If you haven't seen this week's episode you should watch it now.
Online if you have to, cause it's highly entertaining.
And if you have no idea what I'm talking about then you're missing out on life.
Especially if you missed out on The Closer, the show that came before it and has evolved into what is now Major Crimes.
Which I got multiple people hooked on.
Cause it rocks.
Well, Brenda Leigh still rocks, only now she just rocks on DVD.
Wondering how they're going to pull off the trial episode cause she'll have to make a reappearance as a witness.
Though I'm guessing it'll be years before that actually takes place.
Here watch this, it's also highly entertaining.
They did end up using that first "what" because I remember rewinding it over and over just to hear it.
Dang those non-union flies.
That's how I would sign all of my documents if I was her.
Today was awesome.
Worked 9-6 - huge amount of stats today though I'm guessing that will stop for a few days since we'll have no parking until Monday.
Ugh, Ribfest.
It was so funny the Old New Guy and I walked out together a couple days ago when they were just starting to set up and went "ah crap" at the same time.
After work came home and stayed there for the first time since last week.
This is literally the first night that I did absolutely nothing.
Except clean.
Lots and lots of cleaning.
And I finished Zero Hour.
I didn't know it was possible for it to get any weirder after that whole cloning thing but the way it ended....just....weird....to the extreme.
Revelations come to life but not.
Like the book of Revelations.
Along with character revelations too I guess.
Though I did cheer at the very last second to see the little boy and Vincent. That was good.
The rest was weird.
But I like the religious conspiracy stories - I had this conversation with a patron today - that's why I love the DaVinci Code and Angels & Demons.
AND I WILL finish the Lost Symbol before the movie comes out, it's on. I have two copies - one in my apartment and one in my locker.
It's just the whole time to read it thing escapes me.
Mostly because if I have the time to read anything it's as an editor - which I love cause Demi rocks as does her writing - I'm so far behind on any of my projects it's ridiculous.
I blame school.
Once that's over I'll have time.
Especially if the boyfriend does get switched to second shift, then I'll have nothing but free time all week.
Anyway, so the day flew cause we were swamped, got time to relax with my big fat cat after cleaning my apartment, many cat pictures were taken and uploaded to Facebook just to challenge the cat picture quota that Sketch mentioned.
Don't worry, I'm not actually one of those stereotypical librarians.
Though if he does get moved to second I might become one.
But Carter's so cute!
And with the haircut he looks like a lion with combat boots.

Cat in a box.
How can anyone resist that?
Okay, I'm done for the night, I promise.
Song of the day:
Keep On Loving You - REO Speedwagon
Yay for cheesy 80's music videos.
That's a snazzy jacket.
He should wear that all the time.
With that haircut please.
Saw this commercial and it reminded me of something I forgot to include yesterday.
Cause it's dumb but funny and we said that about it yesterday.
Anyway, we were at the lake and on the dock and he mispronounced a city's name but for the life of me I can't remember what it was and I laughed because it reminded me of a joke that one of the "Favorite Aunties" told me years and years ago.
Three guys were driving through Beatrice and they decided to stop and get something to eat. None of them had ever been to Beatrice before so they began to argue about how it was pronounced.
The first guy said it was BEatrice, the second was convinced it was BeATrice, the last guy said it was pronounced Beat-Rice.
When they couldn't come to an agreement they decided they should ask someone so they went up to the lady at the counter and said "We've been fighting about it and we can't figure out the name of this place, where are we?"
The lady looked at them and said really slowly, "You're...in...Burger...King."
See it's dumb but you smiled.
So take that.
See you tomorrow.
I'll be here.
You be there.
It's a date mate.
It's on like Donkey Kong.
It's...time to stop rhyming and go to sleep, okay, I'm out.
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