"You should rephrase that, she'll think we're sending her poop!"
"Yes, that's how I felt about the money drawer this morning.
i love my trainee
"That'd be like SPF 666."
sunscreen for vampires.
Oh Halloween. Candy and costumes galore but the highlight was definitely seeing my brother in law dressed as Joe Dirt in flannel and a blonde wig.
We jammed at the house watching Clue and Scooby Doo. "To make a long story short" "TOO LATE!" Both classic Halloween shows. We watch Clue every year at camp on the last night after our cheesy movies. It's just so fantastic, Tim Curry at his finest. Well, that and Rocky Horror. He's good with the Halloween cult movies.
I will have to watch Hocus Pocus tomorrow night after work. Along with writing my narrative. But it's only a page so I can handle that. Should probably figure out what class I want to take next semester as well, just waiting to hear back from Library Goddess.
Alright, off to watch Castle on DVR. Gonna be sweet!
"Monster Mash" - Bobby 'Boris' Pickett
dig it.
"Abracadabra" Steve Miller Band
karaoke classic
So... tomorrow. Should be interesting.
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
"You know if you move that thing fast enough, you can almost write your name?"
I painted myself silly today. It's been a while. I think the last time I went was with the Cool Aunt as well. She joined Oldest Sister and myself there today. But it was different because this time there were no grapes. And there are always grapes. But she painted no grapes, instead she went for a cupcake and an ornament for grams, Oldest Sister did some picture frames and I painted a gnome and some christmas ornaments. Yes, a gnome. I was stoked. Now I need to go paint another, then I can be rolling with my gnomies....
I just have one question for you. Gnome. Why is the g silent? Really? Is it accomplishing anything that it needs to be there? and just sit there? Silently? Like the K in Knights looks cool - especially when you burn a giant one for homecoming - but the G in Gnome just makes the word look awkward. Or is that just me? But I guess that's sort of fitting since gnomes are kind of awkward. In a way they just sit there silently. Like the g. Okay, now I get it. Or I still don't but I'm rationalizing it out in a way so that I do.
Moving on.
After the joy that is painting and the comradery that goes with it I went over to Oldest Sister's for supper and we watched The Mummy Returns.
I can hear my mother groaning already. "Again?" "Really?" Yes again. Always again. What's wrong with again? I've seen that and the first Mummy more times than you probably brush your teeth in a year! Okay, I hope not. But 300+ is a lot of times to watch something. Especially when watching the second movie with commercial breaks makes you want to do nothing but pull out the first one on DVD and watch them both properly. Skipping of course the third one, which I won't even acknowledge - that's properly, and pulling out all my ancient Egypt books and resources and getting lost in them again.
Am I the only one who gets completely enamored with all things Egypt? The history and the religion and the traditions is completely fascinating.
And now I've figured it out.
Okay, sorry, roadblock. Mr. Boss Man just got back from his cruise and his talking about all things vacation reminded me that I haven't left the central US area since I was like 13. When we went to California. or maybe it was Florida. It's been so long I don't even remember where we went first. Or how old I was. It couldn't have been 13 cause that was high school. So 12. or 11. Good god, I need a vacation.
I did go to Chicago twice, once for a senior trip and another time to visit a friend. Then we flew to Arizona for a basketball tournament, but that's not traveling really. I want to go somewhere far far away. That requires me to actually go out and get a passport. Queen of Awesome and I were talking about a roadtrip to Canada yesterday while eating sushi. That would be freaking sweet!
And our cousin group - who went to florida, california, clear lake, yellowstone (and okay warehouse 13 has totally given that place a whole new meaning) - has talked for a while now about another cousin roadtrip. We were thinking Vegas. And I'm totally in for that. totally totally in.
But I think I need to go somewhere farther. Like Egypt. That would be awesome. But complicated. But worth it. But who would I go with? Cause that's not exactly something you would want to do alone.
And I kind of want to go to London some day as well. Maybe Australia, meet up with Kat.
See, I have all these ideas and all these people want to go places as well and we talk and talk and talk about them but they never happen.
So, today, I say this - and put it in writing - Some time within the next 5 years (gotta give me time to graduate and put my life in order) I am going overseas. Somewhere. For an extended vacation to see the sights, and jam out with the locals.
Sounds fun. Okay, it's in writing. Next step, pick the place and the people to go with.
Now...where was I? Oh right, so The Mummy. Yes, they are both in my top 5, right after RENT, and they still remain there after 10 years of me watching other movies. Which is impressive because I watch a lot of movies.
And, because I've seen them 300+ I know all the lines. It's similar to singing along to the radio when your favorite song comes on except mine comes with visual aids and is about 2 hours longer.
"Tuthmosis? What are you doing here? T-t-t-t-t, I'm going to put you where you belong." leans and ladder goes straight up, leans again and turns the library stacks into dominos. "Woops."
I like Evy, she's my favorite. The rebellious librarian who gets in a bit over her head with her sense of adventure. Plus you add in Jonathan, her idiot brother who really only cares about money, but he's hysterical. Then O'Connell, the love interest, who is the only American in the bunch.
PS - on the DVD Brendan Fraser does the audio commentary for the first movie and it's fantastically funny. I highly recommend it.
Plus the actors themselves are just goofy.
Rachel Weisz is one of my favorites of all time. And now she's married to Daniel Craig. Which is interesting. And has a new horror movie coming out. Which Sketch won't let me go see. Mean.
Alright, I'm gonna konk out before I overload you with quotes. I'm letting you off easy, trust me.
"Look, I may not be an explorer, or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell. But I am proud of what I am."
"And what is that?"
"I...am a librarian!"
I just have one question for you. Gnome. Why is the g silent? Really? Is it accomplishing anything that it needs to be there? and just sit there? Silently? Like the K in Knights looks cool - especially when you burn a giant one for homecoming - but the G in Gnome just makes the word look awkward. Or is that just me? But I guess that's sort of fitting since gnomes are kind of awkward. In a way they just sit there silently. Like the g. Okay, now I get it. Or I still don't but I'm rationalizing it out in a way so that I do.
Moving on.
After the joy that is painting and the comradery that goes with it I went over to Oldest Sister's for supper and we watched The Mummy Returns.
I can hear my mother groaning already. "Again?" "Really?" Yes again. Always again. What's wrong with again? I've seen that and the first Mummy more times than you probably brush your teeth in a year! Okay, I hope not. But 300+ is a lot of times to watch something. Especially when watching the second movie with commercial breaks makes you want to do nothing but pull out the first one on DVD and watch them both properly. Skipping of course the third one, which I won't even acknowledge - that's properly, and pulling out all my ancient Egypt books and resources and getting lost in them again.
Am I the only one who gets completely enamored with all things Egypt? The history and the religion and the traditions is completely fascinating.
And now I've figured it out.
Okay, sorry, roadblock. Mr. Boss Man just got back from his cruise and his talking about all things vacation reminded me that I haven't left the central US area since I was like 13. When we went to California. or maybe it was Florida. It's been so long I don't even remember where we went first. Or how old I was. It couldn't have been 13 cause that was high school. So 12. or 11. Good god, I need a vacation.
I did go to Chicago twice, once for a senior trip and another time to visit a friend. Then we flew to Arizona for a basketball tournament, but that's not traveling really. I want to go somewhere far far away. That requires me to actually go out and get a passport. Queen of Awesome and I were talking about a roadtrip to Canada yesterday while eating sushi. That would be freaking sweet!
And our cousin group - who went to florida, california, clear lake, yellowstone (and okay warehouse 13 has totally given that place a whole new meaning) - has talked for a while now about another cousin roadtrip. We were thinking Vegas. And I'm totally in for that. totally totally in.
But I think I need to go somewhere farther. Like Egypt. That would be awesome. But complicated. But worth it. But who would I go with? Cause that's not exactly something you would want to do alone.
And I kind of want to go to London some day as well. Maybe Australia, meet up with Kat.
See, I have all these ideas and all these people want to go places as well and we talk and talk and talk about them but they never happen.
So, today, I say this - and put it in writing - Some time within the next 5 years (gotta give me time to graduate and put my life in order) I am going overseas. Somewhere. For an extended vacation to see the sights, and jam out with the locals.
Sounds fun. Okay, it's in writing. Next step, pick the place and the people to go with.
Now...where was I? Oh right, so The Mummy. Yes, they are both in my top 5, right after RENT, and they still remain there after 10 years of me watching other movies. Which is impressive because I watch a lot of movies.
And, because I've seen them 300+ I know all the lines. It's similar to singing along to the radio when your favorite song comes on except mine comes with visual aids and is about 2 hours longer.
"Tuthmosis? What are you doing here? T-t-t-t-t, I'm going to put you where you belong." leans and ladder goes straight up, leans again and turns the library stacks into dominos. "Woops."
I like Evy, she's my favorite. The rebellious librarian who gets in a bit over her head with her sense of adventure. Plus you add in Jonathan, her idiot brother who really only cares about money, but he's hysterical. Then O'Connell, the love interest, who is the only American in the bunch.
PS - on the DVD Brendan Fraser does the audio commentary for the first movie and it's fantastically funny. I highly recommend it.
Plus the actors themselves are just goofy.
Rachel Weisz is one of my favorites of all time. And now she's married to Daniel Craig. Which is interesting. And has a new horror movie coming out. Which Sketch won't let me go see. Mean.
Alright, I'm gonna konk out before I overload you with quotes. I'm letting you off easy, trust me.
"Look, I may not be an explorer, or an adventurer, or a treasure-seeker, or a gunfighter, Mr. O'Connell. But I am proud of what I am."
"And what is that?"
"I...am a librarian!"
Saturday, October 29, 2011
You can feed the fish?
Spent the day at my old high school watching Squirt and Bubby play in a volleyball tournament and they won the championship game for their division, woohoo!
It all came down to the final game. Every other game they'd never lost a set so when they lost the first one their spirits were down, were totally depressed, getting smoked when suddenly the teacher stands up, points to Bubby who's about to serve and yells "alright bubbalicious! yeah!" and it was just like David's ball stealing play in the Husker game a couple of weeks ago - the momentum just shifted. They were goofy and excited and it worked. Social Psychology at its greatest. Thank you groupthink. flashbacks.
Needless to say we came from behind and pulled it off in the second and third set. Huzzah!
Plus Squirt and Bubby rocked it. As always.
But you know how when you're playing a sport you feel like it's super intense, but then when you go back to watch the same game 10 years later with kids the same age as you were at that time it seems like a whole different game? Like speedwise? and intensity? Like they played really well tonight and they were big games, but I feel like we were a lot more aggressive and the game was more intense when we played. But we did have the biggest class of 8th graders and a lot of us started our freshman year of high school when we came in. And a lot of my old roommates hold records for things that are still up on the boards that I checked out today, it's exciting. I was there for that, and that, and that, oh and that I had to listen about for days...So it was interesting to watch it now as comparing it to playing it then.
After that it was sushi with the Queen of Awesome. We ate and we drank and we were merry and it was awesome. And will hopefully happen again soon as I miss her lots.
We were excited when the dude gave fish food to the kids to throw in. Totally jealous. I want to feed their kickass fish. In their kickass fountain. But I'm guessing there's an age limit on that one.
Watching more 3rd Rock. It's just so short and amusing. I have so many things that I need to to catch up on though. QofA and I talked about this. So many new good shows it's hard to keep up with all the old ones.
Alright, I'm off to bed. Have a good one. I'll try to get some sleep with my big fat cat sleeping on my stomach as we speak.
ps- ignore any typos. i can't exactly see the keyboard.
It all came down to the final game. Every other game they'd never lost a set so when they lost the first one their spirits were down, were totally depressed, getting smoked when suddenly the teacher stands up, points to Bubby who's about to serve and yells "alright bubbalicious! yeah!" and it was just like David's ball stealing play in the Husker game a couple of weeks ago - the momentum just shifted. They were goofy and excited and it worked. Social Psychology at its greatest. Thank you groupthink. flashbacks.
Needless to say we came from behind and pulled it off in the second and third set. Huzzah!
Plus Squirt and Bubby rocked it. As always.
But you know how when you're playing a sport you feel like it's super intense, but then when you go back to watch the same game 10 years later with kids the same age as you were at that time it seems like a whole different game? Like speedwise? and intensity? Like they played really well tonight and they were big games, but I feel like we were a lot more aggressive and the game was more intense when we played. But we did have the biggest class of 8th graders and a lot of us started our freshman year of high school when we came in. And a lot of my old roommates hold records for things that are still up on the boards that I checked out today, it's exciting. I was there for that, and that, and that, oh and that I had to listen about for days...So it was interesting to watch it now as comparing it to playing it then.
After that it was sushi with the Queen of Awesome. We ate and we drank and we were merry and it was awesome. And will hopefully happen again soon as I miss her lots.
We were excited when the dude gave fish food to the kids to throw in. Totally jealous. I want to feed their kickass fish. In their kickass fountain. But I'm guessing there's an age limit on that one.
Watching more 3rd Rock. It's just so short and amusing. I have so many things that I need to to catch up on though. QofA and I talked about this. So many new good shows it's hard to keep up with all the old ones.
Alright, I'm off to bed. Have a good one. I'll try to get some sleep with my big fat cat sleeping on my stomach as we speak.
ps- ignore any typos. i can't exactly see the keyboard.
3rd rock from the sun,
high school,
Friday, October 28, 2011
"My sickle's in the car"
Good life motto there. Reminds me of high school, I used the phrase "it's in my other pants" quite often when people asked me for something.
There was a kid dressed as a grim reaper that came in today (left his sickle in the car) and it reminded me that I have absolutely no plans for Halloween. Which is strange. Last year I went to see Rocky Horror with Slim Shady. Think I scarred her for life. So I called up Oldest Sister, think we're gonna jam at her house handing out candy and watching scary movies.
I always watch Hocus Pocus - you know the Sanderson Sisters movie with Bette Midler and Sarah Michelle Gellar? Hilarious, never gets old. Plus it's got little McGee with an accent. Didn't realize he was in it until after I was completely hooked on NCIS. He looks and sounds a lot different then compared to now. But maybe that's the accent since you really don't see him see him often. It's just his voice since they turned him into a cat. Long story. Watch the movie. It's hysterical.
Got to work with my awesome Trainee and Girlscout today. They're both fantastically funny so it was a good day.
After that got some pancakes with my grad school homies to talk about our book and other grad school related stuff.
Me: "I think it'd be fun to take Cataloging."
Sam: "You know you're a librarian when..."
It's a fun group. We've got the Snarky One, the Bubbly One, the Quiet One, the Father Figure and the Bartender... and Me. Good discussion. Plus pancakes. I was all over it.
Pics of the Day:

It's I Spy: The Madonna Edition
Jammin' Out

My Big Fat Cat
Tomorrow should be fun. Waking up early *cough*onmydayoff*cough* to go cheer on Squirt and Bubby in a volleyball tournament. At my old high school. Looking forward to seeing people. I loved high school. Almost as much as I hated college.
Should be fun.
And I'm out.
"Trashy Women" Confederate Railroad live in Denver
"Working For The Man"
just cause i'm feeling random. and i love roy orbison.
There was a kid dressed as a grim reaper that came in today (left his sickle in the car) and it reminded me that I have absolutely no plans for Halloween. Which is strange. Last year I went to see Rocky Horror with Slim Shady. Think I scarred her for life. So I called up Oldest Sister, think we're gonna jam at her house handing out candy and watching scary movies.
I always watch Hocus Pocus - you know the Sanderson Sisters movie with Bette Midler and Sarah Michelle Gellar? Hilarious, never gets old. Plus it's got little McGee with an accent. Didn't realize he was in it until after I was completely hooked on NCIS. He looks and sounds a lot different then compared to now. But maybe that's the accent since you really don't see him see him often. It's just his voice since they turned him into a cat. Long story. Watch the movie. It's hysterical.
Got to work with my awesome Trainee and Girlscout today. They're both fantastically funny so it was a good day.
After that got some pancakes with my grad school homies to talk about our book and other grad school related stuff.
Me: "I think it'd be fun to take Cataloging."
Sam: "You know you're a librarian when..."
It's a fun group. We've got the Snarky One, the Bubbly One, the Quiet One, the Father Figure and the Bartender... and Me. Good discussion. Plus pancakes. I was all over it.
Pics of the Day:
It's I Spy: The Madonna Edition
Jammin' Out
My Big Fat Cat
Tomorrow should be fun. Waking up early *cough*onmydayoff*cough* to go cheer on Squirt and Bubby in a volleyball tournament. At my old high school. Looking forward to seeing people. I loved high school. Almost as much as I hated college.
Should be fun.
And I'm out.
"Trashy Women" Confederate Railroad live in Denver
"Working For The Man"
just cause i'm feeling random. and i love roy orbison.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
I got soul but I'm not a soldier
Pics of the Day:

so sad i missed the scream of death it emitted before it died. but i was there when our tech guy replaced it with another.
"I have a craving to carve pumpkins this year. Would your children be interested so that I have an excuse to do it?"
They were all over it.



