I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

This is a week of my favorite things Day Seven

Okay, right now, gotta say I'm loving Anne Hathaway. "You are the Wolve to my Rine." Not that I didn't already love her, she's actually kind of awesome. I already rambled about Get Smart on favorites day whatever...two? yeah, day two. Plus, James Franco in a dress? That was niiiice... BTW - loved their musical version of Harry Potter totally gonna find that on youtube later.
As you've probably guessed, yes I am watching the Oscars which is another one of my favorite things. I'm kind of an Awards Junkie so it's cool for Day 7 to fall on tonight. Not like I planned it that way, I'm not that smart.

And wow, day 7. I think I've gotten more hits this week than any other so that's big. There's people overseas reading about my obsessions. Madness. Sadly I'm glad it's day 7 because I have no idea what other topics I could cover. Fashion trends? I was big into tearaways for years. lots of tearaways and backwards hats. then dyed hair, which is still around. Catchphrases? there's too many of those. I could go all "Inside the Actor's Studio" on you and talk about my favorite swear word. Which I won't. Although I have been saying "Janet" a lot as I think it has artistic integrity. Hooray for Rocky Horror. I tried "oh pigeons" Mark, really I did. But I just can't pull it off like you.

As I'm running out of favorites, and time I'm just gonna throw some random ones out.

Number - 3
Food - Fajitas or Pizza
Color - Red
Nickname - CK or Red
Sport to play - Basketball
Sport to watch - Husker Football/Roller Derby cause yes it's a sport, especially if you're there live
Reality Show - Wipeout
College class - any English class really but mostly Fiction Writing just because the assignments were something I was doing anyway and my classmates and prof were hilarious. "The Gospel of Meaghan" anyone?
Oscar presenters tonight - Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law cause they're fantastic and Sherlock 2 comes out around Xmas! (add RDJ to my fave actors list btw)
Thing about Lincoln - things are open past 8, who knew?!
Afternoon activity - napping. or watching a movie. or napping while watching a movie.
Celebrity making a comeback - Gwyneth Paltrow, fave Glee ep this season (aside from Rocky Horror) was the Substitute so I'm stoked for her coming back and Anne Hathaway is joining the cast as well, woohoo!
Celebrity I wasn't a fan of at first but now I'm growing to love - Dana Delaney, did you see her in Castle? "What part of un-ass do you not understand?" stoked for her new series. yet another female ME I'm going to love. Claire WMC...Maura R&I...the ME from the Closer is kinda girly with his long hair, does he count? I do enjoy him. haha.
Quote - F. Scott Fitzgerald's "Show me a hero and I will write you a tragedy." that I carry around in my back pocket cause I'm a nerd. That's followed closely by "Gazelle Swagger" which is a ZH original and more of a long story.
Icecream flavor - Mint chip...or sherbet but that's yogurt so it doesn't count
Cartoon growing up - Scooby Doo. or Garfield. I was also really big into That's So Raven. "Dancin' Iguana, Dancin' Iguana!" "Good evening good sir knight and...ugly hag?!"
Movie nominated for Best picture this year - King's Speech totally deserved all 12 noms but 4 wins will do.
Ipod app - Angry Birds. I'm hooked man.
Foreign language total jam out song - is a tie between "Dragostea Din Tei" aka the Numa Numa song or "Boten Anna" by Basshunter. Both are frequents on my ipod. I encourage you to check them both out. Fantastic. Actually Basshunter came out with an English version of BA called "Now You're Gone" but it's not as good.

okay i'm running out of things that aren't movies, music, tv, hobbies, books or whatever day six was, youtube. that's right. And yes some of the above are from those categories but what else am I gonna ramble about really?

And this is all starting to sound like a rambling oscar speech so I'm gonna stop before you all change the channel.
Quote of the day - "I have to be first!" said by The Hulk. but he wasn't green. he was just really really strong. and a bit scary. another long story. but still hilarious.

"It's not a secret. Why do you keep it? I'm just sitting on the shelf."

And ha! found it!

okay, second posting since first one is gone. this is different though, adding in The King's Speech but taking out The Social Network.
harry potter is definitely the best.

here's the original reversely screened which means it'll probably be gone in a few days.

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