Awesome patrons came in today and fawned over my Rheticus Compass t-shirt. We talked Warehouse. It was fantastic.
Mom: "Who's your favorite character?"
Me: "HG Wells"
Daughter: "She's adorable!"
Mom: *turns gives weird look* "SHE'S EVIL!"
Daughter: "So?!"
they were stoked about the spinoff. then...
Me: "Who's your favorite?"
Mom: "Claudia....you remind me a bit of her. Have the hair."
Daughter: "Talks like her too."
totally made my day. Claudia Donovan rocks man. I wish I was as cool as Claudia Donovan. with her tech-geek-speak and all that. Which occasionally I do with jargon or whatever. but totally made my day.
See, but whenever I wear those kind of shirts at the other library it's just skeezy guys that stare at me and want to strike up a conversation about the design emblazoned across my chest. Which I don't really want to talk to them about. So I've stopped wearing them there. But here I'm all over it. That's part of why I like being an aide. Works well with my wardrobe. Speaking of:
Oldest Sister came in today. I'm checking in delivery and I hear, "I like the highlights." She always sneaks up on me, makes me jump. Then she goes all mom on me fixing my jeans and telling me I need to wear makeup. But WHY?! I already get skeezy guys that stare at me. I don't need any more of them!
After all the joys of shelving - got it all done with 2 minutes to spare - headed over to the book sale and bought 17 books for 15 bucks total. Love book sales. Especially those linked to our library. They rock. And the people rock. This thing took up the whole freaking building! Tables covered in boxes full of books. And if you go Saturday you can get a box of books for 3 bucks. Just have to fill it. The thing about the sale though is that the aide in me wants to go around and put things in order. I mean, they have them divided by category but not by author or DD#. Drives me nuts. Ran into a frequent patron and he had the same urges, and was apparently acting on them, haha. I figured it was my afternoon off so I'd leave it alone. Got some good Patterson stuff, Robert Fulghum, old One Book's, some comedy stuff, I'm diggin it. Think I will take Squirt on Saturday if she has interest.
Tomorrow will actually be a regular day. Schedule-wise. Which sounds weird because lately I'm all about the irregular days. They're actually fun, as long as you know where you're going and when to be there. I just do what I told. Which isn't a problem cause I love my job. Jobs.
Song of the night: Throwback Thursday
Survey says....
"Your Mama Don't Dance" Loggins and Messina
hahahaha, OMG. so, I did a search on here to see if I had posted this song already - cause it's awesome - and typed in "your mama don't dance" and three results popped up. one of them was a dream log that I had posted earlier this year and I was reading through some of them, just duuuude. My Life in Closed Captions: "Those are gonna be some weirdass dreams..."
Who the hell is Agent Larkin?
Although my favorite is "Are we going to get in trouble?" "Just tell them you were the one waving the flag." thanks Superwoman. but why was I waving a flag again?
Short version - I write what I remember of my dreams in the note section of my phone. I used to do it on paper but it got all over the place. This way they're all together. Kind of makes me want to go through the entries since then. Hmmm... Will see about posting those tomorrow. If I post. Smo is coming into town so we will have a jam session. Perhaps I will post before she arrives. Will look them over on my lunch break, see if any of them are worth it.
PS - Did anyone watch Criminal Minds this week? Rossi's cooking lesson was fantastic. I died of laughter. And Kirsten totally loses it at one point. Love it. This season of Criminal Minds fixes all problems, great and small.
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
5 whole inches chopped off and it's still long! That's just sad. Space Cadet said to just do highlights, everyone else said dye it red so I split the difference. Dyed it red with blonde highlights. We'll see what they have to say tomorrow.
Donna was excited about the Booze Cakes book and expects pictures when we make them. I'm stoked. Now just gotta find a night that myself, Slim Shady and Fearless Leader are all free. HA!
Today was pretty much the end of an era. Sensei's last day after working in the library system for 35 years. I am super sad to see her go. I enjoyed our conversations about The Closer, Criminal Minds, Jay Leno, and library school. She always had good tips for homework assignments and gave me project ideas for work. The library will be lacking without her. Especially once QofA has her baby and Glee-Loving Boss goes on vacation. Then it'll be just the four of us. Plus some help from my other branch. Oh the joys of training smart people. They'll pick up quickly.
Sensei, we will miss you. Have fun with your retirement.
And, whenever you're struggling, just ask yourself this question.
See you around.
Donna was excited about the Booze Cakes book and expects pictures when we make them. I'm stoked. Now just gotta find a night that myself, Slim Shady and Fearless Leader are all free. HA!
Today was pretty much the end of an era. Sensei's last day after working in the library system for 35 years. I am super sad to see her go. I enjoyed our conversations about The Closer, Criminal Minds, Jay Leno, and library school. She always had good tips for homework assignments and gave me project ideas for work. The library will be lacking without her. Especially once QofA has her baby and Glee-Loving Boss goes on vacation. Then it'll be just the four of us. Plus some help from my other branch. Oh the joys of training smart people. They'll pick up quickly.
Sensei, we will miss you. Have fun with your retirement.
And, whenever you're struggling, just ask yourself this question.
See you around.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
To dye, or not to dye? That is the question.
You know what's really sad?
When you sacrifice your hair color for your job.
I like my fire-engine red hair! And Superwoman approves. But, to some, it seems unprofessional. And, as I work in public service, perhaps that's not the best thing. So, tomorrow, when I go and get my hair dyed and chopped, but mostly dyed, I'm debating just getting highlights. I know! What happened?! Just highlights?! What has working public service done to you?! I'm asking myself those same questions. And I blame it on the night shift.
Tuesday night night-shifts always somehow turn into a debate. Space Cadet and I always have completely random conversations - you can read all about our sea cow vs. snow leopard debate from last week here: My Life in Closed Captions: I guess I'll go on home, it's late. There'll be to... Today the majority of our conversations revolved around my hair color. She doesn't want me to dye it. "But whyyyy? It's so pretty! Just say no!" And then she pulled the ultimate mom question.
"Why does your hair need to be red?"
"Because it does?"
"But why?"
"Because I like it red."
"Why red?"
I had no answer. Had to do some soul-searching. All this from hair-dyeing, I know. Seriously? But it was one of those questions. "I don't know, it's just always been red." Which, again, wasn't really an answer. So I'm trying to think of one now.
I wasn't the most popular kid growing up. Grade school was kind of a disaster area and high school was just interesting. Going away to a dorm school and living with the same people 24/7... there has to be some room for rebellion. I found that in my writings and dyeing my hair. Mom is okay with it because it's temporary, unlike tattoos or piercings. Not that she'd have that problem with me, I see a needle and I pass out. Literally.
And it worked for things like One Act and Drama productions. I dyed my hair so many colors - red, blonde, blue, orange, purple, black and back to the original brown we forgot it was. But I liked red because it was way out there.
Plus I was a Charlie's Angels nut and that was Dylan's hair color. Yes, let's blame my hair diagnosis on Drew Barrymore. It's not like my friends don't already blame her for enough of my habits.
But that was then. Well, the Charlie's Angels stuck, but should the hair color? At the time I liked it being so out there. Loud and obnoxious. I wore my headphones and skater clothes, talked my idiot slang talk, made friends with some interesting characters, picked up some bad habits. But am I really that person anymore? Am I supposed to be? I'm a professional now. Getting my Master's. Working two jobs. Running a kids camp.
I'm over-thinking things. I should just dye it and get it over with. Actually have one thing in my life that's the old me. Instead of the public service me. Which apparently has made me both a social person and semi-morning friendly. And do things like debate highlights vs. hair dye.
Like I said, over-thinking. So, why red? Why does it define me? It's loud and obnoxious. It sticks out in a crowd. It makes me quirky and gives my family plenty of ammo to throw at me.
Aren't you supposed to stick out in public service anyway? The chick that interviews people for OPL says she wouldn't hire anyone who picked "invisible" as their super power. You're supposed to be seen and out there helping people.
And librarians are known for being way out there. With our green tea and literature references. Although my grammar is still atrocious. On purpose mostly. So perhaps red hair would be the right choice.
I guess it'll be up to Donna tomorrow. Maybe she can point me in the right direction. Hmmm...
Quote of the day:
"You text her after hours?"
"She texts me asking if Castle is new!"
Pics of the Week:

fun with faulty equipment. this is what happens when the receipt printer suddenly decides to start working after not working for half an hour.

paparazzi! a picture of taking a picture of taking a picture of taking a picture of... from Sensei's going away party. We rocked the place tonight, the parking lot was packed.

our very own Vanna White

QofA and Space Cadet hard at work
Sensei's party was a blast. More on that tomorrow. Her last official day. I might actually cry. She's fanstastic. And we're going to go insane without her.

what I came home to tonight. *hand over eyes* "geez mom, just dye your hair red already. i know you just want to be as cool as me." yeah, maybe i'll add in a bullseye on the side.
Alright, off to feed my super cool cat and eat some supper myself.
When you sacrifice your hair color for your job.
I like my fire-engine red hair! And Superwoman approves. But, to some, it seems unprofessional. And, as I work in public service, perhaps that's not the best thing. So, tomorrow, when I go and get my hair dyed and chopped, but mostly dyed, I'm debating just getting highlights. I know! What happened?! Just highlights?! What has working public service done to you?! I'm asking myself those same questions. And I blame it on the night shift.
Tuesday night night-shifts always somehow turn into a debate. Space Cadet and I always have completely random conversations - you can read all about our sea cow vs. snow leopard debate from last week here: My Life in Closed Captions: I guess I'll go on home, it's late. There'll be to... Today the majority of our conversations revolved around my hair color. She doesn't want me to dye it. "But whyyyy? It's so pretty! Just say no!" And then she pulled the ultimate mom question.
"Why does your hair need to be red?"
"Because it does?"
"But why?"
"Because I like it red."
"Why red?"
I had no answer. Had to do some soul-searching. All this from hair-dyeing, I know. Seriously? But it was one of those questions. "I don't know, it's just always been red." Which, again, wasn't really an answer. So I'm trying to think of one now.
I wasn't the most popular kid growing up. Grade school was kind of a disaster area and high school was just interesting. Going away to a dorm school and living with the same people 24/7... there has to be some room for rebellion. I found that in my writings and dyeing my hair. Mom is okay with it because it's temporary, unlike tattoos or piercings. Not that she'd have that problem with me, I see a needle and I pass out. Literally.
And it worked for things like One Act and Drama productions. I dyed my hair so many colors - red, blonde, blue, orange, purple, black and back to the original brown we forgot it was. But I liked red because it was way out there.
Plus I was a Charlie's Angels nut and that was Dylan's hair color. Yes, let's blame my hair diagnosis on Drew Barrymore. It's not like my friends don't already blame her for enough of my habits.
But that was then. Well, the Charlie's Angels stuck, but should the hair color? At the time I liked it being so out there. Loud and obnoxious. I wore my headphones and skater clothes, talked my idiot slang talk, made friends with some interesting characters, picked up some bad habits. But am I really that person anymore? Am I supposed to be? I'm a professional now. Getting my Master's. Working two jobs. Running a kids camp.
I'm over-thinking things. I should just dye it and get it over with. Actually have one thing in my life that's the old me. Instead of the public service me. Which apparently has made me both a social person and semi-morning friendly. And do things like debate highlights vs. hair dye.
Like I said, over-thinking. So, why red? Why does it define me? It's loud and obnoxious. It sticks out in a crowd. It makes me quirky and gives my family plenty of ammo to throw at me.
Aren't you supposed to stick out in public service anyway? The chick that interviews people for OPL says she wouldn't hire anyone who picked "invisible" as their super power. You're supposed to be seen and out there helping people.
And librarians are known for being way out there. With our green tea and literature references. Although my grammar is still atrocious. On purpose mostly. So perhaps red hair would be the right choice.
I guess it'll be up to Donna tomorrow. Maybe she can point me in the right direction. Hmmm...
Quote of the day:
"You text her after hours?"
"She texts me asking if Castle is new!"
Pics of the Week:
fun with faulty equipment. this is what happens when the receipt printer suddenly decides to start working after not working for half an hour.
paparazzi! a picture of taking a picture of taking a picture of taking a picture of... from Sensei's going away party. We rocked the place tonight, the parking lot was packed.
our very own Vanna White
QofA and Space Cadet hard at work
Sensei's party was a blast. More on that tomorrow. Her last official day. I might actually cry. She's fanstastic. And we're going to go insane without her.
what I came home to tonight. *hand over eyes* "geez mom, just dye your hair red already. i know you just want to be as cool as me." yeah, maybe i'll add in a bullseye on the side.
Alright, off to feed my super cool cat and eat some supper myself.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Banished to the Backroom
That pretty much sums up this day.
Spent an hour and a half in the backroom of one library only to spend four more hours in the backroom of the other! The first one was cleaning - basically putting things in a box and putting it on a shelf so that the place looks clean, but as soon as it doesn't need to look clean any longer, things can be taken out of the box and put back where they were found. Long story.
Plus I attempted to vacuum but apparently the cord doesn't like me. But it does like my boss so maybe he vacuumed. Otherwise it'll be my second attempt tomorrow morning. And you should see this thing, it's like something out of Star Wars...or Ghostbusters. The vacuum is this jet pack thing that you strap on like a backpack. And I'm serious, I'll have to take a picture and upload it. Futuristic cleaning. If only it would actually work.
And the second library was checking in and changing statuses all day. So that was okay as well. Though it sounds tedious I was never actually alone in the backroom. It's the people that make the work worth it. That's what I figured out. I love the patrons and I love my coworkers. They make me laugh when the chips are down. (name that reference!) What more can I ask for? Today I checked in a book called "Booze Cakes" and was all over it. Spent my break flipping through it, MARGARITA CHEESECAKE MAN! And after doing so immediately showed it to Slim Shady who volunteered to host our baking session provided that Fearless Leader would bring her awesome baking supplies and mad baking skills. That chick is a mad baker. Serious business. I do enjoy our trio. Perhaps I shall have to come up with a clever nickname. That isn't the Three Musketeers. Overused. PS-Anyone know when that movie is coming out?
After the array of emotions exhibited today by myself and those thrown at me I'm completely and utterly exhausted. So, instead of boring you with incessant rambling or overloading you with youtube clips I'll hit you with these and go to bed.
Okay my coworkers and these girls are what got me through today...
Cybill's version of "My Baby Does the Hanky Panky"
I love it because it's just soooooo random! cybill takes maryanne out to the wilderness to find some sort of spiritual insight. about loses it at 0:18.
oh, how I miss that show. Wish they'd put it out on DVD. Oh, they have! Interesting...more on that later.
Song of the day: It's a Theory of a Deadman kind of day, but we won't go there.
"Little Miss Can't Be Wrong" Spin Doctors
they need a disclaimer. this many instruments were destroyed in the process of filming.
I hope you had a better day than I did.
Spent an hour and a half in the backroom of one library only to spend four more hours in the backroom of the other! The first one was cleaning - basically putting things in a box and putting it on a shelf so that the place looks clean, but as soon as it doesn't need to look clean any longer, things can be taken out of the box and put back where they were found. Long story.
Plus I attempted to vacuum but apparently the cord doesn't like me. But it does like my boss so maybe he vacuumed. Otherwise it'll be my second attempt tomorrow morning. And you should see this thing, it's like something out of Star Wars...or Ghostbusters. The vacuum is this jet pack thing that you strap on like a backpack. And I'm serious, I'll have to take a picture and upload it. Futuristic cleaning. If only it would actually work.
And the second library was checking in and changing statuses all day. So that was okay as well. Though it sounds tedious I was never actually alone in the backroom. It's the people that make the work worth it. That's what I figured out. I love the patrons and I love my coworkers. They make me laugh when the chips are down. (name that reference!) What more can I ask for? Today I checked in a book called "Booze Cakes" and was all over it. Spent my break flipping through it, MARGARITA CHEESECAKE MAN! And after doing so immediately showed it to Slim Shady who volunteered to host our baking session provided that Fearless Leader would bring her awesome baking supplies and mad baking skills. That chick is a mad baker. Serious business. I do enjoy our trio. Perhaps I shall have to come up with a clever nickname. That isn't the Three Musketeers. Overused. PS-Anyone know when that movie is coming out?
After the array of emotions exhibited today by myself and those thrown at me I'm completely and utterly exhausted. So, instead of boring you with incessant rambling or overloading you with youtube clips I'll hit you with these and go to bed.
Okay my coworkers and these girls are what got me through today...
Cybill's version of "My Baby Does the Hanky Panky"
I love it because it's just soooooo random! cybill takes maryanne out to the wilderness to find some sort of spiritual insight. about loses it at 0:18.
oh, how I miss that show. Wish they'd put it out on DVD. Oh, they have! Interesting...more on that later.
Song of the day: It's a Theory of a Deadman kind of day, but we won't go there.
"Little Miss Can't Be Wrong" Spin Doctors
they need a disclaimer. this many instruments were destroyed in the process of filming.