onward jungle warrior. don't ask.


back with light
Initials. Use it for everything.
Diggin' it. Put it outside on the deck so my cat doesn't kill it.
Posted my homework, tomorrow's meeting should be interesting. Yay pancakes!
Watched Body of Proof - was so hoping the killer tried to escape on a horse. but nope. too cocky.
Now it's Mike and Molly. Fantastic show. Loved Melissa McCarthy in Gilmore Girls with the ditsy comedy, then Bridesmaids with her tomboyness, it's cool to see her as a teacher and normal. And the only normal one in the family.
"So yes, I do believe in bigfoot and yes, I think he's a total jerk."
i know i've posted that like 8 times but it's still worth it.
"All These Things I've Done" The Killers
so weird, looks like johnny depp at 3:39 and nathan fillion with a mustache at 3:42

so sad i missed the scream of death it emitted before it died. but i was there when our tech guy replaced it with another.
"I have a craving to carve pumpkins this year. Would your children be interested so that I have an excuse to do it?"
They were all over it.
onward jungle warrior. don't ask.
back with light
Initials. Use it for everything.
Diggin' it. Put it outside on the deck so my cat doesn't kill it.
Posted my homework, tomorrow's meeting should be interesting. Yay pancakes!
Watched Body of Proof - was so hoping the killer tried to escape on a horse. but nope. too cocky.
Now it's Mike and Molly. Fantastic show. Loved Melissa McCarthy in Gilmore Girls with the ditsy comedy, then Bridesmaids with her tomboyness, it's cool to see her as a teacher and normal. And the only normal one in the family.
"So yes, I do believe in bigfoot and yes, I think he's a total jerk."
i know i've posted that like 8 times but it's still worth it.
"All These Things I've Done" The Killers
so weird, looks like johnny depp at 3:39 and nathan fillion with a mustache at 3:42
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Something tells me I'm into something good...
Dear Facebook,
Why must you constantly evolve? Don't you know how much people hate change? Your changes to be exact?
I feel like I should give you a heads up on where this came from before I go into the ramble-zone. Dangerous territory.
Oldest Sister called and we talked Facebook. Right after Second Sister called and we had also talked about Facebook.
But it was Oldest Sister's conversation that brings the joy of Facebook into this post.
Okay, so I love Facebook. I was the first one to have it in high school and share it with everyone else. Blame Katie Jo, she invited me. And I got all my family on and involved and all that so they blame me. We have a page for Camp J and it's fantastic for getting information out to people. It's fun and it's an excellent form of communication for projects and presentations.
But, the thing about the new Facebook is that you know everything about everybody you're friends with. Because it feeds you information about them. All the time. Second-by-second status updates are on your homepage. It's constantly recommending things and wanting you to update your friendships. Are you close friends or aquaintances? Do you want to put them into their own specific friend group? Here, chat with this person, they're online!
This is where Oldest Sister's conversation comes in. We enjoy a hint of mystery. We don't want to know everything about everyone. Especially certain people. Just because we're friends with them on Facebook doesn't mean we're actually friends with them in real life.
We would enjoy a bit of Shrodinger's Cat in that situation. Maybe they're alive and kicking, or maybe they're dead in a box in the corner. And we're okay with the not knowing. But then we get a status update on the side of OUR homepage proving that the chemical still hasn't gone off and they're alive and well. And frankly, that was not the option we would have chosen.
Okay, that sounds really bad. Does anyone else know Shrodinger's Cat? I mean, from something other than simply watching Big Bang Theory? If you have no idea to what concept I'm referring to watch this:
Big Bang Theory - Sheldon compares Leonard and Penny's Relationship to Schrodinger's Cat
He explains it pretty well.
Anyway, we like that element of mystery. We don't want to be overloaded with peoples' personal information. Sometimes we just don't want to be social, period. So stop with all the oversharing.
I'm having flashbacks to the original Facebook. See, I've had it so long that I actually remember a time when there was no newsfeed whatsoever. Yeah! You had to actually go to someone's profile page to see what they were up to! I remember when newsfeed first came around and everyone hated it. "I don't need to know that Jimmy's favorite color is yellow!" was a post I read quite frequently. But eventually it turned out okay. So maybe these will eventually. But at the moment, do I really need up-to-the-second updates on people who like other people's wall posts? When I have no idea who those other people are?
My main problem is that I have over 600 friends. But that's what happens when you go to college and Facebook is your main way of communication. Who actually checked their college email? Anyway, you add someone as a friend if you have a presentation or a project with them because then you can get in touch with them. But then class ends and you move on. And you're still friends. And it just adds up.
Add to the fact that most of those projects/presentations happened more than 4 years ago and half of the girls I knew in college are now married with different last names... It's like, every time I go to my home page and see all these birthdays I'm like "Who the crap is that?!" then I have to go to their page and I don't recognize their picture. Like I said, 1 class, 4 years ago. Messes with my brain. "I should know you but I don't." So I leave it as it is, thinking that I'll figure it out eventually.
So, my plan is, sometime within the next few weeks, to weed through who I actually know and I actually don't. If you are someone that I haven't spoken to in more than a year but read this thing then let me know and I won't delete you.
Anyway, after Shrodinger's Cat came the
Things We'd Actually Like To See Added to Facebook conversation.
1. A "Bitchslap" Button. You know, instead of poking them. I've had this conversation on multiple occasions. It's not like the other person would have to know they've been bitchslapped, but having it there to push can give you a nice piece of sanity and humor.
2. A "Not in a Million Freakin' Years" option when you see someone you're not on such good terms with in the People You May Know section.
there are more but I won't repeat them. if you can think of more that are repeatable send them my way.
Song of the night: I'm only giving you one tonight because I think it's freaking fantastic and love it so much that it's worth two recommendations instead of one. So yes, actually listen to this one. It's worth it.
love love love this song. every version. but this one especially.
"I'm Into Something Good" The Bird and The Bee
Oldest Sister: "Is there someone in your apartment?"
Me: "It's called music."
she heard the whistling. i should have called "Shrodinger's Cat" and left her wondering. think i'll make that my new thing. calling it at random occasions. sounds fun.
Okay, I apologize if by reading the title of this post you were expecting that it was actually going to be about something good. I'll work on that for the future.
that's all she wrote!
Why must you constantly evolve? Don't you know how much people hate change? Your changes to be exact?
I feel like I should give you a heads up on where this came from before I go into the ramble-zone. Dangerous territory.
Oldest Sister called and we talked Facebook. Right after Second Sister called and we had also talked about Facebook.
But it was Oldest Sister's conversation that brings the joy of Facebook into this post.
Okay, so I love Facebook. I was the first one to have it in high school and share it with everyone else. Blame Katie Jo, she invited me. And I got all my family on and involved and all that so they blame me. We have a page for Camp J and it's fantastic for getting information out to people. It's fun and it's an excellent form of communication for projects and presentations.
But, the thing about the new Facebook is that you know everything about everybody you're friends with. Because it feeds you information about them. All the time. Second-by-second status updates are on your homepage. It's constantly recommending things and wanting you to update your friendships. Are you close friends or aquaintances? Do you want to put them into their own specific friend group? Here, chat with this person, they're online!
This is where Oldest Sister's conversation comes in. We enjoy a hint of mystery. We don't want to know everything about everyone. Especially certain people. Just because we're friends with them on Facebook doesn't mean we're actually friends with them in real life.
We would enjoy a bit of Shrodinger's Cat in that situation. Maybe they're alive and kicking, or maybe they're dead in a box in the corner. And we're okay with the not knowing. But then we get a status update on the side of OUR homepage proving that the chemical still hasn't gone off and they're alive and well. And frankly, that was not the option we would have chosen.
Okay, that sounds really bad. Does anyone else know Shrodinger's Cat? I mean, from something other than simply watching Big Bang Theory? If you have no idea to what concept I'm referring to watch this:
Big Bang Theory - Sheldon compares Leonard and Penny's Relationship to Schrodinger's Cat
He explains it pretty well.
Anyway, we like that element of mystery. We don't want to be overloaded with peoples' personal information. Sometimes we just don't want to be social, period. So stop with all the oversharing.
I'm having flashbacks to the original Facebook. See, I've had it so long that I actually remember a time when there was no newsfeed whatsoever. Yeah! You had to actually go to someone's profile page to see what they were up to! I remember when newsfeed first came around and everyone hated it. "I don't need to know that Jimmy's favorite color is yellow!" was a post I read quite frequently. But eventually it turned out okay. So maybe these will eventually. But at the moment, do I really need up-to-the-second updates on people who like other people's wall posts? When I have no idea who those other people are?
My main problem is that I have over 600 friends. But that's what happens when you go to college and Facebook is your main way of communication. Who actually checked their college email? Anyway, you add someone as a friend if you have a presentation or a project with them because then you can get in touch with them. But then class ends and you move on. And you're still friends. And it just adds up.
Add to the fact that most of those projects/presentations happened more than 4 years ago and half of the girls I knew in college are now married with different last names... It's like, every time I go to my home page and see all these birthdays I'm like "Who the crap is that?!" then I have to go to their page and I don't recognize their picture. Like I said, 1 class, 4 years ago. Messes with my brain. "I should know you but I don't." So I leave it as it is, thinking that I'll figure it out eventually.
So, my plan is, sometime within the next few weeks, to weed through who I actually know and I actually don't. If you are someone that I haven't spoken to in more than a year but read this thing then let me know and I won't delete you.
Anyway, after Shrodinger's Cat came the
Things We'd Actually Like To See Added to Facebook conversation.
1. A "Bitchslap" Button. You know, instead of poking them. I've had this conversation on multiple occasions. It's not like the other person would have to know they've been bitchslapped, but having it there to push can give you a nice piece of sanity and humor.
2. A "Not in a Million Freakin' Years" option when you see someone you're not on such good terms with in the People You May Know section.
there are more but I won't repeat them. if you can think of more that are repeatable send them my way.
Song of the night: I'm only giving you one tonight because I think it's freaking fantastic and love it so much that it's worth two recommendations instead of one. So yes, actually listen to this one. It's worth it.
love love love this song. every version. but this one especially.
"I'm Into Something Good" The Bird and The Bee
Oldest Sister: "Is there someone in your apartment?"
Me: "It's called music."
she heard the whistling. i should have called "Shrodinger's Cat" and left her wondering. think i'll make that my new thing. calling it at random occasions. sounds fun.
Okay, I apologize if by reading the title of this post you were expecting that it was actually going to be about something good. I'll work on that for the future.
that's all she wrote!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
"I've been cheated, been mistreated, when will I be loved?"
Surprise visits from two supervisors today both claiming to check out the relatively new paint job. One - who shall be known as the "Master Chef" (I have no idea about her culinary talents but right before they offered me the permanent job she asked if I was ready to join the Master Chef Challenge. I asked if they brought fire extinguishers. Then they gave me the job instead) - the other who I refer to as Cabin Fever. Because she gets Cabin Fever when she spends too much time in her office and comes to help at the desk. She's also the one who told me to say I "worship snakes" when asked out by a creeper or get annoyed with telemarketers.
Both were amusing as always. One actually did check out the paint job, the other and myself thought about moving the Young Adult area as it's quickly running out of space and no one knows it exists. But where would you move it to really? That's why I'm excited for my blueprint grad school assignment.
I actually enjoyed today a lot, despite the mass amount of stress brought on by certain patrons. But it's just the usual really - patron upset about holds so I spent hours on the phone and looking for a missing book, and of course the jam-handed children running and messing with everything. The joys of the library. For some reason I keep coming back. But I enjoy it.
If there was no conflict or stress then the job would be boring and that's not what I'm looking for in life. I enjoy the variety of people and problems that come across my desk. Keeps me on my toes. The joys of public service.
Speaking of joys, have I mentioned how much I love working with my trainee? I haven't thought up a suitable nickname yet, but she's fantastic. Catches on quickly but asks when she needs something. Plus she's highly amusing and we get along well.
I feel special, they trust me alone with a trainee. For a whole day. Until Superwoman shows up to cover for me going to lunch. If you call 4-5 lunch. Supper? or do you say "Dinner"? In our house it was always Dinner at noon and Supper at night. There was no such thing as lunch. "Lunch" started when I went to a dorm high school when it was on a physical schedule. I should move on before I start talking about projects from college about language and linguistics.
That was pretty much my day. Other than coming home to watch NCIS. Oh my god, you know when you're watching something and you recognize the character's voice but their face is completely different? Duuuude. Guest-starring Charlie's freaking Angel herself, Cheryl Ladd. Although I didn't know that at first, I just picked up on it when she was hitting on Ducky and there was something about her voice. Yelled out "Kris Munroe!" when I figured it out - just adds to my neighbors probable on-going tally on my crazy sudden outbursts about completely random things. But she looks soooo different. But it's not like plastic surgery different. She's got a few years difference between now and the 70's plus brown hair. That's what threw me off.
Not that I should put much stock in hair color, I mean, look who's talking really. I don't even remember my natural color. We attempted to dye it back senior year of high school when I did "Arsenic and Old Lace" yeah, took forever and didn't last long. I was back to red as soon as the play was over.
Overall I'd give the episode a 7/10 purely because of Charlie's freakin' Angel. She was really the only thing I'll take away from it. I was hoping for a more Halloween theme - they usually have some good ones, have you seen "Murder 2.0" from season six? Duuuude, attempted to watch that at night in the dark once and couldn't do it. Still can't. AND I KNOW WHO DID IT!
Alright, that's enough of my ramblings for the night. Thank you for putting up with them night after night. Afterall, it's almost been a year now. Wow. Should probably do something to celebrate that, huh?
Throwback Tuesday
"Bye Bye Love" Everly Brothers
"When Will I Be Loved" The Everly Brothers
Both were amusing as always. One actually did check out the paint job, the other and myself thought about moving the Young Adult area as it's quickly running out of space and no one knows it exists. But where would you move it to really? That's why I'm excited for my blueprint grad school assignment.
I actually enjoyed today a lot, despite the mass amount of stress brought on by certain patrons. But it's just the usual really - patron upset about holds so I spent hours on the phone and looking for a missing book, and of course the jam-handed children running and messing with everything. The joys of the library. For some reason I keep coming back. But I enjoy it.
If there was no conflict or stress then the job would be boring and that's not what I'm looking for in life. I enjoy the variety of people and problems that come across my desk. Keeps me on my toes. The joys of public service.
Speaking of joys, have I mentioned how much I love working with my trainee? I haven't thought up a suitable nickname yet, but she's fantastic. Catches on quickly but asks when she needs something. Plus she's highly amusing and we get along well.
I feel special, they trust me alone with a trainee. For a whole day. Until Superwoman shows up to cover for me going to lunch. If you call 4-5 lunch. Supper? or do you say "Dinner"? In our house it was always Dinner at noon and Supper at night. There was no such thing as lunch. "Lunch" started when I went to a dorm high school when it was on a physical schedule. I should move on before I start talking about projects from college about language and linguistics.
That was pretty much my day. Other than coming home to watch NCIS. Oh my god, you know when you're watching something and you recognize the character's voice but their face is completely different? Duuuude. Guest-starring Charlie's freaking Angel herself, Cheryl Ladd. Although I didn't know that at first, I just picked up on it when she was hitting on Ducky and there was something about her voice. Yelled out "Kris Munroe!" when I figured it out - just adds to my neighbors probable on-going tally on my crazy sudden outbursts about completely random things. But she looks soooo different. But it's not like plastic surgery different. She's got a few years difference between now and the 70's plus brown hair. That's what threw me off.
Not that I should put much stock in hair color, I mean, look who's talking really. I don't even remember my natural color. We attempted to dye it back senior year of high school when I did "Arsenic and Old Lace" yeah, took forever and didn't last long. I was back to red as soon as the play was over.
Overall I'd give the episode a 7/10 purely because of Charlie's freakin' Angel. She was really the only thing I'll take away from it. I was hoping for a more Halloween theme - they usually have some good ones, have you seen "Murder 2.0" from season six? Duuuude, attempted to watch that at night in the dark once and couldn't do it. Still can't. AND I KNOW WHO DID IT!
Alright, that's enough of my ramblings for the night. Thank you for putting up with them night after night. Afterall, it's almost been a year now. Wow. Should probably do something to celebrate that, huh?
Throwback Tuesday
"Bye Bye Love" Everly Brothers
"When Will I Be Loved" The Everly Brothers
Monday, October 24, 2011
I miss you like boy bands and cheap cologne, our song and chaperones...
