe. Will have to upload them later.

Saw a lot of old friends, was super cool cause my twin was there!!!! Who I haven't seen in literally years!

No, seriously, he's like my twin. Born on the same day in the same hospital, our moms were like 2 doors apart, both have the brown hair and similar personalities. Though I totally gave him crap cause he's been with the same girl for 8 years and there's still no ring on her finger.


What's up with that?


Got a picture with him and Tweet as a class reunion kind of thing, we were down two but it still counts. And I felt super super short, it was ridiculous. I need to start wearing heels.

Don't quote me on that, it will never happen.

And it wouldn't have helped anyway, Tweet is like 6'4 and Alex is gotta be over 6.

I think I'm like 5'6, maybe 5'7.

Squirt has me beat, and Bubby will soon.

That's how sad my height is.

After the reception we headed up to Tweet's place, where half of us crashed while the other half of us jammed out to some music and joked around for a while. Got back to the farmhouse about 4, drove through some serious fog, but I had Smo with me so I was good.

The only problem with getting back to the farmhouse at 4AM is that I didn't fall asleep until about 5:15 and then I was up at like 8 cause I had to drive back at like 9:15 and for some reason I couldn't go back to sleep for that whole extra hour. So I stopped for gas and some fantastic cappuccino, which I forgot it was as good as it is. Perhaps I'll stop there more often.

Smo headed off to her place and I made it back to the apartment with time to shower and change - cause the only clean clothes I had with me were the two other dresses I brought so that Juwanna/Smo could tell me what to wear, and clearly I was not wearing those to work.

And besides, if I did, Queen of the Known Universe would kick my butt that I wore them on a day she wasn't there to give me crap for them.

So I was pretty much the walking dead until about 3:30 when I took my lunch.

Which I spent in my car.

Cause my phone was dead.

After work the boyfriend stopped by because he had to pick up yet another motorcar to add to his collection, which I believe now totals at 7.

Not that I'm complaining, he seems to enjoy them and as I have a bit of background with trains myself it's not exactly a foreign concept to see train memorabilia start to grow. And grow. And grow.

But it's his hobby and he loves it.

And I love him so I guess I can love it too.

Yeah, speaking of love, there was a lot of wedding talk going on this weekend.

Like, an excessive amount.

Cause apparently we're next.

But we're not, cause that's Juwanna. She's got the ring to prove it.

So people kept asking me when we were gonna get engaged and I told them to go talk to him cause he's the one that's asking, and apparently he was deflecting them to me because somehow I'm in charge.

We'll see about that.

Not that it will be happening anytime soon.

Just eventually.

Yes, I'm happy.

For the first time in a very long time.

Which occasionally turns me into some weird emotional girl.

Get used to it.

I have.

Alright, Juwanna's nausea aside, it was nice to see some old friends and get to spend actual time together. Even though half of us live in the same town anyway, we still never see each other. Gonna have to work on that.

Settle Down - No Doubt
reunited and it feels so good.

L.A.M.B. and cheerleading B-A-N-A-N-A-S's are good, but it's hard to top Rock Steady.

holy crap, was that seriously 2001?

and don't speak was what like, mid-90's?

now I feel old.

Glad they're back.

Alright, since I'm still a bit in zombie-mode I'm gonna crash.

And I get the pleasure of sleeping in because I don't go in until 4.

So don't call me before noon.

I will not answer.


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