I hope you had a better day than I did.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
2 games, 2 amazing right-field catches, an injured leg, some ice cream and a cracked windshield later....
Dude. Battle of the Lutherans took center stage tonight. I've never seen 7 innings go by so fast. But there were so many 3 and outs it flew by. We both have really good defenses. And we lost. By one. Freaking 5 years in a row with that team, man. Not cool. Other Flavor Lutherans pull it off yet again.
Their old pastor called them that to me once and it stuck.
But it was fun so it was worth it.
Homey G and I teamed up with the E-Free at 6:30 so we were prepped and ready when our game rolled around. Which led to...
Quotes of the night:
Steider - "You switching denominations tonight? What would God say?"
Me - "Oh, we're mercenaries, didn't they tell you?"
Steider - "Ohhhhh.....but now you're all warmed up!"
E-Free Pastor - "Don't listen to him, he's just used to dealing with cold bodies."
yep, that's right, their team captain runs the town's mortuary.
That's what I love about church softball, the variety of people that play. It's like one-stop shopping. Parents, farmers, teachers, pastors, nurses...funeral home directors...
E-Free Pastor - "They been singing that song more than 20 years and they still haven't found what they're looking for?"
Allen - "I guess that's why they call it the blues!"
E-Free Pastor - "Aw man, anything but Elton John!"
as he goes up to bat. joking about U2. I love their pastor. He's fantastic and hysterical. even stuck around to watch the battle of the Lutherans.
It's so crazy that we lost. Freaking other flavor Lutherans came back and won it. We were winning until they scored three in an inning and took over. After that was 3 and out over and over. That bites. But we'll get them next year. As I can pretty much guarantee you that even if we get the games extended this year they'll decide they have other things to do. They just like to remain undefeated. I probably would too.
But the game's over. I probably could have played a lot better defense-wise at least, I got on base every time at bat. And I got walked. I didn't know what to do with myself! See, with our team, we swing at anything. Because that's how we play. We don't believe in that whole watch the crappy pitch fly by thing. Prince of Peace is more about waiting for the right pitch. So they take a lot of walks. And the thing about walking is that if a pitcher walks a guy then the girl behind him gets an automatic walk as well. So he basically gets a double. Doesn't work that way with a girl though. You get walked you walk, that's it. I think it's to defer walking the men to strike out the women. Which makes sense. But totally bites when you've got a runner already on second and they get to score because of it.
We hit the ball. I'm bitter. I'm sorry.
I'm still debating walkup songs. I got a lot of songs stuck in peoples' heads tonight. Homey-G was like, oh no! Not that one! When I told Tein-lou-ene to "Come on, Eileen."
This might make for an interesting walkup song: Hit me baby one more time...
"Baby One More Time" Britney Spears
yeah yeah, talk your smack. then find me a person in america that can't identify this song by just the first three notes. that's a musical legend.
We had some great defensive plays tonight, a couple of amazing catches out in right field, one running back and reaching, another sprinting forward, both made by women, btw - and then the cracked windshield after a few foul balls... see, there's a reason why people park their cars way way far away. I'm one of them. My brother broke my parent's windshield once. When I was in the car. As a tiny little person. Would have been interesting to see his face after that!
I, of course, injured my leg yet again. I did slide but that wasn't what did it - I wore pants, don't yell Sketch. I was actually rounding third about to score when I turned wrong and pulled something. I'm not going to be very happy with myself tomorrow when attempting to shelve things.
After all that fun and games Homey G Wigger and me went to get some icecream with Liz and my mom. It was her turn to buy. I picked it up last week and I'll pick it up next week. Hopefully they'll give us an extended season so we'll get to play more games. I like the double-header thing actually. It's fun. Except next week E-Free is gonna have to recruit someone else's girls as we're going to be playing against them. Unless they want us on all-time offense or something. That'd be interesting....
Out for the night. Send me some ideas for walkup songs. Otherwise I'm just gonna end up with something random like EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!
Their old pastor called them that to me once and it stuck.
But it was fun so it was worth it.
Homey G and I teamed up with the E-Free at 6:30 so we were prepped and ready when our game rolled around. Which led to...
Quotes of the night:
Steider - "You switching denominations tonight? What would God say?"
Me - "Oh, we're mercenaries, didn't they tell you?"
Steider - "Ohhhhh.....but now you're all warmed up!"
E-Free Pastor - "Don't listen to him, he's just used to dealing with cold bodies."
yep, that's right, their team captain runs the town's mortuary.
That's what I love about church softball, the variety of people that play. It's like one-stop shopping. Parents, farmers, teachers, pastors, nurses...funeral home directors...
E-Free Pastor - "They been singing that song more than 20 years and they still haven't found what they're looking for?"
Allen - "I guess that's why they call it the blues!"
E-Free Pastor - "Aw man, anything but Elton John!"
as he goes up to bat. joking about U2. I love their pastor. He's fantastic and hysterical. even stuck around to watch the battle of the Lutherans.
It's so crazy that we lost. Freaking other flavor Lutherans came back and won it. We were winning until they scored three in an inning and took over. After that was 3 and out over and over. That bites. But we'll get them next year. As I can pretty much guarantee you that even if we get the games extended this year they'll decide they have other things to do. They just like to remain undefeated. I probably would too.
But the game's over. I probably could have played a lot better defense-wise at least, I got on base every time at bat. And I got walked. I didn't know what to do with myself! See, with our team, we swing at anything. Because that's how we play. We don't believe in that whole watch the crappy pitch fly by thing. Prince of Peace is more about waiting for the right pitch. So they take a lot of walks. And the thing about walking is that if a pitcher walks a guy then the girl behind him gets an automatic walk as well. So he basically gets a double. Doesn't work that way with a girl though. You get walked you walk, that's it. I think it's to defer walking the men to strike out the women. Which makes sense. But totally bites when you've got a runner already on second and they get to score because of it.
We hit the ball. I'm bitter. I'm sorry.
I'm still debating walkup songs. I got a lot of songs stuck in peoples' heads tonight. Homey-G was like, oh no! Not that one! When I told Tein-lou-ene to "Come on, Eileen."
This might make for an interesting walkup song: Hit me baby one more time...
"Baby One More Time" Britney Spears
yeah yeah, talk your smack. then find me a person in america that can't identify this song by just the first three notes. that's a musical legend.
We had some great defensive plays tonight, a couple of amazing catches out in right field, one running back and reaching, another sprinting forward, both made by women, btw - and then the cracked windshield after a few foul balls... see, there's a reason why people park their cars way way far away. I'm one of them. My brother broke my parent's windshield once. When I was in the car. As a tiny little person. Would have been interesting to see his face after that!
I, of course, injured my leg yet again. I did slide but that wasn't what did it - I wore pants, don't yell Sketch. I was actually rounding third about to score when I turned wrong and pulled something. I'm not going to be very happy with myself tomorrow when attempting to shelve things.
After all that fun and games Homey G Wigger and me went to get some icecream with Liz and my mom. It was her turn to buy. I picked it up last week and I'll pick it up next week. Hopefully they'll give us an extended season so we'll get to play more games. I like the double-header thing actually. It's fun. Except next week E-Free is gonna have to recruit someone else's girls as we're going to be playing against them. Unless they want us on all-time offense or something. That'd be interesting....
Out for the night. Send me some ideas for walkup songs. Otherwise I'm just gonna end up with something random like EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
"You need a plan, Shackleton."
Victory! T-Magic needs to work on his passing before next week against Wisconsin, but I'll take the win. Defense seems to have improved, although their freshman quarterback was very impressive. Burkhead rocked it. End of story.
Class today was fun. I sat in my back corner and drank my coffee. Got a muffin today as well, it was delightful. We did a lot of discussion about Shackleton's Way - which is our text for the semester - and we had to get up in a line and do the whole talk to the person across from you thing. Bear in mind it's only like 8:30 so when we have to move to the next person in line I'm like doing the locomotion or dancing of some sort and the dude next to me was cracking up about me getting my "groove" on. Yeah...This is me staying awake before 10AM. Happens daily. You should see me in the morning as an Aide. Play nice or you will wear my latte.
No, I like that guy. He was a discussion partner in my last class with the library goddess - he sat with us in the back corner. But that class was packed with undergrads, this one only has a few. And now I get to jam with David, who I had my first class with. It's cool seeing the usual crowd. I guess we do actually live in a small world of librarians.
I enjoy this class. The professor is amusing, although she's ditching us next class for her daughter's wedding. We get to mix in with the Library Goddess's school librarian section of the class. I think it's the same class, just public vs. academic. Which means more coffee. I brought hers today and she gave me a hug. I spoil her.
And I'll get to present an infographic that I'm still debating on. They look sweet, but time consuming. We get to present on demographics and I'm guessing the typical presentation is going to be some sort of visual representation of the gender, age, race, education, etc. of the average patron that comes in. But I already kind of know that stuff just from working there. So it's old news. I'm thinking demographics of lost items would be interesting, but no idea how I'd get that information. But that's the beauty of already working in a library...you have genius coworkers with all the answers. I have a month to put it together. Well, actually no, it's due on the 6th of October. sort of. online. I present it next class, whenever that is, sometime in Ocober. Around a month from now. Therefore the graphic is due on the 6th but the speech to go with it is due in a month.
Quotes of the day:
- "Just don't be a D-bag."
- "That's your mission statement?"
this is the dude that laughed at my dancing. that's his life code, awesome.
- "So my answer to your question...isn't really an answer to your question..."
- "It was another question."
the joys of going round and round in discussion, this was david.
- "Unless he was quelling their rebellion by boring them to death."someone's comment of joy about the diary of a certain one of shackleton's crew members
- "Yeah, but there's a difference between that and forgetting to put sauce on a big mac!"
this chick is married to a military officer so they were talking about discipline and then this other dude's former boss was an officer and flipped out at this dude at mcdonalds for messing up his order. somehow that mistake got tied to officers making mistakes and having consequences.
- "Note to self, it there's ice and a ship, don't go!"
professor about titanic and shackleton. flashbacks to class with LG. "it sunk, we're over it."
- "You need a plan, Shackleton."
she called me shackleton. i did say it was going to be a stupid question.
"Channel Z" B-52's
a favorite growing up. it's amusing to sing in the mornings while shelving because it's so random.
love the random running through the woods and crazy dancing by the river. 4:26 freeze!
Tomorrow is a halfday then some church league softball. Prince of Peace is going down man! It's game on! I'll keep you posted if there's any Church League Cheerleading.
Class today was fun. I sat in my back corner and drank my coffee. Got a muffin today as well, it was delightful. We did a lot of discussion about Shackleton's Way - which is our text for the semester - and we had to get up in a line and do the whole talk to the person across from you thing. Bear in mind it's only like 8:30 so when we have to move to the next person in line I'm like doing the locomotion or dancing of some sort and the dude next to me was cracking up about me getting my "groove" on. Yeah...This is me staying awake before 10AM. Happens daily. You should see me in the morning as an Aide. Play nice or you will wear my latte.
No, I like that guy. He was a discussion partner in my last class with the library goddess - he sat with us in the back corner. But that class was packed with undergrads, this one only has a few. And now I get to jam with David, who I had my first class with. It's cool seeing the usual crowd. I guess we do actually live in a small world of librarians.
I enjoy this class. The professor is amusing, although she's ditching us next class for her daughter's wedding. We get to mix in with the Library Goddess's school librarian section of the class. I think it's the same class, just public vs. academic. Which means more coffee. I brought hers today and she gave me a hug. I spoil her.
And I'll get to present an infographic that I'm still debating on. They look sweet, but time consuming. We get to present on demographics and I'm guessing the typical presentation is going to be some sort of visual representation of the gender, age, race, education, etc. of the average patron that comes in. But I already kind of know that stuff just from working there. So it's old news. I'm thinking demographics of lost items would be interesting, but no idea how I'd get that information. But that's the beauty of already working in a library...you have genius coworkers with all the answers. I have a month to put it together. Well, actually no, it's due on the 6th of October. sort of. online. I present it next class, whenever that is, sometime in Ocober. Around a month from now. Therefore the graphic is due on the 6th but the speech to go with it is due in a month.
Quotes of the day:
- "Just don't be a D-bag."
- "That's your mission statement?"
this is the dude that laughed at my dancing. that's his life code, awesome.
- "So my answer to your question...isn't really an answer to your question..."
- "It was another question."
the joys of going round and round in discussion, this was david.
- "Unless he was quelling their rebellion by boring them to death."someone's comment of joy about the diary of a certain one of shackleton's crew members
- "Yeah, but there's a difference between that and forgetting to put sauce on a big mac!"
this chick is married to a military officer so they were talking about discipline and then this other dude's former boss was an officer and flipped out at this dude at mcdonalds for messing up his order. somehow that mistake got tied to officers making mistakes and having consequences.
- "Note to self, it there's ice and a ship, don't go!"
professor about titanic and shackleton. flashbacks to class with LG. "it sunk, we're over it."
- "You need a plan, Shackleton."
she called me shackleton. i did say it was going to be a stupid question.
"Channel Z" B-52's
a favorite growing up. it's amusing to sing in the mornings while shelving because it's so random.
love the random running through the woods and crazy dancing by the river. 4:26 freeze!
Tomorrow is a halfday then some church league softball. Prince of Peace is going down man! It's game on! I'll keep you posted if there's any Church League Cheerleading.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Say Goodnight and Go
"That was you?"
"It was dead!"
Today was hysterical. We have this chick who comes in and waters the plants. No idea how often she comes in, apparently not enough. Today she came in and one of them - that's usually above the large type books - was not there anymore so she asked where it went. I didn't even know there was a plant over there. Queen of the Known Universe - who I worked with every hour from 10-3 - sent out an email to our branch asking about it. That's when the Queen of Koha herself shows up and says she got rid of it.
"that was you?"
"it was dead!" she cleared it with Superwoman so it was fine. apparently no one else knew it was there either and she had just been watering a dead plant for who knows how long. But it was funny because she just threw it out this morning so the timing was perfect. And we got to tease her about being a plant killer. Not that I can really judge her, I kill cacti. Which is why they're at the farmhouse where Mom can take care of them. I do have an awesome balcony now, maybe I could give them a shot.
Quote of the day:
Patron trying to find a book: "Was that 'Shotgun Bride'?"
Me: "Secondhand Bride"
Patron: "Oh, I was looking for shotguns."
It was pretty nice today actually, not too fast but not too slow. Working with the QoftKU was fun. She's always entertaining. When we saw we worked that long together she said it was long enough to either kill each other or go on strike and plot a hostile takeover.
Last few hours of the day were mostly check-in. I did 5 carts in a little over an hour. Madhouse. But tomorrow's Saturday so don't know how many people will be scheduled to check stuff in.
I have class. No, not the style kind, so it's gonna be an early morning again. Stopping for coffee for me and the Library Goddess. I'm out so I can be semi-awake tomorrow.
"Say Goodnight and Go" Imogen Heap
love the look at 1:42 and the dancing immediately following it. she reminds me a little of an old friend I used to hang out with when I visited my sister. although she was a little more reserved...unless we were watching Kathy Smith videos or repeating the Water Buffalo song over and over.
ps - happy aubrey dollar day. can't believe cindy thomas turned 31. mass hysteria.
"It was dead!"
Today was hysterical. We have this chick who comes in and waters the plants. No idea how often she comes in, apparently not enough. Today she came in and one of them - that's usually above the large type books - was not there anymore so she asked where it went. I didn't even know there was a plant over there. Queen of the Known Universe - who I worked with every hour from 10-3 - sent out an email to our branch asking about it. That's when the Queen of Koha herself shows up and says she got rid of it.
"that was you?"
"it was dead!" she cleared it with Superwoman so it was fine. apparently no one else knew it was there either and she had just been watering a dead plant for who knows how long. But it was funny because she just threw it out this morning so the timing was perfect. And we got to tease her about being a plant killer. Not that I can really judge her, I kill cacti. Which is why they're at the farmhouse where Mom can take care of them. I do have an awesome balcony now, maybe I could give them a shot.
Quote of the day:
Patron trying to find a book: "Was that 'Shotgun Bride'?"
Me: "Secondhand Bride"
Patron: "Oh, I was looking for shotguns."
It was pretty nice today actually, not too fast but not too slow. Working with the QoftKU was fun. She's always entertaining. When we saw we worked that long together she said it was long enough to either kill each other or go on strike and plot a hostile takeover.
Last few hours of the day were mostly check-in. I did 5 carts in a little over an hour. Madhouse. But tomorrow's Saturday so don't know how many people will be scheduled to check stuff in.
I have class. No, not the style kind, so it's gonna be an early morning again. Stopping for coffee for me and the Library Goddess. I'm out so I can be semi-awake tomorrow.
