Three guesses as to what I'm watching, but it's back for the season and still highly entertaining.
So, I pounded out the 9 hours as planned, even survived some grocery shopping afterward.
But I was on strict orders from BossLady about getting orange juice and other nutrients that aren't included in popsicles and flavored water. Cause apparently you can't live on flavored water and frozen flavored water.
Though now all I can think of is, "you ventured out into the jungle for the creamy goodness of peanut butter and came back with the wrong colored apple and flavored frozen water?!"
Ah, good times.
But the 9 hours weren't so bad with the whole "fake it 'til you make it" motto. Except apparently I wasn't so good at the faking part today cause every time the BossLady would catch me dragging my feet she'd tell me to go home. But I'm stubborn and it's all mental so I stayed.
Even after the other supervisor told me I looked like crap.
Well, she didn't put it that way but it was implied.
So much love.
They're all like mothers seriously, except for the Library Judge. He was the only male on staff today and the only one who didn't tell me to go home.
I didn't think I was that bad.
But now I have the weekend off to sleep and actually spend time with my boyfriend which has been really not happening lately as he was sick and then he was sick again and then I was sick. Just blah.
Anyway, no work AND NO CLASS leaves me time to actually do something. Aside from sleep. I did finish the last major assignment in one of my classes. Only one thing left - plus some discussion boards - but really I should have written this paper like a week ago cause I've already done the interview, it's just transcripting it really.
Is that a word? Transcripting? Or is it transcribed? Transcribing? Is that a word? Am I really that out of it that my English Majorism is gone for the night already?
Whatever, anyway, I want to get some Xmas shopping done at some point - speaking of I actually thought of some exciting stuff other than luggage, vacuum, bookshelves and, ah crap, what was the fourth boring thing?
Anyway, sent a couple of book titles to the Favorite Sister In Law and of course Charlie's Angels season five is out now on DVD - woohoo! Except it's in a box set and I have the first four and you can't buy it by itself so it'll have to be off Amazon.
Other than that Burn Notice season five is debatable.
I think I need a break from Michael Weston. This whole sickness has me watching far too much of it. Like it was on in the background whilst writing the paper I just submitted - cause I can't work when it's quiet - on tuned to the episode that I've fallen asleep watching like 5 times within the last week.
Though kind of ineffective since I had my headphones in anyway.
I'm not productive without those, it's pathetic really.
Yes, I know, Millennial generation, and yet you're still reading this.
Where was I? Oh right, Christmas shopping at some point, plus I wanna swing by Grams' place to take a look before everything gets painted and all that. Though I guess I can't call it Gram's place anymore. We joked about coming up with a name for the property. I think now they're calling it the Cottonwood Estate or something cheesy. We can do better than that.
Oh yeah, in case you weren't aware, my sister and her husband bought Grams' house after she moved out and into a home. I lived there for a summer with her before I had to go back for college. But they're big into renovation and all that so it should be interesting.
Similar to how my brother bought my other grandparent's house and revamped it.
Alright, enough rambling. Gonna get back to Hot In Cleveland and crash so I can enjoy the sleeping in factor.
As it is already 3AM and I want to have time to do stuff tomorrow that needs to start immediately.
Clip of the night:
"don't just stand there joy, come on!"
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
"Don't tell the elf." "Not a word."
Sickness Day One:
- Woke up with a fever, headache, was exhausted and sore.
- Laid on the couch freezing and overheating attempting to sleep and watching Lord of the Rings movies 1, 2, and 3. Which I didn't realize was an all day affair until I attempted it.
Sickness Day Two:
- Already had the day off, had plans all of them cancelled.
- Woke up with a fever, headache, was exhausted and sore started coughing again.
- Laid around on the couch attempting to sleep and watching an all-day marathon of NCIS.
Sickness Day Three:
- Woke up with a fever, no voice, exhaustion and frustration!
- Laid around on the couch attempting to sleep and do homework. Caught up on Leverage.
I'm going stir crazy so I'm going in tomorrow. My fever is gone and I can stay in this apartment no longer.
Do you know how hard it is to sleep not only when you're freezing one minute and then overheated the next but with a 22 POUND CAT SLEEPING ON YOUR STOMACH?!
Normally this is cute and fine and a nightly occurrence but I was freezing so I'd put on more blankets, and then I'd be hot so I'd attempt to throw them off but you can't when there's a 22 POUND CAT SLEEPING ON YOUR STOMACH!
Cause he's cute and fluffy, but he gets mad when you wake him up from his nap. And he naps A LOT! But then, when I finally fall asleep he decides he wants to get up which means he wants me to get up.
I know this cause if I don't he'll jump on me and walk around on my stomach and stare at me.
Or lay across the room and glare at me until I get up and play with him.
He's smart though cause he bites normally but not when I'm sick which is super weird. It's like he knows. Though the fact that I laid around in the fetal position for like 3 days isn't exactly subtle.
Livin' on popsicles and flavored water, ah the good life.
No, I'm fine, it's fine, we're fine, the boyfriend's almost fine as is the rest of the family.
See there are two strains going around in our family there's the stomach flu that my Mom had plus Oldest Sister and Squirt and my brother. And then there's the Influenza that me and the boyfriend had.
And apparently that lasts for like a week so I'm cutting it short and going to work tomorrow. Cause it's all mental. Only reason I keep staying home is cause of the fever, otherwise I probably would have sucked it up and went in.
I'm like my dad like that. I don't really take sick days.
Anyway, tomorrow it is. But I did get some homework done today. Finished the IT paper that's due tomorrow at 10 AM - huzzah - next up is the paper due Sunday - cause I already finished the one due Saturday. And then the one that's due next Saturday is after that.
And then I'm done for the semester!!
But then January will come and I will once again be overrun by assignments. Which is fine. Cause next December I will be done done.
As in done eternally.
As in no way am I going for a doctorate.
I already feel crazy enough for going back voluntarily, I ain't doing it again. Power to the ones crazy/brave enough for it.
Alright, off to sleep now. Work tomorrow then the weekend off. 9 hours, I can power through 9 hours. I'll be fine. It's all mental.
i'm sorry but tracy morgan is the best part of this skit every time they do it.
He's cute but he's fat.

- Woke up with a fever, headache, was exhausted and sore.
- Laid on the couch freezing and overheating attempting to sleep and watching Lord of the Rings movies 1, 2, and 3. Which I didn't realize was an all day affair until I attempted it.
Sickness Day Two:
- Already had the day off, had plans all of them cancelled.
- Woke up with a fever, headache, was exhausted and sore started coughing again.
- Laid around on the couch attempting to sleep and watching an all-day marathon of NCIS.
Sickness Day Three:
- Woke up with a fever, no voice, exhaustion and frustration!
- Laid around on the couch attempting to sleep and do homework. Caught up on Leverage.
I'm going stir crazy so I'm going in tomorrow. My fever is gone and I can stay in this apartment no longer.
Do you know how hard it is to sleep not only when you're freezing one minute and then overheated the next but with a 22 POUND CAT SLEEPING ON YOUR STOMACH?!
Normally this is cute and fine and a nightly occurrence but I was freezing so I'd put on more blankets, and then I'd be hot so I'd attempt to throw them off but you can't when there's a 22 POUND CAT SLEEPING ON YOUR STOMACH!
Cause he's cute and fluffy, but he gets mad when you wake him up from his nap. And he naps A LOT! But then, when I finally fall asleep he decides he wants to get up which means he wants me to get up.
I know this cause if I don't he'll jump on me and walk around on my stomach and stare at me.
Or lay across the room and glare at me until I get up and play with him.
He's smart though cause he bites normally but not when I'm sick which is super weird. It's like he knows. Though the fact that I laid around in the fetal position for like 3 days isn't exactly subtle.
Livin' on popsicles and flavored water, ah the good life.
No, I'm fine, it's fine, we're fine, the boyfriend's almost fine as is the rest of the family.
See there are two strains going around in our family there's the stomach flu that my Mom had plus Oldest Sister and Squirt and my brother. And then there's the Influenza that me and the boyfriend had.
And apparently that lasts for like a week so I'm cutting it short and going to work tomorrow. Cause it's all mental. Only reason I keep staying home is cause of the fever, otherwise I probably would have sucked it up and went in.
I'm like my dad like that. I don't really take sick days.
Anyway, tomorrow it is. But I did get some homework done today. Finished the IT paper that's due tomorrow at 10 AM - huzzah - next up is the paper due Sunday - cause I already finished the one due Saturday. And then the one that's due next Saturday is after that.
And then I'm done for the semester!!
But then January will come and I will once again be overrun by assignments. Which is fine. Cause next December I will be done done.
As in done eternally.
As in no way am I going for a doctorate.
I already feel crazy enough for going back voluntarily, I ain't doing it again. Power to the ones crazy/brave enough for it.
Alright, off to sleep now. Work tomorrow then the weekend off. 9 hours, I can power through 9 hours. I'll be fine. It's all mental.
He's cute but he's fat.
Monday, November 26, 2012
The countdown continues.
Now I got the gross cough and the weird feeling in the back of my throat.
Which means if I wake up tomorrow with a fever and the weird taste in my mouth then it's official.
Which sucks cause I got a lot of stuff to do this week.
I don't know what happened.
Last year I got a letter from the Mayor cause of perfect attendance.
This year this is gotta be like the 5th time at least. Ridiculous.
But last year it was weird cause I did get sick, it was just always on my days off.
Oh well, today was nice. Got to sleep in cause I didn't have to go in until 4, but then of course woke up in the morning like every hour cause my cat got restless and decided he wanted to be up and if he had to be up then I had to be up.
Knocking stuff over, meowing constantly, jumping up on my stomach and walking all over the couch just to jump off and jump back on.
But see, he's very territorial. And thinks that this is his apartment and I just stay here. So the fact that I was taking up his couch during his alone time in his apartment totally threw him off.
Now he is blissfully sleeping next to me so apparently I'm forgiven.
Though if I get sick tomorrow and have to stay home I'll be having none of that no sleeping thing.
We'll see.
So The Voice was great. Cassadee seems to be the frontrunner - well, along with Amanda Brown. Though for a while there I really thought Trevin could pull it off. And BRYAN WENT HOME!?! I was totally sad.
Here's what my top 20 looks like at the moment, though tomorrow there will be more eliminations.
Brandon Mahone – eliminated after first battle
So basically I'm all about Cassadee, Trevin and Melanie.
But they have this new rule that anybody can be eliminated no matter the team. Which at first I didn't like cause I thought it would suck for a coach if none of their singers made it to the final, but now I kind of like because it's like the really great singers aren't limited because they're on a certain team. Now it's just who's best, not who's best on each team.
So right now Adam's down to two - Melanie and Amanda. I would be fine with Amanda winning at this point, I really love the comeback underdog story.
Blake's got my favorite Cassadee and also Terry the Scot-rocker and he's also fantastic. Like uber fantastic.
Cee-Lo's got three left, Trevin of course and then there's the surprise Nicholas who's like this awesome rugged classic artist and Cody who's anything but classic - just so out there and crazy and fabulous. He's got a lot of attitude - he was the last one picked and he didn't think anyone turned around for him so when he realized Cee-Lo did he totally went crazy.
And then poor Xtina is down to just one artist - Dez who's a real crooner.
Though you kind of saw that coming, I mean she did have great artists it's just that they were all pop singers really and you've gotta have some variety cause not everyone likes pop. You know? Not that I don't like it, I'm just saying with Cee-Lo's team you've got a whole group of characters which I think gives him the edge. Plus he's got 3 people left so even if 2 are eliminated tomorrow when they go down to the top 6 then he's still in it.
Anyway, I should stop rambling and crash before you get bored of me.
Not that you haven't already.
You gotta watch this, totally hilarious.
Flash mob on the set of Big Bang Theory
ps - during a pitch game like 2 years ago the Cool Aunt meant to yell out "bazinga!" but all she could think of was "pizazz!" it was hysterical and stuck so there will be much yelling of that in a few weeks at the annual pitch party.
so funny to hear jim parsons commenting on his life size cutout on leno cause if you've seen the pictures of NLA on facebook....
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy Crap tag in use.
Now I got the gross cough and the weird feeling in the back of my throat.
Which means if I wake up tomorrow with a fever and the weird taste in my mouth then it's official.
Which sucks cause I got a lot of stuff to do this week.
I don't know what happened.
Last year I got a letter from the Mayor cause of perfect attendance.
This year this is gotta be like the 5th time at least. Ridiculous.
But last year it was weird cause I did get sick, it was just always on my days off.
Oh well, today was nice. Got to sleep in cause I didn't have to go in until 4, but then of course woke up in the morning like every hour cause my cat got restless and decided he wanted to be up and if he had to be up then I had to be up.
Knocking stuff over, meowing constantly, jumping up on my stomach and walking all over the couch just to jump off and jump back on.
But see, he's very territorial. And thinks that this is his apartment and I just stay here. So the fact that I was taking up his couch during his alone time in his apartment totally threw him off.
Now he is blissfully sleeping next to me so apparently I'm forgiven.
Though if I get sick tomorrow and have to stay home I'll be having none of that no sleeping thing.
We'll see.
So The Voice was great. Cassadee seems to be the frontrunner - well, along with Amanda Brown. Though for a while there I really thought Trevin could pull it off. And BRYAN WENT HOME!?! I was totally sad.
Here's what my top 20 looks like at the moment, though tomorrow there will be more eliminations.
Cassadee Pope
Trevin Hunte
Nicole Nelson – knocked out by Loren
Aquile – knocked out by Sylvia
Avery Wilson – knocked out by Cody
Bryan Keith – eliminated during live rounds
Brandon Mahone – eliminated after first battle
Brooks-Thompson – knocked out by Amanda
Adriana Louise – eliminated during live rounds
Collin Mcloughlin –
knocked out by Michaela
Terisa Griffin – knocked out by Trevin
Suzanna Choffel – knocked out by Cassadee
Nelly’s Echo –
eliminated after first battle
Melanie Martinez
Gracia Harrison – knocked out by Liz
Celica Westbrook
– knocked out by Adriana
Mycle Wastman – knocked out by Nicholas
Mackenzie Bourg –
eliminated during playoffs
2Steel Girls –
eliminated after first battle
Joe Kirkman – knocked out by Bryan
So basically I'm all about Cassadee, Trevin and Melanie.
