I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Firestorms in February

We're in a severe weather alert, but not the kind you're thinking. What is wrong with this picture? February, from the Latin "Februa" meaning Snow, Snow, Snow! Okay, I made that up, but still, 70 degrees in February?! That's just mental, right? Maybe it will actually be a decent temperature on Saturday...doubtful.
Moving on.

Dear Blogspot,
Today I was a ninja of awesome.
Packed up the large type, pulled all the holds and expired holds, plus checked in the whole bookdrop all before 10AM. After that it was cake...not. But fun. And there was cake! Well, brownies, as people brought food to celebrate the February birthdays, thanks everybody! I feel special. The cookies were excellent, and I'm still waiting to try those ass-kicking peanuts with the picture of the donkey on the cover. I'll save that for some time tomorrow probably at lunch. It'll be my mid-day jolt.

Then, after work and working on paper and all that went over to sister's house to watch RED which I convinced her into buying and they loved it! Like the whole family was quoting it, hilarious. "Poop to that!"

So, tomorrow means more work, then final touches to paper before I post it (which I'm putting off until the library goddess gets back to me which is my excuse for procrastinating) then I have a social life, hooray! Mmm...burgers and Glee...awesomeness.

Favorite quotes today:
Guard talking about drunks in the bus stop: "It could have gotten really bad...like poking him the nose...or stabbing someone..."

And just because I saw someone wearing some today I have to say, I totally agree with Nina on this one.
Maya: "Competition brings out the worst in people!"
Nina: "Actually bike shorts bring out the worst in people..."
(Just Shoot Me, season three, episode twenty-one "Softball")
I always think of that quote when I see bikeshorts. Awful.