One of them I'm still in shock about.
You have no idea.
Seven years in the making.
Guess what finally came out on DVD.
Women's Murder Club.
I'm still going nuts.
Apparently my friends and I - yes, I was that big of a fan that I became friends with other fans online - are so stubborn and persistent that they're releasing it by demand.
Take that ABC. They cancelled it way too early.
The problem was that it aired during the writer's strike so it didn't even get a chance.
Well that and they got rid of the 2 creators halfway through the season and the storyline completely changed.
I still say without it Angie Harmon wouldn't be on Rizzoli and Isles. Where do you think they got the idea of her as a cop? Being a fan of both series' I notice so many similarities.
Alright, alright, I know you don't care so I'll shut up.
I'm just so excited. It first aired 10/12/07 so I'm marathoning it on 10/12/14.
Seven years in the making, I'm telling you. And it's still my favorite show. I've got the posters to prove it.
Plus all of Sketch's artwork scattered around my apartment.
This one's my favorite.
It's hanging on my door.
Oo, I should bring back the tattoo.
Check this out.
But I'd have to get Sketch to do it again cause I'd kill it.
This is what happens when you get bored and have an artist for a best friend.
I know. We were nerds, get over it. But I can't help it. It was an awesome show. Based off a book series by James Patterson - which I hope you knew already.
If not you do now.
I got the first few books in the series that year for Christmas and carried them around with me the entire holiday break.
Even after I finished them.
In like two days.
I remember specifically my siblings were staying over so I got stuck sleeping in my dad's office - which is way on the other side of the house - on this ridiculously uncomfortable couch. And I would sleep with a flashlight just so I could read the books.
And then re-read them. And then mark all my favorite parts.

With quote notes.
Yep. Nerd. But I'm okay with that. Even working in a library being surrounded by other books they're still my favorite series.
And yes I know I shelve them incorrectly but it's my shelf so take that.
I love them cause they're both funny and dramatic. While they're a bit different from the show they're also very similar.
And, because I'm watching the show - episode five. "Maybe Baby." Yes I can tell you that without looking, I'm gonna hit you with some quotes. Cause I can.
Here are a few of my favorite one-liners:
Thomas: "Did you know that the crime desk assignment came with a pepperspray keychain and a police scanner? It's like my new Tivo, I can't turn it off."
Boxer: "So you're leaving the beanie babies, the earring tree, and the butt master."
Bernhardt: "It was late at night, couldn't sleep, infomercial."
Washburn: "That's how I ended up with a Rotato."
Boxer: "Know anything about her personal life?"
Thomas: "She had one?"
Thomas: "You're gonna miss me when I stop coming around."
Boxer: "Give me a chance to find out."
Jacobi: *boxer talking to herself* "Do you need me for this conversation?"
Thomas: "Ohhh, defensive sarcasm, it went well."
Thomas: "Please don't give me the laser vision, it makes me really nervous."
Bernhardt: "Worst. Liar. Ever."
Washburn: "But why do something yourself when you can hand it over to a work-shy ill-mannered counterpart?"
Thomas: "Are we supposed to answer her?"
Boxer: "No, that's not necessary."
Bernhardt: "What'd you do, go to a biker bar?"
Thomas: "I went to seven. They're a little scary."
Thomas: "Right, I'll hang. Catch you on the B-Side."
Boxer: "Tell me you didn't drive this here."
Thomas: "Please, I drove Maggie, my little red car."
Boxer: "Then you sweet talked Officer Cho into letting you past the tape. Wait, your car has a name?"
Thomas: "Doesn't yours?"
Thomas: "I'll chat up the locals, see if there's anything more interesting for sale here at the house of lamps lamps and more lamps." (i still quote that line when i drive by that lamp place on o street)
Thomas: "I hope I go in my sleep."
Bernhardt: "I hope I go out on top of Clive Owen. You die your way, I'll die mine."
Washburn: "If you're strong and push through the pain and the fear, you often find that happiness is waiting for you on the other side."
Bernhardt: "And if you're not strong enough?"
Washburn: "Then that is what your friends are for. To give you a gentle push or a kick in the ass..."
Thomas: "I'm a pancake."
Boxer: "Good pancake."
I'm letting you off easy, there are more. Those are just a few that came to mind immediately. So many memories...
I went back and looked through how many posts are about WMC. 22. Yep. I'm a nerd. Every year on the the premiere date and finale date it was mentioned. Go me.
And, because you're groaning by this point, on to favorite thing number two.
The Voice.
Yes, I heard that groan again.
The Blind Auditions are over so here is my top twenty.