Quote of the day:
Sketch: "I dedicated my c-section to you!"
no she didn't have a baby. see, the thing about us being sketch and edit is that we talk about really random things and if they were sent to someone that wasn't us that person would be really really confused. so, to avoid that confusion, she always makes sure that my name is the first name under C in her cellphone so that she doesn't send anything by mistake to someone else. Even if their name starts with a C and goes before mine alphabetically they get filed another way.
I was actually semi-productive today. On my day off even.
Picked up Squirt's jersey, plus bought some xmas stuff - She & Him has a xmas album, I'm stoked! Now that other people can actually tell the difference between her and her sister she's all over the place. Zooey = New Girl, Emily = Bones. Both play the title role in the show.
Aside from that I'm officially done shopping for my mother. Well, big stuff anyway. I'll continue to get her little stuff as the season goes on just because she buys the most stuff for people.
After that stopped by Target to get my Diet Dr. Pepper - can't run out of that or I'll die, then did some homework. I'm almost done with the book report, really all that's left is coming up with discussion questions that meet Bloom's Taxonomy standards and meeting with the group. Then posting all that online.
Once that's done I can focus on the blueprints for the before and after a library redesign. You know it's sad when you can close your eyes and draw out the current layout by heart. But I've got a couple of weeks before that's due so I'll just the next week or so accumulating ideas.
Aannd then got to catch up on some DVR.
"Just putting it out there."
"Just put it back in there."
Oh my god, I love "2 Broke Girls". Got picked up for the rest of the season on CBS, huzzah! I'm STOKED!
The character dynamics are fantastic and it's like the live audience just adds to their acting. It's like they're gonna bust out laughing at any moment because the dialogue is that funny. Lots of sarcasm. Max is my favorite, she reminds me a lot of Daria - did anyone else watch that show? She's got the whole sarcasm, doesn't care about the world approach while Caroline is the former heiress who's father just went broke so she's just starting out in the working world but still cares about what everyone thinks.
Plus they have a horse.
Here, check this.
love it.
Plus, did anyone watch Castle? Um, Spooky! And the preview for next week?!?! Duuude. I don't wanna give away any spoilers but it's gonna be awesome!
Songs of the day: The Band Perry. Turns out it's just the dying young song that I can't stand. The rest aren't so bad.
"I Miss You Being Gone" The Band Perry
dig it. love the song.
"Hip to my Heart" The Band Perry
lyrics are lacking but the video is pretty cool. plus it's catchy. sibling love.
Sketch: "I dedicated my c-section to you!"
no she didn't have a baby. see, the thing about us being sketch and edit is that we talk about really random things and if they were sent to someone that wasn't us that person would be really really confused. so, to avoid that confusion, she always makes sure that my name is the first name under C in her cellphone so that she doesn't send anything by mistake to someone else. Even if their name starts with a C and goes before mine alphabetically they get filed another way.
I was actually semi-productive today. On my day off even.
Picked up Squirt's jersey, plus bought some xmas stuff - She & Him has a xmas album, I'm stoked! Now that other people can actually tell the difference between her and her sister she's all over the place. Zooey = New Girl, Emily = Bones. Both play the title role in the show.
Aside from that I'm officially done shopping for my mother. Well, big stuff anyway. I'll continue to get her little stuff as the season goes on just because she buys the most stuff for people.
After that stopped by Target to get my Diet Dr. Pepper - can't run out of that or I'll die, then did some homework. I'm almost done with the book report, really all that's left is coming up with discussion questions that meet Bloom's Taxonomy standards and meeting with the group. Then posting all that online.
Once that's done I can focus on the blueprints for the before and after a library redesign. You know it's sad when you can close your eyes and draw out the current layout by heart. But I've got a couple of weeks before that's due so I'll just the next week or so accumulating ideas.
Aannd then got to catch up on some DVR.
"Just putting it out there."
"Just put it back in there."
Oh my god, I love "2 Broke Girls". Got picked up for the rest of the season on CBS, huzzah! I'm STOKED!
The character dynamics are fantastic and it's like the live audience just adds to their acting. It's like they're gonna bust out laughing at any moment because the dialogue is that funny. Lots of sarcasm. Max is my favorite, she reminds me a lot of Daria - did anyone else watch that show? She's got the whole sarcasm, doesn't care about the world approach while Caroline is the former heiress who's father just went broke so she's just starting out in the working world but still cares about what everyone thinks.
Plus they have a horse.
Here, check this.
love it.
Plus, did anyone watch Castle? Um, Spooky! And the preview for next week?!?! Duuude. I don't wanna give away any spoilers but it's gonna be awesome!
Songs of the day: The Band Perry. Turns out it's just the dying young song that I can't stand. The rest aren't so bad.
"I Miss You Being Gone" The Band Perry
dig it. love the song.
"Hip to my Heart" The Band Perry
lyrics are lacking but the video is pretty cool. plus it's catchy. sibling love.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
If You Seek Then You Shall Find
Maturity: A stoic response to endless reality. -Carrie Fisher
My hero...or one of the many. I finally got "Wishful Drinking" on DVD from the library. It's basically a taped standup act based on her biography book of the same title. "Wishful Drinking". Clever.
I liked it, but I listened to the book on CD so I knew most of what she was going to talk about. What's funny though is that I was able to quote it AND the book as well as I listened to them even though I'd never heard/seen them before.
I blame this clip. There are a lot of direct quotes. And yes, I've watched it that many times.
"Because there is no underwear in space"
"that chick, the new girl who plays my mother, Queen Armadillo or whatever her name is..."
I still die of laughter.
If you like that then you'd like her book, well books. She writes fiction as well. They're quite popular actually. One even got made into a movie with Meryl Streep and Shirley MacLaine.
The funny part about that is that it was based on real life experiences, and her actual mother - Debbie Reynolds - auditioned for the mother role and got beat out by Shirley MacLaine. Even though it was essentially her.
The book/DVD talks a lot about family, marriage, mood swings, fame and circles back to family. I enjoy it because she's able to relay all the bad things that happened in her life and turn them into comedy.
Plus there are Star Wars anecdotes and I'm all about those.
Scale of Awesome says 7/10. It excludes a lot that's in the book, but then includes stuff that's not in it as well. I was just hoping there would be more in there. But I guess since it's an HBO thing she only has so much time. But the DVD does include deleted scenes and an exclusive interview with Debbie Reynolds. Who lives next door to Carrie. I find that amusing.
Songs of the night: mellowed out.
"Dreamer" Elizaveta
no idea about the mask, but he does have some sweet dance moves.
speaking of fairy tales and serendipitous encounters i taped Once Upon A Time tonight on ABC, stoked to watch that on the DVR. will do that next before i crash.
"Ghost Towns" Radical Face
love the piano and guitar
Alright, plans for tomorrow: Homework. Gotta read a book and draw up some blueprints. I'm stoked to knock out that back wall and expand. Gonna add on a computer lab and a study room. Plus some couches. Maybe some vending machines. People always ask about those.
And at some point I need to go pick up a jersey for Squirt. And get pop. Seriously, wish #1 on my list is a never-ending supply of Diet Dr. Pepper. I can live without food, but the second I run out of that I run to the store.
My hero...or one of the many. I finally got "Wishful Drinking" on DVD from the library. It's basically a taped standup act based on her biography book of the same title. "Wishful Drinking". Clever.
I liked it, but I listened to the book on CD so I knew most of what she was going to talk about. What's funny though is that I was able to quote it AND the book as well as I listened to them even though I'd never heard/seen them before.
I blame this clip. There are a lot of direct quotes. And yes, I've watched it that many times.
"Because there is no underwear in space"
"that chick, the new girl who plays my mother, Queen Armadillo or whatever her name is..."
I still die of laughter.
If you like that then you'd like her book, well books. She writes fiction as well. They're quite popular actually. One even got made into a movie with Meryl Streep and Shirley MacLaine.
The funny part about that is that it was based on real life experiences, and her actual mother - Debbie Reynolds - auditioned for the mother role and got beat out by Shirley MacLaine. Even though it was essentially her.
The book/DVD talks a lot about family, marriage, mood swings, fame and circles back to family. I enjoy it because she's able to relay all the bad things that happened in her life and turn them into comedy.
Plus there are Star Wars anecdotes and I'm all about those.
Scale of Awesome says 7/10. It excludes a lot that's in the book, but then includes stuff that's not in it as well. I was just hoping there would be more in there. But I guess since it's an HBO thing she only has so much time. But the DVD does include deleted scenes and an exclusive interview with Debbie Reynolds. Who lives next door to Carrie. I find that amusing.
Songs of the night: mellowed out.
"Dreamer" Elizaveta
no idea about the mask, but he does have some sweet dance moves.
speaking of fairy tales and serendipitous encounters i taped Once Upon A Time tonight on ABC, stoked to watch that on the DVR. will do that next before i crash.
"Ghost Towns" Radical Face
love the piano and guitar
Alright, plans for tomorrow: Homework. Gotta read a book and draw up some blueprints. I'm stoked to knock out that back wall and expand. Gonna add on a computer lab and a study room. Plus some couches. Maybe some vending machines. People always ask about those.
And at some point I need to go pick up a jersey for Squirt. And get pop. Seriously, wish #1 on my list is a never-ending supply of Diet Dr. Pepper. I can live without food, but the second I run out of that I run to the store.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Where Oh Where Are You Tonight?
Remember when you went out hunting for possum? -- You said you’d get one and wouldn’t be long. -- That’s ten years ago and I’m sitting here waiting -- beginning to wonder if something went wrong.
Down here on the farm the weather is messy -- lying around with nothing to do -- when you went away you took my cow Bessie -- I miss her darling more than I miss you.
Pardon me dear if my words seem bitter -- There’s no defense for my broken dreams. -- I didn’t know I married a quitter -- my life is coming apart at the seams.
Remember you phoned me a-sobbin' and cryin' -- The dog bit your maw, and drug her around -- You said she looked pale and thought she was dying -- I said "Don't worry, I'll buy a new hound."
The noises you made at our supper table -- Your habits, my dear, were surely absurd -- But how many times do I have to tell you -- Soup is a dish to be seen and not heard.
You took out your false teeth, your wig and your glasses – You were just scattered all over the place. – I wanted to kiss you and hug you so tightly – I guess I would have if I’d found your face.
Where Oh Where are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found true love. You met another and *pbbb* you was gone.
Just when it finally got out of your head I hit you with it again. THAT'S HOW I FELT! It's been months, MONTHS! And then out of nowhere, BAM!! Back in my head. I'll never escape it.
Those are the verses I made my 7th and 8th graders sing this year for their skit at camp. Their parents love me. Yes, 7th and 8th grade boys singing. And they did it. Cause they got to spit at the girls.
My father seemed to enjoy it. It was his fault anyway. Not that he told me to make the kids do it, that was my own twisted idea, but he's the one who introduced me to that crazy, insane, obnoxiously country, hick shows. And got the freaking song stuck in my head in the first place. So, of course, when the parents say they want me to do it again next year what does he do? Hands me a stack of index cards with lyrics on them for next year. Oh yeah, there are more verses. They did that skit for years. YEARS! It will never die. But at least this way I'm good for one skit next year. And the year after that...and the year after that...and the year after that...
Down here on the farm the weather is messy -- lying around with nothing to do -- when you went away you took my cow Bessie -- I miss her darling more than I miss you.
Pardon me dear if my words seem bitter -- There’s no defense for my broken dreams. -- I didn’t know I married a quitter -- my life is coming apart at the seams.
Remember you phoned me a-sobbin' and cryin' -- The dog bit your maw, and drug her around -- You said she looked pale and thought she was dying -- I said "Don't worry, I'll buy a new hound."
The noises you made at our supper table -- Your habits, my dear, were surely absurd -- But how many times do I have to tell you -- Soup is a dish to be seen and not heard.
You took out your false teeth, your wig and your glasses – You were just scattered all over the place. – I wanted to kiss you and hug you so tightly – I guess I would have if I’d found your face.
Where Oh Where are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found true love. You met another and *pbbb* you was gone.
Just when it finally got out of your head I hit you with it again. THAT'S HOW I FELT! It's been months, MONTHS! And then out of nowhere, BAM!! Back in my head. I'll never escape it.
Those are the verses I made my 7th and 8th graders sing this year for their skit at camp. Their parents love me. Yes, 7th and 8th grade boys singing. And they did it. Cause they got to spit at the girls.
My father seemed to enjoy it. It was his fault anyway. Not that he told me to make the kids do it, that was my own twisted idea, but he's the one who introduced me to that crazy, insane, obnoxiously country, hick shows. And got the freaking song stuck in my head in the first place. So, of course, when the parents say they want me to do it again next year what does he do? Hands me a stack of index cards with lyrics on them for next year. Oh yeah, there are more verses. They did that skit for years. YEARS! It will never die. But at least this way I'm good for one skit next year. And the year after that...and the year after that...and the year after that...
Friday, October 21, 2011
"Actually, it's Tuesday."
It was a night for ships and sword fights I suppose.
I finally watched Pirates 4, very impressive. Sad about the lack of Will and Elizabeth, but I suppose I can survive through the next trilogy without them. If that is what it turns out to be. It's just rumors as of right now. Scale of Awesome says 7/10 for this one. Not as good as the past three, but it did have it's moments.
After that and some pizza we hit up the Three Musketeers tonight for Squirt's birthday.
It's Darcy with a sword and Orlando Bloom as a pirate in the sky. Really, what more do you need?
It's got the basic story down, three legendary sword fighters join with a young hot-shot to rescue France from utter downfall.
Plus they add in a lot of comic relief with the young king who's always trying to impress his queen, and the "kicked puppy" tag-a-long who takes care of the musketeers and brings them wine.
Add in a deadly female assassin, a corrupt man of the cloth, and an enemy obsessed with flying ships and you've got yourself a movie.
I found it quite humorous. Scale of Awesome says 8/10. I'd definitely go see it in theaters again.
Quote of the night:
Bubby: "Once you go chubby you gotta go Bubby."
don't ask.
Midwest Music of the night
2011 Nebraska Cornhuskers Tunnel Walk
best tradition
here's another cool NE thing to get you pumped for the game tomorrow.
At Minnesota. 2:30 tomorrow. My prediction 49-17 Huskers. Game on!
I finally watched Pirates 4, very impressive. Sad about the lack of Will and Elizabeth, but I suppose I can survive through the next trilogy without them. If that is what it turns out to be. It's just rumors as of right now. Scale of Awesome says 7/10 for this one. Not as good as the past three, but it did have it's moments.
After that and some pizza we hit up the Three Musketeers tonight for Squirt's birthday.
It's Darcy with a sword and Orlando Bloom as a pirate in the sky. Really, what more do you need?
It's got the basic story down, three legendary sword fighters join with a young hot-shot to rescue France from utter downfall.
Plus they add in a lot of comic relief with the young king who's always trying to impress his queen, and the "kicked puppy" tag-a-long who takes care of the musketeers and brings them wine.
Add in a deadly female assassin, a corrupt man of the cloth, and an enemy obsessed with flying ships and you've got yourself a movie.
I found it quite humorous. Scale of Awesome says 8/10. I'd definitely go see it in theaters again.
Quote of the night:
Bubby: "Once you go chubby you gotta go Bubby."
don't ask.
Midwest Music of the night
2011 Nebraska Cornhuskers Tunnel Walk
best tradition
here's another cool NE thing to get you pumped for the game tomorrow.
At Minnesota. 2:30 tomorrow. My prediction 49-17 Huskers. Game on!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Willie Nelson Wants You Back
I have tomorrow off! Dude! The whole day! From both places! That never happens! Except when I have class...and I don't have class!! So guess how I'm gonna spend my day off?!?! Doing homework! For class!
Well, that's the plan at least. I'll probably throw in a marathon of SVU as well. I mean, you can only read about leadership and draw blueprints of libraries for so long before your head explodes.
Today was good. Got to sleep in this morning.
I actually got to talk to Second Sister today. Which is shocking as I haven't talked to her in like a month. This is usually because I'm always working or she's always working. And she'll leave a message and I won't get it until she's sleeping. And it's best not to wake up a pregnant woman. That I've learned.
She's as busy as ever, but at least she's not changing her child's name.
Me: "Why are you changing the baby's name?"
SS: "Because I'm pregnant and bored!"
but that was 1 kid ago. I'm proud to say I'm the first person to know about the last two kids - other than her husband of course. But me finding out this last one was mostly a fluke.
*I get in the car*
SS: "Are you wearing perfume?"
Me: "Are you pregnant?"
*looks away*
yep. two seconds. i rock.
But I never know what they're having. They keep that a secret. Maybe it'll be a boy and make the numbers even that way there's less pressure for me. Cause that ain't happening any time soon. There are currently 4 girls and 3 boys for grandkids. Maybe I should root for a boy. Hmm...
Talking to her was pretty much the highlight of the day, as it hasn't happened in forever. Also talked to Mom today, which has been a rarity lately as well, but they're harvesting so that's a valid excuse. Is that how you spell that? I haven't used it in a while. Rarity. Another word I don't use as often, "nab" which Glee-Loving Boss said the other day. I paused. It's a good word but no one uses it anymore. We should bring it back. The Nab taskforce. I'm all about taskforces. Maybe I should make nab stand for something to make it more effective. National Antidisestablishmentarianism Bonanza. I have no idea what it means but I can say it and that's all that matters.
