I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Those are gonna be some weirdass dreams..."

Camp J 2010 quote from my awesome cousin - there's more of a story to it actually but it involves port-a-potties in the dark with only a flashlight and it was awkward so we were talking and she was like "They can probably hear us talking." (about the kids) so I said "We're just commentary in their dreams" and she replied "Those are gonna be some weirdass dreams..." It made the song...which I have yet to post here, will have to work on that.
Be prepared for a massive post.

Today was excellent, we were really busy so it flew by and it was just a fun day. There were so many people because it's soooo nice outside. And everyone was in a good mood, so it made the day exciting. Even more exciting is that I'm only in the morning tomorrow, then I get to spend the rest of the day with some of my family playing TMNT/MarioKart/Just Dance and eating crab legs. I know you're all super jealous.

But, when I showed up for work today, all I could think about was this dream I had last night. Which I didn't remember - even though I put them in my phone - until I entered the building. Because it was about work. Well, sort of. Basically, myself and two male coworkers broke into song in the middle of the work day at the desk. And the song happened to be "Roll out the barrel"... Fantastic, right?! Anyway, the dream just felt like this big musical which made walking up to that desk almost comical this morning. Thankfully, the two male coworkers who were singing with me weren't there today so I wouldn't have to explain to them why I was laughing hysterically when I saw them. Just because it's not a very them kind of thing to do. Which makes it even funnier.
Anyway, so when I was on break I was reading through my dream log thing (I don't know what else to call it) that I keep in the notes section of my phone. It's basically just what the dream was about and if I can remember any of the lines or whatever, so that when I'm really bored I read them and try to remember. Some of the more recent ones are really funny - I'm not sure what's causing that. But some memorable ones are:
-"Isn't everything better with a call number?" I think that's one of my favorites but I don't remember who said it, probably Superwoman
-"Put a doily on top" yeah I don't remember that one at all
-"There are two dead bodies under the bed." "It's your bed!" yeah, don't remember that either but it sounds exciting!
-"Daniel eats worms" that one doesn't surprise me as much since he's a boy in grade school and you never know (one of my kids from the musicals, speaking of should probably start work on that soon)
-"Boys singing pirates sent to wrong place for initiation" ....hmmm....???
-"Let's say I do believe you and he did kick you in the head which he clearly didn't, where's the mark?" That's another one of my favorites
-"I'm single Abby, I'll do it." Um? Curious... some of these I really wish I could remember
Okay this one is poetic in a creepy way - "Sometimes I want to reflect myself in bed, lean against my head, split myself in two, for the aftermath of you." ???
-"Well, I'm definitely not his mother!" I'm just not gonna comment on that one
-"Ma! Turn your ringer down!" This one I remember! George from Seinfeld was yelling to his mother over her ringing phone...but that's all I remember
-"How did you meet?" "Camp J. We hated each other, then we started dating." Another one I want to remember.
-"Someone had to step in and teach these children good literature!!" that one just gives me flashbacks to my Children's Lit class in college
hahahahaha I'm scared - "Satan has a thing for redheads..."
-"Are we going to get in trouble?" "Just tell them you were the one waving the flag." I remember that one!! I don't remember what the trouble was about but I remember asking Superwoman if we were going to be in trouble and that was her answer.
here's another poetic one - "You say that you love me but you don't really care. You say that you love me but you are never there. You say that you love me you're always in my head. You say that you love me, I don't care, get out of my bed." hahaha
-"Why Wyatt Erp?" "It's a good name!" someone was naming their kid, can't remember who
-"Jimmy Fallon as santa sesame street xmas crossword writer mean." what?!
-"Go with your gut Agent Larkin" WHO IS AGENT LARKIN?!
-"I can kick some ass if you want. It's twice as funny when they're taken down by a woman." All I remember about that one was that it was Amanda Bynes who said it and we were standing in a Dollar General. I did mention these were weird dreams, right?
-"You sure you want to sit with me?" "I've been here before, we'll get out alive, I promise." I remember in that one I was totally kickass and took down some dudes
-"Have I really only been complaining about this one year?" this was when I dreamed that they had camp moved onto the top of a giant ice sculpture, I have no idea why.
-"That's not dad, I promise you I saw him earlier. I know where he is." "Is he at Elaine's?" "No he's dead." This one was like the scariest dream I've had in a while, these people came to the farmhouse, killed dad, then went to kidnap mom but I intercepted them and they played his voice over a recorder thing telling her to go with them but it was like one of the voice changer things.
-"I fight for the microfilm reel and run" hmmm...work?
-"Are you in town for the Telli convention?" "No, are you in it?" "Yes." "How is it?" "Awful but great." What's a telli convention?
-"My family has an obsession with cards and Criminal Minds" I remember really really liking that one but that's all I remember
Then there's just one that says "old family relatives singing at night" I don't exactly know what to think about that one.

YES I KNOW I DREAM A LOT, get over it.

Anyway, moving on

I grew up kind of a the Mamas and the Papas nut. I know a lot about them, mostly because I think the whole romance, cheating, then more romance thing was kind of funny. I think maybe I'm a little more interested in classic music because of the age gap in my family. I grew up on the Beatles and the Beach Boys, and Aretha and all that. But I listened to this song and "Dedicated the the one I love" every night before I went to bed for like a year. Seriously. I just love this song - and that one - and thought it was fitting for the post.

Quote of the day comes from a work-friend: "It's 2011, you can't just go getting married all willy-nilly!"

Hope you all have a great night.

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