I conformed to the norm today at work.
It was physically painful.
See, I'm an English snob.
Not all the time.
But there are moments that bring out the snob in me, if that makes sense?
It's okay though, I'm in good company for this stuff.
Anyway, Snob Moment:
For Summer Reading we have all these bookmarks. For the youth there's "Bats at the Library", Teens is all about "Own the Night", and then the adult theme is "Between the Covers" which I find amusing.
Anyway, there are two designs for the adult bookmarks. One is from Gone with the Wind and the other is from Frankenstein.
My conformity was this, I've officially adopted the speech, "you can either get Scarlett O'Hara reading about Frankenstein, or Frankenstein reading about Scarlett O'Hara."
My snob moment is this: Frankenstein is the doctor, not the creature.
So technically, it would be The Creature reading about Scarlett O'Hara.
But explaining that to people just leaves them wide-eyed and confused, and I've found it's just easier to call him Frankenstein instead of saying, "The Creature created by Frankenstein reading about Scarlett O'Hara."
He was never officially given a name, Frankenstein sewed him up using recycled parts, brought him to life, and watched him kill people.
Meanwhile only referring to him as "The Creature."
Anyway, conforming to the norm, physically painful, yet probably worth it in the long-run.
It was one of those days though. And it wasn't just me, it seemed that about 90% of library employees today were having one of those days.
Though I made it through unscathed, the day was filled with minor flailing.
Okay so it was major flailing.
Which really isn't all that unusual on my part, but still not exactly pleasant.
So Slim Shady and I did what we do best. Zenned out on her couch and watched a marathon of Parks and Rec.
It was originally going to be Booze Cakes, but in the end there was neither booze, nor cake, just laziness and some comfy couches.
Plus Fearless Leader wasn't there and she's really the baker out of the three of us.
We gotta find a day that all three of us have the next day off and that we're all free. Which is nearly impossible, but hopefully one day soon it will happen. That Mudslide Cake thing was awesome.
I still have the urge to go see Dark Shadows again. Queen of Awesome and I gotta get on that. I'm thinking next week. Or maybe this weekend. I have class on Saturday, I KNOW! 8:30 AM which means I have to leave at 7.
Not that I'm complaining.
It'll be worth it, the Library Goddess is always worth it, I'm just not a morning person.
Speaking of morning people, I need to crash and quick. Kickoff is tomorrow and Mentor and I are gonna be swamped for about 4 hours straight. Plus all the morning stuff we have to do beforehand.
Songs of the day:
"Nights in White Satin" Moody Blues
oh my god i love this song. before dark shadows i'd never heard it before but i've been singing it every day since. it was at almost the very beginning, well 1972 very beginning when Maggie Evans becomes Victoria Winters and rides with the "unshaven young people" the Collinsport.
perfect song at the perfect moment.
"Top of the World" Carpenters
though i sing this one as well, which bugs me cause it's one of those songs like "it's a small world afterall" that if you sing it over and over it makes you want scream.
Tomorrow's Word of the Day: "Vimineous: a rare adjective meaning 'made of wicker'. From a Latin word meaning 'willow'."
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Life Is Short
Juice boxes are unloaded, edible campfires are stuffed and sealed, glow in the dark stars are purchased and delivered, my end of the deal is done.
Now all that's left is the actual kickoff party, which will be madness but well worth it. We're thinking around 200 kids, all in one area so it should be interesting.
But they've done it so many times they're pros, I'm just there to help where I can.
So I got to spend my morning at the home branch, was great to catch up with some friends, though it was mad hysteria cause of us being closed for the holiday. Basically a massive backlog for check-in plus delivery plus all the incoming from the day.
But we made it through unscathed.
After that it was kickoff prep with the edible campfires, basically sticking a bunch of pretzel sticks in bags and making sure they had all the ingredients in each bag, and then I made some more progress on the booklist.
And by more progress I mean like 2 titles, with the holiday and summer reading there's rarely time to sit down, let alone work on anything else.
But I love my job, and it's never boring. Especially not during summer reading. As an aide I loved it cause there was always massive carts to shelve.
I have this urge to see Dark Shadows yet again. Think I'm gonna hit it up with the Queen of Awesome. She's always fun to jam out with.
Speaking of fun, ran across some more useless information/random trivia over my lunch break. Cause that's what I do. When I'm not playing Angry Birds or doing homework, which speaking of, I got my official e-mail this week reminding me of the assignment.
Gotta read some kids books and an article about children's lit. Not looking forward to leaving at 7AM on Saturday mornings but it's with the Library Goddess so the coffee I stop for on the way will keep me alive and alert.
Plus she's fun so I won't sleep.
Not that I would sleep, I have yet to sleep through a class.
What was I talking about before this?
Oh right, random useless information.
- You're more likely to get stung by a bee on a windy day than in any other weather.
- By raising you legs slowly and laying on your back you cannot sink into quicksand.
- The longest one-syllable word in the English language is screeched.
- The music band UB40 got its name from an unemployment form in England.
- To avoid long encounters with the press President Reagan often took reporters' questions with his helicopter roaring in the background.
- In Baltimore it is illegal to mistreat oysters.
- Grapes explode with cooked in the microwave.
I'm intrigued.
May test that one out.
"Life Is Short" Butterfly Boucher
Now all that's left is the actual kickoff party, which will be madness but well worth it. We're thinking around 200 kids, all in one area so it should be interesting.
But they've done it so many times they're pros, I'm just there to help where I can.
So I got to spend my morning at the home branch, was great to catch up with some friends, though it was mad hysteria cause of us being closed for the holiday. Basically a massive backlog for check-in plus delivery plus all the incoming from the day.
But we made it through unscathed.
After that it was kickoff prep with the edible campfires, basically sticking a bunch of pretzel sticks in bags and making sure they had all the ingredients in each bag, and then I made some more progress on the booklist.
And by more progress I mean like 2 titles, with the holiday and summer reading there's rarely time to sit down, let alone work on anything else.
But I love my job, and it's never boring. Especially not during summer reading. As an aide I loved it cause there was always massive carts to shelve.
I have this urge to see Dark Shadows yet again. Think I'm gonna hit it up with the Queen of Awesome. She's always fun to jam out with.
Speaking of fun, ran across some more useless information/random trivia over my lunch break. Cause that's what I do. When I'm not playing Angry Birds or doing homework, which speaking of, I got my official e-mail this week reminding me of the assignment.
Gotta read some kids books and an article about children's lit. Not looking forward to leaving at 7AM on Saturday mornings but it's with the Library Goddess so the coffee I stop for on the way will keep me alive and alert.
Plus she's fun so I won't sleep.
Not that I would sleep, I have yet to sleep through a class.
What was I talking about before this?
Oh right, random useless information.
- You're more likely to get stung by a bee on a windy day than in any other weather.
- By raising you legs slowly and laying on your back you cannot sink into quicksand.
- The longest one-syllable word in the English language is screeched.
- The music band UB40 got its name from an unemployment form in England.
- To avoid long encounters with the press President Reagan often took reporters' questions with his helicopter roaring in the background.
- In Baltimore it is illegal to mistreat oysters.
- Grapes explode with cooked in the microwave.
I'm intrigued.
May test that one out.
"Life Is Short" Butterfly Boucher
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
"Spy High-Five."
New shopping strategy:
Go shopping when you have to go to the bathroom.
You get what you need and you get the hell out of there.
No unnecessary spending.
So I got the flippin' 200 juice boxes.
And more pretzel logs. And I'll stuff them tomorrow and be done until the 1st.
Super stoked to start my day at the home branch.
It's morning there, then lunch, then back to the work branch for lots and lots of TAB prep stuff for the kickoff party.
After that I'll be ready to come home and crash.
Today was good though, got to jam with some of my favorites. Though it was mad crazy, ALL the time. But Summer Reading tends to do that.
Adopted Little Sister and her actual little sister stopped by today as well so got to chat with them. Always fun to see friends hitting up the library.
And I braved the vending machine again. Last time I tried anything aside from pop this happened: Just Say No! To Vending Machine Orange Juice
So I tried tea this time. I told the Newest New Guy that if I keeled over and died this is what caused it and to never follow my example. But it turned out okay. Might be my new morning thing actually, kinda diggin' it. And it's cheap. And it's there. And I don't have to drive places. To pick it up.
What else was good about today?
Oh yeah, one of our summer people is back. For the summer. Obviously. But she's fantastic and lots of fun to train. And she works at the home branch as well.
Song of the day:
Cool cover.
"Sweet Home Alabama" Igor Presnyakov
Did it.
PS - I'm back to Chuck. Got the fifth season a couple weeks ago but have been putting it off as it's the final season. Which means once I watch it then it's officially done. And I don't want it to be officially done. Same reason I have yet to watch Women's Murder Club unaired pilot. Cause I've seen all the aired stuff. This way there's still something and it's not over and done with.
"honey, you're scaring me."
"just keep it moving."
Ellie is planning Chuck's wedding, scaring Morgan and Awesome in the process. I'm on last disc of season four. I always keep the last disc unwatched when I'm waiting for the next season to come out on DVD. Cliffhangers are just mean.
Go shopping when you have to go to the bathroom.
You get what you need and you get the hell out of there.
No unnecessary spending.
So I got the flippin' 200 juice boxes.
And more pretzel logs. And I'll stuff them tomorrow and be done until the 1st.
Super stoked to start my day at the home branch.
It's morning there, then lunch, then back to the work branch for lots and lots of TAB prep stuff for the kickoff party.
After that I'll be ready to come home and crash.
Today was good though, got to jam with some of my favorites. Though it was mad crazy, ALL the time. But Summer Reading tends to do that.
Adopted Little Sister and her actual little sister stopped by today as well so got to chat with them. Always fun to see friends hitting up the library.
And I braved the vending machine again. Last time I tried anything aside from pop this happened: Just Say No! To Vending Machine Orange Juice
So I tried tea this time. I told the Newest New Guy that if I keeled over and died this is what caused it and to never follow my example. But it turned out okay. Might be my new morning thing actually, kinda diggin' it. And it's cheap. And it's there. And I don't have to drive places. To pick it up.
What else was good about today?
Oh yeah, one of our summer people is back. For the summer. Obviously. But she's fantastic and lots of fun to train. And she works at the home branch as well.
Song of the day:
Cool cover.
"Sweet Home Alabama" Igor Presnyakov
Did it.