After that it was just missing my adopted sister at the library. Dang lunch breaks always have bad timing. Oh well, I'll see her around, now that she actually is around.
I love my job, especially my coworkers. Of course today my Glee-Loving Boss was teasing me some more about flu shots, saying he and Joe Studley would each hold me down so I could get the shot.
It's on man, I gotta figure out something to get him back for yesterday's flyer.
Midwest Music for the night you get Texas and North Dakota. There, I've gotten the whole line of us. I think. Yeah. I did. Which means tomorrow is a free for all. Meaning I'll try to throw in something that's not Texas.
"Ohio (Come Back to Texas)" Bowling For Soup
willie nelson wants you back...
and jumping up a bit
"The Fargo Song" Jewel
she writes a song about pretty much every city she visits, you can find them on youtube.
here's another. i think i like this one better.
"The Kansas City Song" Jewel
"the paris of the plains"
And just because it was stuck in my head today:
"You Never Can Tell" Chuck Berry
aka the dance scene from Pulp Fiction
though i'm still singing all my ex's live in texas...
Well, that's the plan at least. I'll probably throw in a marathon of SVU as well. I mean, you can only read about leadership and draw blueprints of libraries for so long before your head explodes.
Today was good. Got to sleep in this morning.
I actually got to talk to Second Sister today. Which is shocking as I haven't talked to her in like a month. This is usually because I'm always working or she's always working. And she'll leave a message and I won't get it until she's sleeping. And it's best not to wake up a pregnant woman. That I've learned.
She's as busy as ever, but at least she's not changing her child's name.
Me: "Why are you changing the baby's name?"
SS: "Because I'm pregnant and bored!"
but that was 1 kid ago. I'm proud to say I'm the first person to know about the last two kids - other than her husband of course. But me finding out this last one was mostly a fluke.
*I get in the car*
SS: "Are you wearing perfume?"
Me: "Are you pregnant?"
*looks away*
yep. two seconds. i rock.
But I never know what they're having. They keep that a secret. Maybe it'll be a boy and make the numbers even that way there's less pressure for me. Cause that ain't happening any time soon. There are currently 4 girls and 3 boys for grandkids. Maybe I should root for a boy. Hmm...
Talking to her was pretty much the highlight of the day, as it hasn't happened in forever. Also talked to Mom today, which has been a rarity lately as well, but they're harvesting so that's a valid excuse. Is that how you spell that? I haven't used it in a while. Rarity. Another word I don't use as often, "nab" which Glee-Loving Boss said the other day. I paused. It's a good word but no one uses it anymore. We should bring it back. The Nab taskforce. I'm all about taskforces. Maybe I should make nab stand for something to make it more effective. National Antidisestablishmentarianism Bonanza. I have no idea what it means but I can say it and that's all that matters.
After that it was just missing my adopted sister at the library. Dang lunch breaks always have bad timing. Oh well, I'll see her around, now that she actually is around.
I love my job, especially my coworkers. Of course today my Glee-Loving Boss was teasing me some more about flu shots, saying he and Joe Studley would each hold me down so I could get the shot.
It's on man, I gotta figure out something to get him back for yesterday's flyer.
Midwest Music for the night you get Texas and North Dakota. There, I've gotten the whole line of us. I think. Yeah. I did. Which means tomorrow is a free for all. Meaning I'll try to throw in something that's not Texas.
"Ohio (Come Back to Texas)" Bowling For Soup
willie nelson wants you back...
and jumping up a bit
"The Fargo Song" Jewel
she writes a song about pretty much every city she visits, you can find them on youtube.
here's another. i think i like this one better.
"The Kansas City Song" Jewel
"the paris of the plains"
And just because it was stuck in my head today:
"You Never Can Tell" Chuck Berry
aka the dance scene from Pulp Fiction
though i'm still singing all my ex's live in texas...
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
"Don't you ever interrupt me while I'm readin' a book!"
Okay, it's official.
People at the library know me.
And not just any people.
Coworker people.
Because the pranks have begun.
And it's on. Like Donkey Kong.
Today I came in to work and- okay, I love my family. They're terrific. Oldest Sister included. But see, she comes into the library and enjoys embarrassing me, fixing my clothes, making fun of my hair, etc. Which just gives my coworkers ammo.
Like the time when she wanted me to go get a flu shot and I said I'd rather get sick than get the shot.
It's a proven theory. I got H1N1 in college. Oh yeah, I was one of those. And suffered through it gladly because I don't like needles and pass out at the sight or mention of blood.
But she gave me crap, saying she'd go with me and hold my hand. Meanwhile my Glee-Loving Boss just laughed.
Today I check my mailbox and find a flyer for "Flumist Nasal Spray!!"
Guess who put that there.
It's on Mr. Boss Man. Glee-Loving Boss is going down. No idea how I'll get him back. Perhaps I'll ask for a consult. I bet Sensei would have ideas.
Quotes of the Day: yes, they're all library-related. deal.
Space Cadet: "We gotta get rid of that tacky looking junk!"
we worked on weed lists today. which are always fun. until you have to weed a book that you actually read and enjoyed. sad day.
SLS: "I have Super Librarian Status."
Me: "Well, there's a new nickname."
This coming from the supervisor at my first real interview ever, who, when I was working with him right before my 21st birthday said, "Take it from me. You can't drink all the liquor in town. I've tried." I enjoy him, he's quite amusing. And now he'll be known as "Super Librarian Status."
Girlscout: "It's the 7up!"
SLS: "I hate that stuff."
he's not the only one in that place who hates it. last year Space Cadet pawned a case off on me.
Me: "You looked all serious, I thought I was in trouble."
Space Cadet: "I am serious, I gotta get rid of this 7up!"
Me: "You rock Superwoman!"
Superwoman: "I feel sort of rocky at times!"
cause she tells me I work too many hours.
then she recommends music.
check this one out:
"I'm Reading a Book" Julian Smith
i busted out laughing at 2:05 just because of the randomness. that's fantastic.
Here are some recommendations back for you.
Librarians Go Gaga
"don't forget the databases..."
Librarians Will Survive
Dewey Decimal Rap
i especially like it when he breaks down the system saying what's in each area. sad thing is i knew all that.
and just because i think it's fantastic:
Masters of Library Science Croquet Tournament
"passed the sand trap, around the water hazard..." awesomeness.
Originally I was 9-8 tomorrow, now I'm 1-8 instead. Will enjoy sleeping in while it lasts. Should konk out soon if I'm going to enjoy it. Oh, maybe watch some Criminal Minds I've recorded. I attempted to watch Harry's Law but I don't know if I like it as much anymore. There's all these new characters and they work in a new setting and blah. I like that Tommy is around more, but still, they've completely changed the show. However, Harry is still the same, so I'll stick with it.
Music for the night:....other than those clips above...
This Midwest Week is turning more into a Central Time Zone Week but "Midwest Week" sounds better so I'm sticking with it.
Here's your South Dakota and some more Texas.
"The Deadwood Stage" Calamity Jane
love 2:42-3:42.
this was my favorite movie growing up. i blame that on my aunt. this and oklahoma. yes i was a musicals kind of girl. explains a lot.
although in the movie i think this is my favorite:
"I Can Do Without You"
doris day says it's her favorite movie she's ever done. no question why. you should check it out, it's worth it.
"All My Ex's Live In Texas" George Strait
george strait really is the king.
I sang that in the jNonfiction section while shelving once, not realizing that there was a woman there. She smiled so I kept singing.
that's all she wrote...
People at the library know me.
And not just any people.
Coworker people.
Because the pranks have begun.
And it's on. Like Donkey Kong.
Today I came in to work and- okay, I love my family. They're terrific. Oldest Sister included. But see, she comes into the library and enjoys embarrassing me, fixing my clothes, making fun of my hair, etc. Which just gives my coworkers ammo.
Like the time when she wanted me to go get a flu shot and I said I'd rather get sick than get the shot.
It's a proven theory. I got H1N1 in college. Oh yeah, I was one of those. And suffered through it gladly because I don't like needles and pass out at the sight or mention of blood.
But she gave me crap, saying she'd go with me and hold my hand. Meanwhile my Glee-Loving Boss just laughed.
Today I check my mailbox and find a flyer for "Flumist Nasal Spray!!"
Guess who put that there.
It's on Mr. Boss Man. Glee-Loving Boss is going down. No idea how I'll get him back. Perhaps I'll ask for a consult. I bet Sensei would have ideas.
Quotes of the Day: yes, they're all library-related. deal.
Space Cadet: "We gotta get rid of that tacky looking junk!"
we worked on weed lists today. which are always fun. until you have to weed a book that you actually read and enjoyed. sad day.
SLS: "I have Super Librarian Status."
Me: "Well, there's a new nickname."
This coming from the supervisor at my first real interview ever, who, when I was working with him right before my 21st birthday said, "Take it from me. You can't drink all the liquor in town. I've tried." I enjoy him, he's quite amusing. And now he'll be known as "Super Librarian Status."
Girlscout: "It's the 7up!"
SLS: "I hate that stuff."
he's not the only one in that place who hates it. last year Space Cadet pawned a case off on me.
Me: "You looked all serious, I thought I was in trouble."
Space Cadet: "I am serious, I gotta get rid of this 7up!"
Me: "You rock Superwoman!"
Superwoman: "I feel sort of rocky at times!"
cause she tells me I work too many hours.
then she recommends music.
check this one out:
"I'm Reading a Book" Julian Smith
i busted out laughing at 2:05 just because of the randomness. that's fantastic.
Here are some recommendations back for you.
Librarians Go Gaga
"don't forget the databases..."
Librarians Will Survive
Dewey Decimal Rap
i especially like it when he breaks down the system saying what's in each area. sad thing is i knew all that.
and just because i think it's fantastic:
Masters of Library Science Croquet Tournament
"passed the sand trap, around the water hazard..." awesomeness.
Originally I was 9-8 tomorrow, now I'm 1-8 instead. Will enjoy sleeping in while it lasts. Should konk out soon if I'm going to enjoy it. Oh, maybe watch some Criminal Minds I've recorded. I attempted to watch Harry's Law but I don't know if I like it as much anymore. There's all these new characters and they work in a new setting and blah. I like that Tommy is around more, but still, they've completely changed the show. However, Harry is still the same, so I'll stick with it.
Music for the night:....other than those clips above...
This Midwest Week is turning more into a Central Time Zone Week but "Midwest Week" sounds better so I'm sticking with it.
Here's your South Dakota and some more Texas.
"The Deadwood Stage" Calamity Jane
love 2:42-3:42.
this was my favorite movie growing up. i blame that on my aunt. this and oklahoma. yes i was a musicals kind of girl. explains a lot.
although in the movie i think this is my favorite:
"I Can Do Without You"
doris day says it's her favorite movie she's ever done. no question why. you should check it out, it's worth it.
"All My Ex's Live In Texas" George Strait
george strait really is the king.
I sang that in the jNonfiction section while shelving once, not realizing that there was a woman there. She smiled so I kept singing.
that's all she wrote...
all my ex's live in texas,
calamity jane,
deadwood stage,
harry's law,
i can do without you,
i'm reading a book,
julian smith,
midwest week,
space cadet,
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Joys of Small Town Nebraska
I got caught up in the joy that is writing.
What's sad is that it's unusual at this point in my life. I don't really have time for it, so when I do - like tonight - it's pretty much all I can focus on. Anyway, I looked at my clock and went, crap. It's almost midnight. I should probably post something.
I'm working more on the Jake and Lindsay piece mentioned here: My Life in Closed Captions: This is a week of my favorite things Day Five: Hob...
And working in some of the quirks of small towns. I happen to come from one. 2500 population. If we're lucky. But we do have some badass church softball teams who keep things exciting. (I probably shouldn't use those words back to back, that looks bad.) That's really the only time I make it back there for, other than random family shenanigans. But driving through town every time I'm there brings it all back.
-The Dairy Queen knockoff that shuts down every winter and gets a new owner every summer.
-The two main gas stations in town right across the street from each other in a war over who can have the cheapest gas prices, knowing that the crazy out-of-towners - who scarcely drive through now that the highway got bypassed - think the nearest gas station after that is 8 miles out. (there's another one in town that no one knows exists. except my mom.) Doesn't really matter to me as I have a gas card. Which is probably one of the many reasons why my parents are glad I moved out of town. Joking, I love you. Don't take my gas card away.
-The tire and auto-repair shop oh-so-professionally called "Ralph's". They can fix anything. And they pretty much had to with my old car.
-The lone hotel in town which, similar to the Dairy Queen knockoff, is under new ownership and changes its name almost every year. (Though it will forever be known as the "Goldenrod") AND! if you happen to stay there - I believe it now goes by "Geneva Inn" - and you see a sign claiming they will file legal action against you if you clean poultry in the bathroom (actually it will probably just say "please refrain from cleaning chickens in the sink" but i like my version better) blame my sister. That was all her.
Not the cleaning of the chickens in the sink.
The cleaning up of the cleaning of the chickens in the sink. Apparently it wasn't all that pleasant. Who knew?
AND! for the love of all things library, PLEASE take a picture of the sign and upload it on here. I'm tempted to go stay there just to see if it still exists.
-The joy that is driving 20 miles to get to the nearest superstore. That's hidden behind the chinese place. No, not that chinese place, across the street from that chinese place. Yes, there are two chinese places battling in front of a Walmart. I support the original. Though my dad kept its competition open for like a year.
-The actual joy of moving to a big city and realizing that Pizza Hut's actually do deliver - it's not just in the movies! And AND!! things are open past 8PM. NO WAY!?
There are many more joys of living in Small Town Nebraska, especially that one in particular that have gone unmentioned. I'm sure I'll think of more along the way and post them when I remember to. If you can think of any more send them my way. I'm all for the anecdotes in stories. They make it more entertaining.
Alright, I'm out to write some more before I crash and burn. I don't start until afternoon tomorrow. Afternoon! I might actually get to sleep in? I don't know if I'll be able to pull it off. Maybe I'll do what I did Monday, turn on SVU and lay on my couch.
Back to the Midwest Theme, working my way down the US. Yesterday it was Nebraska and Kansas, today you get Oklahoma and Texas. Will have to hop up after these ones.
"Oklahoma" big surprise there
cry everytime i watch this movie. "did he just really ma'am her in a proposal?!" i remember when they did it in high school. i was still shy enough at that point that i didn't try out for anything drama-related. i stepped up sophomore year.
"Texas Was You"
literally the only song of his i can stand. sorry sketch.
What's sad is that it's unusual at this point in my life. I don't really have time for it, so when I do - like tonight - it's pretty much all I can focus on. Anyway, I looked at my clock and went, crap. It's almost midnight. I should probably post something.
I'm working more on the Jake and Lindsay piece mentioned here: My Life in Closed Captions: This is a week of my favorite things Day Five: Hob...
And working in some of the quirks of small towns. I happen to come from one. 2500 population. If we're lucky. But we do have some badass church softball teams who keep things exciting. (I probably shouldn't use those words back to back, that looks bad.) That's really the only time I make it back there for, other than random family shenanigans. But driving through town every time I'm there brings it all back.
-The Dairy Queen knockoff that shuts down every winter and gets a new owner every summer.
-The two main gas stations in town right across the street from each other in a war over who can have the cheapest gas prices, knowing that the crazy out-of-towners - who scarcely drive through now that the highway got bypassed - think the nearest gas station after that is 8 miles out. (there's another one in town that no one knows exists. except my mom.) Doesn't really matter to me as I have a gas card. Which is probably one of the many reasons why my parents are glad I moved out of town. Joking, I love you. Don't take my gas card away.
-The tire and auto-repair shop oh-so-professionally called "Ralph's". They can fix anything. And they pretty much had to with my old car.
-The lone hotel in town which, similar to the Dairy Queen knockoff, is under new ownership and changes its name almost every year. (Though it will forever be known as the "Goldenrod") AND! if you happen to stay there - I believe it now goes by "Geneva Inn" - and you see a sign claiming they will file legal action against you if you clean poultry in the bathroom (actually it will probably just say "please refrain from cleaning chickens in the sink" but i like my version better) blame my sister. That was all her.
Not the cleaning of the chickens in the sink.
The cleaning up of the cleaning of the chickens in the sink. Apparently it wasn't all that pleasant. Who knew?
AND! for the love of all things library, PLEASE take a picture of the sign and upload it on here. I'm tempted to go stay there just to see if it still exists.
-The joy that is driving 20 miles to get to the nearest superstore. That's hidden behind the chinese place. No, not that chinese place, across the street from that chinese place. Yes, there are two chinese places battling in front of a Walmart. I support the original. Though my dad kept its competition open for like a year.
-The actual joy of moving to a big city and realizing that Pizza Hut's actually do deliver - it's not just in the movies! And AND!! things are open past 8PM. NO WAY!?
There are many more joys of living in Small Town Nebraska, especially that one in particular that have gone unmentioned. I'm sure I'll think of more along the way and post them when I remember to. If you can think of any more send them my way. I'm all for the anecdotes in stories. They make it more entertaining.
Alright, I'm out to write some more before I crash and burn. I don't start until afternoon tomorrow. Afternoon! I might actually get to sleep in? I don't know if I'll be able to pull it off. Maybe I'll do what I did Monday, turn on SVU and lay on my couch.
Back to the Midwest Theme, working my way down the US. Yesterday it was Nebraska and Kansas, today you get Oklahoma and Texas. Will have to hop up after these ones.
"Oklahoma" big surprise there
cry everytime i watch this movie. "did he just really ma'am her in a proposal?!" i remember when they did it in high school. i was still shy enough at that point that i didn't try out for anything drama-related. i stepped up sophomore year.
"Texas Was You"
literally the only song of his i can stand. sorry sketch.
Monday, October 17, 2011
This time I'm not leaving without you...
"What should I post about?"
"Your favorite candy bar."