But they have this new rule that anybody can be eliminated no matter the team. Which at first I didn't like cause I thought it would suck for a coach if none of their singers made it to the final, but now I kind of like because it's like the really great singers aren't limited because they're on a certain team. Now it's just who's best, not who's best on each team.
So right now Adam's down to two - Melanie and Amanda. I would be fine with Amanda winning at this point, I really love the comeback underdog story.
Blake's got my favorite Cassadee and also Terry the Scot-rocker and he's also fantastic. Like uber fantastic.
Cee-Lo's got three left, Trevin of course and then there's the surprise Nicholas who's like this awesome rugged classic artist and Cody who's anything but classic - just so out there and crazy and fabulous. He's got a lot of attitude - he was the last one picked and he didn't think anyone turned around for him so when he realized Cee-Lo did he totally went crazy.
And then poor Xtina is down to just one artist - Dez who's a real crooner.
Though you kind of saw that coming, I mean she did have great artists it's just that they were all pop singers really and you've gotta have some variety cause not everyone likes pop. You know? Not that I don't like it, I'm just saying with Cee-Lo's team you've got a whole group of characters which I think gives him the edge. Plus he's got 3 people left so even if 2 are eliminated tomorrow when they go down to the top 6 then he's still in it.
Anyway, I should stop rambling and crash before you get bored of me.
Not that you haven't already.
You gotta watch this, totally hilarious.
Flash mob on the set of Big Bang Theory
ps - during a pitch game like 2 years ago the Cool Aunt meant to yell out "bazinga!" but all she could think of was "pizazz!" it was hysterical and stuck so there will be much yelling of that in a few weeks at the annual pitch party.
so funny to hear jim parsons commenting on his life size cutout on leno cause if you've seen the pictures of NLA on facebook....
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy Crap tag in use.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
we had spaghetti at our house three times this week.
Name that musical.
So I declined to post last night cause I felt like crap.
And anything I could have rambled about would have been endless and pointless.
Which I guess on here is a daily occurrence, but I couldn't muster up the energy to open up my laptop.
This was after 9 hours of work and stopping by Oldest Sister's house to show off my foosball skills, lose in some sort of war game on PS3 and then almost fall asleep on their couch until they came back.
Here's the deal, Squirt had the flu pre-Vegas. Oldest Sister got the flu after returning from Vegas. Then my brother got it. Then my boyfriend got it.
Then he got over it and now he got it again.
So my days are numbered.
And the fact that I'm exhausted and sore is an impending sign of doom.
But I'm waiting for that unmistakable bad taste in my mouth and fever to keep me from going to work.
Cause I have stuff I need to do there - too many new volunteers and TAB stuff coming up to skip and spend the day on the couch wallowing in my own misery.
I'm like Cristina like that, sorry.
But like I said, the countdown has begun. It's not a matter of if I get sick, it's more like when so I'm trying to get as much done before then as possible.
aka homework, work work, life stuff.
Only like 3 big assignments left.
IT Scholarly Paper due Friday on Koha - and summary due next Friday.
Outreach Plan due Sunday.
Reference Interview due next Saturday.
I've got the first paper laid out from previous drafts and I've already done the interview just gotta write the paper.
But I've got time. Just gotta keep up with the discussion boards along the way.
Anyway, so yesterday was alright, today was alright. Worked the weekend it was pretty slow but pretty fast at times we were closed both Thursday and Friday.
No real highlights just trying to keep my head above water.
Don't go in tomorrow until 4 so I'm headed to bed now.
OH! I uploaded my Vegas and Worlds of Fun and some NLA pictures to Facebook.
And that's all I got.
Have a good one.
yeah, guess which one number one in my top ten?
"and he's awesome!"
So I declined to post last night cause I felt like crap.
And anything I could have rambled about would have been endless and pointless.
Which I guess on here is a daily occurrence, but I couldn't muster up the energy to open up my laptop.
This was after 9 hours of work and stopping by Oldest Sister's house to show off my foosball skills, lose in some sort of war game on PS3 and then almost fall asleep on their couch until they came back.
Here's the deal, Squirt had the flu pre-Vegas. Oldest Sister got the flu after returning from Vegas. Then my brother got it. Then my boyfriend got it.
Then he got over it and now he got it again.
So my days are numbered.
And the fact that I'm exhausted and sore is an impending sign of doom.
But I'm waiting for that unmistakable bad taste in my mouth and fever to keep me from going to work.
Cause I have stuff I need to do there - too many new volunteers and TAB stuff coming up to skip and spend the day on the couch wallowing in my own misery.
I'm like Cristina like that, sorry.
But like I said, the countdown has begun. It's not a matter of if I get sick, it's more like when so I'm trying to get as much done before then as possible.
aka homework, work work, life stuff.
Only like 3 big assignments left.
IT Scholarly Paper due Friday on Koha - and summary due next Friday.
Outreach Plan due Sunday.
Reference Interview due next Saturday.
I've got the first paper laid out from previous drafts and I've already done the interview just gotta write the paper.
But I've got time. Just gotta keep up with the discussion boards along the way.
Anyway, so yesterday was alright, today was alright. Worked the weekend it was pretty slow but pretty fast at times we were closed both Thursday and Friday.
No real highlights just trying to keep my head above water.
Don't go in tomorrow until 4 so I'm headed to bed now.
OH! I uploaded my Vegas and Worlds of Fun and some NLA pictures to Facebook.
And that's all I got.
Have a good one.
yeah, guess which one number one in my top ten?
"and he's awesome!"
charlie brown,
grey's anatomy,
the voice
Friday, November 23, 2012
Li-la-la-li-li-life is sweet.
Five heart attacks this season, seriously.
What is up with these come from behind victories?
I thought Minnesota got us passed that?!
Better pick it up for the championship cause you know Wisconsin's ticked we beat them the same way.
And I could rant and ramble about how much we should have smoked Iowa but really all anybody cares about - aside from the fact that we won - is that REX IS BACK!!
So we will dominate next week.
Calling it.
Anyway, it was good to have a distraction whilst watching the game cause I told Mom I would put up her trees.
Yes, trees.
It could just be tree but I'm stubborn like that.
So I did the tree in the north room while watching the second half - that one's all white lights with gold and red ornaments. Then the living room one after the game - that one's colored lights with a mix of random ass ornaments that have been collected over the past like 60 years.
Most of them being crafts and stuff we've made, trip souvenirs, mom's wedding dress ornaments and then the nice new green ornaments to go along with them. But I ran out of colored lights so I only did one string of those and then 2 of whites.
I'm crazy and obsessive about these trees it's pathetic really. But they're done and the stockings are up.
Plus the boyfriend I got to hang out with the boyfriend cause he came out to the farmhouse for dinner. Hamburgers from Strang. Awesomeness.
It's amusing to hear him and my father talk about cars and trains. I don't even have to say anything.
Which is good cause I know nothing.
It's so weird that tomorrow is Saturday. Since I was off for two days it feels like it should be a Monday.
Oh well, I should crash. Back to work tomorrow.
Goodbye Looks Good On Me - Reba behind the scenes
i know, i'm boring. sorry. more tomorrow.
What is up with these come from behind victories?
I thought Minnesota got us passed that?!
Better pick it up for the championship cause you know Wisconsin's ticked we beat them the same way.
And I could rant and ramble about how much we should have smoked Iowa but really all anybody cares about - aside from the fact that we won - is that REX IS BACK!!
So we will dominate next week.
Calling it.
Anyway, it was good to have a distraction whilst watching the game cause I told Mom I would put up her trees.
Yes, trees.
It could just be tree but I'm stubborn like that.
So I did the tree in the north room while watching the second half - that one's all white lights with gold and red ornaments. Then the living room one after the game - that one's colored lights with a mix of random ass ornaments that have been collected over the past like 60 years.
Most of them being crafts and stuff we've made, trip souvenirs, mom's wedding dress ornaments and then the nice new green ornaments to go along with them. But I ran out of colored lights so I only did one string of those and then 2 of whites.
I'm crazy and obsessive about these trees it's pathetic really. But they're done and the stockings are up.
Plus the boyfriend I got to hang out with the boyfriend cause he came out to the farmhouse for dinner. Hamburgers from Strang. Awesomeness.
It's amusing to hear him and my father talk about cars and trains. I don't even have to say anything.
Which is good cause I know nothing.
It's so weird that tomorrow is Saturday. Since I was off for two days it feels like it should be a Monday.
Oh well, I should crash. Back to work tomorrow.
Goodbye Looks Good On Me - Reba behind the scenes
i know, i'm boring. sorry. more tomorrow.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
"i ain't touching her heat button."
Ah, Thanksgiving.
Yet another family function filled with food, fun and frivolity.
Say that five times fast.
You can stop now.
Our family is pretty zen compared to others - well, at least the adults are. The kids on the other hand - there was a lot of running and screaming and video games and bingo while the rest of us were content to watch football, the Bond marathon, and look through all the ads in today's paper coming up with our own Christmas lists.
It's become this cheesy tradition and this year we all basically brought our own papers which made it even more entertaining.
Though last year's bicker and banter over who got to see what first was also amusing.
Add to that Second Sister's great app suggestion - Christmas List Pro - in which you can keep track of the people you're buying for, what you got them and how much you spent. There's more if you pay for the premium version but really that's all I needed. Got a lot of good ideas from today but the problem with me is that lately I have no idea what I want.
Book shelves and luggage is all I can come up with, and really, neither of those screams a good time.
Practical yes, party no.
Not that I'm a big party girl like at all really.
But you gotta have some fun stuff too and before that pretty much all I got was fun stuff. Video gaming systems, movies, CD's, computers, signed Charmed scripts, etc. Now I'm old and am boring apparently because before I was able to list off 5 movies that I wanted or video games that had just came out.
Right now all I got is luggage and book shelves.
And then of course my yearly Santa requests...
An endless supply of Diet Dr. Pepper...
A litter box that cleans itself...
yeah know, just the basics.
But not knowing makes it hard for people to buy for me cause I'm not able to give them suggestions, SO! Within the next week I'm gonna be searching ads and online trying to find good fun stuff.
And if you see something you think I'd like send me a note.
Where was I before this tangent?
Oh right, Thanksgiving stories.
Made some interesting memories tonight, slept in 'til 10:30. Woke up and turned on the parade - about thirty seconds later Second Sister called asking what I was doing so I was able to say "watching the parade" instead of saying "shutup i'm sleeping it's my vacation" isn't that nice?
Oldest and Second Sister's families arrived first, then I went to pick up the great aunt but kept getting phone calls about stuff I needed to pick up while in town. The lady at the counter kept laughing at me cause I kept coming back and trying to balance ice, chips and a paper. And listening to my ringtone for when my mother calls.
Let's just say it's highly entertaining, but awkward in social situations when you don't know the people around you.
So I picked her up and successfully jammed the walker into my backseat - always entertaining - then came home so we could eat. We jammed out, watched the Lions lose in overtime - what the hell is up with Suh? You know, when he was here in Nebraska he was the hero, he was awesome. Now he just has some serious anger issues.
The great aunt played bingo with the kiddos and apparently won all the games. Though I laughed cause they were playing with apple jacks as the markers.
This was sometime after the siblings had taken of the couches/chairs in the living room and had ads spread all over the place. But I found Squirt some cool Yoda slippers and Bek a giant stuffed rainbow unicorn plus came up with some other ideas as well. We had Bond on in the background later on - Goldeneye then something else, we weren't paying too much attention to the second one. I just remember it had Teri Hatcher in it.
But then we got distracted ate supper and played pitch instead. Dad and Oldest Sister challenged Bubby and I. They won the first set by a lot, we edged them out in the second set and then SHOT THE MOON and won the third.
I had AKQ962 in diamonds somehow majestically before the deck so I passed that on to Bubby. We dominated.
Oh and big Joe made a house out of dominoes it was pretty cool.
And then everyone took off around 8ish.
The boyfriend spent today home with the flu. I know, I was totally sad but I think he was content to lay on the couch and watch TV. I told BossLady I should have introduced them because she wants to catch the flu. Apparently she enjoys being sick and spending time on the couch. It can be relaxing but I'll pass on all the symptoms, thanks.
Actually she's not the first one who wants to meet him. Around work he's known as "the boy" "the boyfriend" or "the yorkster" which I enjoy. I was told to bring him to work some time though I'm not sure I want to subject him to the Spanish Inquisition from some of the more protective ones. I quite like this one, you can scare the other creepers away.
All in all it was a pretty great day except for the missing boyfriend part. Told some humorous stories, my favorite I'll get in trouble for posting but I'm going to anyway cause I'm still laughing was when Mom first got the new mower - and it's one of those massive riding mowers so very different than our previous one - she hit the pickup and she came inside and told my brother to move the pickup and "while you're at it, pick up the mailbox too."
Needless to say I did a lot of the mowing from then on.
The title is a quote from my brother. Mom has this fake fireplace unit inside our actual fireplace - bizarre but effective - and it has these lights that look like an actual fire but it's also a space heater. My brother was complaining it wasn't doing its job so I told him he needed to hit the heat button. He refused.
After all that Mom and I jammed out on the couch and watched that Michael Jackson documentary Bad 25, it was interesting. Totally didn't know Sheryl Crow sang backup to him on tour and that Annie are you okay was a reference to a CPR dummy. Totally makes the song different after hearing that.
apparently he made "short films" not video. cool to see the influence tie-ins now that I know what to look for. though i still have no idea how they did 7:14.
even though that is a classic the version i grew up with is this one:
love the sidewalk.
sleeping in tomorrow then watching the husker game while putting up the trees, woohoo!
