A whole weekend with no internet. It's down at the farmhouse. Usually that would drive me nuts but this time it was actually relaxing.
-Little Sister's wedding was awesome. I got to sit by my baby sister.
Me: I may cry. It's your job to make me laugh right before we go to meet her.
Yeah, she couldn't do it so we passed it on to Jamie.
She looked beautiful and she got through her vows so I was proud.
-Huskers kicked butt! Parentals taped it and I watched it when I got home. Totally stoked for this weekend's game!
-Okay, Chuck is the bomb. Seriously. It's funny, it's got action and good storylines - I love it. And, now, so does my mom. I got her hooked this weekend. That's basically all we did. Watched Chuck. Ate. Watched more Chuck. Slept. Watched even more Chuck. She was so sad I had to bring it back with me here that I had to leave her a season. Seriously.
And apparently I know absolutely nothing about it at all cause when Angie Harmon guest starred I about fell off the couch. Seriously.
So I encourage you all to check it out. It's fantastic. And if you don't like it then you're welcome to kick my butt. But you may have to get in line. Pretty sure Sketch has been waiting to do that for a while now. I love you! *pathetic face included*
-Figured out my epiphany/revelation moment that my brother and sister in law were talking about us not being thorough on. But I can't post it to Second Sister figures it out. It was one of those...ohhhh! moments. Like I was totally confused about what he was talking about but now I get it.
-Worked at the movie theater Sunday night with Homey G Wigger and some friends. It was fun. I did drinks in the concession stand.
Me: You didn't tell me about that!
Kim: New ice will fall and hit you. Also, you will run out of Sierra Mist. And you will get sprayed.
Thanks for the heads up.
But it was fun and I got started on my book.
-Went in at 8 this morning to shelve everything. They painted over the weekend and took down everything that was up against the walls, put it in boxes, and piled them in the middle of the library.

Which, normally wouldn't be that big of a deal but at this branch we're smaller and need to utilize wall space. It took all morning plus part of afternoon to put shelves back up and the books back on them. Mass hysteria. But I got to work with Slim Shady and Superwoman so it was cool.
Although I did learn that I was anal retentive. Which I wasn't aware of until now. So either you all knew and kept it a secret or this is BRAND NEW INFORMATION!! sorry. Friends reference.
-Worked on some homework this afternoon then went back to work tonight. Jammed out with Superwoman and now I'm back.
-First full day back at both branches since the weekend off.
Song of the day:
Listened to it on the way to work and it was stuck in my head all day. Drove me bananas.
"A Change Will Do You Good" Sheryl Crow
love the guest stars. "Well this isn't Elm Street." She sounds a bit like Paget when she says that - I had to flip back and make sure it wasn't her.
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