To whoever got to my blog by searching "granola superfly" I salute you.
Is it whoever or whomever?
I know, I'm an English major but I'm too tired to function correctly.
But it's worth it cause I shockingly am done with all my skits.
I know, right?! What is wrong with this picture?
I'm like in shock. Usually I don't finish them until Thursday night at like 2AM.
Actually I usually don't START half of them until Thursday night at 2AM. All I have left to do is print them all out and I can do that tomorrow when I get there.
Sad fact, I have to use the list I created for counselors and campers to remember what to pack.
To be fair we did make it years ago, but I look it over every year. It's the little things like shower shoes that I don't wanna forget.
Still haven't started packing yet, figured skits should be the priority this year. Last year I was all stressed out and freaked they weren't gonna get done. We do have some good ones this year. Bringing back tankety-tank-tank, thinking of bringing back the original Zammerman to play the drill sergeant since he's coming back as a teen helper this year. Go here: Tankety Tank Tank
The HeeHaw verses are fantastic and I still have plenty of them to choose from next year. Just gotta remember to have them go between other skits, unlike last year when I didn't realize I'd forgotten that part until after like the 5th grade skits. Woops.
But they did them all together at the end.
Hopefully we'll have the service inside and they'll actually be able to hear them. Every year the microphones pick up the wind and the people are too far back - we're Lutherans, there is no sitting in the front row now matter where the service takes place.
Alright, this will be my last post for a while. I'm sure I'll overload you when I get back.
Food day plus some food for winning the food drive competition, so lots of food tomorrow morning. Gotta remember to grab some fruit before I leave.
Hope queen of the known universe brings her awesome dip. That stuff rocks, gonna have to buy the mix. Though that would involve cooking and that' not exactly my strongpoint. I can put peanut butter onto celery, make sandwiches and add milk to cereal, throw some fruit into the blender for a smoothie but that's about it.
Alright, officially going to crash.
Gonna be mad at myself tomorrow morning. This post will say it's 11:50, at the moment is way passed 12. Actually passed 1. But that's okay cause I'm done with my skits so it's worth it.
You have no idea how weird it is to have them all done. Usually I still have yet to pick out half of them.
I blame it on the fact that I don't have my final numbers yet, which I don't. Got a phone call today from a kid wanting to know if they could still go. Which is fine cause that grade I didn't have to tweak anything. She's in 8th and I'm making them sing HeeHaw so it doesn't matter how big the group becomes. As long as they sing and sing loud.
Alright, moving on. Square!
You can add "Marry Me" the Glee cast version to my ever-growing list of songs Carter hates.
Met up with mom so she could take him while I'm gone.
For some bizarre reason he was actually okay with this one.
might be my new jam.
well, old jam brought back from the dead.
love the video, for serious cool stuff.
Alright, I'm out.
Have a good night/morning/day/whenever you're reading this
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Anywhere you go I'll follow you down...
The boyfriend is the official spider killer.
Cause we watched Arachnophobia and now I'm all paranoid.
Bad time to watch it for the first time as soon I'm off to camp for a week.
And there are bugs everywhere.
For once I'm grateful that I have a spaz for a cat.
Any little bug he's all over it, batting it around.
So he gets to sleep on my stomach tonight with no complaints from me.
Today was pretty big.
Promotion without the pay raise.
So I guess it's less of a promotion and more of a let's add more stress to CK's workload.
Wasn't the goal for this fall to have less stuff going on in life?
Working 40 hours, 3 master's classes, grad assistantship, boyfriend, camp fallout...I'm sure there's more but I'm blocking it out until after camp.
Anyway, more on the non-promotion later. When everything is official and all that.
Food Drive people came to pick up the barrels today. And I sent in all the proceeds from our loose change milkjugs so I am officially done!! Woohoo! Last year and everything, it's all on my apprentice now.
Lots more compliments on the food drive sculpture competition, most notably from our head of IT. He was in charge of the food drive a few years ago, said this brought in much more donations.
What else at work?
Updated the TAB form. Had a girl come in this morning specifically asking for one. That means I'm up to like 6 new members and all the paperwork to go with it.
Oh yeah, debated peaches vs. nectarines with big brother. I brought a peach this morning but big brother claimed it was a nectarine. Fearless Leader was the judge and confirmed the peach theory. But said it was a "low-fuzz peach" so it looked like a nectarine.
Didn't really matter as it tasted like crap so I didn't eat the whole thing anyway.
After work I headed out to the boyfriend's place. Drove around for a while, went to Walmart to pick up some stuff, then watched the movie.
Seriously paranoid.
Does anyone else get all itchy when they watch a movie about bugs or is that just me?
Alright, gotta sleep now.
Huge day tomorrow, gotta take Carter to the farmhouse, then gotta get back to write the rest of my skits and start packing, then on Thursday I'll be ready to go after work and will have time to grab all the stuff I will have forgotten to pack tomorrow.
Cause there's always something I'll forget.
Need the DVD's for teen camp.
Printer for skits.
Registration paperwork and lineup for counselors.
Print off the emailed registrations from the panicked mother that called me today.
It's not often you check your mail and cheer when you don't get any letters.
Though there's still tomorrow.
And Thursday before I leave.
Wouldn't be the first time.
Or the first year that kids just show up without registering at all.
That's why we have air mattresses.
And tents.
Which we're going to have to use for the second year in the row for the 4th grade boys.
But they fight over the spots in the tent so they'll be fine.
Alright, now really gotta crash. Turn on some Wipeout and wipeout myself.
Song you know but forgot you knew it:
"Follow You Down" Gin Blossoms
forgot to add this one, nutzo the squirrel made a repeat appearance.
what was more amusing were the 8 people - security guard and patron included - gathering around the window taking pictures of him.
The boyfriend is the official spider killer.
Cause we watched Arachnophobia and now I'm all paranoid.
Bad time to watch it for the first time as soon I'm off to camp for a week.
And there are bugs everywhere.
For once I'm grateful that I have a spaz for a cat.
Any little bug he's all over it, batting it around.
So he gets to sleep on my stomach tonight with no complaints from me.
Today was pretty big.
Promotion without the pay raise.
So I guess it's less of a promotion and more of a let's add more stress to CK's workload.
Wasn't the goal for this fall to have less stuff going on in life?
Working 40 hours, 3 master's classes, grad assistantship, boyfriend, camp fallout...I'm sure there's more but I'm blocking it out until after camp.
Anyway, more on the non-promotion later. When everything is official and all that.
Food Drive people came to pick up the barrels today. And I sent in all the proceeds from our loose change milkjugs so I am officially done!! Woohoo! Last year and everything, it's all on my apprentice now.
Lots more compliments on the food drive sculpture competition, most notably from our head of IT. He was in charge of the food drive a few years ago, said this brought in much more donations.
What else at work?
Updated the TAB form. Had a girl come in this morning specifically asking for one. That means I'm up to like 6 new members and all the paperwork to go with it.
Oh yeah, debated peaches vs. nectarines with big brother. I brought a peach this morning but big brother claimed it was a nectarine. Fearless Leader was the judge and confirmed the peach theory. But said it was a "low-fuzz peach" so it looked like a nectarine.
Didn't really matter as it tasted like crap so I didn't eat the whole thing anyway.
After work I headed out to the boyfriend's place. Drove around for a while, went to Walmart to pick up some stuff, then watched the movie.
Seriously paranoid.
Does anyone else get all itchy when they watch a movie about bugs or is that just me?
Alright, gotta sleep now.
Huge day tomorrow, gotta take Carter to the farmhouse, then gotta get back to write the rest of my skits and start packing, then on Thursday I'll be ready to go after work and will have time to grab all the stuff I will have forgotten to pack tomorrow.
Cause there's always something I'll forget.
Need the DVD's for teen camp.
Printer for skits.
Registration paperwork and lineup for counselors.
Print off the emailed registrations from the panicked mother that called me today.
It's not often you check your mail and cheer when you don't get any letters.
Though there's still tomorrow.
And Thursday before I leave.
Wouldn't be the first time.
Or the first year that kids just show up without registering at all.
That's why we have air mattresses.
And tents.
Which we're going to have to use for the second year in the row for the 4th grade boys.
But they fight over the spots in the tent so they'll be fine.
Alright, now really gotta crash. Turn on some Wipeout and wipeout myself.
Song you know but forgot you knew it:
"Follow You Down" Gin Blossoms

forgot to add this one, nutzo the squirrel made a repeat appearance.
what was more amusing were the 8 people - security guard and patron included - gathering around the window taking pictures of him.
Monday, July 23, 2012
"Cook with shoes on."
And we're done!!
Food Drive barrels are delivered to the branches to be picked up tomorrow morning, loose change milkjugs are counted, thank you's are sent out, and winners are determined.
Big day.
Proud to say the work branch dominated and won for most creative sculpture. The New Girl and Fearless Leader built a Very Hungry Caterpillar that represented the library and the food bank so the judges liked it.
We actually tied twice, once for the most donated - exact same amount as a different branch - and then again for most creative. We had to flip a coin - well, our fabulous Administrative Aide flipped the coin. I enjoy the third floorians, they are highly amusing and save me on multiple occasions per week.
They find it funny that I was coordinator for the Food Drive but I can't cook.
I told them my burned grilled cheese/slashed foot open story and their response was to "cook with shoes on."
If you haven't heard it go here: My Life in Closed Captions: Sketch and Edit Make Grilled Cheese
So, she flipped the coin, then I went in to talk to Boss's Boss's Boss as she is supplying the prizes.
She debated about what they should be, I said snackage was popular, but City/County is on this wellness kick so she thought baked goods would be bad for you.
I'll keep it a secret for now, though they'll figure it out on Thursday.
Since she's on a wellness kick, instead of the usual dishes of candy on her desk now she has bracelets and paperclips.
I got a Z bracelet.
It's pretty nifty.
I'm sure all my camp kids will be jealous.
So yes, I'm done. Made the winner announcements through email, got the smart people to upload all the pictures to the library's Facebook page, thanked the judges repeatedly, and gave a heads-up to the main people that the barrels are ready to be picked up.
Apparently we did pretty well cause we got the supervisors approval.
They were impressed with our sculpture idea and that it actually worked.
The branches got pretty into it so that was good. I was worried they'd think it was lame, but we had a caterpillar, a man walking a dog and cat, a hot air balloon, a robot, a castle... they were pretty impressive.
So, after all that and the joy that is the library came writing skits.
I'm almost done, basically just have 3 left. And they're all for small groups, which is interesting, cause it's usually bigger groups that I have trouble writing/finding for.
Sketch knows me far too well.
"I hate skits."
"You don't hate them, you love them, you hate trying to write them."
But I'm bringing back some of the classics, tankety-tank-tank, heehaw, enlarging machine, so that took care of a few of them.
Tomorrow I'm heading out to see the boyfriend, Wednesday I'm taking the cat to the farmhouse, and Thursday I'm headed to camp so I'm gonna be working on the rest of them over lunch breaks. I have some ideas just nothing finalized. It won't take too long.
And if all else fails I'll wait 'til Thursday night - like usual - and get ideas from the counselors who show up early.
Camp doesn't start until Friday with a mandatory counselor meeting in the morning before registration, but a bunch of us go out there early to get stuff set up.
I'm sure you'll get a giant entry when I get back, similar to last year's: My Life in Closed Captions: Camp J 2011 Highlights
And a list of skits the next day.
Alright, out for the night.
Song of the day:
"Brain Stew/Jaded" Green Day
on my own, here we go.
Food Drive barrels are delivered to the branches to be picked up tomorrow morning, loose change milkjugs are counted, thank you's are sent out, and winners are determined.
Big day.
Proud to say the work branch dominated and won for most creative sculpture. The New Girl and Fearless Leader built a Very Hungry Caterpillar that represented the library and the food bank so the judges liked it.
We actually tied twice, once for the most donated - exact same amount as a different branch - and then again for most creative. We had to flip a coin - well, our fabulous Administrative Aide flipped the coin. I enjoy the third floorians, they are highly amusing and save me on multiple occasions per week.
They find it funny that I was coordinator for the Food Drive but I can't cook.
I told them my burned grilled cheese/slashed foot open story and their response was to "cook with shoes on."
If you haven't heard it go here: My Life in Closed Captions: Sketch and Edit Make Grilled Cheese
So, she flipped the coin, then I went in to talk to Boss's Boss's Boss as she is supplying the prizes.
She debated about what they should be, I said snackage was popular, but City/County is on this wellness kick so she thought baked goods would be bad for you.
I'll keep it a secret for now, though they'll figure it out on Thursday.
Since she's on a wellness kick, instead of the usual dishes of candy on her desk now she has bracelets and paperclips.
I got a Z bracelet.
It's pretty nifty.
I'm sure all my camp kids will be jealous.
So yes, I'm done. Made the winner announcements through email, got the smart people to upload all the pictures to the library's Facebook page, thanked the judges repeatedly, and gave a heads-up to the main people that the barrels are ready to be picked up.
Apparently we did pretty well cause we got the supervisors approval.
They were impressed with our sculpture idea and that it actually worked.
The branches got pretty into it so that was good. I was worried they'd think it was lame, but we had a caterpillar, a man walking a dog and cat, a hot air balloon, a robot, a castle... they were pretty impressive.
So, after all that and the joy that is the library came writing skits.
I'm almost done, basically just have 3 left. And they're all for small groups, which is interesting, cause it's usually bigger groups that I have trouble writing/finding for.
Sketch knows me far too well.
"I hate skits."
"You don't hate them, you love them, you hate trying to write them."
But I'm bringing back some of the classics, tankety-tank-tank, heehaw, enlarging machine, so that took care of a few of them.
Tomorrow I'm heading out to see the boyfriend, Wednesday I'm taking the cat to the farmhouse, and Thursday I'm headed to camp so I'm gonna be working on the rest of them over lunch breaks. I have some ideas just nothing finalized. It won't take too long.
And if all else fails I'll wait 'til Thursday night - like usual - and get ideas from the counselors who show up early.
Camp doesn't start until Friday with a mandatory counselor meeting in the morning before registration, but a bunch of us go out there early to get stuff set up.
I'm sure you'll get a giant entry when I get back, similar to last year's: My Life in Closed Captions: Camp J 2011 Highlights
And a list of skits the next day.
Alright, out for the night.
Song of the day:
"Brain Stew/Jaded" Green Day
on my own, here we go.
brain stew,
camp j,
dave chappell,
food drive,
green day,
make grilled cheese,
Sunday, July 22, 2012
don't hand me no lines and keep your hands to yourself...
Saw some old friends at church this morning.
Kid I grew up with who's getting married soon and my Delayed...Reaction partner who is going to make a teen camp appearance, but just for a day. Probably not enough time to write a song and film it, but it'll still be fun to jam out for a while.
We didn't write a song last year, as he is all grown up and married now I'll have to find a new partner and revamp D...R.
Cause it's just not D...R without him.
He's the Hamilton to my Jane Fraser, seriously man.
