Okay, so last time I did stuff in order, this time I'm doing them in reverse order.
Sunday Night: Sushi
Went out for sushi tonight for the Cool Aunt's birthday. Lots of food, lots of fun. Conversations ranging from Halloween parties, to dead people, to Christmas, to sports stuff. Never a shortage of stuff to talk about in our family.
Quote of the night: "How is she doing?"
Second Sister and myself simultaneously: "She's dead..."
Saturday Night: Huskers Game
The Cool Aunt took me to the Huskers game this week. I was super stoked 1, because it was homecoming, and 2, because the last game I went to was the Kansas game in Kansas back when we were still in the Big 12. Also with the Cool Aunt. So it's been a while.
We rocked it. Final score 45-14.
Ameer was unstoppable, Kenny had some awesome catches, and Tommy has really improved since last season. We have a really young team (with the exception of Bell and Abdullah) so we may have a pretty decent team these next few years.
Here were a few of our favorite things:
Ganz's Pants: I don't know if you watched the game but if you did there was no way you missed Joe Ganz's pants. (for those of you who don't know he used to be a QB, now he works with the QB's). Anyway, he was wearing these bright red plaid pants and they were just fantastic. They looked like something your grandmother would have bought you (like a bird sweater) and then he actually wore them. The Cool Aunt has labeled them as "The Gantz." Though we also liked "Gantzers." I'm wondering if they'll show up in the Huskers section at Scheels like those red and white striped overalls.

Joe is the one in the exact middle of this picture. The only non-player on the sideline not in khakis.
Westy's Crop Top: I love Westerkamp, you've gotta know that by now, but did anyone else notice how short his jersey was last night? It was like they ordered the wrong size for him or something. The Cool Aunt started calling him "Crop Top" as did the lady next to us. "Crop Top's back in..."

You can see it here in this photo, he's #1 running on the goal line.
"Sports Harder!": First off you should know that not all of my siblings are die-hard Husker fans like myself. Or sports fans at all. My brother and I are hardcore fans, but Second Sister knows nothing about sports. I taught her the strike zone this summer. Her motto for her children playing sports is "I don't care if he's running around with his shoes untied, he's having fun!" Anyway, halfway through the game I get a text from her and instead of "Go Big Red" or "Go Huskers" or even "Go Team" she texts me "Sports Harder!" We liked it so much it became our battle cry. Actually it reminded me a lot of that scene in the Big Bang Theory where Leonard paints "Go Sports" on his stomach.
Yep, just like that.
Difference between a touchdown and a field goal: You meet some interesting people at Husker games. The lady sitting next to me was very nice, a teacher, knew my boss, etc. But then we had some interesting characters sitting behind us. When we got stopped on 3rd down and were forced to kick a field goal one of them goes, "A field goal's like kissing your sister." I died.
"Just like I said": The Cool Aunt really wanted us to run a reverse and I really wanted Westerkamp to catch one in the endzone so we would periodically call them out. (you know like when a baseball player points his bat to the outfield like he's gonna hit a homerun) we were convinced on certain plays that that's what they were gonna do because of body language or whatever so she would say "they're gonna run a reverse" and then they wouldn't so she would respond "just like I said." Then I would say "Westy's gonna catch it in the endzone" and it would be a run play instead and she would go "just like you said." So we were totally right the whole time. Not.
Fear Ameer: Even the band had Heisman Fever. Check out what they spelled during their halftime show.

