Thomas: "Ohhh, defensive sarcasm, it went well."
You know what is cool? That even though the show was cancelled in 2008 the fandom out there is still alive and kicking. And no it's not just me. There's a lot of Patterstonians out there. Sorry, Bones reference.
Thomas: "Please don't give me the laser vision, it makes me really nervous."
Let's start at the beginning.
Claire: "But why something yourself when you can hand it over to a work-shy ill-mannered counterpart?"
Thomas: "Are we supposed to answer her?"
Boxer: "No, that's not necessary."
See, there was this show called Women's Murder Club that was based off the books by James Patterson. It was on ABC Tuesday nights originally, then they moved it to Fridays. It was short-lived because of the writer's strike and bad timing. It only lasted from October 12th of '07 to May 13th of 2008. Not that that's really surprising for a strong female cast show on ABC. Name one that's lasted longer than a year recently, please. Anyone? Anyone? I'm shocked Desperate Housewives is still on. I think that's their one triumph. And that's just cause they're slutty.
Boxer: "Tell me you didn't drive this here."
Thomas: "Please, I drove Maggie, my little red car."
Boxer: "Then you sweet talked Officer Cho into letting you past the tape. Wait, your car has a name?"
Thomas: "Doesn't yours?"
It starred Angie Harmon as the tough chick cop Lindsay Boxer. Yes, she played a cop before Rizzoli and Isles. Where do you think they got that idea from?
Laura Harris as Jill Bernhardt the witty and sarcastic ADA,
Paula Newsome as Claire Washburn the sage and wise Medical Examiner
and Aubrey Dollar as Cindy Thomas the crime reporter who won't stop or shutup.
Then you throw in Tyrees Allen as Jacobi - Boxer's partner on the force - Rob Estes as Lt. Tom Hogan Lindsay's ex-husband and now boss, plus his new fiance and kindergarten teacher Heather played by the awesomeness that is Ever Carradine.
Thomas: "Is that pizza some form of apology?"
Boxer: "Do you want the breadsticks or not?"
The storylines of WMC were pretty much typical of crime shows, except that there was a lot more backstory of the characters - so it was more like NCIS than Law and Order. You felt like you actually got to know them and it wasn't just about the crime and catching the killer. Although Chris Meloni does remind me a little of Rob Estes now that I think about it. And Benson is much like Boxer. Okay, moving on.
Boxer: "You know what I hate about Heather? Every time I see her, or talk to her, she says something that makes me want to respect her a little bit more!"
Everything about WMC was of awesomeness. Except, of course, it's cancellation. And switch in storyline, they fired the head writers halfway through and gave us 3 crap episodes at the end that completely switched the Kiss-me-not storyline. They were going with fairytales, then the new writers - I don't know if they didn't like it or weren't allowed to use it - then switched to this psycho's sister being dead and her keepsakes and...yeah it's a long story.
Thomas: "I'll chat up the locals, see if there's anything more interesting for sale here at the house of lamps lamps and more lamps."
see i hear that line in my head every time I pass that lights shop over on 40th and O.
Anyway, today every year and on the 13th of May every year I watch the pilot in all of its awesomeness. Which would be a whole lot better if they'd just release the freaking series on DVD. Which of course they won't. I'm guessing that has something to the do with the original creators not wanting it. But that's just a theory.
Washburn: Nice vacation, good last meal, couple drinks on the plane, and you doze off during in-flight movie. Not a bad way to go.
Thomas: I hope I go in my sleep.
Bernhardt: I hope I go out on top of Clive Owen. You die your way, I'll die mine.
Boxer: I don't want to die, period. Why are we even talking about this?
So, since the show has ended and clearly has no hope of coming back the actors have all moved on.
Angie Harmon has Rizzoli and Isles on TNT.
Laura Harris did Defying Gravity, some sort of TV movie, and guest starred on Warehouse 13 (she had mata hari's stockings). Has anyone seen Dead Like Me? It's fantastic! I got seasons one and two.
Paula Newsome plays Vance's wife on NCIS, she guest starred on Bones, Criminal Minds, Grey's Anatomy, Pretty Little Liars, Parenthood and Suits. yes, she's a perpetual guest star, she's awesome like that.
Aubrey Dollar guest starred on Cupid, Ugly Betty and now The Good Wife.
Boxer: "Why does my relationship status a problem that every feels they need to solve? I'm not ready!"
HA! i should adapt that as my life's new motto. it'll go along great right next to "Jam Hands only bring pain" and "if you don't come in with it you leave with some degree of insanity."
Aannd, even though it's been years and many different series later I still call them Lindsay and Thomas and all that. It took me like 2 minutes to remember Boxer's real name is Angie Harmon so I could type the above paragraph.
I claim that the WM that precedes my name in my email address stands for Work Mail but it totally doesn't. I had to stop for my own cup of "diabetes on ice" on my way to work today. Will probably do it again tomorrow morning.
There are many other quirks that I won't share with you, what I will share with you however is that awesomeness that is Sketch's artwork.
she gave it to me as a present, i love it. in the middle resides the tattoo that i had on my arm for like weeks. the joy of sharpies. look to the right. ---->
i'm all about posters.
especially the obscure ones. skip to left passed the hunger games and you'll find this one:
tell me what this is a design for and i'll give you a dollar. i'll give you a hint, it has nothing to do with WMC. sort of.
Alright, I should probably stop with the rambling. Off to bed. Long day tomorrow.
Claire: If you're strong and push through the pain and the fear, you often find that happiness is waiting for you on the other side.
Jill: And if you're not strong enough?
Claire: Then that is what your friends are for. To give you a gentle push or a kick in the ass...
I tried my best not to double up on what I've always used here on the WMC Day May 13th post: My Life in Closed Captions: I'm a pancake. I'm a pancake.
But a girl can only do so much.
Boxer: "Uhh, I need to call you back. I'm not done yelling."
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