Yet another family function filled with food, fun and frivolity.
Say that five times fast.
You can stop now.
Our family is pretty zen compared to others - well, at least the adults are. The kids on the other hand - there was a lot of running and screaming and video games and bingo while the rest of us were content to watch football, the Bond marathon, and look through all the ads in today's paper coming up with our own Christmas lists.
It's become this cheesy tradition and this year we all basically brought our own papers which made it even more entertaining.
Though last year's bicker and banter over who got to see what first was also amusing.
Add to that Second Sister's great app suggestion - Christmas List Pro - in which you can keep track of the people you're buying for, what you got them and how much you spent. There's more if you pay for the premium version but really that's all I needed. Got a lot of good ideas from today but the problem with me is that lately I have no idea what I want.
Book shelves and luggage is all I can come up with, and really, neither of those screams a good time.
Practical yes, party no.
Not that I'm a big party girl like at all really.
But you gotta have some fun stuff too and before that pretty much all I got was fun stuff. Video gaming systems, movies, CD's, computers, signed Charmed scripts, etc. Now I'm old and am boring apparently because before I was able to list off 5 movies that I wanted or video games that had just came out.
Right now all I got is luggage and book shelves.
And then of course my yearly Santa requests...
An endless supply of Diet Dr. Pepper...
A litter box that cleans itself...
yeah know, just the basics.
But not knowing makes it hard for people to buy for me cause I'm not able to give them suggestions, SO! Within the next week I'm gonna be searching ads and online trying to find good fun stuff.
And if you see something you think I'd like send me a note.
Where was I before this tangent?
Oh right, Thanksgiving stories.
Made some interesting memories tonight, slept in 'til 10:30. Woke up and turned on the parade - about thirty seconds later Second Sister called asking what I was doing so I was able to say "watching the parade" instead of saying "shutup i'm sleeping it's my vacation" isn't that nice?
Oldest and Second Sister's families arrived first, then I went to pick up the great aunt but kept getting phone calls about stuff I needed to pick up while in town. The lady at the counter kept laughing at me cause I kept coming back and trying to balance ice, chips and a paper. And listening to my ringtone for when my mother calls.
Let's just say it's highly entertaining, but awkward in social situations when you don't know the people around you.
So I picked her up and successfully jammed the walker into my backseat - always entertaining - then came home so we could eat. We jammed out, watched the Lions lose in overtime - what the hell is up with Suh? You know, when he was here in Nebraska he was the hero, he was awesome. Now he just has some serious anger issues.
The great aunt played bingo with the kiddos and apparently won all the games. Though I laughed cause they were playing with apple jacks as the markers.
This was sometime after the siblings had taken of the couches/chairs in the living room and had ads spread all over the place. But I found Squirt some cool Yoda slippers and Bek a giant stuffed rainbow unicorn plus came up with some other ideas as well. We had Bond on in the background later on - Goldeneye then something else, we weren't paying too much attention to the second one. I just remember it had Teri Hatcher in it.
But then we got distracted ate supper and played pitch instead. Dad and Oldest Sister challenged Bubby and I. They won the first set by a lot, we edged them out in the second set and then SHOT THE MOON and won the third.
I had AKQ962 in diamonds somehow majestically before the deck so I passed that on to Bubby. We dominated.
Oh and big Joe made a house out of dominoes it was pretty cool.
And then everyone took off around 8ish.
The boyfriend spent today home with the flu. I know, I was totally sad but I think he was content to lay on the couch and watch TV. I told BossLady I should have introduced them because she wants to catch the flu. Apparently she enjoys being sick and spending time on the couch. It can be relaxing but I'll pass on all the symptoms, thanks.
Actually she's not the first one who wants to meet him. Around work he's known as "the boy" "the boyfriend" or "the yorkster" which I enjoy. I was told to bring him to work some time though I'm not sure I want to subject him to the Spanish Inquisition from some of the more protective ones. I quite like this one, you can scare the other creepers away.
All in all it was a pretty great day except for the missing boyfriend part. Told some humorous stories, my favorite I'll get in trouble for posting but I'm going to anyway cause I'm still laughing was when Mom first got the new mower - and it's one of those massive riding mowers so very different than our previous one - she hit the pickup and she came inside and told my brother to move the pickup and "while you're at it, pick up the mailbox too."
Needless to say I did a lot of the mowing from then on.
The title is a quote from my brother. Mom has this fake fireplace unit inside our actual fireplace - bizarre but effective - and it has these lights that look like an actual fire but it's also a space heater. My brother was complaining it wasn't doing its job so I told him he needed to hit the heat button. He refused.
After all that Mom and I jammed out on the couch and watched that Michael Jackson documentary Bad 25, it was interesting. Totally didn't know Sheryl Crow sang backup to him on tour and that Annie are you okay was a reference to a CPR dummy. Totally makes the song different after hearing that.
apparently he made "short films" not video. cool to see the influence tie-ins now that I know what to look for. though i still have no idea how they did 7:14.
even though that is a classic the version i grew up with is this one:
love the sidewalk.
sleeping in tomorrow then watching the husker game while putting up the trees, woohoo!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
nothing left for me to do but dance.
Okay, so one thing I neglected to mention in the previous post is yet another big thing from this week.
Family pictures.
Not my family, his family.
Which of course turned me into a nervous wreck cause it's like a serious thing.
And I know we're serious, but this is like serious serious.
But when I tried explaining that to Girlscout Cabin Fever went, "but didn't you almost get married in Vegas?" "yeah." "isn't that more serious?" and then something about how there should be many more serious events before the actual wedding.
Weird thing, didn't miss a beat during that entire 5 minutes of, "oh yeah, let's get married" in complete seriousness. Not sure what made me nervous about the pictures, his family is great and we get along really well.
Just the nerves of dressing up and wearing makeup and OH MY GOD, so I was in the staff restroom putting on the makeup on break and one of the aides walked in and like this look of pure shock came over her face.
Not sure if she wasn't sure what to do in the situation or that she'd never seen me in makeup let alone applying it.
Either way it was humorous.
So I got all maked up - is that a phrase? I'm making it one - and met up with his family to take the pictures. Quick and painless as was dinner afterward.
Today was as well, it seemed to fly by. Coffee/meeting in the morning with the Library Goddess about the newsletter which I had copy and pasted about 90% already so that was fast, then work and training yet another volunteer. So I'm at 4 go-po's, though last week I was at 5. Then I have like 3 new adult volunteers all coming in at different hours and all that. I think that's all I can handle at the moment or I will go insane.
But I get to jam all day tomorrow with the family. And I get to sleep in, before I have to wake up, get dressed and be conscious enough to pick up my great aunt around 11:30.
Mom says it's either pick her up or cook the food and as I cannot cook the food I'm going with picking her up.
The boyfriend is sick so I'm bummed about that. Hopefully he can get some actual sleep tonight and will feel better tomorrow or the day after.
Alright, on to the music rec. Got a classic one for you tonight.
Canned Heat - Jon Heder's incredible dance moves.
Think someone choreographed this or is he making it up on the fly?
I actually have a video of 4 of my best friends from high school doing this dance but they would hunt me down and kill me if I uploaded it.
nothing left for me to do but dance.
can i borrow some chapstick?
Family pictures.
Not my family, his family.
Which of course turned me into a nervous wreck cause it's like a serious thing.
And I know we're serious, but this is like serious serious.
But when I tried explaining that to Girlscout Cabin Fever went, "but didn't you almost get married in Vegas?" "yeah." "isn't that more serious?" and then something about how there should be many more serious events before the actual wedding.
Weird thing, didn't miss a beat during that entire 5 minutes of, "oh yeah, let's get married" in complete seriousness. Not sure what made me nervous about the pictures, his family is great and we get along really well.
Just the nerves of dressing up and wearing makeup and OH MY GOD, so I was in the staff restroom putting on the makeup on break and one of the aides walked in and like this look of pure shock came over her face.
Not sure if she wasn't sure what to do in the situation or that she'd never seen me in makeup let alone applying it.
Either way it was humorous.
So I got all maked up - is that a phrase? I'm making it one - and met up with his family to take the pictures. Quick and painless as was dinner afterward.
Today was as well, it seemed to fly by. Coffee/meeting in the morning with the Library Goddess about the newsletter which I had copy and pasted about 90% already so that was fast, then work and training yet another volunteer. So I'm at 4 go-po's, though last week I was at 5. Then I have like 3 new adult volunteers all coming in at different hours and all that. I think that's all I can handle at the moment or I will go insane.
But I get to jam all day tomorrow with the family. And I get to sleep in, before I have to wake up, get dressed and be conscious enough to pick up my great aunt around 11:30.
Mom says it's either pick her up or cook the food and as I cannot cook the food I'm going with picking her up.
The boyfriend is sick so I'm bummed about that. Hopefully he can get some actual sleep tonight and will feel better tomorrow or the day after.
Alright, on to the music rec. Got a classic one for you tonight.
Canned Heat - Jon Heder's incredible dance moves.
Think someone choreographed this or is he making it up on the fly?
I actually have a video of 4 of my best friends from high school doing this dance but they would hunt me down and kill me if I uploaded it.
nothing left for me to do but dance.
can i borrow some chapstick?
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
and whispered in the sound of silence.
Things you've missed this week:
World Kindness Day Celebration
-So we knew there wouldn't be a giant turnout because of the game timing, but we had a lot of fun with the people that showed up. And the TAB kids got really into the pin the food on the cornucopia game. One of the kids got so lost he ended up behind the staff desk - and the posted was hung up on the staff door by the PAC's.
So we made our bag turkeys, spoon pilgrims, pilgrim hats, and hand and foot turkeys, plus ate some cookies and drank some apple juice with the Queen of Awesome.
Fun stuff.
Oh, and the QofA was also the first of my coworkers to meet the boyfriend.
Pretty sure she's proud of that.
Oh, totally kissed him in front of my kids and didn't even realize it. Cause you know how stuff like that can turn into a routine thing?
Or is that just us?
It wasn't like a serious thing but when I turned around and they were all smiling I was like, did I just? ah, crap.
Won't be living that one down any time soon.
More fun life stuff a work friend of mine is pregnant and I TOTALLY CALLED IT! Cause I can tell the symptoms, I have three sisters and 8 nieces and nephews I can tell the signs.
Ask Second Sister, got in the car to see Wicked,
"Are you wearing perfume?"
"Are you pregnant?"
"Oh my god!"
She knew for a like a day.
Anyway, I was joking that I had called it but she denied it so I was gonna go up and say "In your face!" but pregnant women are hormonal and nauseous so Queen of the Known Universe said the friend may counter with "On your shoes!"
What else?
Oh, I have a new nickname from Sketch.
Long story.
But previously I was Pancake.
So now I am a Hazmat Pancake.
I'm sure there's more - oh like tonight, we - Maegan, Sam and myself - interviewed a reference librarian for an assignment. I finished all of my other stuff for that class so really I could write this paper from my notes and be done with homework for that class. All I have left is a physical class next month and we're good for the semester.
But I still have the other two classes to finish. Two more major assignments and some discussion boards. This week I'm off for holiday so no homework or discussions - huzzah!
I've already started on one of them, I should really get going on the other. Perhaps I'll work on them over Thanksgiving break.
What else?
Oh, did some Christmas shopping this morning. I'm now done with Favorite Sister-In-Law, Booge, Abby Cadabra, and Claire, plus KJ, G-Wigger and Obi-Wan. Halfway done with Mom. Have one thing for Dad but it's not a lot.
Working on presents for the boyfriend's birthday and Xmas.
So that's.... let's see gotta count there's
5-4 so 1
5-1 so 4
plus Laverna, Grams
oh and I got the Cool Aunt done.
And I should get something for the Library Goddess.
so that's what like 14 left? Plus the boyfriend x2 so 16.
And I should get stuff for his family so there's more.
Eh, I got time.
I still haven't made my list.
We've started doing this thing over Thanksgiving where all the siblings take over the couches in one room and pass around the ads and make our lists. It's quite handy.
Bookshelves may be good.
I have like 3 well, 4 smaller ones but they're overflowing. Maybe I should ask for some tall ones. I could put them where the shorter ones are now and then use the shorter ones for DVD's and CD's or pictures or something.
But they've gotta be good sturdy ones cause I'm an English major so there's a lot of anthologies involved.
Plus like every work by Shakespeare, a bunch of classic novels, some random nonfiction, and A LOT of popular fiction. One of my volunteers was talking about favorite novels. I told her I was a Patterstonian. She thought that was funny.
Please tell me you get that reference.
Back when the show was still good.
Alright, music and I'm off. Got a meeting in the morning to plan out the next newsletter with the Library Goddess.
Huzzah for coffee.
Sound of Silence - Simon and Garfunkel
legitimate pre-11:50 post. holy crap tag in use.
World Kindness Day Celebration
-So we knew there wouldn't be a giant turnout because of the game timing, but we had a lot of fun with the people that showed up. And the TAB kids got really into the pin the food on the cornucopia game. One of the kids got so lost he ended up behind the staff desk - and the posted was hung up on the staff door by the PAC's.
So we made our bag turkeys, spoon pilgrims, pilgrim hats, and hand and foot turkeys, plus ate some cookies and drank some apple juice with the Queen of Awesome.
Fun stuff.
Oh, and the QofA was also the first of my coworkers to meet the boyfriend.
Pretty sure she's proud of that.
Oh, totally kissed him in front of my kids and didn't even realize it. Cause you know how stuff like that can turn into a routine thing?
Or is that just us?
It wasn't like a serious thing but when I turned around and they were all smiling I was like, did I just? ah, crap.
Won't be living that one down any time soon.
More fun life stuff a work friend of mine is pregnant and I TOTALLY CALLED IT! Cause I can tell the symptoms, I have three sisters and 8 nieces and nephews I can tell the signs.
Ask Second Sister, got in the car to see Wicked,
"Are you wearing perfume?"
"Are you pregnant?"
