There was so much going on that my head almost exploded.
But that's okay cause tonight made up for it.
And the day started off just fine...
Got the last parking spot - leaving earlier tomorrow, stupid construction taking up half the lot - checked in the new books, put out all the stuff for display, shelved DVDs, sorted carts, worked the desk, planned for my Catching Fire party - gonna be awesome, more details on that one to come - and then 5:00 rolls around and there are only 4 of us there to close, 2 for each floor which is fine until 1 of the 1st floor people leaves to count the money leaving the other person completely alone.
After she left to count I had a guy come up with over $500 in fines wanting me to waive them cause his card was stolen, then didn't understand why I wouldn't and instead told him to fill out a waiver form. But then he wouldn't leave and just stood at the desk for 10 minutes watching me help other patrons like I was going to change my mind. Sorry dude, don't have that kind of authority. Then there was the guy who wanted to get a library card but I couldn't understand what he was saying so I kept making him repeat everything. Then there was another dude who was looking for books I guess he had turned in earlier that day and he didn't understand why I wouldn't drop everything I was doing to help these two patrons ahead of him in line just to find those books, thankfully by that time InfoMan had come to save me.
By the time I got out of there there was no looking back. Made it to the races right as the warmups were starting. My first race there ever, which is weird for a southern Nebraska girl to say apparently.

I can now say, from experience, that there are all kinds that come to races, but the most prominent would definitely be the beer-drinking redneck.
I was surrounded by cowboy boots and baseball caps.
But I got to see my "mom" aka my surrogate mother from back home. I would spend a lot of my summers hanging out with her kids at their house. Though I think they spent even more at my house playing DDR and throwing crackers at the TV.
"Hey Carson!"
Was cool to jam with her. Introduced her to the boyfriend, think she met him before P Squared - the daughters - have. Woops.
The races were fun. I think the boyfriend was surprised I made it through the whole night without complaining. Like he was with the motorcar trip. Went by a lot faster than expected and after them we went over to meet his favorite driver. Got to go in the semi so he could buy a shirt and then I took his picture with him and with the car - see Facebook.
Rednecks are awesome, I grew up surrounded by them, as a farm kid there's no escaping that joy, but can someone explain the whole "take a tire home with you" thing?
Like the drivers give them tires to take home.
Not like the whole thing, just the rubber part. What are you going to do with it? It's too big to hang on the wall. Do you make it into a chair?
I'm just lost and confused as to this aspect of racing. Maybe you can shed some light.
And that's all I got for today. Music and I'm out, big day tomorrow.
Convoy - CW McCall
heard this on the way back and i had to laugh. was surrounded by trucks after coming out of the races. huzzah for CB radios.
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