In light of yesterday's shocking I-don't-hate-onions discovery I switched up my lunch today. Ordered a Turkey and Swiss with Cheetos as opposed to my usual Chicken Salad with Cheetos. And, gonna say...totally through off my entire lunch period. Not cool.
Yes, I order the same thing every day, but at least I vary the ice cream flavor. I set goals, thinking if I shelve all the carts in the morning I deserve ice cream or if I finish a list, answer a difficult question that I wouldn't have been able to when I first started, get thanked by a patron....really any excuse that seems worthy enough to deserve ice cream. Then I get it with my lunch. Today I finished the Young Adult Weed List so I got Cookie Dough and it was awesome. So awesome that I almost forgot how much the sandwich sucked.
Not like it sucked cause it was bad. It was good. I'm just apparently not a Turkey and Swiss kind of person. I'm gonna stick with my Chicken Salad for now. It's dependable and tasty. If I don't think about what's in it. I hate mayo. And miracle whip. So that just doesn't exist in this sandwich. Don't tell me otherwise or I will hate you for eternity. This sandwich is serious business man.
Except Obi-Wan made me order something else when we went out to eat during post-camp stuff even though Chicken Salad was on the menu. So I had some sort of something that had melted cheese on it and yeah, again, not the same. I'm not a fan of melted cheese. Pretty sure I gave you the "I like cheese but I don't like cheese" speech already. If you missed it go here: My Life in Closed Captions: New Shoes, the Cheese Speech, Warped Tour and MXPX...
We went out to eat at basically the only place to eat in G-Town. Well that and the Dairy Delite which is closed for the season. There's also a barbeque joint but I don't know the hours. But this is the place that my mother basically lived off of when dad was in the hospital and we lived amongst the white walls and sterile equipment. Where else are you gonna go when you can't go home? So, of course they have their usual orders as well. Second Sister included with her to-go cup.
It's not that I'm not a variety kind of person. I know...sometimes theres... Okay so I'm not a variety kind of person. Except for when it comes to media. Movies, Music, TV - I'm into it all. There. Saved my sanity. I'm all about the variety. Ha. Just not when it involves food. Which sounds weird cause I'll try almost anything. Almost. I just like my usuals when I can get them.
Anyway, so I'm done with my first assignment. Queen of the Known Universe was very helpful in this matter with tips and all that. I love my coworkers. QofA brought me farm animal crazy bands this morning - I'm wearing a yellow duck one, it's awesome. But Mission Statement is written, revised, and submitted. Due tomorrow night. Done tonight. Now I gotta read some of the text and get ready for next week's assignment.
Despite the sandwich mishap it was a good day. Mom brought me cookies - na, na, na, na-na...we do a lot of na-na'ing in our family - gave some to smart people and got a point, huzzah! I'm at 136. Gaining on Space Cadet slowly but surely.
Also, got to jam with the security guard for a while. Seemed everyone was losing all sorts of things today, cellphone covers, backpacks, lanyards, stomach contents...
Oh yeah. Real deal. It was disgusting. I was at the front desk and all the sudden we heard this like heaving. Like serious serious heaving coming from the restrooms. I look up at the guard who's looking at me with her eyebrows raised. Then I hear "Hey, you work here. Go check it out," come from one of our usuals who sits in the same chair every day reading a book. I smile, look at the guard and and make a head nod in the direction of the bathroom. I was her backup. It was awesome. And gross at the same time. But the bathroom dude had it covered. He was sober - which is unusual for someone who's heaving in our bathrooms - but the heat was apparently in the 100s so it took him out. Way way out.
Aaannnd on that note, I'm gonna hit you with some music before I go way way out to the world of sleep. I'm exhausted. Maybe it's all the variety.
Sometimes when I have no idea what to recommend for music I put my ipod on shuffle saying, "Okay, whatever song plays is going on there." And then I hit it and the song sucks. Or the intro is too boring. Or the rare occasion where I've already posted it - did I mention variety? - And I end up hitting skip like 8 times before a decent song arises. This was one of those songs.
"Better Things to Do" Terri Clark
like dance in canyons and drive in circles around you...
did you ever have an ex that whenever they took the time to actually contact you you knew that they were at that time fighting with their current girlfriend? and you didn't even have to check facebook to see if that was actually the case? this is my theme song when it comes to those moments.
"I Gotta Go" Robert Earl Keen
if you hurry you can grab it for free off itunes. love it.
i'm sorry that this has turned into some sort of country week. first it was Patty Loveless and Mary Chapin Carpenter. then The Judds. then the Dixie Chicks. now this. to be fair i did throw in some Cake. it's all about the ipod man. blame the shuffle.
here. watch this. it fixes everything.
"Mahna Mahna" Cake
go for it uncle steve. you know you want to. it's just that awesome. star wars plus cake plus the muppets. and it matches up with the beat. diggin' it.
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
And it turns out he was a missing person who nobody missed at all.
I learned something new today.
I actually don't hate onions.
I know.
Okay, to you that may not be a big deal, but to me it's like a revelation of sorts.
I used to despise them. I thought they were disgusting. I used to fork them off of my salad and onto my mother's. Cause she loves them.
Now they're actually quite good on burgers, on nachos with salsa, tacos, not to mention onion rings. Duuuude.
Don't worry I'm not going to start eating them like some peoples' fathers. Not my father. He hates them as well. That's where I got my despization from.
Is that a word?
I'm making it one.
Despization, yes he has a despization for all things onions. He calls Pizza Hut "Heartburn Hut". But we still eat there.
Okay, moving on.
So as glad as I am to be in grad school I forgot how much I'm really not a fan of homework. Granted this is actually useful and relevant to my daily life - it's not like take the factor in this equation and times it by 2 then add a million, divide that in half, throw in a few numbers after some sort of a decimal point and then add three.
This is actually useful for working in a library. Thankfully. I don't know if any of that equation makes sense at all, I was never a math person. Fortunately all I have to be able to do is count to 10, 25, 150, and 14.99. Plus you know the Dewey Decimal System which I have down anyway with the Shelver's Curse mentioned here: My Life in Closed Captions: Rockin' the Reference with the Shelver's Curse
But I have homework already! Where did my summer vacation go?! Oh....that's right...I had camp! So, what summer vacation?
This time it's taking our Mission Statement and comparing it to that of three other libraries then revising it. Not that big of a deal. But I like our mission statement! It's simple and to the point. It doesn't use giant big tremendous voluminous substantially huge words that no one can understand. It's one sentence that anyone can understand and repeat.
So how do I revise that?
If you're more thorough you'll live in a constant state of revisement. If you're not thorough enough you get people who ask "and what do you mean by that?" If you're too wordy they'll skip past it to something else.
Plus there's argument over wordage. Which sounds dumb but it happens.
Sorry. Rambling. Will work on it tomorrow night. Perhaps coworkers will have suggestions, they're always good for those. It's not due 'til Thursday night anyway.
"Tortured Tangled Hearts" Dixie Chicks live
sheer awesomeness.
"Goodbye Earl" Dixie Chicks live
"well uh, I don't think we'll ever get tired of killing this guy."
i love it cause they're all cracking it.
this was definitely one of my favorite songs growing up, and probably one of my favorite bands ever. used to jam out and dance like an idiot. still do. actually just did.
Alright, me and my big fat cat are gonna watch some more Chuck. I'm mid-second season and still loving it.
"Why didn't you stay in the car?"
"It's never safe in the car!!"
I actually don't hate onions.
I know.
Okay, to you that may not be a big deal, but to me it's like a revelation of sorts.
I used to despise them. I thought they were disgusting. I used to fork them off of my salad and onto my mother's. Cause she loves them.
Now they're actually quite good on burgers, on nachos with salsa, tacos, not to mention onion rings. Duuuude.
Don't worry I'm not going to start eating them like some peoples' fathers. Not my father. He hates them as well. That's where I got my despization from.
Is that a word?
I'm making it one.
Despization, yes he has a despization for all things onions. He calls Pizza Hut "Heartburn Hut". But we still eat there.
Okay, moving on.
So as glad as I am to be in grad school I forgot how much I'm really not a fan of homework. Granted this is actually useful and relevant to my daily life - it's not like take the factor in this equation and times it by 2 then add a million, divide that in half, throw in a few numbers after some sort of a decimal point and then add three.
This is actually useful for working in a library. Thankfully. I don't know if any of that equation makes sense at all, I was never a math person. Fortunately all I have to be able to do is count to 10, 25, 150, and 14.99. Plus you know the Dewey Decimal System which I have down anyway with the Shelver's Curse mentioned here: My Life in Closed Captions: Rockin' the Reference with the Shelver's Curse
But I have homework already! Where did my summer vacation go?! Oh....that's right...I had camp! So, what summer vacation?
This time it's taking our Mission Statement and comparing it to that of three other libraries then revising it. Not that big of a deal. But I like our mission statement! It's simple and to the point. It doesn't use giant big tremendous voluminous substantially huge words that no one can understand. It's one sentence that anyone can understand and repeat.
So how do I revise that?
If you're more thorough you'll live in a constant state of revisement. If you're not thorough enough you get people who ask "and what do you mean by that?" If you're too wordy they'll skip past it to something else.
Plus there's argument over wordage. Which sounds dumb but it happens.
Sorry. Rambling. Will work on it tomorrow night. Perhaps coworkers will have suggestions, they're always good for those. It's not due 'til Thursday night anyway.
"Tortured Tangled Hearts" Dixie Chicks live
sheer awesomeness.
"Goodbye Earl" Dixie Chicks live
"well uh, I don't think we'll ever get tired of killing this guy."
i love it cause they're all cracking it.
this was definitely one of my favorite songs growing up, and probably one of my favorite bands ever. used to jam out and dance like an idiot. still do. actually just did.
Alright, me and my big fat cat are gonna watch some more Chuck. I'm mid-second season and still loving it.
"Why didn't you stay in the car?"
"It's never safe in the car!!"
Monday, August 29, 2011
and a long jacket.
"Hey, don't encourage him. This isn't happy hour at Chili's."
Off at 3:00, didn't know what to do with myself! Seriously! I did lists all morning pulling stuff to be boxed up although it took a while since it's sorted by author instead of series. But I've got it covered.
So I spent the afternoon at Best Buy, got some seasons of Chuck and the 4th of Charlie's Angels. Huzzah! All on sale, btw. Loving it.
But I chose getting those instead of going to Target and getting food. Will do that tomorrow between shifts. Ordered a hamburger and some fries. It was fantastic.
As I have no much else to say I'm keeping it short.
"Short Skirt and a Long Jacket" Cake
Have a good one. I'm headed back to this before I crash.
wonder what song they used for that....
Off at 3:00, didn't know what to do with myself! Seriously! I did lists all morning pulling stuff to be boxed up although it took a while since it's sorted by author instead of series. But I've got it covered.
So I spent the afternoon at Best Buy, got some seasons of Chuck and the 4th of Charlie's Angels. Huzzah! All on sale, btw. Loving it.
But I chose getting those instead of going to Target and getting food. Will do that tomorrow between shifts. Ordered a hamburger and some fries. It was fantastic.
As I have no much else to say I'm keeping it short.
"Short Skirt and a Long Jacket" Cake
Have a good one. I'm headed back to this before I crash.
wonder what song they used for that....
Sunday, August 28, 2011
one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you...
Family softball game was a total success - despite the rain and massive amount of flies.
We ate around 2, hung out for a while, game started around 4 and we actually played for a couple of hours. 4 innings, I was impressed, usually we're out and done by 3 but the weather was perfect after the rain.
Dinner was excellent - BBQ style - and brother at one point said that me and my sisters aren't being thorough. Or something like that. Said we'd figure it out soon. No idea what he was talking about. Neither did Second Sister. Tried to pry it out of Sister in law but got nowhere. I'm still waiting for that epiphany moment.
The game was super fun. I jammed out in left field cause I'm good with pop flies although this time it was chasing everything down to a not so safe outfied filled with holes, divots, tall grass and puddles. Booge jammed with me out there, every time I got the ball I would give it to him and have him throw it in. The kiddos are getting pretty good, I'm impressed. Starting them early.
I got on base each time although my brother tagged me out twice at third. "Was that a Ke$ha ringtone coming from your pocket?" Not my pocket. His pocket.
Then after we posed for pictures - which was new.
"I'm gonna send it to the New York Times?"
"Think they'll print it?"
"How about the York News Times?" that was me.
Aannnd after checking out Mom's carpet samples I took off.
Now I'm watching Chuck and will soon konk out in an attempt to get myself through tomorrow - full day of work after having the whole weekend off. Well, for class anyway.
"Rockin' with the Rhythm of the Rain" The Judds
"These Boots are Made For Walkin'"
We ate around 2, hung out for a while, game started around 4 and we actually played for a couple of hours. 4 innings, I was impressed, usually we're out and done by 3 but the weather was perfect after the rain.
Dinner was excellent - BBQ style - and brother at one point said that me and my sisters aren't being thorough. Or something like that. Said we'd figure it out soon. No idea what he was talking about. Neither did Second Sister. Tried to pry it out of Sister in law but got nowhere. I'm still waiting for that epiphany moment.
The game was super fun. I jammed out in left field cause I'm good with pop flies although this time it was chasing everything down to a not so safe outfied filled with holes, divots, tall grass and puddles. Booge jammed with me out there, every time I got the ball I would give it to him and have him throw it in. The kiddos are getting pretty good, I'm impressed. Starting them early.
I got on base each time although my brother tagged me out twice at third. "Was that a Ke$ha ringtone coming from your pocket?" Not my pocket. His pocket.
Then after we posed for pictures - which was new.
"I'm gonna send it to the New York Times?"
"Think they'll print it?"
"How about the York News Times?" that was me.
Aannnd after checking out Mom's carpet samples I took off.
Now I'm watching Chuck and will soon konk out in an attempt to get myself through tomorrow - full day of work after having the whole weekend off. Well, for class anyway.
"Rockin' with the Rhythm of the Rain" The Judds
"These Boots are Made For Walkin'"
Saturday, August 27, 2011
I'd bought the house a double and the waitress a new car.
First class this morning. Dude, 7AM bites. Especially when you have to wake up earlier than that just so you can leave by 7. I grabbed some green tea on the way out, stopped for coffee when I got there and ate my cinnamon roll in the parking lot.
We're in the new building this year - it's all fancy cause it's got windows. Yeah. That's how unfancy the other building was. But no, this is more than just windows, it's like state of the art stuff with primo technology plus these really awesome green chairs. They're like straight in the air and you sit on them and they form a chair. I'm not describing them very well. Perhaps next class I will take a picture and upload it.
The actual class was good. I sat in the back corner by a past classmate. He was in my group when we interviewed Boss's Boss's Boss. Which actually went well. So we jammed out today, he's cool. The whole class is actually pretty good, everyone participated.
Our ice breaker was your name, where you work and what your superpower would be. Apparently they use that in job interviews because it throws the person off guard and makes them think on their feet. I said that although freezing time would be cool - yay Piper! yes I'm a nerd so that was a Charmed reference - I would be a SuperHuman Locator. Because I lose everything. Plus it would be helpful in the library. Even more helpful than the Shelver's Curse mentioned in the previous post.
Class discussion basically revolved around the leadership vs. management question. What's the difference? Are they the same? Crossover? Qualities? What makes them good or bad? Etc. Got some homework and we were out of there 3 hours later.
Stopped by to see the Library Goddess after class - as did the teacher. She told Library Goddess that I'm the trouble maker. Then looked at me and smiled. Thanks? I think. No, she's cool. It's gonna be a good class.
After all that I watched some more Chuck - now I officially need to put holds on the rest of the season since I know I'm all in. It's fantastic. PS - Love that Matt Bomer played Bryce the rogue spy in the first episode and he gets flashbacks. He plays Neal Caffrey in White Collar. Another excellent crime comedy.
Then hit up some sushi with the Cool Aunt.
Okay, after years of waiting I've finally learned the trick of how to pay the bill before an Everts woman can grab for the ticket.
Here's the trick. You put your card on the table - but under your phone so that it's there but it's not visible. Then, when the waitress comes you grab the binder thing, pick up your card, put it in the binder thing, give it back to the waitress and say, "Take this and run."
Easy access. It totally worked. I told her she could pay next time. She always pays. That's why she's the Cool Aunt. Actually I think that's more of an Everts quality thing. When I lived with Grams it was a full out battle every time we went out to eat just because they would fight about who would get to pay. Plus you throw in my mother and it's like war. I just stayed out. But now I have strategy.
Alright, church plus family softball game are tomorrow so I'm out of here.
Here are some tunes to jam to in the meantime.
"I Feel Lucky" Mary Chapin Carpenter
live at the CMA's. year unknown. I'm guessing mid-90's. Love the guest appearances.
"Timber" Patty Loveless and Vince Gill
not a big fan of his but she rocks. as does the song. totally jammin' at the opry.
We're in the new building this year - it's all fancy cause it's got windows. Yeah. That's how unfancy the other building was. But no, this is more than just windows, it's like state of the art stuff with primo technology plus these really awesome green chairs. They're like straight in the air and you sit on them and they form a chair. I'm not describing them very well. Perhaps next class I will take a picture and upload it.
