I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

quit playin' games with my heart.

I'm turning back into horrible blogger lady, I'm sorry.

To be fair I didn't go to bed until like 5AM last night as I was finishing up my homework and then updating the spreadsheet for grad assistant stuff. Pretty sure I emailed it back to her at like 4:30AM which meant she probably read it half an hour later and went, "what's she doing up already?"

Morning people.

I am not one.

But I can be if it gets me coffee and apparently an ipad.

Which I'm loving by the way. Downloaded some cool apps - mostly educational as it is for school stuff and life stuff.

But since I still have my laptop and my ipod and my smartphone I'm trying not to take it everywhere with me and overload it.

Especially since it's not officially mine. Dropping that in one of my many badly timed klutzy moments could lead to epic conclusions.

Speaking of epic today was pretty great. Had our big Hunger Games party for the teens today at the park. I had 5 show up which is actually pretty good for us at events. They all sound stoked about it at the meetings but then they get busy and all that. Which is fine because it wasn't just my kids, there were other library branch's TAB groups as well. I think we ended with 39 kids? Plus 5 leaders - well, 4 leaders and 1 impromptu leader who is fantastic. We needed a guy's perspective and he used to work at the work branch with me so I miss seeing him around.

He is the expert on all things Star Wars, we even had Star Wars themed food for his going away party.

Anyway, Hunger Games, we had a stale bread toss - if you've read the book you'll get that reference, they didn't really explain it in the movie just a few timely clips - shower caps covered in shaving cream and packing peanutes, and they all dressed up in the clothes I had from camp for the makeover your counselor activity.

I'm calling it a victory, it was quite amusing.

After that I headed out to see the boyfriend. He changed my oil cause he's car-savy like that, then we went out to dinner and watched the Husker game at Applebees with his friend. Who's pretty cool. And I'm attempting to play matchmaker. But we'll see how that goes. More on that later.

Yes the Huskers got hosed, but it wasn't all that surprising since we looked so strong last week.

Which probably doesn't make sense to you so here's my explanation: It was too good to be true. Rex as a star but Abdullah as a killer backup, Air Martinez 78% in passing, the only thing that needed work was defense and special teams. a lot of work for special teams.

Tonight Maher was a little better with aim but still not quite perfect. If he doesn't straighten it out Pelini's gonna be auditioning new kickers. Nebraska's always had fantastic kickers. And he was so great last year, who's putting what in his cheerios?

Sometimes I forget that these are just college kids.

Younger than I am.

Just cause I'm so used to watching the games growing up. They seemed so much older way back when. Now they still do even though I'm probably at least 2 years older than anyone on the field. Minus the coaching staff.

But that's Nebraska football, they're heroes in this state. Famous even. Looked up to.

Which means they better turn things around real quick or we're screwed.

Though I did jump for joy when I heard Wisconsin lost. Sucks for them.

Where was I?

Yes, Hunger Games, the boyfriend and his friend, football game....for the life of me I can't remember a single thing from yesterday. Aside from the fact I did homework all night cause I knew I didn't have to be awake 'til 12:15PM.

I think I worked all day.

I think.

I know at one point I emailed my TAB schedule to my boss for her to look it over. I'm hoping it'll officially get approved, otherwise my kids will be super bummed out. And myself too.

So I guess that's all I got cause I don't remember anything else. Though I'm sure I will the second after I post this.

Big day tomorrow - church, b-day party for brother with softball game at the farm, singing at nursing home for family day then church league softball at night.

Should be warmed up after the game in the afternoon. Concerned about the time-table especially if it makes us late for the night game. Oh crap, I was supposed to make up some t-shirts. I'll look into that tonight. See if there's a way to post the design to Facebook. Would be easier than printing them off.

Alright, off to do that then crash.

Songs you know but forgot you know them:

I Love You - Martina McBride
totally forgot about this one, love prime country on XM.

Quit Playing Games - Backstreet Boys
does howie sing at all? or just dance?

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