Anyway, after that was the extended family extravaganza.
And I'm awful because I could maybe tell you the names of about 10 people there total and they all sat at my table.
Except my great aunt.
But we had fun, joked around with my brother, favorite (and only) sister-in-law and their kids, plus my mentor, parentals, and my uncle the artist and his wife.
Gotta send a shout-out his way as he actually reads this thing.
Got some good advice from him and his wife today about the stress madness that will be this fall/spring.
I'll get through it, got a lot of people rooting for me.
After that it was all HeeHaw.
For serious, I went home and worked on skits and then Dad got there and was like, "I taped a bunch of HeeHaw episodes and have them set up for you."
He neglected to mention that "a bunch" meant 62 episodes, all set so that when I hit play they immediately started the "where oh where" skit.
He either really loves me or he really loves HeeHaw.
I got through about half of them and left with about 15 minutes of HeeHaw recordings on my phone.
It would have been 20 but my phone went, "seriously?" and decided to freeze instead.
Anyway, spent about an hour listening and typing them up, plus transcribing the ones that Dad had already written out.
I didn't know it was possible to have worse handwriting than my own.
Even Mentor makes fun of my handwriting and she was the one that taught me how to write in the first place!!
My Kindergarten-like 3rd grade teacher (plus art and english after that) now turned fellow camp Skits & Worship leader.
Who keeps wanting to pass the baton, but I will have none of it.
Cause she will forever be the mentor.
We attempted to write a song last year and ended up with just another verse to "Oh Lord of Light".
You can read 2G's version of that here: My Life in Closed Captions: 2G's version of Oh Lord of Light
Not the one we taught the kids, but it's the one that 2G took away from the experience.
Not the one we taught the kids, but it's the one that 2G took away from the experience.
Speaking of 2G, the golf tourney is quickly approaching. It's on man, we practiced and everything. I even bought some tall tees and bright yellow Spongebob golf balls.
Because he annoys me which will motivate me to beat him to a pulp and hit him farther.
Alright, I'm all skits'd out. I'll finish them tomorrow.
Or the next day.
Or Thursday night like always.
But that's okay cause I'll be there earlier this year and I'll bring my printer like last year. So much easier to pass out copies when you have more than one.
"Keep Your Hands To Yourself" Georgia Satellites
song just reminds me of Sweet Home Alabama
"you have a baby. in a bar."
"you have a baby. in a bar."
Gonna turn on some Wipeout and crash.
You can take the girl out of the honky tonk, but you can't take the honky tonk out of the girl.
You can take the girl out of the honky tonk, but you can't take the honky tonk out of the girl.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Well, the party never stops on Selina Kyle's answering machine.
Saw the Dark Knight Rises tonight.
Was pretty good.
A little long, but pretty good.
Scale of Awesome says about a 8.5/10.
The boyfriend predicted the ending, of course. He does that a lot cause he's smart like that.
But I liked it.
Spoiler alert so if you don't want them then don't read them.
Brought a lot of past characters into this one so that was amusing. Though their choice of villain was a little random. I was expecting him to be scarier, his voice threw me off. I thought it would be deeper and more threatening.
But then again Christian Bale's voice is supposed to be all deep and threatening so maybe they decided to go a different way.
Interesting twist that Catwoman was actually not such a bad chick in this one.
And Anne Hathaway pulled the role off, despite her earlier rejection of the character.
She thought that Michelle Pfeiffer was the ultimate Catwoman, and initially thought she would play someone else.
But she did alright. The thought of her and Steve Carell as action stars made me laugh in Get Smart, but actually she can be pretty badass. Even as Agent 99.
Christian Bale was great as always. I like this interpretation of the Batman series, though I wish there would be more. Especially with the way they ended it.
Glad they brought back the whole cast in this one, unlike the Katie Holmes vs. Maggie Gyllenhaal with the other two.
Anyway, I'd see it again before it leaves the theater.
I'm a big fan of Joseph Gordon Levitt so it was cool to see him in this one.
Apparently it was like an Inception reunion, which of course I haven't seen. Me being the only person on the planet, I know, it's on my list.
It did amuse me greatly that Will Lamontagne was Bane's right hand man.
Alright, had a big day. Went around to take pictures of all the sculptures. One judge has already placed their vote, just waiting on the second and then the Library Director's if it's a tie.
All I have left for that is to pick everything up on Monday, send in the stuff and I'm done!
After that it was camp central but we got a lot done and now all I have to do is write skits.
And fast as I leave like Thursday.
Only like 6 to write, I can do that. I'll come up with something.
Church tomorrow and a reunion so I should crash.
Every time I come home there seems to be something going on.
Geez man, Grand Central Station.
"Bad Case of Loving You" Robert Palmer
Was pretty good.
A little long, but pretty good.
Scale of Awesome says about a 8.5/10.
The boyfriend predicted the ending, of course. He does that a lot cause he's smart like that.
But I liked it.
Spoiler alert so if you don't want them then don't read them.
Brought a lot of past characters into this one so that was amusing. Though their choice of villain was a little random. I was expecting him to be scarier, his voice threw me off. I thought it would be deeper and more threatening.
But then again Christian Bale's voice is supposed to be all deep and threatening so maybe they decided to go a different way.
Interesting twist that Catwoman was actually not such a bad chick in this one.
And Anne Hathaway pulled the role off, despite her earlier rejection of the character.
She thought that Michelle Pfeiffer was the ultimate Catwoman, and initially thought she would play someone else.
But she did alright. The thought of her and Steve Carell as action stars made me laugh in Get Smart, but actually she can be pretty badass. Even as Agent 99.
Christian Bale was great as always. I like this interpretation of the Batman series, though I wish there would be more. Especially with the way they ended it.
Glad they brought back the whole cast in this one, unlike the Katie Holmes vs. Maggie Gyllenhaal with the other two.
Anyway, I'd see it again before it leaves the theater.
I'm a big fan of Joseph Gordon Levitt so it was cool to see him in this one.
Apparently it was like an Inception reunion, which of course I haven't seen. Me being the only person on the planet, I know, it's on my list.
It did amuse me greatly that Will Lamontagne was Bane's right hand man.
Alright, had a big day. Went around to take pictures of all the sculptures. One judge has already placed their vote, just waiting on the second and then the Library Director's if it's a tie.
All I have left for that is to pick everything up on Monday, send in the stuff and I'm done!
After that it was camp central but we got a lot done and now all I have to do is write skits.
And fast as I leave like Thursday.
Only like 6 to write, I can do that. I'll come up with something.
Church tomorrow and a reunion so I should crash.
Every time I come home there seems to be something going on.
Geez man, Grand Central Station.
"Bad Case of Loving You" Robert Palmer
Friday, July 20, 2012
here with you, here with me.
Damnit, Hardison!
Finally caught up on Leverage. Finished the fourth season whilst working on camp stuff.
That's called multi-tasking.
Now I'm on to Wipeout so I can sleep.
Gotta say, I miss Jill but really don't mind this Lachey chick so much. Though I did totally miss that he got remarried.
Not that I was big into 98 degrees. More about the Spice Girls and NSync.
Today seemed to fly by, that's probably cause I got to sleep in and didn't go in until noon. Woohoo!
Was a quiet day, not sure if it was caused by the Batman movie tragedy or the weather. Either totally suck.
I haven't checked on it for a while, did he explain why he did it?
Other than the fact that he's the Joker?
The role only belongs to one man and he's already dead.
Stuff like that is awful. I just don't understand it.
My cat keeps biting me.
I know that that problem is small potatoes compared to what else is going on in the world but it's still obnoxious.
The water bottle did work for a while but now he's not phased.
It's annoying.
Excited for the shortened day tomorrow, mostly cause I get to take pictures of the Food Drive sculptures. Cause I'm nerdy like that. Will probably upload some if possible.
After that it'll be more camp stuff.
I know this post is total crap, I'm sure I'll have plenty of quotes tomorrow.
I'm on it.
Just for you.
Here, have some more useless information:
-X's on letters originated as crosses back in the 1000's. When lords would sign their names they would kiss the cross after signing to signify they were faithful to god and their king. Over time it slanted to x's.
-Each deck of cards represents a major pillar or economy in the Middle Ages: Heart is church, Spades is military, Clubs agriculture and Diamonds merchants.
-Most of American car horns honk in the key of F.
-Most toilets flush in E flat.
-It is estimated that millions of trees are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury acorns and forget where they buried them.
-There are three other versions under the current Mona Lisa.
-There is such thing as coffee-flavored PEZ.
-Honey is the only food that won't spoil.
-According to US laws a beer commercial can never show a person actually drinking a beer.
I'm doubtful about that last one, but come to think of it I don't remember anyone drinking one during a 30 second segment.
Will have to look into that.
And here's some fun quotes from Rocket Power just cause I can
-"that should be on the to-don't list."
-"you're like a sixth finger. it just gets in the way and it's kinda freakish."
-"i pulled a bobby brady, dude!"
could have sworn this one was titled "these are the moments" but maybe that's just cause it was our prom theme.
or cause she repeats it a lot.
yes, prom theme.
the one the boyfriend took me to senior year.
drove the tbird as it's his favorite.
i like the vette, but me and my then boyfriend drove it the year before so had to switch it up.
he lived in fear of my mother driving his car back to his house.
he's kind of a car nut.
but that's okay, i like my boys geeky.
Speaking of geeks I should crash while I can. Big day tomorrow.
Finally caught up on Leverage. Finished the fourth season whilst working on camp stuff.
That's called multi-tasking.
Now I'm on to Wipeout so I can sleep.
Gotta say, I miss Jill but really don't mind this Lachey chick so much. Though I did totally miss that he got remarried.
Not that I was big into 98 degrees. More about the Spice Girls and NSync.
Today seemed to fly by, that's probably cause I got to sleep in and didn't go in until noon. Woohoo!
Was a quiet day, not sure if it was caused by the Batman movie tragedy or the weather. Either totally suck.
I haven't checked on it for a while, did he explain why he did it?
Other than the fact that he's the Joker?
The role only belongs to one man and he's already dead.
Stuff like that is awful. I just don't understand it.
My cat keeps biting me.
I know that that problem is small potatoes compared to what else is going on in the world but it's still obnoxious.
The water bottle did work for a while but now he's not phased.
It's annoying.
Excited for the shortened day tomorrow, mostly cause I get to take pictures of the Food Drive sculptures. Cause I'm nerdy like that. Will probably upload some if possible.
After that it'll be more camp stuff.
I know this post is total crap, I'm sure I'll have plenty of quotes tomorrow.
I'm on it.
Just for you.
Here, have some more useless information:
-X's on letters originated as crosses back in the 1000's. When lords would sign their names they would kiss the cross after signing to signify they were faithful to god and their king. Over time it slanted to x's.
-Each deck of cards represents a major pillar or economy in the Middle Ages: Heart is church, Spades is military, Clubs agriculture and Diamonds merchants.
-Most of American car horns honk in the key of F.
-Most toilets flush in E flat.
-It is estimated that millions of trees are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury acorns and forget where they buried them.
-There are three other versions under the current Mona Lisa.
-There is such thing as coffee-flavored PEZ.
-Honey is the only food that won't spoil.
-According to US laws a beer commercial can never show a person actually drinking a beer.
I'm doubtful about that last one, but come to think of it I don't remember anyone drinking one during a 30 second segment.
Will have to look into that.
And here's some fun quotes from Rocket Power just cause I can
-"that should be on the to-don't list."
-"you're like a sixth finger. it just gets in the way and it's kinda freakish."
-"i pulled a bobby brady, dude!"
could have sworn this one was titled "these are the moments" but maybe that's just cause it was our prom theme.
or cause she repeats it a lot.
yes, prom theme.
the one the boyfriend took me to senior year.
drove the tbird as it's his favorite.
i like the vette, but me and my then boyfriend drove it the year before so had to switch it up.
he lived in fear of my mother driving his car back to his house.
he's kind of a car nut.
but that's okay, i like my boys geeky.
Speaking of geeks I should crash while I can. Big day tomorrow.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Hey, Macarena.
Quote of the day:
Overheard at the library: "We've got nuts."
Yes, we do.
Got my evaluation today.
And a raise.
Apparently I have confidence.
And bring personality to the job.
Told you.
Mad skills.
Just stoked I get to keep my TAB kids and all that.
More time in the basement today looking for tools. But it didn't take long to install the other organizers once we got the mallet in play. Yay!
Cleaned out a couple of desks, can actually find things now so that's helpful.
Spent some time on third using the guillotine. They sent me back with food. I work on the wrong floor, seriously.
Made some progress on the new booklist as well.
So it was a pretty productive day.
Stoked to sleep in tomorrow morning, but in order for that to happen I need to actually sleep first.
Song of the night and I'm out:
"Take Your Mama Out" Brown Derbies
i did give your forewarning there would be more.
i especially love the random macarena. that's fantastic.
Overheard at the library: "We've got nuts."
Yes, we do.
Got my evaluation today.
And a raise.
Apparently I have confidence.
And bring personality to the job.
Told you.
Mad skills.
Just stoked I get to keep my TAB kids and all that.
More time in the basement today looking for tools. But it didn't take long to install the other organizers once we got the mallet in play. Yay!
Cleaned out a couple of desks, can actually find things now so that's helpful.
Spent some time on third using the guillotine. They sent me back with food. I work on the wrong floor, seriously.
Made some progress on the new booklist as well.
So it was a pretty productive day.
Stoked to sleep in tomorrow morning, but in order for that to happen I need to actually sleep first.
Song of the night and I'm out:
"Take Your Mama Out" Brown Derbies
i did give your forewarning there would be more.
i especially love the random macarena. that's fantastic.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Where do you think you're going, baby?
Sometimes I forget that people I know read this thing.
Don't worry, it won't happen again.
Today was great.
Literally great.
Had a lot of fun, especially with the awesome females in the building. Not that my male coworkers weren't fun, there was just a lot of random female bonding throughout the day.
Mostly about frustration.
Um, see I'm in charge of supplies and BossLady had me order some of those drawer organizer things with the compartments. And they came in and we have three of them. So we went to install the first one and realized that it was too big to fit in the drawer.
Even though we measured before we ordered them. I guess the edges were too thick.
I wanted to go grab the mallet that's in the cabinet and just make them fit but she refused.
Instead she found a way to get rid of the back side of the drawer so it would fit.
Unfortunately, in order to take that side off we'd need a philip's head screwdriver which according to the Little Shelver Boy didn't exist in the building as he had looked previously.
But we were on a mission, and I had to find one - mostly because he told me we wouldn't - so we searched the headquarters of Buildings and Grounds. When we had a Buildings and Grounds crew. Which now we don't so it's like the former headquarters. And it's like a tool junkies dream. Except it's a pit so BossLady and I are thinking about cleaning it out.
Cause that would be fun.
Yes, we're weird like that.
Anyway, so we searched the place high and low - literally - and it's seriously a tool shop. It's storage for shelves and pretty much everything electric, but there was a not a single phillip's head screwdriver in the entire room.
