-Worked 9-5, flew by
-Got to help train The New Guy. Which is his nickname for now. I'm stoked cause I'm no longer the newest hire at the desk. He's actually pretty wicked awesome. I love it cause we're able to have a completely adult conversation about libraries, serving the public, demographics, collection management, system changes, just everything professional and then we jump to "What would you do if you had 100 million dollars?" I said I wanted a big big screen TV, an extensive DVD collection and a comfortable chair. That was apparently too small. Little Shelver Boy says he'd level one of the buildings nearby and turn it into his own personal library. New Guy says he'd donate 10 million to the library - can't hurt with your taxes - to refurbish ours, then build a new one that's a big circle with glass windows. I said he had to throw in some greenery. And a nice parking lot. Or a parking garage.
-Heard back from the Library Goddess and Superwoman so plans will be implemented, we'll see what happens. Sophie's Choice here I come.
-Getting a gang together to go see The Help, I'm all for a good distraction.
-Went to my niece's soccer game, she rocked it scoring the ONLY GOAL with her left foot. Total pro.
-Decided to hit up a Saltdogs game on sort of a spur of the moment kind of thing and it was awesome! We had our usuals - my hotdogs and margarita, Oldest Sister had her nachos, dip-n-dots and Chelada, M had cheesefries and a pop then some dip-n-dots. We did miss out on the funnelcakes though. Saltdogs were dominating and every run scored meant music which meant dancing - cause you can't disrespect the dance - and Oldest Sister taping us do the Rush Hour dance, you know the one.
1:41-1:51 best part of the movie
Then the Pheasants - yes the Pheasants - tied us at 7 in the 4th and then it was like
Little sprinkle of rain.
More little sprinkles of rain.
Torrential downpour.
So we ran for cover, standing behind this tarp banner thing that blocked most of the wind and rain but had holes in it so the back of my legs were just soaked.
Wind was a tree breaker - as they'd say on Swamp People...(when the alligators would break the tree branch off in order to escape.) Cause there were branches all over the highway on the way home.
Total madhouse. I ran into the apartment, saving my ipod, phone, notebooks and all that. The best part was that the guys behind us were looking at the radar and said, "Oh yeah, it's gonna miss us." Then they left. Cheaters.
But the poor tarp people. Oh man. It took them like 20 minutes to get the thing unrolled.
Songs of the night: aka the ones I jammed out to on the rainy drive back home
"Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'" Journey live in '79
pretty sure there's lipsyncing involved in this one.
"Tequila" The Champs
what are the words again?
"Ninjutsu!" TMNT version.
sorry, just had to.
Tomorrow's weird cause I get an actual lunch break. 12-2. Plus finding parking. But still, weird. I'll take it.
Me and my big fat cat are out of here. Gonna watch the new Warehouse - which I keep saying that I'm going to but never get to it - and crash. It looks kind of like a Halloween episode - which I guess, if you think about it, every episode could be a Halloween episode, but in this one they get sucked into this video game thing or something and they'll all in costume. And no, it's not gonna be like Tron. Or Tron Legacy. Cause they're awful. And Warehouse is awesome. Totally stoked, wore my Claudia shirt to work the other day but masked it with a dress shirt over the top. Rocked it.
More to come.
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