PS - I'm back to Chuck. Got the fifth season a couple weeks ago but have been putting it off as it's the final season. Which means once I watch it then it's officially done. And I don't want it to be officially done. Same reason I have yet to watch Women's Murder Club unaired pilot. Cause I've seen all the aired stuff. This way there's still something and it's not over and done with.
"honey, you're scaring me."
"just keep it moving."
Ellie is planning Chuck's wedding, scaring Morgan and Awesome in the process. I'm on last disc of season four. I always keep the last disc unwatched when I'm waiting for the next season to come out on DVD. Cliffhangers are just mean.
Monday, May 28, 2012
now you're just somebody that i used to know.
Ah, living the dream.
The vacation was great, short-lived, but great.
So I'm back to life fulltime tomorrow, which is fine, I have a lot to do. Juiceboxes, finish campfires, etc.
Visited the cemetery today with mom and great aunt, it reminded me of a story my uncle told me a few years back. Apparently, one of our relatives was quite the drinker and the doctor told him it was unhealthy so he should quit. The dude looks at the doctor and says, "I know a lot more old drunks than old doctors."
Was cool to see the headstones and hear the stories. Learn family history and all that. Though a little creepy considering you never know where to step.
After that I watched some more Swamp People with dad, got caught up, and yes HeeHaw clips as well. Had them all lined up for certain sketches. Then watched some Leverage, mom liked it so that was cool. I got her hooked on Chuck before, looking forward to the season premiere for this one. Gotta have something to watch, my favorites are dropping like flies either being cancelled or the storylines suck.
I've given up on Greys, Private Practice, Glee, Body of Proof, and Criminal Minds - I really like that last one but if Paget is gone gone then I'm officially done. Will have to watch the finale and see what happened. They better not kill her off for real this time.
Then they cancelled Chuck, possibly GCB, plus the Closer will soon be over, which leaves me with Castle, NCIS, the Voice, and....crap, what else is on my DVR? Leverage, Warehouse 13, Hot in Cleveland, that might be it. And I don't watch those live. Oh Bones, but I'm behind on that. As well as Big Bang Theory. 2 Broke Girls, I love that one. Watched a bit of it tonight as well, Max throwing Caroline a birthday party and them ending up the prison to see Caroline's dad but instead Max met an old ex who had her tattooed on his stomach. Awkward.
Wipeout is gonna come back for the summer, love that one. We watched highlights of it at Stop Class.
Made the day go by pretty quickly.
I'm sure there's something I'm missing, I could just check the DVR but I'm too tired and lazy.
Maybe the cancellations are good as camp is coming up. I don't really have time to watch anything anyway.
So, tomorrow. Big day. And the word of the day will be: "Agliff: a verb only found in the past participle as aglifft, meaning frightened. It is related to the equally obsolete gliff, meaning to alarm."
Would you add an -ed after that? "Like I agliffed myself when I saw the creepy stalker?" or would it just be "I was agliff after he approached me." ??
My favorite covers of Gotye:
Somebody That I Used to Know
Tim Whybrow's Acoustic Cover
super cool video. except for the egg with the face. that was weird.
Lindsey Pavao on The Voice
love it, she was one of my favorites.
though the dancers were a little...much?
alright, i'm out.
The vacation was great, short-lived, but great.
So I'm back to life fulltime tomorrow, which is fine, I have a lot to do. Juiceboxes, finish campfires, etc.
Visited the cemetery today with mom and great aunt, it reminded me of a story my uncle told me a few years back. Apparently, one of our relatives was quite the drinker and the doctor told him it was unhealthy so he should quit. The dude looks at the doctor and says, "I know a lot more old drunks than old doctors."
Was cool to see the headstones and hear the stories. Learn family history and all that. Though a little creepy considering you never know where to step.
After that I watched some more Swamp People with dad, got caught up, and yes HeeHaw clips as well. Had them all lined up for certain sketches. Then watched some Leverage, mom liked it so that was cool. I got her hooked on Chuck before, looking forward to the season premiere for this one. Gotta have something to watch, my favorites are dropping like flies either being cancelled or the storylines suck.
I've given up on Greys, Private Practice, Glee, Body of Proof, and Criminal Minds - I really like that last one but if Paget is gone gone then I'm officially done. Will have to watch the finale and see what happened. They better not kill her off for real this time.
Then they cancelled Chuck, possibly GCB, plus the Closer will soon be over, which leaves me with Castle, NCIS, the Voice, and....crap, what else is on my DVR? Leverage, Warehouse 13, Hot in Cleveland, that might be it. And I don't watch those live. Oh Bones, but I'm behind on that. As well as Big Bang Theory. 2 Broke Girls, I love that one. Watched a bit of it tonight as well, Max throwing Caroline a birthday party and them ending up the prison to see Caroline's dad but instead Max met an old ex who had her tattooed on his stomach. Awkward.
Wipeout is gonna come back for the summer, love that one. We watched highlights of it at Stop Class.
Made the day go by pretty quickly.
I'm sure there's something I'm missing, I could just check the DVR but I'm too tired and lazy.
Maybe the cancellations are good as camp is coming up. I don't really have time to watch anything anyway.
So, tomorrow. Big day. And the word of the day will be: "Agliff: a verb only found in the past participle as aglifft, meaning frightened. It is related to the equally obsolete gliff, meaning to alarm."
Would you add an -ed after that? "Like I agliffed myself when I saw the creepy stalker?" or would it just be "I was agliff after he approached me." ??
My favorite covers of Gotye:
Somebody That I Used to Know
Tim Whybrow's Acoustic Cover
super cool video. except for the egg with the face. that was weird.
Lindsey Pavao on The Voice
love it, she was one of my favorites.
though the dancers were a little...much?
alright, i'm out.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
help me Rhonda, help, help me Rhonda.
Interesting day at the farmhouse.
This morning was church, Second Sister and family came down so we all went together.
After that we hit up a local restaurant for lunch buffet. Super small town but famous for its Wing Wednesdays and all that. Basically on those night there are no plates, just plastic tablecloths. But this morning it was buffet so had some salad, potatoes, corn and all that.
Older brother and his family met up with us there so following lunch we came back to the house where the men proceeded to take naps while the women sat on the couch and watched a Royals game.
Amusing, I know.
All the while talking about my wedding, no he didn't propose but they were giving me crap cause there are these giant wedding pictures of my siblings on the wall behind us. So since we're going to Vegas we joked about having Elvis marry us. My brother was having none of that and everytime he'd drift off to sleep they'd ask something about wedding colors or number of bridesmaids and he'd wake right back up to yell "don't be talking about that!"
But I'm used to the crap being thrown in my direction, I am the youngest afterall.
Actually we jokingly said that we should act like we got married and take a picture with Elvis at a church then text it to my parents saying, "Congratulations we got married" just to see what the reaction would be.
Speaking of the boyfriend, he stopped by tonight on his way back from riding his motorcar in Kansas. Dad showed him all the buildings and a bunch of old cars and train layouts and that stuff.
You have to remember that he knew my dad before he knew me so it wasn't a foreign concept, but they talked cars and trains for about an hour and a half, re-bonded you could say. It was amusing.
And I know nothing about cars so everything they said about engines went straight over my head.
So they planned future stuff with trains, think he's gonna buy some sort of trailer thing from me dad. That's all I need, more bonding. Now they'll probably start investing in motorcars together or something and I'll never escape.
Not that I want to, I'm a fan of both of them.
So tomorrow is Memorial Day, going out to lunch with the great aunt and Mom and then over to the cemetery. Clean up the stones and all that. After that who knows.
I'm out for the night, throw in a disc of Leverage and konk out.
Music Rec:
"Help Me, Rhonda" Beach Boys
Oh yeah, and how could I forget about the Swamp People marathon this afternoon, we watched 5 and saved some for tomorrow.
I added "Duck Dynasty" to his DVR list, assuming it's something he would enjoy. Now watch, next time I come home there will be a bunch of episodes of that he'll have saved for me too.
But it's good, I enjoy watching those shows with him. Gotta get my Reality TV fix. Aside from Swamp People all I really watch that's "real life" is The Voice.
And they're bringing it back in the fall but it'll probably have different celebrity coaches, then the regular ones will pick it up in the spring. But it's not The Voice without Adam and Xtina bickering, Blake's southern charm and Cee-Lo hitting on all the women.
We'll see where that goes.
I'm out!
This morning was church, Second Sister and family came down so we all went together.
After that we hit up a local restaurant for lunch buffet. Super small town but famous for its Wing Wednesdays and all that. Basically on those night there are no plates, just plastic tablecloths. But this morning it was buffet so had some salad, potatoes, corn and all that.
Older brother and his family met up with us there so following lunch we came back to the house where the men proceeded to take naps while the women sat on the couch and watched a Royals game.
Amusing, I know.
All the while talking about my wedding, no he didn't propose but they were giving me crap cause there are these giant wedding pictures of my siblings on the wall behind us. So since we're going to Vegas we joked about having Elvis marry us. My brother was having none of that and everytime he'd drift off to sleep they'd ask something about wedding colors or number of bridesmaids and he'd wake right back up to yell "don't be talking about that!"
But I'm used to the crap being thrown in my direction, I am the youngest afterall.
Actually we jokingly said that we should act like we got married and take a picture with Elvis at a church then text it to my parents saying, "Congratulations we got married" just to see what the reaction would be.
Speaking of the boyfriend, he stopped by tonight on his way back from riding his motorcar in Kansas. Dad showed him all the buildings and a bunch of old cars and train layouts and that stuff.
You have to remember that he knew my dad before he knew me so it wasn't a foreign concept, but they talked cars and trains for about an hour and a half, re-bonded you could say. It was amusing.
And I know nothing about cars so everything they said about engines went straight over my head.
So they planned future stuff with trains, think he's gonna buy some sort of trailer thing from me dad. That's all I need, more bonding. Now they'll probably start investing in motorcars together or something and I'll never escape.
Not that I want to, I'm a fan of both of them.
So tomorrow is Memorial Day, going out to lunch with the great aunt and Mom and then over to the cemetery. Clean up the stones and all that. After that who knows.
I'm out for the night, throw in a disc of Leverage and konk out.
Music Rec:
"Help Me, Rhonda" Beach Boys
Oh yeah, and how could I forget about the Swamp People marathon this afternoon, we watched 5 and saved some for tomorrow.
I added "Duck Dynasty" to his DVR list, assuming it's something he would enjoy. Now watch, next time I come home there will be a bunch of episodes of that he'll have saved for me too.