"Say Goodnight and Go" Imogen Heap
love the look at 1:42 and the dancing immediately following it. she reminds me a little of an old friend I used to hang out with when I visited my sister. although she was a little more reserved...unless we were watching Kathy Smith videos or repeating the Water Buffalo song over and over.
ps - happy aubrey dollar day. can't believe cindy thomas turned 31. mass hysteria.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
"We're angels, not saints."
Well, that was interesting.
Classic Charlie's Angels with the cheesy dialogue, models everywhere and big action sequences. Although I'm happy that I didn't have to grab the remote and turn the volume down everytime the music came on like in the original series. And Bosley?! What the crap? He's got mad fighting skills now! And they're very tech-friendly. Which is cool but not so believable. Charlie shows his wealth, but they're in Miami and it's present day so that makes sense. It's just a massive change over.
And I could live with all of that. But the voice of Charlie totally killed it for me. It's like, he sounds almost like a computer. Or a really old and weak man. Which is anti-Charlie. Cause Charlie is supposed to be a ladies man constantly surrounded by women. And this dude....just no. I don't like it. And John Forsythe is dead. And originally it was supposed to be Robert Wagner. But it's clearly not. Perhaps he will man up in the future.
But I'll stick with it. Cause Drew's producing - Drew Covergirl Commercials for pilot = 4 - and it's Charlie's Angels and it's Flower Films and it's ABC. Even though that last one means that it's done. ABC doesn't give their new series a chance. Especially if they have a female lead, let alone more than one. It's toast. But I like it and I'll watch it anyway. I was impressed by that Grey's chick as the lead. And the new chick should be interesting. The preview for next week seems dramatic and cheesy and exciting, very Angels style with big explosions and tackling people. I'll keep you posted.
Today was interesting. Staff meeting in the morning, switched out my Sept. 11th display of one about Books to Movies/TV. I TOTALLY PUT 1ST TO DIE ON THE DISPLAY! YEAH WMC! It will live forever! Bring it!
That and Reichs books, Harry Potter, Mary Shelley, Dracula, ummm....Runaway Jury....ummmm I don't know there were a lot. But it' awesome and I'm proud.
After that it was more fun as an Aide where we shifted - massively - the bottom row up. Cause I'm both crazy and stupid and apparently enjoy books falling on my head. Luckily I live my life surrounded by children so I've learned to censor myself and the vulgarity was kept to a minimum.
But no one can see anything on the bottom row so I moved it up. And now it's all pretty and in order. Not that it will be by tomorrow, but it was worth the afternoon.
Tomorrow is gonna be a long day so I'm totally out....after singing YEAH TOAST all day I'm in need of a change of tune.
Throwback Thursday says....
"Jailhouse Rock" Elvis Presley
love the fake instruments. that's fantatic.
Classic Charlie's Angels with the cheesy dialogue, models everywhere and big action sequences. Although I'm happy that I didn't have to grab the remote and turn the volume down everytime the music came on like in the original series. And Bosley?! What the crap? He's got mad fighting skills now! And they're very tech-friendly. Which is cool but not so believable. Charlie shows his wealth, but they're in Miami and it's present day so that makes sense. It's just a massive change over.
And I could live with all of that. But the voice of Charlie totally killed it for me. It's like, he sounds almost like a computer. Or a really old and weak man. Which is anti-Charlie. Cause Charlie is supposed to be a ladies man constantly surrounded by women. And this dude....just no. I don't like it. And John Forsythe is dead. And originally it was supposed to be Robert Wagner. But it's clearly not. Perhaps he will man up in the future.
But I'll stick with it. Cause Drew's producing - Drew Covergirl Commercials for pilot = 4 - and it's Charlie's Angels and it's Flower Films and it's ABC. Even though that last one means that it's done. ABC doesn't give their new series a chance. Especially if they have a female lead, let alone more than one. It's toast. But I like it and I'll watch it anyway. I was impressed by that Grey's chick as the lead. And the new chick should be interesting. The preview for next week seems dramatic and cheesy and exciting, very Angels style with big explosions and tackling people. I'll keep you posted.
Today was interesting. Staff meeting in the morning, switched out my Sept. 11th display of one about Books to Movies/TV. I TOTALLY PUT 1ST TO DIE ON THE DISPLAY! YEAH WMC! It will live forever! Bring it!
That and Reichs books, Harry Potter, Mary Shelley, Dracula, ummm....Runaway Jury....ummmm I don't know there were a lot. But it' awesome and I'm proud.
After that it was more fun as an Aide where we shifted - massively - the bottom row up. Cause I'm both crazy and stupid and apparently enjoy books falling on my head. Luckily I live my life surrounded by children so I've learned to censor myself and the vulgarity was kept to a minimum.
But no one can see anything on the bottom row so I moved it up. And now it's all pretty and in order. Not that it will be by tomorrow, but it was worth the afternoon.
Tomorrow is gonna be a long day so I'm totally out....after singing YEAH TOAST all day I'm in need of a change of tune.
Throwback Thursday says....
"Jailhouse Rock" Elvis Presley
love the fake instruments. that's fantatic.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Today was a total OMG Day. Seriously. It was like exclamation point after exclamation point. All day. My heart has finally slowed down back to normal where I can sleep, but duuuude. I was on edge.
FIRST! only had 2 hours to shelve this morning so I couldn't get all the way done, complete madhouse, barely got any of the delivery checked in before I had to rush across town, grab lunch, eat that, and drop something on Superwoman's desk when I ran into number
TWO! Oh my god. There was a freaking bird on her chair! Like a crow! On the back of the chair! And I almost screamed out loud! I literally froze and Girlscout and InfoMan just sat that and laughed at me. Of course it wasn't a real bird, but when you walk into an office that you walk into on a regular basis you're not expecting to see a freaking giant bird attached to a chair meant to scare the crap out of anyone who enters the room when there's not usually a freaking giant bird attached to a chair meant to scare the crap out of anyone who enters the room! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Freaking bird scared the crap out of me! I froze! Like literally froze! And edged my way into the room. Slowly. Dropped the calendar on her chair, and inched out of the room. Afraid it was going to come alive and eat me! Oh my god! Seriously! And they just laughed! And I freaked! I'm still freaked! that that bird's gonna like end up in my locker or something! I will scream bloody murder! And buy a freaking padlock!
just reminds me of old family pranks, tying pulling fireworks to car gear shifts and listening to people scream when they pop.
THREE! Didn't see Wordie today, which is like a record cause I see him every day I'm there! totally weirded me out. I did, however, get to see AND WORK WITH Slim Shady, which never happens. So there were shouts of joy.
FOUR! Came home to watch CRIMINAL MIND's SEASON PREMIERE! and it was FANTASTIC! on the edge of your seat awesomeness! And I'm stoked to talk about it tomorrow with the Queen of the Known Universe. cause she was stoked too. Duuuuude. I didn't watch a single episode from last season. Even though I now own it. And will probably not watch them. Even though I own it. And know pretty much everything that happened. Because it was the year they killed the cast to launch a spinoff that epically failed. Why would they launch that if they knew it was going to epically fail? I'm not a TV genius and I knew that it would epically fail! The original cast is just that good. and now they're all back so it's cool. But duuuuude. Okay, I can't give away spoilers. Although, I will say...I wasn't wrong. Read if you dare. My Life in Closed Captions: *Spoiler Alert*
It's amusing, cause I used that yesterday too. But I missed NCIS so I'll have to watch that one online. and Glee's. And Bones doesn't come back until November. and The Closer is gone until like January. But I also am a few episodes behind on that one. Which is unusual as that is one of my favorites. Well, these are all my favorites...that are still running. Plus Greys. Plus Chuck. Plus Big Bang Theory. AND WAREHOUSE! which I have another spoiler but I won't say it. Not that it matters cause you don't watch it anyway. But still...eh, nevermind. I'm just stoked for the finale. Cause someone comes back. Temporarily. And someone leaves. Thankfully. Never really liked them. Kinda wanted to kick them. But it's hard to replace awesomeness. Especially when they're getting their own spinoff. Which will be pure awesomeness and not an epic failure like Suspect Behavior. What kind of spinoff show name is that anyway? Seriously? Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior. just no. I'm sorry. Rambling. And now my heart rate is back up.
I think I'm gonna write. And like write some more. But not on here. I'll spare you. But there's a story idea floating around in my head and I might actually have the energy and excitement to put some of it onto virtual paper. We'll see how long that lasts. It's usually gone as soon as I hit "publish post".
AND NOW brought to you by....eh, whatever.
Okay, so the song of the night is like...I was like, okay, what's a song with an exclamation point in the title. Where people are like yelling. And this just came to mind. And I still love it after all this time...
And you will love it too...if you give it a chance. Which you so totally should. Cause it's only like less than 5 minutes of your time. And it's funny. And if you don't like it, you're free to yell at me later. Deal. Just listen.
"Yeah Toast!" Heywood Banks
i take it they're in texas....that verse isn't usually in it. but niiice addition.
hmmm....version two. Animated.
i would have posted this version but it's too distracting. i can't stop laughing. seriously. make it stop. i can't make it stop.
...and now all I can think of is YEAH BEARDS! oh grafton and your silly competition. a beard growing contest. seriously. at the q125. it was fantastic.
Tomorrow think I'm off around 5. Will have to catch up on some of those series.
On my list to watch at some point this week: season premieres of The New Girl, Two Broke Girls, NCIS, past couple episodes of The Closer....anything I'm missing?
PS - Favorite part of the day. I love being an Aide. It leads to hypothetical situations with people who shall remain nameless. Like, hypothetically, if, today I showed up and worked with two of my supervisors who shall remain nameless and one of them said, hypothetically, take this money and go buy me, other supervisor and yourself a soda from across the street, hypothetically, I would have grabbed it and ran!...to get soda...from across the street. Hypothetically. Then, when I hypothetically asked if I should put that in my job description for a hypothetical application that may or may not have been submitted, they replied um, no. Which is why this remains hypothetical. Totally hypothetical. Did NOT happen. Hypothetically.
FIRST! only had 2 hours to shelve this morning so I couldn't get all the way done, complete madhouse, barely got any of the delivery checked in before I had to rush across town, grab lunch, eat that, and drop something on Superwoman's desk when I ran into number
TWO! Oh my god. There was a freaking bird on her chair! Like a crow! On the back of the chair! And I almost screamed out loud! I literally froze and Girlscout and InfoMan just sat that and laughed at me. Of course it wasn't a real bird, but when you walk into an office that you walk into on a regular basis you're not expecting to see a freaking giant bird attached to a chair meant to scare the crap out of anyone who enters the room when there's not usually a freaking giant bird attached to a chair meant to scare the crap out of anyone who enters the room! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Freaking bird scared the crap out of me! I froze! Like literally froze! And edged my way into the room. Slowly. Dropped the calendar on her chair, and inched out of the room. Afraid it was going to come alive and eat me! Oh my god! Seriously! And they just laughed! And I freaked! I'm still freaked! that that bird's gonna like end up in my locker or something! I will scream bloody murder! And buy a freaking padlock!
just reminds me of old family pranks, tying pulling fireworks to car gear shifts and listening to people scream when they pop.
THREE! Didn't see Wordie today, which is like a record cause I see him every day I'm there! totally weirded me out. I did, however, get to see AND WORK WITH Slim Shady, which never happens. So there were shouts of joy.
FOUR! Came home to watch CRIMINAL MIND's SEASON PREMIERE! and it was FANTASTIC! on the edge of your seat awesomeness! And I'm stoked to talk about it tomorrow with the Queen of the Known Universe. cause she was stoked too. Duuuuude. I didn't watch a single episode from last season. Even though I now own it. And will probably not watch them. Even though I own it. And know pretty much everything that happened. Because it was the year they killed the cast to launch a spinoff that epically failed. Why would they launch that if they knew it was going to epically fail? I'm not a TV genius and I knew that it would epically fail! The original cast is just that good. and now they're all back so it's cool. But duuuuude. Okay, I can't give away spoilers. Although, I will say...I wasn't wrong. Read if you dare. My Life in Closed Captions: *Spoiler Alert*
It's amusing, cause I used that yesterday too. But I missed NCIS so I'll have to watch that one online. and Glee's. And Bones doesn't come back until November. and The Closer is gone until like January. But I also am a few episodes behind on that one. Which is unusual as that is one of my favorites. Well, these are all my favorites...that are still running. Plus Greys. Plus Chuck. Plus Big Bang Theory. AND WAREHOUSE! which I have another spoiler but I won't say it. Not that it matters cause you don't watch it anyway. But still...eh, nevermind. I'm just stoked for the finale. Cause someone comes back. Temporarily. And someone leaves. Thankfully. Never really liked them. Kinda wanted to kick them. But it's hard to replace awesomeness. Especially when they're getting their own spinoff. Which will be pure awesomeness and not an epic failure like Suspect Behavior. What kind of spinoff show name is that anyway? Seriously? Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior. just no. I'm sorry. Rambling. And now my heart rate is back up.
I think I'm gonna write. And like write some more. But not on here. I'll spare you. But there's a story idea floating around in my head and I might actually have the energy and excitement to put some of it onto virtual paper. We'll see how long that lasts. It's usually gone as soon as I hit "publish post".
AND NOW brought to you by....eh, whatever.
Okay, so the song of the night is like...I was like, okay, what's a song with an exclamation point in the title. Where people are like yelling. And this just came to mind. And I still love it after all this time...
And you will love it too...if you give it a chance. Which you so totally should. Cause it's only like less than 5 minutes of your time. And it's funny. And if you don't like it, you're free to yell at me later. Deal. Just listen.
"Yeah Toast!" Heywood Banks
i take it they're in texas....that verse isn't usually in it. but niiice addition.
hmmm....version two. Animated.
i would have posted this version but it's too distracting. i can't stop laughing. seriously. make it stop. i can't make it stop.
...and now all I can think of is YEAH BEARDS! oh grafton and your silly competition. a beard growing contest. seriously. at the q125. it was fantastic.
Tomorrow think I'm off around 5. Will have to catch up on some of those series.
On my list to watch at some point this week: season premieres of The New Girl, Two Broke Girls, NCIS, past couple episodes of The Closer....anything I'm missing?
PS - Favorite part of the day. I love being an Aide. It leads to hypothetical situations with people who shall remain nameless. Like, hypothetically, if, today I showed up and worked with two of my supervisors who shall remain nameless and one of them said, hypothetically, take this money and go buy me, other supervisor and yourself a soda from across the street, hypothetically, I would have grabbed it and ran!...to get soda...from across the street. Hypothetically. Then, when I hypothetically asked if I should put that in my job description for a hypothetical application that may or may not have been submitted, they replied um, no. Which is why this remains hypothetical. Totally hypothetical. Did NOT happen. Hypothetically.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I guess I'll go on home, it's late. There'll be tomorrow night, but wait...
Tonight's Tuesday Night Night-Shift Debate:
Who would win in a fight, a sea cow or a snow leopard?
We decided on the sea cow. If the battle was fought underwater the snow leopard has no chance. And a snow leopard can't drag a sea cow to land to fight the battle because they're giant. Well, technically, they're extinct so they can't drag them anywhere.
This debate really went as far as that because we moved on to other useless trivia.
Other things I learned today:
-In 1865, in the war between Uruguay and Brazil, one of Uruguay's ships ran out of cannon balls so they fired chunks of stale Dutch cheese out of the cannons. One of them dismasted an enemy ship and killed two sailors.
-If you've ever had to haul a can of paint to the top of a water tower to defend your sister's honor you may be a redneck.
-People used a rhyme in the olden days to remind others to stay away from Oak trees in a lightning storm. "The oak brings the stroke." Apparently oak trees were thought to be highly conductive.
-It's lucky to spit in your hand before you pick up your bat. It's unlucky to share bats with someone else. ....and now totally gross if you play with superstitious people.
We Space Cadets are all about the useless trivia. And the patrons love it. When you get the two of us together we're always joking about the most random crap whether it be weird dreams, e-books, psychics, random phrases, my broken shoes, her children, my siblings - seriously anything is conversation-worthy.
And it's hilarious because we really have nothing in common whatsoever. I'm all about media, reading fiction and sleeping in - she's a nutrition major who watches nothing, reads historical nonfiction and wakes up every morning at like 4Am. Voluntarily. But when we're together we're always laughing about something. So it's fantastic.
This one night we had this older patron who I helped get signed up for an email account and the whole time she was like yelling and talking really loud and laughing and all that and I walked back to the desk laughing, because the chick was hysterical.
Me: That's gonna be me in 50 years.
SC: But you'll use your inside voice. Unless you're too deaf to hear it.
SC: My hearing at 70 will be your hearing at 30.
apparently my headphones are too loud. geez...mom.
But today was awesome. And I was productive so she was proud.
Shelved for four hours this morning, got groceries, ran into my adopted little sister who's moving to town - huzzah! - came back and cleaned my apartment room by room, hung up the rest of my posters, vacuumed, paid some bills, FINALLY got Dad's present. Every time I went to the office they weren't there, haha. But third time's a charm so now it's all wrapped and all that. Oh and got Castle season 3 and Bridesmaids. Totally stoked. But I still gotta finish this season of SVU even though it's not due 'til like October.
