I went out there in the morning and jammed out all day watching Bubby and Squirt kick some butt. They won 2 out of 3. Bubby was a rebounding machine, and Squirt volleyball spiked the ball out of a chick's hands when she went up to shoot, it was hysterical.
No foul, it was all ball. I told Juwanna she would have been proud.
So, after all that joy came what we were all waiting for
the Called Worker vs. Alumni annual basketball game.
They used to have it every year, but for some reason it's been 9 years since the last time and they've brought it back. Our guess was that they finally have enough young and agile faculty so they have a fighting chance.
The "Called Workers" are basically - we're Lutheran, I went to a Lutheran high school, and to be a teacher at a Lutheran school you go through the whole education program, get your degree and then you get what is called a "call" to go somewhere. You can get sent all over the place.
So the "Called Workers" were basically faculty at the high school and surrounding grade schools that came to the tournament today. Lots of teachers.
vs. the Alumni, or Alum-Knights if you will.
The final score speaks for itself.
You know what's sad about those 96 points? At least 40 of them were all from one guy. Loberger is a three-point machine. It's ridiculous, he hit at least 10. AT LEAST.
Juwanna scored 7, hit a 3 from the top of the key. That's my roommate, the star point guard. Still holds half the records on the board and we graduated in 2006.
I didn't play as I'm not the "athlete" I was or wasn't a long long time ago. I got softball, that's all I need. So I took a lot of pictures, they'll hit Facebook later this weekend.
Things I learned tonight from the surrounding crowd:
-The lady behind me doing commentary was fantastic, and even snarkier than myself. Plus she was alumni, so that rocked. She wanted to steal the buzzer. I told her she should hit it twice every time there was an airball. Like "AIR"...."BALL!!!"
She said she's throw in a "Nice"..."Pass!!" for all of the crappy ones as well.
-"The guy in stripes is not on your team." no matter how many times you try to throw the ball to him. I'm talking to you faculty.
-When a ball rolls around the rim and falls out it's called a "carnival roll". No explanation was given.
So, after the game came the celebration. Hit up the one and only bar in town.
Since I still have that whole nauseous all the time thing going for me I didn't drink a lot, which actually made for an interesting experience.
Usually when you're drinking the same amount of alcohol as the people around you you don't notice things like when you start getting louder, or start singing, or making fun of the people at the bar far too loudly.
Though they were questionable.
It was definitely a night to remember as we were joined by our high school basketball coaches. It was only right to end the night with them as we were back at our old stomping grounds.
I talked the boyfriend into joining us, and though high school was not his favorite place in life - by far - he loves me. So he came. Said I was worth it and bought me a drink.
After debating hot celebrities, talking reality TV - Swamp People and Teen Mom (which makes me laugh so hard cause they're obsessed), singing some Beastie Boys, and watching Juwanna dominate her boyfriend in an arm-wrestling competition we called it a night and headed home.
Now I'm exhausted and I work all day tomorrow.
Though I'm stoked! Far more stoked than the average sane normal person should be stoked to go in on a Saturday. But I get to work with SPACE CADET!!
Do you know how long it's been since I've worked with Space Cadet?!?!
Like September...maybe October. Ridiculous.
The only time I see her is when I'm off and stop by on my way home, as we close at 6 and they're there until 8.
So I'm stoked.
And now I'm out. Turn on some Chuck and konk out.
"Fight For Your Right" The Beastie Boys
that's a serious amount of pie.
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