I broke a door.
Not on purpose.
I'll get there.
Staff meeting in the morning. Presented on the conference I attended before camp at the boyfriend's library.
Huzzah for new teen material. I bought two of the books tonight - I'll get there too.
I learned a lot at the conference but the highlights I relayed were: "make your fiction seem like nonfiction. if it's not believable then no one will finish it," and "if your characters say 'do it my way' you do it their way or you'll have a crappy book", but I forgot "writing is the next best thing to napping". woops.
I enjoy writers. They are highly entertaining.
After the meeting I checked in magazines, trained a volunteer on how to scan media, worked the desk, got a hamburger for lunch, and all was fine and boring until I broke the door.
Okay first off, it wasn't my fault. I was going into the bathroom and the stall door just fell off.
Like literally fell off.
Dropped and bounced.
I screamed like a teenager, so loud that a coworker busted in freaking out.
We looked and there were metal shavings on the ground. Apparently the door hinge had been on its way out for a while, it just happened to officially fall when I was there to take the blame.
The best part of the whole situation was having to explain it to my supervisor cause he had to call to get it fixed.
Of course Superwoman was gone, Girlscout was in a meeting, BossLady was at lunch, so I went downstairs to Supervisor Alley and there was the Old New Guy sitting innocently at his desk...
He found it entertaining.
I did too.
After the whole shock factor wore off.
It literally just dropped and bounced.
And what would you have done in that situation other than scream and attempt to catch it?
Let it drop I guess.
It was a lot heavier than I thought it would be so I just ended up leaning it against the wall.
And then of course I had to take a picture.

Door Killer.
Don't know my own strength.
Anyway, after that disaster things calmed down a bit 'til Mom showed up and scared the crap out of me at the desk.
But she brought zucchini bread and catfood so it's okay.
Shouldn't mix those two up, that'd be bad.
Saving the bread for breakfast tomorrow, yay for food in my fridge!
After things had calmed down I took a break to call another librarian. For my practicum we're setting up that remote library and we're going to use BISAC instead of Dewey so on Monday - my day off - I'm going to go visit a library using BISAC and talk to their librarian.
It's the one in my college town so maybe I'll swing by campus just for fun.
And Mr. Tom aka my Mr. Bossman Sir for my practicum says it will count toward my hours as it is for research purposes.
Should be fun.
After work I met up with the Queen of Awesome for supper and a trip to Barnes and Noble.
Bought far too many books, but who doesn't while in Barnes and Noble?
I need to just go in there with a set list and not sway from it.
But that won't happen.
Got Second Sister's birthday present - which was the original intent - ate some good food, talked some girl talk, it was good to catch up as we haven't in a while.
And then of course ran into Oldest Sister, Squirt and Squirt's BFF in the parking lot.
They were headed where we ate supper, but as it was freezing in there we had left and were headed back to Barnes and Noble to jam in the much warmer cafe area.
"My cat weighs 23 pounds and 6 ounces."
"I have a child who weighs less than that."
Should really turn this dinner out thing into a monthly deal just for sanity purposes.
Bought another novel while we were there cause I had forgot about it until I saw something like it.
Huzzah for Richard Castle.
He is wicked awesome.
After our night out on the town I hit up Target for groceries. Cause for some weird reason I buy them there instead of an actual grocery store. Probably because I get my media, shoes, and all that there too, I'm all about one-stop shopping.
Came home, fed the cat, now I'm jamming out and watching Wipeout re-runs cause my DVR is full.
Gonna post this and crash.
No Envy, No Fear - Joshua Radin
posted this back in 2011, the night before my last day at the home branch.
sad sad day.
really like his music.
Legitimate pre-midnight post, holy crap tag in use.
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