I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The third shifts a charm.

Cause I'm crazy. And went in three times - not the first time it's happened and most likely not the last - because I'm crazy. And I love it. Even when it's slow, I still love it. Cause I'm crazy.

Time: 9:32 PM
Location: Couch - one of these times I'm gonna say floor just to throw you off
Music: RED on in background, he just went into the Russian embassy
Attitude: Amused
Current work score: 116 woohoo 3 more points!

Anyway, today was just a rollercoaster. Went in this morning and since my boss is still sick and the Queen of Awesome (QofA for short) had to leave early I covered cause it's what I do. I went in 9-12 1-4 and 6-8 and each time we had maybe like ten patrons total. Totally slow day, until like 7:15 when this lady comes in and I helped her with stuff on the computer. Oh man. She was hysterical. So, I have a lot of favorite patrons, 2 main ones - 1 I talk to every day the other I see at both branches now - but tonight I think I met future me. She kind of reminds me of members of my family except she talks faster and louder and swears a lot, so basically me in the future. But I helped her with stuff and then she was talking very loudly and I'm pretty sure everyone in the library heard the whole conversation and when she left Space Cadet and I were talking. I was like, "That'll be me in 40 years." So Space Cadet was like, "but you'll use your inside voice...unless you're too deaf to hear it." She says that my hearing at 35 will be her hearing at 70 since I blast music in my headphones. Apparently that's bad for your ears. Who knew?

So today was Groundhog day. I had no idea. I don't really know much about it so I asked the Queen of Awesome and apparently the research she did for me crushed her hopes and dreams. I don't want to crush anyone else's but oh well, apparently, the groundhog can't see anything, it's actually a committee of 14 people who decide the answer. Sorry, QofA you're still the QofA. My only question now is do you think those 14 people are like weather people or psychics? I asked Space Cadet if they ever got it right she was like, "well they have a fifty percent chance!"

The upside to things being slow meant that I had time to think about my project due Saturday. Which, now that I have plans for Friday, means that I have to get it all done tomorrow. Not a big deal, just draw and paste pictures then ramble for a page. I think I can handle it. I'm actually kind of excited, we're supposed to do a visual representation of information literacy and I'm doing something with wheel of fortune. I think, anyway. Unless I come up with something better between now and tomorrow afternoon.

Now I'm starving and freezing. Food first, then blankets.

EDIT - Quote of the day comes from my sister
"I dialed you with my lip."
confused? me too...

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