I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, September 14, 2012

oppan gangnam style

Should I be scared that someone got to my blog by doing a web search for "woman who don't swallow captions".

I think I should.

So tomorrow.

Well, technically later today as it is officially after midnight.

The little boy that used to steal my headbands put them on and call himself Tylah gets married tomorrow.

Which means we're officially getting old.

He's got the gray hair in his beard to prove it.

Which amuses me greatly.

It's been interesting to observe this relationship. Tweet was always a bit on the wild side - but in a good way - and she's very mature so now he's all grown up and stuff.

It's cute, they're cute.

But the problem with hanging out with a bunch of engaged people is that people ask when you're going to get engaged.

And his mother already told me that we're having three kids, as are his sister and brother. Cause she wants lots of grandkids.

Hysterical cause I told that to Juwanna tonight and she was like, "ha! you?! does she know you?!"

Me and needles aren't such great friends.

Even watching a birthing video made me run to the bathroom.

And had Juwanna running after me to make sure I was okay.

Someone brought that up at the class reunion and her response was, "that's why I don't know anything about babies, I ran after you!"

Was fun to see everybody tonight. Big shoutout to Tammi and the awesomeness that is her crew. Very impressive decorating job for only 12 hours. That building is gigantic, I remember that from when Second Sister had her reception there.

Having a lot of flashbacks, especially when on the phone with Smo while at the reception hall. Cause she went to that reception as well. That was a lot of fun. I love receptions. Good food, fun times with friends, our family is filled with dancers so they're always amusing to see out on the dance floor. Somehow we always end up in a giant circle with people going through the middle showing off their moves.

And then there's a lot of SNL Spartan Cheerleader dancing, which I blame on my cousins. They're the ones that performed it at a family reunion and then at the reception of yet another cousin's wedding.

We have a lot of us, there are 20 of us.

And only, oh geez, like 8 of us left that aren't married I think...I think.

But we're all approaching that age - with the exception of Kyle who just got his driver's license. So there will probably be a whole bunch of them within the next decade.

Apparently I'm all about weddings today.

But it's better than talking about the obnoxious dude that made me help him with computer stuff for all three of his sessions and just redo everything we did yesterday. Blah, whatever it's done. And I'm off tomorrow so if he goes in and requests me yet again he'll just have to figure it out himself.

We have plenty of great reference/computer people. I don't know why he keeps seeking me out, I already have enough stalkers, I don't need any more.

Alright, off the music and then I'm gonna crash cause fun day tomorrow. Golfing with G-Wigger and Obi-Wan. Should be fun in the morning, then the game is at 11, after that is the wedding and reception.

Tonight was just good, you know? Made up for all the crap I got stuck with today. And the boyfriend is wonderful to put up with all this wedding and kids talk. Actually he said he would be content with all of it so I was pleased. And he gave me his jacket which was another flashback cause in high school he had this bright orange sweatshirt that I'm pretty sure I wore for like a month straight.

Okay, really music now.

So, unless you've been living under a rock for the past few months you've probably already watched this but I'm going to post it anyway. It actually just exploded, I can't believe it's only been online for like 2 months and there are already over 172 billion views. Madness

Gangnam Style - Psy

Psy teaches Ellen and Britney Gangnam Style

alright, off to bed.

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