"Oh my god!"
She knew for a like a day.
Anyway, I was joking that I had called it but she denied it so I was gonna go up and say "In your face!" but pregnant women are hormonal and nauseous so Queen of the Known Universe said the friend may counter with "On your shoes!"
What else?
Oh, I have a new nickname from Sketch.
Long story.
But previously I was Pancake.
So now I am a Hazmat Pancake.
I'm sure there's more - oh like tonight, we - Maegan, Sam and myself - interviewed a reference librarian for an assignment. I finished all of my other stuff for that class so really I could write this paper from my notes and be done with homework for that class. All I have left is a physical class next month and we're good for the semester.
But I still have the other two classes to finish. Two more major assignments and some discussion boards. This week I'm off for holiday so no homework or discussions - huzzah!
I've already started on one of them, I should really get going on the other. Perhaps I'll work on them over Thanksgiving break.
What else?
Oh, did some Christmas shopping this morning. I'm now done with Favorite Sister-In-Law, Booge, Abby Cadabra, and Claire, plus KJ, G-Wigger and Obi-Wan. Halfway done with Mom. Have one thing for Dad but it's not a lot.
Working on presents for the boyfriend's birthday and Xmas.
So that's.... let's see gotta count there's
5-4 so 1
5-1 so 4
plus Laverna, Grams
oh and I got the Cool Aunt done.
And I should get something for the Library Goddess.
so that's what like 14 left? Plus the boyfriend x2 so 16.
And I should get stuff for his family so there's more.
Eh, I got time.
I still haven't made my list.
We've started doing this thing over Thanksgiving where all the siblings take over the couches in one room and pass around the ads and make our lists. It's quite handy.
Bookshelves may be good.
I have like 3 well, 4 smaller ones but they're overflowing. Maybe I should ask for some tall ones. I could put them where the shorter ones are now and then use the shorter ones for DVD's and CD's or pictures or something.
But they've gotta be good sturdy ones cause I'm an English major so there's a lot of anthologies involved.
Plus like every work by Shakespeare, a bunch of classic novels, some random nonfiction, and A LOT of popular fiction. One of my volunteers was talking about favorite novels. I told her I was a Patterstonian. She thought that was funny.
Please tell me you get that reference.
Back when the show was still good.
Alright, music and I'm off. Got a meeting in the morning to plan out the next newsletter with the Library Goddess.
Huzzah for coffee.
Sound of Silence - Simon and Garfunkel
legitimate pre-11:50 post. holy crap tag in use.
Monday, November 19, 2012
What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas: Day Four
:: Last night in the big city
- I'm including this in Day Four because by the time we got back to the hotel is was about 3AM. Not so genius when we needed to be up and ready and packed and checked out and in the lobby by 9:30. Though we ended up checking out at 9AM through the TV - who knew?! Yeah, easy enough. Though I went to the lobby to get a printed receipt just in case. Though every time you turn on the TV you hear Steve Wynn ramble on repeat about how great his hotels are and how every single part was picked out specifically because of something or whatever and it was on multiple channels. Good to fall asleep to, actually the first night there was this weird cheerleading movie with Deeks - well, not Deeks, Eric Christian Olsen but he'll forever be known as Deeks.
:: Airport Security
- Going through the security at airports is always awkward. Gotta take off your shoes and belt and if you've got sparkle-butt jeans you beep, like I said awkward. But the joy of repeating the same things over and over can sometimes give employees a sense of humor. Some quotes overheard by the dude in charge were: "no liquids allowed on the plane. if you have vodka there's a pickup in the employee parking lot." "if you're still comfortable then you're wearing too many clothes."
:: Jammin' at the Airport
- BK for breakfast/lunch. The pattern continued where I would order something, eat three bites then he would finish it. Though it must just be a vacation thing cause we went to BK last week and he only got through his own. After BK came the flight to Denver. Immediately after landing we had to speed walk - well, speed ride the moving walkways to the next terminal cause our flight was supposed to leave immediately after. Thankfully they were delayed which gave me time to check Facebook - cause I mean, what else does one do whilst waiting at the airport?
:: The Pervy Old Dude
- We sat by an interesting group of characters throughout our four flights but I think King of Useless Knowledge's guy was the worst. Felt sorry for the flight attendant. At least mine was silent and on his laptop the whole time. But I missed the Sky Mall magazine...
:: At the airport
- Well, after we made it back we hit up the baggage claim and went our separate ways. After of course the topic of Thanksgiving was brought up. That has yet to be decided but hopefully I'll get to spend some time with the boyfriend.
I went out there tonight and we watched the original Red Dawn, well, he watched the original Red Dawn, I fell asleep.
And that's pretty much Vegas, minus some minor details I forgot to write down. But if I think of them later I'll add them in.
Song of the day:
Everybody Talks - Michaela Paige cover on The Voice
listened to at 400 mph in the sky.
- I'm including this in Day Four because by the time we got back to the hotel is was about 3AM. Not so genius when we needed to be up and ready and packed and checked out and in the lobby by 9:30. Though we ended up checking out at 9AM through the TV - who knew?! Yeah, easy enough. Though I went to the lobby to get a printed receipt just in case. Though every time you turn on the TV you hear Steve Wynn ramble on repeat about how great his hotels are and how every single part was picked out specifically because of something or whatever and it was on multiple channels. Good to fall asleep to, actually the first night there was this weird cheerleading movie with Deeks - well, not Deeks, Eric Christian Olsen but he'll forever be known as Deeks.
:: Airport Security
- Going through the security at airports is always awkward. Gotta take off your shoes and belt and if you've got sparkle-butt jeans you beep, like I said awkward. But the joy of repeating the same things over and over can sometimes give employees a sense of humor. Some quotes overheard by the dude in charge were: "no liquids allowed on the plane. if you have vodka there's a pickup in the employee parking lot." "if you're still comfortable then you're wearing too many clothes."
:: Jammin' at the Airport
- BK for breakfast/lunch. The pattern continued where I would order something, eat three bites then he would finish it. Though it must just be a vacation thing cause we went to BK last week and he only got through his own. After BK came the flight to Denver. Immediately after landing we had to speed walk - well, speed ride the moving walkways to the next terminal cause our flight was supposed to leave immediately after. Thankfully they were delayed which gave me time to check Facebook - cause I mean, what else does one do whilst waiting at the airport?
:: The Pervy Old Dude
- We sat by an interesting group of characters throughout our four flights but I think King of Useless Knowledge's guy was the worst. Felt sorry for the flight attendant. At least mine was silent and on his laptop the whole time. But I missed the Sky Mall magazine...
:: At the airport
- Well, after we made it back we hit up the baggage claim and went our separate ways. After of course the topic of Thanksgiving was brought up. That has yet to be decided but hopefully I'll get to spend some time with the boyfriend.
I went out there tonight and we watched the original Red Dawn, well, he watched the original Red Dawn, I fell asleep.
And that's pretty much Vegas, minus some minor details I forgot to write down. But if I think of them later I'll add them in.
Song of the day:
Everybody Talks - Michaela Paige cover on The Voice
listened to at 400 mph in the sky.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas: Day Three
:: The buffet to eat all buffets
- Met up with the gang for breakfast at the buffet. Holy crapola was that a lot of food. The line was pretty substantial but once we got in I realized why. I think there were like 8 different sections of food. Basically, you sat a table then went in to pick what you wanted. I had fruit, biscuits and gravy, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, toast. The boyfriend had all that plus about 2 other plates full of food. Big brother had some sort of beef or steak or something, it was amazing the variety.
:: Starbucks vs. Walgreen's
- You know the Starbucks theory? How there is one every other block? I have a new theory. It's called the Walgreen's theory. Whilst in Vegas I saw only one Starbucks the entire time I was there, however, it seemed like there was a Walgreen's everywhere! It got to the point where - and I've watched this skit far too many times this is proof - every time I saw one the phrase "would be like a Walgreen's, there would be two on every block and four in every airport..." would pop in my head.
:: Roller Coaster in the Sky
- So remember the boyfriend's obsession with roller coasters? And how we rode on them for 10 hours straight at World's of Fun? If not, read this: The difference between "if" and "when" Anyway, so he decided that he wanted to ride on the roller coaster on top of the New York New York hotel. As did my brother-in-law. Since my stomach was still iffy from the flights/elevator that went to high so fast that it literally made your ears ring/ginormous breakfast I happily let them go together whilst I tagged along. So they rode it while I played this ridiculously addictive Saturday Night Fever quarter game. I'm not sure what the game had to do with John Travolta or the movie but it had his picture on it. This is the same game - minus John Travolta - that the boyfriend got me hooked on this summer at the fair, go here: 2012 skits, sickness, olympics and a giant guitar. Anyway, the tickets I got from the game I gave to a kid on the way out. Not like I needed a prize out of their cheesy stash. Plus I'd have to carry it all the way back to the hotel.
:: Camera Drama
- This is where the trip went downhill. Everything was all fine and dandy and then somehow I left my camera in a taxi. Fell out of my coat pocket. Me of course being the over-reactor that I am totally flipped out. We talked to this hotel dude who checked the security camera and gave us a list of taxi cab companies that we could call, but of course when you don't plan on leaving something in a taxi you don't really pay attention to your surroundings as well as you should. Luckily my boyfriend is a car expert so he knew which company to call so we called and left our information. But it's a big town with a lot of cabs and interesting people so we have yet to hear back. I called again once we got back but still nothing. Eh. But it's fine, at least it wasn't my wallet or my phone.
:: My boyfriend is sweeter than your boyfriend.
- Remember my segments about how my boss is cooler than your boss? or my coworkers are cooler than your coworkers? New one for you, my boyfriend is sweeter than your boyfriend. So, since I'm me, I wanted to stay in the hotel room for the rest of the day drowning in misery. If you know me and picture you would understand. I think I have over 60 albums uploaded to Facebook, not to mention multiple computers filled with them. The boyfriend then suggests we go to Best Buy and get a new one but I was having none of it. Favorite Sister-In-Law was also present. Next thing I know he's gone so I turn on Friends and start watching that. Then get a text from Second Sister claiming she misses her kids so I needed to meet her at Treasure Island to distract her. Since we were going to the show right after dinner I figured I would get changed first but didn't have enough energy to put on the makeup as was originally planned.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that in yesterday's post. The night before the girls gave me a makeover with the makeup, I walked into the room and the boyfriend went Whoa. And that was it. There were no other words used. So I took a picture - I'll get back to that later.
So meanwhile, I changed and went down to meet Second Sister in front of the pirate ship - the red one, not the blue one. And I texted the boyfriend as I was leaving cause he told me to text him if I was going anywhere. Told him where I was going then called Second Sister cause our hotel is huge and without the boyfriend apparently suddenly I lose all sense of direction and can't find the correct exit. Except I did. But she was trying to convince me that I was wrong. Which didn't help things. I get out the back door, can literally see the pirate ship and she tells me I'm going the wrong way. Woops. Anyway, met her there and the boyfriend said he would meet us where we were having supper aka Phil's Italian Steakhouse. Someone did some massive planning on that one since some people wanted Italian and others wanted steak. Perfect.
Anyway, so we get the the restaurant - yes I did just spell check that as always - and he shows up with a new camera and memory card. Apparently, whilst still in the room he signaled Favorite Sister-In-Law that he was going to get the camera, found the address to Best Buy then took off with Brother-in-Law to go get one - same model and everything. Pretty sure all the women swooned and said something to the effect of "why can't you be that romantic with me?!" to all their husbands. But it wasn't just the camera, it was also the fact that he volunteered to go all the up and down the strip again just to retake all of the pictures that we had taken the night before.
So the only original pictures I still have left were the ones from my phone - including the makeover pictures that made him go Whoa, label me as stunning and claim to be able to look at that all day.
See, sweet.
Anyway, somehow my brother ended up seeing that picture and legitimately said "who's that?" and had no clue, then didn't believe it was me.
Perhaps I'll upload them later, if not I'm sure they'll surface on Facebook eventually.
:: Shared entree and salad
- Remember yesterday about the food pattern? I would order something, eat three bites then he would finish it after eating his own meal. See, we rarely eat when we're together. Unless there's someone with us. But since the buffet was giant we weren't really all that hungry so we shared some sort of fancy salad and shrimp scampi entree.
:: Beatles Love
- We saw the Beatles Love circ du soleil show at the Mirage on Monday night, it was fantastic. We had excellent seats right up front so we could literally reach out and touch someone if we wanted to. But that would be frowned upon. There was so much going on at once it was like you didn't know where to look. Tons of acrobats jumping and spinning and dancing and singing. Awesomeness.
:: Strip Take Two
- So we went all the way from the Wynn to the Luxor and back. Gotta be like 5 miles at least. Think I actually lost weight on that vacation, and when does that happen ever? We retook our pictures and even a few more - especially of the Luxor but I rambled about that fascination yesterday.
:: Shotglass Collection Continues
- So I have this thing where I collect shot glasses whenever I go on a trip. I got it from my brother. Anyway, the one I snagged and brought home I got this night on the street at a convenience station of sorts. I think around 2 or 3 in the morning. Was cool to see the strip at night but it brought out the creepers, though not as many as I thought. Had some well-placed security guards.
Locked Out of Heaven - Bruno Mars
the boyfriend is now obsessive with this song
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy Crap tag in use.
- Met up with the gang for breakfast at the buffet. Holy crapola was that a lot of food. The line was pretty substantial but once we got in I realized why. I think there were like 8 different sections of food. Basically, you sat a table then went in to pick what you wanted. I had fruit, biscuits and gravy, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, toast. The boyfriend had all that plus about 2 other plates full of food. Big brother had some sort of beef or steak or something, it was amazing the variety.
:: Starbucks vs. Walgreen's
- You know the Starbucks theory? How there is one every other block? I have a new theory. It's called the Walgreen's theory. Whilst in Vegas I saw only one Starbucks the entire time I was there, however, it seemed like there was a Walgreen's everywhere! It got to the point where - and I've watched this skit far too many times this is proof - every time I saw one the phrase "would be like a Walgreen's, there would be two on every block and four in every airport..." would pop in my head.