So, as I wouldn't admit defeat, I ran - well road - upstairs to the fantastic people on the third floor and asked if they had any.
And they did!
Saved me.
They do that a lot.
I go up there probably twice daily flailing mostly about supplies, but a lot of Summer Reading stuff as well.
Anyway, so I grabbed a couple, brought them down, BossLady took off the back part and it still wouldn't fit cause there were like brackets. And you can't take off the brackets cause you need them to hold the metal things.
Then, as fate would have it, at that exact moment one of my flailees - aka the magician - walks by, and she knew about the organizers cause she's my supply supervisor who I order everything through and she's like "you pull and i'll push" and they barely got it to fit, then smashed it in and claimed victory.
I was sad I couldn't use the mallet but hey, it works.
And now we get to do two more tomorrow morning.
Cause just the one took an hour.
Also tomorrow my fate is decided, sort of, as they're going over my evaluation with me.
So I probably shouldn't talk about it now.
Though it wasn't bad, but still should probably wait on that.
After that whole escapade came the awesomeness that is Fearless Leader and me figuring out damages stuff.
Cause there's a process and we're changing things. I'll get to that more later.
Anyway, she's leaving so she's passing off all her smarts to me. Tricks of the trade. I will seriously miss that woman, she's great. And we're all crying inside, even the ones upstairs who don't work with her on a regular basis.
But we're making booze cakes again before she leaves so we're sending her out in style.
After work it was more camp stuff. 4 phone calls in 2 hours, plus a bunch of emails and crap! I still gotta upload that graphic, woops. Do that when I post this.
I'm trying to assemble some skits, I kind of have working numbers now since camp is like, holy crap soon, anyway I always put them off until last minute and I have enough crap to deal with once I'm there so I need to get at least half done by the end of the week.
People are requesting the repeat of Tankety-Tank-Tank since apparently enough years have passed and what's funny is that the 5th graders that did it previously are teen helper age now. And since I have one of them in a cabin with 5th graders and it's the kid that played Zammerman I was thinking about having their cabin do it and he can show him how it's done.
7th and 8th graders will sing HeeHaw so as soon as I get the verses down that just leaves me with 7 skits to write and I can come up with those.
I hope.
At the moment I'm a bit blocked, but it's a work in progress.
Anyway, I should crash as it is almost midnight and I need to be semi-conscious tomorrow as it's sort of a big day with the BossLady and Superwoman.
Alright, watch this.
I'm serious.
Watch this.
I found it at noon and it had 2,000 some hits, right now it's at like 3 million.
Someone took clips from all the Star Wars movies and clipped them so it sings "Call Me Maybe" by what's her name. Carly Rae Jepsen. yeah.
It's freakin' awesome.
They showed it to George Lucas and he loved it.
i'm sorry, but i just laugh everytime Obi-Wan says "maybe"
tone of voice.
won't be able to watch it the same way again.
love the random creature shots when they couldn't find matching lyrics.
"it's a trap!"
Don't worry, it won't happen again.
Today was great.
Literally great.
Had a lot of fun, especially with the awesome females in the building. Not that my male coworkers weren't fun, there was just a lot of random female bonding throughout the day.
Mostly about frustration.
Um, see I'm in charge of supplies and BossLady had me order some of those drawer organizer things with the compartments. And they came in and we have three of them. So we went to install the first one and realized that it was too big to fit in the drawer.
Even though we measured before we ordered them. I guess the edges were too thick.
I wanted to go grab the mallet that's in the cabinet and just make them fit but she refused.
Instead she found a way to get rid of the back side of the drawer so it would fit.
Unfortunately, in order to take that side off we'd need a philip's head screwdriver which according to the Little Shelver Boy didn't exist in the building as he had looked previously.
But we were on a mission, and I had to find one - mostly because he told me we wouldn't - so we searched the headquarters of Buildings and Grounds. When we had a Buildings and Grounds crew. Which now we don't so it's like the former headquarters. And it's like a tool junkies dream. Except it's a pit so BossLady and I are thinking about cleaning it out.
Cause that would be fun.
Yes, we're weird like that.
Anyway, so we searched the place high and low - literally - and it's seriously a tool shop. It's storage for shelves and pretty much everything electric, but there was a not a single phillip's head screwdriver in the entire room.
So, as I wouldn't admit defeat, I ran - well road - upstairs to the fantastic people on the third floor and asked if they had any.
And they did!
Saved me.
They do that a lot.
I go up there probably twice daily flailing mostly about supplies, but a lot of Summer Reading stuff as well.
Anyway, so I grabbed a couple, brought them down, BossLady took off the back part and it still wouldn't fit cause there were like brackets. And you can't take off the brackets cause you need them to hold the metal things.
Then, as fate would have it, at that exact moment one of my flailees - aka the magician - walks by, and she knew about the organizers cause she's my supply supervisor who I order everything through and she's like "you pull and i'll push" and they barely got it to fit, then smashed it in and claimed victory.
I was sad I couldn't use the mallet but hey, it works.
And now we get to do two more tomorrow morning.
Cause just the one took an hour.
Also tomorrow my fate is decided, sort of, as they're going over my evaluation with me.
So I probably shouldn't talk about it now.
Though it wasn't bad, but still should probably wait on that.
After that whole escapade came the awesomeness that is Fearless Leader and me figuring out damages stuff.
Cause there's a process and we're changing things. I'll get to that more later.
Anyway, she's leaving so she's passing off all her smarts to me. Tricks of the trade. I will seriously miss that woman, she's great. And we're all crying inside, even the ones upstairs who don't work with her on a regular basis.
But we're making booze cakes again before she leaves so we're sending her out in style.
After work it was more camp stuff. 4 phone calls in 2 hours, plus a bunch of emails and crap! I still gotta upload that graphic, woops. Do that when I post this.
I'm trying to assemble some skits, I kind of have working numbers now since camp is like, holy crap soon, anyway I always put them off until last minute and I have enough crap to deal with once I'm there so I need to get at least half done by the end of the week.
People are requesting the repeat of Tankety-Tank-Tank since apparently enough years have passed and what's funny is that the 5th graders that did it previously are teen helper age now. And since I have one of them in a cabin with 5th graders and it's the kid that played Zammerman I was thinking about having their cabin do it and he can show him how it's done.
7th and 8th graders will sing HeeHaw so as soon as I get the verses down that just leaves me with 7 skits to write and I can come up with those.
I hope.
At the moment I'm a bit blocked, but it's a work in progress.
Anyway, I should crash as it is almost midnight and I need to be semi-conscious tomorrow as it's sort of a big day with the BossLady and Superwoman.
Alright, watch this.
I'm serious.
Watch this.
I found it at noon and it had 2,000 some hits, right now it's at like 3 million.
Someone took clips from all the Star Wars movies and clipped them so it sings "Call Me Maybe" by what's her name. Carly Rae Jepsen. yeah.
It's freakin' awesome.
They showed it to George Lucas and he loved it.
i'm sorry, but i just laugh everytime Obi-Wan says "maybe"
tone of voice.
won't be able to watch it the same way again.
love the random creature shots when they couldn't find matching lyrics.
"it's a trap!"
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Roller coasters, Holy Roller, I got shot down in Southern California.
Okay, so I went to Bubby's game to get out of my head.
And then they lost.
So now I'm back in my head.
And I usually don't do this on here.
Like ever.
But I guess there's a first time for everything.
So here goes.
I'm freaked out.
But I don't say it.
Cause it's just weak, and then people all think that I'm a kid and I can't handle stuff.
So I've become good at faking like everything is fine.
Cause who wants to put up with whiney Meredith Grey every day, really?
But everything is fine.
Right now.
It's the fall that's making me freak out.
Here's the thing, end of August means I'll be taking three classes with mass amounts of projects due in all of them. One of which is online so that means I will constantly be adding to discussion groups and forums and all that crap.
August also means that I will be Grad Assistant for the Library Goddess. So I'll be doing a bunch of newsletters, and meeting people and going to conferences, etc. And I'm supposed to do the Grad Assistant thing Fall Semester and Spring Semester meaning August-May.
Also in August I'll be dealing with the post-camp process aka making sure everything gets back to where it needs to be stored, sending out thank you letters, combining all the pictures that were taken on to one massive CD, burning copies and sending them to the all the kids.
Post-camp will be cake, that'll just take a couple weeks and we can do that before school starts. However, pre-camp never officially ends until we're actually at camp. Then it starts up again immediately after to plan for next year.
Then there's work. I work 40 hours a week at the library and don't plan on that ending anytime soon. I finally got used to it there and feel like I'm in the right place.
And I have a boyfriend. Who works nights. And he probably will for a while so we're working around that.
So here is my freak out moment.
That's a lot of stuff.
Working 9-6 every day doesn't exactly leave time for a lot of other stuff.
Something's gonna have to give.
It ain't gonna be the boyfriend, cause I'm in love with him and he is my priority.
And if people don't like that then they're gonna have to get over themselves cause it's my life and that's how I feel.
I'm also not giving up Camp J.
I know that that may be the logical choice, but seriously, camp gets me through the day. I look forward to that, I don't care if the planning for it flips my life upside down, it's worth it. It makes me happy. It's the biggest thing I look forward to every year. And I'm a lifer so it's gonna stay that way for a long long time.
Work is important to me. Pretty sure I've proven that on a regular basis. I like my job, I like my coworkers - the thought that Fearless Leader is leaving us for Kansas makes me cry inside - but I don't plan on leaving anytime soon.
And I'm paying my own way through Grad School so that shows that it is important to me as well.
So, since I can't give up any of those things it's just gonna be sleep that doesn't happen.
Which is fine, I've done that before.
But the problem is when I don't get enough sleep I get all messed up, similar to my mindstate at the moment.
Though I'm guessing that is true for most people.
A few months ago I talked to a former Grad Assistant and she said she slept maybe 4-5 hours a night. But I thought that was because she had a family and a life and all that. She said I could handle it for a semester. I told her I was doing it for two and she told me good luck.
I don't know what to do in this situation.
I'm sure it will be fine.
And even if it's not fine, I'll make it fine. Or seem fine. Or be fine. Cause that's what I do best.
I'm probably just freaking out over nothing.
Like I said I'm in my head and right now everything is just overwhelming and blah.
All I know is that I'm gonna get through the rest of this week, go in for 2 hours on Saturday, take pictures of the sculptures, send them to the judges, head out to G-Town for the camp meeting and literally just go home to the farmhouse after and stay for the rest of the weekend.
I think I just need to get away from here for a day.
And I really want to see my boyfriend at some point as I probably won't get to during the week.
When Vegas comes in November I'm gonna be ready for it.
I'm probably just overreacting to everything.
I'm sure it will be fine and I'll have a lot of support along the way.
So, now to distract myself from the madness that is me I'm going to watch something that I like and konk out along the way.
Like Leverage season four.
Just got it tonight as it came out today.
But first, fun and exciting music to distract me from the innerworkings of my twisted mind.
Random combination I'm aware.
"Good Time" Leroy
"and now that you're living on the hill i hope that you're social life doesn't get you killed, no!"
oh my god this version is fantastic, almost as good as original recording.
give him a shot. seriously.
i wanna learn how to play guitar like that.
"Hail Holy Queen" Sister Act
so funny to see her now as Kate's sister on NCIS.
Okay, other good stuff. Um?
Finished last night's episode of the Closer. *spoiler alert*
It's not looking good for Gabriel, I'm beginning to think Sensei is right about him being the mole.
Cause he's not in the previews for the spinoff and everyone else is - minus Brenda and that's cause Kyra wanted out, hence the need for a spinoff.
I'm guessing she dies in a shootout with Stroh in the finale. Cause Fritz is in the spinoff and she's not.
And why wouldn't he go with her is she was transferred somewhere else?
I know that would be horribly horribly depressing, but from the previews and the interviews that I've watched they're making it out to be this huge tragic ending.
Should make for an interesting couple of episodes. This week's was pretty funny, I enjoyed that. It's always Flynn and Provensa that screw up. They make me laugh.
Alright, out for the night.
And then they lost.
So now I'm back in my head.
And I usually don't do this on here.
Like ever.
But I guess there's a first time for everything.
So here goes.
I'm freaked out.
But I don't say it.
Cause it's just weak, and then people all think that I'm a kid and I can't handle stuff.
So I've become good at faking like everything is fine.
Cause who wants to put up with whiney Meredith Grey every day, really?
But everything is fine.
Right now.
It's the fall that's making me freak out.
Here's the thing, end of August means I'll be taking three classes with mass amounts of projects due in all of them. One of which is online so that means I will constantly be adding to discussion groups and forums and all that crap.
August also means that I will be Grad Assistant for the Library Goddess. So I'll be doing a bunch of newsletters, and meeting people and going to conferences, etc. And I'm supposed to do the Grad Assistant thing Fall Semester and Spring Semester meaning August-May.
Also in August I'll be dealing with the post-camp process aka making sure everything gets back to where it needs to be stored, sending out thank you letters, combining all the pictures that were taken on to one massive CD, burning copies and sending them to the all the kids.
Post-camp will be cake, that'll just take a couple weeks and we can do that before school starts. However, pre-camp never officially ends until we're actually at camp. Then it starts up again immediately after to plan for next year.
Then there's work. I work 40 hours a week at the library and don't plan on that ending anytime soon. I finally got used to it there and feel like I'm in the right place.
And I have a boyfriend. Who works nights. And he probably will for a while so we're working around that.
So here is my freak out moment.
That's a lot of stuff.
Working 9-6 every day doesn't exactly leave time for a lot of other stuff.
Something's gonna have to give.
It ain't gonna be the boyfriend, cause I'm in love with him and he is my priority.
And if people don't like that then they're gonna have to get over themselves cause it's my life and that's how I feel.
I'm also not giving up Camp J.
I know that that may be the logical choice, but seriously, camp gets me through the day. I look forward to that, I don't care if the planning for it flips my life upside down, it's worth it. It makes me happy. It's the biggest thing I look forward to every year. And I'm a lifer so it's gonna stay that way for a long long time.
Work is important to me. Pretty sure I've proven that on a regular basis. I like my job, I like my coworkers - the thought that Fearless Leader is leaving us for Kansas makes me cry inside - but I don't plan on leaving anytime soon.
And I'm paying my own way through Grad School so that shows that it is important to me as well.
So, since I can't give up any of those things it's just gonna be sleep that doesn't happen.
Which is fine, I've done that before.
But the problem is when I don't get enough sleep I get all messed up, similar to my mindstate at the moment.
Though I'm guessing that is true for most people.
A few months ago I talked to a former Grad Assistant and she said she slept maybe 4-5 hours a night. But I thought that was because she had a family and a life and all that. She said I could handle it for a semester. I told her I was doing it for two and she told me good luck.
I don't know what to do in this situation.
I'm sure it will be fine.
And even if it's not fine, I'll make it fine. Or seem fine. Or be fine. Cause that's what I do best.