The actual class was good. I sat in the back corner by a past classmate. He was in my group when we interviewed Boss's Boss's Boss. Which actually went well. So we jammed out today, he's cool. The whole class is actually pretty good, everyone participated.
Our ice breaker was your name, where you work and what your superpower would be. Apparently they use that in job interviews because it throws the person off guard and makes them think on their feet. I said that although freezing time would be cool - yay Piper! yes I'm a nerd so that was a Charmed reference - I would be a SuperHuman Locator. Because I lose everything. Plus it would be helpful in the library. Even more helpful than the Shelver's Curse mentioned in the previous post.
Class discussion basically revolved around the leadership vs. management question. What's the difference? Are they the same? Crossover? Qualities? What makes them good or bad? Etc. Got some homework and we were out of there 3 hours later.
Stopped by to see the Library Goddess after class - as did the teacher. She told Library Goddess that I'm the trouble maker. Then looked at me and smiled. Thanks? I think. No, she's cool. It's gonna be a good class.
After all that I watched some more Chuck - now I officially need to put holds on the rest of the season since I know I'm all in. It's fantastic. PS - Love that Matt Bomer played Bryce the rogue spy in the first episode and he gets flashbacks. He plays Neal Caffrey in White Collar. Another excellent crime comedy.
Then hit up some sushi with the Cool Aunt.
Okay, after years of waiting I've finally learned the trick of how to pay the bill before an Everts woman can grab for the ticket.
Here's the trick. You put your card on the table - but under your phone so that it's there but it's not visible. Then, when the waitress comes you grab the binder thing, pick up your card, put it in the binder thing, give it back to the waitress and say, "Take this and run."
Easy access. It totally worked. I told her she could pay next time. She always pays. That's why she's the Cool Aunt. Actually I think that's more of an Everts quality thing. When I lived with Grams it was a full out battle every time we went out to eat just because they would fight about who would get to pay. Plus you throw in my mother and it's like war. I just stayed out. But now I have strategy.
Alright, church plus family softball game are tomorrow so I'm out of here.
Here are some tunes to jam to in the meantime.
"I Feel Lucky" Mary Chapin Carpenter
live at the CMA's. year unknown. I'm guessing mid-90's. Love the guest appearances.
"Timber" Patty Loveless and Vince Gill
not a big fan of his but she rocks. as does the song. totally jammin' at the opry.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Rockin' Reference with the Shelver's Curse
System went down and Superwoman gave me a point for damage control. Huzzah for a 135! I'm catching up with Mom. And Space Cadet. Long story. Stupid email attachments.
Anyway, system went down and everyone panicked, took about an hour for it to come back on - like the whole internet so everything was down including all the other libraries in our system. And it just so happened that it was my turn in the lab with the New Girl. Yes, there's a new girl - who's nickname is The New Girl, not to be confused with the New Guy. They are both awesome. And hilarious. Today she totally made my day - someone I knew came in,
I said: She's dating my cousin.
She heard: She's dating my husband.
Yes, we have a very open relationship. Totally made my day.
So, anyway, we're in the lab with no internet and we get all these reference phone calls and people upset cause they can't get online and then there's people that need to find stuff in the library with no working catalog and yeah...umm...I'm weird. Cause I find it exciting when the system goes down. I mean, that's bad cause it's down and all that and frantic and people are upset but it's cool going retro and coming up with stuff on the fly without the technology.
But, I have an advantage.
Cause I have the curse.
I call it the Shelver's Curse. Um, you get it after about a month of shelving. Cause that's really all you do. And um, yeah, it's not like a contagious thing so don't worry.
Anyway, the Shelver's Curse is that you know the call numbers for about every freaking subject in the library because you need to know where to put things. So, if someone asks,
Computers are 005's,
Encyclopedia's are 031's,
Bibles are 220's,
Finance are 330's,
True Crime 364.152-154,
Foreign languages are 400's,
Math and Science crap is 500's,
Health and exercise is about 612-620,
Car manuals 629's,
Gardens are 635,
Animals are 636,
Cookbooks start at 640 and go through about 649 which is when you'll hit the
resume books at 650.14,
after that it's knitting and sewing in the early 700's,
Comics and how to draw stuff is in the 741's-745's,
Decorating is 747's,
780's are music,
790's are sport stuff,
800's are mostly classic literature stuff and
some comedy around 817,
all the travel stuff is in the 900's,
US travel is like 917s,
917.82 or 917.822 is Nebraska central.
For some reason you get baby names at 929. No idea why.
Then you've got the US history after that in the late 900s.
And then it's all biographies from there.
No I didn't look any of that up. Yes I'm laying on my couch visualizing the shelves. It's all part of the curse. Plus I'm a nerd. Remember that.
Anyway, people came in and wanted nonfiction stuff and since the catalog was down it was pretty much us. So we rocked it with the Shelver's Curse.
And used an actual phonebook for reference calls about phone numbers. Twice. It was awesome. And when that failed I googled a number on my phone. Damage control on the fly. I'm diggin' it.
So I'm still stuck on Chuck. Stoked it's actually still on, usually when I get into a series like this it's already over. Or has like 8 seasons so it takes forever to catch up. I think this one is more recent, only like 4 seasons are so. Will get them after I finish this one.
Anyway, it's fantastic. The man they call Jayne (Firefly) plus the girl who reminds me of Penny if she were a deadly assassin (Big Bang Theory) and then this nerdy guy with a computer-tainted brain. Plus comedy. It's awesome. 9/10.
Songs of the night:
Cause I love the acapella intros. It's all about the intros. At least give them that.
"Anytime" Journey
"Dust" Augustana
Officially mellowed out, time for bed.
It actually is time for bed. Yes, I know it's super early but I have to wake up super early cause some crazy person decided it was a good idea to start a class at 8:30 on a Saturday morning. And I have to drive there. So 7AM for me. And you know how much of a morning person I am. Totally stopping for coffee like twice. Once when I leave and once when I get there.
Not sure what I should expect. Dunno if I will see the Library Goddess. Or Cool Aunt. But have class in their building yet again. They are apparently stoked for the new building cause they have windows and all that. Huzzah! I'll miss the windowless classrooms. Not. But I'm confused cause it's supposed to be in two rooms with one teacher. Or maybe there's two. I just know I have the textbook and the mission statement printed out.
Not that I don't already have it memorized anyway.
And our selection policy.
And the selection policy of a peer library.
Freaking Library Goddess with her actually relevant and helpful-in-your-job homework assignments. Although I'm still waiting to give my Zombies vs. Unicorns booktalk to some unsuspecting young adult. It it Zombiefest weekend. Yes that's a real thing. Google it. I love this town.
Anyway, system went down and everyone panicked, took about an hour for it to come back on - like the whole internet so everything was down including all the other libraries in our system. And it just so happened that it was my turn in the lab with the New Girl. Yes, there's a new girl - who's nickname is The New Girl, not to be confused with the New Guy. They are both awesome. And hilarious. Today she totally made my day - someone I knew came in,
I said: She's dating my cousin.
She heard: She's dating my husband.
Yes, we have a very open relationship. Totally made my day.
So, anyway, we're in the lab with no internet and we get all these reference phone calls and people upset cause they can't get online and then there's people that need to find stuff in the library with no working catalog and yeah...umm...I'm weird. Cause I find it exciting when the system goes down. I mean, that's bad cause it's down and all that and frantic and people are upset but it's cool going retro and coming up with stuff on the fly without the technology.
But, I have an advantage.
Cause I have the curse.
I call it the Shelver's Curse. Um, you get it after about a month of shelving. Cause that's really all you do. And um, yeah, it's not like a contagious thing so don't worry.
Anyway, the Shelver's Curse is that you know the call numbers for about every freaking subject in the library because you need to know where to put things. So, if someone asks,
Computers are 005's,
Encyclopedia's are 031's,
Bibles are 220's,
Finance are 330's,
True Crime 364.152-154,
Foreign languages are 400's,
Math and Science crap is 500's,
Health and exercise is about 612-620,
Car manuals 629's,
Gardens are 635,
Animals are 636,
Cookbooks start at 640 and go through about 649 which is when you'll hit the
resume books at 650.14,
after that it's knitting and sewing in the early 700's,
Comics and how to draw stuff is in the 741's-745's,
Decorating is 747's,
780's are music,
790's are sport stuff,
800's are mostly classic literature stuff and
some comedy around 817,
all the travel stuff is in the 900's,
US travel is like 917s,
917.82 or 917.822 is Nebraska central.
For some reason you get baby names at 929. No idea why.
Then you've got the US history after that in the late 900s.
And then it's all biographies from there.
No I didn't look any of that up. Yes I'm laying on my couch visualizing the shelves. It's all part of the curse. Plus I'm a nerd. Remember that.
Anyway, people came in and wanted nonfiction stuff and since the catalog was down it was pretty much us. So we rocked it with the Shelver's Curse.
And used an actual phonebook for reference calls about phone numbers. Twice. It was awesome. And when that failed I googled a number on my phone. Damage control on the fly. I'm diggin' it.
So I'm still stuck on Chuck. Stoked it's actually still on, usually when I get into a series like this it's already over. Or has like 8 seasons so it takes forever to catch up. I think this one is more recent, only like 4 seasons are so. Will get them after I finish this one.
Anyway, it's fantastic. The man they call Jayne (Firefly) plus the girl who reminds me of Penny if she were a deadly assassin (Big Bang Theory) and then this nerdy guy with a computer-tainted brain. Plus comedy. It's awesome. 9/10.
Songs of the night:
Cause I love the acapella intros. It's all about the intros. At least give them that.
"Anytime" Journey
"Dust" Augustana
Officially mellowed out, time for bed.
It actually is time for bed. Yes, I know it's super early but I have to wake up super early cause some crazy person decided it was a good idea to start a class at 8:30 on a Saturday morning. And I have to drive there. So 7AM for me. And you know how much of a morning person I am. Totally stopping for coffee like twice. Once when I leave and once when I get there.
Not sure what I should expect. Dunno if I will see the Library Goddess. Or Cool Aunt. But have class in their building yet again. They are apparently stoked for the new building cause they have windows and all that. Huzzah! I'll miss the windowless classrooms. Not. But I'm confused cause it's supposed to be in two rooms with one teacher. Or maybe there's two. I just know I have the textbook and the mission statement printed out.
Not that I don't already have it memorized anyway.
And our selection policy.
And the selection policy of a peer library.
Freaking Library Goddess with her actually relevant and helpful-in-your-job homework assignments. Although I'm still waiting to give my Zombies vs. Unicorns booktalk to some unsuspecting young adult. It it Zombiefest weekend. Yes that's a real thing. Google it. I love this town.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
If I were you I'd take a permanent vacation
Queen of the Known Universe said bad things happen in threes. She lied.
Quote of the day: "And did he take your library card?"
Today was one of those days. Got glared at three times and yelled at once. By the third glare I just asked if they wanted to speak with my supervisor right away, instead of waiting for them to ramble and rant at me. After the first I was like hyper aware of all the patrons - there was no autopilot answers. I was waiting for something else to happen. And then it did. Thankfully all my supervisors are wonderful so it was okay. At least I spread the love around and didn't get the same supervisor the whole day. The Koha Queen and I joked about getting walkie talkies between the front desk and her desk downstairs. I would totally use it all the time, she's probably sick of me flailing downstairs yelling, "Do you have a second?" But she is also the queen of patience - which is why she is in charge of the transition. Then Superwoman who is always helpful and Girlscout who remains professional the whole time and adds in humor as well. And the fourth and final transaction was just me. Maybe that's why there was yelling and not glaring.
I'm remaining positive.
I love my job. And I love public libraries because of the variety of people and material. So, the yelling and the glaring I'm okay with. Sort of. It's never boring. I'll give you that.
But I've learned to keep my head down and not do anything stupid. Really my only rebellions nowadays are my mis-matched socks and this blog. Even Oldest Sister doesn't believe I can skateboard. I probably can't anymore. I'm all like different and stuff. Will have to grab it next time I go to the farmhouse and bring it back with me. I'll have actual pavement to ride on this time - the beauty about the farmhouse is that it's in the middle of nowhere so you've got the stars and the peace and all that - the one thing missing is concrete. Or cement, sorry Bones. You get like one slab which is fun to ride your bike/skateboard around on but after about an hour you get tired of riding in circles and try to branch out to the gravel. Not as smart.
Started season one of Chuck over at Oldest Sister's house. It's not all that bad - I'm actually thinking about putting a hold on the second season already and I'm mid-NCIS so that's kind of a big deal. It's basically this geek - sorry, nerd - nerd sees stuff he's not supposed to see so the government is all over him and they have to stop this bomb from going off and all that. I'm only one episode in so that's basically all of the storyline I have so far. But he lives with his sister and captain Awesome who says everything is Awesome and then he has this nerdy best friend who clearly has a thing for his sister - Chuck's sister, not like his his sister - and so he has to keep this whole stuff secret from them and all that - plus there's the female CIA agent who's watching out for him and then another dude who was battling for custody. It's a long story. But it's seriously a 9/10 on the Scale of Awesome so you should check it out. Perhaps I will review it properly tomorrow when I'm not as scatter-brained.
"My Boyfriend's Back" The Angels
check out that syncronized snapping and clapping - very impressive 1:40-1:41 I just crack up.
"It's My Party" Lesley Gore
she seems to be doing more dancing than crying
or check out Amy Winehouse's version of it:
Think I'm gonna crash and burn. Maybe watch some more of the first disc on the way there.
Quote of the day: "And did he take your library card?"
Today was one of those days. Got glared at three times and yelled at once. By the third glare I just asked if they wanted to speak with my supervisor right away, instead of waiting for them to ramble and rant at me. After the first I was like hyper aware of all the patrons - there was no autopilot answers. I was waiting for something else to happen. And then it did. Thankfully all my supervisors are wonderful so it was okay. At least I spread the love around and didn't get the same supervisor the whole day. The Koha Queen and I joked about getting walkie talkies between the front desk and her desk downstairs. I would totally use it all the time, she's probably sick of me flailing downstairs yelling, "Do you have a second?" But she is also the queen of patience - which is why she is in charge of the transition. Then Superwoman who is always helpful and Girlscout who remains professional the whole time and adds in humor as well. And the fourth and final transaction was just me. Maybe that's why there was yelling and not glaring.
I'm remaining positive.
I love my job. And I love public libraries because of the variety of people and material. So, the yelling and the glaring I'm okay with. Sort of. It's never boring. I'll give you that.
But I've learned to keep my head down and not do anything stupid. Really my only rebellions nowadays are my mis-matched socks and this blog. Even Oldest Sister doesn't believe I can skateboard. I probably can't anymore. I'm all like different and stuff. Will have to grab it next time I go to the farmhouse and bring it back with me. I'll have actual pavement to ride on this time - the beauty about the farmhouse is that it's in the middle of nowhere so you've got the stars and the peace and all that - the one thing missing is concrete. Or cement, sorry Bones. You get like one slab which is fun to ride your bike/skateboard around on but after about an hour you get tired of riding in circles and try to branch out to the gravel. Not as smart.
Started season one of Chuck over at Oldest Sister's house. It's not all that bad - I'm actually thinking about putting a hold on the second season already and I'm mid-NCIS so that's kind of a big deal. It's basically this geek - sorry, nerd - nerd sees stuff he's not supposed to see so the government is all over him and they have to stop this bomb from going off and all that. I'm only one episode in so that's basically all of the storyline I have so far. But he lives with his sister and captain Awesome who says everything is Awesome and then he has this nerdy best friend who clearly has a thing for his sister - Chuck's sister, not like his his sister - and so he has to keep this whole stuff secret from them and all that - plus there's the female CIA agent who's watching out for him and then another dude who was battling for custody. It's a long story. But it's seriously a 9/10 on the Scale of Awesome so you should check it out. Perhaps I will review it properly tomorrow when I'm not as scatter-brained.
"My Boyfriend's Back" The Angels
check out that syncronized snapping and clapping - very impressive 1:40-1:41 I just crack up.
"It's My Party" Lesley Gore
she seems to be doing more dancing than crying
or check out Amy Winehouse's version of it:
Think I'm gonna crash and burn. Maybe watch some more of the first disc on the way there.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Stuck in the Middle With You
Why would anyone put a needle in a stack of hay anyway?
NCIS Season 8 - fantastic! Scale of Awesome says 10/10 and I'm only one disc in - of course I've already seen the whole thing but that's not the point. It's got great storylines - cases that haven't already been used by other crime shows - fantastic characters - Gibbs, Ziva, Kate, Tony, McGee, Abby, Ducky even Palmer everyone of them is unique with their own quirks - even excellent sets - this show is pure awesomeness on air. I highly suggest you check it out Tuesday nights on CBS, or pick up one of the seasons on DVD at the library.
Speaking of the library - had a big day at ours today. There was this big ribbon-cutting ceremony thing with speeches and all that - even a giant pair of scissors. That was sweet.
