I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

lovin' you is fun

Another night spent with the boyfriend means I'm cramming for homework but I don't care, he's worth it, and I'll get it done. It's not due 'til Friday and I've got tomorrow night and I mean all night since the only thing I have on Friday is a dentist appointment at 11AM.

And of course I haven't been flossing even though I should have been but I'm lazy and I don't like to floss.

It's just weird.

And I'm building a website - I'll turn on my inner nerd and get it done.

I'm an information professional, I got this.

I said proudly yet knowing I'll be flailing - much like today.

Okay, so I'm the volunteer coordinator at our branch and as of last week I had like 7 volunteers total.

I got 2 applications earlier this week, then this morning I had 3 patrons in a row come up and talk to me about it. So that makes what like 12?

Head math on the fly.

So I was like, okay, I'll find stuff for them to do.

Then I get back from lunch and they hand me 2 more applications that came in while I was gone.

For an hour, I was gone for an hour and 2 more came in.


I'm up on second floor when I get a phone call from yet another chick asking about volunteer hours and I'm like AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

I don't have enough stuff for all these people to do.

My regulars shelve.

That's good, I love that they can shelve and they're self-sufficient.

The thing about new people is that there's a whole training process and you have to have time to train them and then things for them to do.

I do not have that much stuff so I had to reject the 2 that came in over lunch and the 1 on the phone this afternoon because seriously? 5 in one week?

When I had 7 total?

What's in the water around here, seriously?

Anyway, they all seem competent enough that I won't have to worry about them, but finding things for them to do is kind of a challenge. Because my regulars are so good at what they do they don't really need backups. So I'm basically flailing for ideas. Some of which I've gotten from coworkers throughout the day, which I'm grateful for. Others of which I picked up from literally walking all over the building with a piece of paper and a pencil just writing down any possibility.

There's a lot of cleaning-related stuff that needs to be done.

Which is good, and some inputting data stuff, with some sorting of periodicals, aaaannnndddd now I'm blanking.

But I have a list.

Which is my lifeline.

Which is actually true for a lot of lists as of lately.

Anyway, 2 of them new 3 are coming in to train tomorrow, so list in hand I'll hopefully be able to get through it.

This is of course after our morning staff meeting to which I'm bringing my kickin' iPad cause it's all about ebooks.

Well, a portion of the meeting will be about ebooks, I'm hoping the rest would be as severely depressing as our last staff meeting.

But that's in the past.

I think we're good now.

And if not I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

Anyway, where was I going with this again?

Oh right, flail-age.

Right now I'm going to post this and then work on that website until I fall asleep.

Then tomorrow I'll have work and then come home immediately to finish the thing and get it posted by 10AM Friday morning.

Maybe if I'm up super late I can post-pone the dentist appointment even longer.

I just have a bad track record with dentists. I pass out in their offices and wake up in their arms, they mistake me for my brother's wife which is super awkward, I get high on nitrous just so they can fill 4 cavities, etc.

I'm not looking forward to yet another appointment.

But whatever, post this, website next, sleep eventually, then work, then more website and discussion boards, then hopefully sleep at a reasonable hour though I'm guessing not, then the poking and prodding of sterilized equipment and finally after that is an afternoon off.

On which I will probably make up for all the missed sleep.

But, the faster I get started now, the more I'll get done - or so I say - so moving on.

Aaannd, in honor of her Rolling Stone cover - they said it was the first Nebraskan but actually there have been more. James Valentine being one.

Brokenhearted - Karmin
it's almost too catchy.


amusing that she's from my college town.

but you wouldn't know it cause of all the "cheerio"s.

Lovin' You Is Fun - Easton Corbin
this is actual country. as in not rock/pop country, actual real genuine george strait country.

dig it.


and yes, i'm adding a "flail" tag. i feel it will get much usage. especially if i go back to old posts and add it in where necessary.


  1. Easton Corbin is adorable! Love the song and love the fact that he reminds me of George Strait. Thanks for posting.

    Volunteers-Wow! had the same prolem when I supervised at South. Everyone wanted to volunteer there because it was close, because we were nice etc etc. I just didin't have that much for them to do since we had super Pages! (You know who I'm talkin' about)

    Dentist-floss, my dear and you won't have to deal with him that often.
