I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Monday, February 28, 2011

A change of pace.

I feel like I should do some sort of least favorites post. Just because this past week was all about favorites.
Least favorite food - brussel sprouts, cliche but still nasty
Song - You're having my baby by Paul Anka, I couldn't watch Finn sing it on glee, awful
Movie - Rushmore. bad acting, bad script, no ending, wasted 2 hours of my life that i want back. i seriously rambled on the phone to the BFF for over an hour. Awful. it is, it's terrible. although, the Other Guys is up there as well. I loved Will Ferrell in SNL but I can't stand him in movies. Even Elf. Awful. I couldn't finish the Other Guys. Rushmore I had to watch all the way thru because i was hoping it would turn out better.
Sport to watch - does cheerleading count? wait, i can't say that because that would classify it as a sport. we'll go with golf. which also isn't really a sport but it does involve competition. but that's just to watch, i had a fun time with friends at the 'Tee-it-up for Tuition' event. "It's never too early to start eating like an old person." "you almost ran over bertha!" i leaned to grab the club and she turned throwing me out of the cart. I really want to know where the nickname "big bertha" originated. that poor woman. reference question for tomorrow i guess.
Book - Moby Dick, but we covered that in the books post. no one cares about whale or boat dimensions. sorry Ashby.

other least favorite things - clothes shopping when i'm being forced to try things on, running out of pop in my fridge, my cat when he bites me, shots i hate needles.

okay, i'm exhausted so that's all for now.
have a good night.

and did anybody watch Castle tonight? fantastic! but Coop looks weird with long hair. (charmed)

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