Today felt super busy even though it was only 9-5. Yes, only. But shelved and boxed up books all morning then had some lunch, huzzah for mint chip ice cream, then got all registered for the NLA conference - aka Nebraska Library Association not the National Limousine Association or the Lawyers Association, Lipid Association,...what other ones did I get when I Googled the page I was trying to find....oh! how about the Nine Lives Association? Real deal.
But I'm going because they're having this session on life during and after the MLS and since that's what I'm getting I thought it would be cool to go and listen to what they have to say. But that's not until like October, so got a while to plan.
Or, how about the National Lime Association?
Another tip I learned today - try going shopping when you really have to go to the bathroom. It'll save you time and money cause all you want to do is grab the essentials and get the heck out of there. I always buy a bunch of junk that I really don't need. Might use that strategy in the future.
Newspaper Licensing Agency. I hate that word licensing. I always spell it wrong. I feel like I'm spelling it wrong now. Maybe I should google that too.
"Stuck in the Middle With You" Stealer's Wheel
Am I the only person my age who knows who Stealer's Wheel is? As fantastic as Michael Buble is, no he did not write this song.
In true 70's fashion you've got the clothes, you've got the booze, you've got the suspicious characters...wait, was that Jesus at 2:06? ... and again at like 2:48? He's the drummer. Hmm....
Next Level Athletics.
"Bad Example" Pistol Annies
It's kind of a "Wreckers" situation when Michelle Branch teams up with backup singer Jessica Harp and they make their own band as a duo, this is Miranda Lambert plus Ashley Monroe who's been kind of a backup singer for profession plus a newbie Angaleen Presley. they're pretty good.
you may have heard of their hit "Hell on Heels" seen here for it's live debut:
carrie underwood, blake shelton, reba mcentire all jamming in the audience
I like "Bad Example" best just cause it's like throwback country mixed with sort of a doo-woop sound from the 50's. I'm diggin' it.
Should probably crash soon although I have a feeling I'm just going to make popcorn and watch more NCIS.
No Longer Available.
NCIS Season 8 - fantastic! Scale of Awesome says 10/10 and I'm only one disc in - of course I've already seen the whole thing but that's not the point. It's got great storylines - cases that haven't already been used by other crime shows - fantastic characters - Gibbs, Ziva, Kate, Tony, McGee, Abby, Ducky even Palmer everyone of them is unique with their own quirks - even excellent sets - this show is pure awesomeness on air. I highly suggest you check it out Tuesday nights on CBS, or pick up one of the seasons on DVD at the library.
Speaking of the library - had a big day at ours today. There was this big ribbon-cutting ceremony thing with speeches and all that - even a giant pair of scissors. That was sweet.
Today felt super busy even though it was only 9-5. Yes, only. But shelved and boxed up books all morning then had some lunch, huzzah for mint chip ice cream, then got all registered for the NLA conference - aka Nebraska Library Association not the National Limousine Association or the Lawyers Association, Lipid Association,...what other ones did I get when I Googled the page I was trying to find....oh! how about the Nine Lives Association? Real deal.
But I'm going because they're having this session on life during and after the MLS and since that's what I'm getting I thought it would be cool to go and listen to what they have to say. But that's not until like October, so got a while to plan.
Or, how about the National Lime Association?
Another tip I learned today - try going shopping when you really have to go to the bathroom. It'll save you time and money cause all you want to do is grab the essentials and get the heck out of there. I always buy a bunch of junk that I really don't need. Might use that strategy in the future.
Newspaper Licensing Agency. I hate that word licensing. I always spell it wrong. I feel like I'm spelling it wrong now. Maybe I should google that too.
"Stuck in the Middle With You" Stealer's Wheel
Am I the only person my age who knows who Stealer's Wheel is? As fantastic as Michael Buble is, no he did not write this song.
In true 70's fashion you've got the clothes, you've got the booze, you've got the suspicious characters...wait, was that Jesus at 2:06? ... and again at like 2:48? He's the drummer. Hmm....
Next Level Athletics.
"Bad Example" Pistol Annies
It's kind of a "Wreckers" situation when Michelle Branch teams up with backup singer Jessica Harp and they make their own band as a duo, this is Miranda Lambert plus Ashley Monroe who's been kind of a backup singer for profession plus a newbie Angaleen Presley. they're pretty good.
you may have heard of their hit "Hell on Heels" seen here for it's live debut:
carrie underwood, blake shelton, reba mcentire all jamming in the audience
I like "Bad Example" best just cause it's like throwback country mixed with sort of a doo-woop sound from the 50's. I'm diggin' it.
Should probably crash soon although I have a feeling I'm just going to make popcorn and watch more NCIS.
No Longer Available.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Cause Lord Knows I'm a Rolling Stone
"Wedding cake freezes, this we know."
"Runaway Bride" I love it. 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Maggie - Runaway Bride - Carpenter leaves grooms at the alter, so far there's been 3 with another wedding about to happen. Ike the New York reporter finds this story to hard to pass up so he completely bashes her and loses his job. In search of vindication he goes to meet her and prove that he was right, meanwhile finding out all about the true her and why she left all those men.
Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, Joan Cusack
I forgot that Christopher Meloni is one of the grooms.
I think I like them better together in this one than I do in Pretty Woman. It's like a reunited cast, seriously.
Plus Joan Cusack is hilarious. Sketch is a big fan of that family - mostly because of Gross Pointe Blank. "I'm taking down the office now!" Maybe that'll be next on my list tomorrow night.
"Cheer. Normal."
I love split shift. I can take naps, I can watch movies, I can run errands - this time I cleaned my apartment. I even spot-cleaned the place. Not that it needed it, although I'm clumsy and Carter is Carter. Carter hates the vacuum. Scares the crap out of him. Runs and hides.
Then watched some Scooby doo. They have this Mystery Incoporated series, it's actually pretty funny. Although it has Shaggy and Velma as a couple plus Daphne fawning all over Fred - which I guess is normal. Just weird to actually see them as teenagers and you know, people with lives other than purely focusing on mystery solving. Did it used to be that way and I was just too young to notice? I thought it was purely mystery stuff without all that relationship drama. Will have to look for the original series through interlibrary loan or something.
"I think I am profoundly and irreversibly screwed up."
Songs of the night: It's jam out time.
"Runaway Baby" - Bruno Mars
wasn't really a fan before but after listening to his whole album i'm loving it.
"Only You" - Josh Kelley
yes that's Katherine Heigl and yes they're married now. I think I posted that a while ago but just in case you didn't already know.
Tomorrow is coming faster than I thought it would which means I should sleep. Gonna pick up NCIS season 8 after work, huzzah!
"Runaway Bride" I love it. 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Maggie - Runaway Bride - Carpenter leaves grooms at the alter, so far there's been 3 with another wedding about to happen. Ike the New York reporter finds this story to hard to pass up so he completely bashes her and loses his job. In search of vindication he goes to meet her and prove that he was right, meanwhile finding out all about the true her and why she left all those men.
Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, Joan Cusack
I forgot that Christopher Meloni is one of the grooms.
I think I like them better together in this one than I do in Pretty Woman. It's like a reunited cast, seriously.
Plus Joan Cusack is hilarious. Sketch is a big fan of that family - mostly because of Gross Pointe Blank. "I'm taking down the office now!" Maybe that'll be next on my list tomorrow night.
"Cheer. Normal."
I love split shift. I can take naps, I can watch movies, I can run errands - this time I cleaned my apartment. I even spot-cleaned the place. Not that it needed it, although I'm clumsy and Carter is Carter. Carter hates the vacuum. Scares the crap out of him. Runs and hides.
Then watched some Scooby doo. They have this Mystery Incoporated series, it's actually pretty funny. Although it has Shaggy and Velma as a couple plus Daphne fawning all over Fred - which I guess is normal. Just weird to actually see them as teenagers and you know, people with lives other than purely focusing on mystery solving. Did it used to be that way and I was just too young to notice? I thought it was purely mystery stuff without all that relationship drama. Will have to look for the original series through interlibrary loan or something.
"I think I am profoundly and irreversibly screwed up."
Songs of the night: It's jam out time.
"Runaway Baby" - Bruno Mars
wasn't really a fan before but after listening to his whole album i'm loving it.
"Only You" - Josh Kelley
yes that's Katherine Heigl and yes they're married now. I think I posted that a while ago but just in case you didn't already know.
Tomorrow is coming faster than I thought it would which means I should sleep. Gonna pick up NCIS season 8 after work, huzzah!
Monday, August 22, 2011
And no one's getting fat except mama cass.
Which is more pathetic? 1. Realizing that you've already seen all the episodes of Swamp People that Dad has DVR'd throughout the week or 2. Watching them again anyway when he's not even around to make you watch them?
It's fantastic.
So, I had this hat. It was awesome. Titans hat - dark blue with titans in light blue and the red logo around it. Simple and comfortable and awesome and I wore it almost everyday for years before it mysteriously disappeared - conspiracy theory says mom was tired of it and hid it, i'm still convinvced it's somewhere in the house - but it was my hat. I loved it. My brother gave it to me for Christmas the same year he gave me my long sleeved Yankees shirt - which he said brought him physical pain, he's not a fan - and I seriously did wear it almost every day. Anyway, so I've been trying to not replace the hat but find one like it for years, doesn't necessarily have to be a Titans one but it has to be similar and I've had all kinds of hats. They're all great in some way, but they're not the same. The irony is, that without even trying I found one just like it. Same style and fit - yes I'm a nerd. And yeah, it was a fluke. I bought the shirt/hat combo for the shirt, put on the hat and went whooooaaa.... Yes, I'm a nerd. It's even dark blue, huzzah! This time it's a baseball one but I like it, and I'm diggin' it, and I'm gonna wear it. And this time Mom can't hide it when she gets sick of it, yay!
Okay, so I totally need a lowjack on all my stuff. I lose everything - no I didn't lose the hat - It drives me nuts. This weekend it was my license, my debit card and my ring - all were found, but in the meantime I was going bananas. Someone needs to invent like a lowjack for all things valuable that when you press a button the object will either show itself or if it's somewhere else it will be transported through space to where you are. That would be awesome.
Today was great, got to sleep in then met up and finished our post-camp stuff. I'm done for 6 months! Totally stoked! Now I can get back to the whole work and school all the time thing. Huzzah! But got to see the gang again - well most of them - and this time school was in session so we saw them out at recess. They were playing capture the flag and one of my favorites comes up and says "every time I tag one of the little ones they act like I killed them" cause he's an 8th grader and they're not. You know, small children and all that. It was amusing. Even more amusing was G-Wigger's team's come from behind victory all because of a well-timed bathroom break.
"Creeque Alley"
another song played often at camp
There are rare moments when my father - the music genius for anything from the 1940's to the early 80's - talks to me about music and I actually remember something about it the next day - this one is one of them. (Not that it's not interesting, it just happens that often and they all kind of look alike). This group has totally intrigued me with the drama and the sound and the story - if you get a chance you should look up some of their history, it's a great story. This kind of tells the basics, if you know enough of the references to be able to interpret it.
Tomorrow's split shift, think I'm gonna turn on Warehouse and crash.
"She goes for the money, boo-goosh! Sues him for it!"
"What kind of women do you date?"
It's fantastic.
So, I had this hat. It was awesome. Titans hat - dark blue with titans in light blue and the red logo around it. Simple and comfortable and awesome and I wore it almost everyday for years before it mysteriously disappeared - conspiracy theory says mom was tired of it and hid it, i'm still convinvced it's somewhere in the house - but it was my hat. I loved it. My brother gave it to me for Christmas the same year he gave me my long sleeved Yankees shirt - which he said brought him physical pain, he's not a fan - and I seriously did wear it almost every day. Anyway, so I've been trying to not replace the hat but find one like it for years, doesn't necessarily have to be a Titans one but it has to be similar and I've had all kinds of hats. They're all great in some way, but they're not the same. The irony is, that without even trying I found one just like it. Same style and fit - yes I'm a nerd. And yeah, it was a fluke. I bought the shirt/hat combo for the shirt, put on the hat and went whooooaaa.... Yes, I'm a nerd. It's even dark blue, huzzah! This time it's a baseball one but I like it, and I'm diggin' it, and I'm gonna wear it. And this time Mom can't hide it when she gets sick of it, yay!
Okay, so I totally need a lowjack on all my stuff. I lose everything - no I didn't lose the hat - It drives me nuts. This weekend it was my license, my debit card and my ring - all were found, but in the meantime I was going bananas. Someone needs to invent like a lowjack for all things valuable that when you press a button the object will either show itself or if it's somewhere else it will be transported through space to where you are. That would be awesome.
Today was great, got to sleep in then met up and finished our post-camp stuff. I'm done for 6 months! Totally stoked! Now I can get back to the whole work and school all the time thing. Huzzah! But got to see the gang again - well most of them - and this time school was in session so we saw them out at recess. They were playing capture the flag and one of my favorites comes up and says "every time I tag one of the little ones they act like I killed them" cause he's an 8th grader and they're not. You know, small children and all that. It was amusing. Even more amusing was G-Wigger's team's come from behind victory all because of a well-timed bathroom break.
"Creeque Alley"
another song played often at camp
There are rare moments when my father - the music genius for anything from the 1940's to the early 80's - talks to me about music and I actually remember something about it the next day - this one is one of them. (Not that it's not interesting, it just happens that often and they all kind of look alike). This group has totally intrigued me with the drama and the sound and the story - if you get a chance you should look up some of their history, it's a great story. This kind of tells the basics, if you know enough of the references to be able to interpret it.
Tomorrow's split shift, think I'm gonna turn on Warehouse and crash.
"She goes for the money, boo-goosh! Sues him for it!"
"What kind of women do you date?"
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Um, those lyrics are crappy. -LM
I love that upstairs in the lab we have three chairs for the two people to choose from. And some of us have our designated chairs. But it's nice because if you screw with the settings on one and can't fix it then you have a backup. Unfortunately, my preference of the chairs hates me. Although today was not my fault. Someone, I ain't saying who, put the chair super short and apparently I'm not smart enough or the chair hates me enough that I can mess with it for half an hour and it will won't go back up to its regular position - yet the second, and I mean the second, that Slim Shady sits in it, she can do it and it's fine. What the crap? Seriously. I was helping patrons so I was distracted but seriously like half an hour. And of course in that half an hour when you're helping the patrons you sit down in the chair every once in a while, and forget that it's that low so you look like an idiot when you like flail all the way down. Then they laugh so it's a good conversation starter, but whatever. So maybe it's not my fault I'm social! I can blame it on someone else. Don't call me social. That's just mean. I'm not social. Am I? Really? When did that change over? I think that's part of the whole actress/librarian theory.
This section may bring out what Sketch enjoys referring to as "B-Poc" aka Bitter and Pissed Off CK. I'm not really B or PO but the rambling may turn ranting so if you're a fan of either Katy Perry or The Band Perry I'd skip this section.
So, I'm jamming on my way to the farmhouse today like jamming to good music and I hit this lull with "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry. They're a good band, you know as a group of siblings and all that and I like their music, and the beginning to this song is awesome and I could listen to that by itself but really? You end it with "they're worth so much more after i'm a goner." "funny when you're dead how people start listening?" It's more like a teenager's cry for help. Which is okay, I guess. But she's like 28.
Plus it doesn't make sense. You started with "If I die young" then you end with "funny when you're dead how people start listening." But you're not dead. How do you know they're listening? Did you die somewhere between this point and the first verse? I think I got distracted by all the "Sharp knife of a short life"s you're throwing at us.
I got this one for free off iTunes back when they were still "who?"
"Who would have thought forever would be severed by the sharp knife of a short life". Um, you? You're the one putting forth this hypothetical situation.
They do redeem themselves with this one:
You Lie
this one is a jam out one, and shows off her vocal skills so it's much better.
I give them a 8/10, I think it's just the one song that gets to me. It just happens to be the number one hit that plays every other song.
Like I said, B-Poc. So, moving on.
Listening to the first one just reminded me of the fireworks show after the game last night. There's mandatory music that's usually something patriotic or pop-ish or whatever, this time they hit up with Britney Spears and Katy Perry. You know, America's poster girls? I like Katy Perry, I think she's great and really branched out and all that,
But no Katy, I never feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind wanting to start again.
Is it just me that cringes at that line? (I do that at both sections of TBP mentioned above as well) I mean, the refrain is great and dance-worthy, but really? Does that have to be your first line? Doesn't that make people change stations?
But like I said, I like her and she's got some great music. It amuses me even more that her parents are ministers. They always said that PK's were the most rebellious. Almost as bad as us TK's.
While the rest of the lyrics aren't all that grand either it's catchy so it's toxic.
So, Oldest Sister thinks the phrase "introduce you to" one of my characters is funny since they're fake so you really can't meet them, except that you can. And I figured it out. She's more the pro at nonfiction with all the computer manual stuff and the comedic life moments and stuff whereas I just suck at all things nonfiction. This blog should be proof of that. Fiction is my forte so my characters are important to me.
I laugh when they laugh, I'm sad when they're sad, I help them get ready in the mornings and put them to bed at night. I'm there with them when something terrific or tragic happens. So yes, they're real to me. And I enjoy introducing people to them. Unless they suck, then no.
