Told you I'd be back.
So, this weekend was Motorcar-ing with the Boyfriend in Iowa: Take Two.
I don't know what my boyfriend's fascination is with Muppets and Motorcar-ing but apparently it's a thing.
Remember last year when we went and he kept singing Mahna Mahna?
Like literally, we're riding and we've got headphones on and all the sudden "mahna mahna...doo doo, doo doo doo..."
So this year it was "We ain't got no room for boring, for boring we ain't got no room."
Over and over.
Which, if you watch any TV whatsoever, you have probably seen at least twice in the past month.
If not, watch this.
Congratulations, you are now cultured.
There are actually multiple, but that's the most recent.
It's catchy. So much so that it was repeated...over and over...all over Iowa.
But it's true. We ain't got no room for boring.
And it's ironic because after I showed the Old New Guy a picture of what we'd be riding on his exact words were, "well, you'll never be bored with him."
And I don't think I ever will.
That said, this weekend was awesome. We always have fun when we go anywhere together, but he gets especially excited if it has anything to do with riding rails - whether it be motorcars or roller coasters.
It was definitely worth the drive, though our first run didn't go as planned. About quarter down the track the battery died and we had to get towed 'til it was replaced. Luckily it was an easy fix and we were back on by the afternoon.
It was nice cause it was a shorter ride so we could jump back in. If it was a day trip we would have been screwed.
I was grateful cause Donny came with so I wasn't the only woman there. She's always fun to jam with and it's so funny because men think that women talk a lot but apparently they've never met railroad men - who talk far more than anyone else on the planet. While us two women were just ready to ride.
And of course the boyfriend is the young gun that everyone has to tease and all that. Yeah, I think the average age for riders was probably mid-60's. So that means I get teased. I got called the "mrs" a few times and just smiled.
Another conversation we've been having a lot lately. Which is his fault cause he brought up ring shopping.
Anyway, it was a lot of fun. Here are a few of my favorite moments and some pictures to go along with.
-Walmart, the other hotel in town
::Let's just say a certain rider decided that he and his girlfriend didn't need a hotel room to stay in the first night cause Walmart parking lots are free and comfortable. Grateful that man wasn't my boyfriend. But I guess it would be sort of an adventure. That's how his girlfriend took understanding.
-Big Rocks
::What is it with Iowans and the big rocks in their front yards? And when I say big I mean big. Like look at this.

And it wasn't just the one house. They were everywhere.
Any ideas? I'm wondering if they're actually decorative or if it's more like a giant rock monster died in their front lawn and they were too lazy to move them, though it's been added that they're also a deterrent to zombies so perhaps that's part of it.
::While the breakdown itself was not enjoyable, the conversation that followed was. He taught me all about motorcar engines and how they work. I feel highly educated and could maybe repeat like a third of it...cause it was all technical. But I'll look smart when I do it... if you know nothing about engines. At all.
-Where are the face trees?
::Yes, that is the technical term. I tried to take different pictures than last year but it's hard cause it's the same track. I did, however, have to take more pictures of the face trees cause they are super cool.

-Crash Boom
::So the day was awesome and after everything was loaded into the backs of trailers and trucks everyone was just kind of standing around and talking when all the sudden, *squeal* *boom* *thunk, thunk* Some idiot driver hit a pole right next to the station. We're thinking drinking was involved. They tried to drive away but couldn't so they just sat there for a while before the cops showed up (whom we called btw). We drove by the next day to see the marks and there was a big dent in the pole and tire tracks all over the grass.
So, we went out with a bang.
Here are more fun pics:

the line up.

picture of a picture of a picture of a picture...

around the curve.

bridge 1.

bridge 2.

no idea what that means. any translators in the house?
If you want to see more pictures from the route see last year's post here. Or check Facebook.
And that was Iowa. After we came back we did even more train stuff when we toured the historic Amtrak train at the Haymarket. Then got some lunch and he crashed on my couch for a few hours before he had to head into work.
I went in today and got grilled. They're jealous.
Plus I got Fun Dip. So I'm at the desk and Superwoman is like, the AD wants to see you. So I go upstairs dragging my feet, thinking I'm gonna get yelled at and she hands me a box of Fun Dip and says "I hear you like these." "Yep." "Okay. That's all."
It reminded me of the home branch when Space Cadet came up to me all straight-faced and was like "I have a question for you."
"Do you like 7-up?"
I was all freaked I did something wrong. "You looked all serious!"
"I am serious, I gotta get rid of this 7-up!"
Also, remember how I was writing two different program proposals for work? I finally said "screw it" and combined them. Perhaps it'll actually get approved if I put forth all my effort on one project instead of worrying about dividing it up into two.
But baby steps. Gotta polish the proposal first. Then comes the approval process.
Alright, on to the music.
Tonight's rec is pretty recent.
Me and My Broken Heart - Rixton
Another British invasion. I think they're kind of One Direction wanna-bees, but it's a good song.
However, the first time I listened to it it drove me nuts cause it sounded exactly like something else. And it has for weeks so I finally gave up and googled it and came across these two.
What do you think?
Lonely No More - Rob Thomas
Unfaithful - Rihanna
Feels a bit like a mix of both.
Ah, apparently Rob Thomas helped write it.
Well that explains it. But not the Rihanna part.
Alright, I'm out.
Will hopefully be back at some point this week.
Let's go places.