But it's good, I enjoy watching those shows with him. Gotta get my Reality TV fix. Aside from Swamp People all I really watch that's "real life" is The Voice.
And they're bringing it back in the fall but it'll probably have different celebrity coaches, then the regular ones will pick it up in the spring. But it's not The Voice without Adam and Xtina bickering, Blake's southern charm and Cee-Lo hitting on all the women.
We'll see where that goes.
I'm out!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
you better change it back or we will both be sorry
I'm free!!
For two whole days!
The library is closed for Memorial Day so I'm heading out to stay with the parentals for a couple days.
I see reruns of HeeHaw and Swamp People in my future.
Oh well, it could be worse.
At least this way I can kill two birds with one stone - watch HeeHaw and come up with camp skit lyrics at the same time.
Since the parents wanted a repeat of last year when I made the 7th and 8th graders since Where Oh Where, but I gotta give them new verses.
Though Dad already has a bunch written out for me.
So, now I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow is church and some family stuff, after that is more relaxation and I'm guessing a whole lineup of DVR'd stuff I'm supposed to watch while I'm here, so here's your music rec and then I'm out for the night.
And consider yourselves on vacation from Word of the Day.
I'll pick it up Tuesday.
Or Monday night for Tuesday.
"Don't You Want Me Baby" Glee
so if you haven't watched him in the harry potter musical online you're missing out online. youtube it people. it's fantastic. and draco is played by a girl.
that's all i got.
I'm free!!
For two whole days!
The library is closed for Memorial Day so I'm heading out to stay with the parentals for a couple days.
I see reruns of HeeHaw and Swamp People in my future.
Oh well, it could be worse.
At least this way I can kill two birds with one stone - watch HeeHaw and come up with camp skit lyrics at the same time.
Since the parents wanted a repeat of last year when I made the 7th and 8th graders since Where Oh Where, but I gotta give them new verses.
Though Dad already has a bunch written out for me.
So, now I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow is church and some family stuff, after that is more relaxation and I'm guessing a whole lineup of DVR'd stuff I'm supposed to watch while I'm here, so here's your music rec and then I'm out for the night.
And consider yourselves on vacation from Word of the Day.
I'll pick it up Tuesday.
Or Monday night for Tuesday.
"Don't You Want Me Baby" Glee
so if you haven't watched him in the harry potter musical online you're missing out online. youtube it people. it's fantastic. and draco is played by a girl.
that's all i got.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Oh Captain, My Captain.
So I picked up "Dead Poet's Society" from the library yesterday thinking it's a classic, and hey, it's got Robin Williams in it, so it'll be hilarious!
I've come to realize that SuperHumann was right all those years ago when she said, "just because something is a classic doesn't mean it's any good." Even though she was referring to the Grapes of Wrath I think it still applies in this situation.
Not that I doubted her wisdom. I've always taken her words to heart.
Even when she's throwing markers at my head.
Though, to be fair, I did deserve it.
"What's unique about the word 'equal'?"
*absolute silence* *raise hand*
"It has a q in it."
*red marker flies past my head and hits the wall behind me*
Good thing her aim is lacking.
Or was at that moment.
That woman got me through high school and then some, which was no easy task, believe me.
Going to a dorm school when you're used to living with your parents back home isn't exactly paradise. It was more like homesick central. I mean, I'd met the other kids before at school events, but that didn't prepare me to live with them on a daily basis with no escape.
So I'd talk to her. About pretty much everything. Looking back I don't know how she put up with all my crap. But she was patient. She was kind. And she wrote me a five page letter front and back that we labeled "The Safety Net." I carried it around every day in my back pocket for years until it started to fall apart. Now it resides in my wallet and I've read through it a few times in the past few years.
Frayed around the edges it still gives me the strength to keep me on the road I'm on.
She's the reason I majored in English in the first place. So really, you can kind of blame my profession on her as well.
Well, her and the Library Goddess.
Both very strong and independent people, watching out for me. I've been lucky that way, always having someone watching out for me.
Ironically, some of those inspirational words she quoted actually came from her teacher...my uncle.
My favorite of course being:
Say One Thing
Mean Another
Write A Third
Expect A Fourth
If It's Simple, Complicate It
It It's Complicated Draw A Picture
If It's On The Test Don't Talk About It
In true Everts fashion.
And I still frequent the phrase "comments? questions? snide remarks?" at most of the meetings I lead.
So Dead Poet's Society, yes, horribly horribly depressing and not at all what I was expecting. Which sometimes is a good thing, but in this situation was not so cool.
Scale of Awesome says 4/10.
In order to sway from the depression of the moment I began to write out skits for camp while still watching. Giving it my full attention was too much.
Why is Red Foreman always Red Foreman?
Seriously, does he ever play the good guy?
Which amusingly enough is yet another high school thing involving SuperHumann. In drama productions I was always the dumb girlfriend. Or the evil queen. Maybe they were trying to tell me something.
In one instance I actually had to sing something on stage - in a non-musical - and the script listed something boring so we decided to go our own way. During a sophomore World History class she pulled out a boombox and "forced" us to listen to "Istanbul" by They Might Be Giants. I say "forced" as the other kids were like, what the crap? But I was totally into it. Which led to me singing it onstage during a One Act performance whilst being photographed by my current boyfriend though he was not at the time.
I had this horrible habit of dating my fellow actors which drove SuperHumann nuts. And it made it awkward when you're playing the dumb girlfriend. Because for some reason I was never dating the one that I was paired with onstage. Like in Candid, the one where I was walking around with headphones and singing "Istanbul" I had to play my current boyfriend's girlfriend, but at the time I was dating the guy who played one of his best friends.
I still remember SuperHumann telling me about an interesting reaction, apparently I put my hand on my current boyfriend's leg and the boyfriend at that time shot straight up in his seat.
Then, senior year when we did Arsenic and Old Lace I was engaged to that straight shooter on stage whilst actually dating my current boyfriend who played Jonathan's henchman, Dr. Einstein. "My how I've changed!"
See, now, if I'd been anything other than the dumb girlfriend that wouldn't have been so awkward.
But apparently they liked making me sit on the windowseat and watching me re-apply my makeup for eight pages straight.
I've got the photos to prove it.
It took two people to get me into that dress.
And running across the stage in those heels while trying not to make noise was more difficult than you'd imagine.
Especially as I was not so good in heels. Cause I didn't wear them.
Don't wear them.
I loved high school drama.
I mean, the stage kind.
The living drama I could do without.
We'd have so much fun in practice that I'd look forward to it all day.
That's the boyfriend on the far left.
Doesn't he look focused.

This dress was a bit more manageable.
And comfortable.
But for some reason I stuck with the silver heels throughout the whole thing.
Though that's probably a good thing, I was having trouble navigating that pair already, you didn't have to throw in another to make it worse.
Plus my roommate loved giving me crap about them.
That coat was massively itchy man.
The freshman playing Jonathan said it was a bit intimidating to play against a bunch of seniors.
But he pulled his weight pretty well.

Oh yeah, such a hard worker.
Actually pretty sure that was our first read-through/block-out for Arsenic and Old Lace.
I miss the good 'ole days. "Arsenic and Old Lace", "Candid", "Pecos Bill & Slue Foot Sue Meet the Dirty Dan Gang", "Briar Rose", though my all time favorite is still "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown". The boyfriend playing Charlie Brown with bleach blonde hair. That was interesting. I'll leave that picture out of the bunch, though it is on Facebook.
I probably should have joined drama in college, but really I was just looking to get out of their as fast as possible. As much as I loved high school, that was as much I hated college.
Most of the people were great, but four years seemed like a century. So glad to be out and in the real world.
Drama-central, seriously. It was like, sharing a hymnal with someone at chapel meant you were engaged and off the market. Even if you didn't know their name, people assumed you were an item and backed off.
Speaking of.
As I'm on a roll with them, Random Quote Book entry: Let's try Freshman Year.
"What do you think of this dress?"
"Stick two candles in it and make a wish?"
"We never really had problems."
"Then why'd you break up?"
"I cheated on him...I guess that's kind of a problem."
"Any job skills?"
"I'm a snake-wrangler."
"Did you bat your eyes?"
"I batted everything that wasn't nailed down."
"Can you vacuum the rugs?"
"Can't you shake them out?"
"I'd have to pick up the house."
"Oh, you meant the carpet."
"My mind is like cheesecake, whatever cheesecake is. Fluff. I don't know, ask me later." that was my mother.
"Herod really had his undies in a bunch."
"Did he really just say that?"
"Send your parents a report card: 3 A's and a baby."
"I like him, but he's a pimp!"
"I'm sick of talking about boy problems. Remember in the beginning of the year when we never talked about boys? Let's do that again."
"What did we used to talk about?"
Okay, overload. Music Rec and I'm out.
fantastic. remind me a bit of some guys i went to high school with.
Now SuperHumann and I sing this for karaoke.
It's highly amusing.
Woops, tomorrow's Word of the Day: "Rhathymia: the state of being cheerful, merry, and optimistic. It comes from a Greek word meaning 'to take a vacation, be idle'."
Gonna have to do a lot of that tomorrow, it is Summer Reading afterall.
I've come to realize that SuperHumann was right all those years ago when she said, "just because something is a classic doesn't mean it's any good." Even though she was referring to the Grapes of Wrath I think it still applies in this situation.
Not that I doubted her wisdom. I've always taken her words to heart.
Even when she's throwing markers at my head.
Though, to be fair, I did deserve it.
"What's unique about the word 'equal'?"
*absolute silence* *raise hand*
"It has a q in it."
*red marker flies past my head and hits the wall behind me*
Good thing her aim is lacking.
Or was at that moment.
That woman got me through high school and then some, which was no easy task, believe me.
Going to a dorm school when you're used to living with your parents back home isn't exactly paradise. It was more like homesick central. I mean, I'd met the other kids before at school events, but that didn't prepare me to live with them on a daily basis with no escape.
So I'd talk to her. About pretty much everything. Looking back I don't know how she put up with all my crap. But she was patient. She was kind. And she wrote me a five page letter front and back that we labeled "The Safety Net." I carried it around every day in my back pocket for years until it started to fall apart. Now it resides in my wallet and I've read through it a few times in the past few years.
Frayed around the edges it still gives me the strength to keep me on the road I'm on.
She's the reason I majored in English in the first place. So really, you can kind of blame my profession on her as well.
Well, her and the Library Goddess.
Both very strong and independent people, watching out for me. I've been lucky that way, always having someone watching out for me.
Ironically, some of those inspirational words she quoted actually came from her teacher...my uncle.