:: Roller Coaster in the Sky
- So remember the boyfriend's obsession with roller coasters? And how we rode on them for 10 hours straight at World's of Fun? If not, read this: The difference between "if" and "when" Anyway, so he decided that he wanted to ride on the roller coaster on top of the New York New York hotel. As did my brother-in-law. Since my stomach was still iffy from the flights/elevator that went to high so fast that it literally made your ears ring/ginormous breakfast I happily let them go together whilst I tagged along. So they rode it while I played this ridiculously addictive Saturday Night Fever quarter game. I'm not sure what the game had to do with John Travolta or the movie but it had his picture on it. This is the same game - minus John Travolta - that the boyfriend got me hooked on this summer at the fair, go here: 2012 skits, sickness, olympics and a giant guitar. Anyway, the tickets I got from the game I gave to a kid on the way out. Not like I needed a prize out of their cheesy stash. Plus I'd have to carry it all the way back to the hotel.
:: Camera Drama
- This is where the trip went downhill. Everything was all fine and dandy and then somehow I left my camera in a taxi. Fell out of my coat pocket. Me of course being the over-reactor that I am totally flipped out. We talked to this hotel dude who checked the security camera and gave us a list of taxi cab companies that we could call, but of course when you don't plan on leaving something in a taxi you don't really pay attention to your surroundings as well as you should. Luckily my boyfriend is a car expert so he knew which company to call so we called and left our information. But it's a big town with a lot of cabs and interesting people so we have yet to hear back. I called again once we got back but still nothing. Eh. But it's fine, at least it wasn't my wallet or my phone.
:: My boyfriend is sweeter than your boyfriend.
- Remember my segments about how my boss is cooler than your boss? or my coworkers are cooler than your coworkers? New one for you, my boyfriend is sweeter than your boyfriend. So, since I'm me, I wanted to stay in the hotel room for the rest of the day drowning in misery. If you know me and picture you would understand. I think I have over 60 albums uploaded to Facebook, not to mention multiple computers filled with them. The boyfriend then suggests we go to Best Buy and get a new one but I was having none of it. Favorite Sister-In-Law was also present. Next thing I know he's gone so I turn on Friends and start watching that. Then get a text from Second Sister claiming she misses her kids so I needed to meet her at Treasure Island to distract her. Since we were going to the show right after dinner I figured I would get changed first but didn't have enough energy to put on the makeup as was originally planned.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that in yesterday's post. The night before the girls gave me a makeover with the makeup, I walked into the room and the boyfriend went Whoa. And that was it. There were no other words used. So I took a picture - I'll get back to that later.
So meanwhile, I changed and went down to meet Second Sister in front of the pirate ship - the red one, not the blue one. And I texted the boyfriend as I was leaving cause he told me to text him if I was going anywhere. Told him where I was going then called Second Sister cause our hotel is huge and without the boyfriend apparently suddenly I lose all sense of direction and can't find the correct exit. Except I did. But she was trying to convince me that I was wrong. Which didn't help things. I get out the back door, can literally see the pirate ship and she tells me I'm going the wrong way. Woops. Anyway, met her there and the boyfriend said he would meet us where we were having supper aka Phil's Italian Steakhouse. Someone did some massive planning on that one since some people wanted Italian and others wanted steak. Perfect.
Anyway, so we get the the restaurant - yes I did just spell check that as always - and he shows up with a new camera and memory card. Apparently, whilst still in the room he signaled Favorite Sister-In-Law that he was going to get the camera, found the address to Best Buy then took off with Brother-in-Law to go get one - same model and everything. Pretty sure all the women swooned and said something to the effect of "why can't you be that romantic with me?!" to all their husbands. But it wasn't just the camera, it was also the fact that he volunteered to go all the up and down the strip again just to retake all of the pictures that we had taken the night before.
So the only original pictures I still have left were the ones from my phone - including the makeover pictures that made him go Whoa, label me as stunning and claim to be able to look at that all day.
See, sweet.
Anyway, somehow my brother ended up seeing that picture and legitimately said "who's that?" and had no clue, then didn't believe it was me.
Perhaps I'll upload them later, if not I'm sure they'll surface on Facebook eventually.
:: Shared entree and salad
- Remember yesterday about the food pattern? I would order something, eat three bites then he would finish it after eating his own meal. See, we rarely eat when we're together. Unless there's someone with us. But since the buffet was giant we weren't really all that hungry so we shared some sort of fancy salad and shrimp scampi entree.
:: Beatles Love
- We saw the Beatles Love circ du soleil show at the Mirage on Monday night, it was fantastic. We had excellent seats right up front so we could literally reach out and touch someone if we wanted to. But that would be frowned upon. There was so much going on at once it was like you didn't know where to look. Tons of acrobats jumping and spinning and dancing and singing. Awesomeness.
:: Strip Take Two
- So we went all the way from the Wynn to the Luxor and back. Gotta be like 5 miles at least. Think I actually lost weight on that vacation, and when does that happen ever? We retook our pictures and even a few more - especially of the Luxor but I rambled about that fascination yesterday.
:: Shotglass Collection Continues
- So I have this thing where I collect shot glasses whenever I go on a trip. I got it from my brother. Anyway, the one I snagged and brought home I got this night on the street at a convenience station of sorts. I think around 2 or 3 in the morning. Was cool to see the strip at night but it brought out the creepers, though not as many as I thought. Had some well-placed security guards.
Locked Out of Heaven - Bruno Mars
the boyfriend is now obsessive with this song
Legitimate pre-midnight post. Holy Crap tag in use.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas: Day Two
I won't say what time it actually is, though the stoplights were flashing by the time I left the boyfriend's place. For those of you not familiar with small towns their stoplights - or stoplight singular if you're g-town, though I don't think they do this - start to blink so you can fly through them instead of waiting. Just gotta check both ways.
:: Belgian Waffles at Terrace Point
-There's a difference between Los Vegas cold and Nebraska cold. For instance we went to breakfast at this awesome place called Terrace Point at the hotel and the boyfriend was in jeans in a t-shirt so when we asked if we could sit outside the lady went "are you sure?" We walked outside and it was like 60 degrees. That's like paradise for November in Nebraska.
I had Belgian waffles, well one - see here is where a pattern started. I would order food and eat like a third then he would eat his entire meal then finish mine. It was nice to eat outside and actually amusing cause there were birds everywhere stealing sugar packets three at a time.
:: "First off awesome sign, secondly what the hell are you doing in that department?"
- Day two we split up and did our own stuff. The boys went to car museums and slowly got addicted to craps while the girls went shopping. Well, most of the girls shopped. I bought makeup - yes makeup - and then took pictures all over Caesar's Palace. The makeup was enough for me. Apparently, according to Vegas rules you're supposed to do something you wouldn't normally do. As I don't buy makeup, like ever, apparently that was my thing. Well, there were more things, but I'll get there. My downfall was sending a picture of a sign I found to Juwanna cause it had her name on it, BUT there was makeup in the background so I knew I was screwed.
Even worse I got stuck trying Justin Bieber's perfume cause Oldest Sister's arms were already covered with other sampled. "why do I have to sacrifice?!"
As drama-filled as that part was, there was even more when it came to purse shopping. Not for me, thankfully. But Oldest Sister decided to get Squirt a purse for Christmas. Don't worry, she knows. But, which purse? After working with the saleswoman for like 20 minutes she then sent a bunch of texts and phonecalls back and forth with Squirt deciding which one.
MEANWHILE I get a call from my dorm mom, "What are you doing in Denver?!" Cause we're friends on Facebook and I mentioned landing there in a snowstorm. She was in Denver, I was not.
After the purse was picked I took a bunch of pictures of an awesome Greek figured fountain - Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, all that - while they looked at shoes, jeans, other girlish stuff.
:: "Let's play war, Asians are wild."
- It seemed like everywhere we went on the strip there were people handing out hooker cards. Apparently that's legal there - and if I wasn't aware by the many cards I'd collected by the end of the week there were buses that traveled up and down the strip constantly was pictures of them on the side of it. We were curious if they were actually in the bus because every once in a while they'd flip a u-turn and speed off. Anyway, but they would snap the cards and hand them out on corners. Apparently Kayla had a quality to her so while the rest of the women avoided it, she had a bunch of them shoved in her direction. The boys were enjoying this and built up quite the collection.
:: Down the strip
- While everyone else went out for sushi the boyfriend and I walked down the strip to see the sights and take some pictures. I really wanted to hit up the Luxor cause I'm such a nerd for ancient Egypt. The first minute we were there we were already getting the sales pitch that if we signed up that day and put down some money we could stay at their new building for free - well, basically - and while it was awesome I don't think we'll be going back in the next year. But it was amusing cause after we heard her schpeel another chick approached us and then later she attempted to approach us again, saw it was us and stopped talking.
On the way to the Luxor we met some interesting characters such as Chewbacca - oh and earlier Kayla, Oldest Sister and I walked passed someone in a Hello Kitty suit but Kayla decided it looked more like Hello Dirty Kitty cause the suit was gross - and a rapper named LOVE. She's from Texas and Nevada and all over. I bought her CD - she signed it and everything - she told me to bootleg it to get the word out. I still have yet to listen to it - though King of Useless Knowledge bought one on Fremont Street.
Oh, and I played a Mummy slots game at the Luxor, though it wasn't as good since the machine had Maria Bello on it and not Rachel Weisz. Just not the same.
:: Fremont Street
- Fremont Street is basically the old Vegas strip. It's sweet, like a third of the size of the new strip, well more like a fourth, with a giant TV screen taking up the entire ceiling. Lots of cheap gambling. I finally tried out some slots while the boyfriend played roulette. I made 24 bucks on the slots and 50 on roulette but since the boyfriend wanted to keep gambling I blew it all on roulette. It was amusing though, he was sitting at the same table for over an hour, I was in for one play and got the 50 bucks. After all that we jumped in a cab, got back and crashed.
Song of that day:
Single Ladies - Beyonce
played while we were shopping Sephora.
remind me to post about the QofA meeting the boyfriend, "in your face" "on your shoes!" and hazmat suits later when i do a summary post of the after vegas effect.
:: Belgian Waffles at Terrace Point
-There's a difference between Los Vegas cold and Nebraska cold. For instance we went to breakfast at this awesome place called Terrace Point at the hotel and the boyfriend was in jeans in a t-shirt so when we asked if we could sit outside the lady went "are you sure?" We walked outside and it was like 60 degrees. That's like paradise for November in Nebraska.
I had Belgian waffles, well one - see here is where a pattern started. I would order food and eat like a third then he would eat his entire meal then finish mine. It was nice to eat outside and actually amusing cause there were birds everywhere stealing sugar packets three at a time.
:: "First off awesome sign, secondly what the hell are you doing in that department?"
- Day two we split up and did our own stuff. The boys went to car museums and slowly got addicted to craps while the girls went shopping. Well, most of the girls shopped. I bought makeup - yes makeup - and then took pictures all over Caesar's Palace. The makeup was enough for me. Apparently, according to Vegas rules you're supposed to do something you wouldn't normally do. As I don't buy makeup, like ever, apparently that was my thing. Well, there were more things, but I'll get there. My downfall was sending a picture of a sign I found to Juwanna cause it had her name on it, BUT there was makeup in the background so I knew I was screwed.
Even worse I got stuck trying Justin Bieber's perfume cause Oldest Sister's arms were already covered with other sampled. "why do I have to sacrifice?!"
As drama-filled as that part was, there was even more when it came to purse shopping. Not for me, thankfully. But Oldest Sister decided to get Squirt a purse for Christmas. Don't worry, she knows. But, which purse? After working with the saleswoman for like 20 minutes she then sent a bunch of texts and phonecalls back and forth with Squirt deciding which one.
MEANWHILE I get a call from my dorm mom, "What are you doing in Denver?!" Cause we're friends on Facebook and I mentioned landing there in a snowstorm. She was in Denver, I was not.
After the purse was picked I took a bunch of pictures of an awesome Greek figured fountain - Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, all that - while they looked at shoes, jeans, other girlish stuff.
:: "Let's play war, Asians are wild."
- It seemed like everywhere we went on the strip there were people handing out hooker cards. Apparently that's legal there - and if I wasn't aware by the many cards I'd collected by the end of the week there were buses that traveled up and down the strip constantly was pictures of them on the side of it. We were curious if they were actually in the bus because every once in a while they'd flip a u-turn and speed off. Anyway, but they would snap the cards and hand them out on corners. Apparently Kayla had a quality to her so while the rest of the women avoided it, she had a bunch of them shoved in her direction. The boys were enjoying this and built up quite the collection.
:: Down the strip
- While everyone else went out for sushi the boyfriend and I walked down the strip to see the sights and take some pictures. I really wanted to hit up the Luxor cause I'm such a nerd for ancient Egypt. The first minute we were there we were already getting the sales pitch that if we signed up that day and put down some money we could stay at their new building for free - well, basically - and while it was awesome I don't think we'll be going back in the next year. But it was amusing cause after we heard her schpeel another chick approached us and then later she attempted to approach us again, saw it was us and stopped talking.
On the way to the Luxor we met some interesting characters such as Chewbacca - oh and earlier Kayla, Oldest Sister and I walked passed someone in a Hello Kitty suit but Kayla decided it looked more like Hello Dirty Kitty cause the suit was gross - and a rapper named LOVE. She's from Texas and Nevada and all over. I bought her CD - she signed it and everything - she told me to bootleg it to get the word out. I still have yet to listen to it - though King of Useless Knowledge bought one on Fremont Street.
Oh, and I played a Mummy slots game at the Luxor, though it wasn't as good since the machine had Maria Bello on it and not Rachel Weisz. Just not the same.
