I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

"Why aren't you in the upper balcony?"

Moment of the day:

Walked into the professors office and went, "Whoa. I interviewed here."
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

I'll get there in a minute.

Day like any other, woke up, went to work, updated the website, checked in a bunch of stuff cause there was no delivery yesterday. I'm starting to realize we took our old delivery guy for granted. Uh, what else? Oh did some major supplies stuff cause apparently I was way behind on that. Copied some application forms, used the guillotine chopper thing, then checked in even more stuff.

It was funny because - okay we have like a daily schedule and we have specific places to be each hour - and today it was like 2nd floor, PS2, circ workroom, Lab desk, then lunch, then I had like circ workroom, holds, off desk, and then ended at Youth Services so my afternoon was like on my own time. It was fantastic. I checked in a bunch of stuff but there were like 4 other people scheduled to be back there in the afternoon so most of my time was spent on supplies and volunteer stuff.

Trying to come up with a list of stuff to do for volunteers who can't shelve. I have a lady coming in on Tuesday and the only things I can think of that she might be interested in is cleaning displays and maybe edging shelves. Cause she'll be a long term adult volunteer and I'm guessing things like sharpening pencils and sorting colored strips will be of little interest to her.


So after work I headed over to one of our other branches because my professor is the branch manager there. I walk in her office and go whoa. Flashbacks. Cause that's where I interviewed to make the temp job permanent. The first interview I did, well that was with Queen of the Known Universe and Super Librarian Status in the basement of the work branch. Immediately following that was with my Glee-Loving Boss and Girlscout at the home branch. Third came with Superwoman in her office and that was for the 20 hour summer temp job. Then the library judge - as he now goes by - took some time off so I stayed 'til October and that's when they decided they needed two more people - one at the work branch and one at the branch I went to tonight - so they panel interviewed me basically in that office and I got the work branch job.

Which was my preference.

Then they panel interviewed me again - same people, different office this time it was back to Superwoman's - to make the 20 hours permanent turn into 40 hours permanent.

Anyway, I was like, "i interviewed in this office" and she was totally lost cause I don't currently work there.

She rocks. For serious.

Like, we were supposed to have class on Saturday but I couldn't make it, which was okay because originally there was no class scheduled that day and when they added a different one they said we could meet with her to make up for it if we couldn't make it. Since I had the wedding I chose to go to that and just meet with her later. The class on Saturday was supposed to go 8:30-2:30. I got off work at 6:05 tonight, got there at about 6:20, I think we were done by 7:40.

But it's all html stuff. Actually it's pretty cool, by the end of the assignment I'll be able to type this entire thing on html instead of switching back and forth between that and composition mode. Would make my life a bit easier, but I'll have to learn all the codes. Or learn to copy and paste them from the tutorial websites they gave us links to.

I remember we built our own websites in high school, but that was like sophomore year Computer Applications with Tutor Bode like 5 years ago. I remember something about typing in specific numbers for colored texts and backgrounds but for the life of me I don't remember what they were. I do remember building a sweet house with an awesome colorful dance floor, plus some flyers for a party with my fellow PEUBH Juwanna.

Cause we were the Popular Evil Ugly Bitchy Hags.

Don't ask.

It's a roommate thing.

We had a lot of those.

Alright, I'm aware that this post was a complete and utter waste of your time and I'm totally boring and about to get more boring cause the second I log off here I'm back to homework.

So watch this, it will make up for all of my boringness.

Finesse Mitchell talks about Prince

"why are ya'll up there?"
"how the hell you get down there?"
"forget all that, can you get to me in case something go on down here?!"

Watch it, you'll love it. 

Shout out of the day: To you, unshaven young dude with the white t-shirt and baggy jeans running through traffic to make it to the parking garage. I know you thought the chick you passed was good looking and had to turn around to take another look but you almost got ran down by a bus so perhaps you should watch where you're going instead of leering at strangers.

And that's all I got. Have a good one.

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