My favorite of course being:
Say One Thing
Mean Another
Write A Third
Expect A Fourth
If It's Simple, Complicate It
It It's Complicated Draw A Picture
If It's On The Test Don't Talk About It
In true Everts fashion.
And I still frequent the phrase "comments? questions? snide remarks?" at most of the meetings I lead.
So Dead Poet's Society, yes, horribly horribly depressing and not at all what I was expecting. Which sometimes is a good thing, but in this situation was not so cool.
Scale of Awesome says 4/10.
In order to sway from the depression of the moment I began to write out skits for camp while still watching. Giving it my full attention was too much.
Why is Red Foreman always Red Foreman?
Seriously, does he ever play the good guy?
Which amusingly enough is yet another high school thing involving SuperHumann. In drama productions I was always the dumb girlfriend. Or the evil queen. Maybe they were trying to tell me something.
In one instance I actually had to sing something on stage - in a non-musical - and the script listed something boring so we decided to go our own way. During a sophomore World History class she pulled out a boombox and "forced" us to listen to "Istanbul" by They Might Be Giants. I say "forced" as the other kids were like, what the crap? But I was totally into it. Which led to me singing it onstage during a One Act performance whilst being photographed by my current boyfriend though he was not at the time.
I had this horrible habit of dating my fellow actors which drove SuperHumann nuts. And it made it awkward when you're playing the dumb girlfriend. Because for some reason I was never dating the one that I was paired with onstage. Like in Candid, the one where I was walking around with headphones and singing "Istanbul" I had to play my current boyfriend's girlfriend, but at the time I was dating the guy who played one of his best friends.
I still remember SuperHumann telling me about an interesting reaction, apparently I put my hand on my current boyfriend's leg and the boyfriend at that time shot straight up in his seat.
Then, senior year when we did Arsenic and Old Lace I was engaged to that straight shooter on stage whilst actually dating my current boyfriend who played Jonathan's henchman, Dr. Einstein. "My how I've changed!"
See, now, if I'd been anything other than the dumb girlfriend that wouldn't have been so awkward.
But apparently they liked making me sit on the windowseat and watching me re-apply my makeup for eight pages straight.
I've got the photos to prove it.
And running across the stage in those heels while trying not to make noise was more difficult than you'd imagine.
Especially as I was not so good in heels. Cause I didn't wear them.
Don't wear them.
I loved high school drama.
I mean, the stage kind.
The living drama I could do without.
We'd have so much fun in practice that I'd look forward to it all day.
That's the boyfriend on the far left.
Doesn't he look focused.
This dress was a bit more manageable.
And comfortable.
But for some reason I stuck with the silver heels throughout the whole thing.
Though that's probably a good thing, I was having trouble navigating that pair already, you didn't have to throw in another to make it worse.
Plus my roommate loved giving me crap about them.
That coat was massively itchy man.
The freshman playing Jonathan said it was a bit intimidating to play against a bunch of seniors.
But he pulled his weight pretty well.
Oh yeah, such a hard worker.
Actually pretty sure that was our first read-through/block-out for Arsenic and Old Lace.
I miss the good 'ole days. "Arsenic and Old Lace", "Candid", "Pecos Bill & Slue Foot Sue Meet the Dirty Dan Gang", "Briar Rose", though my all time favorite is still "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown". The boyfriend playing Charlie Brown with bleach blonde hair. That was interesting. I'll leave that picture out of the bunch, though it is on Facebook.
I probably should have joined drama in college, but really I was just looking to get out of their as fast as possible. As much as I loved high school, that was as much I hated college.
Most of the people were great, but four years seemed like a century. So glad to be out and in the real world.
Drama-central, seriously. It was like, sharing a hymnal with someone at chapel meant you were engaged and off the market. Even if you didn't know their name, people assumed you were an item and backed off.
Speaking of.
As I'm on a roll with them, Random Quote Book entry: Let's try Freshman Year.
"What do you think of this dress?"
"Stick two candles in it and make a wish?"
"We never really had problems."
"Then why'd you break up?"
"I cheated on him...I guess that's kind of a problem."
"Any job skills?"
"I'm a snake-wrangler."
"Did you bat your eyes?"
"I batted everything that wasn't nailed down."
"Can you vacuum the rugs?"
"Can't you shake them out?"
"I'd have to pick up the house."
"Oh, you meant the carpet."
"My mind is like cheesecake, whatever cheesecake is. Fluff. I don't know, ask me later." that was my mother.
"Herod really had his undies in a bunch."
"Did he really just say that?"
"Send your parents a report card: 3 A's and a baby."
"I like him, but he's a pimp!"
"I'm sick of talking about boy problems. Remember in the beginning of the year when we never talked about boys? Let's do that again."
"What did we used to talk about?"
Okay, overload. Music Rec and I'm out.
fantastic. remind me a bit of some guys i went to high school with.
Now SuperHumann and I sing this for karaoke.
It's highly amusing.
Woops, tomorrow's Word of the Day: "Rhathymia: the state of being cheerful, merry, and optimistic. It comes from a Greek word meaning 'to take a vacation, be idle'."
Gonna have to do a lot of that tomorrow, it is Summer Reading afterall.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Hush up, Goofy Grape.
It's official.
Victoria on Halloween
Two years of employment with the same system.
Go me.
A lot of memories have been made these past couple years. Fearless Leader and her musical phobia, Queen of the Known Universe bailing me out of a stalker situation, then me having to bail her out three minutes later from the same stalker, our Star Wars vs. Star Trek debates, Girlscout and me helping kids fish for bookmarks out of a plastic pool, making some booze cakes with Slim Shady and Fearless Leader... I could go on but I'll spare you.
Today was pretty fantastic, though I'm comparing it to yesterday and really, with that comparison, everything could be fantastic.
YesterDay. Not YesterNight. Loved spending time with the boyfriend. He fixes everything.
So I'm watching Mike and Molly Season One from the library. Shocking that I don't actually own it, it's fantastic and I'm constantly quoting Victoria.
"wake me up so i don't miss the big floating bullwinkle."
"she asks me that twelve times a year, i don't think it has anything to do with thanksgiving."
May have to go out and buy it later this week.
"hey i called an egg salad audible before any of that happened. somebody mentions pie and the whole exit strategy goes out the window!"
Got the whole day off tomorrow, sleepin' in, catching a movie with Oldest Sister and Squirt, then hitting up a baseball game at night. With fireworks as it's opening night.
"when in doubt, say it with cattle."
Totally stoked for the College World Series. Cool Aunt and I are going to opening game again. Wonder who's gonna play. Last year it was NC vs. Vanderbilt. We were all for the "black and gold". Was super cool for SC to win the last game in Rosenblatt and the first game in the new stadium.
Which I still call Rosenblatt.
Cause TD-Ameritrade is just dumb for a baseball stadium.
Music for the night:
Music for the night:
"Jar of Hearts" Christina Perri
Victoria on Halloween
Katy Mixon is fantastic as Victoria the stoner sister. Totally my favorite character of the bunch.
I'm taking tomorrow off of Word of the Day. It's my lazy day. Wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Huzzah!
Out for the night. Don't call me before noon.
"so yes, i do believe in bigfoot. and yes, i think he's a total jerk."
I'm taking tomorrow off of Word of the Day. It's my lazy day. Wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Huzzah!
Out for the night. Don't call me before noon.
"so yes, i do believe in bigfoot. and yes, i think he's a total jerk."
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Oh what a feeling, it must be love.
You know what's truly awesome?
When you have a really crappy day, and then you see your boyfriend and he says like two words and it fixes everything.
So yeah, crappy day, but that happens a lot in public service.
But the boyfriend fixed it, talked me down, distracted me with Dark Shadows. Which I will wait to fully review until I see it again. Which I will. Cause it was fantastic.
Though my stomach is still all weird.
I don't do well with conflict.
I avoid it if all possible.
Mostly because it makes me physically sick.
I got in this knock down, drag out, physically yelling out loud at each other fight with my professor in college after class about youth and the justice system and I was miserable for like a week.
I respect my elders, I don't believe in pulling crap like that, so you knew it was serious.
Though I still think I'm right and he's wrong.
And then, AND THEN! he brings it up in class the next session and poses it as a debate.
Which I guess is an okay thing to do as a professor, but not as a person.
"so we've been talking about this and having a great debate, at least I think it's a great debate, what do you guys think about it?"
Did I mention how much I really didn't like college?
I just need some sleep.
Tonight helped, he's great, my boyfriend. Has all the answers. And only the good ones. Not like the people who claim to have answers for everything.
Speaking of distraction I still have those quotebooks sitting on the floor.
See if I can find anything interesting.
Random page in '09.... oh geez, speak of the devil. Not that one, flipping to a different page.
Okay, Placement Seminar senior year. We came up with resumes, portfolios, went on fake interviews, actually I give credit to that class for getting the job.
Anyway, first week as a class we came up with a life plan.
1. Get born.
2. Grow up - eat spinach, drink milk, stop picking your nose.
3. Go to college - pick a major your parents like.
4. Get high...PAYING job.
5. Find a family - don't want to see them just know they're there.
6. Buy stuff - like a motorboat.
7. Get old - purchase many anti-aging projects to hide the fact that it's almost over and you've missed it.
8. Die. Or leave.
There were a lot of anti-aging products and a motorboat references throughout the class.
I loved that class it was fantastic, she had the best one-liners.
"Nothing like spending your Friday night crying into a bag of Doritos."
"What's a Zamboni? Pasta?"
"He can dunk."
"Are we drinking before or after the interviews?"
"Interview rule #1: Celebrate After."
"If you can, case the joint."
"Case the joint?!"
"Don't quote me."
"Is taking a backpack to an interview normal?"
"Not unless you plan on stealing some office supplies when you leave."
"Don't fold your resume. Especially not into projectile objects."
But that was the same semester I took Group Tech so there were a lot of quotes in the book. I still have flashbacks to that class. That's my curse, and he'll take full blame. I threatened once to make him business cards that said his name and then "Messer of Minds".
It was a fun class, mostly just about how people behave when they're in groups. It's amusing to observe staff meetings and see it happening.
I was a Behavioral Sciences major once upon a time. Before I switched back to English.
But I don't want to spill any secrets because then people will change their behavior and I won't get to find it amusing anymore.
He was a great professor though, always highly amusing.
"Rhythmic breathing. Weird phenomenon."
and my forever favorite after explaining an assignment: "Be creative. Don't get arrested."