I'm probably just freaking out over nothing.
Like I said I'm in my head and right now everything is just overwhelming and blah.
All I know is that I'm gonna get through the rest of this week, go in for 2 hours on Saturday, take pictures of the sculptures, send them to the judges, head out to G-Town for the camp meeting and literally just go home to the farmhouse after and stay for the rest of the weekend.
I think I just need to get away from here for a day.
And I really want to see my boyfriend at some point as I probably won't get to during the week.
When Vegas comes in November I'm gonna be ready for it.
I'm probably just overreacting to everything.
I'm sure it will be fine and I'll have a lot of support along the way.
So, now to distract myself from the madness that is me I'm going to watch something that I like and konk out along the way.
Like Leverage season four.
Just got it tonight as it came out today.
But first, fun and exciting music to distract me from the innerworkings of my twisted mind.
Random combination I'm aware.
"Good Time" Leroy
"and now that you're living on the hill i hope that you're social life doesn't get you killed, no!"
oh my god this version is fantastic, almost as good as original recording.
give him a shot. seriously.
i wanna learn how to play guitar like that.
"Hail Holy Queen" Sister Act
so funny to see her now as Kate's sister on NCIS.
Okay, other good stuff. Um?
Finished last night's episode of the Closer. *spoiler alert*
It's not looking good for Gabriel, I'm beginning to think Sensei is right about him being the mole.
Cause he's not in the previews for the spinoff and everyone else is - minus Brenda and that's cause Kyra wanted out, hence the need for a spinoff.
I'm guessing she dies in a shootout with Stroh in the finale. Cause Fritz is in the spinoff and she's not.
And why wouldn't he go with her is she was transferred somewhere else?
I know that would be horribly horribly depressing, but from the previews and the interviews that I've watched they're making it out to be this huge tragic ending.
Should make for an interesting couple of episodes. This week's was pretty funny, I enjoyed that. It's always Flynn and Provensa that screw up. They make me laugh.
Alright, out for the night.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Dick Cheney, Vampire Slayer
Hit up "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" with the "oh wise one" aka my smart Valedictorian friend from high school.
She reminded me that the last movie we saw together was another Sci-Fi wait-what-just-happened movie way back in like 2006ish. Though you may remember it as X-Men 3: The Last Stand.
Afterwards we walked around town and talked about tennis, and we did the same tonight.
Our plan originally was to at some point get together and play tennis. I suck and the last time I remember actually playing tennis was in grade school. And the majority of that PE class was spent running.
Cause I'd hit the ball over the fence.
Not the net, the fence surrounding the courts.
Then Schomberg was like, "go get it."
So I'd go get it, bring it back, and hit it over the fence again.
But I blame that on the Williams sisters.
Though I don't think many people can blame bad tennis playing on the Williams sisters.
My excuse is that I feel the need to like slam the ball really hard cause you have to have that whole grunt factor thing - who doesn't watch tennis just to hear them grunt repeatedly? - but! apparently if you hit the ball too hard it will fly over the fence.
Especially if you're a grade schooler with no aim cause you never play tennis.
Where was I going with this?
Oh right, I suck, but she's good. And now I live in a apartment complex with a tennis court. And we have rackets, so we are going to attempt to play some tennis. At some point in the future.
And these courts have high fences so I think I'll be okay.
Running these streets would be obnoxious cause it's just houses and they have dogs and blah.
So I'll use that as motivation.
Anyway, so Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - we figured if it sucked we'd sit in the back and make colored commentary. But actually it was quite entertaining.
why yes, that is johnny cash.
Scale of Awesome isn't quite sure how to rate it, but I think I'd put it around a 7/10. Ish.
I don't know, not something I'd see again, but the premise was so interesting that I had to see how they could make such a random and out there storyline work.
Though I don't quite believe that vampires fought in the Civil War.
It did have a cool historical aspect to it.
And she's smart so she's like, "Is that supposed to be Jefferson Davis?" and I laughed and then he called him Mr. Davis so I was like "heck yeah, it is!"
Flashbacks to watching election results during play practice and the creation of "John Thune Rocks My World" homemade t-shirts came to mind.
Anyway, Quotes of the night:
"You don't think he could pull it off? Dick Cheney, Vampire Slayer?"
"It'd be more like Dick Cheney, Everyone Slayer."... "I'd be more scared to be on his side."
awww, no love for friendly fire
"Mary Todd is gonna kick her ass."
the actress who played her was fantastic but it drove me crazy cause i couldn't place her. now with the help of IMDB i realize she is both Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim and Lucy McClane from Live Free or Die Hard aka Mary Elizabeth Winstead which i think i also discovered about her on here a while ago, probably in this post: My Life in Closed Captions: That poster needs more exclamation marks.: "Scott, if your life had a face I'd punch it." yep that's the one.
I could place Dominic Cooper but originally couldn't think of his name. All I could think of was "Mamma Mia Boy".
The dude that played Abe - Benjamin Walker - was pretty great with the ax. Very impressive. Apparently he actually worked on that for months so it would seem authentic.
The movie itself didn't have any one-liners but there were humorous physical aspects to it. So we did add some colored commentary when those came around.
So yeah, I'd say around a 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome.
Though not quite awesome enough to make me want to read the novel.
Alright, off to bed. As fun as 4-6 was today, it's back to the regular 9-6 tomorrow so I'm gonna turn on some Wipeout and crash.
Cause I'm into remakes this week apparently
Who Are You - Brown Derbies
at first i was like, wait what is this again? then like it.
Study Maybe - University of Maryland School of Medicine 2015
stick with it, highly amusing but probably moreso for people in the medical profession
She reminded me that the last movie we saw together was another Sci-Fi wait-what-just-happened movie way back in like 2006ish. Though you may remember it as X-Men 3: The Last Stand.
Afterwards we walked around town and talked about tennis, and we did the same tonight.
Our plan originally was to at some point get together and play tennis. I suck and the last time I remember actually playing tennis was in grade school. And the majority of that PE class was spent running.
Cause I'd hit the ball over the fence.
Not the net, the fence surrounding the courts.
Then Schomberg was like, "go get it."
So I'd go get it, bring it back, and hit it over the fence again.
But I blame that on the Williams sisters.
Though I don't think many people can blame bad tennis playing on the Williams sisters.
My excuse is that I feel the need to like slam the ball really hard cause you have to have that whole grunt factor thing - who doesn't watch tennis just to hear them grunt repeatedly? - but! apparently if you hit the ball too hard it will fly over the fence.
Especially if you're a grade schooler with no aim cause you never play tennis.
Where was I going with this?
Oh right, I suck, but she's good. And now I live in a apartment complex with a tennis court. And we have rackets, so we are going to attempt to play some tennis. At some point in the future.
And these courts have high fences so I think I'll be okay.
Running these streets would be obnoxious cause it's just houses and they have dogs and blah.
So I'll use that as motivation.
Anyway, so Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter - we figured if it sucked we'd sit in the back and make colored commentary. But actually it was quite entertaining.
why yes, that is johnny cash.
Scale of Awesome isn't quite sure how to rate it, but I think I'd put it around a 7/10. Ish.
I don't know, not something I'd see again, but the premise was so interesting that I had to see how they could make such a random and out there storyline work.
Though I don't quite believe that vampires fought in the Civil War.
It did have a cool historical aspect to it.
And she's smart so she's like, "Is that supposed to be Jefferson Davis?" and I laughed and then he called him Mr. Davis so I was like "heck yeah, it is!"
Flashbacks to watching election results during play practice and the creation of "John Thune Rocks My World" homemade t-shirts came to mind.
Anyway, Quotes of the night:
"You don't think he could pull it off? Dick Cheney, Vampire Slayer?"
"It'd be more like Dick Cheney, Everyone Slayer."... "I'd be more scared to be on his side."
awww, no love for friendly fire
"Mary Todd is gonna kick her ass."
the actress who played her was fantastic but it drove me crazy cause i couldn't place her. now with the help of IMDB i realize she is both Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim and Lucy McClane from Live Free or Die Hard aka Mary Elizabeth Winstead which i think i also discovered about her on here a while ago, probably in this post: My Life in Closed Captions: That poster needs more exclamation marks.: "Scott, if your life had a face I'd punch it." yep that's the one.
I could place Dominic Cooper but originally couldn't think of his name. All I could think of was "Mamma Mia Boy".
The dude that played Abe - Benjamin Walker - was pretty great with the ax. Very impressive. Apparently he actually worked on that for months so it would seem authentic.
The movie itself didn't have any one-liners but there were humorous physical aspects to it. So we did add some colored commentary when those came around.
So yeah, I'd say around a 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome.
Though not quite awesome enough to make me want to read the novel.
Alright, off to bed. As fun as 4-6 was today, it's back to the regular 9-6 tomorrow so I'm gonna turn on some Wipeout and crash.
Cause I'm into remakes this week apparently
Who Are You - Brown Derbies
at first i was like, wait what is this again? then like it.
Study Maybe - University of Maryland School of Medicine 2015
stick with it, highly amusing but probably moreso for people in the medical profession
Sunday, July 15, 2012
I'm addicted to you, don't you know that you're toxic?
Aw anonymous people, they make my day.
Thanks for the comment, I do my best.
Though this is mostly crap, but it's fun crap so that's okay.
So I'm breaking my early to bed streak.
But that's only because I don't have to go in to work tomorrow until 4PM.
Though I'm gonna have to wake up earlier cause I gotta finish the paperwork I keep putting off. Mom is coming to help, cause I'm hopeless with tax stuff. I printed off all the stuff and was like AHHHH!! then called her.
I gotta get a notary to sign stuff. Which is why I keep putting it off cause I work. And when I'm not at work the banks are closed.
So tomorrow since I have the morning off I'm forcing myself to get this over and done with. Then I won't have to deal with it anymore.
One of the many panic calls I've made this week, but the others are mostly camp-related.
Yes, I'm totally ready for camp.
Still gotta write all the skits, as the ones I have a pure crap.
And gotta get the lyrics from dad so I can make my 7th and 8th graders sing.
They hate me but their parents love me.
And I gotta make sure all the t-shirts come in and everyone sends in the right forms, and if they don't make sure they bring them to camp.
And I'm still getting applications which means gotta make sure there's room and if there's not we gotta switch stuff, stuff haven't come up with a new schedule or cleaned out the trailer.
I'm hoping all the t-shirts come in this week, otherwise we're screwed, but I'm going out this weekend in hopes of them being there.
So that's my daily camp update.
What did I do today other than freak about camp?
Oh right, went to work for six hours. Well, technically it was 6 and a half, but I got a half hour lunch. During which I got a sandwich from Jimmy Johns.
They still know my order.
I'm a creature of habit and when I first started working there I went to Jimmy Johns every day and got the same thing every day.
Then I started going to the place right across the street for sandwiches and all that, but they're closed on the weekends so I hit up Jimmy Johns if I work on Saturday or Sunday.
Anyway, I walk in and they start making my order without me saying anything.
And they know my name.
Still, even though I haven't been there during the week in like a year they still know me.
Where was I?
Oh right, so yes, work was estrogen-filled with some of my favorites so we had fun.
Made some plans to jam out with an old high school friend. We're going to hit up Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter tomorrow night.
Currently I'm watching some Home Run Derby. Prince Fielder is rockin' it, for serious. Love the fountains.
"That one was almost to Omaha!" "Wrong direction."
Alright, so I should probably go to bed at a semi-decent hour since Mom is coming tomorrow.
She'll be proud that I have actual food in my fridge and my apartment is semi-clean.
Rock on man.
Song of the night:
"Toxic" Brown Derbies
to be fair i did warn you there would be more of them.
Made some changes to the blog layout, if you haven't noticed already. A previous post brought up a Charlie's Angels debate so vote for your favorite and we'll see who the most awesome angel is.
Thanks for the comment, I do my best.
Though this is mostly crap, but it's fun crap so that's okay.
So I'm breaking my early to bed streak.
But that's only because I don't have to go in to work tomorrow until 4PM.
Though I'm gonna have to wake up earlier cause I gotta finish the paperwork I keep putting off. Mom is coming to help, cause I'm hopeless with tax stuff. I printed off all the stuff and was like AHHHH!! then called her.
I gotta get a notary to sign stuff. Which is why I keep putting it off cause I work. And when I'm not at work the banks are closed.
So tomorrow since I have the morning off I'm forcing myself to get this over and done with. Then I won't have to deal with it anymore.
One of the many panic calls I've made this week, but the others are mostly camp-related.
Yes, I'm totally ready for camp.
Still gotta write all the skits, as the ones I have a pure crap.
And gotta get the lyrics from dad so I can make my 7th and 8th graders sing.
They hate me but their parents love me.
And I gotta make sure all the t-shirts come in and everyone sends in the right forms, and if they don't make sure they bring them to camp.
And I'm still getting applications which means gotta make sure there's room and if there's not we gotta switch stuff, stuff haven't come up with a new schedule or cleaned out the trailer.
I'm hoping all the t-shirts come in this week, otherwise we're screwed, but I'm going out this weekend in hopes of them being there.
So that's my daily camp update.
What did I do today other than freak about camp?
Oh right, went to work for six hours. Well, technically it was 6 and a half, but I got a half hour lunch. During which I got a sandwich from Jimmy Johns.
They still know my order.
I'm a creature of habit and when I first started working there I went to Jimmy Johns every day and got the same thing every day.
Then I started going to the place right across the street for sandwiches and all that, but they're closed on the weekends so I hit up Jimmy Johns if I work on Saturday or Sunday.
Anyway, I walk in and they start making my order without me saying anything.
And they know my name.
Still, even though I haven't been there during the week in like a year they still know me.
Where was I?
Oh right, so yes, work was estrogen-filled with some of my favorites so we had fun.
Made some plans to jam out with an old high school friend. We're going to hit up Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter tomorrow night.
Currently I'm watching some Home Run Derby. Prince Fielder is rockin' it, for serious. Love the fountains.
"That one was almost to Omaha!" "Wrong direction."
Alright, so I should probably go to bed at a semi-decent hour since Mom is coming tomorrow.
She'll be proud that I have actual food in my fridge and my apartment is semi-clean.
Rock on man.
Song of the night:
"Toxic" Brown Derbies
to be fair i did warn you there would be more of them.
Made some changes to the blog layout, if you haven't noticed already. A previous post brought up a Charlie's Angels debate so vote for your favorite and we'll see who the most awesome angel is.
brown derbies,
camp j,
home run derby,
jimmy johns,
Saturday, July 14, 2012
It's not like you're bringing home a Subway.
Got to semi-sleep in this morning, then headed out to the awesomeness that is Donna's to get my hair chopped and dyed. For some reason I run into other people there as well, this morning it was Beth one of my camp lifeguards who I just happened to go to grade school with once upon a time. We talked camp stuff it was amusing. Then Donna regaled me with stories of animals, family and camping. The usual topics, she's always fun to jam with.
I think she secretly looks forward to me coming out just because of the wild hair colors I've had in the past.
