The boyfriend is the official spider killer.
Cause we watched Arachnophobia and now I'm all paranoid.
Bad time to watch it for the first time as soon I'm off to camp for a week.
And there are bugs everywhere.
For once I'm grateful that I have a spaz for a cat.
Any little bug he's all over it, batting it around.
So he gets to sleep on my stomach tonight with no complaints from me.
Today was pretty big.
Promotion without the pay raise.
So I guess it's less of a promotion and more of a let's add more stress to CK's workload.
Wasn't the goal for this fall to have less stuff going on in life?
Working 40 hours, 3 master's classes, grad assistantship, boyfriend, camp fallout...I'm sure there's more but I'm blocking it out until after camp.
Anyway, more on the non-promotion later. When everything is official and all that.
Food Drive people came to pick up the barrels today. And I sent in all the proceeds from our loose change milkjugs so I am officially done!! Woohoo! Last year and everything, it's all on my apprentice now.
Lots more compliments on the food drive sculpture competition, most notably from our head of IT. He was in charge of the food drive a few years ago, said this brought in much more donations.
What else at work?
Updated the TAB form. Had a girl come in this morning specifically asking for one. That means I'm up to like 6 new members and all the paperwork to go with it.
Oh yeah, debated peaches vs. nectarines with big brother. I brought a peach this morning but big brother claimed it was a nectarine. Fearless Leader was the judge and confirmed the peach theory. But said it was a "low-fuzz peach" so it looked like a nectarine.
Didn't really matter as it tasted like crap so I didn't eat the whole thing anyway.
After work I headed out to the boyfriend's place. Drove around for a while, went to Walmart to pick up some stuff, then watched the movie.
Seriously paranoid.
Does anyone else get all itchy when they watch a movie about bugs or is that just me?
Alright, gotta sleep now.
Huge day tomorrow, gotta take Carter to the farmhouse, then gotta get back to write the rest of my skits and start packing, then on Thursday I'll be ready to go after work and will have time to grab all the stuff I will have forgotten to pack tomorrow.
Cause there's always something I'll forget.
Need the DVD's for teen camp.
Printer for skits.
Registration paperwork and lineup for counselors.
Print off the emailed registrations from the panicked mother that called me today.
It's not often you check your mail and cheer when you don't get any letters.
Though there's still tomorrow.
And Thursday before I leave.
Wouldn't be the first time.
Or the first year that kids just show up without registering at all.
That's why we have air mattresses.
And tents.
Which we're going to have to use for the second year in the row for the 4th grade boys.
But they fight over the spots in the tent so they'll be fine.
Alright, now really gotta crash. Turn on some Wipeout and wipeout myself.
Song you know but forgot you knew it:
"Follow You Down" Gin Blossoms

forgot to add this one, nutzo the squirrel made a repeat appearance.
what was more amusing were the 8 people - security guard and patron included - gathering around the window taking pictures of him.
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