Epic. He does deserve the Heisman. I know he has some stiff competition but I think that run against McNeese State should determine it all.
Enough said.
Selfies Galore: Mr. Johnny Rogers made another appearance last night since it was homecoming. Everyone was getting selfies with him, including the cheerleaders. And guess who my cousin got a selfie with! Mr. Abdullah himself. Super coolness. While the Cool Aunt and I are not big on selfies we did snap one in front of Memorial Stadium. But it was backwards so we had a dude take another one for us.
Saturday Afternoon: TAB Game Day
On Saturday TAB hosted its first event - Game Day. With help from the guard I got the wii set up (which took forever) for MarioKart, plus I had all my board games from camp still in my trunk so I pulled those out. And see, the boyfriend says they're wasting trunk space and that I should unload them...but I've pulled them out on multiple occasions so they stay in the trunk. Also because I have nowhere else to put them really. We played some MarioKart - I dominated - "somebody's actually good at this game?" was one boy's remark, apparently he had never played video games against me before - and then we played some Apples to Apples - I also dominated. Now they want to do it again next year. It's on.
Saturday Morning: Adventures in the Parking Lot
Queen of the Known Universe and I need duo name. Like how Girlscout and I are Team Awesome, you know? We're thinking it should have something to do with our initials since they are the same. We did some excellent teamwork Saturday morning when the gate to our parking lot wouldn't let us in. I can't say exactly what it was, but it was brilliance and I'm proud. Thankfully, after multiple emails and phone calls it is now up and running again. Wildly entertaining.
Friday Night: Hockey Game
Friday was the hockey home opener. I was so excited and had been waiting for this night since like April so I was super pumped. Since the boyfriend was out of town I took Queen of the Known Universe. In true date fashion I had to pick her up, then we had to get her a t-shirt, plus she had to take a picture with the zamboni. Only thing missing was blood on the ice. I was surprised there were no major fights this time. I'm sure that will change as the season goes on. Jitters got to us and we started playing sloppy blowing the lead and losing the game in the 3rd period. Tempers were flaring at the end and they wouldn't even let them do their salute to the crowd just in case there were fights as they left. I've never seen that before. The Queen suggested they have one guy with the puck and then make a big circle around him 'til he gets to the other team's net. Would make for an interesting strategy. Like the Flying V from Mighty Ducks.
And that's all I've got for my timeline. Except it's TV season again, so here are my highlights so far:
Blacklist: Red and Liz are back and I'm stoked. With Berlin still out there the team is in hiding, so he sent Lord Baltimore to find Red's wife to draw him out. And guess who plays Red's ex wife. Mary Louise-Parker. I totally screamed. You have no idea, I'm sure my neighbors thought I saw another spider or something. For those of you that did watch it, the mystery figure in black has to be Tom, right? I mean, he can't be dead. And my "Run Lizzy Run" count continues. Scale of Awesome 10/10.
The Voice: Pharrell Williams and Gwen Stefani have joined Blake and Adam as coaches this year and they have been surprisingly persuasive. Gwen keeps playing the fashion and woman cards, and Pharrell writes poetry and calls people silk. I love them both, but that came long before the Voice. I did love when one contestant told Gwen she taught him how to spell Bananas. I remember buying that CD and then making Mom listen to that song on repeat the entire way home. Some pretty good singers this year, should be interesting. I'm working on my top 20 list. Scale of Awesome 9/10.
Scorpion: Based on a true story, this show tells the tales of Walter O'Brien and his group of geniuses. The first episode introduces the characters and then they get hired by the FBI to stop a terrorist plot at an airport. Was pretty good, I'll keep watching it if it keeps that up. And it's got Katherine McPhee which should be interesting. Scale of Awesome 8/10.
How to Get Away with Murder: Another Shonda series - I think Thursday night has become a Shonda-fest on ABC cause you've got Grey's then Scandal and now H2GAWM. It's a legal drama about a bunch of law students and their teacher - loving Viola Davis in that role - in which she basically is defending criminals in court while teaching them how to do it. And apparently in the flash forward her four main students killed someone. Should be interesting. Scale of Awesome 8/10.
Red Band Society: Octavia Spencer plays a nurse in a pediatric ward - yay for The Help stars getting major TV roles - her charges range from boys with cancer to a girl with an eating disorder to a boy in a coma to a snobby cheerleader with a tumor. The show is more about them living in the hospital, but she holds it all together. Scale of Awesome 7/10.
Mysteries of Laura: Debra Messing returns to TV, this time as a detective. It actually aired on the anniversary of Will and Grace which was cool. This series is awesome, mostly because it reminds me a bit of Women's Murder Club. Female detective. Ex-husband becomes her boss. Etc. But the crazy kids are new. Love her assistant - or whatever his official title is - the one who helps find the pre-school and all that. But Messing pulls off the detective which is surprising because it's so different from Grace Adler. I didn't watch Smash but I'm sure she was great in that too. Scale of Awesome 8/10.
Yet to come: Castle, Mom, 2 Broke Girls, Elementary, Grimm, Person of Interest, Bad Judge, Mulaney, Cristela, State of Affairs and Gotham (which I have taped but haven't watched yet).
Those of the shows I still tape. I gave up on Bones, Grey's, NCIS, and Criminal Minds. Bones lost Sweets, Grey's lost Cristina and half its cast, NCIS lost Ziva, and Criminal Minds lost Prentiss so yeah....I'll wait for the DVDs.
Songs of the Week:
Fireball - Pitbull
weird video, but good song. which is weird cause usually i don't like his stuff.
Bang Bang - Jessie J, Ariana Grande, and Nicki Minaj
i love this song but the only singer i like is jessie j - i love jessie j - but ariana's a bitch and nicki is weird. however they're all huge now so it's huge.
Boss - Fifth Harmony
Next. Love it.
alright, that's all i got. hopefully you will hear more out of me soon.