It was probably around 6-7 inches that got whacked off. Feels a lot better and camp will be a lot cooler. And it's red. But not like red red like I used to, just dark red with blonde like last time.
I have to remain a professional. Well, paraprofessional. And people probably couldn't take me seriously with the fire engine red hair.
That and I don't think the boyfriend would approve. He immediately flashed back to high school when I told him I was getting it dyed. Nope, not that extreme.
Though Superwoman did give me points for it once upon a time when I was a temp.
I think I'm currently at 146 or maybe it's 146.5 I'll check the email tomorrow. Still behind both my mother and Space Cadet. And I'm sure once I get close they'll both do something good and will go up another 50.
But then what would I have to aim for really if I passed them.
Anyway, so yes it's dyed. My favorite I think of the dyeing it when I was a temp is that Boss's Boss's Boss went to introduce herself to me then realized she already knew me so like stopped mid-motion. Made my day.
After all that was done had to catch up on my Swamp People with dad as he had a bunch saved up for me. Watched the last two of the season so I'm good for a while. Then watched some Closer on Mom's DVR and took a nap. Mom was off in Iowa with the Cool Aunt. Going to movies and buying me shoes.
She sent me a picture before she bought them, they are pretty wicked sweet Nebraska-esque ones.
Which is good cause mine are falling apart. Not surprising as I drag my feet and they get pretty scuffed up. I go through them fairly quickly.
Shoes and headphones.
Which I broke today as well.
But I have spares so I'll pull those out when I leave tomorrow morning.
Songs of the night:
So if you're on Facebook you probably noticed these from yesterday but I figured I'd post them on here anyway.
The Brown Derbies. Acapella group from Brown University started like 30 years ago and gets new members every year.
These guys are fantastic you gotta watch these ones.
Rediscovery of the week so you'll probably see more of their videos throughout the week.
Though my favorite of their songs is the Friends theme remake these ones are right up there.
"Faith" - George Michael
love the second verse harmony
"Not Over You" - Gavin DeGraw
out for the night!
I think she secretly looks forward to me coming out just because of the wild hair colors I've had in the past.
It was probably around 6-7 inches that got whacked off. Feels a lot better and camp will be a lot cooler. And it's red. But not like red red like I used to, just dark red with blonde like last time.
I have to remain a professional. Well, paraprofessional. And people probably couldn't take me seriously with the fire engine red hair.
That and I don't think the boyfriend would approve. He immediately flashed back to high school when I told him I was getting it dyed. Nope, not that extreme.
Though Superwoman did give me points for it once upon a time when I was a temp.
I think I'm currently at 146 or maybe it's 146.5 I'll check the email tomorrow. Still behind both my mother and Space Cadet. And I'm sure once I get close they'll both do something good and will go up another 50.
But then what would I have to aim for really if I passed them.
Anyway, so yes it's dyed. My favorite I think of the dyeing it when I was a temp is that Boss's Boss's Boss went to introduce herself to me then realized she already knew me so like stopped mid-motion. Made my day.
After all that was done had to catch up on my Swamp People with dad as he had a bunch saved up for me. Watched the last two of the season so I'm good for a while. Then watched some Closer on Mom's DVR and took a nap. Mom was off in Iowa with the Cool Aunt. Going to movies and buying me shoes.
She sent me a picture before she bought them, they are pretty wicked sweet Nebraska-esque ones.
Which is good cause mine are falling apart. Not surprising as I drag my feet and they get pretty scuffed up. I go through them fairly quickly.
Shoes and headphones.
Which I broke today as well.
But I have spares so I'll pull those out when I leave tomorrow morning.
Songs of the night:
So if you're on Facebook you probably noticed these from yesterday but I figured I'd post them on here anyway.
The Brown Derbies. Acapella group from Brown University started like 30 years ago and gets new members every year.
These guys are fantastic you gotta watch these ones.
Rediscovery of the week so you'll probably see more of their videos throughout the week.
Though my favorite of their songs is the Friends theme remake these ones are right up there.
"Faith" - George Michael
love the second verse harmony
"Not Over You" - Gavin DeGraw
out for the night!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now.
Today actually wasn't so bad. The Trainee helped keep me sane, though it was funny cause we pulled up the building and there were cops there. I rolled down the window thinking we should probably ask if we're in the right place before we park the car in front of a bunch of cops...
They had all the meals ready to go for us, though we ordered another so that kind of threw them off. Didn't take very long and the food was good, BBQ sandwich with beans, chips, and cookies for desert. All for $6 and it went to the Food Bank, woohoo!
After that the afternoon was pretty slow. Attempted to take a nap during lunch on the couch in the breakroom cause I'm not brave enough to sleep in the sickroom. I don't think I've opened the door and even seen the inside since my initial tour when I got hired.
I'm good without it, I'll sleep on the uncomfortable couch instead.
Made a lot of progress with my new booklist - it's on classics with a twist so like "Pride, Prejudice and Zombies" type, not all with the undead but there are a few.
Anyway, here are a few of my favorite titles so far:
-"Bored of the Rings" by Henry Beard
-"Ophelia Joined the Group Maidens Who Don't Float: Classic Lit Signs on Facebook" by Sarah Schmelling
-"What To Expect When Your Wife is Expanding" by Thomas Hill
and then my alltime favorite:
-"The Chronicles of Blarnia, the Lying Bitch in the Wardrobe" by Michael Gerber
I'm tempted to get it through Interlibrary Loan just for the title alone.
But that's really all you need to get people to buy your book - a fun title, a flashy cover and some kickass reviews to go on the back, the contents don't matter until after the book is bought. Then it's allowed to suck cause you already got the money for it.
As much as writers actually get paid for their books, not so much. Unless you're like James Patterson or Rick Castle.
So, off all day tomorrow, huzzah! Getting my hair dyed and chopped in the morning - only like 5-6 inches which to you may seem a lot but seriously it's getting far too long and even that much is a small amount - after that I'll probably jam with the parentals for a while before heading back. Gotta work on Sunday but it'll be nice to have a lazy day at the farm tomorrow.
Song of the Night:
"Wonderful" Everclear
these guys were great, apparently they just released a new album i'll have to look into it.
They're going on tour with Sugar Ray, Lit and Gin Blossoms I would totally pay to see them all live.
Apparently my parents are much cooler than me as they went to a concert last night and they're going to another tonight. Country stuff, sounds like fun. But I work far too much so that kind of kills that.
But I'm off for camp soon!!
Which isn't really a vacation but I'm going to think of it as one for now anyway!!
And more application forms came today which means that I need to get return letters sent out now.
Yes the deadline was the 1st but I get them up until day of but what am I supposed to do, turn them away?
Rather be overloaded than be the camp that turns away kids.
So I'm off, not out as it's only like 7:14. Don't worry I'm not going to bed immediately, just gonna order food and jam with the boyfriend. Probably turn on some Warehouse 13 until he gets here.
They had all the meals ready to go for us, though we ordered another so that kind of threw them off. Didn't take very long and the food was good, BBQ sandwich with beans, chips, and cookies for desert. All for $6 and it went to the Food Bank, woohoo!
After that the afternoon was pretty slow. Attempted to take a nap during lunch on the couch in the breakroom cause I'm not brave enough to sleep in the sickroom. I don't think I've opened the door and even seen the inside since my initial tour when I got hired.
I'm good without it, I'll sleep on the uncomfortable couch instead.
Made a lot of progress with my new booklist - it's on classics with a twist so like "Pride, Prejudice and Zombies" type, not all with the undead but there are a few.
Anyway, here are a few of my favorite titles so far:
-"Bored of the Rings" by Henry Beard
-"Ophelia Joined the Group Maidens Who Don't Float: Classic Lit Signs on Facebook" by Sarah Schmelling
-"What To Expect When Your Wife is Expanding" by Thomas Hill
and then my alltime favorite:
-"The Chronicles of Blarnia, the Lying Bitch in the Wardrobe" by Michael Gerber
I'm tempted to get it through Interlibrary Loan just for the title alone.
But that's really all you need to get people to buy your book - a fun title, a flashy cover and some kickass reviews to go on the back, the contents don't matter until after the book is bought. Then it's allowed to suck cause you already got the money for it.
As much as writers actually get paid for their books, not so much. Unless you're like James Patterson or Rick Castle.
So, off all day tomorrow, huzzah! Getting my hair dyed and chopped in the morning - only like 5-6 inches which to you may seem a lot but seriously it's getting far too long and even that much is a small amount - after that I'll probably jam with the parentals for a while before heading back. Gotta work on Sunday but it'll be nice to have a lazy day at the farm tomorrow.
Song of the Night:
"Wonderful" Everclear
these guys were great, apparently they just released a new album i'll have to look into it.
They're going on tour with Sugar Ray, Lit and Gin Blossoms I would totally pay to see them all live.
Apparently my parents are much cooler than me as they went to a concert last night and they're going to another tonight. Country stuff, sounds like fun. But I work far too much so that kind of kills that.
But I'm off for camp soon!!
Which isn't really a vacation but I'm going to think of it as one for now anyway!!
And more application forms came today which means that I need to get return letters sent out now.
Yes the deadline was the 1st but I get them up until day of but what am I supposed to do, turn them away?
Rather be overloaded than be the camp that turns away kids.
So I'm off, not out as it's only like 7:14. Don't worry I'm not going to bed immediately, just gonna order food and jam with the boyfriend. Probably turn on some Warehouse 13 until he gets here.
book titles,
food drive,
Thursday, July 12, 2012
"I'm a barcode!"
How do farmers tell the difference between seedless watermelons and ones with seed?
Are they grown differently?
Is that some sort of chemical thing?
Watermelon for supper.
Yeah, that's healthy I know, but I just got home so get over it.
Currently it's 11:18 PM and I'm eating watermelon and an icecream bar. Cause both of those things are awesome and faster than cooking anything else.
Well, not really, I had to actually cut up the watermelon so I guess that took some time.
Anyway, went to Bubby's baseball game tonight. They won but it was close. Down for most of the game until Bubby tied it up. His base-running was hysterical, he made it to third and then like was told to go home on a passed ball but then they got it so he had to go back to third but then there was like an overthrow or something so then he went but then he had to go back cause they got it faster than we thought they would.
It was a mess. But he was safe. And then the next dude hit it so he scored and tied the game.
I was pretty proud, the other team's pitcher was super fast. Made me look twice anyway.
And then they brought in a slower pitcher and then the time ran out so we won.
More games next week, even get to play against the #1 team. We beat the majority of the teams by 10 points so I'm a bit scared to see these guys play.
What else from today...was actually pretty productive. Got started on a new booklist though I should check with him on the last one. Anyway, this one is on classics with a twist so some parody stuff similar to "Pride Prejudice and Zombies" and all that. If you have any good ones throw them my way.
There's pretty much a zombie/vampire spin on all the classics which I'm a little questioning of. Yes, classics are awesome and they're classics for a reason, do we really need to throw in the undead to screw everything over?
Though I was a fan of PP&Z and am proud to own it.
I found one on Jane Eyre, I'm intrigued by that one purely because of his ex-wife. Well, wife, you know the crazy one that walked on her hands and knees and made all those weird noises and stuff? Maybe she was eaten by the undead and that's what made her so bizarre.
Maybe it tells her side of the story.
Maybe I could write her side of the story.
and go crazy right along with her, sounds fun but when would I do that?
Which reminds me that I have more return letters to fill out and send before morning, and oh crap it's 11:30 already and I'm on that early to bed kick so I should move on and post so I can sleep.
Carter is trying to steal my watermelon.
Pretty sure he would not like the taste of it but he's obnoxious like that.
What else?
I'm freaked for tomorrow.
I mean, I'm sure it will be fine and easy and all that, I mean all I have to do is go down to C/C and pick up food to bring back for people at work.
That's easy enough right? Just gotta you know find the building and then parking and then the chick I have to give all the stuff to but I think she's gonna be at the Information Desk, so I'll give them the money and the extra tickets and pick up the food and take it back, but I gotta figure out how many meals I'm getting and who gets them and blah!!
Food Bank fundraiser it's a picnic thing but there's a carry-out option which some of my coworkers opted-in to after I talked them into it. But it's good food and it's cheap and it's for a good cause, etc.
And it's kind of my job to promote that kind of stuff.
For the next like....well 8 days 'til the drive ends, but we don't pick up the barrels 'til the 23rd. Which is a Monday. So like two more weeks almost.
Alright, that's all I got.
Big day tomorrow.
And it's a Friday so I have Saturday off which is when I'm getting my hair chopped and dyed.
Not like chopped chopped, just like 5-6 inches. Maybe more.
It's super long at the moment.
And desperately needs to get some red in it so that kids can actually recognize me at camp.
Speaking of camp, return letters then bed.
But first! Cause I said I'd post it when I found it.
Season Three:
it's Dr. Calder....Dr. CALDER!
"This way, no dawdling." *trips* bleep!
Are they grown differently?
Is that some sort of chemical thing?
Watermelon for supper.
Yeah, that's healthy I know, but I just got home so get over it.
Currently it's 11:18 PM and I'm eating watermelon and an icecream bar. Cause both of those things are awesome and faster than cooking anything else.
Well, not really, I had to actually cut up the watermelon so I guess that took some time.
Anyway, went to Bubby's baseball game tonight. They won but it was close. Down for most of the game until Bubby tied it up. His base-running was hysterical, he made it to third and then like was told to go home on a passed ball but then they got it so he had to go back to third but then there was like an overthrow or something so then he went but then he had to go back cause they got it faster than we thought they would.
It was a mess. But he was safe. And then the next dude hit it so he scored and tied the game.
I was pretty proud, the other team's pitcher was super fast. Made me look twice anyway.
And then they brought in a slower pitcher and then the time ran out so we won.
More games next week, even get to play against the #1 team. We beat the majority of the teams by 10 points so I'm a bit scared to see these guys play.
What else from today...was actually pretty productive. Got started on a new booklist though I should check with him on the last one. Anyway, this one is on classics with a twist so some parody stuff similar to "Pride Prejudice and Zombies" and all that. If you have any good ones throw them my way.
There's pretty much a zombie/vampire spin on all the classics which I'm a little questioning of. Yes, classics are awesome and they're classics for a reason, do we really need to throw in the undead to screw everything over?
Though I was a fan of PP&Z and am proud to own it.
I found one on Jane Eyre, I'm intrigued by that one purely because of his ex-wife. Well, wife, you know the crazy one that walked on her hands and knees and made all those weird noises and stuff? Maybe she was eaten by the undead and that's what made her so bizarre.
Maybe it tells her side of the story.
Maybe I could write her side of the story.
and go crazy right along with her, sounds fun but when would I do that?
Which reminds me that I have more return letters to fill out and send before morning, and oh crap it's 11:30 already and I'm on that early to bed kick so I should move on and post so I can sleep.
Carter is trying to steal my watermelon.
Pretty sure he would not like the taste of it but he's obnoxious like that.
What else?
I'm freaked for tomorrow.