As bad as college could be I really liked all - well, the majority - of my professors. And made some good friends along the way.
AS: "He wasn't wearing a jacket."
LA: "But I'm in the back!"
AS: "That doesn't matter, no jacket, no talk! That's the rule!"
LA: "It's okay, he was wearing a plaid shirt."
AS: "Never trust a guy in plaid!"
LA: "Okay, so in order for me to trust them they shouldn't wear plaid, but they should wear a jacket?"
AW: "What if they're wearing plaid and a jacket?"
CK: "What if it's a plaid jacket?"
AS: "Then run!"
So glad to get that one on tape. It made for an interesting drivethru at McDonalds.
Okay, I'm officially distracted and okay again.
Tomorrow's another day.
And its Word of the Day will be: "Logodaedaly ingenious or cunning use of words. Logo- comes from a Greek root meaning 'word' and -daedaly is related to Daedalus, the name of the designer of the Labyrinth for the Minotaur of Crete. His name has come to mean 'ingenious, skillful'. Another rare logo- word is the nonce-word logopandocie, which is the 'readiness to admit words of all kinds' and describes the English language and most lexicographers."
There you go, pronounce that one.
A couple hours ago the songs I had planned were a bit more angsty. But I'm liking this whole classic country thing.
Oh yeah, so I got this free month of XM radio thing so they can tempt me to buy it, did you know they have an entire channel dedicated to Hair Bands?
I enjoyed the Prime Country channel on the drive back.
"It Must Be Love" Alan Jackson
"Next To You, Next To Me" Shenandoah
classic. i enjoy the cops with the aviators. that's nice.
When you have a really crappy day, and then you see your boyfriend and he says like two words and it fixes everything.
So yeah, crappy day, but that happens a lot in public service.
But the boyfriend fixed it, talked me down, distracted me with Dark Shadows. Which I will wait to fully review until I see it again. Which I will. Cause it was fantastic.
Though my stomach is still all weird.
I don't do well with conflict.
I avoid it if all possible.
Mostly because it makes me physically sick.
I got in this knock down, drag out, physically yelling out loud at each other fight with my professor in college after class about youth and the justice system and I was miserable for like a week.
I respect my elders, I don't believe in pulling crap like that, so you knew it was serious.
Though I still think I'm right and he's wrong.
And then, AND THEN! he brings it up in class the next session and poses it as a debate.
Which I guess is an okay thing to do as a professor, but not as a person.
"so we've been talking about this and having a great debate, at least I think it's a great debate, what do you guys think about it?"
Did I mention how much I really didn't like college?
I just need some sleep.
Tonight helped, he's great, my boyfriend. Has all the answers. And only the good ones. Not like the people who claim to have answers for everything.
Speaking of distraction I still have those quotebooks sitting on the floor.
See if I can find anything interesting.
Random page in '09.... oh geez, speak of the devil. Not that one, flipping to a different page.
Okay, Placement Seminar senior year. We came up with resumes, portfolios, went on fake interviews, actually I give credit to that class for getting the job.
Anyway, first week as a class we came up with a life plan.
1. Get born.
2. Grow up - eat spinach, drink milk, stop picking your nose.
3. Go to college - pick a major your parents like.
4. Get high...PAYING job.
5. Find a family - don't want to see them just know they're there.
6. Buy stuff - like a motorboat.
7. Get old - purchase many anti-aging projects to hide the fact that it's almost over and you've missed it.
8. Die. Or leave.
There were a lot of anti-aging products and a motorboat references throughout the class.
I loved that class it was fantastic, she had the best one-liners.
"Nothing like spending your Friday night crying into a bag of Doritos."
"What's a Zamboni? Pasta?"
"He can dunk."
"Are we drinking before or after the interviews?"
"Interview rule #1: Celebrate After."
"If you can, case the joint."
"Case the joint?!"
"Don't quote me."
"Is taking a backpack to an interview normal?"
"Not unless you plan on stealing some office supplies when you leave."
"Don't fold your resume. Especially not into projectile objects."
But that was the same semester I took Group Tech so there were a lot of quotes in the book. I still have flashbacks to that class. That's my curse, and he'll take full blame. I threatened once to make him business cards that said his name and then "Messer of Minds".
It was a fun class, mostly just about how people behave when they're in groups. It's amusing to observe staff meetings and see it happening.
I was a Behavioral Sciences major once upon a time. Before I switched back to English.
But I don't want to spill any secrets because then people will change their behavior and I won't get to find it amusing anymore.
He was a great professor though, always highly amusing.
"Rhythmic breathing. Weird phenomenon."
and my forever favorite after explaining an assignment: "Be creative. Don't get arrested."
As bad as college could be I really liked all - well, the majority - of my professors. And made some good friends along the way.
AS: "He wasn't wearing a jacket."
LA: "But I'm in the back!"
AS: "That doesn't matter, no jacket, no talk! That's the rule!"
LA: "It's okay, he was wearing a plaid shirt."
AS: "Never trust a guy in plaid!"
LA: "Okay, so in order for me to trust them they shouldn't wear plaid, but they should wear a jacket?"
AW: "What if they're wearing plaid and a jacket?"
CK: "What if it's a plaid jacket?"
AS: "Then run!"
So glad to get that one on tape. It made for an interesting drivethru at McDonalds.
Okay, I'm officially distracted and okay again.
Tomorrow's another day.
And its Word of the Day will be: "Logodaedaly ingenious or cunning use of words. Logo- comes from a Greek root meaning 'word' and -daedaly is related to Daedalus, the name of the designer of the Labyrinth for the Minotaur of Crete. His name has come to mean 'ingenious, skillful'. Another rare logo- word is the nonce-word logopandocie, which is the 'readiness to admit words of all kinds' and describes the English language and most lexicographers."
There you go, pronounce that one.
A couple hours ago the songs I had planned were a bit more angsty. But I'm liking this whole classic country thing.
Oh yeah, so I got this free month of XM radio thing so they can tempt me to buy it, did you know they have an entire channel dedicated to Hair Bands?
I enjoyed the Prime Country channel on the drive back.
"It Must Be Love" Alan Jackson
"Next To You, Next To Me" Shenandoah
classic. i enjoy the cops with the aviators. that's nice.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
What exactly do Boogie Shoes look like?
Falling asleep at the keyboard here so I'm gonna keep this one short and sweet.
All day at work, spent the majority of it stuffing bags for summer reading, and I'm still not done, but maybe Squirt can finish that tomorrow.
Summer Reading is getting exhausted and it has barely started. In fact, for the public it doesn't start until the 25th. Which is interesting since myself and Mentor aren't on the schedule that day. And we're kind of sort of in charge of parts of it. But that mostly takes place on the first.
After work was Bubby's baseball game, they won by about 23 points, they're really good, been playing together forever. I think that was the other team's weakness, didn't play very well together. Or maybe it was cause it was the first season.
Bubby hit a triple it was fantastic, we all screamed.
And I brought my own chair and everything, courtesy of the school's silent auction, woohoo!
I miss playing softball with my old teammates, that was fun stuff. The only sport I ever semi-excelled. But now we've still got church league so that makes it all better. This year is gonna go in the record books, we're gonna win them all. Or at least have fun in the process of doing it. We play better when we're scrappy anyway.
That's all I got at the moment, I'm falling asleep and anything other than that would be gibberish.
Which I'm making my word of the day for tomorrow.
Gibberish. I'll speak in it and use the word in a sentence.
Music Rec:
"Boogie Shoes" Glee Cast
was that jesse st. james? wow, i'm really behind. but season's over so i'll catch up when it's out on dvd.
i have no idea who that chick was, but she's fantastic. great dance moves as well.
sad small post but i'll make up for it tomorrow.
PS - Sent out application forms on Monday, already three questions as of tonight. Probably get some back as early as Thursday.
All day at work, spent the majority of it stuffing bags for summer reading, and I'm still not done, but maybe Squirt can finish that tomorrow.
Summer Reading is getting exhausted and it has barely started. In fact, for the public it doesn't start until the 25th. Which is interesting since myself and Mentor aren't on the schedule that day. And we're kind of sort of in charge of parts of it. But that mostly takes place on the first.
After work was Bubby's baseball game, they won by about 23 points, they're really good, been playing together forever. I think that was the other team's weakness, didn't play very well together. Or maybe it was cause it was the first season.
Bubby hit a triple it was fantastic, we all screamed.
And I brought my own chair and everything, courtesy of the school's silent auction, woohoo!
I miss playing softball with my old teammates, that was fun stuff. The only sport I ever semi-excelled. But now we've still got church league so that makes it all better. This year is gonna go in the record books, we're gonna win them all. Or at least have fun in the process of doing it. We play better when we're scrappy anyway.
That's all I got at the moment, I'm falling asleep and anything other than that would be gibberish.
Which I'm making my word of the day for tomorrow.
Gibberish. I'll speak in it and use the word in a sentence.
Music Rec:
"Boogie Shoes" Glee Cast
was that jesse st. james? wow, i'm really behind. but season's over so i'll catch up when it's out on dvd.
i have no idea who that chick was, but she's fantastic. great dance moves as well.
sad small post but i'll make up for it tomorrow.
PS - Sent out application forms on Monday, already three questions as of tonight. Probably get some back as early as Thursday.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Down on the corner, Out in the street
The problem with getting a new datebook is that you have to transcribe everything from the old datebook.
Well, I have to transcribe all the crap from my old book.
And there's a lot of crap to transcribe.
But I'm the kind of nerd that keeps notes on random stuff, like the regular stuff: this week I'll celebrate my second year working at my current branch and in my apartment,
....and then there's stuff like upcoming October 11th, 6 years ago, my college friends and I would play this game when we went places where we would count vehicles. We each had our own thing, Mustangs, bicycles, motocycles, etc. So on one occasion in particular Lindsay was kicking our ass cause she had bicycles and we were driving downtown Lincoln where they had all those bike racks. This is when we instituted the "it must be moving in order to count" so we pull up to this corner where this guy is sitting on his bike and Lindsay just can't wait to add another number to her total. But the dude is stuck at the crossing, so we of course have our windows down, and she decides to scream out, "6-6-6, Move! Move! Move!"
Which, if you didn't know she was counting six moving bicycles, you could really have taken that the wrong way.
Or how about this one, upcoming August 23rd, 5 years ago, Favorite sister-in-law and me are driving Dad's T-Bird back from Strang after eating some great burgers, when we're almost out of gas so we run to town to get some. But with the T-Bird, this thing is, the windows don't actually work so well...and it started to rain.