:: Fremont Street
- Fremont Street is basically the old Vegas strip. It's sweet, like a third of the size of the new strip, well more like a fourth, with a giant TV screen taking up the entire ceiling. Lots of cheap gambling. I finally tried out some slots while the boyfriend played roulette. I made 24 bucks on the slots and 50 on roulette but since the boyfriend wanted to keep gambling I blew it all on roulette. It was amusing though, he was sitting at the same table for over an hour, I was in for one play and got the 50 bucks. After all that we jumped in a cab, got back and crashed.
Song of that day:
Single Ladies - Beyonce
played while we were shopping Sephora.
remind me to post about the QofA meeting the boyfriend, "in your face" "on your shoes!" and hazmat suits later when i do a summary post of the after vegas effect.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Well, mostly.
Day One:
:: "I wanted to punch that Sooner Boomer lady."
"It's Boomer Sooner."
- It was the boyfriend's first trip on a commercial airline. Which is ironic since he builds airplane parts for a living. Bummer I can't use the anecdote anymore. He did okay, aside from the crazy lady sitting next to him. Apparently she and a group of friends were excited about their game and really hated Texas. The ride itself went smoothly and we landed safely in Denver. Oh and I need luggage for Christmas. I mean, I don't need it specifically for Christmas, I mean that I'm putting it on my list for Christmas.
:: Delayed Flight = Loitering Around the Sports Bar to Watch the Husker Game
-The joy about flying planes is that their schedule is dependent on the weather. On this particular day there was a bit of a snowstorm so we spent a few hours jamming out in the airport. So I posted some random stuff on Facebook - and continued as the weekend went on - and got continuous game updates from Mom. Meanwhile the boys all stood outside this sports bar watching it on their big screen and screaming for every big play.
:: Big Bang Theory & Hot Tea
-Since there was a snowstorm there was a major delay in takeoff so they could de-ice the plane. For this reason - I mean, I'm assuming it's for this reason - we got free cable on the way from Denver to Vegas. I watched the Big Bang Theory marathon on TBS. Every time the boyfriend catches me watching it he refers to it as "that show again". But it's just that good. And I got hot tea. Which is my secret stomach settling drink. Well, any type of tea anyway. No idea why, think it's all a mental thing. But I got hot tea on each of the four flights we took.
:: Slots At The Airport
-Yes, immediately after getting off the plane there were slot machines. So, just in case you couldn't wait until the hotel you could start early. The King of Useless Knowledge was the first and lost his dollar. Bummer. Would have been amusing if he did one buck and then won on the first try.
:: Mandatory Resort Fee
-Check-in was a little scary. We changed our reservations so that we'd all be on the same floor. In the end I only paid about 80 some bucks cause I'd already paid for everything else. Though the majority of that 80 bucks was what they called a "Mandatory Resort Fee" which brought up the comment, "you can't put a price on fitness." "Yes, you can, it's 25 dollars." Another weird thing brought up at check-in? They use the weight system so that if you pick up one of the snacks you are charged for the item if you don't put it back in the exact location within a minute of moving it.
:: "Don't lick the apparatus."
-So, you gotta know that my family is highly entertaining. Some in particular say anything that comes to mind outloud. Over the next few days you'll get a lot of random quotes that I'll attempt to explain but most likely the majority of them are better left unexplained. This particular one came after my brother said he would never go on the zipline because some dude who did got a staff infection and lost a bunch of limbs. But maybe that's what caused the problem in the first place.
:: To Get Married or Not To Get Married, that is the question.
We had dinner at Gilley's, a cowboy resteraunt where all the waitresses are decked out in cowboy boots, hats and spurs. There was even a mechanical bull in the room next door. At one point the topic of marriage came up - we were discussing when to take our picture in front of a church and send it to our parents prank that my siblings had been plotting. I said something about how it would be easier to just get married to which he agreed. When I said he was joking but I was serious he said he was serious as well so there were about 30 seconds that we were going to get married. We had enough family there to be witnesses and the rest could throw us a reception later. Part of me wishes we did, just cause I want to be with him. But the other part of me knows that our parents would kill us, and of course Sketch as well. She would have driven all the way to Vegas to kick my butt.
Song listened to on the way to the airport?
Only a few of the highlights of the day. Tomorrow is all about Day Two. Stay tuned.
:: "I wanted to punch that Sooner Boomer lady."
"It's Boomer Sooner."
- It was the boyfriend's first trip on a commercial airline. Which is ironic since he builds airplane parts for a living. Bummer I can't use the anecdote anymore. He did okay, aside from the crazy lady sitting next to him. Apparently she and a group of friends were excited about their game and really hated Texas. The ride itself went smoothly and we landed safely in Denver. Oh and I need luggage for Christmas. I mean, I don't need it specifically for Christmas, I mean that I'm putting it on my list for Christmas.
:: Delayed Flight = Loitering Around the Sports Bar to Watch the Husker Game
-The joy about flying planes is that their schedule is dependent on the weather. On this particular day there was a bit of a snowstorm so we spent a few hours jamming out in the airport. So I posted some random stuff on Facebook - and continued as the weekend went on - and got continuous game updates from Mom. Meanwhile the boys all stood outside this sports bar watching it on their big screen and screaming for every big play.
:: Big Bang Theory & Hot Tea
-Since there was a snowstorm there was a major delay in takeoff so they could de-ice the plane. For this reason - I mean, I'm assuming it's for this reason - we got free cable on the way from Denver to Vegas. I watched the Big Bang Theory marathon on TBS. Every time the boyfriend catches me watching it he refers to it as "that show again". But it's just that good. And I got hot tea. Which is my secret stomach settling drink. Well, any type of tea anyway. No idea why, think it's all a mental thing. But I got hot tea on each of the four flights we took.
:: Slots At The Airport
-Yes, immediately after getting off the plane there were slot machines. So, just in case you couldn't wait until the hotel you could start early. The King of Useless Knowledge was the first and lost his dollar. Bummer. Would have been amusing if he did one buck and then won on the first try.
:: Mandatory Resort Fee
-Check-in was a little scary. We changed our reservations so that we'd all be on the same floor. In the end I only paid about 80 some bucks cause I'd already paid for everything else. Though the majority of that 80 bucks was what they called a "Mandatory Resort Fee" which brought up the comment, "you can't put a price on fitness." "Yes, you can, it's 25 dollars." Another weird thing brought up at check-in? They use the weight system so that if you pick up one of the snacks you are charged for the item if you don't put it back in the exact location within a minute of moving it.
:: "Don't lick the apparatus."
-So, you gotta know that my family is highly entertaining. Some in particular say anything that comes to mind outloud. Over the next few days you'll get a lot of random quotes that I'll attempt to explain but most likely the majority of them are better left unexplained. This particular one came after my brother said he would never go on the zipline because some dude who did got a staff infection and lost a bunch of limbs. But maybe that's what caused the problem in the first place.
:: To Get Married or Not To Get Married, that is the question.
We had dinner at Gilley's, a cowboy resteraunt where all the waitresses are decked out in cowboy boots, hats and spurs. There was even a mechanical bull in the room next door. At one point the topic of marriage came up - we were discussing when to take our picture in front of a church and send it to our parents prank that my siblings had been plotting. I said something about how it would be easier to just get married to which he agreed. When I said he was joking but I was serious he said he was serious as well so there were about 30 seconds that we were going to get married. We had enough family there to be witnesses and the rest could throw us a reception later. Part of me wishes we did, just cause I want to be with him. But the other part of me knows that our parents would kill us, and of course Sketch as well. She would have driven all the way to Vegas to kick my butt.
Song listened to on the way to the airport?
Only a few of the highlights of the day. Tomorrow is all about Day Two. Stay tuned.
Friday, November 9, 2012
"look, sparkles but no pink" "you know me so well already"
Vegas tomorrow so the countdown is officially down to 1 day.
Went shopping tonight with Oldest Sister after working 9-6.
I packed my massive bag. Cause my regular sized one is broken. So now I'll have room for souvenirs. Not that I was planning on getting a lot of them.
I'll should bring The Princess Bride with me tomorrow. For some reason I was reading it both times I flew to Chicago. Could keep the tradition alive, but I'd rather read Castle so I'll take that instead.
Was pretty progressive tonight.
That's not the word I'm looking for but since it's the only one that comes to mind I'll stick with it.
Anyway, I got a lot accomplished so I can relax for the weekend. I was told to go away and forget about school and life.
And Mom will be here so she gets to take care of my big fat cat.
Which means it'll be an actual vacation. Which I haven't had since Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure in January. And that was a barely a weekend and I was sick for most of it.
Realized yesterday that I totally missed out on Remember Remember the 5th of November.
aka the second year anniversary of this blog.
Last year I made a big deal out of it but this year I've been so crazy busy or half asleep when I post that I just plain forgot. As I'm still busy I'll come up with something next week.
Alright, so I'm all packed, now gotta get some sleep. Get to sleep in - barely - though I probably won't cause I'll be way to amped.
But I should attempt anyway.
So this will be the last you hear form me for a while. I'm sure it will be a well-deserved break for you.
heard this song tonight whilst shopping.
thought it was a bit early, but maybe not so much.
Our salesperson was great, she picked up on the "I hate pink" thing fairly quickly. was very determined so I got far too much.
Yes, I'm aware this boring, I'll be more exciting after Vegas.
I'm not much of gambler but a coworker did give me a quarter and told me to try out the slots. Of course I'll have to remember which one is hers so if it wins she gets the prize. We'll see about that.
So I'll be taking my new camera, woohoo! And my new clothes and all that so I'm mostly packed. Maybe take my ipad and play some angry birds in the airport.
Alright, I'm out for the weekend. Have a good one.
Went shopping tonight with Oldest Sister after working 9-6.
I packed my massive bag. Cause my regular sized one is broken. So now I'll have room for souvenirs. Not that I was planning on getting a lot of them.
I'll should bring The Princess Bride with me tomorrow. For some reason I was reading it both times I flew to Chicago. Could keep the tradition alive, but I'd rather read Castle so I'll take that instead.
Was pretty progressive tonight.
That's not the word I'm looking for but since it's the only one that comes to mind I'll stick with it.
Anyway, I got a lot accomplished so I can relax for the weekend. I was told to go away and forget about school and life.
And Mom will be here so she gets to take care of my big fat cat.
Which means it'll be an actual vacation. Which I haven't had since Sketch and Edit's Excellent Adventure in January. And that was a barely a weekend and I was sick for most of it.
Realized yesterday that I totally missed out on Remember Remember the 5th of November.
aka the second year anniversary of this blog.
Last year I made a big deal out of it but this year I've been so crazy busy or half asleep when I post that I just plain forgot. As I'm still busy I'll come up with something next week.
Alright, so I'm all packed, now gotta get some sleep. Get to sleep in - barely - though I probably won't cause I'll be way to amped.
But I should attempt anyway.
So this will be the last you hear form me for a while. I'm sure it will be a well-deserved break for you.
heard this song tonight whilst shopping.
thought it was a bit early, but maybe not so much.
Our salesperson was great, she picked up on the "I hate pink" thing fairly quickly. was very determined so I got far too much.
Yes, I'm aware this boring, I'll be more exciting after Vegas.
I'm not much of gambler but a coworker did give me a quarter and told me to try out the slots. Of course I'll have to remember which one is hers so if it wins she gets the prize. We'll see about that.
So I'll be taking my new camera, woohoo! And my new clothes and all that so I'm mostly packed. Maybe take my ipad and play some angry birds in the airport.
Alright, I'm out for the weekend. Have a good one.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
there's nowhere to hide since you pushed my love aside...
Am I the only one that needs a beverage nearby whenever I eat anything with peanut butter in it? For fear of choking?
Awesome night with the boyfriend.
We were talking about Vegas - because I talk about that a lot - and what to pack and all that and his plan is jeans and t-shirts.
Knew there was a reason I love him.
That and he doesn't care what I wear.
So I love him more.
This was after an interesting day at work.
I mean, it started out that way. A lot of changes being thrown at us, but I guess adjustment is necessary. As I was told today you can either adapt, migrate, or die.
By a patron, not a staff member.
After the morning was lasagna for lunch, after lunch was stocking supplies, then dinner with the boyfriend, now the Voice. Well technically Burn Notice but I just finished the Voice and switched over.
Tonight's episode was great. Amanda, Bryan, Trevin, Melanie, Adriana and of course my favorite Cassadee are moving on!
So my top 10 looks a bit like this:
Brandon Mahone – eliminated after first battle
That's basically all for tonight. More tomorrow and then VEGAS! The countdown continues 1 more day until we leave!
Songs of the night:
So Glee did Grease.
And even though I don't watch it anymore because of the suckish storylines the music is still fantastic.
Hopelessly Devoted to You
may be ever better than the original.
Hand Jive
i was like, is that trouty mouth? yep, he's still in it. awesome.
there's nowhere to hide
since you pushed my love aside
i'm out of my head
hopelessly devoted to you
hopelessly devoted to you
hopelessly devoted to you
yep, had to play it again so i could scream the lyrics along with him. my neighbors love me.
Awesome night with the boyfriend.
We were talking about Vegas - because I talk about that a lot - and what to pack and all that and his plan is jeans and t-shirts.
Knew there was a reason I love him.
That and he doesn't care what I wear.
So I love him more.
This was after an interesting day at work.
I mean, it started out that way. A lot of changes being thrown at us, but I guess adjustment is necessary. As I was told today you can either adapt, migrate, or die.
By a patron, not a staff member.
After the morning was lasagna for lunch, after lunch was stocking supplies, then dinner with the boyfriend, now the Voice. Well technically Burn Notice but I just finished the Voice and switched over.
Tonight's episode was great. Amanda, Bryan, Trevin, Melanie, Adriana and of course my favorite Cassadee are moving on!