Twix. I like Twix. Or anything with caramel. And nuts. Like snickers. Although, for some weird reason, I've started to like Almond Joy's. and I hate coconut, so it doesn't make sense. Unless someone has two coconuts and they're banging them together. sorry, monty python reference. "message for you sir!"
Oh and M&M's, I'm a fan of those as well. And rolos, laffy taffy's, what's the name of those giant taffy bars that have a strawberry flavor and they're covered in sprinkles? Milk Duds. Maybe some Reese's. I used to hate them. No reason whatsoever. Weird chocolate prejudice. Now I love them. How could you not love chocolate and peanut butter?
Quote of the day:
"If you think your memory is bad the rest of the world is doomed!" JS, always good for my ego.
Glee-Loving Boss is back, huzzah! We missed him. Plus now there will be less of me running around with my head cut off. Or maybe that was just another excuse for my crazy. "You're always here!" (patron said to me tonight. yes i pretty much live there.) And before today I hadn't been to the other branch in like a week. and I only went there today because more people were sick. As long as they tell me where to go it's fine. And never boring.
"stale chalk. right.... i'll put that in the blog. how do you spell stale?... that's not how you spell stale."
see, i am paying attention to our phone coversation. totally awake enough to be coherent.
We'll go with "songs of the midwest" maybe i'll make it a midwest week.
"You and I" Lady Gaga
video doesn't make sense bit creepy but whatever. orgy filmed in nebraska.
let's switch it up a bit.
"Kansas City" Beatles version
just ignore the crazy screaming fangirls.
"Your favorite candy bar."
Twix. I like Twix. Or anything with caramel. And nuts. Like snickers. Although, for some weird reason, I've started to like Almond Joy's. and I hate coconut, so it doesn't make sense. Unless someone has two coconuts and they're banging them together. sorry, monty python reference. "message for you sir!"
Oh and M&M's, I'm a fan of those as well. And rolos, laffy taffy's, what's the name of those giant taffy bars that have a strawberry flavor and they're covered in sprinkles? Milk Duds. Maybe some Reese's. I used to hate them. No reason whatsoever. Weird chocolate prejudice. Now I love them. How could you not love chocolate and peanut butter?
Quote of the day:
"If you think your memory is bad the rest of the world is doomed!" JS, always good for my ego.
Glee-Loving Boss is back, huzzah! We missed him. Plus now there will be less of me running around with my head cut off. Or maybe that was just another excuse for my crazy. "You're always here!" (patron said to me tonight. yes i pretty much live there.) And before today I hadn't been to the other branch in like a week. and I only went there today because more people were sick. As long as they tell me where to go it's fine. And never boring.
"stale chalk. right.... i'll put that in the blog. how do you spell stale?... that's not how you spell stale."
see, i am paying attention to our phone coversation. totally awake enough to be coherent.
We'll go with "songs of the midwest" maybe i'll make it a midwest week.
"You and I" Lady Gaga
video doesn't make sense bit creepy but whatever. orgy filmed in nebraska.
let's switch it up a bit.
"Kansas City" Beatles version
just ignore the crazy screaming fangirls.
joe studley,
kansas city,
lady gaga,
midwest week,
you and i
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Lutherans in the Outfield
Emotional Rollercoaster.
Battle of the Lutherans Take Two. We dominated.
AND, apparently it's possible to be both cursed and play good defense as I caught three pop flies, but got out every freaking time I went up to bat.
But we won! For the first time...ever! We've officially beaten every team and it's awesome!
Or it was awesome, until we played with E-Free and my defensive skills completely disappeared. I was, however, able to bat, it was backward. Well, normal actually. Usually that's how it is.
But they were super short on people tonight so my brother and sister-in-law stayed to play with them as well. And, we were all in the outfield with Nic, so it was literally Lutherans in the Outfield. Awesomeness. We're mercenaries, get used to it.
Oh well, it was a fun game. And they brought us hot apple cider. We jammed after the game, shook everybodies hand, talked about icecream, I got asked out, talked some more about icecream, joked around with the Pastor, then Nic and me went for ice cream...
Yeah, you read that right.
Although I said no. As I don't go out there all that often anymore.
Plus it's doomed from the start as he is not Catholic.
Neither am I, but that's not the point.
I'm destined to marry a Catholic. It's KFC. Kimbrough Family Clan tradition.
All my siblings have married Catholics. And, at one point, have had two kids, two pets, big houses, the whole white picket fence and all that.
Oldest Sister married the first Catholic. They have two kids, two cats and a dog. I'm not counting the dragon or the fish as they belong to the children. Yes, a dragon, it's a long story.
Big Brother married a Catholic, has three kids, and a dog.
Second Sister married a Catholic, has 2.5 kids, and two dogs.
Therefore, I'm destined to marry a Catholic, have at least 2.5 kids, and get another animal somewhere along the way. Although I don't know how Carter would take that. He is larger than most small dogs. Even though he's a cat. And currently sitting on my lap. He sleeps on me as well.
But who knows? Maybe I'll break the tradition. I am the odd one out in our family. Came 11 years after the other three. Went to private schools all my life while they went public. Getting my Master's - first public school experience ever along with working in a very public library.
Maybe I'll start my own traditions. Nah. At this point it's a nice excuse for when my mother asks me about guys. "Nope, wouldn't work. He's not Catholic." I'm sticking with it. Until I find one that's Catholic, then I'm screwed.
Quotes of the night:
"Are they glittens? or Mloves?"
sister-in-law has gloves inside mittens. she says they are mloves. i said they'd be glittens if it was church-league-cheerleading.
"Yeah, she's not an athlete. I see pom-poms in her future."
i died laughing at this point. e-free member talking about her children. cheerleading is not a sport. period.
All in all it was a good day. Shelved for three hours, watched some NCIS on Mom's DVR - although I was tempted to watch Swamp People. Dad even called me this week to tell me he had taped some new ones.
Aannnd got my wrapping paper for this year. Last year it was black, year before that it was Charlie Brown, year before that it was red and silver candycane stripes. This year I'm back with the silver but it's with blue. Stoked. I'm big on Christmas. And when they start putting the candycanes out on the shelves it pretty much takes over my life. But I love it. Because I love my family. And our crazy traditions. KFC included.
"Centerfield" John Fogerty
Softball gloves go back in the trunk in anticipation of next year, next to the camp stuff. According to Oldest Sister it's weird that I'm still not unpacked from a camp that took place in July. It's not like a lot, it's just some blankets and a pillow and then all the boardgames and a tent. And they stayed in my old car, why not Jarvis?
Alright, should probably crash and burn. Long day tomorrow.
Battle of the Lutherans Take Two. We dominated.
AND, apparently it's possible to be both cursed and play good defense as I caught three pop flies, but got out every freaking time I went up to bat.
But we won! For the first time...ever! We've officially beaten every team and it's awesome!
Or it was awesome, until we played with E-Free and my defensive skills completely disappeared. I was, however, able to bat, it was backward. Well, normal actually. Usually that's how it is.
But they were super short on people tonight so my brother and sister-in-law stayed to play with them as well. And, we were all in the outfield with Nic, so it was literally Lutherans in the Outfield. Awesomeness. We're mercenaries, get used to it.
Oh well, it was a fun game. And they brought us hot apple cider. We jammed after the game, shook everybodies hand, talked about icecream, I got asked out, talked some more about icecream, joked around with the Pastor, then Nic and me went for ice cream...
Yeah, you read that right.
Although I said no. As I don't go out there all that often anymore.
Plus it's doomed from the start as he is not Catholic.
Neither am I, but that's not the point.
I'm destined to marry a Catholic. It's KFC. Kimbrough Family Clan tradition.
All my siblings have married Catholics. And, at one point, have had two kids, two pets, big houses, the whole white picket fence and all that.
Oldest Sister married the first Catholic. They have two kids, two cats and a dog. I'm not counting the dragon or the fish as they belong to the children. Yes, a dragon, it's a long story.
Big Brother married a Catholic, has three kids, and a dog.
Second Sister married a Catholic, has 2.5 kids, and two dogs.
Therefore, I'm destined to marry a Catholic, have at least 2.5 kids, and get another animal somewhere along the way. Although I don't know how Carter would take that. He is larger than most small dogs. Even though he's a cat. And currently sitting on my lap. He sleeps on me as well.
But who knows? Maybe I'll break the tradition. I am the odd one out in our family. Came 11 years after the other three. Went to private schools all my life while they went public. Getting my Master's - first public school experience ever along with working in a very public library.
Maybe I'll start my own traditions. Nah. At this point it's a nice excuse for when my mother asks me about guys. "Nope, wouldn't work. He's not Catholic." I'm sticking with it. Until I find one that's Catholic, then I'm screwed.
Quotes of the night:
"Are they glittens? or Mloves?"
sister-in-law has gloves inside mittens. she says they are mloves. i said they'd be glittens if it was church-league-cheerleading.
"Yeah, she's not an athlete. I see pom-poms in her future."
i died laughing at this point. e-free member talking about her children. cheerleading is not a sport. period.
All in all it was a good day. Shelved for three hours, watched some NCIS on Mom's DVR - although I was tempted to watch Swamp People. Dad even called me this week to tell me he had taped some new ones.
Aannnd got my wrapping paper for this year. Last year it was black, year before that it was Charlie Brown, year before that it was red and silver candycane stripes. This year I'm back with the silver but it's with blue. Stoked. I'm big on Christmas. And when they start putting the candycanes out on the shelves it pretty much takes over my life. But I love it. Because I love my family. And our crazy traditions. KFC included.
"Centerfield" John Fogerty
Softball gloves go back in the trunk in anticipation of next year, next to the camp stuff. According to Oldest Sister it's weird that I'm still not unpacked from a camp that took place in July. It's not like a lot, it's just some blankets and a pillow and then all the boardgames and a tent. And they stayed in my old car, why not Jarvis?
Alright, should probably crash and burn. Long day tomorrow.
camp j,
john fogerty,
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Duuude, just, duuuude.
"I think I speak for all of us when I say TODAY....was a DAY!"
now what the crap is that from? it was on repeat in my head all morning.
Class at 8:30 this morning over an hour away.
I was already running late when I get all the way through town and Jarvis starts beeping at me cause I'm running out of gas. No way I can make it all the way there, have to turn around and come back.
Called Library Goddess completely freaking out, and since she's as awesome as awesome can be, she covered for me.
And, okay, do you know how long it takes to fill up half a tank when you're running late compared to how long it takes to fill a whole tank when you have the time?
Duuuude, so not cool.
But I drove like a madwoman and made it there by 8:35. The substitute was barely introducing herself. I crashed in my usual back corner seat and was finally able to breathe.
Duuuude, just duuuuude.
Class was good though, listened to people present, talked about next assignments - dude, we get to draw our own blue prints, I'm stoked!
We basically get to take a library we're working in - or use - update it with new stuff and do the floorplan before and after the update. We update the hardware, shelving, etc. Freaking stoked. Does that make me a nerd?
It's easy to choose which library. Okay, maybe not. Actually I'm still debating between the two I work in. One has multiple floors so I'd just cut it down to one and switch-around the layout, with the other... there are actually a lot of changes that I would make. And I know the layout better, so I should probably choose it. That happens when you're an aide.
And Library Goddess says we have an unlimited budget and can knockdown/expand walls. We need a computer lab. Or a study room at least. Plus some couches that are more comfortable than wooden chairs, maybe a built in projector for movie nights on Sundays. Our freaking library is always first up on the chopping block, maybe it wouldn't be if we could update. I know that's not an option with the current budget, but I'm stoked to be able to draw it out. Any suggestions send them my way.
After all that headed back and crashed on my couch, took a nap, watched some SVU season six. Then headed to oldest sister's house for supper and Chuck Season Four. which I got today, huzzah!
However, I'm back to season six of SVU cause it has a due date and Chuck doesn't.
We also watched Sixteen Candles. Because it's awesome and amusing. I love the foreigner, he's the best character. Followed by the geek. Who has no real name. Just "the geek". Gotta love John Hughes, his 80's movies are classics.
"We Are Not Alone" aka the dance scene from The Breakfast Club
another john hughes classic, love 1:02-1:12. fantastic.
Halfday tomorrow followed by a rematch of the Battle of the Lutherans 2011.
Battle Royale.
It's on like Donkey Kong.
Hoping to have another game like last week's. We shall see.
"What did I do?"
"You don't even say hi to your boss?"
"HI! What did I do?"
SVU awesomeness.
I find I'm using that word almost as much as Captain Awesome on Chuck. It makes the actual awesome things less awesome. And we can't have that happen. So I'm looking for a new word. Any suggestions send them my way.
Over and out.
now what the crap is that from? it was on repeat in my head all morning.
Class at 8:30 this morning over an hour away.
I was already running late when I get all the way through town and Jarvis starts beeping at me cause I'm running out of gas. No way I can make it all the way there, have to turn around and come back.
Called Library Goddess completely freaking out, and since she's as awesome as awesome can be, she covered for me.
And, okay, do you know how long it takes to fill up half a tank when you're running late compared to how long it takes to fill a whole tank when you have the time?
Duuuude, so not cool.
But I drove like a madwoman and made it there by 8:35. The substitute was barely introducing herself. I crashed in my usual back corner seat and was finally able to breathe.
Duuuude, just duuuuude.
Class was good though, listened to people present, talked about next assignments - dude, we get to draw our own blue prints, I'm stoked!
We basically get to take a library we're working in - or use - update it with new stuff and do the floorplan before and after the update. We update the hardware, shelving, etc. Freaking stoked. Does that make me a nerd?
It's easy to choose which library. Okay, maybe not. Actually I'm still debating between the two I work in. One has multiple floors so I'd just cut it down to one and switch-around the layout, with the other... there are actually a lot of changes that I would make. And I know the layout better, so I should probably choose it. That happens when you're an aide.
And Library Goddess says we have an unlimited budget and can knockdown/expand walls. We need a computer lab. Or a study room at least. Plus some couches that are more comfortable than wooden chairs, maybe a built in projector for movie nights on Sundays. Our freaking library is always first up on the chopping block, maybe it wouldn't be if we could update. I know that's not an option with the current budget, but I'm stoked to be able to draw it out. Any suggestions send them my way.
After all that headed back and crashed on my couch, took a nap, watched some SVU season six. Then headed to oldest sister's house for supper and Chuck Season Four. which I got today, huzzah!
However, I'm back to season six of SVU cause it has a due date and Chuck doesn't.
We also watched Sixteen Candles. Because it's awesome and amusing. I love the foreigner, he's the best character. Followed by the geek. Who has no real name. Just "the geek". Gotta love John Hughes, his 80's movies are classics.
"We Are Not Alone" aka the dance scene from The Breakfast Club
another john hughes classic, love 1:02-1:12. fantastic.
Halfday tomorrow followed by a rematch of the Battle of the Lutherans 2011.
Battle Royale.
It's on like Donkey Kong.
Hoping to have another game like last week's. We shall see.
"What did I do?"
"You don't even say hi to your boss?"
"HI! What did I do?"
SVU awesomeness.
I find I'm using that word almost as much as Captain Awesome on Chuck. It makes the actual awesome things less awesome. And we can't have that happen. So I'm looking for a new word. Any suggestions send them my way.
Over and out.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Nothin' but the Taillights
"Don't mess with Island Cop."
Ah the joys of Cybill.
Dude, it's Steven Hyde. He's Maryanne's son?! What? This whole "greatest hits" thing sucks cause I'm missing the whole story. It's a collection of the best episodes and I haven't seen the show since I was tiny so I don't remember anything that happens. Will have to research it more later.
Yes the English majors post from yesterday is mostly my paper for the joy that was Creative Nonfiction. Which was an actual joy. I find myself saying the word "joy" lately in a bored tone meaning anti-joy. But this was actually an awesome class. Cause I got to write nonfiction essays about the Joy that is English. I'll have to seperate them like that. joy is bored, Joy is good. Very similar to the difference between huzzah. and Huzzah!
Anyway, if you can think of more English Major/Librarian stuff send it my way!
Frankly, I'd love to be more witty and charming but at the moment I need to sleep. Early class tomorrow morning and a possible presentation.
I'll leave you with this. As it's been stuck in my head for a while.
"Nothin' but the Taillights" Clint Black
dig it.
Ah the joys of Cybill.
Dude, it's Steven Hyde. He's Maryanne's son?! What? This whole "greatest hits" thing sucks cause I'm missing the whole story. It's a collection of the best episodes and I haven't seen the show since I was tiny so I don't remember anything that happens. Will have to research it more later.
Yes the English majors post from yesterday is mostly my paper for the joy that was Creative Nonfiction. Which was an actual joy. I find myself saying the word "joy" lately in a bored tone meaning anti-joy. But this was actually an awesome class. Cause I got to write nonfiction essays about the Joy that is English. I'll have to seperate them like that. joy is bored, Joy is good. Very similar to the difference between huzzah. and Huzzah!
Anyway, if you can think of more English Major/Librarian stuff send it my way!
Frankly, I'd love to be more witty and charming but at the moment I need to sleep. Early class tomorrow morning and a possible presentation.
I'll leave you with this. As it's been stuck in my head for a while.
"Nothin' but the Taillights" Clint Black
dig it.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
You know you're a librarian when:
- You know what LA2 and LA3 stand for and the difference between those and librarians.
- You pull out your datebook to see what hours you're working and reach for a bindery slip when you notice it's falling apart.
- You flip to the back of a hymnal in church to see if anyone's made a note about the water damage.