Songs of the night: Time-honored Tuesday
"Pretty Woman" Roy Orbison
always with those freaking sunglasses. love it.
this is a family favorite.
"You May Be Right" Billy Joel
more shades. love his hysteria in this video. fits the song perfectly. and the dancing...that's niiice.
Tomorrow I'm back at both branches, maybe I'll actually get to see Fearless Leader and Slim Shady. I catch glimpses of them every once in a while, I swear!
Out for some SVU and sleep.
"you may be right....i may be crazy....but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for...."
Who would win in a fight, a sea cow or a snow leopard?
We decided on the sea cow. If the battle was fought underwater the snow leopard has no chance. And a snow leopard can't drag a sea cow to land to fight the battle because they're giant. Well, technically, they're extinct so they can't drag them anywhere.
This debate really went as far as that because we moved on to other useless trivia.
Other things I learned today:
-In 1865, in the war between Uruguay and Brazil, one of Uruguay's ships ran out of cannon balls so they fired chunks of stale Dutch cheese out of the cannons. One of them dismasted an enemy ship and killed two sailors.
-If you've ever had to haul a can of paint to the top of a water tower to defend your sister's honor you may be a redneck.
-People used a rhyme in the olden days to remind others to stay away from Oak trees in a lightning storm. "The oak brings the stroke." Apparently oak trees were thought to be highly conductive.
-It's lucky to spit in your hand before you pick up your bat. It's unlucky to share bats with someone else. ....and now totally gross if you play with superstitious people.
We Space Cadets are all about the useless trivia. And the patrons love it. When you get the two of us together we're always joking about the most random crap whether it be weird dreams, e-books, psychics, random phrases, my broken shoes, her children, my siblings - seriously anything is conversation-worthy.
And it's hilarious because we really have nothing in common whatsoever. I'm all about media, reading fiction and sleeping in - she's a nutrition major who watches nothing, reads historical nonfiction and wakes up every morning at like 4Am. Voluntarily. But when we're together we're always laughing about something. So it's fantastic.
This one night we had this older patron who I helped get signed up for an email account and the whole time she was like yelling and talking really loud and laughing and all that and I walked back to the desk laughing, because the chick was hysterical.
Me: That's gonna be me in 50 years.
SC: But you'll use your inside voice. Unless you're too deaf to hear it.
SC: My hearing at 70 will be your hearing at 30.
apparently my headphones are too loud. geez...mom.
But today was awesome. And I was productive so she was proud.
Shelved for four hours this morning, got groceries, ran into my adopted little sister who's moving to town - huzzah! - came back and cleaned my apartment room by room, hung up the rest of my posters, vacuumed, paid some bills, FINALLY got Dad's present. Every time I went to the office they weren't there, haha. But third time's a charm so now it's all wrapped and all that. Oh and got Castle season 3 and Bridesmaids. Totally stoked. But I still gotta finish this season of SVU even though it's not due 'til like October.
Songs of the night: Time-honored Tuesday
"Pretty Woman" Roy Orbison
always with those freaking sunglasses. love it.
this is a family favorite.
"You May Be Right" Billy Joel
more shades. love his hysteria in this video. fits the song perfectly. and the dancing...that's niiice.
Tomorrow I'm back at both branches, maybe I'll actually get to see Fearless Leader and Slim Shady. I catch glimpses of them every once in a while, I swear!
Out for some SVU and sleep.
"you may be right....i may be crazy....but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for...."
Monday, September 19, 2011
I got chills, they're multiplying....
It's Musical Monday. You've been warned.
C'mon, it's better than Mourning Monday? Right? Well, for most people.
Fearless Leader holding up a copy of Legally Blonde the musical: "THIS! Is why I HATE musicals!"
It should be Manic Monday. or Manic Monday Morning at least. Slept through my alarm, then Carter had issues, and then my shoe finally broke as I attempted to run down the stairs. You think they'd notice if I duct-taped it back together and wore it anyway? I freaking liked that pair of shoes, dangit! Now I'm stuck with my half-laced, covered in gravel, black shoes. Not that I don't have other options. But I'm too lazy to go and get them out of my closet.
Summer Nights
love 1:40. that was always my favorite. but john travolta's dance moves and high notes make the movie. seriously.
So, shelved for four hours today. We scanned all the paperbacks as the haven't been scanned since February and I'm sick of seeing "4/27" on the Last Seen Date when I'm running lists. This way if it says "9/19" I'll know I need to keep looking. With 4/27 it's usually 70/30 that it's not there.
After all that fun I came home and took a nap. And it was fantastic. Watched some SVU, and after watching depressing case after depressing case I had to switch it up with some musical clips.
"You're the One that I Want"
niiiice. more dancing greatness.
Aaannnnd, the awesomeness that is Castle came back tonight for season four. Crazy that it's been four years. I've been with it since the start. And...I ain't saying that I was right....but read this My Life in Closed Captions: *Spoiler Alert* ....and without giving away too many spoilers I can say....I wasn't wrong. About Castle. The other shows haven't aired yet. And what's with Bones not coming back until November? Was that an Emily's pregnant so we need more time kind of thing? Oh well, it'll be worth it.
"We Go Together"
i want a flying car. just hope they didn't end up in the womping willow. we know what happened to that flying car....well, actually, i guess we don't. cause it crashed. but then it came alive again to save them from spiders, but then it disappeared again. probably buried somewhere in the forbidden forest.
Tomorrow is split shift which means, running errands, cleaning apartment, watching more SVU, oh and working. twice. Which is going to happen more and more in the future. It's amusing because I'm only 20 hours and I'm technically not supposed to work at that branch, but I still work more nights there than the 40 hours do. Except Joe Studley. I think I actually get to work a night with Joe Studley again. AND THE QUEEN OF AWESOME! I'm stoked! Until she leaves me to have her baby. Which, I guess, is allowed. Not that I'm complaining about the night shifts. I'm actually ecstatic! I get to sleep in! My screams of joy almost lost me points, but we were in the backroom so it didn't count.
Summer Nights 2010 cast reunion at the DVD release party
"we're going to attempt summer nights" haha nice. still got it.
I'm out! for more SVU.
C'mon, it's better than Mourning Monday? Right? Well, for most people.
Fearless Leader holding up a copy of Legally Blonde the musical: "THIS! Is why I HATE musicals!"
It should be Manic Monday. or Manic Monday Morning at least. Slept through my alarm, then Carter had issues, and then my shoe finally broke as I attempted to run down the stairs. You think they'd notice if I duct-taped it back together and wore it anyway? I freaking liked that pair of shoes, dangit! Now I'm stuck with my half-laced, covered in gravel, black shoes. Not that I don't have other options. But I'm too lazy to go and get them out of my closet.
Summer Nights
love 1:40. that was always my favorite. but john travolta's dance moves and high notes make the movie. seriously.
So, shelved for four hours today. We scanned all the paperbacks as the haven't been scanned since February and I'm sick of seeing "4/27" on the Last Seen Date when I'm running lists. This way if it says "9/19" I'll know I need to keep looking. With 4/27 it's usually 70/30 that it's not there.
After all that fun I came home and took a nap. And it was fantastic. Watched some SVU, and after watching depressing case after depressing case I had to switch it up with some musical clips.
"You're the One that I Want"
niiiice. more dancing greatness.
Aaannnnd, the awesomeness that is Castle came back tonight for season four. Crazy that it's been four years. I've been with it since the start. And...I ain't saying that I was right....but read this My Life in Closed Captions: *Spoiler Alert* ....and without giving away too many spoilers I can say....I wasn't wrong. About Castle. The other shows haven't aired yet. And what's with Bones not coming back until November? Was that an Emily's pregnant so we need more time kind of thing? Oh well, it'll be worth it.
"We Go Together"
i want a flying car. just hope they didn't end up in the womping willow. we know what happened to that flying car....well, actually, i guess we don't. cause it crashed. but then it came alive again to save them from spiders, but then it disappeared again. probably buried somewhere in the forbidden forest.
Tomorrow is split shift which means, running errands, cleaning apartment, watching more SVU, oh and working. twice. Which is going to happen more and more in the future. It's amusing because I'm only 20 hours and I'm technically not supposed to work at that branch, but I still work more nights there than the 40 hours do. Except Joe Studley. I think I actually get to work a night with Joe Studley again. AND THE QUEEN OF AWESOME! I'm stoked! Until she leaves me to have her baby. Which, I guess, is allowed. Not that I'm complaining about the night shifts. I'm actually ecstatic! I get to sleep in! My screams of joy almost lost me points, but we were in the backroom so it didn't count.
Summer Nights 2010 cast reunion at the DVD release party
"we're going to attempt summer nights" haha nice. still got it.
I'm out! for more SVU.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Everybody Dance Now!
In the immortal words of the cool aunt, "Everts women show up." Today was one of those days.
Worked 11-2, shelving all the carts and scanning all the first readers/board books. After all that I headed to G-Town for a big family shindig at the Heritage aka the old-folks-home. The place gives me the heebie-jeebies, but the event seemed to go off without a hitch. 17 of us came and ate lunch with my great aunt who's living there now. I think that had to be one of the bigger groups. They put us outside. "They asked us to leave before we even got in. Our reputation preceeds us." Yes, we're THAT side of the family. The side that gets kicked out of places like Valentinos, and...churches....cause we're loud and obnoxious. But it's all in good fun. It was good to be outside though cause the kids got to run around and play in the mud. If they were running the hallways inside we would drive people bananas. Plus it was an awesome day!
Unfortunately, since it started out as rain-central the games tonight got cancelled. I think it was Prince of Peace scared of us and making excuses. Not really. But maybe. But, seriously? What the crap? Cause that specialized gravel crap that I keep breaking my leg open on is made to soak up all the water and make it playable. Geez. Was totally bummed. But we'll take them on next week. Or the week after that. Either way they're going down! Grace Geneva! I've started yelling that randomly. It actually originated during the Husker volleyball game when I was with Megz and Homey-G. We were talking about the game and had to get in the line for the bathroom and like the bathroom at the Devaney are weird where there are two entrances and they converge. And it's like a 4-way-stop cause you have to like alternate or something cause there's no one there to say, okay you go next. You just have to like make a run for it. And we were joking in line saying, "okay you box them out and I'll run and yell I win! Grace Geneva!" You can take the girl out of the honky tonk but you can't take the honky tonk out of the girl.
It's just weird going back to that place, even though the building is completely different than it was 8 years ago. And they served us fried chicken. Two flashbacks today. Cool Aunt doesn't eat chicken either, but she's semi-vegetarian so she has a legitimate excuse. Mine sounds pathetic, but when explained it makes sense. I don't eat it because of the memories that go along with it. It physically makes me nauseous. But I forced myself to today. And don't go all shrink on me. If you tried to analyze my crazy you'd drive yourself there. But I think that goes with the whole public service thing. If you don't enter with it you leave with some degree of insanity. Which was actually sort of a discussion topic today with one of my cooler relatives that I will, for now, refer to as The Snarky One. I'll work on the nickname, it has to be something worthy. But she always makes me laugh so I was glad I got to hang with her today.
Tomorrow's going to be a long day. Even though I'm technically done at 1. I'll come home and take a nap. Or watch something - I got a bunch of stuff through Interlibrary Loan that I should get through so I can request something else.
Carter. Stop pouncing on the door. You're driving me bananas. Yes I can hear you meowing. I fed you. What more do you want from me?
He either wants out or he really has a hatred for Meryl Streep. I have a Julie and Julia poster hanging on my door and he's pounding on her head.
Should crash soon. Will turn on CA. It's funny because I am stuck on this disc, I put it on every night and skip to where I last remember and it's the same spot every time. I can't get through this one episode. Cause I'm just that exhausted by the time I turn it on.
Oh, anyone see Drew Barrymore at the Emmy's with the new cast of CA? Awesomeness! 22nd is like...oh geez, that's like this week! Need to get a DVR set up soon!
C+C Music Factory - "Gonna Make You Sweat" remix
cause the video cracks me up. and the regular version is too long. and the title makes me think of Second Sister quoting Eddie Murphy. "in the hot-tub. gonna make you sweat!"
but this is a contender for a walkup song at softball. Cool sister-in-law can have her "Back in Black" - oh yeah, another relative asked as it is church league if they should be from the hymnal. I can only imagine someone making a rock version of Amazing Grace or something. Rockin' the Doxology. Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war.
I'm still debating on mine. Think I'm gonna put my ipod on shuffle and see which one I can jam to the most. OUT!
Worked 11-2, shelving all the carts and scanning all the first readers/board books. After all that I headed to G-Town for a big family shindig at the Heritage aka the old-folks-home. The place gives me the heebie-jeebies, but the event seemed to go off without a hitch. 17 of us came and ate lunch with my great aunt who's living there now. I think that had to be one of the bigger groups. They put us outside. "They asked us to leave before we even got in. Our reputation preceeds us." Yes, we're THAT side of the family. The side that gets kicked out of places like Valentinos, and...churches....cause we're loud and obnoxious. But it's all in good fun. It was good to be outside though cause the kids got to run around and play in the mud. If they were running the hallways inside we would drive people bananas. Plus it was an awesome day!
Unfortunately, since it started out as rain-central the games tonight got cancelled. I think it was Prince of Peace scared of us and making excuses. Not really. But maybe. But, seriously? What the crap? Cause that specialized gravel crap that I keep breaking my leg open on is made to soak up all the water and make it playable. Geez. Was totally bummed. But we'll take them on next week. Or the week after that. Either way they're going down! Grace Geneva! I've started yelling that randomly. It actually originated during the Husker volleyball game when I was with Megz and Homey-G. We were talking about the game and had to get in the line for the bathroom and like the bathroom at the Devaney are weird where there are two entrances and they converge. And it's like a 4-way-stop cause you have to like alternate or something cause there's no one there to say, okay you go next. You just have to like make a run for it. And we were joking in line saying, "okay you box them out and I'll run and yell I win! Grace Geneva!" You can take the girl out of the honky tonk but you can't take the honky tonk out of the girl.
It's just weird going back to that place, even though the building is completely different than it was 8 years ago. And they served us fried chicken. Two flashbacks today. Cool Aunt doesn't eat chicken either, but she's semi-vegetarian so she has a legitimate excuse. Mine sounds pathetic, but when explained it makes sense. I don't eat it because of the memories that go along with it. It physically makes me nauseous. But I forced myself to today. And don't go all shrink on me. If you tried to analyze my crazy you'd drive yourself there. But I think that goes with the whole public service thing. If you don't enter with it you leave with some degree of insanity. Which was actually sort of a discussion topic today with one of my cooler relatives that I will, for now, refer to as The Snarky One. I'll work on the nickname, it has to be something worthy. But she always makes me laugh so I was glad I got to hang with her today.
Tomorrow's going to be a long day. Even though I'm technically done at 1. I'll come home and take a nap. Or watch something - I got a bunch of stuff through Interlibrary Loan that I should get through so I can request something else.
Carter. Stop pouncing on the door. You're driving me bananas. Yes I can hear you meowing. I fed you. What more do you want from me?
He either wants out or he really has a hatred for Meryl Streep. I have a Julie and Julia poster hanging on my door and he's pounding on her head.
Should crash soon. Will turn on CA. It's funny because I am stuck on this disc, I put it on every night and skip to where I last remember and it's the same spot every time. I can't get through this one episode. Cause I'm just that exhausted by the time I turn it on.
Oh, anyone see Drew Barrymore at the Emmy's with the new cast of CA? Awesomeness! 22nd is like...oh geez, that's like this week! Need to get a DVR set up soon!
C+C Music Factory - "Gonna Make You Sweat" remix
cause the video cracks me up. and the regular version is too long. and the title makes me think of Second Sister quoting Eddie Murphy. "in the hot-tub. gonna make you sweat!"
but this is a contender for a walkup song at softball. Cool sister-in-law can have her "Back in Black" - oh yeah, another relative asked as it is church league if they should be from the hymnal. I can only imagine someone making a rock version of Amazing Grace or something. Rockin' the Doxology. Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war.
I'm still debating on mine. Think I'm gonna put my ipod on shuffle and see which one I can jam to the most. OUT!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Motions of Motherhood
I win! Pulled it off. But it was more like muted motherhood as I was at work more than I was with them. Though they didn't set anything on fire. Or host a party for all their friends. Or set something on fire while hosting a party for their friends. I don't think anyway.
Yesterday it was go to the house, pick up Bubby, take him to pick up Squirt from soccer practice, then we hit up Village Inn for breakfast food-ish he got chicken strips. Then watched Small Soldiers. Which made me feel old because they had never heard of it. I don't know how big it actually was in theaters because it was 1998 and I didn't know too much about movie stats at the point in my life. But I went with my cousins and it was fun. And the kids seemed to like it so it rocked. "ohhh, there goes the record..." Then this morning he had practice but I had to work so one of the other moms took him. They had frozen pizza for lunch and at 5:30 I picked them up and we went for burgers. "Don't put your lime carcass on my plate!"