Then there was something about a liquor store in there somewhere, but that's a longer story.
October 4th, 3 years ago, triple to the fence. I was up to bat on church softball - this is after one of the other team's men had yelled out "back up their women can hit!" and my sister's ex was giving me crap, but we give it right back, me and my brother. Anyway, so pointed to him with the bat and told him it was coming to him, he yelled out whatever, so I hit it over his head. To the fence. And got a triple. Then he shutup. Also in the book are the two dates I slid on the gravel field and ended up with a pretty nasty scraped up leg.
It's actually amusing going through this old stuff, brings up some memories. In college I used to carry around these quote spiral notebooks in my back pocket everywhere I went, filled one per year.
Now it's just like a build-up of paper slips in my pocket.
Let me see if I can find something interesting...Flip to something random from '08.
Dr. Serck: "She covered it when we noticed I was carrying boxes that said, 'vodka'."
Basically, Serck is my 80-something year old Children's Lit professor, the one that invites me back to introduce authors like Dan Gutman and Gordon Korman at Plum Creek. Nicest lady ever, and apparently, after 20 years of teaching I was her first student who offered to help her clean up after class. It was a night class and she brought out like 80 books per session. She had this rolling cart so she could tote them back and forth between that and her pride and joy - the only professor to have their own library on campus, organized and everything. Along with the cart were these boxes covered in Snoopy wrapping paper. One student, I can't remember which, asked her one class period why her boxes had Snoopy wrapping paper on them. Her explanation was that she and her mother were carrying boxes of children's books across campus and she was getting weird looks. It wasn't until later that they noticed the boxes they were carrying the children's books in were labeled "vodka." So her mother covered it with any mother's fool-proof solution, Snoopy wrapping paper.
Sara: "When in doubt, pelvic thrust."
For my Shakespeare class with Thurber we were divided into groups to present plays that we'd gone over that year for a our final project. Our group was assigned Twelfth Night so we did a sort of Whose Line Is It Anyway kind of style, there was a E-True Shakespearian Story, the Dating Game, Malvolio the Crocodile Hunter, and Censored version. There's this scene that gets a little, um, gross so we decided that I would be the "Censored Seductress" and when it got to that part I'd put on earmuff and hold up a sign that said "Censored". When that happened they would just mouth the words and make their actions very bold. This line came into play when trying to remember where we were at in the script.
Tomorrow's Word of the Day: "Weesle a very rare, undeservedly obsolete word meaning 'to ooze'." Can't wait to use that one.
"Down On The Corner" Creedence Clearwater Revival
Alright, I'll give you more tomorrow. Sleeping in this morning was nice, but tomorrow it's a full day.
Well, I have to transcribe all the crap from my old book.
And there's a lot of crap to transcribe.
But I'm the kind of nerd that keeps notes on random stuff, like the regular stuff: this week I'll celebrate my second year working at my current branch and in my apartment,
....and then there's stuff like upcoming October 11th, 6 years ago, my college friends and I would play this game when we went places where we would count vehicles. We each had our own thing, Mustangs, bicycles, motocycles, etc. So on one occasion in particular Lindsay was kicking our ass cause she had bicycles and we were driving downtown Lincoln where they had all those bike racks. This is when we instituted the "it must be moving in order to count" so we pull up to this corner where this guy is sitting on his bike and Lindsay just can't wait to add another number to her total. But the dude is stuck at the crossing, so we of course have our windows down, and she decides to scream out, "6-6-6, Move! Move! Move!"
Which, if you didn't know she was counting six moving bicycles, you could really have taken that the wrong way.
Or how about this one, upcoming August 23rd, 5 years ago, Favorite sister-in-law and me are driving Dad's T-Bird back from Strang after eating some great burgers, when we're almost out of gas so we run to town to get some. But with the T-Bird, this thing is, the windows don't actually work so well...and it started to rain.
Then there was something about a liquor store in there somewhere, but that's a longer story.
October 4th, 3 years ago, triple to the fence. I was up to bat on church softball - this is after one of the other team's men had yelled out "back up their women can hit!" and my sister's ex was giving me crap, but we give it right back, me and my brother. Anyway, so pointed to him with the bat and told him it was coming to him, he yelled out whatever, so I hit it over his head. To the fence. And got a triple. Then he shutup. Also in the book are the two dates I slid on the gravel field and ended up with a pretty nasty scraped up leg.
It's actually amusing going through this old stuff, brings up some memories. In college I used to carry around these quote spiral notebooks in my back pocket everywhere I went, filled one per year.
Now it's just like a build-up of paper slips in my pocket.
Let me see if I can find something interesting...Flip to something random from '08.
Dr. Serck: "She covered it when we noticed I was carrying boxes that said, 'vodka'."
Basically, Serck is my 80-something year old Children's Lit professor, the one that invites me back to introduce authors like Dan Gutman and Gordon Korman at Plum Creek. Nicest lady ever, and apparently, after 20 years of teaching I was her first student who offered to help her clean up after class. It was a night class and she brought out like 80 books per session. She had this rolling cart so she could tote them back and forth between that and her pride and joy - the only professor to have their own library on campus, organized and everything. Along with the cart were these boxes covered in Snoopy wrapping paper. One student, I can't remember which, asked her one class period why her boxes had Snoopy wrapping paper on them. Her explanation was that she and her mother were carrying boxes of children's books across campus and she was getting weird looks. It wasn't until later that they noticed the boxes they were carrying the children's books in were labeled "vodka." So her mother covered it with any mother's fool-proof solution, Snoopy wrapping paper.
Sara: "When in doubt, pelvic thrust."
For my Shakespeare class with Thurber we were divided into groups to present plays that we'd gone over that year for a our final project. Our group was assigned Twelfth Night so we did a sort of Whose Line Is It Anyway kind of style, there was a E-True Shakespearian Story, the Dating Game, Malvolio the Crocodile Hunter, and Censored version. There's this scene that gets a little, um, gross so we decided that I would be the "Censored Seductress" and when it got to that part I'd put on earmuff and hold up a sign that said "Censored". When that happened they would just mouth the words and make their actions very bold. This line came into play when trying to remember where we were at in the script.
Tomorrow's Word of the Day: "Weesle a very rare, undeservedly obsolete word meaning 'to ooze'." Can't wait to use that one.
"Down On The Corner" Creedence Clearwater Revival
Alright, I'll give you more tomorrow. Sleeping in this morning was nice, but tomorrow it's a full day.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
20 pounds of crazy in a five pound bag.
"Haircuts, Parker, count the haircuts."
What a day man, what a day.
Church this morning with Squirt's graduation. She got her diploma and all that so we went out for sushi after.
Quote of the day:
Squirt: "There aren't a lot of cute Lutheran boys so when you find one you have to jump on him."
Bubby to his mother: "Is that why you married a Catholic?"
After that it was open house at Camp J.
Oh my god.
There are no words.
Seriously, I'm still processing.
We are no longer roughing it in the woods, the new building is huge, and air conditioned, there's a huge kitchen with state of the art stuff, lots of space for crafts, we're thinking about doing skit and worship in there as well...the only thing that people aren't going to like so much is that they blocked off our road that goes all the way around camp. So the kids who are on the other side of camp have to basically carry/drag their stuff all the way over there instead of just being able to drive to the cabin and drop it off.
But they'll live.
I'm stoked.
Gonna take off that Thursday around 2, come home and pack, then head out.
Though technically half of my camp stuff is still in my car.
So, ha!
There's a reason it's still in there.
I took lots and lots of pictures...and then my camera died...so I took lots and lots of pictures on my phone...
Thinking of buying a new camera before camp.
Though there's a lot of things on my list of things to do before camp.
Aka, get my hair dyed and chopped, finish this freakin' songbook, process all application forms and send return letters, come up with a schedule, order t-shirts, find volunteers, assign volunteers to cabins, assign kids to cabins, figure out what to do with the plethora of teen helpers, clean out the trailer, what else, oh yeah, write about 18 skits. No big deal.
So I'm distracting myself with Leverage.
"Age of the geek, baby."
Even though I have lots and lots of other crap checked out, somehow I always get distracted with my own.
I love this show, I hope they keep it going. Great con show, you always wonder how they pull these things off, I'm not that clever...at stealing stuff apparently.
Anyway, double checking my schedule was a good idea as it means I get to sleep in tomorrow and I'm off early, but I'll probably spend that time shopping for summer reading kickoff supplies so it won't really be time off.
So, I'm out for the night.
After this.
Tomorrow's Word of the Day: "Wabbit" a Scottish word meaning 'exhausted or slightly unwell,' as in 'I'm feeling a bit wabbit.' Its origin is uncertain.
And these.
Teaching Parker Persuasion
High Five - Calibretto 13
Okay, now I'm going to bed.
What a day man, what a day.
Church this morning with Squirt's graduation. She got her diploma and all that so we went out for sushi after.
Quote of the day:
Squirt: "There aren't a lot of cute Lutheran boys so when you find one you have to jump on him."
Bubby to his mother: "Is that why you married a Catholic?"
After that it was open house at Camp J.
Oh my god.
There are no words.
Seriously, I'm still processing.
We are no longer roughing it in the woods, the new building is huge, and air conditioned, there's a huge kitchen with state of the art stuff, lots of space for crafts, we're thinking about doing skit and worship in there as well...the only thing that people aren't going to like so much is that they blocked off our road that goes all the way around camp. So the kids who are on the other side of camp have to basically carry/drag their stuff all the way over there instead of just being able to drive to the cabin and drop it off.
But they'll live.
I'm stoked.
Gonna take off that Thursday around 2, come home and pack, then head out.
Though technically half of my camp stuff is still in my car.
So, ha!
There's a reason it's still in there.
I took lots and lots of pictures...and then my camera died...so I took lots and lots of pictures on my phone...
Thinking of buying a new camera before camp.
Though there's a lot of things on my list of things to do before camp.
Aka, get my hair dyed and chopped, finish this freakin' songbook, process all application forms and send return letters, come up with a schedule, order t-shirts, find volunteers, assign volunteers to cabins, assign kids to cabins, figure out what to do with the plethora of teen helpers, clean out the trailer, what else, oh yeah, write about 18 skits. No big deal.
So I'm distracting myself with Leverage.
"Age of the geek, baby."
Even though I have lots and lots of other crap checked out, somehow I always get distracted with my own.
I love this show, I hope they keep it going. Great con show, you always wonder how they pull these things off, I'm not that clever...at stealing stuff apparently.