Alright, today was a long day and tomorrow's gonna be more post-camp stuff so B-Poc is signing out. LM
This section may bring out what Sketch enjoys referring to as "B-Poc" aka Bitter and Pissed Off CK. I'm not really B or PO but the rambling may turn ranting so if you're a fan of either Katy Perry or The Band Perry I'd skip this section.
So, I'm jamming on my way to the farmhouse today like jamming to good music and I hit this lull with "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry. They're a good band, you know as a group of siblings and all that and I like their music, and the beginning to this song is awesome and I could listen to that by itself but really? You end it with "they're worth so much more after i'm a goner." "funny when you're dead how people start listening?" It's more like a teenager's cry for help. Which is okay, I guess. But she's like 28.
Plus it doesn't make sense. You started with "If I die young" then you end with "funny when you're dead how people start listening." But you're not dead. How do you know they're listening? Did you die somewhere between this point and the first verse? I think I got distracted by all the "Sharp knife of a short life"s you're throwing at us.
I got this one for free off iTunes back when they were still "who?"
"Who would have thought forever would be severed by the sharp knife of a short life". Um, you? You're the one putting forth this hypothetical situation.
They do redeem themselves with this one:
You Lie
this one is a jam out one, and shows off her vocal skills so it's much better.
I give them a 8/10, I think it's just the one song that gets to me. It just happens to be the number one hit that plays every other song.
Like I said, B-Poc. So, moving on.
Listening to the first one just reminded me of the fireworks show after the game last night. There's mandatory music that's usually something patriotic or pop-ish or whatever, this time they hit up with Britney Spears and Katy Perry. You know, America's poster girls? I like Katy Perry, I think she's great and really branched out and all that,
But no Katy, I never feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind wanting to start again.
Is it just me that cringes at that line? (I do that at both sections of TBP mentioned above as well) I mean, the refrain is great and dance-worthy, but really? Does that have to be your first line? Doesn't that make people change stations?
But like I said, I like her and she's got some great music. It amuses me even more that her parents are ministers. They always said that PK's were the most rebellious. Almost as bad as us TK's.
While the rest of the lyrics aren't all that grand either it's catchy so it's toxic.
So, Oldest Sister thinks the phrase "introduce you to" one of my characters is funny since they're fake so you really can't meet them, except that you can. And I figured it out. She's more the pro at nonfiction with all the computer manual stuff and the comedic life moments and stuff whereas I just suck at all things nonfiction. This blog should be proof of that. Fiction is my forte so my characters are important to me.
I laugh when they laugh, I'm sad when they're sad, I help them get ready in the mornings and put them to bed at night. I'm there with them when something terrific or tragic happens. So yes, they're real to me. And I enjoy introducing people to them. Unless they suck, then no.
Alright, today was a long day and tomorrow's gonna be more post-camp stuff so B-Poc is signing out. LM
if i die young,
katy perry,
slim shady,
the band perry,
you lie
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Extra Innings Victory!
Every time I cook bacon I kill another plate. What the crap? Seriously, and I only have like 5 of them. Stupid bacon. Throws off my groove. Not that I have much in the kitchen. I do however with puzzles, check it out!
I finished one! Yes, it's sideways. Blogger is weird.
Granted it was only like 211 pieces, but still, I finished one without Carter declaring war and complete annihilation. That's a victory. And came home from the game and it was still intact!
Speaking of the game. OMG. Seriously. There are no words. Other than I threw up in my mouth a little bit. Not my words, just repeating them. There are quite a few that I will not be repeating but it was a great night. Who knew I had a life? Love my family. Every year we as siblings all go to a Saltdogs game to celebrate the birthdays in August - there are three. We go, we drink, we banter, we dance, we cheer, we eat, a lot, and drink some more. And tonight was awesome cause we won it in overtime - I'm sorry, extra innings, apparently it's not overtime even though I'm still going to call it overtime. Although Second Sister was saying there has to be another up and down - or was it top and bottom instead of extra inning. 3-2 We beat the Canadians. Their national anthem was sang before the game as well.
Things I learned tonight:
-Mints make things spell good.
-It's amusing to text things back and forth when you're sitting right next to each other
-Cool Sister-in-law: "How do you spell Eminem?"
King of Useless Knowledge: "M and M. It's on the candies."
-There's a difference between heckling with the window rolled up and heckling with the window rolled down
-Brother:"Did you just use your turn signal?"
KOUK: "These are real cops!" (as opposed to the traffic guards on the way out) "They have guns and ticket books!" ps - that "secret" exit thing is a load of crap. took longer than the regular exits.
"We like to party" THE VENGABOYS!
who sings this? THE VENGABOYS!.......who sings this? THE VENGABOYS!......who sings this? Oh for the love.
This song plays every time we score. Every time. And it's awesome. Cause we dance like idiots - you can't disrespect the dance, that's just dumb cause then we'll lose.
and yes i know the video is super weird with the cross and the village people and the elvis impersonator but i like the dancing and i find it amusing.
But the game and the food and the fireworks and the family was just awesome, totally made my week.
working tomorrow so gonna crash now. have a good one. LM
I finished one! Yes, it's sideways. Blogger is weird.
Granted it was only like 211 pieces, but still, I finished one without Carter declaring war and complete annihilation. That's a victory. And came home from the game and it was still intact!
Speaking of the game. OMG. Seriously. There are no words. Other than I threw up in my mouth a little bit. Not my words, just repeating them. There are quite a few that I will not be repeating but it was a great night. Who knew I had a life? Love my family. Every year we as siblings all go to a Saltdogs game to celebrate the birthdays in August - there are three. We go, we drink, we banter, we dance, we cheer, we eat, a lot, and drink some more. And tonight was awesome cause we won it in overtime - I'm sorry, extra innings, apparently it's not overtime even though I'm still going to call it overtime. Although Second Sister was saying there has to be another up and down - or was it top and bottom instead of extra inning. 3-2 We beat the Canadians. Their national anthem was sang before the game as well.
Things I learned tonight:
-Mints make things spell good.
-It's amusing to text things back and forth when you're sitting right next to each other
-Cool Sister-in-law: "How do you spell Eminem?"
King of Useless Knowledge: "M and M. It's on the candies."
-There's a difference between heckling with the window rolled up and heckling with the window rolled down
-Brother:"Did you just use your turn signal?"
KOUK: "These are real cops!" (as opposed to the traffic guards on the way out) "They have guns and ticket books!" ps - that "secret" exit thing is a load of crap. took longer than the regular exits.
"We like to party" THE VENGABOYS!
who sings this? THE VENGABOYS!.......who sings this? THE VENGABOYS!......who sings this? Oh for the love.
This song plays every time we score. Every time. And it's awesome. Cause we dance like idiots - you can't disrespect the dance, that's just dumb cause then we'll lose.
and yes i know the video is super weird with the cross and the village people and the elvis impersonator but i like the dancing and i find it amusing.
But the game and the food and the fireworks and the family was just awesome, totally made my week.
working tomorrow so gonna crash now. have a good one. LM
Friday, August 19, 2011
What are they made out of panda?
I need new dishes.
Yes, I know you gave me some but 2 of them broke, the third ran off with the crazy ex-boyfriend and the fourth is in the dishwasher. Now I'm just left with that plastic stuff. So you're taking me dishware shopping. Just dishware. Not clothingware.
"Just Go With It"
Loving library DVD's
Starring three of my favorite people - Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman plus Dave Matthews, Brooklyn Decker and Nick Swardson
Danny's (Sandler) fiance cheats on him, so he drinks away his sorrows in a bar, while there he meets a nice girl and realizes that wearing a ring and claiming that his wife is horrible to him will get him women. As time goes on he gets more women and has a different fake wife story every week. Danny is a plastic surgeon, his single mother assistant is Katherine aka Aniston who knows everything about him and, after he meets the girl of his dreams and she thinks he's actually married, suggests she tell the girl he's getting a divorce. The girl, Palmer played by Decker, seems to take it well but says she needs to hear it from the wife. As there is no wife Danny talks Katherine into being his fake wife, "I want to ceate the illusion i had a hot first wife!", and after she slips up about having kids her kids get involved in the whole fake family. And then there's Eddie, Danny's cousin who's mostly for comic relief. But the preview basically tells you all that.
I'm giving it a 8/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Actually watching it again right now. It's actually a semi-family friendly movie, and with Happy Madison in charge you know you're gonna get the usuals Kevin Nealon, Allen Covert, but no Rob Schneider or Kevin James. It was a good break from the hectic day kind of movie. Funny but not over the top, trying to hard kind of stuff. The cousin is hysterical, Swardson did an awesome job with an accent and just body language - I don't want to give anything away, but watch the movie.
"Why do you keep calling me Henderson?"
"Just go with it."
Was excited to see Nicole Kidman back in a comedy - yes I'm one of those Moulin Rouge crazies, she's one of my favorites, as is Ewan McGregor. The fact that he's in Star Wars just makes him that much more awesome.
He also starred in this reality show called "the Long Way Down" which was him and his friend driving motorcycles all the way through some country. They stop at all these remote places and meet unique people, I'm on the list for it, I'll keep you posted. There's also a book about the whole thing as well with pictures and fun anecdotes.
But yes, rent Just Go With It from the library, it's free and it's funny. Plus you'll understand why it's so fun to substitute real words with "Devlin". Vernacular skills rock.
Loved the Adam Sandler Jennifer Aniston dynamic just because they're so good at comedy and this one especially because they just went back and forth the whole time.
"...Mix that with the smell of like a dead cat and some fajitas and you've got what you call yourself a a severly diminished libido."
Song of the night:
"Mockingbird" Carly Simon and James Taylor
dad made me listen to this over and over. guess that's where i get the repeating playlists thing from.
Yes, I know you gave me some but 2 of them broke, the third ran off with the crazy ex-boyfriend and the fourth is in the dishwasher. Now I'm just left with that plastic stuff. So you're taking me dishware shopping. Just dishware. Not clothingware.
"Just Go With It"
Loving library DVD's
Starring three of my favorite people - Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman plus Dave Matthews, Brooklyn Decker and Nick Swardson
Danny's (Sandler) fiance cheats on him, so he drinks away his sorrows in a bar, while there he meets a nice girl and realizes that wearing a ring and claiming that his wife is horrible to him will get him women. As time goes on he gets more women and has a different fake wife story every week. Danny is a plastic surgeon, his single mother assistant is Katherine aka Aniston who knows everything about him and, after he meets the girl of his dreams and she thinks he's actually married, suggests she tell the girl he's getting a divorce. The girl, Palmer played by Decker, seems to take it well but says she needs to hear it from the wife. As there is no wife Danny talks Katherine into being his fake wife, "I want to ceate the illusion i had a hot first wife!", and after she slips up about having kids her kids get involved in the whole fake family. And then there's Eddie, Danny's cousin who's mostly for comic relief. But the preview basically tells you all that.
I'm giving it a 8/10 on the Scale of Awesome. Actually watching it again right now. It's actually a semi-family friendly movie, and with Happy Madison in charge you know you're gonna get the usuals Kevin Nealon, Allen Covert, but no Rob Schneider or Kevin James. It was a good break from the hectic day kind of movie. Funny but not over the top, trying to hard kind of stuff. The cousin is hysterical, Swardson did an awesome job with an accent and just body language - I don't want to give anything away, but watch the movie.
"Why do you keep calling me Henderson?"
"Just go with it."
Was excited to see Nicole Kidman back in a comedy - yes I'm one of those Moulin Rouge crazies, she's one of my favorites, as is Ewan McGregor. The fact that he's in Star Wars just makes him that much more awesome.
He also starred in this reality show called "the Long Way Down" which was him and his friend driving motorcycles all the way through some country. They stop at all these remote places and meet unique people, I'm on the list for it, I'll keep you posted. There's also a book about the whole thing as well with pictures and fun anecdotes.
But yes, rent Just Go With It from the library, it's free and it's funny. Plus you'll understand why it's so fun to substitute real words with "Devlin". Vernacular skills rock.
Loved the Adam Sandler Jennifer Aniston dynamic just because they're so good at comedy and this one especially because they just went back and forth the whole time.
"...Mix that with the smell of like a dead cat and some fajitas and you've got what you call yourself a a severly diminished libido."
Song of the night:
"Mockingbird" Carly Simon and James Taylor
dad made me listen to this over and over. guess that's where i get the repeating playlists thing from.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Oh, the poor tarp people. Ninjutsu!
Today's Highlights include:
-Worked 9-5, flew by
-Got to help train The New Guy. Which is his nickname for now. I'm stoked cause I'm no longer the newest hire at the desk. He's actually pretty wicked awesome. I love it cause we're able to have a completely adult conversation about libraries, serving the public, demographics, collection management, system changes, just everything professional and then we jump to "What would you do if you had 100 million dollars?" I said I wanted a big big screen TV, an extensive DVD collection and a comfortable chair. That was apparently too small. Little Shelver Boy says he'd level one of the buildings nearby and turn it into his own personal library. New Guy says he'd donate 10 million to the library - can't hurt with your taxes - to refurbish ours, then build a new one that's a big circle with glass windows. I said he had to throw in some greenery. And a nice parking lot. Or a parking garage.
-Heard back from the Library Goddess and Superwoman so plans will be implemented, we'll see what happens. Sophie's Choice here I come.
-Getting a gang together to go see The Help, I'm all for a good distraction.
-Went to my niece's soccer game, she rocked it scoring the ONLY GOAL with her left foot. Total pro.
-Decided to hit up a Saltdogs game on sort of a spur of the moment kind of thing and it was awesome! We had our usuals - my hotdogs and margarita, Oldest Sister had her nachos, dip-n-dots and Chelada, M had cheesefries and a pop then some dip-n-dots. We did miss out on the funnelcakes though. Saltdogs were dominating and every run scored meant music which meant dancing - cause you can't disrespect the dance - and Oldest Sister taping us do the Rush Hour dance, you know the one.
1:41-1:51 best part of the movie
Then the Pheasants - yes the Pheasants - tied us at 7 in the 4th and then it was like
Little sprinkle of rain.
More little sprinkles of rain.
Torrential downpour.
So we ran for cover, standing behind this tarp banner thing that blocked most of the wind and rain but had holes in it so the back of my legs were just soaked.
Wind was a tree breaker - as they'd say on Swamp People...(when the alligators would break the tree branch off in order to escape.) Cause there were branches all over the highway on the way home.
Total madhouse. I ran into the apartment, saving my ipod, phone, notebooks and all that. The best part was that the guys behind us were looking at the radar and said, "Oh yeah, it's gonna miss us." Then they left. Cheaters.
But the poor tarp people. Oh man. It took them like 20 minutes to get the thing unrolled.
Songs of the night: aka the ones I jammed out to on the rainy drive back home
"Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'" Journey live in '79
pretty sure there's lipsyncing involved in this one.
"Tequila" The Champs
what are the words again?
"Ninjutsu!" TMNT version.
sorry, just had to.
Tomorrow's weird cause I get an actual lunch break. 12-2. Plus finding parking. But still, weird. I'll take it.
Me and my big fat cat are out of here. Gonna watch the new Warehouse - which I keep saying that I'm going to but never get to it - and crash. It looks kind of like a Halloween episode - which I guess, if you think about it, every episode could be a Halloween episode, but in this one they get sucked into this video game thing or something and they'll all in costume. And no, it's not gonna be like Tron. Or Tron Legacy. Cause they're awful. And Warehouse is awesome. Totally stoked, wore my Claudia shirt to work the other day but masked it with a dress shirt over the top. Rocked it.
More to come.
-Worked 9-5, flew by
-Got to help train The New Guy. Which is his nickname for now. I'm stoked cause I'm no longer the newest hire at the desk. He's actually pretty wicked awesome. I love it cause we're able to have a completely adult conversation about libraries, serving the public, demographics, collection management, system changes, just everything professional and then we jump to "What would you do if you had 100 million dollars?" I said I wanted a big big screen TV, an extensive DVD collection and a comfortable chair. That was apparently too small. Little Shelver Boy says he'd level one of the buildings nearby and turn it into his own personal library. New Guy says he'd donate 10 million to the library - can't hurt with your taxes - to refurbish ours, then build a new one that's a big circle with glass windows. I said he had to throw in some greenery. And a nice parking lot. Or a parking garage.
-Heard back from the Library Goddess and Superwoman so plans will be implemented, we'll see what happens. Sophie's Choice here I come.
-Getting a gang together to go see The Help, I'm all for a good distraction.
-Went to my niece's soccer game, she rocked it scoring the ONLY GOAL with her left foot. Total pro.
-Decided to hit up a Saltdogs game on sort of a spur of the moment kind of thing and it was awesome! We had our usuals - my hotdogs and margarita, Oldest Sister had her nachos, dip-n-dots and Chelada, M had cheesefries and a pop then some dip-n-dots. We did miss out on the funnelcakes though. Saltdogs were dominating and every run scored meant music which meant dancing - cause you can't disrespect the dance - and Oldest Sister taping us do the Rush Hour dance, you know the one.