- Your bookshelves are immaculate, books edged to the front and all organized by dewey decimal system or author's last name.
- You go to a bookstore and have a compulsive need to rearrange and organize things.
- Your friends come to you with literature questions.
- Your personal email password is the name of your favorite novel's protagonist.
- You read a great review and immediately check to see if it's "on order".
- You know the Dewey Decimal system by heart.
- If you don't know it by heart you can visual it in your mind and know exactly which shelf to lead patrons to when they ask for a certain item.
- You have nightmares about jam-handed children destroying your recently cleaned jP area that took two days to get through.
- You agreed with at least five of these statements.
Now I'm having flashbacks to my Creative Nonfiction class.
“It's the largest secret society in America -- bigger than the Mafia --- millions of men and women and they know each other only by their elegant syntax and grammar, their excellent word choice --- and their use of the pronoun ‘whom.’” – Tim Russell
You may be an English Major if:
If you spend a lot of time trying to wax poetic to the opposite sex… you may be an English major.
- Lots of guys know that if they turn to poetry, women will flock to them. Who could resist someone who walks up to you and says, “Your eyes are much like the color of my cat’s litter box once it needs changing…”?
If you’ve ever used big and important-sounding words without even realizing it… you may be an English major.
- It is accurate that we as English majors are accustomed to the prodigious amount of vocabulary due to our ability of being perspicacious. Intermittently, it is just scabrous to desist.
If you stay up at night reading poetry until 3 in the morning … you may be an English major.
- Mostly for me this is due to an assignment to read a poem and analyze its meaning. I imagine that most poets enjoy being mysterious and secretly take pride in everyone trying to analyze their work just to get nothing out of it. Maybe their poems mean absolutely nothing and writing them is only a ploy to make people think they know things that they actually don’t. “I've written some poetry I don't understand myself.” - Carl Sandburg
If you use Shakespeare’s words as a guide to your life… you may be an English major.
- The Fool says in King Lear, “Mark it, nuncle: Have more than thou showest, Speak less than thou knowest, Lend less than thou owest, Ride more than thou goest, Learn more than thou trowest, Set less than thou throwest; Leave thy drink and thy whore, And keep in-a-door, And thou shalt have more Than two tens to a score,” (King Lear, Act 1, Scene 4).
- We had this poster in college that said, "They say it's kind of a cult. The followers stay up all night. The men wear makeup. And someone is always setting something on fire. So who is this hero they worship? That would be the long-haired guy with the earring."
If you are constantly correcting people’s grammar in a public setting… you may be an English major.
- People may think of you as a snob, but as much as it bothers these people when you correct them, there is a difference between “who” and “whom.”
If you have an unusual urge to correct those that ask “Can I help you?”… you may be an English major.
- There is a difference between “can” and “may.” You would assume that if the asker is a sales clerk , then he or she would be part of the “can” help variety.
- This is much like in writing when people use “your” instead of “you’re.” “Your stupid!” “My stupid what?” There is also a big difference between defusing a bomb and diffusing it.
If you secretly despise popular novels just because of their popularity (such as Moby Dick)… you may be an English major…or you may have taken an Ashby class.
- Not that there’s really any difference for those of you that haven’t taken one. You’ll just have to trust us.
If you despise math and science and all that they represent… you may be an English major.
- Who cares about statistics? Poetry is never about statistics, and let’s face it, any writing about math is just plain boring.
If you take a road-trip across the country claiming to be Jack Kerouac’s “Dean Moriarty” from his novel On the Road… you may be an English major.
- Who wouldn’t want to drive across the country with a protagonist fixated on drugs, women, and intellectualism?
If you ever feel the need to have a pen name… you may be an English major.
- It is said that when writing under an alias, one is able to speak more freely about their true point of view… or maybe they just want to be referred to as “Armand Hammer,” “Chris P. Bacon,” or “Marsha Mellow.”
If you use the phrase, “of course,” quite frequently… you may be an English major.
- “We were English majors, of course --- I say, ‘of course,’ because that's a phrase that, of course, English majors use often, especially when saying extremely questionable things. But that goes without saying.” – Dave Barry
If you tend to take punctuation into your own hands… you may be an English major.
- We all have our own unique writing styles. Punctuation is a big part of that. Look at Emily Dickinson, she never used anything but a dash and look how far she got.
“As an English major, one is naturally in a good mood most of the time — a good knowledge of English is salubrious — you are transported by words, such as exultant and beatific and felicity — you amble or perambulate or trip lightly or gallivant and felicitous phrases tumble through your consciousness — ‘how sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank, here we will sit, and let the sounds of music creep in our ears.’” – Garrison Keillor
True or False:
All English majors love poetry.
- False, some of us hate it with a passion. We only read and write it if it’s assigned and then avoid it like the plague.
All English majors will write poetry.
- False, many of us have been holding in all our anxiety and rage about the constant reading of poetry and all things romantic that once we graduate we enjoy writing about explosions and shooting things.
All English majors only hang out with other English majors because of literacy issues.
- False, we have other friends as well . It’s not our fault if some of them can’t keep up with our being precocious and all.
All English majors are romantics at heart.
- False, many of us, due to extensive research in this area, become cynical… and scary.
All English majors constantly have their noses in a book.
- False, clearly not all of the English majors in the world can fit all their noses into a single book.
All English majors constantly quote Shakespeare and use his works as a guide to our lives.
- True, one can learn so much from the mighty Shakespeare, even things like finances. Feste says in Twelfth Night, “These wise men who give fools money get themselves a good report--after fourteen years’ purchase,” (Twelfth Night, Act 4, Scene 1).
All English majors are easy to pick on.
- This may be true at times, but you must beware when you pick on an English major. They might write something about you that people will be reading all over the world even hundreds of years from now. There would be nowhere to hide for you or any of your offspring.
- You pull out your datebook to see what hours you're working and reach for a bindery slip when you notice it's falling apart.
- You flip to the back of a hymnal in church to see if anyone's made a note about the water damage.
- Your bookshelves are immaculate, books edged to the front and all organized by dewey decimal system or author's last name.
- You go to a bookstore and have a compulsive need to rearrange and organize things.
- Your friends come to you with literature questions.
- Your personal email password is the name of your favorite novel's protagonist.
- You read a great review and immediately check to see if it's "on order".
- You know the Dewey Decimal system by heart.
- If you don't know it by heart you can visual it in your mind and know exactly which shelf to lead patrons to when they ask for a certain item.
- You have nightmares about jam-handed children destroying your recently cleaned jP area that took two days to get through.
- You agreed with at least five of these statements.
Now I'm having flashbacks to my Creative Nonfiction class.
“It's the largest secret society in America -- bigger than the Mafia --- millions of men and women and they know each other only by their elegant syntax and grammar, their excellent word choice --- and their use of the pronoun ‘whom.’” – Tim Russell
You may be an English Major if:
If you spend a lot of time trying to wax poetic to the opposite sex… you may be an English major.
- Lots of guys know that if they turn to poetry, women will flock to them. Who could resist someone who walks up to you and says, “Your eyes are much like the color of my cat’s litter box once it needs changing…”?
If you’ve ever used big and important-sounding words without even realizing it… you may be an English major.
- It is accurate that we as English majors are accustomed to the prodigious amount of vocabulary due to our ability of being perspicacious. Intermittently, it is just scabrous to desist.
If you stay up at night reading poetry until 3 in the morning … you may be an English major.
- Mostly for me this is due to an assignment to read a poem and analyze its meaning. I imagine that most poets enjoy being mysterious and secretly take pride in everyone trying to analyze their work just to get nothing out of it. Maybe their poems mean absolutely nothing and writing them is only a ploy to make people think they know things that they actually don’t. “I've written some poetry I don't understand myself.” - Carl Sandburg
If you use Shakespeare’s words as a guide to your life… you may be an English major.
- The Fool says in King Lear, “Mark it, nuncle: Have more than thou showest, Speak less than thou knowest, Lend less than thou owest, Ride more than thou goest, Learn more than thou trowest, Set less than thou throwest; Leave thy drink and thy whore, And keep in-a-door, And thou shalt have more Than two tens to a score,” (King Lear, Act 1, Scene 4).
- We had this poster in college that said, "They say it's kind of a cult. The followers stay up all night. The men wear makeup. And someone is always setting something on fire. So who is this hero they worship? That would be the long-haired guy with the earring."
If you are constantly correcting people’s grammar in a public setting… you may be an English major.
- People may think of you as a snob, but as much as it bothers these people when you correct them, there is a difference between “who” and “whom.”
If you have an unusual urge to correct those that ask “Can I help you?”… you may be an English major.
- There is a difference between “can” and “may.” You would assume that if the asker is a sales clerk , then he or she would be part of the “can” help variety.
- This is much like in writing when people use “your” instead of “you’re.” “Your stupid!” “My stupid what?” There is also a big difference between defusing a bomb and diffusing it.
If you secretly despise popular novels just because of their popularity (such as Moby Dick)… you may be an English major…or you may have taken an Ashby class.
- Not that there’s really any difference for those of you that haven’t taken one. You’ll just have to trust us.
If you despise math and science and all that they represent… you may be an English major.
- Who cares about statistics? Poetry is never about statistics, and let’s face it, any writing about math is just plain boring.
If you take a road-trip across the country claiming to be Jack Kerouac’s “Dean Moriarty” from his novel On the Road… you may be an English major.
- Who wouldn’t want to drive across the country with a protagonist fixated on drugs, women, and intellectualism?
If you ever feel the need to have a pen name… you may be an English major.
- It is said that when writing under an alias, one is able to speak more freely about their true point of view… or maybe they just want to be referred to as “Armand Hammer,” “Chris P. Bacon,” or “Marsha Mellow.”
If you use the phrase, “of course,” quite frequently… you may be an English major.
- “We were English majors, of course --- I say, ‘of course,’ because that's a phrase that, of course, English majors use often, especially when saying extremely questionable things. But that goes without saying.” – Dave Barry
If you tend to take punctuation into your own hands… you may be an English major.
- We all have our own unique writing styles. Punctuation is a big part of that. Look at Emily Dickinson, she never used anything but a dash and look how far she got.
“As an English major, one is naturally in a good mood most of the time — a good knowledge of English is salubrious — you are transported by words, such as exultant and beatific and felicity — you amble or perambulate or trip lightly or gallivant and felicitous phrases tumble through your consciousness — ‘how sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank, here we will sit, and let the sounds of music creep in our ears.’” – Garrison Keillor
True or False:
All English majors love poetry.
- False, some of us hate it with a passion. We only read and write it if it’s assigned and then avoid it like the plague.
All English majors will write poetry.
- False, many of us have been holding in all our anxiety and rage about the constant reading of poetry and all things romantic that once we graduate we enjoy writing about explosions and shooting things.
All English majors only hang out with other English majors because of literacy issues.
- False, we have other friends as well . It’s not our fault if some of them can’t keep up with our being precocious and all.
All English majors are romantics at heart.
- False, many of us, due to extensive research in this area, become cynical… and scary.
All English majors constantly have their noses in a book.
- False, clearly not all of the English majors in the world can fit all their noses into a single book.
All English majors constantly quote Shakespeare and use his works as a guide to our lives.
- True, one can learn so much from the mighty Shakespeare, even things like finances. Feste says in Twelfth Night, “These wise men who give fools money get themselves a good report--after fourteen years’ purchase,” (Twelfth Night, Act 4, Scene 1).
All English majors are easy to pick on.
- This may be true at times, but you must beware when you pick on an English major. They might write something about you that people will be reading all over the world even hundreds of years from now. There would be nowhere to hide for you or any of your offspring.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
"That's not coffee, that's diabetes on ice." 10/12/07
Yes '07. Good god, I feel old cause that was like forever ago and yet not. Is that what happens when you get old? Time just flies and you don't even realize it? Like today I'm 23 but next time I check I'll be 80? That's just not cool.
Thomas: "Ohhh, defensive sarcasm, it went well."
You know what is cool? That even though the show was cancelled in 2008 the fandom out there is still alive and kicking. And no it's not just me. There's a lot of Patterstonians out there. Sorry, Bones reference.
Thomas: "Please don't give me the laser vision, it makes me really nervous."
Let's start at the beginning.
Claire: "But why something yourself when you can hand it over to a work-shy ill-mannered counterpart?"
Thomas: "Are we supposed to answer her?"
Boxer: "No, that's not necessary."
See, there was this show called Women's Murder Club that was based off the books by James Patterson. It was on ABC Tuesday nights originally, then they moved it to Fridays. It was short-lived because of the writer's strike and bad timing. It only lasted from October 12th of '07 to May 13th of 2008. Not that that's really surprising for a strong female cast show on ABC. Name one that's lasted longer than a year recently, please. Anyone? Anyone? I'm shocked Desperate Housewives is still on. I think that's their one triumph. And that's just cause they're slutty.
Boxer: "Tell me you didn't drive this here."
Thomas: "Please, I drove Maggie, my little red car."
Boxer: "Then you sweet talked Officer Cho into letting you past the tape. Wait, your car has a name?"
Thomas: "Doesn't yours?"
It starred Angie Harmon as the tough chick cop Lindsay Boxer. Yes, she played a cop before Rizzoli and Isles. Where do you think they got that idea from?
Laura Harris as Jill Bernhardt the witty and sarcastic ADA,
Paula Newsome as Claire Washburn the sage and wise Medical Examiner
and Aubrey Dollar as Cindy Thomas the crime reporter who won't stop or shutup.
Then you throw in Tyrees Allen as Jacobi - Boxer's partner on the force - Rob Estes as Lt. Tom Hogan Lindsay's ex-husband and now boss, plus his new fiance and kindergarten teacher Heather played by the awesomeness that is Ever Carradine.
Thomas: "Is that pizza some form of apology?"
Boxer: "Do you want the breadsticks or not?"
The storylines of WMC were pretty much typical of crime shows, except that there was a lot more backstory of the characters - so it was more like NCIS than Law and Order. You felt like you actually got to know them and it wasn't just about the crime and catching the killer. Although Chris Meloni does remind me a little of Rob Estes now that I think about it. And Benson is much like Boxer. Okay, moving on.
Boxer: "You know what I hate about Heather? Every time I see her, or talk to her, she says something that makes me want to respect her a little bit more!"
Everything about WMC was of awesomeness. Except, of course, it's cancellation. And switch in storyline, they fired the head writers halfway through and gave us 3 crap episodes at the end that completely switched the Kiss-me-not storyline. They were going with fairytales, then the new writers - I don't know if they didn't like it or weren't allowed to use it - then switched to this psycho's sister being dead and her keepsakes and...yeah it's a long story.
Thomas: "I'll chat up the locals, see if there's anything more interesting for sale here at the house of lamps lamps and more lamps."
see i hear that line in my head every time I pass that lights shop over on 40th and O.
Anyway, today every year and on the 13th of May every year I watch the pilot in all of its awesomeness. Which would be a whole lot better if they'd just release the freaking series on DVD. Which of course they won't. I'm guessing that has something to the do with the original creators not wanting it. But that's just a theory.
Washburn: Nice vacation, good last meal, couple drinks on the plane, and you doze off during in-flight movie. Not a bad way to go.
Thomas: I hope I go in my sleep.
Bernhardt: I hope I go out on top of Clive Owen. You die your way, I'll die mine.
Boxer: I don't want to die, period. Why are we even talking about this?
So, since the show has ended and clearly has no hope of coming back the actors have all moved on.
Angie Harmon has Rizzoli and Isles on TNT.
Laura Harris did Defying Gravity, some sort of TV movie, and guest starred on Warehouse 13 (she had mata hari's stockings). Has anyone seen Dead Like Me? It's fantastic! I got seasons one and two.
Paula Newsome plays Vance's wife on NCIS, she guest starred on Bones, Criminal Minds, Grey's Anatomy, Pretty Little Liars, Parenthood and Suits. yes, she's a perpetual guest star, she's awesome like that.
Aubrey Dollar guest starred on Cupid, Ugly Betty and now The Good Wife.
Boxer: "Why does my relationship status a problem that every feels they need to solve? I'm not ready!"
HA! i should adapt that as my life's new motto. it'll go along great right next to "Jam Hands only bring pain" and "if you don't come in with it you leave with some degree of insanity."
Aannd, even though it's been years and many different series later I still call them Lindsay and Thomas and all that. It took me like 2 minutes to remember Boxer's real name is Angie Harmon so I could type the above paragraph.
I claim that the WM that precedes my name in my email address stands for Work Mail but it totally doesn't. I had to stop for my own cup of "diabetes on ice" on my way to work today. Will probably do it again tomorrow morning.
There are many other quirks that I won't share with you, what I will share with you however is that awesomeness that is Sketch's artwork.

