I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

There she was just a-walkin' down the street, singin'

Wow, that was some really crappy posting for the past couple days.


Well, content-wise as well.

But they're fixed.

For the most part.

Sadly this is the most coherent I've been at the keyboard all week.

Luckily it's only Wednesday and there's still time to fix that.

Today was pretty good. I didn't go in until 1PM - which was good since I was up 'til about 6. I attempted to work some more after I posted, but that was an epic disaster and then my cat kept waking me up. Think he was ticked cause I kept him up.

He sleeps on my stomach so he doesn't like it when I stay up late. Cause that means he has to stay up late.

It's not like I do it on purpose, and he could sleep anywhere else.

Sometimes he'll lay on the couch or the floor or the chair and just glare at me. Cause he knows that I know that he wants to sleep and I'm keeping him awake.

And since it's his apartment and I just stay here - his thoughts not mine - I should abide by his rules.

Okay, I'm doing the Garfield voice again, it needs to stop.

Anyway, so yes, 6AM. So that made work quite interested. Everyone thought I was depressed and kept asking if I was okay.

I'm fine, just exhausted and overloaded. Hoping to crash sometime within the next hour - it's 11:16 - so that I can be coherent in the morning.

If I go in.

I've been feeling crappy-ish lately. Like I keep waking up all burning up. But then I get up and I have no fever. It hits during the day as well. End of day I was seriously feeling it, even Mentor asked if I was okay cause I was all flushed and flustered. If any of you say anything about hot flashes I will kick your ass.

I just feel dead. I'm losing my voice but don't have a cough. I'm exhausted all the time, but I think that's just stress and lack of sleep. My head doesn't hurt and I'm not puking so I'll be fine. It's all mental after all.

Just need to keep myself distracted, like the awesomeness that was dinner tonight with the Cool Aunt. We went out for sushi at our normal place. We go there so often that we're literally making our way through their menu. Like items 1-4, then came 5-8, tonight was presumably going to be 9-12 but we instead went with 9,12-14 because she doesn't like the BBQ eel that would have been included in item numbers 10 and 11.

Which is fine with me, the ones we got rocked. And I literally have half of them in my fridge. They will probably be gone by the time this post is finished. Because you know now that I'm talking about them I'll want to go get them. For some reason sushi is better in the middle of the night. Why is that? There's a reference question for you.

We talked the usual family stuff, library stuff, school stuff, Library Goddess stuff. Apparently I'm doing something right with the grad assistantship as she said the Goddess is pleased. There really is no escaping cause the Library Goddess carpools and team teaches with the Cool Aunt, and she's like BFF's with Superwoman aka my boss. And now Superwoman and the Cool Aunt are acquainted so I'm super screwed.

Not that I was planning on leaving the profession anyway.

I finally found my place in the world and I like it here.

Aside from all the homework and stress and all that.

But dinner helped. And she paid. I swear, the women in this family fight over every bill. It's never like a, yeah okay, you can pay this one. I'll let you. We're devious. The only time I actually successfully paid the bill for a sushi night with the Cool Aunt was because I hid my debit card on under my phone on the table and when the bill came I grabbed it, shoved the card in and handed it back before she knew what hit her.

And the only time I've paid for Mexican at our favorite joint is because she was distracted by the fried icecream.

And mom was gone trying to find her missing wallet.

Otherwise she would have gotten it before me.

Like I said, serious business.

My favorite is when the Cool Aunt caves and lets Grams pay for dinner every once in a while, then she puts money into her Grams envelope she keeps in her purse.

Devious business.

That should have been my answer.

This dude - my newest stalker in the group that is ever-increasing and slightly disturbing, okay more than slightly - came in tonight asking how a broke grad student can afford a sushi night out.

When he comes in again I'll just say I have a devious aunt who steals the bill from the waitress's hand before I can.

Anyway, so after dinner came the inevitable homework.

Which I've been dreading all day.

I have however finished both Friday and Saturdays assignments aka the IT paper and online reference quiz. Now all I have left is the community analysis and since that's basically the demographics study I did in last year's Leadership/Management class I plan on completely pilfering all my charts and just updating all the new stats.

I'm allowed to do that, I created them.

It was amusing, I was feeling completely overwhelmed and then I found all my notes and research and went, oh. I knew that already. We're good. Geez, there's even a demographics tag on here, how long ago was that created?!

Now it's just about finding the new statistics and putting it all together. I'm not looking forward to the whole 7 pages that doesn't include a bibliography or any of the charts thing though. But I'm guessing I'm not the only one with that.

Alright, gonna see if the stats match up - if so there will be much rejoicing. But that's for tomorrow's post.

Song You Know But Forgot You Knew It

Lump - The Presidents of the United States of America (1995)
yay for the 90s.

and oh yeah, yesterday's rec? Finally realized what song it reminds me of.

Compare and contrast:

She's So Mean - Matchbox 20 (2012)

Do Wah Diddy - Manfred Mann (1964)

anybody else make this connection or is this just a figment of my imagination?

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