1:41-1:51 best part of the movie
Then the Pheasants - yes the Pheasants - tied us at 7 in the 4th and then it was like
Little sprinkle of rain.
More little sprinkles of rain.
Torrential downpour.
So we ran for cover, standing behind this tarp banner thing that blocked most of the wind and rain but had holes in it so the back of my legs were just soaked.
Wind was a tree breaker - as they'd say on Swamp People...(when the alligators would break the tree branch off in order to escape.) Cause there were branches all over the highway on the way home.
Total madhouse. I ran into the apartment, saving my ipod, phone, notebooks and all that. The best part was that the guys behind us were looking at the radar and said, "Oh yeah, it's gonna miss us." Then they left. Cheaters.
But the poor tarp people. Oh man. It took them like 20 minutes to get the thing unrolled.
Songs of the night: aka the ones I jammed out to on the rainy drive back home
"Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'" Journey live in '79
pretty sure there's lipsyncing involved in this one.
"Tequila" The Champs
what are the words again?
"Ninjutsu!" TMNT version.
sorry, just had to.
Tomorrow's weird cause I get an actual lunch break. 12-2. Plus finding parking. But still, weird. I'll take it.
Me and my big fat cat are out of here. Gonna watch the new Warehouse - which I keep saying that I'm going to but never get to it - and crash. It looks kind of like a Halloween episode - which I guess, if you think about it, every episode could be a Halloween episode, but in this one they get sucked into this video game thing or something and they'll all in costume. And no, it's not gonna be like Tron. Or Tron Legacy. Cause they're awful. And Warehouse is awesome. Totally stoked, wore my Claudia shirt to work the other day but masked it with a dress shirt over the top. Rocked it.
More to come.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I guess she’s an X-Box and I’m more an Atari
But the way you play your game ain’t fair.
True dat.
The writer monkey has struck again - keeping this semi-short so I can get back to that while the muse is still here.
I’m in a quandary. A Sophie’s Choice sort of situation. Sort of. I mean, I might be in one. It depends. There are two things that I might have to choose between. And it’s hard to choose between two things that mean a lot to you, you know? And it’s like Sophie’s Choice – except that Sophie’s Choice is long and depressing and then longer and more depressing and then you think it’s over but it’s actually not cause you’re only 2 hours in and haven’t even gotten to the part where she has to make the freaking choice let alone know what she’s freaking choosing about so you stick with it even though it gets even longer and even more depressing. Then! After she makes the choice it’s too painful to watch the rest of the movie – which is at least another half an hour long – so you change the channel and put on a comedy just to get those awful thoughts out of your head. Sorry Mom, I refuse to watch it ever again. Just no.
See, rambling, writer monkey, moving on.
But this is a whole Might situation, maybe I won’t have to choose because you know there are other people out there who are smarter and qualified and all that… but still, it’s there, looming in the background. Now it just depends on what the Library Goddess has to say. After that it’s Superwoman and then me. But I have a few days to get it all figured out.
You know how hard it is to be in 3 places at once? Today I was on the phone on the second floor while helping a patron on the first floor and checking other patrons out at the desk. I find that I’ve changed a lot since I’ve started working there just because it’s so hectic all the time and if I don’t know what I’m doing I have enough acting ability to pretend like I do. It’s like the me vs. qualified people thing again. I’m a Professional BS-er which really is just another term for “English Major”. I’m owning up to it. Before I was just a nerdy loner chick who ate lunch in her car. Oh don’t awww me, it’s better than the cliché lunch tray in the bathroom thing.
But it’s best if you seem confident in what you’re doing and remain positive, especially about the new system - it just makes us look bad if you bash it in front of the patrons. I use the words “quirks” as in “we’re still figuring out its quirks”, “wonky” as in “since we switched over the self-checks have been a bit wonky” and “we’re working on it” as in “we’re working on it” – well, “they’re working on it” a lot but it seems better than just bashing it and hoping to go back. Cause we’re not going back. I spend the majority of my downtown just figuring out shortcuts and doing random searches to see how best to navigate the catalog, but I’m a nerd like that.
And somebody! I ain’t mentioning names! Has branded me “Koha Whisperer” and 1-800’s me whenever there’s a problem. So I have to at least know a little bit about what I’m explaining. One of these days I’m just gonna write a handbook, print it off, highlight stuff and hang it around the desks. Then I can just walk by, point to a piece of paper and continue shelving.
But I like being the expert, it makes me feel useful, especially since I’m lowest on the food chain there. I don’t think I’ve ever been the expert on anything relevant to daily life. I mean other than movies, TV, music or anything Drew Barrymore. Which was daily life before I got the job. Jobs.
So, remember how yesterday I ended with the whole gonna finish that freaking puzzle thing? And then of course I didn't finish the freaking puzzle, I watched a movie instead - my motivation can only last so long which is why I'm typing so fast in hopes that I'll keep working on that damn apartment story after posting this, where was I?
Oh right, well I'm glad I didn't finish it cause this morning I woke up and Carter had destroyed the whole freaking thing. Like there are pieces of it all over my living room. So yeah, either he's taking out his rage/energy on tiny chunks of cardboard because they're a stationary target or he's some sort of cosmic judge saying that I've taken too long to put together a "simple" 300 piece puzzle and now as punishment for putting it off I get total annihilation instead. Thanks dude.
Or maybe he just knows me well enough that he knows I'll keep putting it off and putting it off and eventually get tired of it being in the way so I'll put it back in the box and throw it in the corner anyway. So really, he could be saving me hassle in the future. Or he's a punk.
It's an either/or situation.
It's not actually.
I already know he's a punk. Much like my work friends already know I'm crazy. There's no either/or involved in that.
At least he's a cute punk. A big, fat, lazy, sleeps on my stomach, cute punk.
Songs of the day:
“Imagine” Glee version
This scene still makes me cry.
“Forget You” Glee version
Totally have been neglecting my Gwyneth’s One Name Campaign thing as in “that’s so Gwyneth!” - will have to start using that again. It’s pretty much the equivalent of Wicked Awesome.
Everyone can use some Gwyneth in their life. Especially now that school is starting again and all that. People are in this sort of mood. Like somber mood. Gonna shake them up with some Gwyneth. Maybe that'll be my slogan for the campaign. "Shake up your day with some Gwyneth." She does have a multi-million dollar music deal on the table. She will soon be gracing our radios - and my ipod - huzzah!
ps-if you have no idea what the squares mean go here: My Life in Closed Captions: Circles, Squares and Ugly Women, Oh My!
True dat.
The writer monkey has struck again - keeping this semi-short so I can get back to that while the muse is still here.
I’m in a quandary. A Sophie’s Choice sort of situation. Sort of. I mean, I might be in one. It depends. There are two things that I might have to choose between. And it’s hard to choose between two things that mean a lot to you, you know? And it’s like Sophie’s Choice – except that Sophie’s Choice is long and depressing and then longer and more depressing and then you think it’s over but it’s actually not cause you’re only 2 hours in and haven’t even gotten to the part where she has to make the freaking choice let alone know what she’s freaking choosing about so you stick with it even though it gets even longer and even more depressing. Then! After she makes the choice it’s too painful to watch the rest of the movie – which is at least another half an hour long – so you change the channel and put on a comedy just to get those awful thoughts out of your head. Sorry Mom, I refuse to watch it ever again. Just no.
See, rambling, writer monkey, moving on.
But this is a whole Might situation, maybe I won’t have to choose because you know there are other people out there who are smarter and qualified and all that… but still, it’s there, looming in the background. Now it just depends on what the Library Goddess has to say. After that it’s Superwoman and then me. But I have a few days to get it all figured out.
You know how hard it is to be in 3 places at once? Today I was on the phone on the second floor while helping a patron on the first floor and checking other patrons out at the desk. I find that I’ve changed a lot since I’ve started working there just because it’s so hectic all the time and if I don’t know what I’m doing I have enough acting ability to pretend like I do. It’s like the me vs. qualified people thing again. I’m a Professional BS-er which really is just another term for “English Major”. I’m owning up to it. Before I was just a nerdy loner chick who ate lunch in her car. Oh don’t awww me, it’s better than the cliché lunch tray in the bathroom thing.
But it’s best if you seem confident in what you’re doing and remain positive, especially about the new system - it just makes us look bad if you bash it in front of the patrons. I use the words “quirks” as in “we’re still figuring out its quirks”, “wonky” as in “since we switched over the self-checks have been a bit wonky” and “we’re working on it” as in “we’re working on it” – well, “they’re working on it” a lot but it seems better than just bashing it and hoping to go back. Cause we’re not going back. I spend the majority of my downtown just figuring out shortcuts and doing random searches to see how best to navigate the catalog, but I’m a nerd like that.
And somebody! I ain’t mentioning names! Has branded me “Koha Whisperer” and 1-800’s me whenever there’s a problem. So I have to at least know a little bit about what I’m explaining. One of these days I’m just gonna write a handbook, print it off, highlight stuff and hang it around the desks. Then I can just walk by, point to a piece of paper and continue shelving.
But I like being the expert, it makes me feel useful, especially since I’m lowest on the food chain there. I don’t think I’ve ever been the expert on anything relevant to daily life. I mean other than movies, TV, music or anything Drew Barrymore. Which was daily life before I got the job. Jobs.
So, remember how yesterday I ended with the whole gonna finish that freaking puzzle thing? And then of course I didn't finish the freaking puzzle, I watched a movie instead - my motivation can only last so long which is why I'm typing so fast in hopes that I'll keep working on that damn apartment story after posting this, where was I?
Oh right, well I'm glad I didn't finish it cause this morning I woke up and Carter had destroyed the whole freaking thing. Like there are pieces of it all over my living room. So yeah, either he's taking out his rage/energy on tiny chunks of cardboard because they're a stationary target or he's some sort of cosmic judge saying that I've taken too long to put together a "simple" 300 piece puzzle and now as punishment for putting it off I get total annihilation instead. Thanks dude.
Or maybe he just knows me well enough that he knows I'll keep putting it off and putting it off and eventually get tired of it being in the way so I'll put it back in the box and throw it in the corner anyway. So really, he could be saving me hassle in the future. Or he's a punk.
It's an either/or situation.
It's not actually.
I already know he's a punk. Much like my work friends already know I'm crazy. There's no either/or involved in that.
At least he's a cute punk. A big, fat, lazy, sleeps on my stomach, cute punk.
Songs of the day:
“Imagine” Glee version
This scene still makes me cry.
“Forget You” Glee version
Totally have been neglecting my Gwyneth’s One Name Campaign thing as in “that’s so Gwyneth!” - will have to start using that again. It’s pretty much the equivalent of Wicked Awesome.
Everyone can use some Gwyneth in their life. Especially now that school is starting again and all that. People are in this sort of mood. Like somber mood. Gonna shake them up with some Gwyneth. Maybe that'll be my slogan for the campaign. "Shake up your day with some Gwyneth." She does have a multi-million dollar music deal on the table. She will soon be gracing our radios - and my ipod - huzzah!
ps-if you have no idea what the squares mean go here: My Life in Closed Captions: Circles, Squares and Ugly Women, Oh My!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it.
Oh my god, my hair is too long. I need to chop it off. Not like chop it all off, just a substantial amount of it. It needs to go away. I didn't even realize it was this long until I did the Saving Grace braid - yes, I'm back on that binge, it happens once a year around this time. I have the series, stupid ending included...just mean. I mean, how else would you end it? But still. I don't like it. - and it took forever! The braiding I mean. So yes, I needs to go away. Sometime soon. I miss the red. Now it's all blonde. Seriously. Cause apparently after the red fades it turns blonde.
It was like phonecall-central today.
Highlights include:
-"You're the cool aunt." I try.
-Dad's voicemail: "Dude," yes I'm Dude, "There's some new episodes of Swamp People on tonight. I'm recording it. Bye." Hangs up. Seriously. That was the voicemail, I love it.
-Saltdogs game = Saturday. Every year we siblings go to a Saltdogs game in celebration of my brother and brother-in-law's birthday. There is much drinking, eating hotdogs, dancing and joking involved. And yes, dancing. You can't disrespect the dance.
-"I am toneless."...
-"I am grief-stricken." "I thought you were toneless." "That was 30 seconds ago. Now I am grief-stricken."
I enjoy the word "stricken" it's just fun to say. Especially if you say it in a grief-stricken tone.
-"This is my valley girl tone."
Sketch loves me. She even said so. After I was silent for like 2 minutes. She caved. Yay!
Took a nap today, it was awesome. And got started on Six Feet Under. Scale of Awesome says 7/10, I mean, it's pretty good. Basically this funeral director dies and leaves his business to his kids, one of them already works there but the other is like the left home as soon as he could, then there's a daughter who's a stoner and an employee who's off the wall and then the mother who's been having an affair with this other dude for like years. It's funny. Like dark funny since it's about a funeral home. I'm debating if I want to stick with it. I mean, it's good, but there's a lot of seasons and I don't know if it's that that good. Yes, that that good.
But that's the bonus of a split shift. You pick something up in the morning, try it in the afternoon, if it sucks you return it at night, if it's awesome you order the next season. Plus you can nap. I love naps. As does my big fat cat.
Song of the day:
"Ice Ice Baby" Vanilla Ice
there's also a version of this song sang by Jim Carrey on youtube that I highly encourage you to check out.
Clips of the day:
Whose line is it anyway - Questions with Wigs
A family gathering
Scandel at a wedding
See my obstacle?
Okay, I'm on a mission. Gonna finish this freaking puzzle. I'll put on the new episode of Warehouse - it's Monday nights but I missed it - online and finish it. I'm determined. Cause yeah. It needs to be done.
It was like phonecall-central today.
Highlights include:
-"You're the cool aunt." I try.
-Dad's voicemail: "Dude," yes I'm Dude, "There's some new episodes of Swamp People on tonight. I'm recording it. Bye." Hangs up. Seriously. That was the voicemail, I love it.
-Saltdogs game = Saturday. Every year we siblings go to a Saltdogs game in celebration of my brother and brother-in-law's birthday. There is much drinking, eating hotdogs, dancing and joking involved. And yes, dancing. You can't disrespect the dance.
-"I am toneless."...
-"I am grief-stricken." "I thought you were toneless." "That was 30 seconds ago. Now I am grief-stricken."
I enjoy the word "stricken" it's just fun to say. Especially if you say it in a grief-stricken tone.
-"This is my valley girl tone."
Sketch loves me. She even said so. After I was silent for like 2 minutes. She caved. Yay!
Took a nap today, it was awesome. And got started on Six Feet Under. Scale of Awesome says 7/10, I mean, it's pretty good. Basically this funeral director dies and leaves his business to his kids, one of them already works there but the other is like the left home as soon as he could, then there's a daughter who's a stoner and an employee who's off the wall and then the mother who's been having an affair with this other dude for like years. It's funny. Like dark funny since it's about a funeral home. I'm debating if I want to stick with it. I mean, it's good, but there's a lot of seasons and I don't know if it's that that good. Yes, that that good.
But that's the bonus of a split shift. You pick something up in the morning, try it in the afternoon, if it sucks you return it at night, if it's awesome you order the next season. Plus you can nap. I love naps. As does my big fat cat.

Song of the day:
"Ice Ice Baby" Vanilla Ice
there's also a version of this song sang by Jim Carrey on youtube that I highly encourage you to check out.
Clips of the day:
Whose line is it anyway - Questions with Wigs
A family gathering
Scandel at a wedding
See my obstacle?
Okay, I'm on a mission. Gonna finish this freaking puzzle. I'll put on the new episode of Warehouse - it's Monday nights but I missed it - online and finish it. I'm determined. Cause yeah. It needs to be done.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Ghetto Superstar, that is what you are
Don't you hate it when you pack up a bunch of DVD's and books and stuff that are due but you forget they're in your bag so you totally don't drop them off even though you watched them like weeks ago but you keep forgetting to pack them and then when you finally don't forget you end up forgetting that you for once didn't forget so you forget to put them in the slot? Did that make sense?
close enough.
I'm getting fines cause I keep forgetting. Oh well, I'll take care of them later.
Totally stoked for Charlie's Angels the new series produced by Drew Barrymore, huzzah! Starting up on the 22nd of September which I guess is the 35th anniversary of the original series - take that Mom! I must be good since it's lasted that long! She makes fun of me cause I love it. So does Sketch, but whatever. The cheesy stunts and the too-loud music just adds to the show's dynamic of comedy, action, and more comedy. Cheesefest style.
"It's not the wilderness, Bosely."
So, from what I can tell, other than Drew's company Flower Films producing it they have the three angels - which to me are completely unknowns except for the blonde who played Lucy Fields on Grey's this past year.
And it's completely different - the chicks aren't all cops who were tired of the boring daily life, one was a thief, one was a dirty cop and the other was a carjacker and it's like Charlie is giving them a second chance or something.
Bosely is some dude who was in Battle Los Angeles, Robert Wagner was going to do the voice of Charlie but there was some sort of conflict there so I don't know if he's still attached to the project. But it will be Thursday nights on ABC like right before Grey's at 7.
here, watch this:
It looks a bit short-lived. Hopefully the series will be better than the previews.
