I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Baby, Baby, Baby, NOOO!!!

Soooo.... pretty sure my neighbors think I'm nuts. Started on my paper, just have to add final touches tomorrow after work when I get more info on Reference USA and how to cite it. After that I caught up on my shows, aka Castle, Glee, Harry's Law, good episodes all around.
Castle - Beckett quotes F. Scott Fitzgerald aka the quote I carry around in my back pocket, literally.
Glee - Mercedes and Rachel performed "Take me or leave me" from Rent plus Sue danced and sang in a flannel tracksuit.
Harry Law - Harriet goes all rambo and tanks her defense, and while getting dragged toward the holding cell by the bailiff she screams, "You're not gonna put me in a cell with my client are you? Cause he kills people!"
Anyway, they probably think I'm nuts because there was a lot of commentary (meaning screaming) coming from me while usually I'm pretty quiet. Except during Husker games. Or if I'm listening to music...which is always, but usually it's into headphones...so yes. Quiet, I'm a quiet neighbor. My cat, when he bangs on the door, he has a mind of his own. But I'm quiet. Anyway, I was stoked about Beckett reciting my favorite quote (yes i'm a nerd and a writer so i have a favorite quote) so there was some yelling there, I laughed hysterically at Harriet's quote about her client but my outbursts while watching Glee are probably why my neighbors think I'm messed up because at first it was, "Oh, god no, not Bieber!" but then like ten minutes later I was so excited for Rent. So there was a lot of shouting. Who doesn't shout for Rent, honestly? Probably a lot of people. But again, I'm a nerd and saw it live. Took my roommate and some college friends plus a high school one, it was fantastic. Surprised them with tickets actually. I think I pulled off the secret 'til we pulled up to the theater which is pretty impressive. Except Schwartz, I needed her cause I was freaking out. Everybody else I got pretty good.

Anyway, I wanted to post that clip as it is awesome, but I couldn't find it so you're stuck with this one. Because I had to suffer through it you do too. My main problem now is before I could say I had never heard the whole song. I don't listen to the radio, so if it weren't for my niece and her Bieber Fever - well, past love of Bieber now apparently he's lame - I wouldn't even know of him. Now I have to actually claim to have heard the whole song all the way through and not hated it. Well, Sam's version anyway. He's not so bad. But don't worry, I'm not gonna go out and do anything drastic like listen to the original.
Here's Sam and his awesome dance moves that I'm guessing are what Bieber does.

Other than writing the paper and catching up on shows my day also consisted of searching for a new messenger bag online, found a cool one, and ordering my bridesmaids dress for the aforementioned roommate's wedding as she is getting married in July. Fun stuff.

Quote of the day comes from Idina Menzel for her double appearance as Rachel's mom in Glee and Maureen in Rent: Moo with me.
Unfortunately she didn't make an appearance in this one, but it was still kind of funny watching Rachel sing as Maureen.

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