But we'll get there.
You know how there are days like yesterday in which there is really nothing to write about?
And then there are days like today in which there is everything to write about?
Let's start it off, early morning meeting with the rest of the staff about the new library. Or old library refurbished. But most likely new location with all that state of the art stuff, will be nice.
And it was actually worth going, they listened to our input, they wrote it all down on one of those tripod things, they had valid ideas. I can see why they were picked.
So it should be interesting.
After that I was at the desk for like an hour and a half before I went for lunch. For two hours. Well, technically from 11:30-1:00, since we went in half an hour early it was either a long lunch or leave early, but I also was good until 1:30 cause I had travel time to a meeting at a branch.
Well, meetings.
Youth Services plus TAB leaders.
I'm diggin' our TAB gang, they're fun people. And they forcefeed you girlscout cookies cause they buy too many.
It's okay. I already have two boxes at work. Gotta support the girlscouts you know? Especially when it's Queen of the Known Universe's kid, which I guess makes her Princess of the Known Universe.
Thin mints rock.
Anyway, so ideas were exchanged and all that. Mostly Summer Reading related, but it's all a work in progress.
Then I headed back to work and an awesome friend from high school came in so we took a scenic walk around outside on my break. Was cool catching up and talking about old times. I'm glad she's back in town.
Actually, the majority of us are in town, I was actually figuring this out last night. Cause as far as I know - granted there were only 25 of us by the time graduation rolled around - but at least 15 of the 25, AT LEAST, plus some that didn't graduate with us - are actually living here.
We all fled.
But it was a dorm school. In a super small town. Smaller than G-Town even. Like population 120 or lower. A good town...well village. That's what they called it. Which made us Village People for four years.
The Village was pretty good to us for four years. Well, most of us. Taught us how to sleep through trains driving by at all hours, how to not win at football - sorry guys - and find ways to entertain ourselves while being stuck on campus all week.
Unless we were on a Knight Out.
We were the Knights.
We burned a giant K on Homecoming.
(oh, poor mr. earl)
And sat on a truck to watch it burn.
But a Knight Out was our pass to get out of the dorms.
And when you're a Junior or Senior you get 2 per week. Freshmen and Sophomores you got hosed with only one. And no York trips.
But when you get two KO's and you're involved in sports it's cake.
Games were mostly Tuesdays and Thursdays so you take your Knight Out's on Monday and Wednesday nights, then go home on Fridays. So really the only night you're there there is Sunday night. And that night you're unpacking and doing the homework you put off all weekend anyway.
I loved high school. Think that's why I hated college.

Whoa. Changes there.
What brought this on?
Oh right, so yeah, the majority of us are here in town, yet the only time I've actually saw any of them was at the reunion.
Which is not a night I enjoy reliving. I mean, the beginning was fun...but then you throw in some goldschlager and yeah.
Fun times.
So yes, I am going to make plans and an effort and all that.
Cause my birthday is coming up.
Which means I'm getting old.
So I should appreciate life more.
Make it not only about work and school.
Party it up and jam out every now and then.
Speaking of partying it up, so it's February now, and we rotate our displays monthly - like there's a group of us and we each get a couple months a year, you can sign up for more in different places but this is the main one downstairs.
Anyway, so February is Spunky Old Broads Month.
I'm not joking.
So I did a display celebrating Spunky Old Ladies - a monthlong celebration of women over fifty who enjoy living a regret-free life (or something to that effect) cause we thought "Ladies" would be less controversial than "broads".
So I've got material on Betty White, Martha Stewart - did you know she was 70?!!? Duuuude. - Paula Deen, Reba, Barbara Walters, Tina Turner, Miss Marple, Murder She Wrote, Oprah, Rosie, 2 Fat Ladies, Etta James, etc.
But if you have any suggestions send them my way.
I'm short on fiction. We have a booklist on "senior sleuths" that I'm working off of. And I have a series by Effie Wilder that includes "Out to Pasture but not Over the Hill" a recommendation from my mother. Other than that it's Aunt Dimity and something else that I'm completely blanking on.
So yes suggestions, send them my way.
I know you're literate. If not, why are you reading a Librarian's blog?
Library Service Associate, sorry.
Moving on.
After work was a whole nother amount of stress and anxiety.
So, I was getting my stuff out of my locker, same with Slim Shady. Suddenly the freaking thing tips over on us.
Literally TIPS OVER ON US.
What are you supposed to do in that situation?! These are bigass lockers. And they're connected, so it wasn't just one, it was three. Your arms go up to stop it from falling on top of you but the freaking thing is heavy. And filled with crap. So Big Brother and Fearless Leader came to our rescue.
Some sort of freak accident.
We could have died in a tragic locker accident.
What would we write on our tombstone?
I could have my TAB kids make it up for me.
That's one of the activities suggested in the Summer Reading Manual.
Morbid, right?! But I've already covered that here: My Life in Closed Captions: It ain't me, It ain't me, I ain't no fortunate one...
After our heart rates had slowed back to normal and the obscenities had ceased, for the most part, I went to pick up my big fat cat who got shaved.
I think he lost like 10 pounds.
But he's happy now that his fur is less matted, and I'm happy cause now I won't constantly be picking up clumps of fur all over my carpet.
He's currently sleeping. Next to me of course. He has learned to wait until I put the laptop away before he can sleep on me.
Anyway, so yes there was ALL OF THAT within a 10 hour period, plus throw in the fact that I'm constantly checking my phone because apparently someone is going into labor within the next 24 hours.
Or we're hoping.
If not that's going to really suck.
But I keep getting texts from her so I don't think she's in complete pain and misery.
She's enjoying teasing me.
You have to realize that I'm like the queesiest person on the planet.
You can just talk about blood and I will run to the bathroom, hit my head on the sink, and konk out for 20 minutes, then wake up on the dorm-mom's couch while you all freak out.
Anyway, so Second Sister calls me the other day and says that her husband is sick. And that she talked to the doctor and they say that I can be her birth coach.
I think my jaw dropped, cause there were no words coming out of it.
Until she said she was joking.
Then I could breathe normal again.
Cause yeah, there's no way that's happening.
We had to watch some sort video on that stuff in high school and I ran to tha bathroom to puke. My roommate ran after me, hahahaha, and she brought that up at the reunion as well. "That's why I don't know anything about babies, I ran after you!!"
Thanks Juwanna.
So I said I will happily be there. After the baby is born. Then I can take over favorite aunt responsibilities.
Alright, this is getting super long and if you're still reading this you're probably asking when I'm going to shut up.
I'm almost there I promise.
Music rec's for the night:
Let's play a game called "Name the original artist"
Can you?
"Elvis Presley Blues"
Jimmy Buffet
king of the parrotheads
Gillian Welch
queen of the eccentric
Their styles are so different it's difficult to tell it's the same song. And yes, she and David - the guitarist - wrote it back in 2001.
The song itself amuses me, even though it's supposed to be sad cause you know he's dead. Or maybe he's not, who knows.
Anyway, it's funny though because he didn't just shake it like a chorus girl.
He also shook it like:
-A harlem queen.
-A midnight rambler, baby like you've never seen.
-A hurricane
-To make it break
-A holy roller, baby with his soul at stake.
And then things happen as he shakes it:
-He rang like silver
-He shine like gold
-He beat that steam drill, baby well bless my soul.
His dance moves must have been pretty spectacular.
Okay, now I'm out. Gonna throw on some TV and either work on those MARC records - that I'm putting off even though I'm pretty sure they take like 5 minutes - or just crash and burn. It's been a long day.
Think I'll go with the latter.
I've got all next week.
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