I'd call it a victory. But, as mentioned previously, unless you want children named Batgirl and the Chad don't get any ideas any time soon.
Tonight I hit up the Husker volleyball game which we dominated - much like the football game...in the second half. We won it in 3 sets so it flew by super fast. It was packed. But there were many things that we learned throughout the game. The first one is, that up next after church league softball it should be church league cheerleading. We have some routines planned out. Thinking we could do our own version of Thriller saying "Cause we're the Lions! Lions, yeah..."
Also, here's a new game for you. At the Saltdogs games each player has a song that plays when they go up to bat. If it was you, what song would you pick? Something to get you pumped up but defines you as well. I'm still debating. It's a hard question. I'll let you know when I decide.
Any ideas for your own?
Songs of the day:
"Big Pimpin'" Jay Z
we got here because we were talking about James Earl Jones as being the voice of Vader and how he might have a yacht and Homey-G-Wigger said "like jay-z" and then it got stuck in my head and won't go away.
"Come On Eileen" Dexys Midnight Runners
this was another idea for a walkup song. i think. but it's also stuck in my head.
Come on, Eileen! good softball chant.
Tomrrow is a big day, working then singing - possibly - then softball so i'm gonna crash now and hopefully be ready and awake.
oh that's another thing. bubby - the 11 year old - makes coffee in the mornings. Cause he's all grown up... but then he turns on Spongebob and it's like that whole adult thing is erased.
Yesterday it was go to the house, pick up Bubby, take him to pick up Squirt from soccer practice, then we hit up Village Inn for breakfast food-ish he got chicken strips. Then watched Small Soldiers. Which made me feel old because they had never heard of it. I don't know how big it actually was in theaters because it was 1998 and I didn't know too much about movie stats at the point in my life. But I went with my cousins and it was fun. And the kids seemed to like it so it rocked. "ohhh, there goes the record..." Then this morning he had practice but I had to work so one of the other moms took him. They had frozen pizza for lunch and at 5:30 I picked them up and we went for burgers. "Don't put your lime carcass on my plate!"
I'd call it a victory. But, as mentioned previously, unless you want children named Batgirl and the Chad don't get any ideas any time soon.
Tonight I hit up the Husker volleyball game which we dominated - much like the football game...in the second half. We won it in 3 sets so it flew by super fast. It was packed. But there were many things that we learned throughout the game. The first one is, that up next after church league softball it should be church league cheerleading. We have some routines planned out. Thinking we could do our own version of Thriller saying "Cause we're the Lions! Lions, yeah..."
Also, here's a new game for you. At the Saltdogs games each player has a song that plays when they go up to bat. If it was you, what song would you pick? Something to get you pumped up but defines you as well. I'm still debating. It's a hard question. I'll let you know when I decide.
Any ideas for your own?
Songs of the day:
"Big Pimpin'" Jay Z
we got here because we were talking about James Earl Jones as being the voice of Vader and how he might have a yacht and Homey-G-Wigger said "like jay-z" and then it got stuck in my head and won't go away.
"Come On Eileen" Dexys Midnight Runners
this was another idea for a walkup song. i think. but it's also stuck in my head.
Come on, Eileen! good softball chant.
Tomrrow is a big day, working then singing - possibly - then softball so i'm gonna crash now and hopefully be ready and awake.
oh that's another thing. bubby - the 11 year old - makes coffee in the mornings. Cause he's all grown up... but then he turns on Spongebob and it's like that whole adult thing is erased.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin' and we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive...
Crazy crazy day. I thought 9-12, you know, whatever. Nope. 9-12 bookdrop, lists and shelving. PS - SENSEI is BACK! And rockin' it. With a bedazzled cast. Now who could have provided those...hmmm... looks vaguely familiar. Not mine. Haven't had a cast since grade school. Ace bandages and braces don't count, right?
Okay, 9-12 there, ate lunch at the apartment while finishing/posting my homework, then headed back to my old stomping grounds. It's weird going back now. Which is funny, because it never used to feel that way. I loved high school. With a passion. How many people can say that honestly? It's part of the reason that I hated college. With a passion. It wasn't high school. It wasn't the same. Dorms didn't count. But I loved the school and the sports and the drama productions and the people and the choirs and the teachers - it was fantastic. And going back for Homecoming was just a natural thing, great to see everyone again. Now it's like, ehhh. I think I'm beyond the years of going just to go. I think it'd have to be a reunion thing. Although we know what happened with that...
ANYWAY, so I went back and watched Squirt and Bubby kick some volleyball butt and of course got talked into being a line judge. By the same dude who talked me into night patrol at camp. He's just so freaking persuasive that you don't see it coming. So I couldn't cheer even though - okay i ain't saying who were the best people out on the court. if they happened to be a tall chick with orange streaks in her hair and a short blonde who's nicknames just happened to be Squirt and Bubby, then that's just the way it is. That's not nepitism. That's fact. You'd agree if you had seen the game.
But Squirt is not an actual squirt. She's taller than me. And in 8th grade. So when it comes to being dominant in sports she takes the cake. Cause no matter how hard they hit it, if it comes in her direction she'll just smack it down on their heads. Cause they're tiny. Our team included. My favorite part was our first point, she set it to Bubby who spiked it over. It was fantastic. But I couldn't cheer! Cause I was a freaking unbiased line judge. Mean. I was tempted to do the Willems point and pose method, but I passed. Cause, like I said, time has passed and no one would know what the heck I was referring to. Unless he still does it. Which I guess is highly possible.
After that we ran like The Flash to get out of there cause Bubby had football practice and they were going to be late. So hit up my apartment, then Barnes and Noble where I found not one, not two, but three freaking different cover copies of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I mean I know that Halloween is coming up and all that, but still.
Same book, different prices.
Check these.

The first is a pop-up book. I know! I was intrigued...The fourth is my copy. Yes, those are my lucky charms in the background. Anthology's are awesome. Is it anthologies or anthology's? I'm going with the apostrophe. It seems safer. No idea why. But that's what you use when you're a lit major reading eight classic novels a month.
Speaking of anthology's, picked up H.G. Wells' seven novels in one book today as well. The real H.G. Wells, not the Warehouse version. although if Jaime Murray were to write a book I'm sure I would read it. And review it. And make you all read it. Because she's just that awesome. OMG, Jane Lynch's biography is out and in stores now, huzzah! Coming to a library near you?
After the joy that is shopping for books and realizing that I've shelved over half of that store, headed for the brewery, ordered some awesome food - I'm super stoked for my leftovers. Thinking of pulling them out now, but going to put that off until around 2 or 3AM. Yes, small children sleep more than I do. Get over it. But I love my family and the food was awesome so tonight was fun. Interesting conversations though. Our server was charming and handsome and had no ring - is that part of the single life, that you just check for that automatically? Which, I guess, technically that doesn't work anyway since I wear a ring on that finger that looks like it could be one but really isn't. So that method is totally totally not...what's the word I'm looking for? correct? ACCURATE. let's go with that. But mine scares off the creepers at work so I'm okay with it. Anyway, Second Sister ordered a drink and he goes
"You do know there's no liquor in that."
"You do know that I'm pregnant right?"
apparently he had offended women in the past so he's more careful now. Wise man.
PS - Smo, T-Magic was there. And it was hilarious because Second Sister - who's just not a fan of football whatsoever - goes "who?"
The guy, eating a burger, and facing us.
The old guy with the glasses?
No, he's neither eating a burger nor facing us.
And more fun conversations were basically...just... You can definitely tell we're related - although Sarah wanted to fool the server into putting our bill together claiming that she's having my baby. To see the reaction. Which was weird. But okay. Because we had been joking with him all night. He got a big tip.
Moving on, just one-liners are just, they stick with you. You know? And I've added a certain few into a catagory I like to call: "Conversations I could never have with my mother". I love my mom. But there are just things that we don't talk about. I think it's the age gap. But for Oldest Sister and Squirt, she's like the cool mom who's into everything and all that.
"Did you talk to a boy?"
"No...I stared at his butt."
There are more, but I don't think that I should repeat them.
Then, in the parking lot, oh my god, have you ever had one of those parking spots where you're surrounded and you're like, okay i'm in, but i'm never going to get out of here without hitting something! and then you come out to your car and that area is completely deserted except for your car? ME NEITHER!!! Ever! But tonight it was, I was stoked. We should do late dinner more often. Less waiting and better parking lot leave-age.
Wow, what a ramble. Should like zen out and sleep now.
Tomorrow is going to be a loooonnnnng day. Two halfdays in a row, I'm getting used to napping and watching Charlie's Angels. Tomorrow is going to be a wakeup call, in more ways than one.
I get to be a mom. Sort of. For a night. ish. Oldest Sister is leaving me her two children and I get the joys of running them and their friends to sporting and social events.
But it's only for a night. So don't get any ideas about this happening with me any time soon. Unless you want your grandchildren to be named "the Chad" and "Batgirl".
Song of the night - Throwback Thursday
"Stayin' Alive" The BeeGees
what is it with him and that jacket? desolation looks like something out of Endgame. god I hated that play. with a passion. Sorry Mr. Beckett. grossed me out and made me angry. Just leave him!
it was a good jam for the night.
though i was tempted to post this: "Pop Goes My Heart"
alright, off to watch some CA and sleep.
Okay, 9-12 there, ate lunch at the apartment while finishing/posting my homework, then headed back to my old stomping grounds. It's weird going back now. Which is funny, because it never used to feel that way. I loved high school. With a passion. How many people can say that honestly? It's part of the reason that I hated college. With a passion. It wasn't high school. It wasn't the same. Dorms didn't count. But I loved the school and the sports and the drama productions and the people and the choirs and the teachers - it was fantastic. And going back for Homecoming was just a natural thing, great to see everyone again. Now it's like, ehhh. I think I'm beyond the years of going just to go. I think it'd have to be a reunion thing. Although we know what happened with that...
ANYWAY, so I went back and watched Squirt and Bubby kick some volleyball butt and of course got talked into being a line judge. By the same dude who talked me into night patrol at camp. He's just so freaking persuasive that you don't see it coming. So I couldn't cheer even though - okay i ain't saying who were the best people out on the court. if they happened to be a tall chick with orange streaks in her hair and a short blonde who's nicknames just happened to be Squirt and Bubby, then that's just the way it is. That's not nepitism. That's fact. You'd agree if you had seen the game.
But Squirt is not an actual squirt. She's taller than me. And in 8th grade. So when it comes to being dominant in sports she takes the cake. Cause no matter how hard they hit it, if it comes in her direction she'll just smack it down on their heads. Cause they're tiny. Our team included. My favorite part was our first point, she set it to Bubby who spiked it over. It was fantastic. But I couldn't cheer! Cause I was a freaking unbiased line judge. Mean. I was tempted to do the Willems point and pose method, but I passed. Cause, like I said, time has passed and no one would know what the heck I was referring to. Unless he still does it. Which I guess is highly possible.
After that we ran like The Flash to get out of there cause Bubby had football practice and they were going to be late. So hit up my apartment, then Barnes and Noble where I found not one, not two, but three freaking different cover copies of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I mean I know that Halloween is coming up and all that, but still.
Same book, different prices.
Check these.

The first is a pop-up book. I know! I was intrigued...The fourth is my copy. Yes, those are my lucky charms in the background. Anthology's are awesome. Is it anthologies or anthology's? I'm going with the apostrophe. It seems safer. No idea why. But that's what you use when you're a lit major reading eight classic novels a month.
Speaking of anthology's, picked up H.G. Wells' seven novels in one book today as well. The real H.G. Wells, not the Warehouse version. although if Jaime Murray were to write a book I'm sure I would read it. And review it. And make you all read it. Because she's just that awesome. OMG, Jane Lynch's biography is out and in stores now, huzzah! Coming to a library near you?
After the joy that is shopping for books and realizing that I've shelved over half of that store, headed for the brewery, ordered some awesome food - I'm super stoked for my leftovers. Thinking of pulling them out now, but going to put that off until around 2 or 3AM. Yes, small children sleep more than I do. Get over it. But I love my family and the food was awesome so tonight was fun. Interesting conversations though. Our server was charming and handsome and had no ring - is that part of the single life, that you just check for that automatically? Which, I guess, technically that doesn't work anyway since I wear a ring on that finger that looks like it could be one but really isn't. So that method is totally totally not...what's the word I'm looking for? correct? ACCURATE. let's go with that. But mine scares off the creepers at work so I'm okay with it. Anyway, Second Sister ordered a drink and he goes
"You do know there's no liquor in that."
"You do know that I'm pregnant right?"
apparently he had offended women in the past so he's more careful now. Wise man.
PS - Smo, T-Magic was there. And it was hilarious because Second Sister - who's just not a fan of football whatsoever - goes "who?"
The guy, eating a burger, and facing us.
The old guy with the glasses?
No, he's neither eating a burger nor facing us.
And more fun conversations were basically...just... You can definitely tell we're related - although Sarah wanted to fool the server into putting our bill together claiming that she's having my baby. To see the reaction. Which was weird. But okay. Because we had been joking with him all night. He got a big tip.
Moving on, just one-liners are just, they stick with you. You know? And I've added a certain few into a catagory I like to call: "Conversations I could never have with my mother". I love my mom. But there are just things that we don't talk about. I think it's the age gap. But for Oldest Sister and Squirt, she's like the cool mom who's into everything and all that.
"Did you talk to a boy?"
"No...I stared at his butt."
There are more, but I don't think that I should repeat them.
Then, in the parking lot, oh my god, have you ever had one of those parking spots where you're surrounded and you're like, okay i'm in, but i'm never going to get out of here without hitting something! and then you come out to your car and that area is completely deserted except for your car? ME NEITHER!!! Ever! But tonight it was, I was stoked. We should do late dinner more often. Less waiting and better parking lot leave-age.
Wow, what a ramble. Should like zen out and sleep now.
Tomorrow is going to be a loooonnnnng day. Two halfdays in a row, I'm getting used to napping and watching Charlie's Angels. Tomorrow is going to be a wakeup call, in more ways than one.
I get to be a mom. Sort of. For a night. ish. Oldest Sister is leaving me her two children and I get the joys of running them and their friends to sporting and social events.
But it's only for a night. So don't get any ideas about this happening with me any time soon. Unless you want your grandchildren to be named "the Chad" and "Batgirl".
Song of the night - Throwback Thursday
"Stayin' Alive" The BeeGees
what is it with him and that jacket? desolation looks like something out of Endgame. god I hated that play. with a passion. Sorry Mr. Beckett. grossed me out and made me angry. Just leave him!
it was a good jam for the night.
though i was tempted to post this: "Pop Goes My Heart"
alright, off to watch some CA and sleep.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Cause I'm a wanderer, yeah a wanderer
I roam around around around around......
The game's afoot. Time and patience will now take precendence.
Today was awesome. Shelved from 9-12, there were actually things for me to shelve, huzzah! Well, that and checking in delivery with the awesomeness that is QofA. And oh man, my Glee-Loving Boss does storytime and he gets really into it with the voices. This morning there were all these animals crying in a story and one of my coworkers who was in the back room called the front desk just to make sure everything was okay.
After that the day was cake. Took a nap, watched some Charlie's Angels, ordered pizza, read the rest of my textbook - I'm still debating on what to post. Name an example of leadership that Shackleton showed and two management acts he used to accomplish this. I'm thinking that he was able to keep his team in good physical and mental health and he did it by dividing up the group by personality types to stay in tents together and ummm.... something about the rations or warm food or something. No, that's dumb. I'll think of a better part two to that. Then something that he did that relates to something my current boss has done. I'm thinking delegation will be the answer there. But nothing's final until I officially post it.
After all that was more Charlie's Angels - season three, Jill guest-starred after her fiance is killed in an accident that could have easily been hers. It's amusing, even though Kris is in the show through the rest of the series I still think of her as the kid sister. Even though she's like her own person. Yes, I know me and my charlie's angels. QofA said that today. True dat. But it's helping to distract me from Chuck and my utter lack of season four. Which isn't due to come out until October. So, in the meantime I'll make due. Or maybe switch it up with some Big Bang Theory season four, huzzah!
Tomorrow is more of the same - halfday. I think. Will check on that again before I take off. Then going to watch Squirt and Bubby play some volleyball at my old high school plus supper with Oldest and Second Sister(s). Should be fun. Taking a pregnant lady to a brewery probably isn't the wisest choice but they have lots of options. Besides I haven't been there since my 21st and I'm craving their rainbow chicken and fries.
Song of the night: Shuffle Situation - Then and Now
Dion - "The Wanderer"
Then 1961
nice snappage.
Now 2010
not bad. is that paul simon?
The game's afoot. Time and patience will now take precendence.