So my top 10 looks a bit like this:
Cassadee Pope
Trevin Hunte
Nicole Nelson – knocked out by Loren
Aquile – knocked out by Sylvia
Avery Wilson – knocked out by Cody
Bryan Keith
Brandon Mahone – eliminated after first battle
Brooks-Thompson – knocked out by Amanda
Adriana Louise
Collin Mcloughlin –
knocked out by
Terisa Griffin – knocked out by Trevin
Suzanna Choffel –
knocked out by Cassaddee
Nelly’s Echo –
eliminated after first battle
Melanie Martinez
Gracia Harrison – knocked out by Liz
Celica Westbrook
– knocked out by
Mycle Wastman – knocked out by Nicholas
Mackenzie Bourg –
eliminated during playoffs
2Steel Girls –
eliminated after first battle
Joe Kirkman – knocked out by Bryan
That's basically all for tonight. More tomorrow and then VEGAS! The countdown continues 1 more day until we leave!
Songs of the night:
So Glee did Grease.
And even though I don't watch it anymore because of the suckish storylines the music is still fantastic.
Hopelessly Devoted to You
may be ever better than the original.
Hand Jive
i was like, is that trouty mouth? yep, he's still in it. awesome.
there's nowhere to hide
since you pushed my love aside
i'm out of my head
hopelessly devoted to you
hopelessly devoted to you
hopelessly devoted to you
yep, had to play it again so i could scream the lyrics along with him. my neighbors love me.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Mitt-Bama Style
Okay, thing I forgot to mention in yesterday's post?
I listened to Mitt Romney Style whilst voting for Mitt Romney.
I'm aware that the song is supposed to deter people from voting for him, but I totally jammed to it whilst filling in the circles anyway.
For those of you who have yet to watch it....
Then go here:
this is by far my favorite video of the moment.
had to buy the song on itunes cause it was stuck in my head after watching it like 20 times.
notice all the references?
go behind the scenes here:
Mitt Romney Style is much more catchy than Obama Style:
yeah, no.
while not as impressive as that one attempted to be these actors could totally pass for obama and michelle
yeah, that's mostly dancing and that's all. but they're dead on appearance-wise.
okay, i take it back, this one's pretty good
hey, romney's shady.
I don't remember what I was actually going to talk about today. Had 3 go-po volunteers come in at the same time for training. That was interesting. What else? Um, oh, finished two major homework assignments. Which means I can actually take time to pack for Vegas either tomorrow or Friday. Depending on which night Oldest Sister is taking me shopping. For clothes to wear to Vegas. And then we'll buy more in Vegas. But I don't plan on gambling excessively so I should be fine. I mean, I will, just attempt to keep it under a hundred.
Alright, that's all I got for today. Glad I'm done with the assignments. Just gotta post to a discussion board later and that's it for the ones due before Vegas.
And you got the song, well songs, of the week so I'm out.
Notice the lack of Voice ramblings? Not really impressed with the artists on either of these teams aside from Trevin, Adriana and Mackenzie. Oh well, another episode tomorrow.
Vegas countdown 3 days and counting.
I listened to Mitt Romney Style whilst voting for Mitt Romney.
I'm aware that the song is supposed to deter people from voting for him, but I totally jammed to it whilst filling in the circles anyway.
For those of you who have yet to watch it....
Then go here:
this is by far my favorite video of the moment.
had to buy the song on itunes cause it was stuck in my head after watching it like 20 times.
notice all the references?
go behind the scenes here:
Mitt Romney Style is much more catchy than Obama Style:
yeah, no.
while not as impressive as that one attempted to be these actors could totally pass for obama and michelle
yeah, that's mostly dancing and that's all. but they're dead on appearance-wise.
okay, i take it back, this one's pretty good
hey, romney's shady.
I don't remember what I was actually going to talk about today. Had 3 go-po volunteers come in at the same time for training. That was interesting. What else? Um, oh, finished two major homework assignments. Which means I can actually take time to pack for Vegas either tomorrow or Friday. Depending on which night Oldest Sister is taking me shopping. For clothes to wear to Vegas. And then we'll buy more in Vegas. But I don't plan on gambling excessively so I should be fine. I mean, I will, just attempt to keep it under a hundred.
Alright, that's all I got for today. Glad I'm done with the assignments. Just gotta post to a discussion board later and that's it for the ones due before Vegas.
And you got the song, well songs, of the week so I'm out.
Notice the lack of Voice ramblings? Not really impressed with the artists on either of these teams aside from Trevin, Adriana and Mackenzie. Oh well, another episode tomorrow.
Vegas countdown 3 days and counting.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
this time baby i'll be bulletproof.
Well, today was interesting. Got to vote over lunch break. Thought I'd have to wait in line and it would take longer but it actually took longer to get lunch than it did to vote. The majority of my people won, except for the main one.
Out of the two rather....interesting choices I picked the one I thought would suck the least and lost. Just thinking that all these slogans of hope and change should actually bring about some.
But what do I know? Maybe he'll turn things around in these next four years.
It was interesting because everyone I talked to this week still didn't know who they were going to vote for for president.
Seemed like a tight race at the start but he won by a landslide. Just glad my other people won. I literally went through the entire sample ballot we hand out at work and looked through all of their standings plus facts on the amendments and bond issue. I used to be crazy obsessive about this kind of stuff and watch the coverage all day but lately I've just been swamped.
After voting my afternoon was dedicated to TAB stuff. They asked if we could have 2 meetings each month instead of 1 which must means I must be doing something right. Though I don't think I could handle 2 meetings. I barely have time to put stuff together for 1.
After work I headed out to see the boyfriend. We went to Wreck-It Ralph then watched the election coverage. Good kids movie, loved the random retro character cameos. Scale of Awesome puts it at about 6/10. Which is just because it really is a kids movie but it did have its moments.
Loved Jane Lynch as the badass chick leader that looked exactly like her. Then you got John C. Reilly and Sarah Silverman, etc. A lot of big names so people get the incentive to go and see it.
As I skipped out on tonight that means homework tomorrow so I'll have time to pack for Vegas later in the week. Woohoo Vegas! Countdown continues with 4 days to go.
Now I'm gonna crash cause I'm literally falling asleep while I type this.
I'll count the typos tomorrow.
Bulletproof - Melanie Martinez
love her version better than the original. no surprise as to who won this battle.
yes i know i'm boring today. i promise to have something interesting to talk about tomorrow. pull out the quote books or see what i posted on that day last year.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Dream on.
I've been going to bed far too late this week even though I've been posting early so I'm going to keep this short.
Made a lot of progress on homework stuff tonight which was good cause I was freaked. Stayed up last night after posting to get started so I was all zombie mode today at work. So one big one down for this week one more to go. Get to go from adult programs on resumes and job searching to digital libraries. After that it'll be search engines, after that it'll be Koha, and in between it'll be constant discussion boards.
So yes, this is boring but hey it's an update which means I'm alive and kicking. Though soon it'll just be alive cause I'm totally gonna konk out as soon as this is posted.
Unless I kick in my sleep.
Then I guess I'll still be both alive and kicking.
Song of the night:
Yes, I did was the Voice. It was on in the background at least, though background often became foreground. Which means it was good I started last night.
Dream On - Amanda Brown
Holy crap 1:58. She's awesome. Total underdog rises, I love it.
Love Adam's air drums.
Glad to hear Cassadee is a fan favorite. Guessing that's all to do with Hey Monday but I'm fine with that. As long as she makes it to the finals.
Alright, on to tomorrow.
Back to the fake 11:50's. Don't expect another real one like ever. Total fluke though it was amusing.
Made a lot of progress on homework stuff tonight which was good cause I was freaked. Stayed up last night after posting to get started so I was all zombie mode today at work. So one big one down for this week one more to go. Get to go from adult programs on resumes and job searching to digital libraries. After that it'll be search engines, after that it'll be Koha, and in between it'll be constant discussion boards.
So yes, this is boring but hey it's an update which means I'm alive and kicking. Though soon it'll just be alive cause I'm totally gonna konk out as soon as this is posted.
Unless I kick in my sleep.
Then I guess I'll still be both alive and kicking.
Song of the night:
Yes, I did was the Voice. It was on in the background at least, though background often became foreground. Which means it was good I started last night.
Dream On - Amanda Brown
Holy crap 1:58. She's awesome. Total underdog rises, I love it.
Love Adam's air drums.
Glad to hear Cassadee is a fan favorite. Guessing that's all to do with Hey Monday but I'm fine with that. As long as she makes it to the finals.
Alright, on to tomorrow.
Back to the fake 11:50's. Don't expect another real one like ever. Total fluke though it was amusing.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Then you begin to make it better.
Class today was fun. Talked about databases and search engines. Then listened to a few presenters talk about ask-a-librarian software.
Basically it's a messaging service where you can chat with a librarian if you have a question.
Or apparently if you're bored. Someone using the username Justin Bieber asked me if I liked pie. When I didn't answer he threatened to mug me in the parking lot.
I was tempted to have the security guard to walk me to my car, but then I was like, Justin Bieber? I think I could take him.
It was fun to see everyone again. I got to know a few of them at conference so it's fun to joke around after class.
Which has become the usual routine. Which is why I love the program.
So I left my usual note under the Cool Aunt's door and headed back to the apartment.
To jam with my big fat cat.
She leaves me notes as well. With presents. I need to take her out for some margaritas after Vegas.
Technically, I could be done with the homework for the class by the end of the week. All we have left is a search engine chart - aka find 3 and compare them - then there's a reference interview - where we interview a reference librarian, a specific one who Maegan, Sam and I are meeting hopefully either this Thursday or next - and then add a few sources to RefWorks and email them to her.
If we do meet on Thursday I can write the paper right after.
Or when I get back from Vegas.
Which is the more likely scenario.
But I have until the 8th of December.
But if I get everything done in November then I'll be free and clear for all of December.
For that class anyway.
Now it's all about writing my paper on Koha for Info Tech and then working on a different one on adult programming for Adult Services.
Gotta come up with a series of programs for adults to take place over a year, ideas?
Will work on that tomorrow, gonna crash now.
The Vegas countdown continues. Library Goddess was giving me tips today, I'm stoked. 6 days and counting. Apparently I'm supposed to go see some sort of Beatles meets the Circ De Sole show thing that's there cause I'd love it. Or the Library Goddess will smack me.
Sounds like fun, I love the Beatles and circus stuff is fun. I don't think I've actually ever been to any kind of circus.
Or maybe I have and I was too young to remember it.
I'm aware this is boring, but I'm feeling boring tonight. Instead of being motivated and working on the homework that would free me up in December I made supper instead and started season two of Burn Notice.
Tomorrow it is.
Hey Jude - The Beatles
I'm out for the night.
Have a good one.
Legitimate 11:50 PM post.
This will never be true ever again.
Holy HOLY crap tag in use.
Basically it's a messaging service where you can chat with a librarian if you have a question.
Or apparently if you're bored. Someone using the username Justin Bieber asked me if I liked pie. When I didn't answer he threatened to mug me in the parking lot.
I was tempted to have the security guard to walk me to my car, but then I was like, Justin Bieber? I think I could take him.
It was fun to see everyone again. I got to know a few of them at conference so it's fun to joke around after class.
Which has become the usual routine. Which is why I love the program.
So I left my usual note under the Cool Aunt's door and headed back to the apartment.
To jam with my big fat cat.
She leaves me notes as well. With presents. I need to take her out for some margaritas after Vegas.
Technically, I could be done with the homework for the class by the end of the week. All we have left is a search engine chart - aka find 3 and compare them - then there's a reference interview - where we interview a reference librarian, a specific one who Maegan, Sam and I are meeting hopefully either this Thursday or next - and then add a few sources to RefWorks and email them to her.
If we do meet on Thursday I can write the paper right after.
Or when I get back from Vegas.
Which is the more likely scenario.
But I have until the 8th of December.
But if I get everything done in November then I'll be free and clear for all of December.
For that class anyway.
Now it's all about writing my paper on Koha for Info Tech and then working on a different one on adult programming for Adult Services.
Gotta come up with a series of programs for adults to take place over a year, ideas?
Will work on that tomorrow, gonna crash now.
The Vegas countdown continues. Library Goddess was giving me tips today, I'm stoked. 6 days and counting. Apparently I'm supposed to go see some sort of Beatles meets the Circ De Sole show thing that's there cause I'd love it. Or the Library Goddess will smack me.
Sounds like fun, I love the Beatles and circus stuff is fun. I don't think I've actually ever been to any kind of circus.
Or maybe I have and I was too young to remember it.
I'm aware this is boring, but I'm feeling boring tonight. Instead of being motivated and working on the homework that would free me up in December I made supper instead and started season two of Burn Notice.
Tomorrow it is.
Hey Jude - The Beatles
I'm out for the night.
Have a good one.
Legitimate 11:50 PM post.
This will never be true ever again.
Holy HOLY crap tag in use.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
kick off your shoes and lay down
Here's the excitement from today:
-Left at 6:30AM for class at 8
-Last in-person session and our prof was gone for a funeral. Which is a bummer, but the sub knew what she was doing since she had taught the class previously.
-Talked all about Digital Libraries. She wanted us to define it. Even though each of us knows exactly what they are it's a morning class so we were still at that point chugging coffee and eating breakfast pastries. So she broke it down to "define digital" "define library". I told her a library is where books go to die.
Joking of course.
It's more like a place people go for information and entertainment.
-After class I met up with Smo for lunch. Well, breakfast/lunch, meaning I ordered breakfast food for lunch. It was massive and I brought half of it home. Which means I get to eat it tomorrow morning, before leaving for my other class. Yay for banana pancakes!
-Came home to watch the game. About gave me a heart attack. I'm sure that was true for others as well watching the highlights to the Notre Dame game and finishing the Alabama game. But we pulled it off. Miraculously.
-Halftime of the game was cleaning the apartment. During which I found out that my safe was leaking. And since I had no idea what was in the safe - last opened around 2008ish - I figured it would be a good idea to check it out.
But remember how I lost the keys?
So I got to break into my own safe with some paperclips and a screwdriver.
Is it bad that it brought me such joy when it actually opened?
And that was pretty much my day.
