I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, August 29, 2013

"Have a good weekend. Catch a wave." "I'll try."

Ah, today.

I'm really digging these half days.

Work branch from 9-1, lasagna for lunch - huzzah for Thursday specials across the street - then headed over to the practicum from 2-5.

Work was interesting. Opened first floor, worked more on my booklists. I actually finished the nonfiction banned books one, so now I can work on my Ornery Old Men and Million Dollar Crazy booklists without feeling guilty.

Cause that one had a due date while the others I'm clear until February.

I'm coming up with some interesting characters for both lists, and there's a lot of crossover.

Perhaps I will post them on here.

When they're finished.

Right now I'm having fun coming up with names and then researching why they fit in each booklist.

After that it was back to the desk and then I covered second floor by myself. Which inevitably meant there would be computer issues. But it was fine, our IT was all over it but I had to leave before they resolved the issue.

The afternoon was the real fun. We finally made it through all of our boxes of books and now we went over to the men's building because it has bookshelves in it with books on them. So, we went through and decided what to keep, what to toss, and then stamped the ones we kept.

So we're stamping and chatting and all the sudden Mr. Bossman Tom starts singing Beach Boys.

And I was like, hey! I love the Beach Boys! I grew up listening to their music along with the Beatles, Johnny Cash, Joni Mitchell, etc.

So we keep stamping and he keeps singing and we have these two internet computers and all the sudden he's like, we should test these so he pulls up YouTube and plays this video here:

So for the rest of the afternoon we had this playing in the background as we stamped and sorted.

It was highly entertaining and as I was leaving he told me to "catch a wave" this weekend.

Like I said, Mr. Bossman Tom is awesome.

Practicum Count-Up: 14 hours

After practicum I headed out to see the boyfriend cause he's headed off to South Dakota for the weekend. I basically watched as he packed up his motorcar stuff and then we went out to dinner. But it was good to see him before he left.

Quote of the Day:

Aside from "catch a wave" of course.

We're driving to dinner and there's this big dude walking through the parking lot and the boyfriend is driving and we're waiting on this dude to walk faster - and he doesn't - and I'm like, "don't hit him". He responds "I won't hit him with your car. Bubba would end up in your lap."

After that headed home, wrote up my practicum report for August, submitted it and now I'm out. Early morning tomorrow taking Bubby to school.

But at least I'll have time to stop for coffee. I hope.

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