How do farmers tell the difference between seedless watermelons and ones with seed?
Are they grown differently?
Is that some sort of chemical thing?
Watermelon for supper.
Yeah, that's healthy I know, but I just got home so get over it.
Currently it's 11:18 PM and I'm eating watermelon and an icecream bar. Cause both of those things are awesome and faster than cooking anything else.
Well, not really, I had to actually cut up the watermelon so I guess that took some time.
Anyway, went to Bubby's baseball game tonight. They won but it was close. Down for most of the game until Bubby tied it up. His base-running was hysterical, he made it to third and then like was told to go home on a passed ball but then they got it so he had to go back to third but then there was like an overthrow or something so then he went but then he had to go back cause they got it faster than we thought they would.
It was a mess. But he was safe. And then the next dude hit it so he scored and tied the game.
I was pretty proud, the other team's pitcher was super fast. Made me look twice anyway.
And then they brought in a slower pitcher and then the time ran out so we won.
More games next week, even get to play against the #1 team. We beat the majority of the teams by 10 points so I'm a bit scared to see these guys play.
What else from today...was actually pretty productive. Got started on a new booklist though I should check with him on the last one. Anyway, this one is on classics with a twist so some parody stuff similar to "Pride Prejudice and Zombies" and all that. If you have any good ones throw them my way.
There's pretty much a zombie/vampire spin on all the classics which I'm a little questioning of. Yes, classics are awesome and they're classics for a reason, do we really need to throw in the undead to screw everything over?
Though I was a fan of PP&Z and am proud to own it.
I found one on Jane Eyre, I'm intrigued by that one purely because of his ex-wife. Well, wife, you know the crazy one that walked on her hands and knees and made all those weird noises and stuff? Maybe she was eaten by the undead and that's what made her so bizarre.
Maybe it tells her side of the story.
Maybe I could write her side of the story.
and go crazy right along with her, sounds fun but when would I do that?
Which reminds me that I have more return letters to fill out and send before morning, and oh crap it's 11:30 already and I'm on that early to bed kick so I should move on and post so I can sleep.
Carter is trying to steal my watermelon.
Pretty sure he would not like the taste of it but he's obnoxious like that.
What else?
I'm freaked for tomorrow.
I mean, I'm sure it will be fine and easy and all that, I mean all I have to do is go down to C/C and pick up food to bring back for people at work.
That's easy enough right? Just gotta you know find the building and then parking and then the chick I have to give all the stuff to but I think she's gonna be at the Information Desk, so I'll give them the money and the extra tickets and pick up the food and take it back, but I gotta figure out how many meals I'm getting and who gets them and blah!!
Food Bank fundraiser it's a picnic thing but there's a carry-out option which some of my coworkers opted-in to after I talked them into it. But it's good food and it's cheap and it's for a good cause, etc.
And it's kind of my job to promote that kind of stuff.
For the next like....well 8 days 'til the drive ends, but we don't pick up the barrels 'til the 23rd. Which is a Monday. So like two more weeks almost.
Alright, that's all I got.
Big day tomorrow.
And it's a Friday so I have Saturday off which is when I'm getting my hair chopped and dyed.
Not like chopped chopped, just like 5-6 inches. Maybe more.
It's super long at the moment.
And desperately needs to get some red in it so that kids can actually recognize me at camp.
Speaking of camp, return letters then bed.
But first! Cause I said I'd post it when I found it.
Season Three:
it's Dr. Calder....Dr. CALDER!
"This way, no dawdling." *trips* bleep!
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