Today was awesome. Shelved from 9-12, there were actually things for me to shelve, huzzah! Well, that and checking in delivery with the awesomeness that is QofA. And oh man, my Glee-Loving Boss does storytime and he gets really into it with the voices. This morning there were all these animals crying in a story and one of my coworkers who was in the back room called the front desk just to make sure everything was okay.
After that the day was cake. Took a nap, watched some Charlie's Angels, ordered pizza, read the rest of my textbook - I'm still debating on what to post. Name an example of leadership that Shackleton showed and two management acts he used to accomplish this. I'm thinking that he was able to keep his team in good physical and mental health and he did it by dividing up the group by personality types to stay in tents together and ummm.... something about the rations or warm food or something. No, that's dumb. I'll think of a better part two to that. Then something that he did that relates to something my current boss has done. I'm thinking delegation will be the answer there. But nothing's final until I officially post it.
After all that was more Charlie's Angels - season three, Jill guest-starred after her fiance is killed in an accident that could have easily been hers. It's amusing, even though Kris is in the show through the rest of the series I still think of her as the kid sister. Even though she's like her own person. Yes, I know me and my charlie's angels. QofA said that today. True dat. But it's helping to distract me from Chuck and my utter lack of season four. Which isn't due to come out until October. So, in the meantime I'll make due. Or maybe switch it up with some Big Bang Theory season four, huzzah!
Tomorrow is more of the same - halfday. I think. Will check on that again before I take off. Then going to watch Squirt and Bubby play some volleyball at my old high school plus supper with Oldest and Second Sister(s). Should be fun. Taking a pregnant lady to a brewery probably isn't the wisest choice but they have lots of options. Besides I haven't been there since my 21st and I'm craving their rainbow chicken and fries.
Song of the night: Shuffle Situation - Then and Now
Dion - "The Wanderer"
Then 1961
nice snappage.
Now 2010
not bad. is that paul simon?
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Oh Darlin' Please Believe Me
Things I learned today at the library:
-Rasputin was poisoned, shot and drowned.
-An Angler on the Amazon hit a beehive with his stick. In order to avoid the angry bees he jumped into the river and was eaten by piranhas.
-When in doubt shelf-read the jNonfiction. That place is always a disaster area.
A random collection of knowledge I know. That's the beauty of public libraries. The information is limitless, unlike academic or special libraries. Booyah.
I love my family. After shelving all morning I got lunch with Mom and Oldest Sister who then proceeded to follow me on my errands. Or I followed her. Whatever it was we went to the same places after lunch. Both needing cat food we hit up Petsmart. Then for groceries and entertainment - plus a vacuum cleaner for her - we jammed at Target. All while putting off more homework.
Which I did. Eventually. And posted. And commented on my classmates postings. Now tomorrow is all about finishing Shackleton's Way and posting for that. Then I'll be done until class next week. I think. I should probably double check that.
I think tomorrow is a halfday. Again, should check on that. But I'm there this weekend. Which I know. I think. Maybe. I don't have my book in my back pocket at the moment so I'm useless. I remember nothing. Much like Nora Ephron.
Songs of the night:
"Oh Darlin'" The O'Kanes
1987. Fabio in shades. Not really. But he could pass for him.
But I'm guessing you were thinking it was this one:
"Oh Darlin'" The Beatles
both are pretty catchy. i'd post the 'across the universe' version of it but the video is too depressing. gotta love stage drama. killed the song.
Off to bed. Then a halfday. Perhaps. I think. I'll check tomorrow. OUT!
-Rasputin was poisoned, shot and drowned.
-An Angler on the Amazon hit a beehive with his stick. In order to avoid the angry bees he jumped into the river and was eaten by piranhas.
-When in doubt shelf-read the jNonfiction. That place is always a disaster area.
A random collection of knowledge I know. That's the beauty of public libraries. The information is limitless, unlike academic or special libraries. Booyah.
I love my family. After shelving all morning I got lunch with Mom and Oldest Sister who then proceeded to follow me on my errands. Or I followed her. Whatever it was we went to the same places after lunch. Both needing cat food we hit up Petsmart. Then for groceries and entertainment - plus a vacuum cleaner for her - we jammed at Target. All while putting off more homework.
Which I did. Eventually. And posted. And commented on my classmates postings. Now tomorrow is all about finishing Shackleton's Way and posting for that. Then I'll be done until class next week. I think. I should probably double check that.
I think tomorrow is a halfday. Again, should check on that. But I'm there this weekend. Which I know. I think. Maybe. I don't have my book in my back pocket at the moment so I'm useless. I remember nothing. Much like Nora Ephron.
Songs of the night:
"Oh Darlin'" The O'Kanes
1987. Fabio in shades. Not really. But he could pass for him.
But I'm guessing you were thinking it was this one:
"Oh Darlin'" The Beatles
both are pretty catchy. i'd post the 'across the universe' version of it but the video is too depressing. gotta love stage drama. killed the song.
Off to bed. Then a halfday. Perhaps. I think. I'll check tomorrow. OUT!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Can't Touch This
"Nice boat."
"I think you would call it a yacht. And if it leaves the dock I'll be a stowaway."
"Yeah well, if it leaves the dock I'm gonna jump ship. Or yacht. Can you jump yacht?"
More Charlie's Angels. I'm hooked all over again. But still in second and third season. The longer I stick with these two the less likely I'll get to season four when I'll be horribly depressed by the lack of Sabrina. "I love you, I'll prove it, you won't like it, I don't care." My new motto for life. That and "Well that's something to scrapbook."
Today was something to scrapbook. I realized how out of shape I am - after last night's softball game I'm just in pain. My leg was throbbing all day, I had to keep it wrapped because it's disgusting - granted not as bad as last year's - and when you're shelving it's always up and down, dude, that hurt. Plus I'm still exhausted. But I love the double-header. Totally worth it, pumped for Saturday. Prince of Peace is going down. They're the team we never beat. And of course we play them when Pastor and his wife are out of town. But Homey-G-Wigger and me got the jump on them cause we played them yesterday with the E-Free. Their pitcher always kicks my butt, there's like a spin on it. Makes everything pop up so they can catch it. So I try to tomahock it and chop it down but that shoots it straight to the shortstop with the killer arm. I'm toast. But we'll see. So far we are the team to beat, I think. Cause we plowed the Methodists. And we as E-Free almost beat Prince of Peace - we were up by two until they decided to have a major comeback and scored like 8 in two innings. It was still a closer game than ours. Maybe this time G and I'll actually make it for real ice cream as tradition instead of the gas station kind that we got last night and last year after we played on their team as well. It's hard to find a place that's open past 8PM in G-Town. But the ice cream Snickers bar was fantastic.
After desking in the morning - can that be a verb? I'm making it one - and shelving in the afternoon I started working on my homework, blah! Reading and posting the highlights of an article on Leadership and Management and Libraries and surveys and Emotional Intelligence and blah. It's my article, I found it, so it's my fault, but still. blah. It'll be worth it in the end.
Clips of the night: You make me feel like dancing.
c'mon, everybody's doing it!
a bad guy with style. shades flew off in the blooper reel during that last turn.
i love sam rockwell. he and drew have paired up like 3 times now. maybe more. you got this, you got confessions of a dangerous mind, then everybody's fine, what's next?
although i like this one better
this is what happens whenever i have to move or clean, get distracted by the jam and dance, though i have yet to knock over a couch in the process. took them a day to come up with and film the dance.
yes i'm on an angels binge. it'll be over with soon enough i'm sure. it goes in spurts. i'm sure i'll get distracted by warehouse or chuck or something i get from the library soon enough.
oh no! some dude shot his mom while there was a burglar in the other room! can't really go to the cops for that..."so i was robbing this place, and this gun, it went off in the other room! and i went to check and she was dead! just dead!" "you were robbing the place?" "yeah, so? he shot her dead!"
ohhh, wait, that wasn't his mom? eww! generation gap ahoy!
Alright, off to read and watch more before I crash. OUT!
"I think you would call it a yacht. And if it leaves the dock I'll be a stowaway."
"Yeah well, if it leaves the dock I'm gonna jump ship. Or yacht. Can you jump yacht?"
More Charlie's Angels. I'm hooked all over again. But still in second and third season. The longer I stick with these two the less likely I'll get to season four when I'll be horribly depressed by the lack of Sabrina. "I love you, I'll prove it, you won't like it, I don't care." My new motto for life. That and "Well that's something to scrapbook."
Today was something to scrapbook. I realized how out of shape I am - after last night's softball game I'm just in pain. My leg was throbbing all day, I had to keep it wrapped because it's disgusting - granted not as bad as last year's - and when you're shelving it's always up and down, dude, that hurt. Plus I'm still exhausted. But I love the double-header. Totally worth it, pumped for Saturday. Prince of Peace is going down. They're the team we never beat. And of course we play them when Pastor and his wife are out of town. But Homey-G-Wigger and me got the jump on them cause we played them yesterday with the E-Free. Their pitcher always kicks my butt, there's like a spin on it. Makes everything pop up so they can catch it. So I try to tomahock it and chop it down but that shoots it straight to the shortstop with the killer arm. I'm toast. But we'll see. So far we are the team to beat, I think. Cause we plowed the Methodists. And we as E-Free almost beat Prince of Peace - we were up by two until they decided to have a major comeback and scored like 8 in two innings. It was still a closer game than ours. Maybe this time G and I'll actually make it for real ice cream as tradition instead of the gas station kind that we got last night and last year after we played on their team as well. It's hard to find a place that's open past 8PM in G-Town. But the ice cream Snickers bar was fantastic.
After desking in the morning - can that be a verb? I'm making it one - and shelving in the afternoon I started working on my homework, blah! Reading and posting the highlights of an article on Leadership and Management and Libraries and surveys and Emotional Intelligence and blah. It's my article, I found it, so it's my fault, but still. blah. It'll be worth it in the end.
Clips of the night: You make me feel like dancing.
c'mon, everybody's doing it!
a bad guy with style. shades flew off in the blooper reel during that last turn.
i love sam rockwell. he and drew have paired up like 3 times now. maybe more. you got this, you got confessions of a dangerous mind, then everybody's fine, what's next?
although i like this one better
this is what happens whenever i have to move or clean, get distracted by the jam and dance, though i have yet to knock over a couch in the process. took them a day to come up with and film the dance.
yes i'm on an angels binge. it'll be over with soon enough i'm sure. it goes in spurts. i'm sure i'll get distracted by warehouse or chuck or something i get from the library soon enough.
oh no! some dude shot his mom while there was a burglar in the other room! can't really go to the cops for that..."so i was robbing this place, and this gun, it went off in the other room! and i went to check and she was dead! just dead!" "you were robbing the place?" "yeah, so? he shot her dead!"
ohhh, wait, that wasn't his mom? eww! generation gap ahoy!
Alright, off to read and watch more before I crash. OUT!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Tin Roof!...Rusted...
Busted my freaking leg back open. Though not as bad as last year's I'll spare you the gross pictures. Seriously, what the crap is it with me and sliding in gravel? I was safe. So you know, it was worth it. But still. Ouch man. Becky says I need to wear pants. Sketch seconded that. Even pulled out my middle name when yelling - that's how I know I'm really in trouble and not dealing with sarcasm. The middle name is the key. But it's cleaned up and taken care of. Good thing I'm certified. I thought taking the class would be cool, what I didn't realize was how clumsy I actually am and how much I'd use the training. It was definitely worth it, which reminds me that I should take the test again and get up to date.
So, the 6:30 game - we got the early one, of course it's the day I'm supposed to work 'til 6 even though the next two Sundays I'm off and we don't have to play until 7:45.
Grace: 12 Methodists: 1
I miss my cousin as the ump. She doesn't end the game when we're up by 10. We had to sweet-talk the ref into letting us play some more innings. Or we just didn't leave the field. Maybe that was it.
Last year we won 18-5.
And, similar to last year, Homey G-Wigger "the Rocket" and me were headed to get some ice cream when we were surrounded by E-Free's asking us to join their team since they were short on girls. They're the underdogs - the newest team, and last year they only won one game...the game that G-Wigger and me joined in on. When Grace played them we won 33-1. But they're a lot of fun to play with cause they're a bunch of goof balls. Next week they have the early game and we have the later one so they asked us to come early just in case. If they don't need us we'll sit in the bleachers and eat snacks. Sunflower seeds. Huzzah!
I got on base every time but once and caught two pop-flies. I'm an outfielder cause I can hit it out there and catch it out there. And throw it to home. That's really my only sporting skills in life - softball. That I only get to play like 4 times a year now, super sad. We should start a library league. We would dominate the branches man. or maybe not. But it'd be fun. Or maybe we could play against Parks and Rec and the cops or something other that's in the City gang. Lull them into a false sense of security with our book smarts and then strike them down like the hand of god! Mwahahaha!
Oh yeah, so we're standing amongst the E-Free and talking, introducing people and stuff - it's basically the same crew as last year and this chick says, "You don't look like a librarian." Which cracked me up because today I was reading this book called "This Book is Overdue: how Librarians and Cybrarians can save us" and it's all about the stereotypes and all that. There's this chapter about librarians who blog, apparently we're quite popular. Reminds me of a seminar theme: "We're not your grandmother's library."
Back to Grace - we rocked it. Our name this year is "Which Steve?" as opposed to last year's "Who's Steve?" Last year Pastor's wife - who's fantastic and hysterical - put together our first line up of the season. Of course, since she's married to him, she had listed his first name instead of "Pastor" and Becky, who's reading it off yells "Steve!....Who's Steve?!" And that kind of stuck. This year we have two Steve's as Scuba Steve has joined our gang of misfit toys. I love us though, we play hard, cheer loud, bring a fanbase...and tiny children that they can run after. Mom: "You injured yourself again?!"
"Love Shack" B52'S
this is a common karaoke song when I actually have time to get out there. diggin' the video but for some reason it reminds me of that diner that Monica worked in on Friends that whenever someone played music on the jukebox they had to dance on the bar. And they were all in costume and all that. Love it.
Momentous day on all counts.
Gonna watch some more Charlie's Angels before I crash. Hopefully that will stop the pounding heart. Happens every year. I love playing softball with these people. They're fantastic.
So, the 6:30 game - we got the early one, of course it's the day I'm supposed to work 'til 6 even though the next two Sundays I'm off and we don't have to play until 7:45.
Grace: 12 Methodists: 1
I miss my cousin as the ump. She doesn't end the game when we're up by 10. We had to sweet-talk the ref into letting us play some more innings. Or we just didn't leave the field. Maybe that was it.
Last year we won 18-5.
And, similar to last year, Homey G-Wigger "the Rocket" and me were headed to get some ice cream when we were surrounded by E-Free's asking us to join their team since they were short on girls. They're the underdogs - the newest team, and last year they only won one game...the game that G-Wigger and me joined in on. When Grace played them we won 33-1. But they're a lot of fun to play with cause they're a bunch of goof balls. Next week they have the early game and we have the later one so they asked us to come early just in case. If they don't need us we'll sit in the bleachers and eat snacks. Sunflower seeds. Huzzah!
I got on base every time but once and caught two pop-flies. I'm an outfielder cause I can hit it out there and catch it out there. And throw it to home. That's really my only sporting skills in life - softball. That I only get to play like 4 times a year now, super sad. We should start a library league. We would dominate the branches man. or maybe not. But it'd be fun. Or maybe we could play against Parks and Rec and the cops or something other that's in the City gang. Lull them into a false sense of security with our book smarts and then strike them down like the hand of god! Mwahahaha!
Oh yeah, so we're standing amongst the E-Free and talking, introducing people and stuff - it's basically the same crew as last year and this chick says, "You don't look like a librarian." Which cracked me up because today I was reading this book called "This Book is Overdue: how Librarians and Cybrarians can save us" and it's all about the stereotypes and all that. There's this chapter about librarians who blog, apparently we're quite popular. Reminds me of a seminar theme: "We're not your grandmother's library."
Back to Grace - we rocked it. Our name this year is "Which Steve?" as opposed to last year's "Who's Steve?" Last year Pastor's wife - who's fantastic and hysterical - put together our first line up of the season. Of course, since she's married to him, she had listed his first name instead of "Pastor" and Becky, who's reading it off yells "Steve!....Who's Steve?!" And that kind of stuck. This year we have two Steve's as Scuba Steve has joined our gang of misfit toys. I love us though, we play hard, cheer loud, bring a fanbase...and tiny children that they can run after. Mom: "You injured yourself again?!"
"Love Shack" B52'S
this is a common karaoke song when I actually have time to get out there. diggin' the video but for some reason it reminds me of that diner that Monica worked in on Friends that whenever someone played music on the jukebox they had to dance on the bar. And they were all in costume and all that. Love it.
Momentous day on all counts.
Gonna watch some more Charlie's Angels before I crash. Hopefully that will stop the pounding heart. Happens every year. I love playing softball with these people. They're fantastic.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
You're online with the feline of Avenue B
Okay so we weren't as dominating as planned but we finished it off. I'll take the win. Pathetic as it was, it had its highlights.
