Rizzoli and Isles dancing behind the scenes - gotta love it
oh the joys. they do this a lot. but this was angie's birthday so i felt the need to post it.
She's back!

Paget's back on set. love it. Totally stoked for Criminal Minds - coming back September 21st! And the whole gang is signed in for the new season. They said they're bringing her back first episode but we'll see. You know Morgan's gonna be mad. Hotch will probably take a beating cause he knew. Not sure about JJ.
Other than working 11-2, not finishing my puzzle, writing barely, cleaning out my desktop, I did catch up on my TV/movies.
Watched the new Warehouse 13 online. HG's back with a vengeance! I heard rumors of a spinoff, I'm stoked but not. Cause I mean it'd be awesome cause she'd have her own show. But then it wouldn't because she wouldn't be with Pete and Myka and Claudia and all that. Maybe they'll do crossover episodes like they do with Eureka. and now apparently Alphas. It's like SyFy is blending all their shows together. Which is sweet. I know, nerd. Moving on. This week's episode was awesome, I highly encourage you find it online. Jack and Rebecca are back - "And me?" "You gaze at me lovingly." - they were Warehouse agents back in the 60's and Rebecca came in first season to help with case. They brought her back in second season and now in the third. Awesomeness.
Then went to see this:
Cowboys and Aliens
It actually was pretty good. Scale of Awesome says 8/10. Indiana Jones meets Space Cowboy Bond in this western good vs. evil flick. Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, Olivia Wilde, Sam Rockwell. Directed by Jon Favreau - but see, everytime I hear that name I think of him in the Replacements, not him as the director of Iron Man.
Anyway, despite peoples' negative opinions on the movie - those who haven't seen it and say it looks dumb - I rather liked it. and would totally see it again...on DVD.
Quotes of the night:
"You're a bit of a blonde in a brunette's body."
me to my niece. cause it's true. she's just a little goofy. and blonde...at times. We told her she needs her own blog and that can be the title. The post can all be about B words. Boys. Brains. Bananas. Whatever. We'll see what happens with that.
"Watch out for Bobis."
not even gonna try to explain that one.
Oldest Sister: "Get your head out of your purse!"
M: "It smells nice in here!"
and the famous
M: "Blame it on Dad. It's his fault I'm stupid."
but she knows how to spell stupid, so she's not that bad.
Also tonight saw the preview for the new Three Musketeers movie - totally going go see that.
Love Mr. Darcy with a sword and Orlando Bloom as the bad guy.
Music Rec's for the night:
"King of Wishful Thinking" Go West
played before the movie tonight - had to google the original artist
"Groove is in the Heart" Deee-Lite
love the video. everything disco is just fantastic - clothing, dancing, just pure awesomeness.
Loved the Rizzolie and Isles-- it made me happy! Of course I love to watch Ellen dance too.
ReplyDeletei live to serve.
ReplyDeletedo i get points?
i'm stalled at 134 - even my mom has more points than me! you gotta give me something.