This pilot is supposed to have Dina Meyer in it - aka Holly Snow from NCIS, Lady Irina from Castle, and Kate Miller from Friends. you know, the one that doesn't like Joey back, his costar who makes fun of him cause he couldn't open a carton of milk on an infomercial, then they're friends and they stay up talking and then she ditches him for LA? You know? maybe not. you have lives. I forget that sometimes.
"Everything" Michael Buble Live at Madison Square Garden
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
love all the accents. but the beginning of that song sounds too much like this song:
"Ghetto Superstar" Pras feat. Mya
cameo central.
so i sing that instead. even though this one is based off of this:
Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers "Islands in the Stream"
stick with it to the refrain, then you'll get it.
Had a burrito for supper, it was awesome. Think I'm gonna start going there more often. They have green tea too so I give them a thumbs up. Scale of Awesome says 9/10. Was nice, got off at 5 then started season one of 24. I'm still up in the air about that one. At this point I could take it or leave it. It's not all that intriguing and I'm kind of like, do I really need another series? I've got Six Feet Under waiting for me on the shelf plus all the ones I actually watch, if this one isn't interesting why put up with the 80 millions seasons it went through? Scale of Awesome says 5/10. I like some of the storylines but others are just stupid and I want them to move in. Which they don't. There are like 8 different storylines going at once. And it's 24 cause it's like 24 hours a day. Each episode is an hour in the day and it's like that for a whole season so like season 2 would be 24 hours of the next day. So, if there were like 8 seasons, which I think is what it was, but don't bet on that I don't really like the show so it's a total guess, it would just be 8 days total.
HA! There were 8, Aces!!
love that. "Have you seen these? You write important messages on them then affix them to objects. Aces!"
3 guesses as to who said that. Post-its, she's talking about post-its. Didn't know people could get that excited about post-its, but you should have seen my dorm rooms in college. Whenever I went on a writing binge they were hung all over the walls along with pictures of the characters and notes about their quirks, possible storylines and all that. I'm a nerd. I pick a character name then google for images on what I think they might look like, print them off and hang them up. Haven't had a chance to do that yet in my new apartment, it might look awkward in the living room, people see that room. Granted anyone who actually enters the room already knows about my crazy but for the maintenance people who occasionally visit, they don't need to know all about the crazy.
It is about time though - not for the crazy but for the pictures and all. Need to get back into the apartment story. I actually worked on that a little tonight just character names and ideas for each apartment.
alright, split shift tomorrow. gotta clean the apartment as well. out!
close enough.
I'm getting fines cause I keep forgetting. Oh well, I'll take care of them later.
Totally stoked for Charlie's Angels the new series produced by Drew Barrymore, huzzah! Starting up on the 22nd of September which I guess is the 35th anniversary of the original series - take that Mom! I must be good since it's lasted that long! She makes fun of me cause I love it. So does Sketch, but whatever. The cheesy stunts and the too-loud music just adds to the show's dynamic of comedy, action, and more comedy. Cheesefest style.
"It's not the wilderness, Bosely."
So, from what I can tell, other than Drew's company Flower Films producing it they have the three angels - which to me are completely unknowns except for the blonde who played Lucy Fields on Grey's this past year.
And it's completely different - the chicks aren't all cops who were tired of the boring daily life, one was a thief, one was a dirty cop and the other was a carjacker and it's like Charlie is giving them a second chance or something.
Bosely is some dude who was in Battle Los Angeles, Robert Wagner was going to do the voice of Charlie but there was some sort of conflict there so I don't know if he's still attached to the project. But it will be Thursday nights on ABC like right before Grey's at 7.
here, watch this:
It looks a bit short-lived. Hopefully the series will be better than the previews.
This pilot is supposed to have Dina Meyer in it - aka Holly Snow from NCIS, Lady Irina from Castle, and Kate Miller from Friends. you know, the one that doesn't like Joey back, his costar who makes fun of him cause he couldn't open a carton of milk on an infomercial, then they're friends and they stay up talking and then she ditches him for LA? You know? maybe not. you have lives. I forget that sometimes.
"Everything" Michael Buble Live at Madison Square Garden
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
love all the accents. but the beginning of that song sounds too much like this song:
"Ghetto Superstar" Pras feat. Mya
cameo central.
so i sing that instead. even though this one is based off of this:
Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers "Islands in the Stream"
stick with it to the refrain, then you'll get it.
Had a burrito for supper, it was awesome. Think I'm gonna start going there more often. They have green tea too so I give them a thumbs up. Scale of Awesome says 9/10. Was nice, got off at 5 then started season one of 24. I'm still up in the air about that one. At this point I could take it or leave it. It's not all that intriguing and I'm kind of like, do I really need another series? I've got Six Feet Under waiting for me on the shelf plus all the ones I actually watch, if this one isn't interesting why put up with the 80 millions seasons it went through? Scale of Awesome says 5/10. I like some of the storylines but others are just stupid and I want them to move in. Which they don't. There are like 8 different storylines going at once. And it's 24 cause it's like 24 hours a day. Each episode is an hour in the day and it's like that for a whole season so like season 2 would be 24 hours of the next day. So, if there were like 8 seasons, which I think is what it was, but don't bet on that I don't really like the show so it's a total guess, it would just be 8 days total.
HA! There were 8, Aces!!
love that. "Have you seen these? You write important messages on them then affix them to objects. Aces!"
3 guesses as to who said that. Post-its, she's talking about post-its. Didn't know people could get that excited about post-its, but you should have seen my dorm rooms in college. Whenever I went on a writing binge they were hung all over the walls along with pictures of the characters and notes about their quirks, possible storylines and all that. I'm a nerd. I pick a character name then google for images on what I think they might look like, print them off and hang them up. Haven't had a chance to do that yet in my new apartment, it might look awkward in the living room, people see that room. Granted anyone who actually enters the room already knows about my crazy but for the maintenance people who occasionally visit, they don't need to know all about the crazy.
It is about time though - not for the crazy but for the pictures and all. Need to get back into the apartment story. I actually worked on that a little tonight just character names and ideas for each apartment.
alright, split shift tomorrow. gotta clean the apartment as well. out!
apartment story,
charlie's angels,
dina meyer,
dolly parton,
drew barrymore,
ghetto superstar,
hg wells,
islands in the stream,
kenny rogers,
michael buble,
warehouse 13,
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Automatic, Supersonic, Hypnotic, Funky Fresh
There are people in the back of my dad's Suburban. Fake people. Life-size fake people. There are life-size fake people in the back of my dad's Suburban. With smiling faces. Surrounded by jugs of moonshine. It's oddly creepy yet totally cool.
Apparently they're supposed to go in his model T when he's not driving it. One of the many model T's anyway. He's kind of an old cars junkie. And old motorcycles, scooters, model trains, beer mugs, big screen tv's and reality television. Add in some bib overalls and a farmer's tan and you have my dad in a nutshell. But he's amusing so I like him. Despite his fascination with HeeHaw and need for me to see all the musical appearances.
The people are pretty cool. Mom drew the outlines on some insulation stuff and he cut them out then had some chick paint their faces. I should snap a photo and upload it. meeting was today. And, you'd think we'd be done, but nope. Getting together again next Monday to burn picture CD's and send out thank you's to the adult help/kids for coming. We went to my old high school - BTW, all the kids this year are getting laptops, I'm totally jealous. We got screwed. Even have the prison t-shirt's to prove it. They're cool, black with our date of a release on the front and our signatures on the back - anyway, hung out at the library and saw half of our teen help there registering for classes in the gym. Well not classes in the gym. But registering in the gym for classes. In classrooms. It's camp week already. I remember going a week early for KRT. Knights of the Round Table it was the elite choir. We traveled and all that. I actually registered during camp week my freshman year. I was #34 out of the 32 kids in my class. Didn't make sense to me either.
Can't believe they're old enough to go there. Makes me feel super old. Well, that and the fact that every time I go to a movie my left knee locks up and I limp for about an hour afterwards. Seriously. Old woman on the loose.
Sorry, yeah, camp meeting, just made plans about teen help next year - they seem to always be on the agenda but they were excellent this year so it was good talk, picked a possible day, talked over new themes. We're thinking The Ultimate Transformer. The t-shirts would be wicked awesome. Wow, haven't said that in a while.
Aside from all that it was cool to see everyone again. It's a fun gang. We order pizza, drink pop and joke about all the stuff that happened at camp. It's good to hear others thoughts and all that. I do NOT want to be night patrol again next year, even though I know I will because who else is gonna do it? It was okay except for the 3rd grade girls. Kicked my butt. In fact, just saw one of them not sleeping when she was supposed to be just a couple hours ago.
Went to help my sister-in-law with her new ipod. Downloading music before she goes on her trip. Pretty cool stuff. I was proud she knew who Hey Monday is. But apparently they play them on the radio now. I was stoked. No, I don't listen to the radio. Couldn't hear it over the headphones in my ears. I plug the ipod in an adapter when in my car. Yes, I'm obsessive. Speaking of obsessive, what's up with people freaking out on me when I don't answer my phone. Did I really used to be that bad? It's like, if I don't answer a text or a call that they assume I'm lying dead on the side of the road or something. Call the National Guard! She's not replying!
I actually just had this conversation. It's not that I don't like all of you. I think you're all pretty awesome actually, you do put up with me so that's new. Anyway, it's just that with public service and catering to people all day all I want to do is go home and crash with no human contact at all. Just me and my big fat cat. I know that some people don't understand that but it works for me. It's like people overload at work cause they're everywhere, all the time, with the screaming kids and angry patrons - I mean I love my job, if I didn't I wouldn't do it - but when I go home I don't want to have to deal with any of that.
School starts up soon. I have half my assignment done already - order the textbook, got that. Other half is printing off my library's mission statement. I have the freaking thing basically memorized anyway just because of Managing Collections class projects. Freakin' Library Goddess. Making me better at my job. Geez. Will be sad not having her for a Prof for this one. Who will I bring coffee to in the morning? Maybe I'll stop by her office or something.
"Car Wash" Christina Aguilera feat. Missy Elliot
they make a pretty good team. for this and moulin rouge.
"The things you do" Gina Thompson feat. Missy Elliot
absolutely hate this song. but love missy from 2:23-2:55 specifically 2:31-2:33, gotta love her explanation "I have no idea where that came from" so skip that intro crap. seriously.
"1,2 Step" Ciara feat. Missy Elliot
yes, it's a feat. Missy Elliot kind of day.
love this video, back when artists still danced. rollerskates and Axe spray included. What movie was it when they went and shot a music video with a bunch of kids. Was that "Honey". sounds like it. Maybe not.
Love Missy Elliot, I was obsessed with "Lose Control" and "Work It" for a while.
sleepin' in! huzzah! then back to work in the afternoon.
Apparently they're supposed to go in his model T when he's not driving it. One of the many model T's anyway. He's kind of an old cars junkie. And old motorcycles, scooters, model trains, beer mugs, big screen tv's and reality television. Add in some bib overalls and a farmer's tan and you have my dad in a nutshell. But he's amusing so I like him. Despite his fascination with HeeHaw and need for me to see all the musical appearances.
The people are pretty cool. Mom drew the outlines on some insulation stuff and he cut them out then had some chick paint their faces. I should snap a photo and upload it. meeting was today. And, you'd think we'd be done, but nope. Getting together again next Monday to burn picture CD's and send out thank you's to the adult help/kids for coming. We went to my old high school - BTW, all the kids this year are getting laptops, I'm totally jealous. We got screwed. Even have the prison t-shirt's to prove it. They're cool, black with our date of a release on the front and our signatures on the back - anyway, hung out at the library and saw half of our teen help there registering for classes in the gym. Well not classes in the gym. But registering in the gym for classes. In classrooms. It's camp week already. I remember going a week early for KRT. Knights of the Round Table it was the elite choir. We traveled and all that. I actually registered during camp week my freshman year. I was #34 out of the 32 kids in my class. Didn't make sense to me either.
Can't believe they're old enough to go there. Makes me feel super old. Well, that and the fact that every time I go to a movie my left knee locks up and I limp for about an hour afterwards. Seriously. Old woman on the loose.
Sorry, yeah, camp meeting, just made plans about teen help next year - they seem to always be on the agenda but they were excellent this year so it was good talk, picked a possible day, talked over new themes. We're thinking The Ultimate Transformer. The t-shirts would be wicked awesome. Wow, haven't said that in a while.
Aside from all that it was cool to see everyone again. It's a fun gang. We order pizza, drink pop and joke about all the stuff that happened at camp. It's good to hear others thoughts and all that. I do NOT want to be night patrol again next year, even though I know I will because who else is gonna do it? It was okay except for the 3rd grade girls. Kicked my butt. In fact, just saw one of them not sleeping when she was supposed to be just a couple hours ago.
Went to help my sister-in-law with her new ipod. Downloading music before she goes on her trip. Pretty cool stuff. I was proud she knew who Hey Monday is. But apparently they play them on the radio now. I was stoked. No, I don't listen to the radio. Couldn't hear it over the headphones in my ears. I plug the ipod in an adapter when in my car. Yes, I'm obsessive. Speaking of obsessive, what's up with people freaking out on me when I don't answer my phone. Did I really used to be that bad? It's like, if I don't answer a text or a call that they assume I'm lying dead on the side of the road or something. Call the National Guard! She's not replying!
I actually just had this conversation. It's not that I don't like all of you. I think you're all pretty awesome actually, you do put up with me so that's new. Anyway, it's just that with public service and catering to people all day all I want to do is go home and crash with no human contact at all. Just me and my big fat cat. I know that some people don't understand that but it works for me. It's like people overload at work cause they're everywhere, all the time, with the screaming kids and angry patrons - I mean I love my job, if I didn't I wouldn't do it - but when I go home I don't want to have to deal with any of that.
School starts up soon. I have half my assignment done already - order the textbook, got that. Other half is printing off my library's mission statement. I have the freaking thing basically memorized anyway just because of Managing Collections class projects. Freakin' Library Goddess. Making me better at my job. Geez. Will be sad not having her for a Prof for this one. Who will I bring coffee to in the morning? Maybe I'll stop by her office or something.
"Car Wash" Christina Aguilera feat. Missy Elliot
they make a pretty good team. for this and moulin rouge.
"The things you do" Gina Thompson feat. Missy Elliot
absolutely hate this song. but love missy from 2:23-2:55 specifically 2:31-2:33, gotta love her explanation "I have no idea where that came from" so skip that intro crap. seriously.
"1,2 Step" Ciara feat. Missy Elliot
yes, it's a feat. Missy Elliot kind of day.
love this video, back when artists still danced. rollerskates and Axe spray included. What movie was it when they went and shot a music video with a bunch of kids. Was that "Honey". sounds like it. Maybe not.
Love Missy Elliot, I was obsessed with "Lose Control" and "Work It" for a while.
sleepin' in! huzzah! then back to work in the afternoon.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Groove is in the Heart
So, what did I do with my halfday off?
Rizzoli and Isles dancing behind the scenes - gotta love it
oh the joys. they do this a lot. but this was angie's birthday so i felt the need to post it.
She's back!
Paget's back on set. love it. Totally stoked for Criminal Minds - coming back September 21st! And the whole gang is signed in for the new season. They said they're bringing her back first episode but we'll see. You know Morgan's gonna be mad. Hotch will probably take a beating cause he knew. Not sure about JJ.
Other than working 11-2, not finishing my puzzle, writing barely, cleaning out my desktop, I did catch up on my TV/movies.
Watched the new Warehouse 13 online. HG's back with a vengeance! I heard rumors of a spinoff, I'm stoked but not. Cause I mean it'd be awesome cause she'd have her own show. But then it wouldn't because she wouldn't be with Pete and Myka and Claudia and all that. Maybe they'll do crossover episodes like they do with Eureka. and now apparently Alphas. It's like SyFy is blending all their shows together. Which is sweet. I know, nerd. Moving on. This week's episode was awesome, I highly encourage you find it online. Jack and Rebecca are back - "And me?" "You gaze at me lovingly." - they were Warehouse agents back in the 60's and Rebecca came in first season to help with case. They brought her back in second season and now in the third. Awesomeness.
Then went to see this:
Cowboys and Aliens
It actually was pretty good. Scale of Awesome says 8/10. Indiana Jones meets Space Cowboy Bond in this western good vs. evil flick. Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, Olivia Wilde, Sam Rockwell. Directed by Jon Favreau - but see, everytime I hear that name I think of him in the Replacements, not him as the director of Iron Man.
Anyway, despite peoples' negative opinions on the movie - those who haven't seen it and say it looks dumb - I rather liked it. and would totally see it again...on DVD.
Quotes of the night:
"You're a bit of a blonde in a brunette's body."
me to my niece. cause it's true. she's just a little goofy. and times. We told her she needs her own blog and that can be the title. The post can all be about B words. Boys. Brains. Bananas. Whatever. We'll see what happens with that.
"Watch out for Bobis."
not even gonna try to explain that one.
Oldest Sister: "Get your head out of your purse!"