Anyway, double checking my schedule was a good idea as it means I get to sleep in tomorrow and I'm off early, but I'll probably spend that time shopping for summer reading kickoff supplies so it won't really be time off.
So, I'm out for the night.
After this.
Tomorrow's Word of the Day: "Wabbit" a Scottish word meaning 'exhausted or slightly unwell,' as in 'I'm feeling a bit wabbit.' Its origin is uncertain.
And these.
Teaching Parker Persuasion
High Five - Calibretto 13
Okay, now I'm going to bed.
calibretto 13,
camp j,
high five,
word of the day
Saturday, May 19, 2012
I might be wearing swiss cheese or may be covered in bees...
"we're the cheese at the end of the maze."
So interesting day today: Summer Reading Program training in the morning. I basically directed the kiddos downstairs and observed Mentor lead the meeting. Just going over all the Summer Reading events along with booklets and signup. But everything is online so it's super easy.
It was cool to watch the TAB kids at work, they got to lead the ice breaker, using speed dating as the activity. Basically they came up with the prompts, but it was still speed dating and highly amusing.
They also explained the booklets and all that.
After that it was camp central. Met up with the core group - minus a few - came up with an application form, changed some stuff around price-wise, basically since there's going to be air conditioning in the new building it's going to be a bit more expensive.
But we fixed it.
Sort of.
I guess we'll see.
And of course we did it in our very own goofy and procrastinative way.
But we got the job done, though the most interesting part was while we were stuffing envelopes my mom calls all frantic. "I don't know where you are but get in the basement."
Apparently there was a tornado headed straight at the farmhouse and stopped right before it got hit.
Kind of an eye-opener.
Though we were at the church so we basically just moved our party downstairs and kept working.
And it was probably good that we were there cause the basement always leaks when there's a big storm. The outside drains get clogged with leaves so Obi-Wan fixed it for the night.
But the farmhouse is fine, apparently Dad watched the whole thing on his way home, but pulled over cause he didn't want to drive into it.
We didn't even notice the storm cause the blinds were closed, but then Steve looks up and says something about it being dark out, that's when we got the phone call from Mom. Turned on the TV and went, yeah, should probably move downstairs...
Alright, I'm out semi-early for a weekend. Church tomorrow morning and Squirt gets her diploma for graduating grade school, woohoo! After that is dinner and after that is an open house FOR CAMP J!
We get to tour the new building, I'm stoked will take pictures for the new website.
Oh yeah, we're getting a new website. Cause ours is down. And isn't coming back up. But it'll be easier this way, maintain it ourselves and all that. So we're thinking we should add in a link for the history of our Camp J which means I have to start listing all the themes that I can remember.
And since our first year was 1982 we're thinking we should do some sort of 30th anniversary edition kind of thing.
I'm just stoked cause I'm practically done for the 7/8 and teen helper skits.
Yes, the teen helpers are doing a skit.
They're going to do it and they're going to like it.
Cause I said so.
And I'm mean like that.
But it's humorous and it's not like I'm making them sing. Just you know...dance...and cheer...and there's a possibility of a wig. But maybe not if I still got my female teen helper.
Everyone's just stoked for the new building.
And I'm stoked that we're done with the application forms. They'll get sent out this week so I'll probably already have my hands full by the end of the week.
Which reminds me that I need to go buy a new binder. Cause last year's is overflowing. And I've just started buying new ones every year instead of having to deal with the old stuff. Put it in the tub and be done with it.
Songs of the night:
"Express Yourself" - Madonna
the originator that led to the spinoff aka "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga even though she claims it has nothing to do with this one. Um...melody...theme...outfits...hmmm...
Which I would have posted, but the video was far too creepy. Seriously weirded me out.
So you get Weird Al instead.
And I think I like it better.
"Perform This Way" - Weird Al
and amusing enough the weirdness in this video doesn't even breach the weirdness in that one. and so glad he brought the madonna angle to it.
i love him. and apparently he writes children's books so i like him even more.
So interesting day today: Summer Reading Program training in the morning. I basically directed the kiddos downstairs and observed Mentor lead the meeting. Just going over all the Summer Reading events along with booklets and signup. But everything is online so it's super easy.
It was cool to watch the TAB kids at work, they got to lead the ice breaker, using speed dating as the activity. Basically they came up with the prompts, but it was still speed dating and highly amusing.
They also explained the booklets and all that.
After that it was camp central. Met up with the core group - minus a few - came up with an application form, changed some stuff around price-wise, basically since there's going to be air conditioning in the new building it's going to be a bit more expensive.
But we fixed it.
Sort of.
I guess we'll see.
And of course we did it in our very own goofy and procrastinative way.
But we got the job done, though the most interesting part was while we were stuffing envelopes my mom calls all frantic. "I don't know where you are but get in the basement."
Apparently there was a tornado headed straight at the farmhouse and stopped right before it got hit.
Kind of an eye-opener.
Though we were at the church so we basically just moved our party downstairs and kept working.
And it was probably good that we were there cause the basement always leaks when there's a big storm. The outside drains get clogged with leaves so Obi-Wan fixed it for the night.
But the farmhouse is fine, apparently Dad watched the whole thing on his way home, but pulled over cause he didn't want to drive into it.
We didn't even notice the storm cause the blinds were closed, but then Steve looks up and says something about it being dark out, that's when we got the phone call from Mom. Turned on the TV and went, yeah, should probably move downstairs...
Alright, I'm out semi-early for a weekend. Church tomorrow morning and Squirt gets her diploma for graduating grade school, woohoo! After that is dinner and after that is an open house FOR CAMP J!
We get to tour the new building, I'm stoked will take pictures for the new website.
Oh yeah, we're getting a new website. Cause ours is down. And isn't coming back up. But it'll be easier this way, maintain it ourselves and all that. So we're thinking we should add in a link for the history of our Camp J which means I have to start listing all the themes that I can remember.
And since our first year was 1982 we're thinking we should do some sort of 30th anniversary edition kind of thing.
I'm just stoked cause I'm practically done for the 7/8 and teen helper skits.
Yes, the teen helpers are doing a skit.
They're going to do it and they're going to like it.
Cause I said so.
And I'm mean like that.
But it's humorous and it's not like I'm making them sing. Just you know...dance...and cheer...and there's a possibility of a wig. But maybe not if I still got my female teen helper.
Everyone's just stoked for the new building.
And I'm stoked that we're done with the application forms. They'll get sent out this week so I'll probably already have my hands full by the end of the week.
Which reminds me that I need to go buy a new binder. Cause last year's is overflowing. And I've just started buying new ones every year instead of having to deal with the old stuff. Put it in the tub and be done with it.
Songs of the night:
"Express Yourself" - Madonna
the originator that led to the spinoff aka "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga even though she claims it has nothing to do with this one. Um...melody...theme...outfits...hmmm...
Which I would have posted, but the video was far too creepy. Seriously weirded me out.
So you get Weird Al instead.
And I think I like it better.
"Perform This Way" - Weird Al
and amusing enough the weirdness in this video doesn't even breach the weirdness in that one. and so glad he brought the madonna angle to it.
i love him. and apparently he writes children's books so i like him even more.
Friday, May 18, 2012
I'm going through the big D and don't mean Dallas.
Aww Avengers, you only get better the second time around. And knowing me there will probably be a third time around before it leaves theaters.
Stoked to see they're making an Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2 and really, if they made another Hulk with Mark Ruffalo I'd probably be stoked for that too. He made the character likeable, which is more than I can say for the previous actors.
I'd be up for a Hawkeye/Black Widow movie as well... that'd be great.
So, I actually pulled out my Word of the Day on multiple occasions today. Though my favorite was at the very end of the day when I explained it to a coworker and my Boss's Boss's Boss - who I didn't even see - stops walking, turns around and says "what?!"
Love it.
Gammerstang, a tall awkward woman. We got plenty of those.
Dig it.
But that means tomorrow's Word of the Day has gotta be even better.
Ooooo, let's give this one a shot: "Crapulous" a literary word meaning relating to drunkenness or the drinking of alcohol. Like the related adjective "crapulent" and noun "crapulence" it comes from a Latin word meaning "inebriation" itself based on a Greek word meaning "drunken headache."
I like it already. Sounds like something my sisters would say.
Not that I'll be able to use it at work tomorrow since I will be training kids on Summer Reading stuff, but perhaps in the afternoon during our camp meeting.
Yes, the first (well second) official Camp J 2012 meeting in all its glory.
Actually it'll probably be us sitting around a table eating pizza and drinking pop. Which is our usual routine. But I'm headed out early so Obi-Wan and me can mock up some application forms with Pastor. Then we can show them at the meeting and perhaps stuff a few and send them on their merry ways.
Then Sunday I'm off all day, morning is Squirt's graduation, after that I'm headed out to the Camp J open house where they're showing off the new building. I get to take pictures and put them on the website.
Which is down at the moment.
But that's both a long story and not our fault. So let's leave it at that.
Facebook, I'll upload them on Facebook.
Aww camp, turns my world upside down for about four months a year but it's worth it every time. Plus we have our golfing adventure immediately following it so that's a reward enough.
Though I did go all giddy little schoolgirl about it to Superwoman today.
K, I'm going through the rest of these quick cause I got a big and early day tomorrow. Gotta konk out soon.
Things Overheard at the Library makes today's Quote of the Day:
-"She stole my Breasts!"
Sometimes you just don't want to know.
More Songs You Know But Forgot You Knew Them:
Mark Chesnutt.
Country star man, what happened to him? He was great!
Going Through the Big D
i got the jeep, she got the palace...
"It's a Little Too Late"
i enjoy that the fish is still on the hook and everything.
Seriously, whatever happened to that dude?
I love 90's country, that's when I actually listened to it. I don't really anymore, though I do like the Pistol Annies and The Wreckers. Will look more into 90's country, maybe I'll make you suffer through a week of it, haven't had one of those in a while.
Alright, and she's out. Summer Reading training in the morning, camp meeting after that, then lots and lots of other camp stuff after that.
Stoked to see they're making an Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2 and really, if they made another Hulk with Mark Ruffalo I'd probably be stoked for that too. He made the character likeable, which is more than I can say for the previous actors.
I'd be up for a Hawkeye/Black Widow movie as well... that'd be great.
So, I actually pulled out my Word of the Day on multiple occasions today. Though my favorite was at the very end of the day when I explained it to a coworker and my Boss's Boss's Boss - who I didn't even see - stops walking, turns around and says "what?!"
