A freakin' bat.
Flippin' winged creatures at the library - I'm on a roll.
I feel like Neville, "why is it always me?"
For those of you who don't already know go here: "Bats are Cute-ish" "Bats have rabies" "That's why I said ish"
or Here: "Freakin' Birds"
Anyway, so I'm doing the expired/cancelled holds list and I look up and see this big black thing on the ceiling. Of course my kneejerk reaction was to run screaming in the other direction.
My farmgirl background failed me, not for the first time.
When I couldn't find Superwoman I ran (actually ran) to the basement to get Girlscout and Cabin Fever was like "you do realize what shirt you're wearing, right?"
I look down and it's a Batman t-shirt.
So apparently this is all my fault.
I ran into my Trainee on the street after it happened and she said that tomorrow I should wear a t-shirt with a bag of money on it.
Good plan, but it would probably just end up as "found money" and go to the cash register.
Anyway, here's the pic that's went viral around the workplace.

The whole time I'm attempting not to flee just in case it would detach and fly at my head.
I have a feeling I won't be living that down anytime soon.
But whatever.
I await all the upcoming pranks...
So, I've decided that fall is my favorite season.
The weather cools down.
Football starts.
Hockey starts.
The good TV shows come back - except Major Crimes, that goes away for a few months.
I know it isn't technically fall yet, but I consider it to be fall because school is back in session.
Which is another reason why I like the fall - I no longer have to worry about school being back in session cause I'm done.
Got my Master's, I've earned some time off.
As much as I love the Blacklist, the Voice, Castle and all that I'm mostly excited for the football and hockey. Huskers are gonna rock it - even though our quarterback is only a Sophomore I have faith. We've got Bell, Abdullah, and Gregory - we'll be fine.
And as for hockey, it's gonna be interesting because we have a new manager, a new coach, and a completely different team (with the exception of a few who made it from last year) so it'll be exciting to see the changes. Which were needed cause last year was not our best year by far.
We went for full season tickets this year, and I'm stoked cause pre-season is coming up in September. However, the boyfriend will be gone so I'll have to take someone else. Hmmm....whom to choose. Queen of the Known Universe has no interest. It's Oldest Sister's birthday so she'd have other plans. Perhaps I'll ask Smo. Or Queen of Awesome. Or P-Squared. Will have to look into that.
What else?
Okay, now that camp season is officially over I can finally post this. This is the M rated version of the 7th and 8th graders skit from this year. If you want the G rated version that they did scroll down a post.
Watch it, it will make you laugh I promise. Even if it is wildly inappropriate. I did say M rated.
Again, M Rated and they did the G version. There are many versions on Youtube but this crew is my favorite.
This one from the 90's comes in second:
Wow that's a lot faster.
The flag man is my favorite.
Though the tennis player in this one is pretty good too...
By the way, the end ballerina is usually either the captain or cruise director.
You have no idea how many times I've watched those videos and continually repeat the phrases as I walk through the library. It just brightens my day.
Though "balls to you" is frequently whispered under my breath if something bad happens.
In other news we went to World of Outlaws again this year. Donny Schatz won so balls to that. He wins everything so no one likes him.
With the exception of the like 4 people in the immediate row in front of us.
Though we spent most of our time down in the pits. It's cool cause you get to talk to all the drivers and of course the boyfriend knows all their names and all about their cars and all that. Cause he's smart like that. But his favorite driver was there so he got a couple new shirts. He and his wife have these southern accents, it's awesome.
I would have gotten shirts but I like my yellow crew shirt. Even though it means commentators will talk about it over the microphone.
I did mention that already right? We were at the races and I was talking to my friend so I wasn't paying attention when suddenly the boyfriend leans over and goes "they're talking about your shirt." I was like what? Then listened and heard "she's ignoring us..." So I turned around and they were like "heeyyyyyyy!"
Then they kept offering me money for my shirt. Which I rejected. And just when I thought it was done they brought it up again later.
Oh the joys.
But it's my fault cause it is an awesome shirt.
And bright yellow so it's hard to miss.
And speaking of all things awesome, I hit up a Saltdogs game and got paid for it!
Hey, it was for work, don't give me that look.
The game itself was a part of Summer Reading - if you completed the program you got a ticket for that one and the kids who wanted to could participate in a parade beforehand.
Which a coworker and I got forced into marshalling.
She needs a nickname, especially now that she's transferring to our branch. And I will be flailing to her frequently because that's what I did to her predecessor. She was in charge of supplies for the system and I am for our branch. Hmm...Will have to work on a nickname. Ideas?
What else? Oh yeah, got some Scale of Awesome's for you.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Scale of Awesome says 8/10. This one was actually pretty enjoyable, the boyfriend and I laughed a lot, especially about the Kevin Bacon stuff. And I'm looking into buying the soundtrack, it was pretty awesome as well.
Dish Nation
Okay so this is actually a TV series, not a movie but I'm including it because it's new to me and I like it. Basically it's a bunch of different entertainment radio morning shows that are filmed and it's hilarious. My favorite is the Rickey Smiley Morning Show out of Atlanta. It consists of Rickey Smiley, Headkrack, Rock-T and Porsha Williams. A close second is the Heidi and Frank Show or the Kidd Kraddick Show, those are both good. I don't like Seattle's which is Brooke and Jubal in the Morning but it rotates in every other week.
There, those are my three favorites. (order shown Kidd, H/F, and Rickey)
I know you don't care, but I do.
Anyway, you know how I am about media and entertainment news and all that so this is like the fun and entertaining way to keep up on my stuff. You should check it out, it's wildly entertaining.
Alright, on to the music:
Shake It Off - Taylor Swift
too catchy for its own good, it's been out like 2 days and i already bought it...i love her. i know most people don't but i really do.
All About That Bass - Meghan Trainor
which is fantastic!
and guess who just covered that one...
Home Free!!
i love those guys, but i've already rambled about them enough.
final one of the night is...
Bang Bang - Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj, and Jessie J
no official video for that one yet but it's still early on. and all three are huge so i'm sure it will be awesome.
And that's all I got. Wow, that was long. Should probably post more often, huh?
Up next in life is Roller Derby, TAB and (if it gets approved) a crap-ton of programming aimed at patrons aged 18-29. But we'll see about that last one. IF it does get approved, and that's a big IF, I'm gonna need some serious feedback.
Alright, have a rock star week.