M: "It smells nice in here!"
and the famous
M: "Blame it on Dad. It's his fault I'm stupid."
but she knows how to spell stupid, so she's not that bad.
Also tonight saw the preview for the new Three Musketeers movie - totally going go see that.
Love Mr. Darcy with a sword and Orlando Bloom as the bad guy.
Music Rec's for the night:
"King of Wishful Thinking" Go West
played before the movie tonight - had to google the original artist
"Groove is in the Heart" Deee-Lite
love the video. everything disco is just fantastic - clothing, dancing, just pure awesomeness.
Rizzoli and Isles dancing behind the scenes - gotta love it
oh the joys. they do this a lot. but this was angie's birthday so i felt the need to post it.
She's back!

Paget's back on set. love it. Totally stoked for Criminal Minds - coming back September 21st! And the whole gang is signed in for the new season. They said they're bringing her back first episode but we'll see. You know Morgan's gonna be mad. Hotch will probably take a beating cause he knew. Not sure about JJ.
Other than working 11-2, not finishing my puzzle, writing barely, cleaning out my desktop, I did catch up on my TV/movies.
Watched the new Warehouse 13 online. HG's back with a vengeance! I heard rumors of a spinoff, I'm stoked but not. Cause I mean it'd be awesome cause she'd have her own show. But then it wouldn't because she wouldn't be with Pete and Myka and Claudia and all that. Maybe they'll do crossover episodes like they do with Eureka. and now apparently Alphas. It's like SyFy is blending all their shows together. Which is sweet. I know, nerd. Moving on. This week's episode was awesome, I highly encourage you find it online. Jack and Rebecca are back - "And me?" "You gaze at me lovingly." - they were Warehouse agents back in the 60's and Rebecca came in first season to help with case. They brought her back in second season and now in the third. Awesomeness.
Then went to see this:
Cowboys and Aliens
It actually was pretty good. Scale of Awesome says 8/10. Indiana Jones meets Space Cowboy Bond in this western good vs. evil flick. Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, Olivia Wilde, Sam Rockwell. Directed by Jon Favreau - but see, everytime I hear that name I think of him in the Replacements, not him as the director of Iron Man.
Anyway, despite peoples' negative opinions on the movie - those who haven't seen it and say it looks dumb - I rather liked it. and would totally see it again...on DVD.
Quotes of the night:
"You're a bit of a blonde in a brunette's body."
me to my niece. cause it's true. she's just a little goofy. and times. We told her she needs her own blog and that can be the title. The post can all be about B words. Boys. Brains. Bananas. Whatever. We'll see what happens with that.
"Watch out for Bobis."
not even gonna try to explain that one.
Oldest Sister: "Get your head out of your purse!"
M: "It smells nice in here!"
and the famous
M: "Blame it on Dad. It's his fault I'm stupid."
but she knows how to spell stupid, so she's not that bad.
Also tonight saw the preview for the new Three Musketeers movie - totally going go see that.
Love Mr. Darcy with a sword and Orlando Bloom as the bad guy.
Music Rec's for the night:
"King of Wishful Thinking" Go West
played before the movie tonight - had to google the original artist
"Groove is in the Heart" Deee-Lite
love the video. everything disco is just fantastic - clothing, dancing, just pure awesomeness.
Friday, August 12, 2011
She'll make her way.
Put batteries in my wand. Best flashlight ever!
"Do you want juice or are you a milk person?" I hate milk. It's gross. Watching the Warehouse pilot. Moving on.
Last year today was when Delayed...Reaction did all of our recording which reminds me that I need to work more on that song. Maybe it'll be finished by next year. Ha! It's not as easy when it's just me.
Saw Harry Potter 7 with the boys tonight. Was cool, worked 9-6, went to Applebees for hamburgers and then hit up the movie. Loved it. "Blow it up? Boom?" "Boom!" 3rd time was even better. I love it. But totally sad that it's over. Hope PotterMore is awesome as well. We talked comics - as we usually do - and are stoked for the new Batman and Avengers movies.
Now I'm totally stoked to sleep in tomorrow. Only working part of the day then going to see a movie with Oldest Sister and maybe getting food. Can't remember what we're going to see but we're going to see something. Oh! Cowboys and Aliens. Cause it looks awesome. It's like Indiana Jones meets Space Bond. Who's lost his memory.
Think I'll wear my Angry Birds t-shirt to work tomorrow. I love being an Aide.
Still haven't finished that freaking puzzle. I just have this weird feeling that Oldest Sister is gonna steal a piece while I'm at work give it to me for Christmas. Because that's totally what I would do if the situation was reversed. And she's more devious than me.
Songs of the day:
"Wonder" Natalie Merchant
i enjoy her as well, solo and 10,000 maniacs.
"One Fine Day"
one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite movies. not talking about the rosie odonnell show, i'm talking One Fine Day - Michelle Pfeiffer and George Clooney plus little Mae Whitman and Alex D. Linz.
totally starving. gonna eat the rest of that chicken tikka - that i didn't eat last night around 2. yes, small children sleep more than i do, you knew that already.
"Do you want juice or are you a milk person?" I hate milk. It's gross. Watching the Warehouse pilot. Moving on.
Last year today was when Delayed...Reaction did all of our recording which reminds me that I need to work more on that song. Maybe it'll be finished by next year. Ha! It's not as easy when it's just me.
Saw Harry Potter 7 with the boys tonight. Was cool, worked 9-6, went to Applebees for hamburgers and then hit up the movie. Loved it. "Blow it up? Boom?" "Boom!" 3rd time was even better. I love it. But totally sad that it's over. Hope PotterMore is awesome as well. We talked comics - as we usually do - and are stoked for the new Batman and Avengers movies.
Now I'm totally stoked to sleep in tomorrow. Only working part of the day then going to see a movie with Oldest Sister and maybe getting food. Can't remember what we're going to see but we're going to see something. Oh! Cowboys and Aliens. Cause it looks awesome. It's like Indiana Jones meets Space Bond. Who's lost his memory.
Think I'll wear my Angry Birds t-shirt to work tomorrow. I love being an Aide.
Still haven't finished that freaking puzzle. I just have this weird feeling that Oldest Sister is gonna steal a piece while I'm at work give it to me for Christmas. Because that's totally what I would do if the situation was reversed. And she's more devious than me.
Songs of the day:
"Wonder" Natalie Merchant
i enjoy her as well, solo and 10,000 maniacs.
"One Fine Day"
one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite movies. not talking about the rosie odonnell show, i'm talking One Fine Day - Michelle Pfeiffer and George Clooney plus little Mae Whitman and Alex D. Linz.
totally starving. gonna eat the rest of that chicken tikka - that i didn't eat last night around 2. yes, small children sleep more than i do, you knew that already.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I'm the butler, I like to keep the kitchen tidy.
I love that someone typed "exploded babysitter" into google and got to my blog. That's fantastic. Also amusing, another person's search for "O Lord of Light" ended up with 2G's version. Hope we didn't scar them for life.
Wore my 2G shirt to work today. Well, tonight anyway. I usually wear jeans and a nice shirt if I'm headed to the main branch since I'm like a professional there. Or para-professional. Their words not mine. This is why I love camp. Got back to my roots and wore t-shirts and sport shorts the whole time. That's the actual me. I used to wear tear-aways, t-shirts and a backwards hat every day to school for years. This whole jeans and a nice shirt thing is like prom to me. Every day. Which is why it's nice to throw in a superhero shirt or funny reference one every once in a while when I'm just an Aide.
Besides, I've learned not to wear those shirts at the other branch. If they're going to stare at my chest I would rather them do it in silence and get it over with instead of staring and overwhelming me with conversation about the symbol emblazoned across my chest. That's just awkward.
Staff meeting this morning where my Koha Whisperer thing was made known. Now I'm just nervous they're going to ask me actual questions. Go to someone smart. I'm just a cronie. After that it was covering at the other branch while they had their staff meeting. Okay, I'm calling favorite cause at which branch does she bring pizza to a staff meeting? Yeah. But I got two pieces. Cause it's my branch too. And it was my lunch hour. And that branch is obsessed with all things bread. I blame Space Cadet. Her baking skills got us hooked. They're constantly finding recipes in books and trying to bribe her into making them. It's amusing. She says she'll slip me a few easy recipes that I won't burn down my apartment with. That should be interesting.
After all that fun it was lunch hour - yes a whole hour! that I didn't have to spend finding parking! - so I ran back to the apartment and watched Bonekickers - "like graveyard jenga down here" c'mon you knew that was coming - then went back for three hours and shelved in my bright orange shirt. Joe Studley said I needed to turn it down. It's that bright. I'm proud. Then dinner with Second Sister, got my leftovers in the fridge! I'm stoked for chicken tikka and rice at 3AM. Yes, small children sleep more than I do, get over it.
Then we hit up Barnes and Noble which...okay I used to make fun of it because it was a big bookstore and then they started selling all this other crap and I was like, "get that out of my bookstore!" Now I work at a library, so they can sell whatever they want. Anyway, so I go in, and okay, remember how I'm a nerd. And I got a raise. So what does a nerd do when they get a raise? They buy a wand. That lights up. And is awesome.
Yes a raise. It's interesting in these budget times but I'll take it. Another fun work thing - got my year evaluation! Which is amusing cause I still haven't gotten my 6 month one yet. Again, I'll take it. As long as he doesn't say that I suck. Which, I don't think I do. People are generally glad when I'm there. But I'm a nerd and make them laugh so maybe that's part of it.
Anyway, right, so in between the chicken tikka and the wand-buying was the driving from place to place and I pulled out of the parking lot following her and she's driving and suddenly pulls in the parking lot and starts waving all frantic and flailing. "Why are you following me?!" She was lost. And technically I live like less than a few miles from the place so I guess it would make more sense if I were to lead. So, I led, and got us on the right road and I'm calling Oldest Sister to see if she can meet us and I see Second Sister pass me in the lane next to me. I was like, "What?! She's in the wrong lane!" like chanting it, "She's in the wrong lane, she's in the wrong lane" all while being on the phone with Second Sister when we pull up to the stoplight and she turns...which makes me realize that it was me in the wrong lane. It's another one of those zombie moments, you know when you're driving on a road you take often but to a different destination and you're just used to driving to that place. Anyway, she turned but I was able to switch lanes and turn behind her. Meanwhile Oldest Sister was probably making fun of me the whole time.
OH! BTW - she has threatened to come to my apartment and steal a piece out of all my puzzles. That's just mean. I don't need any help from you to not finish the thing.
"Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of the other guests?!"
"You don't need any help from me sir."
"That's right!"
name that movie. if you were at camp you'd be all over it.
I blamed my poor sense of direction on being on the phone. "I can only remain sane when not involved in actual conversation." quote of the day. true story.
It was a Lily Allen kind of day. Yes, I've posted a lot of hers since she's my favorite, here are a few new ones.
"The Fear" Live version at The Sound on BBC 2
"Smile" official video
awful. love 2:21. was she eating candy with the wrapper still on it? i totally have those headphones.
these are both two of her biggest hits, yes she's british but she's awesome. we like british people, they're cool and have fun accents.
"But he was your second husband. Your first husband also disappeared."
"But that was his job. He was an illusionist."
"But he never reappeared!"
"He wasn't a very good illusionist."
Wore my 2G shirt to work today. Well, tonight anyway. I usually wear jeans and a nice shirt if I'm headed to the main branch since I'm like a professional there. Or para-professional. Their words not mine. This is why I love camp. Got back to my roots and wore t-shirts and sport shorts the whole time. That's the actual me. I used to wear tear-aways, t-shirts and a backwards hat every day to school for years. This whole jeans and a nice shirt thing is like prom to me. Every day. Which is why it's nice to throw in a superhero shirt or funny reference one every once in a while when I'm just an Aide.
Besides, I've learned not to wear those shirts at the other branch. If they're going to stare at my chest I would rather them do it in silence and get it over with instead of staring and overwhelming me with conversation about the symbol emblazoned across my chest. That's just awkward.
Staff meeting this morning where my Koha Whisperer thing was made known. Now I'm just nervous they're going to ask me actual questions. Go to someone smart. I'm just a cronie. After that it was covering at the other branch while they had their staff meeting. Okay, I'm calling favorite cause at which branch does she bring pizza to a staff meeting? Yeah. But I got two pieces. Cause it's my branch too. And it was my lunch hour. And that branch is obsessed with all things bread. I blame Space Cadet. Her baking skills got us hooked. They're constantly finding recipes in books and trying to bribe her into making them. It's amusing. She says she'll slip me a few easy recipes that I won't burn down my apartment with. That should be interesting.
After all that fun it was lunch hour - yes a whole hour! that I didn't have to spend finding parking! - so I ran back to the apartment and watched Bonekickers - "like graveyard jenga down here" c'mon you knew that was coming - then went back for three hours and shelved in my bright orange shirt. Joe Studley said I needed to turn it down. It's that bright. I'm proud. Then dinner with Second Sister, got my leftovers in the fridge! I'm stoked for chicken tikka and rice at 3AM. Yes, small children sleep more than I do, get over it.
Then we hit up Barnes and Noble which...okay I used to make fun of it because it was a big bookstore and then they started selling all this other crap and I was like, "get that out of my bookstore!" Now I work at a library, so they can sell whatever they want. Anyway, so I go in, and okay, remember how I'm a nerd. And I got a raise. So what does a nerd do when they get a raise? They buy a wand. That lights up. And is awesome.
Yes a raise. It's interesting in these budget times but I'll take it. Another fun work thing - got my year evaluation! Which is amusing cause I still haven't gotten my 6 month one yet. Again, I'll take it. As long as he doesn't say that I suck. Which, I don't think I do. People are generally glad when I'm there. But I'm a nerd and make them laugh so maybe that's part of it.
Anyway, right, so in between the chicken tikka and the wand-buying was the driving from place to place and I pulled out of the parking lot following her and she's driving and suddenly pulls in the parking lot and starts waving all frantic and flailing. "Why are you following me?!" She was lost. And technically I live like less than a few miles from the place so I guess it would make more sense if I were to lead. So, I led, and got us on the right road and I'm calling Oldest Sister to see if she can meet us and I see Second Sister pass me in the lane next to me. I was like, "What?! She's in the wrong lane!" like chanting it, "She's in the wrong lane, she's in the wrong lane" all while being on the phone with Second Sister when we pull up to the stoplight and she turns...which makes me realize that it was me in the wrong lane. It's another one of those zombie moments, you know when you're driving on a road you take often but to a different destination and you're just used to driving to that place. Anyway, she turned but I was able to switch lanes and turn behind her. Meanwhile Oldest Sister was probably making fun of me the whole time.
OH! BTW - she has threatened to come to my apartment and steal a piece out of all my puzzles. That's just mean. I don't need any help from you to not finish the thing.
"Are you trying to make me look stupid in front of the other guests?!"
"You don't need any help from me sir."
"That's right!"
name that movie. if you were at camp you'd be all over it.
I blamed my poor sense of direction on being on the phone. "I can only remain sane when not involved in actual conversation." quote of the day. true story.
It was a Lily Allen kind of day. Yes, I've posted a lot of hers since she's my favorite, here are a few new ones.
"The Fear" Live version at The Sound on BBC 2
"Smile" official video
awful. love 2:21. was she eating candy with the wrapper still on it? i totally have those headphones.
these are both two of her biggest hits, yes she's british but she's awesome. we like british people, they're cool and have fun accents.
"But he was your second husband. Your first husband also disappeared."
"But that was his job. He was an illusionist."
"But he never reappeared!"
"He wasn't a very good illusionist."
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
touch and go with your white lies
So, we have this new system at work. It's called Koha. It has its benefits, we're still trying to find the bulk of them, but...
Anyway, I've been dubbed as the smaller branch's Koha Whisperer and Sensei has been joking about me writing the handbook for it. It was hysterical, I sent out an email to the branch about how to cancel a hold in transit and she said it would make a great first chapter and that she would add in the color commentary. We're throwing ideas back and forth.
I never realized how cool phone conversations are. I mean, I rarely talk on the phone but like, you can hear someone's voice. And they're not really there. Sorry, Gilmore Girls, Emily: "I still think transcontinental calls are a bigger deal than they are."
Today I was total zombie autopilot - 4 hours of sleep for a 9-6, not smart - but when you're in public service it's like you say the same things over and over.
Them: "Nice watch"
Me: "Thanks, my sister got it for me for Christmas. She thought it was time I wore one that wasn't broken."
Them: "Oh, I have fines?"
Me: "It's cool, I have fines and I'm here every day."
Plus all the basics, "Can I help you find something?" "Do you happen to have your card with you?" "Do you have a photo ID with you?" "Anything else I can help you find?" "Do you want a bag for those?" That's what screwed me over today. Pretty sure I asked a lady if she wanted a bag twice and she said no both times - but of course I didn't realize I'd already asked her until the second time she said no and looked at me funny. Technically, the looking at me funny thing isn't all that out of the ordinary so maybe I didn't screw it up zombie-style.
"You know, people are calling you 'the blur'"
"That's mean. Or is it? What is that?"