I mean, I'm sure it will be fine and easy and all that, I mean all I have to do is go down to C/C and pick up food to bring back for people at work.
That's easy enough right? Just gotta you know find the building and then parking and then the chick I have to give all the stuff to but I think she's gonna be at the Information Desk, so I'll give them the money and the extra tickets and pick up the food and take it back, but I gotta figure out how many meals I'm getting and who gets them and blah!!
Food Bank fundraiser it's a picnic thing but there's a carry-out option which some of my coworkers opted-in to after I talked them into it. But it's good food and it's cheap and it's for a good cause, etc.
And it's kind of my job to promote that kind of stuff.
For the next like....well 8 days 'til the drive ends, but we don't pick up the barrels 'til the 23rd. Which is a Monday. So like two more weeks almost.
Alright, that's all I got.
Big day tomorrow.
And it's a Friday so I have Saturday off which is when I'm getting my hair chopped and dyed.
Not like chopped chopped, just like 5-6 inches. Maybe more.
It's super long at the moment.
And desperately needs to get some red in it so that kids can actually recognize me at camp.
Speaking of camp, return letters then bed.
But first! Cause I said I'd post it when I found it.
Season Three:
it's Dr. Calder....Dr. CALDER!
"This way, no dawdling." *trips* bleep!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
little bit of devil in her angel eyes.
You don't realize how many open cuts you have on your hand until you try to sanitize it.
turning on some storage wars. it's entertaining yet easy to fall asleep to.
and I'm clumsy so I'm covered in papercuts and cat scratches.
It burns dude.
Today did not bite the big one, I was so proud!
Let me explain.
Okay, so we had this big forensics presentation by the lab manager of the forensics unit. She came over and talked to the teens, but the teen programs at my branch usually bring in like 3-4 kids. And they're usually my teens and no outsiders really. This time there were 18, not including staff, so I was stoked.
She was fantastic too. I took a criminology class in college and she was a guest speaker. Talked about blood spatter and all that, she's like 1 of 51 people in the US officially certified for that stuff.
Anyway, so she talked a particular crime spree by a dude high on meth and how everyone lied but the forensics solved the case. and she was humorous so it was a fun presentation. Actually learned a lot, like did you know that pharmaceutical companies actually developed meth for WW2 pilots so they could stay awake and alert? But then it started having side effects and everything went south.
So she was great and the kids were into it, actually came up with decent questions as well. Though mine got the best answer.
She said she was inspired to join the police force cause she grew up watching Charlie's Angels.
Hell yeah man, she rocks.
Her favorite was Farrah.
And apparently she had the hair.
I love it.
I go in spurts, but it's usually Kelly.
Sometimes it's Kris.
At times even Sabrina but that's only cause she has the best one-liners.
"I love you, I'll prove it, You won't like it, I don't care."
Cause the show was written for her in the first place.
Well, Kate Jackson the actress, not Sabrina the character.
Actually she was originally lined up to play Kelly but wanted to switch at the last minute. That's why the pilot features Jaclyn Smith but Kate Jackson still gets top billing.
After the pilot it's all about Sabrina for a while.
Interesting that Jaclyn Smith gets last billing for first season yet she's the one that stuck around.
Remember how I'm a nerd.
Oh my god "Cajun Justice" is a real show? That's fantastic.
Moving on.
So she was great, my favorite part of her presentation was toward the end, was wrapping up and mentioned the crossdresser and I'm standing next to Girlscout who missed that part. She was like "what?!" "yeah, that's the dude he got the blonde wig from." cause he thought it'd make for a good disguise.
After work I attempted to make supper - spaghetti and meatballs, it actually turned out pretty good. But half of it is in the fridge.
After work I attempted to make supper - spaghetti and meatballs, it actually turned out pretty good. But half of it is in the fridge.
I'd pull it out around 2AM, but I'm still on this early bedtime kick.
Or attempting to be.
Speaking of, it's 11:19 now so I should probably end this and crash soon.
"Angel Eyes" Love and Theft
not bad.
turning on some storage wars. it's entertaining yet easy to fall asleep to.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
"it's gonna be awesome, awesome, it's not 2 in the morning, hey!"
Quote of the day:
Magician: "Grimm's Fairy Tales, terrorizing children for over 200 years."
So we had a magician come in today for a summer reading program. He was pretty good, very impressive. Most of the stuff you can kind of guess as an adult, but there were moments where I was like, wait, where the hell did that quarter come from he threw that in the cup!
I should throw this out fairly early in the post, it's currently 10:30PM. I'm on a crusade to start going to bed earlier as staying up past 1AM makes my mornings miserable.
The majority of the posts on this blog are timed at 11:50PM so they can be considered day of. I actually challenge you to find one within the past month that wasn't listed as 11:50something. So as part of this new rule no more back-timing, this girl needs to sleep. She'll already lose enough at camp as the freakin' night patrol I gotta enjoy it while I get it.
Not that I'm going to stop staying up all the time, it can't exactly be helped when your boyfriend works the night shift and sleeps during the day. But not as often as I have been.
What else did I do today that was good? Oh bought food for the Food Drive sculpture. They have a pretty freakin' awesome idea that I can't post cause it's still a bit of a secret but you should stop by later in the week to check it out. Bought a bunch of green beans cause they needed green cans. Grateful I didn't have to carry them up to the apartment, staying in the car until tomorrow when I'll drop them off.
It's amusing because the barrel in the staff room is practically full but there's nothing in the public one.
That will change once the sculpture is built. The point is to draw attention to the drive so you can get donations.
Though I'm guessing most branches consider it a burden rather than fun. I'm hoping they get into it, I mean the winner gets $50 worth of prizes from the Boss's Boss's Boss. For serious man.
Good other stuff, oh bought a squirt bottle. For the cat. No more biting, I'm tired of waking up to it. My arms are covered in scratches it's ridiculous.
Ummm....what else? Oh, sent the freakin' songbook that could have took like 2 days but ended up taking like 10 months, woops. But that's what you get for working 40 hours, directing a camp, and getting your master's all at the same time.
It's okay, staying busy is keeping me distracted from the madness that is me. If it's too quiet I get all into my own head and crap - hence the headphones - so having a task is good. Keeps me motivated and happy and all that.
That's not something you hear from many people.
Work makes me happy.
But it does, I like the people and the place, and I can actually see that I'm making a difference.
Though every once in a while I do need a break. Which is why tonight was nice to have no major obligations. Got some groceries and Warehouse 13 season three!! which I've been counting down for but not on here cause you guys already think I'm nerdy enough - did some laundry, ate the rest of those leftovers, did some more laundry, and now just about to start Warehouse 13.
But just like one episode.
Or I won't sleep.
And that would break this whole early to bed thing.
Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts, the show is like freakin' potato chips. There's no stopping until the fat lady sings...cause the bag's empty.
Alright, episode one of season three, then I'm out.
Here's a clip for you because I find it humorous. Just watched the ones from season three and can't stop watching the Jaime Murray stuff over and over. Her accent just cracks me up. And Allison Scagliotti makes me laugh all the time.
As season three hasn't been uploaded yet you're stuck with my other favorite,
Season Two:
i love 1:15, not just one bleep but four.
and 0:43 was same thing Laura did on WMC set. just throwing that out there.
and she's posted and out of here by 11:05!
which is good cause her second summer reading program for teens is tomorrow and she's freakin' out!
Magician: "Grimm's Fairy Tales, terrorizing children for over 200 years."
So we had a magician come in today for a summer reading program. He was pretty good, very impressive. Most of the stuff you can kind of guess as an adult, but there were moments where I was like, wait, where the hell did that quarter come from he threw that in the cup!
I should throw this out fairly early in the post, it's currently 10:30PM. I'm on a crusade to start going to bed earlier as staying up past 1AM makes my mornings miserable.
The majority of the posts on this blog are timed at 11:50PM so they can be considered day of. I actually challenge you to find one within the past month that wasn't listed as 11:50something. So as part of this new rule no more back-timing, this girl needs to sleep. She'll already lose enough at camp as the freakin' night patrol I gotta enjoy it while I get it.
Not that I'm going to stop staying up all the time, it can't exactly be helped when your boyfriend works the night shift and sleeps during the day. But not as often as I have been.
What else did I do today that was good? Oh bought food for the Food Drive sculpture. They have a pretty freakin' awesome idea that I can't post cause it's still a bit of a secret but you should stop by later in the week to check it out. Bought a bunch of green beans cause they needed green cans. Grateful I didn't have to carry them up to the apartment, staying in the car until tomorrow when I'll drop them off.
It's amusing because the barrel in the staff room is practically full but there's nothing in the public one.
That will change once the sculpture is built. The point is to draw attention to the drive so you can get donations.
Though I'm guessing most branches consider it a burden rather than fun. I'm hoping they get into it, I mean the winner gets $50 worth of prizes from the Boss's Boss's Boss. For serious man.
Good other stuff, oh bought a squirt bottle. For the cat. No more biting, I'm tired of waking up to it. My arms are covered in scratches it's ridiculous.
Ummm....what else? Oh, sent the freakin' songbook that could have took like 2 days but ended up taking like 10 months, woops. But that's what you get for working 40 hours, directing a camp, and getting your master's all at the same time.
It's okay, staying busy is keeping me distracted from the madness that is me. If it's too quiet I get all into my own head and crap - hence the headphones - so having a task is good. Keeps me motivated and happy and all that.
That's not something you hear from many people.
Work makes me happy.
But it does, I like the people and the place, and I can actually see that I'm making a difference.
Though every once in a while I do need a break. Which is why tonight was nice to have no major obligations. Got some groceries and Warehouse 13 season three!! which I've been counting down for but not on here cause you guys already think I'm nerdy enough - did some laundry, ate the rest of those leftovers, did some more laundry, and now just about to start Warehouse 13.
But just like one episode.
Or I won't sleep.
And that would break this whole early to bed thing.
Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts, the show is like freakin' potato chips. There's no stopping until the fat lady sings...cause the bag's empty.
Alright, episode one of season three, then I'm out.
Here's a clip for you because I find it humorous. Just watched the ones from season three and can't stop watching the Jaime Murray stuff over and over. Her accent just cracks me up. And Allison Scagliotti makes me laugh all the time.
As season three hasn't been uploaded yet you're stuck with my other favorite,
Season Two:
i love 1:15, not just one bleep but four.
and 0:43 was same thing Laura did on WMC set. just throwing that out there.
and she's posted and out of here by 11:05!
which is good cause her second summer reading program for teens is tomorrow and she's freakin' out!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Take that, Daddybo!
Today just flew by, seriously. Looked up at the clock and went, crap, it's 5:50 I gotta count the money!
Fairly busy for a Monday.
Not too fast or too slow so made for a good day to make progress on other projects as well aka Summer Reading and Food Drive stuff.
Hoping my LPD officer is still up for the presentation on Wednesday. If she can't make it I'm screwed.
After that was dinner with some extended family and a trip to the cousin's house. They have a pool so the kiddos were all over it.
Quote of the day:
Me: "I especially liked the part where you drove in the wrong lane."
Mom: "Which time?"
I wait for her text in the morning, "don't put that in the blog!"
Granted it was in a new area of town, but when double yellow line is on your right instead of on your left something is definitely wrong.
We hit up Ruby Tuesdays, ordered an entree and the salad bar and after the salad I think I had like three bites of the entree. Mega leftovers, will probably pull them out around 2AM. If I'm not konked out by then. I gotta start going to bed earlier, I'm exhausted by the end of the day and all I want to do is sleep. Then when I get home I have 80 other projects to work on plus a boyfriend who I actually like to see so there's no time for naps. Sad day.
He starts third shift tonight. Hope he got some sleep this afternoon, otherwise tonight's gonna suck.
Alright, off to bed for me. Gonna turn on some GCB and crash. Loving the first season on DVD, finally got all the way through it and then of course they cancel the series.
Which is what ABC does when it gets a show with multiple female leads.
Just saying.
Don't get me started on the whole Women's Murder Club thing again or I will never stop.
I'm still crazy obsessed with that show and it ended like 4 years ago.
Song of the night:
"Good Girls Gone Bad" The JaneDear Girls
i love this one, seriously love this one. like pistol annies meets the wreckers.
or if you'd rather:
makes me laugh.
"Pastor Tudor, nobody understands Revelations. Never have, never will. And anyway, by the time it comes around we'll all be dead!"
Fairly busy for a Monday.
Not too fast or too slow so made for a good day to make progress on other projects as well aka Summer Reading and Food Drive stuff.
Hoping my LPD officer is still up for the presentation on Wednesday. If she can't make it I'm screwed.
After that was dinner with some extended family and a trip to the cousin's house. They have a pool so the kiddos were all over it.
Quote of the day:
Me: "I especially liked the part where you drove in the wrong lane."
Mom: "Which time?"
I wait for her text in the morning, "don't put that in the blog!"
Granted it was in a new area of town, but when double yellow line is on your right instead of on your left something is definitely wrong.
We hit up Ruby Tuesdays, ordered an entree and the salad bar and after the salad I think I had like three bites of the entree. Mega leftovers, will probably pull them out around 2AM. If I'm not konked out by then. I gotta start going to bed earlier, I'm exhausted by the end of the day and all I want to do is sleep. Then when I get home I have 80 other projects to work on plus a boyfriend who I actually like to see so there's no time for naps. Sad day.
He starts third shift tonight. Hope he got some sleep this afternoon, otherwise tonight's gonna suck.
Alright, off to bed for me. Gonna turn on some GCB and crash. Loving the first season on DVD, finally got all the way through it and then of course they cancel the series.
Which is what ABC does when it gets a show with multiple female leads.
Just saying.
Don't get me started on the whole Women's Murder Club thing again or I will never stop.
I'm still crazy obsessed with that show and it ended like 4 years ago.
Song of the night:
"Good Girls Gone Bad" The JaneDear Girls
i love this one, seriously love this one. like pistol annies meets the wreckers.
or if you'd rather:
makes me laugh.
"Pastor Tudor, nobody understands Revelations. Never have, never will. And anyway, by the time it comes around we'll all be dead!"
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Keep the change, you filthy animal.
So, I'm burnt to the crisp.
And the question now is, do I wear jeans and be in physical pain?
or do I wear dress pants and be in mental pain?
I'm guessing it'll be the former, but you never know.
Went golfing today with Homey G-Wigger and Jim O. Had a lot fun, did decent on the first nine, but not so much on the back 9. We kind of stopped keeping track after that.
Gonna keep this short so I can post it, just in case I have that virus that's gonna shut down the internet tomorrow. Not sure if that starts at midnight or whatever.
Scary stuff, guess we'll see. Especially at work, if the lab has issues people get upset.
So yes, golfing was awesome, would have been better if I remembered my clubs, woops. Then swung by the reunion, attempted to sleep at the farm - felt sick most of the afternoon cause of the sun in the morning. Plus it's probably not wise to drink before 10AM. Even though you're golfing. Not wise.