"Hey you, what's new at the Stew-Zoo?" more charlie's Angels. Bosley is feeling euphonic. It's one of those shows that once you start you can't stop. You know, like pringles? Although I'm sure none of the women on this show even know what those are, good god. They all weigh like 80 pounds.
No! No! No! Don't go into the dark parking garage alone! You're toast! No! I liked you. Scream! Run! Something! Wait, he karate chopped you once and now you're dead? The black rose is a nice touch.
So today flew by pretty quickly, granted it was only 12-6. Tomorrow is 11:30-6 plus our opening softball game. Huzzah! We're gonna win them all this year. We're on a mission. 5 years and we've beaten everyone but one team. Every year they freaking beat us, it's obnoxious. Last year we would have had a second chance at them since the season got expanded but they dropped out. Apparently they had better things to do. We said they were scared of losing. They're probably both true.
But our team is awesome. It's basically the same crew every year, though we've learned we play better when we're scrappy and short-handed. Mom was mad last year, one game we were short and made her play right field. I remember her chasing down a fly ball "YOU said they never hit it out here!!!" I lied. Sorry Mom.
But tomorrow we're gonna dominate! Not like the Huskers did today, actually dominate! Hopefully I won't have to break my leg back open. That was disgusting. I'd upload pics but I don't want to make you sick. Gravel + Skin = Ouch man. Pure ouch.
C'mon Kelly, bust down the door, you've gotta land the plane! Oh yeah, let the karate expert kick it down. In heels. She's much more believable. Mom used to make fun of me watching this show. Something about the cheesy fight scenes. I find them amusing. I wonder how she's doing with Chuck. I did leave her the first season. Perhaps I will steal it back if she's finished. If not I still have the last part of season three to get through.
Although it was only a half day I feel like I actually made progress. I finally got all the way through a story I've been editing...for like months that I'd never gotten to. My apartment is semi-clean. My cat is sleeping next to me on the couch.
All-in-all it was a good day.
"You move it Turkey, we were here first!" I love that they refer to Kelly as the street-talking angel. Kelly Garrett. aka Jaclyn Smith. It's like what the Queen of the Known Universe was talking about today - remember the grandma on Airplane? "I speak jive."
Song of the night - go with another classic.
"Seasons of Love" Rent
wish I could hit that note. i'm out of practice so i'm going to spare my neighbors. she rocks it.
favorite movie of all time. gotta love musicals.
love this video
Rent - Out Tonight
favorite song of all time. actually most played on my laptop. over 400 times. but i've had the thing for about 7 years now.
"Hey you, what's new at the Stew-Zoo?" more charlie's Angels. Bosley is feeling euphonic. It's one of those shows that once you start you can't stop. You know, like pringles? Although I'm sure none of the women on this show even know what those are, good god. They all weigh like 80 pounds.
No! No! No! Don't go into the dark parking garage alone! You're toast! No! I liked you. Scream! Run! Something! Wait, he karate chopped you once and now you're dead? The black rose is a nice touch.
So today flew by pretty quickly, granted it was only 12-6. Tomorrow is 11:30-6 plus our opening softball game. Huzzah! We're gonna win them all this year. We're on a mission. 5 years and we've beaten everyone but one team. Every year they freaking beat us, it's obnoxious. Last year we would have had a second chance at them since the season got expanded but they dropped out. Apparently they had better things to do. We said they were scared of losing. They're probably both true.
But our team is awesome. It's basically the same crew every year, though we've learned we play better when we're scrappy and short-handed. Mom was mad last year, one game we were short and made her play right field. I remember her chasing down a fly ball "YOU said they never hit it out here!!!" I lied. Sorry Mom.
But tomorrow we're gonna dominate! Not like the Huskers did today, actually dominate! Hopefully I won't have to break my leg back open. That was disgusting. I'd upload pics but I don't want to make you sick. Gravel + Skin = Ouch man. Pure ouch.
C'mon Kelly, bust down the door, you've gotta land the plane! Oh yeah, let the karate expert kick it down. In heels. She's much more believable. Mom used to make fun of me watching this show. Something about the cheesy fight scenes. I find them amusing. I wonder how she's doing with Chuck. I did leave her the first season. Perhaps I will steal it back if she's finished. If not I still have the last part of season three to get through.
Although it was only a half day I feel like I actually made progress. I finally got all the way through a story I've been editing...for like months that I'd never gotten to. My apartment is semi-clean. My cat is sleeping next to me on the couch.
All-in-all it was a good day.
"You move it Turkey, we were here first!" I love that they refer to Kelly as the street-talking angel. Kelly Garrett. aka Jaclyn Smith. It's like what the Queen of the Known Universe was talking about today - remember the grandma on Airplane? "I speak jive."
Song of the night - go with another classic.
"Seasons of Love" Rent
wish I could hit that note. i'm out of practice so i'm going to spare my neighbors. she rocks it.
favorite movie of all time. gotta love musicals.
love this video
Rent - Out Tonight
favorite song of all time. actually most played on my laptop. over 400 times. but i've had the thing for about 7 years now.
Friday, September 9, 2011
I told you I was trouble, you know that I'm no good.
You know how you have one of those days when you're like, did I eat anything today? And it's 9:30. PM. And the answer is no? That's today.
I had all these plans which of course I didn't do. Or didn't go through with. Or epically failed, however you want to put it. But at least I don't start until noon tomorrow so I can sleep in.
I think.
I should probably double check that before I set my alarm.
Plus there's a game tomorrow. Huzzah! Game day traffic. huzzah. Kidding. It's worth it. Plus it doesn't start 'til 6ish so I think I'm safe. Fresno State. We're gonna dominate, no question. I'm saying 49-10.
Currently watching Charlie's Angels disc one of season two. I watched Angels at Sea aka the "I love you I'll prove it you won't like it I don't care" episode then the season finale, now Kris has joined the gang and I'll skip to the last of this season to start off season three, then do the same with that so I can move on to the first episode of season four. Which I'm putting off. Cause I don't like her - the new chick. Even though I don't know her. Whatever her name is. Tiffany. What kind of Angels name is that? Do you feel threatened by a Tiffany? Totally sad that Sabrina has deserted us.
Wait, he shot at you and you told him to run away?
The angels are in Hawaii. She's surfing. Wow, really working this case hard man.
"Why did you kidnap Charlie?"
"I wanted to hire the angels."
"Why didn't you just call the office?"
good god, he's sitting in a lawn chair, in a pool, surrounded by women. i thought he was supposed to be like kidnapped kidnapped. you know? tied to a chair with too much rope and only a lighter to help him escape? Dylan pulled it off.
and that's kickin' your ass. another one of my catchphrases, this time from high school. think she needs to work on her moonwalk.
She's my favorite angel. For Halloween Sophomore year of high school me and my two best friends went trick or treating as Charlie's Angels. Dyed Smo's hair and everything. Still have my wicked awesome Angel's shirt. Wear it when I'm cold as it is long-sleeved. We planned ahead like that.
"You Know I'm No Good" Amy Winehouse live and acoustic
forever 27 was too early.
alright, off to do great things. or watch charlie's angels and sleep. which are also great things so i guess that counts.
ps - the 22nd is coming up soon
and just cause i think it's funny:
"I'M BOSLEY!" "tiny natives!"
I had all these plans which of course I didn't do. Or didn't go through with. Or epically failed, however you want to put it. But at least I don't start until noon tomorrow so I can sleep in.
I think.
I should probably double check that before I set my alarm.
Plus there's a game tomorrow. Huzzah! Game day traffic. huzzah. Kidding. It's worth it. Plus it doesn't start 'til 6ish so I think I'm safe. Fresno State. We're gonna dominate, no question. I'm saying 49-10.
Currently watching Charlie's Angels disc one of season two. I watched Angels at Sea aka the "I love you I'll prove it you won't like it I don't care" episode then the season finale, now Kris has joined the gang and I'll skip to the last of this season to start off season three, then do the same with that so I can move on to the first episode of season four. Which I'm putting off. Cause I don't like her - the new chick. Even though I don't know her. Whatever her name is. Tiffany. What kind of Angels name is that? Do you feel threatened by a Tiffany? Totally sad that Sabrina has deserted us.
Wait, he shot at you and you told him to run away?
The angels are in Hawaii. She's surfing. Wow, really working this case hard man.
"Why did you kidnap Charlie?"
"I wanted to hire the angels."
"Why didn't you just call the office?"
good god, he's sitting in a lawn chair, in a pool, surrounded by women. i thought he was supposed to be like kidnapped kidnapped. you know? tied to a chair with too much rope and only a lighter to help him escape? Dylan pulled it off.
and that's kickin' your ass. another one of my catchphrases, this time from high school. think she needs to work on her moonwalk.
She's my favorite angel. For Halloween Sophomore year of high school me and my two best friends went trick or treating as Charlie's Angels. Dyed Smo's hair and everything. Still have my wicked awesome Angel's shirt. Wear it when I'm cold as it is long-sleeved. We planned ahead like that.
"You Know I'm No Good" Amy Winehouse live and acoustic
forever 27 was too early.
alright, off to do great things. or watch charlie's angels and sleep. which are also great things so i guess that counts.
ps - the 22nd is coming up soon
and just cause i think it's funny:
"I'M BOSLEY!" "tiny natives!"
Thursday, September 8, 2011
close but no pez...
Quote of the day:
Superwoman and me talking about my schedule through Glee-loving boss on the phone
Me: Woohoo! I get to sleep in! Victory dance!
GLB: She says Woohoo, she gets to sleep in. She's victory dancing.
GLB: She says you lose points for making noise in the library.... But we're in the backroom....okay nevermind.
HA! I'm rocking the 136.
So, today was interesting - lots of multitasking as techically I was scheduled to be an LA3 and an Aide at the same time. But we switched it so I was at the desk all morning then shelved in the afternoon. LA3. Still weird to say.
Then I came home all like pumped about actually doing stuff - clean the apartment, write some stuff, edit some stuff, pay some bills, but yeah. Totally did nothing but watch SVU and lay on my couch. Took a nap with my big fat cat.
Tomorrow might be more of the same. Only work in the morning - then I'll attempt to do the stuff I was going to do today. But at least my homework is done and posted until next week. I'm allowed to be lazy for a day. Or a few. It's like in my family it's not just a birthday it's more like a birthmonth. Be nice to me it's my birthmonth. I get to be lazy it's my birthmonth. No that was last month. Oh right.
And OMG it's freaking September already which means Xmas is coming and I'm stoked! Which is weird to think about already I know, but I still have all the Xmas songs on my ipod and one played today while on shuffle. I jammed and tried to figure out what to get what for who. or whom.
I was never good at that who/whom thing. one is supposed to represent he/she and the other is supposed to represent him/her but I can never remember which is which. Usually the English major in me would look something like that up cause it would drive me nuts but at the moment I'm enjoying my lazy day with SVU and Carter my lazy fat cat who right now is laying on the floor staring at me wondering why I'm not feeding him.
Song of the night: I won't hit you with my xmas one, although i'm tempted to. here's a jam session instead
"Long Cool Woman" The Hollies
OUT soon. probably more SVU before then.
Or maybe some Charlie's Angels but I'm afraid to start season four cause Kate Jackson isn't in it. As great as Farraw Fawcett was I wasn't completely depressed when she got replaced by Cheryl Ladd. I actually liked Kris, Jill's kid sister. Plus she made guest appearances anyway so it wasn't like we lost her completely.
At first I didn't like Sabrina so much. Kinda thought she was a snot. Now she's kind of a badass. So she's awesome. Plus she's Prentiss's mom. Which cracks me up to the extreme.
"I love you, I'll prove it, you won't like it, I don't care" kind of became a one-line wonder for me in college. Even though she was just reading what a criminal had written on a note and left in her luggage on a ship. Which he threatened to blow up. So much cooler than Kelly's note said, "Bon Voyage, you're dead." But that was back in first season when Jill was still a full-fledged agent instead of a race-car driver. I think the title was like Angels Afloat or something.....nope "Angels at Sea". Close but no pez.
Does anyone else say that or is that another family phrase? Close but no pez. I'm assuming it's an Everts family thing. We have a lot of those. But those pez dispensers are usually a pretty big thing for Xmas gag gifts. Aaannd we come full circle.
But seriously? What kind of plot line is that? She leaves the agency to drive racecars? Even though Sabrina was the one to drive the racecar in the episode where criminals were smuggling things across the boarder during a race.
And who the heck is this new chick? Seriously? Tiffany? Or what's the next one? Julie or something. But she doesn't even last a full season.
I should just put the disc in and suffer through it. Or at least the first episode. Before I judge her completely. Which I have. But I shouldn't. She could be awesome. I guess. Prentiss came to replace Greenway, she was awesome. Ziva replaced Kate, she was awesome. Not as awesome as Kate, but Agent Todd is hard to beat.
Which reminds me, I got season six of Criminal Minds even though I refuse to ever watch it. But it's the principle of the thing. Maybe I'll watch the first disc...up until they boot off AJ/JJ. But PAGET IS BACK!! Check this!
Okay, more SVU and I'm out. I'll deal with the Angels tomorrow.
Superwoman and me talking about my schedule through Glee-loving boss on the phone
Me: Woohoo! I get to sleep in! Victory dance!
GLB: She says Woohoo, she gets to sleep in. She's victory dancing.
GLB: She says you lose points for making noise in the library.... But we're in the backroom....okay nevermind.
HA! I'm rocking the 136.
So, today was interesting - lots of multitasking as techically I was scheduled to be an LA3 and an Aide at the same time. But we switched it so I was at the desk all morning then shelved in the afternoon. LA3. Still weird to say.
Then I came home all like pumped about actually doing stuff - clean the apartment, write some stuff, edit some stuff, pay some bills, but yeah. Totally did nothing but watch SVU and lay on my couch. Took a nap with my big fat cat.
Tomorrow might be more of the same. Only work in the morning - then I'll attempt to do the stuff I was going to do today. But at least my homework is done and posted until next week. I'm allowed to be lazy for a day. Or a few. It's like in my family it's not just a birthday it's more like a birthmonth. Be nice to me it's my birthmonth. I get to be lazy it's my birthmonth. No that was last month. Oh right.
And OMG it's freaking September already which means Xmas is coming and I'm stoked! Which is weird to think about already I know, but I still have all the Xmas songs on my ipod and one played today while on shuffle. I jammed and tried to figure out what to get what for who. or whom.
I was never good at that who/whom thing. one is supposed to represent he/she and the other is supposed to represent him/her but I can never remember which is which. Usually the English major in me would look something like that up cause it would drive me nuts but at the moment I'm enjoying my lazy day with SVU and Carter my lazy fat cat who right now is laying on the floor staring at me wondering why I'm not feeding him.
Song of the night: I won't hit you with my xmas one, although i'm tempted to. here's a jam session instead
"Long Cool Woman" The Hollies
OUT soon. probably more SVU before then.
Or maybe some Charlie's Angels but I'm afraid to start season four cause Kate Jackson isn't in it. As great as Farraw Fawcett was I wasn't completely depressed when she got replaced by Cheryl Ladd. I actually liked Kris, Jill's kid sister. Plus she made guest appearances anyway so it wasn't like we lost her completely.
At first I didn't like Sabrina so much. Kinda thought she was a snot. Now she's kind of a badass. So she's awesome. Plus she's Prentiss's mom. Which cracks me up to the extreme.
"I love you, I'll prove it, you won't like it, I don't care" kind of became a one-line wonder for me in college. Even though she was just reading what a criminal had written on a note and left in her luggage on a ship. Which he threatened to blow up. So much cooler than Kelly's note said, "Bon Voyage, you're dead." But that was back in first season when Jill was still a full-fledged agent instead of a race-car driver. I think the title was like Angels Afloat or something.....nope "Angels at Sea". Close but no pez.
Does anyone else say that or is that another family phrase? Close but no pez. I'm assuming it's an Everts family thing. We have a lot of those. But those pez dispensers are usually a pretty big thing for Xmas gag gifts. Aaannd we come full circle.
But seriously? What kind of plot line is that? She leaves the agency to drive racecars? Even though Sabrina was the one to drive the racecar in the episode where criminals were smuggling things across the boarder during a race.
And who the heck is this new chick? Seriously? Tiffany? Or what's the next one? Julie or something. But she doesn't even last a full season.
I should just put the disc in and suffer through it. Or at least the first episode. Before I judge her completely. Which I have. But I shouldn't. She could be awesome. I guess. Prentiss came to replace Greenway, she was awesome. Ziva replaced Kate, she was awesome. Not as awesome as Kate, but Agent Todd is hard to beat.
Which reminds me, I got season six of Criminal Minds even though I refuse to ever watch it. But it's the principle of the thing. Maybe I'll watch the first disc...up until they boot off AJ/JJ. But PAGET IS BACK!! Check this!