Damien - Adam
James David Carter - Blake
Kelli Douglas - Adam
Anita Antoinette - Gwen
Luke Wade - Pharrell
Toia Jones - Pharrel
Maiya Sykes - Pharrel
Joe Kirk - Adam
Jessie Pitts - Gwen
Taylor Phelan - Pharrell
Chris Jamison - Adam
Mia Pfirrman - Adam
Fernanda Bosch - Blake
Beth Spangler - Adam
Matt McAndrew - Adam
Taylor John Williams - Gwen
Katriz Trinidad - Pharrell
Jean Kelley - Gwen
Troy Ritchie - Gwen
Taylor Brashears - Blake
Pharrell and Gwen are forces to be reckoned with, picking up some of the best ones this season, but I am still and will always be Team Adam. Mostly because I love him and Maroon 5, but also because for some reason he always gets the best singer in the bunch (minus cassadee pope who was team blake). Damien is that singer this year.
Blake's team seems to be a bit lacking when compared to previous years, the only real standouts are James David Carter - who I think will be his frontrunner - Fernanda Bosch and Taylor Brashears. But maybe that's a good thing, because sometimes when you have too many good ones you have to put them up against each other and then are forced to get rid of half. For him there would be no competition so nothing holding them back from making the live rounds.
Alright, enough of that. I know you don't care. On to favorite thing number three.
The Boyfriend.
No these favorite things aren't in order, if they were he'd be number one. Don't worry. I'm not that big of a nerd.
I got him an epic birthday present this year.
Well it's more like birthday, Christmas, and anniversary. Cause it's big. And I'm proud. Oldest Sister says this tops the camera in Vegas story. Which is huge.
For those of you who don't know it already I lost my camera in Vegas, he went to Best Buy, bought me a new one, and then we went and re-took all of my pictures.
Every girl that I tell that too goes "awww." Cause he's sweet like that. And he deserves a big gift from me.
Last year I got him hockey season tickets so I had to top that.
This one is my ALL IN present. Whether he buys me a ring or not, I'm all in. And hopefully the present will convey that AND remain a secret if my family can contain themselves. Mom helped so of course now they all know.
As you know the season has started up again and we are rocking it.
Okay not really, but we have won 2 out of our 5 games so that's not awful. I mean it's not good, but it's not awful. Better than our rivals who have only won one.
Take that Lancers.
Since I'm a huge USHL fan I've decided that I need to pick an NHL team. Especially now that I get more sports channels (i caved and got the big ten network for husker football and it came with a sports package).
After extensive research I've narrowed it down to the St. Louis Blues and the Chicago Blackhawks. Though I also like Colorado and Minnesota.
I'm leaning toward St. Louis because they have David Backes (who used to play for us) as their captain and they also have TJ Oshie who was huge at the Olympics. Plus geographically they're probably the closest team to me personally. Followed closely by Colorado.
But it's still up for debate. They did just smash the Flames last night - which I taped. It was highly enjoyable. However, not as good as the USHL, but perhaps that's the difference between watching it on TV and seeing it live.
Though I have a feeling it's gonna be like college vs. pro for me. I love college football but I'm not a huge fan of the NFL. I mean, I like the Titans, (not as much as I used to) but college is much more fun to watch.
I guess we shall see.
Favorite thing number five.
Husker Football.
So even with a huge fourth quarter comeback we lost to Michigan State. I didn't think we'd win but hoped we'd at least put up a fight. What happened offense? Normally I'm a fan of Tommy but did anyone else notice that we didn't score until they put Ryker in? Abdullah got stopped and it was like our offense couldn't function without him. Thank god for Westerkamp, otherwise that would have been bad. I mean, it was bad, but our defense was excellent so they kept it close. And speaking of that, excellent job defense. You seriously rocked it.
Now on to Northwestern which seems to be the unwritten rivalry. I know it's supposed to be Iowa but I feel like our hardest games in this conference have been with either Wisconsin or Northwestern. Both of which are away games this season and both could halt our no-more-losses mentality. Hopefully that doesn't happen and we play Michigan State again in the Big Ten Championship. Which I think we can do if we pull it together offensively.
Alright, that's enough out of me.
I'm going back to WMC.
Songs of the Week:
We're going with some of my favorites from the blind auditions:
Damien - It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday
Luke Wade - That's How Strong My Love Is
James David Carter - Nobody Knows
Taylor Brashears - You Ain't Woman Enough
i grew up listening to this song and had totally forgotten about it. i literally laughed out loud when she sang it cause it's been my themesong as of late. the boyfriend's got this ex that won't leave him alone. even though it's been like 4 years, 3 of which were with me. i'm staying out of it cause i trust him. he loves me, he's not gonna cheat on me. we're gonna get married, what would be the point of that? but i did totally laugh at this refrain.
Alright, I'm officially out.
Catch you on the B-Side.