I kept slicing to the right. Gotta fix my stance. We mostly went as a practice round before the tournament in August.
After all that stopped by the boyfriend's house. I've spent more time there lately than I spent at the farmhouse. But I'm headed there again this weekend so I'll make up the time.
We debated about what's the best Home Alone movie. He likes the first two, I like the first and third. Probably because I've watched it maybe twice.
Random but it's true.
The third is pretty good. Scarlett Johansson as a kid, but it doesn't beat the first.
The fourth is crap and I heard they're making it a fifth, ahh!
Songs of the Night:
"She is Beautiful" Andrew WK
love the slide at 2:49
"Gonna Get Over You" Sara Bareilles
i don't listen to the radio so i don't know if any of these play. this one should. dance move at 2:02 reminds me of grease. no idea why. makes you want to dance down the aisles at the grocery store.
Watched The Closer when I was trying to sleep, "The Johnson Rule" But I still don't know who the leak is, haven't gotten that far.
Gonna crash, long day tomorrow but going out with the family after, woohoo!
And the question now is, do I wear jeans and be in physical pain?
or do I wear dress pants and be in mental pain?
I'm guessing it'll be the former, but you never know.
Went golfing today with Homey G-Wigger and Jim O. Had a lot fun, did decent on the first nine, but not so much on the back 9. We kind of stopped keeping track after that.
Gonna keep this short so I can post it, just in case I have that virus that's gonna shut down the internet tomorrow. Not sure if that starts at midnight or whatever.
Scary stuff, guess we'll see. Especially at work, if the lab has issues people get upset.
So yes, golfing was awesome, would have been better if I remembered my clubs, woops. Then swung by the reunion, attempted to sleep at the farm - felt sick most of the afternoon cause of the sun in the morning. Plus it's probably not wise to drink before 10AM. Even though you're golfing. Not wise.
I kept slicing to the right. Gotta fix my stance. We mostly went as a practice round before the tournament in August.
After all that stopped by the boyfriend's house. I've spent more time there lately than I spent at the farmhouse. But I'm headed there again this weekend so I'll make up the time.
We debated about what's the best Home Alone movie. He likes the first two, I like the first and third. Probably because I've watched it maybe twice.
Random but it's true.
The third is pretty good. Scarlett Johansson as a kid, but it doesn't beat the first.
The fourth is crap and I heard they're making it a fifth, ahh!
Songs of the Night:
"She is Beautiful" Andrew WK
love the slide at 2:49
"Gonna Get Over You" Sara Bareilles
i don't listen to the radio so i don't know if any of these play. this one should. dance move at 2:02 reminds me of grease. no idea why. makes you want to dance down the aisles at the grocery store.
Watched The Closer when I was trying to sleep, "The Johnson Rule" But I still don't know who the leak is, haven't gotten that far.
Gonna crash, long day tomorrow but going out with the family after, woohoo!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
people gonna be okay, storms never come to stay
Interesting day.
Woke up at noon to eat with the parentals.
Went up to the church at 1 to work on camp stuff, ended up working until 9.
Only took one break and that was for ice-cream around 4ish.
Crazy crazy planning process. But we assigned counselors to campers and campers to cabins, fixed the songbooks and added the new stuff, printed and stuffed all the return letters, came up with an impromptu plan B schedule if we can't go tubing which is a big possibility. Plus tallied and ordered some t-shirts.
Then ate pizza.
So it was a long process but didn't make for a long day. We have a lot of fun.
And it's good that we got it all done so we can go golfing tomorrow. Early church then heading out to the course for 18. Should be fun. I'll come back after and hit up the reunion if it's still going. Sad the sister-in-law can't make it, but timing-wise is probably bad. We'll go again. G-Wigger just got a new golf bag it's like Packers green and yellow with logo all over it. Niiiice. Should get one of those. Not a Packers one, but still.
Though I'd only use it once a year.
And would need a place to store it.
And my trunk is already full of camp stuff.
But see, it's less for me to pack!
That's why it stays!
Okay, that's mostly why it stays. I just really don't have the motivation to carry it up all those stairs. It's a lot of crap. I'll take it out this year after camp.
Gonna take some more Benadryl and call it a night. Swelling is mostly gone but it's still a little sore. Which wouldn't make tomorrow much fun.
Speaking of soreness, so we hadn't seen Dad in a while so Mom called and he's like cutting down trees - in the dark - to make sure the pivot doesn't hit them and he says that he scuffed his arm a little.
He gets home and it's like disgusting. I could only look for half a second before I turned away and wanted to vomit.
I'm not so good with blood and gore. Which isn't generally something you want to hear from someone who's certified which reminds me that I need to get that renewed. Anyway, so it was gross and he probably should get it checked out but he's Dad so he won't.
Apparently he fell down a bank with a chainsaw.
But it was off so it's okay.
Not like he fell off a tree with it still running.
Still, cutting down trees in the dark with a chainsaw doesn't seem like much of a logical choice.
But whatever works.
And that was my day.
I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about tomorrow so I'm gonna crash.
"How Bad We Need Each Other" Marc Scibilia
i have those shoes.
Woke up at noon to eat with the parentals.
Went up to the church at 1 to work on camp stuff, ended up working until 9.
Only took one break and that was for ice-cream around 4ish.
Crazy crazy planning process. But we assigned counselors to campers and campers to cabins, fixed the songbooks and added the new stuff, printed and stuffed all the return letters, came up with an impromptu plan B schedule if we can't go tubing which is a big possibility. Plus tallied and ordered some t-shirts.
Then ate pizza.
So it was a long process but didn't make for a long day. We have a lot of fun.
And it's good that we got it all done so we can go golfing tomorrow. Early church then heading out to the course for 18. Should be fun. I'll come back after and hit up the reunion if it's still going. Sad the sister-in-law can't make it, but timing-wise is probably bad. We'll go again. G-Wigger just got a new golf bag it's like Packers green and yellow with logo all over it. Niiiice. Should get one of those. Not a Packers one, but still.
Though I'd only use it once a year.
And would need a place to store it.
And my trunk is already full of camp stuff.
But see, it's less for me to pack!
That's why it stays!
Okay, that's mostly why it stays. I just really don't have the motivation to carry it up all those stairs. It's a lot of crap. I'll take it out this year after camp.
Gonna take some more Benadryl and call it a night. Swelling is mostly gone but it's still a little sore. Which wouldn't make tomorrow much fun.
Speaking of soreness, so we hadn't seen Dad in a while so Mom called and he's like cutting down trees - in the dark - to make sure the pivot doesn't hit them and he says that he scuffed his arm a little.
He gets home and it's like disgusting. I could only look for half a second before I turned away and wanted to vomit.
I'm not so good with blood and gore. Which isn't generally something you want to hear from someone who's certified which reminds me that I need to get that renewed. Anyway, so it was gross and he probably should get it checked out but he's Dad so he won't.
Apparently he fell down a bank with a chainsaw.
But it was off so it's okay.
Not like he fell off a tree with it still running.
Still, cutting down trees in the dark with a chainsaw doesn't seem like much of a logical choice.
But whatever works.
And that was my day.
I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about tomorrow so I'm gonna crash.
"How Bad We Need Each Other" Marc Scibilia
i have those shoes.
Friday, July 6, 2012
so let's get up, let's get on it, don't you leave me brokenhearted tonight
It feels like a Tuesday.
But it's Friday.
This whole holiday in the middle of the week thing totally threw me off. Like today is Friday the 6th. I kept thinking today was like the 7th. And a Tuesday.
So I should be excited cause I have the weekend off. But it just feels weird. Not that I'm complaining, I'll take it!
Camp meeting tomorrow, gonna sleep in before that. After that, depending on how long it goes, I'll probably come back and watch some Swamp People or whatever Dad has lined up for me to watch. Cause there's always a lineup of stuff that I've missed.
The swollen arm has gone down slightly. More Benadryl and some ice should make it go away completely. Better than going to the doctor. I'm not really a fan of going to the doctor. Not that I have anything against them, my sister is one, there's just something about the office that makes me nervous.
Same with dentists.
Moreso than before, just cause of the cavities thing.
On the phone with Sketch. Keep falling asleep, gotta stay awake long enough to post this and talk to her for a while, but I'm blocked and distracted so she says to write about the heat.
(! imagine this symbol upside down)Hace Calor!
So it's hot.
Crazy hot.
And it needs to go away. A little concerned about Camp J, if it's this hot now what's it gonna be in the end of July? The boyfriend says everything is starting early so maybe it will have cooled off by then. Possible winter in early October, that would bite the big one.
Was fairly successful today, found a chick her book after searching over 20 minutes.
Wow, definitely on Benadryl and glad I proofread, that's what I did, but what I ended up typing was "I helped find a dude some money". No idea where that came form.
Cane from.
that's it, i'm going to ebd!
"Brokenhearted" Karmin
her singing style reminds me of someone else's. kelly clarkson perhaps? lyrics and melody.
minus the cheerios.
think this is the least amount of tags i've ever had, granted i've talked about nothing of substance. but i'm still out! more and better tomorrow!
But it's Friday.
This whole holiday in the middle of the week thing totally threw me off. Like today is Friday the 6th. I kept thinking today was like the 7th. And a Tuesday.
So I should be excited cause I have the weekend off. But it just feels weird. Not that I'm complaining, I'll take it!
Camp meeting tomorrow, gonna sleep in before that. After that, depending on how long it goes, I'll probably come back and watch some Swamp People or whatever Dad has lined up for me to watch. Cause there's always a lineup of stuff that I've missed.
The swollen arm has gone down slightly. More Benadryl and some ice should make it go away completely. Better than going to the doctor. I'm not really a fan of going to the doctor. Not that I have anything against them, my sister is one, there's just something about the office that makes me nervous.
Same with dentists.
Moreso than before, just cause of the cavities thing.
On the phone with Sketch. Keep falling asleep, gotta stay awake long enough to post this and talk to her for a while, but I'm blocked and distracted so she says to write about the heat.
(! imagine this symbol upside down)Hace Calor!
So it's hot.
Crazy hot.
And it needs to go away. A little concerned about Camp J, if it's this hot now what's it gonna be in the end of July? The boyfriend says everything is starting early so maybe it will have cooled off by then. Possible winter in early October, that would bite the big one.
Was fairly successful today, found a chick her book after searching over 20 minutes.
Wow, definitely on Benadryl and glad I proofread, that's what I did, but what I ended up typing was "I helped find a dude some money". No idea where that came form.
Cane from.
that's it, i'm going to ebd!
"Brokenhearted" Karmin
her singing style reminds me of someone else's. kelly clarkson perhaps? lyrics and melody.
minus the cheerios.
think this is the least amount of tags i've ever had, granted i've talked about nothing of substance. but i'm still out! more and better tomorrow!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Swollen limbs, Rookie movie, Musical Wine Nerds and Blue stuff, plus a slutty manikin
So my arm is swollen.
No idea why.
Guessing it's some sort of bug bite.
As in actual bug, not like virus bug.
Same thing happened at teen camp this past year, woke up with a swollen ankle, but with some ice and Benadryl it went away. Hoping same plan will work.
It was actually amusing cause I work with a bunch of mothers and they all had different advice. Though the common theme was go to the doctor.
Which I will.
If this doesn't work.
Not the first time my arm was all messed up and I'm sure not the last. I'm clumsy like that. Though last time I had to figure out how to staple artwork above my head while my arm was a numb. Basically stuck the artwork between that and the wall and attempted to lean it against the wall and staple with the other. Didn't work out so hot.
Whoa, Courage the Cowardly Dog. Flashbacks. That and Ah, Real Monsters. Rocko's Modern Life... sorry, ran across them. Ah memories.
Just watched "The Rookie" my favorite Dennis Quaid movie. Well, that and the Parent Trap. "Nothing, not a thing, Cruella..." Everyone should have a Dennis Quaid movie. You have plenty to choose from, GI Joe, Footloose, What to Expect When You're Expecting, Day After Tomorrow...
I'll give it a 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Kind of a slow start, I remember it being much better. Like The Big Green, apparently I was a sports movie enthusiast.
I love Angus, "I'm not doing it."
Still pretty good though, emotion-wise and all that. Based on a true story.
So, said I was gonna do this yesterday and I feel asleep anyway. Which is what I'll do soon so I'll post them now.
"Red, Red Wine"
"White and Nerdy" Weird Al
"Blue" Eiffel 65
courtesy of the red, white and blue.
Yes, I know this post was lame, but the only other stuff going on was stocking up on Benadryl and buying some groceries, working 8 hours...that's all I got. I'm sure there's something I'm missing so more tomorrow.
Oh right, I've got a lot of curiosity feedback about the slutty manikins. Here's a picture and you can decide how you would rate them on the slutty scale.
"They wore them on HeeHaw!"
No idea why.
Guessing it's some sort of bug bite.
As in actual bug, not like virus bug.
Same thing happened at teen camp this past year, woke up with a swollen ankle, but with some ice and Benadryl it went away. Hoping same plan will work.
It was actually amusing cause I work with a bunch of mothers and they all had different advice. Though the common theme was go to the doctor.
Which I will.
If this doesn't work.
Not the first time my arm was all messed up and I'm sure not the last. I'm clumsy like that. Though last time I had to figure out how to staple artwork above my head while my arm was a numb. Basically stuck the artwork between that and the wall and attempted to lean it against the wall and staple with the other. Didn't work out so hot.
Whoa, Courage the Cowardly Dog. Flashbacks. That and Ah, Real Monsters. Rocko's Modern Life... sorry, ran across them. Ah memories.
Just watched "The Rookie" my favorite Dennis Quaid movie. Well, that and the Parent Trap. "Nothing, not a thing, Cruella..." Everyone should have a Dennis Quaid movie. You have plenty to choose from, GI Joe, Footloose, What to Expect When You're Expecting, Day After Tomorrow...
I'll give it a 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Kind of a slow start, I remember it being much better. Like The Big Green, apparently I was a sports movie enthusiast.
I love Angus, "I'm not doing it."
Still pretty good though, emotion-wise and all that. Based on a true story.
So, said I was gonna do this yesterday and I feel asleep anyway. Which is what I'll do soon so I'll post them now.
"Red, Red Wine"
"White and Nerdy" Weird Al
"Blue" Eiffel 65
courtesy of the red, white and blue.
Yes, I know this post was lame, but the only other stuff going on was stocking up on Benadryl and buying some groceries, working 8 hours...that's all I got. I'm sure there's something I'm missing so more tomorrow.
Oh right, I've got a lot of curiosity feedback about the slutty manikins. Here's a picture and you can decide how you would rate them on the slutty scale.
"They wore them on HeeHaw!"
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
I'm farming and I grow it.
Okay, just a heads up, this post may be labeled as 11:50 PM, but it's actually around 1:30 AM and by the time it's posted it will be past 2AM. Like most posts it's back-dated, but this is the day I had.
It all started with the parade in the morning. The boyfriend came up and drove my car.
Literally, my car, my name is on the title. It's a long black Cadillac.