Okay, more SVU and I'm out. I'll deal with the Angels tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Make the lambs stop screaming!
Have you ever had one of those days where it's like everything is nonstop? Like my heart was racing the whole day. Was only at the one branch 2 hours this morning so I was racing the clock and still didn't get everything done, then at lunch I worked on homework frantically reading so I could get that done and didn't have to do it tonight, this afternoon while apparently slow for everyone else caused me nothing but stress - except at one point where in all her glory Superwoman showed up and commented on me relaxing. The one time I was actually sitting and checking email, everything else was nonstop. Which is good, she didn't see me all stressed and freaking out. Everything was a rush. Checking in in the back room cause no one else was doing it - there are still three carts left to deal with after I went through five others, then at close I was supposed to count money which I had totally forgotten since I was too busy putting out new books and checking people out at the desk. Thank god for Load man, he saved my butt. Yes, we are Lock and Load. Deal with it.
Then I came back to my car and found the window open which totally freaked me out. But it's fine. I guess. I probably hit a button or something.
Now I'm home and sped through the rest of my reading just to get started on the posting. But it's done! It's done! I'm done! for the week!! huzzah!! Posted and replied to three peoples even though no responses were required. But I'm a nerd like that.
Now I can like sit. And just like sit. And watch TV. But mostly just sit without my heart racing and me freaking out about homework/work stuff. See, this is why I like being subdirt. There's no real responsibility. I mean, other than what happens at work itself. You go, you do lists, you shelve, you're done. Mostly. I enjoy the subdirt. And then I was dirt at the other branch but now they decided to promote us all. Now we're topsoil.
I explained the dirt system to you earlier I believe, check this: My Life in Closed Captions: "Cause even after three text messages, four missed...
I'm just in one of those modes where it's like my brain won't stop. I'm at this point in the post and I've only been typing for less than a minute. Speed typing where you go back and finish the mistakes later. It's part of the English major thing. You get it all down on paper before you forget it or get distracted by something else. Or maybe that's just me.
But I'm good now. And breathing. Today was something to scrapbook. Let's leave it at that and move on.
Perhaps mellowed music will help. Well, that and SVU. Cause I got the 4th season through interlibrary loan. I love my job. But I'm pacing myself with Chuck. Cause the next DVD set doesn't come out 'til like October. I do this with most series I own. I don't watch the last disc until the next DVD is out, then I can watch them all together. Cliffhangers drive me bananas. But in a good way. But not a good enough way that if I have access to what happens after I'm hanging off the cliff that I'm not going to watch it. Did that make sense? Probably not. But it's the thought that counts. I think. That's a thought. Thinking is a thought. I need to stop typing.
Mellow music. Right. Okay, ipod shuffle says.......piano melodies
"Don't Know Why" Norah Jones
we listen to this between skits and worship sessions at camp. it's on our piano's demo reel. seriously. liz implemented it a few years ago and i stuck with it.
"A Thousand Miles" Vanessa Carlton
I WANNA RIDE A PIANO DOWN A HIGHWAY!! I actually just had this conversation with Pastor and Obi-Wan. Pastor just moved and they have this piano and were discussing how to move it to the other house. I said they should just push it across town. One person on each side and then one pushing on the back and then someone riding on top so they can tell them "more to the left" or "speed bump ahead" or "turn here". Think it'd be awesome.
also dig this one of hers:
"San Francisco" Vanessa Carlton
no idea what happened to either of these artists - haven't heard anything from them lately.
tomorrow i'm scheduled to be an aide the same time i'm scheduled to be an LA3. see, that just sounds weird to say. or type. LA3. i liked being an LA2. dirt man. dirt.
but i'll figure out the schedule tomorrow morning. for now i'm outta here. eat some supper and watch some SVU.
Then I came back to my car and found the window open which totally freaked me out. But it's fine. I guess. I probably hit a button or something.
Now I'm home and sped through the rest of my reading just to get started on the posting. But it's done! It's done! I'm done! for the week!! huzzah!! Posted and replied to three peoples even though no responses were required. But I'm a nerd like that.
Now I can like sit. And just like sit. And watch TV. But mostly just sit without my heart racing and me freaking out about homework/work stuff. See, this is why I like being subdirt. There's no real responsibility. I mean, other than what happens at work itself. You go, you do lists, you shelve, you're done. Mostly. I enjoy the subdirt. And then I was dirt at the other branch but now they decided to promote us all. Now we're topsoil.
I explained the dirt system to you earlier I believe, check this: My Life in Closed Captions: "Cause even after three text messages, four missed...
I'm just in one of those modes where it's like my brain won't stop. I'm at this point in the post and I've only been typing for less than a minute. Speed typing where you go back and finish the mistakes later. It's part of the English major thing. You get it all down on paper before you forget it or get distracted by something else. Or maybe that's just me.
But I'm good now. And breathing. Today was something to scrapbook. Let's leave it at that and move on.
Perhaps mellowed music will help. Well, that and SVU. Cause I got the 4th season through interlibrary loan. I love my job. But I'm pacing myself with Chuck. Cause the next DVD set doesn't come out 'til like October. I do this with most series I own. I don't watch the last disc until the next DVD is out, then I can watch them all together. Cliffhangers drive me bananas. But in a good way. But not a good enough way that if I have access to what happens after I'm hanging off the cliff that I'm not going to watch it. Did that make sense? Probably not. But it's the thought that counts. I think. That's a thought. Thinking is a thought. I need to stop typing.
Mellow music. Right. Okay, ipod shuffle says.......piano melodies
"Don't Know Why" Norah Jones
we listen to this between skits and worship sessions at camp. it's on our piano's demo reel. seriously. liz implemented it a few years ago and i stuck with it.
"A Thousand Miles" Vanessa Carlton
I WANNA RIDE A PIANO DOWN A HIGHWAY!! I actually just had this conversation with Pastor and Obi-Wan. Pastor just moved and they have this piano and were discussing how to move it to the other house. I said they should just push it across town. One person on each side and then one pushing on the back and then someone riding on top so they can tell them "more to the left" or "speed bump ahead" or "turn here". Think it'd be awesome.
also dig this one of hers:
"San Francisco" Vanessa Carlton
no idea what happened to either of these artists - haven't heard anything from them lately.
tomorrow i'm scheduled to be an aide the same time i'm scheduled to be an LA3. see, that just sounds weird to say. or type. LA3. i liked being an LA2. dirt man. dirt.
but i'll figure out the schedule tomorrow morning. for now i'm outta here. eat some supper and watch some SVU.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Hello it's me, I'm not at home. If you'd like to reach me leave me alone.
I'm tempted to put that as my voicemail. But as my phone is the official camp number and I'm either always working or my phone is on silent that probably wouldn't be the smartest idea.
A whole weekend with no internet. It's down at the farmhouse. Usually that would drive me nuts but this time it was actually relaxing.
-Little Sister's wedding was awesome. I got to sit by my baby sister.
Me: I may cry. It's your job to make me laugh right before we go to meet her.
Yeah, she couldn't do it so we passed it on to Jamie.
She looked beautiful and she got through her vows so I was proud.
-Huskers kicked butt! Parentals taped it and I watched it when I got home. Totally stoked for this weekend's game!
-Okay, Chuck is the bomb. Seriously. It's funny, it's got action and good storylines - I love it. And, now, so does my mom. I got her hooked this weekend. That's basically all we did. Watched Chuck. Ate. Watched more Chuck. Slept. Watched even more Chuck. She was so sad I had to bring it back with me here that I had to leave her a season. Seriously.
And apparently I know absolutely nothing about it at all cause when Angie Harmon guest starred I about fell off the couch. Seriously.
So I encourage you all to check it out. It's fantastic. And if you don't like it then you're welcome to kick my butt. But you may have to get in line. Pretty sure Sketch has been waiting to do that for a while now. I love you! *pathetic face included*
-Figured out my epiphany/revelation moment that my brother and sister in law were talking about us not being thorough on. But I can't post it to Second Sister figures it out. It was one of those...ohhhh! moments. Like I was totally confused about what he was talking about but now I get it.
-Worked at the movie theater Sunday night with Homey G Wigger and some friends. It was fun. I did drinks in the concession stand.
Me: You didn't tell me about that!
Kim: New ice will fall and hit you. Also, you will run out of Sierra Mist. And you will get sprayed.
Thanks for the heads up.
But it was fun and I got started on my book.
-Went in at 8 this morning to shelve everything. They painted over the weekend and took down everything that was up against the walls, put it in boxes, and piled them in the middle of the library.

Which, normally wouldn't be that big of a deal but at this branch we're smaller and need to utilize wall space. It took all morning plus part of afternoon to put shelves back up and the books back on them. Mass hysteria. But I got to work with Slim Shady and Superwoman so it was cool.
Although I did learn that I was anal retentive. Which I wasn't aware of until now. So either you all knew and kept it a secret or this is BRAND NEW INFORMATION!! sorry. Friends reference.
-Worked on some homework this afternoon then went back to work tonight. Jammed out with Superwoman and now I'm back.
-First full day back at both branches since the weekend off.
Song of the day:
Listened to it on the way to work and it was stuck in my head all day. Drove me bananas.
"A Change Will Do You Good" Sheryl Crow
love the guest stars. "Well this isn't Elm Street." She sounds a bit like Paget when she says that - I had to flip back and make sure it wasn't her.
A whole weekend with no internet. It's down at the farmhouse. Usually that would drive me nuts but this time it was actually relaxing.
-Little Sister's wedding was awesome. I got to sit by my baby sister.
Me: I may cry. It's your job to make me laugh right before we go to meet her.
Yeah, she couldn't do it so we passed it on to Jamie.
She looked beautiful and she got through her vows so I was proud.
-Huskers kicked butt! Parentals taped it and I watched it when I got home. Totally stoked for this weekend's game!
-Okay, Chuck is the bomb. Seriously. It's funny, it's got action and good storylines - I love it. And, now, so does my mom. I got her hooked this weekend. That's basically all we did. Watched Chuck. Ate. Watched more Chuck. Slept. Watched even more Chuck. She was so sad I had to bring it back with me here that I had to leave her a season. Seriously.
And apparently I know absolutely nothing about it at all cause when Angie Harmon guest starred I about fell off the couch. Seriously.
So I encourage you all to check it out. It's fantastic. And if you don't like it then you're welcome to kick my butt. But you may have to get in line. Pretty sure Sketch has been waiting to do that for a while now. I love you! *pathetic face included*
-Figured out my epiphany/revelation moment that my brother and sister in law were talking about us not being thorough on. But I can't post it to Second Sister figures it out. It was one of those...ohhhh! moments. Like I was totally confused about what he was talking about but now I get it.
-Worked at the movie theater Sunday night with Homey G Wigger and some friends. It was fun. I did drinks in the concession stand.
Me: You didn't tell me about that!
Kim: New ice will fall and hit you. Also, you will run out of Sierra Mist. And you will get sprayed.
Thanks for the heads up.
But it was fun and I got started on my book.
-Went in at 8 this morning to shelve everything. They painted over the weekend and took down everything that was up against the walls, put it in boxes, and piled them in the middle of the library.

Which, normally wouldn't be that big of a deal but at this branch we're smaller and need to utilize wall space. It took all morning plus part of afternoon to put shelves back up and the books back on them. Mass hysteria. But I got to work with Slim Shady and Superwoman so it was cool.
Although I did learn that I was anal retentive. Which I wasn't aware of until now. So either you all knew and kept it a secret or this is BRAND NEW INFORMATION!! sorry. Friends reference.
-Worked on some homework this afternoon then went back to work tonight. Jammed out with Superwoman and now I'm back.
-First full day back at both branches since the weekend off.
Song of the day:
Listened to it on the way to work and it was stuck in my head all day. Drove me bananas.
"A Change Will Do You Good" Sheryl Crow
love the guest stars. "Well this isn't Elm Street." She sounds a bit like Paget when she says that - I had to flip back and make sure it wasn't her.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Little Sisters and Winding Roads.
I should have known, when I started the day off sweeping up broken glass in the back room, that today was going to be crazy.
First off, I thought it was actually Saturday, until I showed up at work and was like, well crap. It's Friday. Not that Friday is bad.
"Hello Cleveland."
"It's Burbank."
It's just I was expecting it to be Saturday. Where I get off at noon. And go to my little sister's wedding. Instead I spent the day in public service - which I love - except for when you have to call the cops and someone ends up in handcuffs.
But I did get to see my friends. And tomorrow I will see even more. When I'm off at 12. And go to my little sister's wedding. Did I mention that it makes me feel really old that my little sister is getting married? Not to be confused with my baby sister. Or my adopted little sister. Yes, there are three of them. And yes, none of them are blood relatives.
I went to a dorm school. Boarding school. Whatever you wanna call it. And no, I'm not "one of those", you know the ones that get shipped off, it was voluntary. And I liked it. Most of it. Freshman year was hard. I was homesick for about a month straight. Okay, that's a lie. Two months. And that part sucked. But everything else was great. I got to live with my friends, got to go to a great school, I had a blast. And I met some great people. One of them was my big sister.
You see, as a Freshman. Well, as a female freshman - pretty sure the guys didn't do this - you get adopted by a senior. They become your big sister. And they watch out for you. I was lucky enough to get two. A real and an adopted big sister. Which is funny, because technically I ended up with 2 reals and an adopted. Who just happened to be my boyfriend at the time's actual younger sister. But that's another story.
Moving on.
They watch out for you. And I was crazy homesick and they were great.
It was a small school. By the time I graduated there were only 25 in our class. And we were the biggest in the school. The class above us was short on kids and short on girls. So, when a new group of freshman girls came up, they were short on big sisters. I was Junior and the dorm mom's approached me about being a big sister. And I jumped at the chance. When I met her, she was one of the shyest girls. And she was homesick. Which is why I was asked to step in. So I did. And I think I did okay.
For Christmas one year she did this 12 days of christmas from a secret admirer thing. I got like a necklace and...sunchips - which didn't last long between me and my roommate - and some pictures and all that. She was fantastic. And I love her. And tomorrow, she gets married.
Which is why I'm feeling super old. Plus my adopted little sister has a big girl job and is moving here. Huzzah for that!
As for the baby sister. She's good. Cute as ever. Promises she'll invite me to her wedding. Totally freaked me out, couple months back she changed her last name on Facebook and I probed her until she explained. Some sort of status thing.
Kids these days.
"Everyday is a Winding Road" Sheryl Crow
So. Tomorrow. Big day. It's gonna be fun. Out.
First off, I thought it was actually Saturday, until I showed up at work and was like, well crap. It's Friday. Not that Friday is bad.
"Hello Cleveland."
"It's Burbank."
It's just I was expecting it to be Saturday. Where I get off at noon. And go to my little sister's wedding. Instead I spent the day in public service - which I love - except for when you have to call the cops and someone ends up in handcuffs.
But I did get to see my friends. And tomorrow I will see even more. When I'm off at 12. And go to my little sister's wedding. Did I mention that it makes me feel really old that my little sister is getting married? Not to be confused with my baby sister. Or my adopted little sister. Yes, there are three of them. And yes, none of them are blood relatives.
I went to a dorm school. Boarding school. Whatever you wanna call it. And no, I'm not "one of those", you know the ones that get shipped off, it was voluntary. And I liked it. Most of it. Freshman year was hard. I was homesick for about a month straight. Okay, that's a lie. Two months. And that part sucked. But everything else was great. I got to live with my friends, got to go to a great school, I had a blast. And I met some great people. One of them was my big sister.
You see, as a Freshman. Well, as a female freshman - pretty sure the guys didn't do this - you get adopted by a senior. They become your big sister. And they watch out for you. I was lucky enough to get two. A real and an adopted big sister. Which is funny, because technically I ended up with 2 reals and an adopted. Who just happened to be my boyfriend at the time's actual younger sister. But that's another story.
Moving on.
They watch out for you. And I was crazy homesick and they were great.
It was a small school. By the time I graduated there were only 25 in our class. And we were the biggest in the school. The class above us was short on kids and short on girls. So, when a new group of freshman girls came up, they were short on big sisters. I was Junior and the dorm mom's approached me about being a big sister. And I jumped at the chance. When I met her, she was one of the shyest girls. And she was homesick. Which is why I was asked to step in. So I did. And I think I did okay.
For Christmas one year she did this 12 days of christmas from a secret admirer thing. I got like a necklace and...sunchips - which didn't last long between me and my roommate - and some pictures and all that. She was fantastic. And I love her. And tomorrow, she gets married.
Which is why I'm feeling super old. Plus my adopted little sister has a big girl job and is moving here. Huzzah for that!
As for the baby sister. She's good. Cute as ever. Promises she'll invite me to her wedding. Totally freaked me out, couple months back she changed her last name on Facebook and I probed her until she explained. Some sort of status thing.
Kids these days.
"Everyday is a Winding Road" Sheryl Crow
So. Tomorrow. Big day. It's gonna be fun. Out.
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