Only stung for a second, though now I have a nice red mark on my side. Luckily I was wearing a lot of layers.
The lady in front of me ducked to save her beer.
And the boyfriend didn't even do anything to defend me, geez. Just leaned away. I'm feeling the love.
That pretty much sums up my week. Birthday included.
I spent it sick on the couch.
I'll get there. Let's start with Valentine's Day.
So I'm at the home branch, and the boyfriend is playing it totally cool. It's Valentine's Day, okay whatever. So I was all, okay whatever, and then suddenly he shows up with flowers.

Totally had me fooled.
Hockey game that night - we lost (and we lost tonight too, I'm starting to think this jersey is bad luck). But Brandon Bollig was there to drop the puck.

He's kind of a big deal now to Lincoln since he's the first Stars player to win the Stanley Cup.
We were laughing because the chicks next to us - who also have season tickets - were all decked out, like the works with makeup plus the Blackhawks jersey and they were all excited to get their picture taken with him.
Okay, so that was Valentine's Day, lots of fun, minus the loss to rival team. Then I went home for the holiday weekend and I started feeling sick Monday - it's been going around work for a couple weeks now.
I texted Queen of the Known Universe asking what her first symptoms were and went, crap cause they matched.
She told me to hit the road before it got worse so I headed back.
I already had Tuesday morning off so I could go get my license renewed but when I woke up Tuesday morning I was legit miserable.
Headache, fever, sore throat, achy, exhausted, all that. BUT I had to get it renewed or I won't be able to go to Vegas.
So I'm like sitting there in a ball in the corner and the lady behind the counter was like...are you okay?
No. But I'll survive.
So I got in removed and that was the last time I left my apartment before this morning (Friday).
Then Wednesday was my birthday so I'm like, I have to do something. This sucks. So I watched the original Star Wars trilogy on Blu Ray. With commentary. I love Carrie Fisher.
I was gonna start from number one but then I remembered I hate number three so I just went with the originals.
Yes, I'm a big fat nerd, get used to it.
But that's all the energy I had. It was that and the Olympics. Go USA. Been watching a lot of hockey, sad day that both our teams lost to Canada.
Thursday I was a little better but I was already scheduled to be off so I spent that day on the couch too.
Somehow, I was gone a week but only took 2 days of vacation. Just worked out that way with the holiday and then the day off.
Today was my first day back in a week and, since I obviously didn't finish the prep for my booktalk, Queen of the Known Universe covered for me and gave one of her own.
Felt she owed it to me since she was the one that probably got me sick anyway.
Take that.
Weight off my shoulders, for serious.
I did also miss out on the Strategic Plan meeting which I was told was "epic". Though "epic" to a group of librarians is probably something else entirely to outsiders.
Again, big fat nerds. Get used to it.
And speaking of big fat nerds, I got my diploma today.
Now I just need a frame so I can hang it up and look all important.
According to Second Sister it makes me kind of a big deal.
Again, big fat nerds. Get used to it.
And that's all I got. On to the music.
Sundown - Gordon Lightfoot
i first heard this on the blacklist - yes, i know, big fat nerd - and it was a lot more dark but i love it.
Acapella - Karmin & Mike Tompkins
0:34....and you thought i couldn't find another version to post. nebraska pride. i know, the obsession never ends. but check this out, it's epic.
that's Mike Tompkins, everything he does is all him acapella. I've posted his stuff a lot on here, but if you haven't seen anything else by him watch this:
Harder Better Faster Stronger cover
it is also epic. possibly moreso.
though this one is also catchy.
Trouble/As Long As You Love Me
he's on tour with Karmin and the Jonas Brothers. I'd go see them...if it weren't for the Jonas Brothers.