More fun tomorrow so I'm out soon. Turned on some Burn Notice. Rewatching season one and working my way forward. Still haven't seen the second half of season two on, but it's been so long I figured it'd be best to start at the beginning again.
Song of the day:
Sleazy Bed Track - The Bluetones
he punched the highlights out of her hair!
-Left at 6:30AM for class at 8
-Last in-person session and our prof was gone for a funeral. Which is a bummer, but the sub knew what she was doing since she had taught the class previously.
-Talked all about Digital Libraries. She wanted us to define it. Even though each of us knows exactly what they are it's a morning class so we were still at that point chugging coffee and eating breakfast pastries. So she broke it down to "define digital" "define library". I told her a library is where books go to die.
Joking of course.
It's more like a place people go for information and entertainment.
-After class I met up with Smo for lunch. Well, breakfast/lunch, meaning I ordered breakfast food for lunch. It was massive and I brought half of it home. Which means I get to eat it tomorrow morning, before leaving for my other class. Yay for banana pancakes!
-Came home to watch the game. About gave me a heart attack. I'm sure that was true for others as well watching the highlights to the Notre Dame game and finishing the Alabama game. But we pulled it off. Miraculously.
-Halftime of the game was cleaning the apartment. During which I found out that my safe was leaking. And since I had no idea what was in the safe - last opened around 2008ish - I figured it would be a good idea to check it out.
But remember how I lost the keys?
So I got to break into my own safe with some paperclips and a screwdriver.
Is it bad that it brought me such joy when it actually opened?
And that was pretty much my day.
More fun tomorrow so I'm out soon. Turned on some Burn Notice. Rewatching season one and working my way forward. Still haven't seen the second half of season two on, but it's been so long I figured it'd be best to start at the beginning again.
Song of the day:
Sleazy Bed Track - The Bluetones
he punched the highlights out of her hair!
Friday, November 2, 2012
"What are you going to type into Google, 'what's a smart-sounding word for nose hair?'"
So, I probably should have stayed late at work tonight to help out with the exhibition. Especially since I trained half the staff on the book. And can spout it front to back. Which is why it drives me nuts that the artwork on the displays is out of order, but that's another story.
But I came home instead because I have class tomorrow and I needed to finish up some homework before I crash and burn EARLY.
Cause I leave the apartment at 6:30 tomorrow morning. Which bites the big one, but it'll be okay. I think I'm eating with Smo after class and then there's the game.
Get to scream loud at the TV.
I hope they will be good screams, but you never know about underdogs.
Anyway, it's my last official Info Tech class tomorrow cause we're not meeting in December. And my teacher won't be there so we have a sub, bummer. But I still gotta be there early all coherent or fake coherent anyway.
Can you fake coherency?
I feel like I do that all the time.
Anyway, so yesterday sucked. Hence the no post. I've found it's better not to post if you have no positive things to talk about. And I really didn't.
Except the phone conversation I had with Sketch as we, well she, watched the CMA awards. I was mostly cleaning, doing laundry, making supper, doing homework, etc but it was on in the background.
Sketch is like country to the bone.
If that was a thing.
So she knows all the singers and the songs and all that. And usually I'm pretty good about this stuff but apparently I'm super behind on new country artists. Even after the conversation I was texting her, "who's that dude? is he really this bad or just live?"
He's knew I'm sure he'll get better.
But I love Blake and Miranda so I was excited that they won.
"and reba, cause she's sitting there looking at me..."
I was surprised that Taylor didn't win for the third year especially since RED is so huge and all that. Next year.
I was amused that it was her and like 5 dudes up as nominees. She rocks it.
Sketch is not a fan.
So I texted her when she got a standing ovation after her performance.
She was not amused.
Anyway, so that was really all from yesterday that I'm going to repeat. Today was much better.
Remember the artwork project thing that I had with my teens a couple weeks ago where we made posters and bookmarks and all that?
Today I had the pleasure of laminating - well, watching as Kathy laminated - all of the bookmarks and then got to cut each of them out - that was all me.
And there were like 50 so that was fun.
But the kids are excited about them and they all want their own so I had to make copies and whatever. Anyway, on one of them is this list of smart sounding words.
Which is really my fault cause there are four on a sheet and I'm not artistic - ask Sketch - so I was like, "what are some smart sounding words?" and they yelled a bunch out.
I gotta say, those teens make me look like an idiot.
And it's not just me.
I showed the bookmarks to a few of my bosses, they totally had to get on Google to figure out what half of the words meant.
One supervisor in particular *cough*Superwoman*cough* was dead set that this one word meant nose hair but it was actually like the smell of rain on the ground or I don't remember, something about rain. I'll look it up later.
But she thought it meant nose hair so that meant that there must be a similar word in existence that meant nose hair so she got on Google and I was like, "what are you going to type into Google? 'what's a smart sounding word for nose hair?!'"
Anyway, they attempted to guess the other words and were way off as well.
I mean, we got pantophobia from Charlie Brown, but the rest of them were like, um, maybe I should have looked these up before writing and then laminating them.
Didn't want to put anything inappropriate out there.
Not that they would cause they're good teens.
So that was amusing.
And really that was the highlight of the day, aside getting a comic from the Library Judge - formerly known as John Boy - because he creates them, every 20 years or so, and got them in the mail today. So I bought one cause he gave me the first one for free last year.
Gave him a dollar donation for his cause.
So that was my day in a nutshell.
Well, that and 9 hours of public service work.
But tomorrow I'm off - for class so it's not really off - and then Sunday I'm off - for class so it's not really off - so I'm not officially back at work until Monday morning so I had to send out all my email reminders before I left.
Got a TAB meeting next week and a bunch of new volunteers coming in for training. Should be interesting.
Alright, I'm out early.
Yes, it is actually pre-10:30 and a holy crap tag will be used. But did I mention I have to leave my apartment at 6:30 tomorrow?
For some of you readers I'm sure you think that 6:30 is sleeping in but let me tell you, 6:30? Definitely not sleeping in.
To me at least.
That's like super early and I need like 5 gallons of coffee to keep both eyes awake on the interstate.
Which is weird, because the middle of the night I can drive anywhere perfectly awake. It's the mornings that suck.
Oh well, I've got Carrie Fisher.
Not like actual human, breathing Carrie Fisher, but audio Carrie Fisher.
Listening to Shockaholic. I figured I liked Wishful Drinking so I should give this one a shot.
She's highly entertaining.
Know what else is highly entertaining?
Which I will do soon after this post.
But first I gotta find some music.
Not sure what to post.
Ipod on shuffle..........drumroll
Turning Japanese - The Vapors
do people avoid him like a "cyclone ranger" or a "psyched lone ranger"?
this song reminds me of Charlie's Angels.
OH, apparently BossLady loves The Mummy.
sorry, two of my favorites. Apparently it was her go to sleep at night movie.
I told her it was mine as well.
My mother is still tired of it 10 years later and says, "again?" whenever she catches me watching it.
Sadly I can quote that back to front as well.
Along with its sequel.
(but not the third cause it's awful and i refuse to watch it. i've seen it twice and that's enough. ask sketch about the voicemail i left her immediately following.)
Like, at one point in The Mummy Returns Rachel Weisz waves this torch back and forth so many times in a row cause she's exiting a dream sequence and I can do it with my hand in the same pattern and exact same times as she does it without even turning on the TV.
funny story?
So can BossLady.
We totally did it at the desk today.
Did I mention my bosses are cooler than your bosses?
OH! and another thing, okay maybe this will be another fake 11:50 post, apparently one of our crazy patrons is actually a crazy psychokiller.
Which just makes our life that more exciting.
More on that later.
OH RIGHT! So, I finally am tied with my mother on the point system at 150. Superwoman gave Mom 150 points cause she sent an email with an attachment.
After I taught her how to do it.
Because she gave Space Cadet 150 points for doing it earlier.
After I taught HER how to do it.
I think she thinks that giving them points will motivate me to like do stuff to get points like be professional and all that.
Blah, what a mean boss. Making me actually earn something with work.
I need to shutup or I won't stop.
This is what happens when I skip a day.
But I came home instead because I have class tomorrow and I needed to finish up some homework before I crash and burn EARLY.
Cause I leave the apartment at 6:30 tomorrow morning. Which bites the big one, but it'll be okay. I think I'm eating with Smo after class and then there's the game.
Get to scream loud at the TV.
I hope they will be good screams, but you never know about underdogs.
Anyway, it's my last official Info Tech class tomorrow cause we're not meeting in December. And my teacher won't be there so we have a sub, bummer. But I still gotta be there early all coherent or fake coherent anyway.
Can you fake coherency?
I feel like I do that all the time.
Anyway, so yesterday sucked. Hence the no post. I've found it's better not to post if you have no positive things to talk about. And I really didn't.
Except the phone conversation I had with Sketch as we, well she, watched the CMA awards. I was mostly cleaning, doing laundry, making supper, doing homework, etc but it was on in the background.
Sketch is like country to the bone.
If that was a thing.
So she knows all the singers and the songs and all that. And usually I'm pretty good about this stuff but apparently I'm super behind on new country artists. Even after the conversation I was texting her, "who's that dude? is he really this bad or just live?"
He's knew I'm sure he'll get better.
But I love Blake and Miranda so I was excited that they won.
"and reba, cause she's sitting there looking at me..."
I was surprised that Taylor didn't win for the third year especially since RED is so huge and all that. Next year.
I was amused that it was her and like 5 dudes up as nominees. She rocks it.
Sketch is not a fan.
So I texted her when she got a standing ovation after her performance.
She was not amused.
Anyway, so that was really all from yesterday that I'm going to repeat. Today was much better.
Remember the artwork project thing that I had with my teens a couple weeks ago where we made posters and bookmarks and all that?
Today I had the pleasure of laminating - well, watching as Kathy laminated - all of the bookmarks and then got to cut each of them out - that was all me.
And there were like 50 so that was fun.
But the kids are excited about them and they all want their own so I had to make copies and whatever. Anyway, on one of them is this list of smart sounding words.
Which is really my fault cause there are four on a sheet and I'm not artistic - ask Sketch - so I was like, "what are some smart sounding words?" and they yelled a bunch out.
I gotta say, those teens make me look like an idiot.
And it's not just me.
I showed the bookmarks to a few of my bosses, they totally had to get on Google to figure out what half of the words meant.
One supervisor in particular *cough*Superwoman*cough* was dead set that this one word meant nose hair but it was actually like the smell of rain on the ground or I don't remember, something about rain. I'll look it up later.
But she thought it meant nose hair so that meant that there must be a similar word in existence that meant nose hair so she got on Google and I was like, "what are you going to type into Google? 'what's a smart sounding word for nose hair?!'"
Anyway, they attempted to guess the other words and were way off as well.
I mean, we got pantophobia from Charlie Brown, but the rest of them were like, um, maybe I should have looked these up before writing and then laminating them.
Didn't want to put anything inappropriate out there.
Not that they would cause they're good teens.
So that was amusing.
And really that was the highlight of the day, aside getting a comic from the Library Judge - formerly known as John Boy - because he creates them, every 20 years or so, and got them in the mail today. So I bought one cause he gave me the first one for free last year.
Gave him a dollar donation for his cause.
So that was my day in a nutshell.
Well, that and 9 hours of public service work.
But tomorrow I'm off - for class so it's not really off - and then Sunday I'm off - for class so it's not really off - so I'm not officially back at work until Monday morning so I had to send out all my email reminders before I left.
Got a TAB meeting next week and a bunch of new volunteers coming in for training. Should be interesting.
Alright, I'm out early.
Yes, it is actually pre-10:30 and a holy crap tag will be used. But did I mention I have to leave my apartment at 6:30 tomorrow?
For some of you readers I'm sure you think that 6:30 is sleeping in but let me tell you, 6:30? Definitely not sleeping in.
To me at least.
That's like super early and I need like 5 gallons of coffee to keep both eyes awake on the interstate.
Which is weird, because the middle of the night I can drive anywhere perfectly awake. It's the mornings that suck.
Oh well, I've got Carrie Fisher.
Not like actual human, breathing Carrie Fisher, but audio Carrie Fisher.
Listening to Shockaholic. I figured I liked Wishful Drinking so I should give this one a shot.
She's highly entertaining.
Know what else is highly entertaining?
Which I will do soon after this post.
But first I gotta find some music.
Not sure what to post.
Ipod on shuffle..........drumroll
Turning Japanese - The Vapors
do people avoid him like a "cyclone ranger" or a "psyched lone ranger"?
this song reminds me of Charlie's Angels.
OH, apparently BossLady loves The Mummy.
sorry, two of my favorites. Apparently it was her go to sleep at night movie.
I told her it was mine as well.
My mother is still tired of it 10 years later and says, "again?" whenever she catches me watching it.
Sadly I can quote that back to front as well.
Along with its sequel.
(but not the third cause it's awful and i refuse to watch it. i've seen it twice and that's enough. ask sketch about the voicemail i left her immediately following.)
Like, at one point in The Mummy Returns Rachel Weisz waves this torch back and forth so many times in a row cause she's exiting a dream sequence and I can do it with my hand in the same pattern and exact same times as she does it without even turning on the TV.
funny story?
So can BossLady.
We totally did it at the desk today.
Did I mention my bosses are cooler than your bosses?
OH! and another thing, okay maybe this will be another fake 11:50 post, apparently one of our crazy patrons is actually a crazy psychokiller.
Which just makes our life that more exciting.
More on that later.
OH RIGHT! So, I finally am tied with my mother on the point system at 150. Superwoman gave Mom 150 points cause she sent an email with an attachment.
After I taught her how to do it.
Because she gave Space Cadet 150 points for doing it earlier.
After I taught HER how to do it.
I think she thinks that giving them points will motivate me to like do stuff to get points like be professional and all that.
Blah, what a mean boss. Making me actually earn something with work.
I need to shutup or I won't stop.
This is what happens when I skip a day.
artwork project,
carrie fisher,
curious george,
grad school,
holy crap,
john boy,
point system,
the vapors,
turning japanese
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