Alright, out early, staff meeting tomorrow. Hope tonight is better. Last night I laid in bed for like hours and couldn't sleep. 4AM to 8AM was all I got. Blah.
"I kept reaching in for strawberries and coming out with liver, that's not pleasant!"
Songs of the day:
Stacy Clark's greatest hits as promised.
Song 1: "touch and go"
the taking random pictures of strangers part confuses me, but awesome song.
song 2: "white lies"
no video yet but she does have her own channel now, huzzah!
"Please erase this from your brain."
"I will definitely try."
staff meeting tomorrow morning, possible dinner with sisters to follow work, then friday is more work and harry potter with the boys. 3rd time, gonna be awesome.
still actually working on my puzzle. surprised i haven't thrown it in the closet yet. this one is kicking my butt. i did all the faces, and the outline and all that but i have all these blank pieces now with no distinguishing markers so i'm screwed.
"The blur is off!"
Anyway, I've been dubbed as the smaller branch's Koha Whisperer and Sensei has been joking about me writing the handbook for it. It was hysterical, I sent out an email to the branch about how to cancel a hold in transit and she said it would make a great first chapter and that she would add in the color commentary. We're throwing ideas back and forth.
I never realized how cool phone conversations are. I mean, I rarely talk on the phone but like, you can hear someone's voice. And they're not really there. Sorry, Gilmore Girls, Emily: "I still think transcontinental calls are a bigger deal than they are."
Today I was total zombie autopilot - 4 hours of sleep for a 9-6, not smart - but when you're in public service it's like you say the same things over and over.
Them: "Nice watch"
Me: "Thanks, my sister got it for me for Christmas. She thought it was time I wore one that wasn't broken."
Them: "Oh, I have fines?"
Me: "It's cool, I have fines and I'm here every day."
Plus all the basics, "Can I help you find something?" "Do you happen to have your card with you?" "Do you have a photo ID with you?" "Anything else I can help you find?" "Do you want a bag for those?" That's what screwed me over today. Pretty sure I asked a lady if she wanted a bag twice and she said no both times - but of course I didn't realize I'd already asked her until the second time she said no and looked at me funny. Technically, the looking at me funny thing isn't all that out of the ordinary so maybe I didn't screw it up zombie-style.
"You know, people are calling you 'the blur'"
"That's mean. Or is it? What is that?"
Alright, out early, staff meeting tomorrow. Hope tonight is better. Last night I laid in bed for like hours and couldn't sleep. 4AM to 8AM was all I got. Blah.
"I kept reaching in for strawberries and coming out with liver, that's not pleasant!"
Songs of the day:
Stacy Clark's greatest hits as promised.
Song 1: "touch and go"
the taking random pictures of strangers part confuses me, but awesome song.
song 2: "white lies"
no video yet but she does have her own channel now, huzzah!
"Please erase this from your brain."
"I will definitely try."
staff meeting tomorrow morning, possible dinner with sisters to follow work, then friday is more work and harry potter with the boys. 3rd time, gonna be awesome.
still actually working on my puzzle. surprised i haven't thrown it in the closet yet. this one is kicking my butt. i did all the faces, and the outline and all that but i have all these blank pieces now with no distinguishing markers so i'm screwed.
"The blur is off!"
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
This Issue Is Not For Checkout
Okay, so weirdest thing ever. I shelve the morning away, run my errands, feed my cat, start a project then come back to work where my coworker finds the youth section to be like a disaster area. All the stuff was all turned backwards, stuff was on its side - and it wasn't like a normal little kid invasion where there's stuff all over the floor. Literally all the VHS tapes in that area were turned backwards, a bunch of the CD Roms, and the books on display were all on their backs. So weird. Space Cadet and I were just weirded out. I took pictures and sent them to Superwoman, not knowing what else to do. What would you do? Like, I don't even know how that happened. It's just too weird.
I love working with Space Cadet. It's kind of a competition as to who can say the words "Space Cadet" first. It's amusing. "It's da Space Cadet!!" is usually my opening line.
Anyway, remember how I'm a nerd? I got these Star Wars crossword puzzles, cause I'm a nerd. And started one. Dude. I suck at puzzles. I used to have all these Star Wars puzzles like framed on my wall and I was like, dude, only 300 pieces I can do this. But no, I'm missing my sister-in-law who totally rocked at helping me. I was a kid so 1000 pieces was a little out of reach. I figured I could rock it, but nope. I'm stuck on a 300 piece one, I haven't even started the 500 piece one. But it's a bunch of faces. I can name the most of them but making them fit together is like more than I can handle. Maybe I'm distracted. SVU is on, I look up every 5 seconds.
OH MY GOD, why would you hold on to a dead body for 14 years? Wouldn't that be like disgusting? Even if you stuffed it in a trunk? That's just gross. Sorry, I've been watching too much SVU. Even Carter's grossed out. Sittin' in front of me turned away from the TV.
"Do you propose to try your case right here, Miss Cabot?"
"No, I'm just merely using rhetoric to prove my point."
"One of your more endearing qualities."
Anyway, Star Wars puzzle: Take one. I suck. Even Carter knows it. He just stares at me. I gave up. He's not easy to do puzzles around. Or wrap presents. He has to lay in the middle of everything. Like, you lay out all the wrapping paper and he lays in the middle of it before you can stick the present on it. And he doesn't move. I think he got that from Junior. He used to do it too. It was worse when they were together. You'd lay out wrapping paper and Junior would lay on that. So you'd go get more paper, lay that out and Carter would lay on that. Then Junior would be jealous cause you weren't using his paper so he would growl at Carter, who would jump at him, then I'd have to separate them and by the time I was done catching them both - individually - and putting them both in the basement, I'd lost all energy to wrap up the freakin' presents anyway.
OOOHHHHH, Cabot's in contempt. Behind bars. Busted.
Where was I? Puzzles right. I'm a nerd. Did I mention that?
Space Cadet: "Don't you have a cardtable?"
I told her they were a phase. Which is true. By tomorrow they'll probably be kicked in a corner or something. What are these doing in my living room? What was I thinking? You're such a nerd. Yes, I talk to myself. In both 1st and 3rd person.
Got new shoes today. They're black and awesome. I put some new laces in them. Hopefully they'll last longer than my last ones. Which are still totally comfortable. And totally backwards. They broke from the outside in, instead of me dragging my feet and breaking the backs. This time I would step on the backs to take them off and ripped one in half.
Quote of the day: "Well, isn't that just kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic," (Friends, Rachel).
Songs of the day: Hey Monday - the underrated pop band of awesomeness - I found them a while ago...before Glee took one of their let's say, least best? Is that a phrase? Least best. Not the best one of their releases... and made the Warblers do it at Regionals. Not sure why they picked that. "Fall Into Me" has basically the same message and is better written, music-wise.
"I Don't Wanna Dance"
their most well-known release
"Fall Into Me"
song mentioned earlier.
Love it. If you like them check out Stacy Clark. Similar in style and lyrics. I'll post hers tomorrow.
Out for the night.
I love working with Space Cadet. It's kind of a competition as to who can say the words "Space Cadet" first. It's amusing. "It's da Space Cadet!!" is usually my opening line.
Anyway, remember how I'm a nerd? I got these Star Wars crossword puzzles, cause I'm a nerd. And started one. Dude. I suck at puzzles. I used to have all these Star Wars puzzles like framed on my wall and I was like, dude, only 300 pieces I can do this. But no, I'm missing my sister-in-law who totally rocked at helping me. I was a kid so 1000 pieces was a little out of reach. I figured I could rock it, but nope. I'm stuck on a 300 piece one, I haven't even started the 500 piece one. But it's a bunch of faces. I can name the most of them but making them fit together is like more than I can handle. Maybe I'm distracted. SVU is on, I look up every 5 seconds.
OH MY GOD, why would you hold on to a dead body for 14 years? Wouldn't that be like disgusting? Even if you stuffed it in a trunk? That's just gross. Sorry, I've been watching too much SVU. Even Carter's grossed out. Sittin' in front of me turned away from the TV.
"Do you propose to try your case right here, Miss Cabot?"
"No, I'm just merely using rhetoric to prove my point."
"One of your more endearing qualities."
Anyway, Star Wars puzzle: Take one. I suck. Even Carter knows it. He just stares at me. I gave up. He's not easy to do puzzles around. Or wrap presents. He has to lay in the middle of everything. Like, you lay out all the wrapping paper and he lays in the middle of it before you can stick the present on it. And he doesn't move. I think he got that from Junior. He used to do it too. It was worse when they were together. You'd lay out wrapping paper and Junior would lay on that. So you'd go get more paper, lay that out and Carter would lay on that. Then Junior would be jealous cause you weren't using his paper so he would growl at Carter, who would jump at him, then I'd have to separate them and by the time I was done catching them both - individually - and putting them both in the basement, I'd lost all energy to wrap up the freakin' presents anyway.
OOOHHHHH, Cabot's in contempt. Behind bars. Busted.
Where was I? Puzzles right. I'm a nerd. Did I mention that?
Space Cadet: "Don't you have a cardtable?"
I told her they were a phase. Which is true. By tomorrow they'll probably be kicked in a corner or something. What are these doing in my living room? What was I thinking? You're such a nerd. Yes, I talk to myself. In both 1st and 3rd person.
Got new shoes today. They're black and awesome. I put some new laces in them. Hopefully they'll last longer than my last ones. Which are still totally comfortable. And totally backwards. They broke from the outside in, instead of me dragging my feet and breaking the backs. This time I would step on the backs to take them off and ripped one in half.
Quote of the day: "Well, isn't that just kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic," (Friends, Rachel).
Songs of the day: Hey Monday - the underrated pop band of awesomeness - I found them a while ago...before Glee took one of their let's say, least best? Is that a phrase? Least best. Not the best one of their releases... and made the Warblers do it at Regionals. Not sure why they picked that. "Fall Into Me" has basically the same message and is better written, music-wise.
"I Don't Wanna Dance"
their most well-known release
"Fall Into Me"
song mentioned earlier.
Love it. If you like them check out Stacy Clark. Similar in style and lyrics. I'll post hers tomorrow.
Out for the night.
Monday, August 8, 2011
That poster needs more exclamation marks.
"Scott, if your life had a face I'd punch it."
You know what my favorite thing in life is? When people plan it for me. I just love that. Like, they pick out who I'm supposed to be with because we're soulmates or something. And there are a group of them that think this. One of them is an ex-boyfriend and is the one who told the supposed-soulmate that we're meant to be. What does that say about our past relationship? I'm tired of it. Yes, I'm indecisive but please, don't assume that I'm going to marry someone that you think I'm meant to be with just because you tell me OR HIM! that it's meant to be. If we were soulmates something would have happened already.
Moving on.
"He punched the highlights out of her hair!!"
Loving Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Giving it an 8/10 on the Scale of Awesome. And oh my god, it took me the whole freaking movie to figure out that Ramona is Lucy McClane from "Live Free or Die Hard" aka John McClane's kickass daughter. " there are only five of them" girl. All I could think of was Claudia plus some mystery character that I'd seen in a movie at one point or another. It drove me nuts. But huzzah! It's her. And yeah, it's like a mixture of Claudia from the Warehouse and Lucy from LFODH. Pretty much sums up Ramona Flowers, colored hair included. Well, minus the seven evil exes. Claudia does have one in witness protection but that's a different story.
"Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" is a movie based off a series of comic books by Bryan Lee O'Malley - yes it's at the library - it's filled with comedy, action, and video game effects. It jumps from scene to scene similar to a graphic novel with an abundance of gaming sound effects and subtitles all over the place.
And Mae Whitman, again. God that chick is in everything. You may know her as Lauren Graham's daughter on "Parenthood" but she'll forever be Maggie Taylor from "One Fine Day" to me. Or Heather whatever her last name is from Grey's when her spine is like all weird and bent in half or something. I just remember Izzie has this line, "You're in pain. Sometimes I'm a bitch for no reason at all." But I guess it's fitting since she guest-starred on Arrested Development as Michael Cera's girlfriend. He plays Scott Pilgrim, the nerd who's in a band - called Sex Bob-Omb - who has to battle Ramona Flowers' 7 evil exes in order to be with her. They've formed this sort of league thing to kill him. It's amusing.
I loved the Wallace character as well. Played by The Other Culkin Boy. Kieran, not McCaulay. Yeah, the other one. He plays Fuller in Home Alone - "I don't want to sleep with Fuller, he wets the bed!" As mentioned earlier, I've seen too many movies which is why it took me over an hour to figure out that Ramona Flowers was actually Lucy McClane with colored hair.
The movie was semi-like The Rocker. I thought it would be dumb going in but ended up with an awesome soundtrack. I'm jamming to "Garbage Truck" and "Black Sheep" huzzah for all things obscure. "We are Sex Bob-Omb and we're here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff!" then the music plays. I was cracking up.
Also amusing that Chris Evans plays one of the evil exes and it was just so different than his Captain America character that we just went to see yesterday that I literally had to sit up and stare at him to make sure it was actually him. I'm still secretly wondering how they made him all scrawny in Captain America before he gets all the injections. I'm assuming he didn't drop 100 pounds and shrink a few feet for the role but you never know.
"You made me swallow my gum!"
"Money that's what I want" Flying Lizards
She's not lipsyncing. I have no idea what you're talking about.
this is super cool
didn't know how they did that with the piano
"Love Song" Sara Bareilles
Still haven't made my grocery run yet. I was going to today but Mom brought lunch and pop - as mentioned earlier I can live without food just not without pop so I should be good for a while. My cat, on the other hand, is almost out of food so I'll have to at least get that tomorrow. Might as well do them all at once.
You know what my favorite thing in life is? When people plan it for me. I just love that. Like, they pick out who I'm supposed to be with because we're soulmates or something. And there are a group of them that think this. One of them is an ex-boyfriend and is the one who told the supposed-soulmate that we're meant to be. What does that say about our past relationship? I'm tired of it. Yes, I'm indecisive but please, don't assume that I'm going to marry someone that you think I'm meant to be with just because you tell me OR HIM! that it's meant to be. If we were soulmates something would have happened already.
Moving on.
"He punched the highlights out of her hair!!"
Loving Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. Giving it an 8/10 on the Scale of Awesome. And oh my god, it took me the whole freaking movie to figure out that Ramona is Lucy McClane from "Live Free or Die Hard" aka John McClane's kickass daughter. " there are only five of them" girl. All I could think of was Claudia plus some mystery character that I'd seen in a movie at one point or another. It drove me nuts. But huzzah! It's her. And yeah, it's like a mixture of Claudia from the Warehouse and Lucy from LFODH. Pretty much sums up Ramona Flowers, colored hair included. Well, minus the seven evil exes. Claudia does have one in witness protection but that's a different story.
"Scott Pilgrim vs. The World" is a movie based off a series of comic books by Bryan Lee O'Malley - yes it's at the library - it's filled with comedy, action, and video game effects. It jumps from scene to scene similar to a graphic novel with an abundance of gaming sound effects and subtitles all over the place.
And Mae Whitman, again. God that chick is in everything. You may know her as Lauren Graham's daughter on "Parenthood" but she'll forever be Maggie Taylor from "One Fine Day" to me. Or Heather whatever her last name is from Grey's when her spine is like all weird and bent in half or something. I just remember Izzie has this line, "You're in pain. Sometimes I'm a bitch for no reason at all." But I guess it's fitting since she guest-starred on Arrested Development as Michael Cera's girlfriend. He plays Scott Pilgrim, the nerd who's in a band - called Sex Bob-Omb - who has to battle Ramona Flowers' 7 evil exes in order to be with her. They've formed this sort of league thing to kill him. It's amusing.
I loved the Wallace character as well. Played by The Other Culkin Boy. Kieran, not McCaulay. Yeah, the other one. He plays Fuller in Home Alone - "I don't want to sleep with Fuller, he wets the bed!" As mentioned earlier, I've seen too many movies which is why it took me over an hour to figure out that Ramona Flowers was actually Lucy McClane with colored hair.
The movie was semi-like The Rocker. I thought it would be dumb going in but ended up with an awesome soundtrack. I'm jamming to "Garbage Truck" and "Black Sheep" huzzah for all things obscure. "We are Sex Bob-Omb and we're here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff!" then the music plays. I was cracking up.
Also amusing that Chris Evans plays one of the evil exes and it was just so different than his Captain America character that we just went to see yesterday that I literally had to sit up and stare at him to make sure it was actually him. I'm still secretly wondering how they made him all scrawny in Captain America before he gets all the injections. I'm assuming he didn't drop 100 pounds and shrink a few feet for the role but you never know.
"You made me swallow my gum!"
"Money that's what I want" Flying Lizards
She's not lipsyncing. I have no idea what you're talking about.
this is super cool
didn't know how they did that with the piano
"Love Song" Sara Bareilles
Still haven't made my grocery run yet. I was going to today but Mom brought lunch and pop - as mentioned earlier I can live without food just not without pop so I should be good for a while. My cat, on the other hand, is almost out of food so I'll have to at least get that tomorrow. Might as well do them all at once.
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