My leg is throbbing, my shoes are disgusting, I was soaking wet all night, but it was all completely worth it because tonight was probably the best softball night ever.
Let's start with this...Homey G and I have bragging rights. Totally took down Prince of Peace. With the E-Free. The complete underdogs, we rocked it. Caught one popfly and I only had to slide once tonight - breaking open only my knee not the rest of the leg, huzzah! At one point we were up by 10 but then they got 5. I think our final score was 17-11. Dominated. And, oh my god, it's totally on next week for the Battle of the Lutherans. There goes their unbeatable streak. Especially after the Methodist's beat them last week.
And speaking of Lutherans vs. Methodists. We freaking rocked it. It was like the Husker's comeback.
Okay, so we have this unwritten rule, that we don't smack talk. We're good and we cheer for our team, but we're not cocky about it. So, when our opponents start doing it, it's game on.
We were down 0-4, scored 1 and then 4 after they'd gotten another. Tied the game at 5, bottom of the last inning and pulled it off. Yep, I hit the winning run in. Also caught three popflies in that game alone - plus the 1 with E-Free makes four but apparently according to my brother that one doesn't count. "You play good for them you gotta play good for us." Which I did. And made up for last week's curse.
4 catches, a bunch of good hits, driving in the winning run, and the only thing that matters to me was after I caught two in one inning my brother catches up with me running in to the dugout and chants "mvp...mvp..." Made me smile. Even their pitcher high-fived me after that one.
Brother and me have fun in the outfield. He's left and I'm left-center so we have codes for things. Although last week we debated. Pretty sure I posted something about that. It's turned into "Gone" means over the fence everything else is fair game.
I'm just glad we pulled it off. Got worried there at the top of the 6th when we were still getting our butts kicked. They had an awesome left fielder that catches everything that goes in his area no matter how hard you hit it, like diving catches, so it was even more thrilling to have him miss my line drive and for Becca to run in and score.
We're thinking about going to Dollar General and picking up a completely random item and installing it as the Traveling Trophy. Whoever wins the most games gets to keep it and passes it on next year to the winner of the mosts games then. Gotta be something completely random, like a ceramic animal or something. Send some ideas my way.
Stopped for ice cream and I was off, driving home in the rain that was nice enough to stop long enough for us to play. Outfield was soaking, glad I didn't fall and make a fool out of myself.
Song of celebration:
"We're an American Band" Grand Funk Railroad live in 1974
for the love of all things library, put on a shirt!
Next week Grace vs. Prince of Peace. 6:30. Game on.
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