she gave it to me as a present, i love it. in the middle resides the tattoo that i had on my arm for like weeks. the joy of sharpies. look to the right. ---->

i'm all about posters.
especially the obscure ones. skip to left passed the hunger games and you'll find this one:

tell me what this is a design for and i'll give you a dollar. i'll give you a hint, it has nothing to do with WMC. sort of.
Alright, I should probably stop with the rambling. Off to bed. Long day tomorrow.
Claire: If you're strong and push through the pain and the fear, you often find that happiness is waiting for you on the other side.
Jill: And if you're not strong enough?
Claire: Then that is what your friends are for. To give you a gentle push or a kick in the ass...
I tried my best not to double up on what I've always used here on the WMC Day May 13th post: My Life in Closed Captions: I'm a pancake. I'm a pancake.
But a girl can only do so much.
Boxer: "Uhh, I need to call you back. I'm not done yelling."
Thomas: "Ohhh, defensive sarcasm, it went well."
You know what is cool? That even though the show was cancelled in 2008 the fandom out there is still alive and kicking. And no it's not just me. There's a lot of Patterstonians out there. Sorry, Bones reference.
Thomas: "Please don't give me the laser vision, it makes me really nervous."
Let's start at the beginning.
Claire: "But why something yourself when you can hand it over to a work-shy ill-mannered counterpart?"
Thomas: "Are we supposed to answer her?"
Boxer: "No, that's not necessary."
See, there was this show called Women's Murder Club that was based off the books by James Patterson. It was on ABC Tuesday nights originally, then they moved it to Fridays. It was short-lived because of the writer's strike and bad timing. It only lasted from October 12th of '07 to May 13th of 2008. Not that that's really surprising for a strong female cast show on ABC. Name one that's lasted longer than a year recently, please. Anyone? Anyone? I'm shocked Desperate Housewives is still on. I think that's their one triumph. And that's just cause they're slutty.
Boxer: "Tell me you didn't drive this here."
Thomas: "Please, I drove Maggie, my little red car."
Boxer: "Then you sweet talked Officer Cho into letting you past the tape. Wait, your car has a name?"
Thomas: "Doesn't yours?"
It starred Angie Harmon as the tough chick cop Lindsay Boxer. Yes, she played a cop before Rizzoli and Isles. Where do you think they got that idea from?
Laura Harris as Jill Bernhardt the witty and sarcastic ADA,
Paula Newsome as Claire Washburn the sage and wise Medical Examiner
and Aubrey Dollar as Cindy Thomas the crime reporter who won't stop or shutup.
Then you throw in Tyrees Allen as Jacobi - Boxer's partner on the force - Rob Estes as Lt. Tom Hogan Lindsay's ex-husband and now boss, plus his new fiance and kindergarten teacher Heather played by the awesomeness that is Ever Carradine.
Thomas: "Is that pizza some form of apology?"
Boxer: "Do you want the breadsticks or not?"
The storylines of WMC were pretty much typical of crime shows, except that there was a lot more backstory of the characters - so it was more like NCIS than Law and Order. You felt like you actually got to know them and it wasn't just about the crime and catching the killer. Although Chris Meloni does remind me a little of Rob Estes now that I think about it. And Benson is much like Boxer. Okay, moving on.
Boxer: "You know what I hate about Heather? Every time I see her, or talk to her, she says something that makes me want to respect her a little bit more!"
Everything about WMC was of awesomeness. Except, of course, it's cancellation. And switch in storyline, they fired the head writers halfway through and gave us 3 crap episodes at the end that completely switched the Kiss-me-not storyline. They were going with fairytales, then the new writers - I don't know if they didn't like it or weren't allowed to use it - then switched to this psycho's sister being dead and her keepsakes and...yeah it's a long story.
Thomas: "I'll chat up the locals, see if there's anything more interesting for sale here at the house of lamps lamps and more lamps."
see i hear that line in my head every time I pass that lights shop over on 40th and O.
Anyway, today every year and on the 13th of May every year I watch the pilot in all of its awesomeness. Which would be a whole lot better if they'd just release the freaking series on DVD. Which of course they won't. I'm guessing that has something to the do with the original creators not wanting it. But that's just a theory.
Washburn: Nice vacation, good last meal, couple drinks on the plane, and you doze off during in-flight movie. Not a bad way to go.
Thomas: I hope I go in my sleep.
Bernhardt: I hope I go out on top of Clive Owen. You die your way, I'll die mine.
Boxer: I don't want to die, period. Why are we even talking about this?
So, since the show has ended and clearly has no hope of coming back the actors have all moved on.
Angie Harmon has Rizzoli and Isles on TNT.
Laura Harris did Defying Gravity, some sort of TV movie, and guest starred on Warehouse 13 (she had mata hari's stockings). Has anyone seen Dead Like Me? It's fantastic! I got seasons one and two.
Paula Newsome plays Vance's wife on NCIS, she guest starred on Bones, Criminal Minds, Grey's Anatomy, Pretty Little Liars, Parenthood and Suits. yes, she's a perpetual guest star, she's awesome like that.
Aubrey Dollar guest starred on Cupid, Ugly Betty and now The Good Wife.
Boxer: "Why does my relationship status a problem that every feels they need to solve? I'm not ready!"
HA! i should adapt that as my life's new motto. it'll go along great right next to "Jam Hands only bring pain" and "if you don't come in with it you leave with some degree of insanity."
Aannd, even though it's been years and many different series later I still call them Lindsay and Thomas and all that. It took me like 2 minutes to remember Boxer's real name is Angie Harmon so I could type the above paragraph.
I claim that the WM that precedes my name in my email address stands for Work Mail but it totally doesn't. I had to stop for my own cup of "diabetes on ice" on my way to work today. Will probably do it again tomorrow morning.
There are many other quirks that I won't share with you, what I will share with you however is that awesomeness that is Sketch's artwork.
she gave it to me as a present, i love it. in the middle resides the tattoo that i had on my arm for like weeks. the joy of sharpies. look to the right. ---->
i'm all about posters.
especially the obscure ones. skip to left passed the hunger games and you'll find this one:
tell me what this is a design for and i'll give you a dollar. i'll give you a hint, it has nothing to do with WMC. sort of.
Alright, I should probably stop with the rambling. Off to bed. Long day tomorrow.
Claire: If you're strong and push through the pain and the fear, you often find that happiness is waiting for you on the other side.
Jill: And if you're not strong enough?
Claire: Then that is what your friends are for. To give you a gentle push or a kick in the ass...
I tried my best not to double up on what I've always used here on the WMC Day May 13th post: My Life in Closed Captions: I'm a pancake. I'm a pancake.
But a girl can only do so much.
Boxer: "Uhh, I need to call you back. I'm not done yelling."
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
changing every day, every possible way
"Booze Cakes...sounds like a term of endearment. Hey Booze Cakes."
"That's fantastic."
the joys of training new employees.
Today was mostly filled with paperwork. But I got to spend the majority of it with Girlscout so it was fun. We're Team Awesome.
Joys of professionalism - Wrote up a summary on what you need to know to work at one of the branches since a lot of our people are gone so others are filling in. The summary turned out to be 3 pages. And I keep adding more and more.
After that it was e-mails and scheduling.
And then I ended the day with the joy that is incident and citizen injury reports. But hey, at least I got to check out the cute fire and rescue guys.
"Why are you listening to the serpant?.....Don't eat the fruit....Don't eat the fruit!....Women."
Got 3rd Rock From the Sun season one from Target for like 6 bucks. Loving it. Now I have to find season two. Wonder if the library has it. Or WorldCat. I love WorldCat.
"I'm not mooning, I'm obsessing, there's a difference."
Tomorrow is a day for sleeping. And running errands. And then sleeping some more. Unless of course I get called in. Which would be fine. I don't think I know what to do with myself outside of work nowadays anyway.
"I have class in five minutes. And that's just the first of my reservations."
oh speaking of, I should check the syllabus and figure out if I'm missing something for class on Saturday.
Songs of the night:
"Dreams" The Cranberries
used to listen to them a lot in high school. probably drove juwanna nuts. the joy of roommates at a dorm school. but she did save me from the killer dresser so i love her.
Think this is my favorite though....
"Just My Imagination"
I think Shannen looked a little more coordinated on Dancing With the Stars.
P3 got all the coolest acts at the time - The Cranberries, Michelle Branch, Barenaked Ladies, Goo Goo Dolls, Fastball. Yes, I'm a Charmed nerd, get used to it. It's either this or Drew Barrymore really. I can always throw in a Friends reference if it would make you feel better.
"I fold like a cheap hooker who got slapped in the stomach by a fat guy with sores on his face...oh, I'm out." The one with all the poker. Love that episode. Yes I know it's title. It's not like it's that hard of one to remember.
"Your money's mine, Green!"
"Your fly's open, Gellar!"
"That's fantastic."
the joys of training new employees.
Today was mostly filled with paperwork. But I got to spend the majority of it with Girlscout so it was fun. We're Team Awesome.
Joys of professionalism - Wrote up a summary on what you need to know to work at one of the branches since a lot of our people are gone so others are filling in. The summary turned out to be 3 pages. And I keep adding more and more.
After that it was e-mails and scheduling.
And then I ended the day with the joy that is incident and citizen injury reports. But hey, at least I got to check out the cute fire and rescue guys.
"Why are you listening to the serpant?.....Don't eat the fruit....Don't eat the fruit!....Women."
Got 3rd Rock From the Sun season one from Target for like 6 bucks. Loving it. Now I have to find season two. Wonder if the library has it. Or WorldCat. I love WorldCat.
"I'm not mooning, I'm obsessing, there's a difference."
Tomorrow is a day for sleeping. And running errands. And then sleeping some more. Unless of course I get called in. Which would be fine. I don't think I know what to do with myself outside of work nowadays anyway.
"I have class in five minutes. And that's just the first of my reservations."
oh speaking of, I should check the syllabus and figure out if I'm missing something for class on Saturday.
Songs of the night:
"Dreams" The Cranberries
used to listen to them a lot in high school. probably drove juwanna nuts. the joy of roommates at a dorm school. but she did save me from the killer dresser so i love her.
Think this is my favorite though....
"Just My Imagination"
I think Shannen looked a little more coordinated on Dancing With the Stars.
P3 got all the coolest acts at the time - The Cranberries, Michelle Branch, Barenaked Ladies, Goo Goo Dolls, Fastball. Yes, I'm a Charmed nerd, get used to it. It's either this or Drew Barrymore really. I can always throw in a Friends reference if it would make you feel better.
"I fold like a cheap hooker who got slapped in the stomach by a fat guy with sores on his face...oh, I'm out." The one with all the poker. Love that episode. Yes I know it's title. It's not like it's that hard of one to remember.
"Your money's mine, Green!"
"Your fly's open, Gellar!"
3rd rock from the sun,
booze cakes,
grad school,
incident report,
just my imagination,
team awesome
Monday, October 10, 2011
"If you like to talk to tomatoes..."
Today was perfect, slept in, got my DVR set up, notified that season 4 of Chuck has been shipped which means I can finish season three woohoo! Then hit up the library to do some shelving from 5-8.
Songs of the night: yes I'm skipping to them on this manic monday night because i'm rambly about them.
The two songs that were stuck in my head while shelving:
Oh my god, they drove me nuts.
"Veggie Tales Theme Song"
at least for this one i had a legitimate excuse as i was shelving veggie tales VHS tapes.
for this however, i got nothing.
"Twisted Nerve" Daryl Hannah's version
we used to whistle it down the hallways in high school. it seems like it's actually her whistling but according to the soundtrack it's credited to Bernard Herrmann. perhaps he's the instrumentalist in the background.
yes i own the soundtrack. get over it. mostly for the's music, you know, before it became the theme song for all things Vonage. i'm probably one of the very few people to know the actual title of this song. most just call it the creepy whistle song from that one scene. i remember watching it for the first time with shel and smo screaming wake up, Wake up, WAKE UP! she's coming to kill you!
Here's the's
love that movie. they have a couple other ones that are pretty good as well, "i'm blue" awesomeness and "i walk like jayne mansfield" make an appearance in other scenes.
ps, that chick's toast. reminds me a little of Frasier's ex-wife Lillith. Though the best part of the whole movie comes about 5 minutes after that. After Uma Thurman has killed about 10 of Lucy Liu's thugs and is about to go after her when she hears car engines and doors slamming. The Crazy 88.
"Is that what I think it is?
"You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?"
"You know, for a second there, yeah...I kinda did."
"Silly Rabbit,"
"Tricks are for-"
The Showdown at the House of Blue Leaves. Uma Thurman - at her greatest in my opinion - takes on the Crazy 88, plus Lucy Liu, plus GoGo the freaking ninja kid in a school uniform all with only a samurai sword. I tried counting the 88 but I only got to about 56. Got lost in all the slicing and dicing.
you've been forewarned.
Normally I don't but I love those two movies. I think Vol. 1 is my favorite but I can be swayed to Vol. 2 when I'm watching it. Which I haven't in over a year. That needs to be fixed.
should rewatch it and count how many "Wilhelm Scream"s are used. gotta be at least twice.
You know about the Wilhelm Scream, right? It's a sound effect used in a lot of action movies - even Star Wars - that was recorded a long time ago and is still in use today.
Check this: i find it highly amusing.
star wars, indiana jones, small soldiers, lethal weapon...toy story?
i have it programmed so that when i drop my ipod it does the scream.
and yes, these two songs being stuck in my head are the weirdest combination anyone could think of, but it's what happened. Veggie tales I get but there's no logical expanation for Twisted Nerve as no one was whistling and I didn't see any movies with Uma Thurman or Daryl Hannah.
Alright, should get some sleep. Long day tomorrow at one branch all day and have no idea who's working with me. Just that I will most likely cross paths with Slim Shady in the parking lot.
"however, therein lies a dillema because, when it comes to the subject of me, I believe you are truly and utterly incapable of telling the truth, especially to me and least of all, to yourself. And, when it comes to the subject of me I am truly and utterly incapable of believing anything you say.
"how do you supposed we solve this dillema?"
"well, it just so happens i have a solution."
*shoots tranq dart*
Songs of the night: yes I'm skipping to them on this manic monday night because i'm rambly about them.
The two songs that were stuck in my head while shelving:
Oh my god, they drove me nuts.
"Veggie Tales Theme Song"
at least for this one i had a legitimate excuse as i was shelving veggie tales VHS tapes.
for this however, i got nothing.
"Twisted Nerve" Daryl Hannah's version
we used to whistle it down the hallways in high school. it seems like it's actually her whistling but according to the soundtrack it's credited to Bernard Herrmann. perhaps he's the instrumentalist in the background.
yes i own the soundtrack. get over it. mostly for the's music, you know, before it became the theme song for all things Vonage. i'm probably one of the very few people to know the actual title of this song. most just call it the creepy whistle song from that one scene. i remember watching it for the first time with shel and smo screaming wake up, Wake up, WAKE UP! she's coming to kill you!
Here's the's
love that movie. they have a couple other ones that are pretty good as well, "i'm blue" awesomeness and "i walk like jayne mansfield" make an appearance in other scenes.
ps, that chick's toast. reminds me a little of Frasier's ex-wife Lillith. Though the best part of the whole movie comes about 5 minutes after that. After Uma Thurman has killed about 10 of Lucy Liu's thugs and is about to go after her when she hears car engines and doors slamming. The Crazy 88.
"Is that what I think it is?
"You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?"
"You know, for a second there, yeah...I kinda did."
"Silly Rabbit,"
"Tricks are for-"
The Showdown at the House of Blue Leaves. Uma Thurman - at her greatest in my opinion - takes on the Crazy 88, plus Lucy Liu, plus GoGo the freaking ninja kid in a school uniform all with only a samurai sword. I tried counting the 88 but I only got to about 56. Got lost in all the slicing and dicing.
you've been forewarned.
Normally I don't but I love those two movies. I think Vol. 1 is my favorite but I can be swayed to Vol. 2 when I'm watching it. Which I haven't in over a year. That needs to be fixed.
should rewatch it and count how many "Wilhelm Scream"s are used. gotta be at least twice.
You know about the Wilhelm Scream, right? It's a sound effect used in a lot of action movies - even Star Wars - that was recorded a long time ago and is still in use today.
Check this: i find it highly amusing.
star wars, indiana jones, small soldiers, lethal weapon...toy story?
i have it programmed so that when i drop my ipod it does the scream.
and yes, these two songs being stuck in my head are the weirdest combination anyone could think of, but it's what happened. Veggie tales I get but there's no logical expanation for Twisted Nerve as no one was whistling and I didn't see any movies with Uma Thurman or Daryl Hannah.
Alright, should get some sleep. Long day tomorrow at one branch all day and have no idea who's working with me. Just that I will most likely cross paths with Slim Shady in the parking lot.
"however, therein lies a dillema because, when it comes to the subject of me, I believe you are truly and utterly incapable of telling the truth, especially to me and least of all, to yourself. And, when it comes to the subject of me I am truly and utterly incapable of believing anything you say.
"how do you supposed we solve this dillema?"
"well, it just so happens i have a solution."
*shoots tranq dart*
Sunday, October 9, 2011
"Three windshields and you're out!"
And he's right. You start the count 1 and 1 and only get one courtesy foul. Three fouls off to the parking lot on the left and you're screwed. Fortunately no windows were shattered tonight. Just last week.
My leg is throbbing, my shoes are disgusting, I was soaking wet all night, but it was all completely worth it because tonight was probably the best softball night ever.
Let's start with this...Homey G and I have bragging rights. Totally took down Prince of Peace. With the E-Free. The complete underdogs, we rocked it. Caught one popfly and I only had to slide once tonight - breaking open only my knee not the rest of the leg, huzzah! At one point we were up by 10 but then they got 5. I think our final score was 17-11. Dominated. And, oh my god, it's totally on next week for the Battle of the Lutherans. There goes their unbeatable streak. Especially after the Methodist's beat them last week.
And speaking of Lutherans vs. Methodists. We freaking rocked it. It was like the Husker's comeback.
Okay, so we have this unwritten rule, that we don't smack talk. We're good and we cheer for our team, but we're not cocky about it. So, when our opponents start doing it, it's game on.
We were down 0-4, scored 1 and then 4 after they'd gotten another. Tied the game at 5, bottom of the last inning and pulled it off. Yep, I hit the winning run in. Also caught three popflies in that game alone - plus the 1 with E-Free makes four but apparently according to my brother that one doesn't count. "You play good for them you gotta play good for us." Which I did. And made up for last week's curse.
4 catches, a bunch of good hits, driving in the winning run, and the only thing that matters to me was after I caught two in one inning my brother catches up with me running in to the dugout and chants "mvp...mvp..." Made me smile. Even their pitcher high-fived me after that one.
Brother and me have fun in the outfield. He's left and I'm left-center so we have codes for things. Although last week we debated. Pretty sure I posted something about that. It's turned into "Gone" means over the fence everything else is fair game.
I'm just glad we pulled it off. Got worried there at the top of the 6th when we were still getting our butts kicked. They had an awesome left fielder that catches everything that goes in his area no matter how hard you hit it, like diving catches, so it was even more thrilling to have him miss my line drive and for Becca to run in and score.
We're thinking about going to Dollar General and picking up a completely random item and installing it as the Traveling Trophy. Whoever wins the most games gets to keep it and passes it on next year to the winner of the mosts games then. Gotta be something completely random, like a ceramic animal or something. Send some ideas my way.
Stopped for ice cream and I was off, driving home in the rain that was nice enough to stop long enough for us to play. Outfield was soaking, glad I didn't fall and make a fool out of myself.
Song of celebration:
"We're an American Band" Grand Funk Railroad live in 1974
for the love of all things library, put on a shirt!
Next week Grace vs. Prince of Peace. 6:30. Game on.
My leg is throbbing, my shoes are disgusting, I was soaking wet all night, but it was all completely worth it because tonight was probably the best softball night ever.
Let's start with this...Homey G and I have bragging rights. Totally took down Prince of Peace. With the E-Free. The complete underdogs, we rocked it. Caught one popfly and I only had to slide once tonight - breaking open only my knee not the rest of the leg, huzzah! At one point we were up by 10 but then they got 5. I think our final score was 17-11. Dominated. And, oh my god, it's totally on next week for the Battle of the Lutherans. There goes their unbeatable streak. Especially after the Methodist's beat them last week.
And speaking of Lutherans vs. Methodists. We freaking rocked it. It was like the Husker's comeback.
Okay, so we have this unwritten rule, that we don't smack talk. We're good and we cheer for our team, but we're not cocky about it. So, when our opponents start doing it, it's game on.
We were down 0-4, scored 1 and then 4 after they'd gotten another. Tied the game at 5, bottom of the last inning and pulled it off. Yep, I hit the winning run in. Also caught three popflies in that game alone - plus the 1 with E-Free makes four but apparently according to my brother that one doesn't count. "You play good for them you gotta play good for us." Which I did. And made up for last week's curse.
4 catches, a bunch of good hits, driving in the winning run, and the only thing that matters to me was after I caught two in one inning my brother catches up with me running in to the dugout and chants "mvp...mvp..." Made me smile. Even their pitcher high-fived me after that one.
Brother and me have fun in the outfield. He's left and I'm left-center so we have codes for things. Although last week we debated. Pretty sure I posted something about that. It's turned into "Gone" means over the fence everything else is fair game.
I'm just glad we pulled it off. Got worried there at the top of the 6th when we were still getting our butts kicked. They had an awesome left fielder that catches everything that goes in his area no matter how hard you hit it, like diving catches, so it was even more thrilling to have him miss my line drive and for Becca to run in and score.
We're thinking about going to Dollar General and picking up a completely random item and installing it as the Traveling Trophy. Whoever wins the most games gets to keep it and passes it on next year to the winner of the mosts games then. Gotta be something completely random, like a ceramic animal or something. Send some ideas my way.
Stopped for ice cream and I was off, driving home in the rain that was nice enough to stop long enough for us to play. Outfield was soaking, glad I didn't fall and make a fool out of myself.
Song of celebration:
"We're an American Band" Grand Funk Railroad live in 1974
for the love of all things library, put on a shirt!
Next week Grace vs. Prince of Peace. 6:30. Game on.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Well I ain't first class, but I ain't white trash. I'm wild and a little crazy too...
Duuuuude, did you see that come from behind victory? Burkhead rocked it! 28 unanswered points and it's all because of him, Lavonte David - stole the ball right out of his hands!! - and did I see a little bit of T-Magic make an appearance as well? I'm proud of our Huskers, we are definitely a second half team, way to pull it together for Homecoming weekend.
Time for a new segment I'm going to call: Pics of the Week
And, apparently blogger likes to post pictures in reverse order so we're going to go back in time. Stick with me.
the highlight of the day:

Meet the newest addition to the library family. I shall call him Maximus Awesomess, aka the Spawn of Awesome.
Queen of Awesome had her baby, Max, and while the Queen of Awesome she may be, the Queen of checkers she is not. Not today at least. She got dominated. We'll blame it on the fact that she just had a baby. So that's allowed. I jammed with them for a while this afternoon at the hospital. They're both happy, healthy and hoping to go home tomorrow.
One of the joys of NLA:

note the "free bar" part. us crazy librarians.
Oh, gameday beverages:

Oldest Sister enjoying her chelada through a straw.
Towers jamming:

some patrons have weird senses of humor
My bad:

Red and blonde, huzzah!

the supreme and uber-fantastic donna, we talked booze cakes and shickley shenanigans while she dyed my hair. thanks donna, you rock!
songs of the day - going old school country.
"She's in Love with the Boy" Trisha Yearwood
classic country. stuck in my head for no apparent reason.
"Some Girls Do" Sawyer Brown
love his dancing.
Time for a new segment I'm going to call: Pics of the Week
And, apparently blogger likes to post pictures in reverse order so we're going to go back in time. Stick with me.
the highlight of the day:
Meet the newest addition to the library family. I shall call him Maximus Awesomess, aka the Spawn of Awesome.
Queen of Awesome had her baby, Max, and while the Queen of Awesome she may be, the Queen of checkers she is not. Not today at least. She got dominated. We'll blame it on the fact that she just had a baby. So that's allowed. I jammed with them for a while this afternoon at the hospital. They're both happy, healthy and hoping to go home tomorrow.
One of the joys of NLA:
note the "free bar" part. us crazy librarians.
Oh, gameday beverages:
Oldest Sister enjoying her chelada through a straw.
Towers jamming:
some patrons have weird senses of humor
My bad:
Red and blonde, huzzah!
the supreme and uber-fantastic donna, we talked booze cakes and shickley shenanigans while she dyed my hair. thanks donna, you rock!
songs of the day - going old school country.
"She's in Love with the Boy" Trisha Yearwood
classic country. stuck in my head for no apparent reason.
"Some Girls Do" Sawyer Brown
love his dancing.
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