I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What if the Hokey Pokey really IS what it's all about?

Like really? What would that say about life?

Hooray for a split shift! Went in twice and spent the time between writing. Which I miss immensely. But working in public service is always good for inspiration and humor.
Got to work with Space Cadet again tonight. She called me dirt. Then said I'm below dirt, mining for minerals. It's not as bad as it sounds when it's in context of what we were talking about, but out of context is what I gave her crap for. It's funny because two days ago she called me her kid - we matched with like the same color green shirts jeans and red hair as did the QofA we should have taken a group picture - then earlier tonight she called me a wizkid and then like ten minutes later I was dirt. But it's worth it cause now I get to say "She called me dirt...." in a sad voice every time I see her.

The song of the day I listened to repeatedly while writing more adventures of Sketch and Edit. It's like relaxing, I love the deep voice. It zenned me out. So I'm posting it. This one came out last year. He's probably wildly popular - like I said, I don't listen to the radio - but I do enjoy this song.

Lover, Lover by Jerrod Niemann

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