When you sacrifice your hair color for your job.
I like my fire-engine red hair! And Superwoman approves. But, to some, it seems unprofessional. And, as I work in public service, perhaps that's not the best thing. So, tomorrow, when I go and get my hair dyed and chopped, but mostly dyed, I'm debating just getting highlights. I know! What happened?! Just highlights?! What has working public service done to you?! I'm asking myself those same questions. And I blame it on the night shift.
Tuesday night night-shifts always somehow turn into a debate. Space Cadet and I always have completely random conversations - you can read all about our sea cow vs. snow leopard debate from last week here: My Life in Closed Captions: I guess I'll go on home, it's late. There'll be to... Today the majority of our conversations revolved around my hair color. She doesn't want me to dye it. "But whyyyy? It's so pretty! Just say no!" And then she pulled the ultimate mom question.
"Why does your hair need to be red?"
"Because it does?"
"But why?"
"Because I like it red."
"Why red?"
I had no answer. Had to do some soul-searching. All this from hair-dyeing, I know. Seriously? But it was one of those questions. "I don't know, it's just always been red." Which, again, wasn't really an answer. So I'm trying to think of one now.
I wasn't the most popular kid growing up. Grade school was kind of a disaster area and high school was just interesting. Going away to a dorm school and living with the same people 24/7... there has to be some room for rebellion. I found that in my writings and dyeing my hair. Mom is okay with it because it's temporary, unlike tattoos or piercings. Not that she'd have that problem with me, I see a needle and I pass out. Literally.
And it worked for things like One Act and Drama productions. I dyed my hair so many colors - red, blonde, blue, orange, purple, black and back to the original brown we forgot it was. But I liked red because it was way out there.
Plus I was a Charlie's Angels nut and that was Dylan's hair color. Yes, let's blame my hair diagnosis on Drew Barrymore. It's not like my friends don't already blame her for enough of my habits.
But that was then. Well, the Charlie's Angels stuck, but should the hair color? At the time I liked it being so out there. Loud and obnoxious. I wore my headphones and skater clothes, talked my idiot slang talk, made friends with some interesting characters, picked up some bad habits. But am I really that person anymore? Am I supposed to be? I'm a professional now. Getting my Master's. Working two jobs. Running a kids camp.
I'm over-thinking things. I should just dye it and get it over with. Actually have one thing in my life that's the old me. Instead of the public service me. Which apparently has made me both a social person and semi-morning friendly. And do things like debate highlights vs. hair dye.
Like I said, over-thinking. So, why red? Why does it define me? It's loud and obnoxious. It sticks out in a crowd. It makes me quirky and gives my family plenty of ammo to throw at me.
Aren't you supposed to stick out in public service anyway? The chick that interviews people for OPL says she wouldn't hire anyone who picked "invisible" as their super power. You're supposed to be seen and out there helping people.
And librarians are known for being way out there. With our green tea and literature references. Although my grammar is still atrocious. On purpose mostly. So perhaps red hair would be the right choice.
I guess it'll be up to Donna tomorrow. Maybe she can point me in the right direction. Hmmm...
Quote of the day:
"You text her after hours?"
"She texts me asking if Castle is new!"
Pics of the Week:
fun with faulty equipment. this is what happens when the receipt printer suddenly decides to start working after not working for half an hour.
paparazzi! a picture of taking a picture of taking a picture of taking a picture of... from Sensei's going away party. We rocked the place tonight, the parking lot was packed.
our very own Vanna White
QofA and Space Cadet hard at work
Sensei's party was a blast. More on that tomorrow. Her last official day. I might actually cry. She's fanstastic. And we're going to go insane without her.
what I came home to tonight. *hand over eyes* "geez mom, just dye your hair red already. i know you just want to be as cool as me." yeah, maybe i'll add in a bullseye on the side.
Alright, off to feed my super cool cat and eat some supper myself.
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