If you get that reference.
We were in the front part of the parade, which was actually really nice because we went through and then got the heck out of there. Abby Cadabra came with us and "threw candy". Actually it was more like she sat on my lap and looked cute while the boyfriend and I threw candy.
Which worked out okay, it was hot but not too bad in the morning. Then we hit up the firebarn for lunch, dad paid, they had BBQ stuff. Walked around to look at all the cars and all that.
Interesting day for our relationship.
Apparently we're married.
And supposed to have kids.
With brown eyes.
The first part needs kind of an explanation. Um, so we were walking around and as it's a small town I was introducing him to people when we ran into my dad's old hired hand. Well, he's not old, but former hired hand, there. Anyway, so he was like, "I used to work for your father-in-law on the farm." and the boyfriend goes, "okay" and then Joe keeps talking and then takes off, and there was no real time for explanation, so when we went to lunch with mom and dad it was like, "okay, so Joe may say something about meeting your son-in-law, umm...yeah, no."
The second part is pretty much self-explanatory, my siblings give us a lot of crap and we both have brown eyes.
As for the two of us, it was a pretty good day. After the parade, intros, and lunch we headed out to the farm for some air conditioning, caught the last 35 in the best 100 songs of the 90's list on VH1. Got pretty invested, had to watch it all the way through. Between the two of us we know a lot of music, and of course he guessed the number one song. But it's hard to guess when you've missed the first half of the marathon and don't know what's already been listed.
After that was the annual tank war. Bubby and I have a running competition in which we line up a bunch of tanks facing each other, and attempt to light them all. Then whoever has the most tanks that aren't completely toast wins.
I won this year, though not by much. I won last year as well, up until he stomped them into pieces, pointed and said "I win" then lit off some more fireworks. Cheater.
Quotes of the Day:
"Fill the gap!" power trip on four wheels, long story. But we plan on using it for many occasions such as "Fill the gap Martha, you're sucking it up!" I'm sure he just loves that nickname.
"It's not skanky beer." See, when I hear skanky I think of it as an adjective to someone being skanky. Not old beer. It's like if you drink it you become skanky or something.
"Just like labor." I was holding the newest addition Tessa Jo and she had long toenails so when she jammed them into my leg I was like, ouch! toenails! and they teased me about that's what it feels like to go through labor.
I told them to give me 5 years. Minimum. Probably more.
"Found another parachute."
"Awww, crap." the endless amount of parachutes, I can still see them chasing them down, literally chasing it was pretty windy.
I'm sure there's more but I'm totally blanking. I'll add more tomorrow.
"I'm Farming and I Grow It" Peterson Farm Brothers - parody of "I'm Sexy and I Know It"
my brother could have totally been all over it is.
I was gonna post some patriotic red/white/blue music but I'm falling asleep at the keyboard. Will post it tomorrow. Out for the night.
And yep, 2:07 AM.
It all started with the parade in the morning. The boyfriend came up and drove my car.
Literally, my car, my name is on the title. It's a long black Cadillac.
If you get that reference.
We were in the front part of the parade, which was actually really nice because we went through and then got the heck out of there. Abby Cadabra came with us and "threw candy". Actually it was more like she sat on my lap and looked cute while the boyfriend and I threw candy.
Which worked out okay, it was hot but not too bad in the morning. Then we hit up the firebarn for lunch, dad paid, they had BBQ stuff. Walked around to look at all the cars and all that.
Interesting day for our relationship.
Apparently we're married.
And supposed to have kids.
With brown eyes.
The first part needs kind of an explanation. Um, so we were walking around and as it's a small town I was introducing him to people when we ran into my dad's old hired hand. Well, he's not old, but former hired hand, there. Anyway, so he was like, "I used to work for your father-in-law on the farm." and the boyfriend goes, "okay" and then Joe keeps talking and then takes off, and there was no real time for explanation, so when we went to lunch with mom and dad it was like, "okay, so Joe may say something about meeting your son-in-law, umm...yeah, no."
The second part is pretty much self-explanatory, my siblings give us a lot of crap and we both have brown eyes.
As for the two of us, it was a pretty good day. After the parade, intros, and lunch we headed out to the farm for some air conditioning, caught the last 35 in the best 100 songs of the 90's list on VH1. Got pretty invested, had to watch it all the way through. Between the two of us we know a lot of music, and of course he guessed the number one song. But it's hard to guess when you've missed the first half of the marathon and don't know what's already been listed.
After that was the annual tank war. Bubby and I have a running competition in which we line up a bunch of tanks facing each other, and attempt to light them all. Then whoever has the most tanks that aren't completely toast wins.
I won this year, though not by much. I won last year as well, up until he stomped them into pieces, pointed and said "I win" then lit off some more fireworks. Cheater.
Quotes of the Day:
"Fill the gap!" power trip on four wheels, long story. But we plan on using it for many occasions such as "Fill the gap Martha, you're sucking it up!" I'm sure he just loves that nickname.
"It's not skanky beer." See, when I hear skanky I think of it as an adjective to someone being skanky. Not old beer. It's like if you drink it you become skanky or something.
"Just like labor." I was holding the newest addition Tessa Jo and she had long toenails so when she jammed them into my leg I was like, ouch! toenails! and they teased me about that's what it feels like to go through labor.
I told them to give me 5 years. Minimum. Probably more.
"Found another parachute."
"Awww, crap." the endless amount of parachutes, I can still see them chasing them down, literally chasing it was pretty windy.
I'm sure there's more but I'm totally blanking. I'll add more tomorrow.
"I'm Farming and I Grow It" Peterson Farm Brothers - parody of "I'm Sexy and I Know It"
my brother could have totally been all over it is.
I was gonna post some patriotic red/white/blue music but I'm falling asleep at the keyboard. Will post it tomorrow. Out for the night.
And yep, 2:07 AM.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
"I'm explaining our body/trunk situation." "Awesome!"
Oh, the smell of gunpowder in the morning. There will be even more of it tomorrow.
This is probably my favorite holiday. Well, this and Christmas. Maybe some Thanksgiving, nah, mostly 4th of July and Christmas.
Today was actually fantastic. Went to the right branch this morning, woohoo! Lunch with Slim Shady, conversation with Library Goddess about NLA conference coming up in October apparently I'm going both days, then a really interesting discussion in the backroom with BossLady and The Intern.
The last time it was just the three of us in the back room was with the bird so you knew it'd be an interesting hour, both times ended with us laughing hysterically. Basically it all started with talk about 4th of July plans and I told them about me driving one of my dad's cars in the parade tomorrow and my fear that he's gonna stick me with one of his slutty manikins.
Have I told you about the slutty manikins? I don't remember. Okay, so my dad is a collector and he has all these model trains and old cars and he likes to put these manikin women in them, I have no idea why, he just does.
Anyway, so the last time I came home Mom was like, you have to see the outfits he bought for his manikins. Dad brought one inside and my jaw just dropped. "Why do you have slutty manikins?!" "They're not slutty, that's how the girls dress on Hee-Haw."
With the button down shirts tied in front.
That's not slutty at all.
Everyone woman dresses like that on a regular basis.
So I had this fear that he was gonna stick me in a car with one and I told that to BossLady and I was like, "if that happens I'll wait 'til he leaves then I'll stick in the trunk, do the parade, then take a detour, take it out of the trunk, drive back to the start point and act like nothing happened."
I look over and she's laughing hysterically, and she hits me with, "I would call the cops and say 'I think I saw Carrie shoving a body in the trunk.'"
Yeah, there would be like a blockade at the end of the parade...
So then we changed it to putting one in dad's trunk, then calling the cops and saying something to the effect of, "I saw him shove a body in the trunk and I haven't seen my mom all afternoon..." He'd get through the parade and they'd pull him over be like, "Sir, we're gonna need you to step out of the car..."
Would be the best prank ever.
Though he probably would not think so at the time.
But thoughts for the future.
It is a serious small town parade though. Floats and tractors and all that. Is Nebraska the only state that includes tractors in a parade? Total rednecks. I'm guessing they don't exactly make an appearance in any parades in New York.
But that's just a guess.
After work I packed up my fireworks, bought far too many, but now I have my tanks for the epic tank war between myself and Bubby, more on that tomorrow, and headed out to the boyfriend's house. We went out and bought even more fireworks then went back to watch the town's firework show. Jammed with his parents for a while, they're pretty cool. Sane. Which I appreciate immensely.
Though she did mention something about worrying she'll never have grandchildren. We'll see about that.
Big day tomorrow so I should probably konk out. Finally talked the boyfriend into coming out and driving in the parade. He's gonna save me from the slutty manikin. I sense a story.
And not a good one.
But that's true for most of mine as of late.
Alright, soon to be out, here's a couple of songs that were stuck in my head all day for no reason.
"A Little Bit Stronger" Leighton Meester
originally by Sara Evans, covered by Leighton Meester for Country Strong and Jordis Unga on The Voice.
love it. don't get me started on Jordis, we'd be here for a while.
If you want to read them find a "voice" or "jordis unga" tag.
"Mario Live"
it was the theme song that was a stuck in my head, but oh my god so cool! dude performs the entire first level of Super Mario Bros. Live. love that flag at the end.
ps - i enjoy immensely that now i get to have a tag for "slutty manikins". awesome. will attempt to use it again in the future.
This is probably my favorite holiday. Well, this and Christmas. Maybe some Thanksgiving, nah, mostly 4th of July and Christmas.
Today was actually fantastic. Went to the right branch this morning, woohoo! Lunch with Slim Shady, conversation with Library Goddess about NLA conference coming up in October apparently I'm going both days, then a really interesting discussion in the backroom with BossLady and The Intern.
The last time it was just the three of us in the back room was with the bird so you knew it'd be an interesting hour, both times ended with us laughing hysterically. Basically it all started with talk about 4th of July plans and I told them about me driving one of my dad's cars in the parade tomorrow and my fear that he's gonna stick me with one of his slutty manikins.
Have I told you about the slutty manikins? I don't remember. Okay, so my dad is a collector and he has all these model trains and old cars and he likes to put these manikin women in them, I have no idea why, he just does.
Anyway, so the last time I came home Mom was like, you have to see the outfits he bought for his manikins. Dad brought one inside and my jaw just dropped. "Why do you have slutty manikins?!" "They're not slutty, that's how the girls dress on Hee-Haw."
With the button down shirts tied in front.
That's not slutty at all.
Everyone woman dresses like that on a regular basis.
So I had this fear that he was gonna stick me in a car with one and I told that to BossLady and I was like, "if that happens I'll wait 'til he leaves then I'll stick in the trunk, do the parade, then take a detour, take it out of the trunk, drive back to the start point and act like nothing happened."
I look over and she's laughing hysterically, and she hits me with, "I would call the cops and say 'I think I saw Carrie shoving a body in the trunk.'"
Yeah, there would be like a blockade at the end of the parade...
So then we changed it to putting one in dad's trunk, then calling the cops and saying something to the effect of, "I saw him shove a body in the trunk and I haven't seen my mom all afternoon..." He'd get through the parade and they'd pull him over be like, "Sir, we're gonna need you to step out of the car..."
Would be the best prank ever.
Though he probably would not think so at the time.
But thoughts for the future.
It is a serious small town parade though. Floats and tractors and all that. Is Nebraska the only state that includes tractors in a parade? Total rednecks. I'm guessing they don't exactly make an appearance in any parades in New York.
But that's just a guess.
After work I packed up my fireworks, bought far too many, but now I have my tanks for the epic tank war between myself and Bubby, more on that tomorrow, and headed out to the boyfriend's house. We went out and bought even more fireworks then went back to watch the town's firework show. Jammed with his parents for a while, they're pretty cool. Sane. Which I appreciate immensely.
Though she did mention something about worrying she'll never have grandchildren. We'll see about that.
Big day tomorrow so I should probably konk out. Finally talked the boyfriend into coming out and driving in the parade. He's gonna save me from the slutty manikin. I sense a story.
And not a good one.
But that's true for most of mine as of late.
Alright, soon to be out, here's a couple of songs that were stuck in my head all day for no reason.
"A Little Bit Stronger" Leighton Meester
originally by Sara Evans, covered by Leighton Meester for Country Strong and Jordis Unga on The Voice.
love it. don't get me started on Jordis, we'd be here for a while.
If you want to read them find a "voice" or "jordis unga" tag.
"Mario Live"
it was the theme song that was a stuck in my head, but oh my god so cool! dude performs the entire first level of Super Mario Bros. Live. love that flag at the end.
ps - i enjoy immensely that now i get to have a tag for "slutty manikins". awesome. will attempt to use it again in the future.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Glory days, Glory days...
Okay, I don't normally suck at posting every day.
Been a bit overwhelmed lately but everything is perfect now.
Today was pretty good, aside from the fact that I was completely flustered after showing up at the wrong branch. Woops. But fixed that, worked on some Food Drive stuff, planned out some more TAB stuff, you know, the usual.
Got a new nickname at work today from Info-man. Apparently as I am now the supply sergeant at the work branch I qualify as "Klinger" the supply man on MASH.
I love it.
Scale of Awesome time:
Watched "Safe House" tonight with the boyfriend.
Not bad, give it about a 6/10. Kept me intrigued throughout and there were a lot of surprises so I kind of guessed the ending but not the whole thing.I like Denzel and Ryan, but it's not a movie I'll watch over and over like RED.
Did you hear about the New Mexico lady who got arrested for overdue items? Go here: I guess they sent her a summons but she never got it then they arrested her all because of the Twilight series.
Alright, music rec and I'm out. Exhausted and checked my schedule so I know which branch to show up at tomorrow.
Got to jam with my carpool buddy today. About time since she's in the basement now.
Says I must have older siblings cause of my music preference.
I'm just cultured.
But yes I do have older siblings.
"Glory Days" Bruce Springsteen
alright, and she's out!
Been a bit overwhelmed lately but everything is perfect now.
Today was pretty good, aside from the fact that I was completely flustered after showing up at the wrong branch. Woops. But fixed that, worked on some Food Drive stuff, planned out some more TAB stuff, you know, the usual.
Got a new nickname at work today from Info-man. Apparently as I am now the supply sergeant at the work branch I qualify as "Klinger" the supply man on MASH.
I love it.
Scale of Awesome time:
Watched "Safe House" tonight with the boyfriend.
Not bad, give it about a 6/10. Kept me intrigued throughout and there were a lot of surprises so I kind of guessed the ending but not the whole thing.I like Denzel and Ryan, but it's not a movie I'll watch over and over like RED.
Did you hear about the New Mexico lady who got arrested for overdue items? Go here: I guess they sent her a summons but she never got it then they arrested her all because of the Twilight series.
Alright, music rec and I'm out. Exhausted and checked my schedule so I know which branch to show up at tomorrow.
Got to jam with my carpool buddy today. About time since she's in the basement now.
Says I must have older siblings cause of my music preference.
I'm just cultured.
But yes I do have older siblings.
"Glory Days" Bruce Springsteen
alright, and she's out!
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