Love it.
Gammerstang, a tall awkward woman. We got plenty of those.
Dig it.
But that means tomorrow's Word of the Day has gotta be even better.
Ooooo, let's give this one a shot: "Crapulous" a literary word meaning relating to drunkenness or the drinking of alcohol. Like the related adjective "crapulent" and noun "crapulence" it comes from a Latin word meaning "inebriation" itself based on a Greek word meaning "drunken headache."
I like it already. Sounds like something my sisters would say.
Not that I'll be able to use it at work tomorrow since I will be training kids on Summer Reading stuff, but perhaps in the afternoon during our camp meeting.
Yes, the first (well second) official Camp J 2012 meeting in all its glory.
Actually it'll probably be us sitting around a table eating pizza and drinking pop. Which is our usual routine. But I'm headed out early so Obi-Wan and me can mock up some application forms with Pastor. Then we can show them at the meeting and perhaps stuff a few and send them on their merry ways.
Then Sunday I'm off all day, morning is Squirt's graduation, after that I'm headed out to the Camp J open house where they're showing off the new building. I get to take pictures and put them on the website.
Which is down at the moment.
But that's both a long story and not our fault. So let's leave it at that.
Facebook, I'll upload them on Facebook.
Aww camp, turns my world upside down for about four months a year but it's worth it every time. Plus we have our golfing adventure immediately following it so that's a reward enough.
Though I did go all giddy little schoolgirl about it to Superwoman today.
K, I'm going through the rest of these quick cause I got a big and early day tomorrow. Gotta konk out soon.
Things Overheard at the Library makes today's Quote of the Day:
-"She stole my Breasts!"
Sometimes you just don't want to know.
More Songs You Know But Forgot You Knew Them:
Mark Chesnutt.
Country star man, what happened to him? He was great!
Going Through the Big D
i got the jeep, she got the palace...
"It's a Little Too Late"
i enjoy that the fish is still on the hook and everything.
Seriously, whatever happened to that dude?
I love 90's country, that's when I actually listened to it. I don't really anymore, though I do like the Pistol Annies and The Wreckers. Will look more into 90's country, maybe I'll make you suffer through a week of it, haven't had one of those in a while.
Alright, and she's out. Summer Reading training in the morning, camp meeting after that, then lots and lots of other camp stuff after that.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
She thinks my tractor's sexy.
I'd like to introduce a new segment to the blog.
It's entitled "Weird News".
See, you've already got the useless information, music recommendations, songs you know but forgot you knew them, word of the day, quote of the day, reference question of the day... but apparently that wasn't enough.
And if Jay Leno and Seth Myers can do it I can too.
Though I did prefer Jimmy and Tina...or Amy and Tina.
Anyway, here you go, Weird News.
Day One:
But don't expect this daily, only on days when I work with my favorite comic as we've decided we should go on the road with our act. I'm the straightman who reads the headline, he's the comic who comes up with a witty retort.
Here were some from today:
"Woman arrested for lumber shopping in the nude."
"I would think the splinters would be punishment enough."
"How to grow a 14 foot mustache."
"Why to grow a 14 foot mustache."
"Man bit by rattlesnake at Walmart."
"But it only did 60% damage."
And here are others I found amusing.
Family awakes and finds Lexus in their pool. did they find my phone underneath it?
Hair dryers mailed from Paris to New Zealand. if only someone would send me one. i'm roughing man.
Dozens of flyswatters wash up on Alaska beaches. where are those when i need them?
Thief breaks into car, takes nothing leaves tortillas. yeah but they forgot the salsa.
Man surgically attaches ipod to arm. i'm into music, constantly have my headphones in, but now I have ammo to say, hey at least I'm not that guy.
Iphone app that reads animal and zombie minds i'm tempted to download this and point it at Carter.
Lady Gaga Banned from Indonesia. apparently some people can read her pokerface.
Interestingly enough that was not the end of weirdness for today. I went in 10-7, and the 5-7 was spent at a middle school helping children fish for bookmarks, stickers and transformer tattoos. Cause our library rocks.
But I got to spend the afternoon with Girlscout, Team Awesome reunited, which was fun as I don't often get to work with her. Judging by the amount of paperclips we collected that were connected to the "fish" we did pretty well. And it flew by fairly quickly mostly because the mass amount of children running through the place.
Songs You Know But Forgot You Knew Them:
"Meet Virginia" Train Live
even i forgot about this one. "so awkward" "age appropriate"
"She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" Kenny Chesney
though how can anyone forget this one, really? but sorry, i don't think his trains are sexy.
Okay so I got some flack, multiple flack, flacks? cause there was no Word of the Day yesterday. And apparently I'm supposed to put it in a sentence.
So here you go, tomorrow's Word of the Day: Gammerstang - a tall, awkward woman. Related words are "gomerel" - fool, simpleton - and "gamphrel" - blockhead - Without the awkward part, such a person could be described as "leptosomatic" - lean and tall.
IAS: "Slim and I saw that Gammerstang stumbling out of the bathroom."
It's entitled "Weird News".
See, you've already got the useless information, music recommendations, songs you know but forgot you knew them, word of the day, quote of the day, reference question of the day... but apparently that wasn't enough.
And if Jay Leno and Seth Myers can do it I can too.
Though I did prefer Jimmy and Tina...or Amy and Tina.
Anyway, here you go, Weird News.
Day One:
But don't expect this daily, only on days when I work with my favorite comic as we've decided we should go on the road with our act. I'm the straightman who reads the headline, he's the comic who comes up with a witty retort.
Here were some from today:
"Woman arrested for lumber shopping in the nude."
"I would think the splinters would be punishment enough."
"How to grow a 14 foot mustache."
"Why to grow a 14 foot mustache."
"Man bit by rattlesnake at Walmart."
"But it only did 60% damage."
And here are others I found amusing.
Family awakes and finds Lexus in their pool. did they find my phone underneath it?
Hair dryers mailed from Paris to New Zealand. if only someone would send me one. i'm roughing man.
Dozens of flyswatters wash up on Alaska beaches. where are those when i need them?
Thief breaks into car, takes nothing leaves tortillas. yeah but they forgot the salsa.
Man surgically attaches ipod to arm. i'm into music, constantly have my headphones in, but now I have ammo to say, hey at least I'm not that guy.
Iphone app that reads animal and zombie minds i'm tempted to download this and point it at Carter.
Lady Gaga Banned from Indonesia. apparently some people can read her pokerface.
Interestingly enough that was not the end of weirdness for today. I went in 10-7, and the 5-7 was spent at a middle school helping children fish for bookmarks, stickers and transformer tattoos. Cause our library rocks.
But I got to spend the afternoon with Girlscout, Team Awesome reunited, which was fun as I don't often get to work with her. Judging by the amount of paperclips we collected that were connected to the "fish" we did pretty well. And it flew by fairly quickly mostly because the mass amount of children running through the place.
Songs You Know But Forgot You Knew Them:
"Meet Virginia" Train Live
even i forgot about this one. "so awkward" "age appropriate"
"She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" Kenny Chesney
though how can anyone forget this one, really? but sorry, i don't think his trains are sexy.
Okay so I got some flack, multiple flack, flacks? cause there was no Word of the Day yesterday. And apparently I'm supposed to put it in a sentence.
So here you go, tomorrow's Word of the Day: Gammerstang - a tall, awkward woman. Related words are "gomerel" - fool, simpleton - and "gamphrel" - blockhead - Without the awkward part, such a person could be described as "leptosomatic" - lean and tall.
IAS: "Slim and I saw that Gammerstang stumbling out of the bathroom."
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
singing my life with his words...
Well now I officially feel old.
But still inspired.
Today marked my two year employment with the library.
Originally I was at one, then two, now back to one but it's the other one, if that makes sense.
I started as an Aide at the home branch exactly two years ago today, so it was a happy coincidence that I got to spend all day there today with my former bosses, one scheduled (Glee-Loving Boss) and one that stopped by (Sensei).
Took me back a bit, I still remember my first big assignment on the new job. Three hole punching the bottoms of plastic library bags because that way if a kid puts one over their head they'll still be able to breathe.
It was some sort of legal issue I guess.
I can still picture the look on Glee-Loving Boss's face when he said and I quote, "I know this is ridiculous but..." So I spent the majority of the day in the backroom poking holes into bags and more of the same the next day, except it was me and the other aide - the kid who's no longer a kid - and this time we put bookmarks in the bags.
So you know, if they decided to put it over their head they'd at least be able to look at something pretty whilst still being able to breathe because there are holes for that.
After that it was sorting carts, well items on carts, cause if you put them in the right order on the cart you can put them on the right order on the shelf.
And even if you couldn't do that they all had orange tags in them so they'd be easy to find on the shelves when the boss made the rounds.
But I got to find my purpose in life in the process and meet some pretty great people along the way.
So I brought cookies for the backroom. Half of them are gone by now, and with Space Cadet and her carb addiction who knows if there will be any left by the morning. HA!
I know this post should be doubly long as I skipped out last night.
To be fair I konked out at like 10, and this is even after the boyfriend came to visit.
I was zonked, for serious.
But today I was actually awake and coherent the whole day.
Which was good because at around 4:30 all hell broke loose.
No seriously, we went from 5 people to around 60 all needing help at once. It was ridiculously busy and Glee-Loving Boss and myself envisioned our recovery shift getting there at 6 and them seeing us flee the building for the sake of sanity.
But we stuck it out. We're tough like that. Besides it all calmed down by the time they got there and I got to tell Space Cadet all about life at its current state, aka meeting the parentals, Vegas... apparently the fact that I have a boyfriend and the fact that he's still around is widely appealing.
I shall have to tell him that later.
Unless of course he reads this, then I'm telling him now.
So if you're reading this, congratulations, people like you and are glad you're still around.
If not then I'm talking to myself, which really wouldn't be a shock factor.
Scale of Awesome time.
So I watched We Bought A Zoo.
Simply fantastic.
Real heart-warmer and all that, but it was comedic and real and just a really good root for the underdogs kind of story.
Basically his wife dies and everything around the house and around town reminds him of her so when his son is expelled they go house shopping and find this house that's perfect, only catch is that it's a zoo. And by buying the land he is also buying the zoo. So he decides to reinstate it to its former glory and all that with a lot of bumps along the road.
I'm gonna give it about a 9/10, and I highly recommend it. Matt Damon is great, showing he can do comedy, drama and action - not action in this but you know you've got Bourne and all that.
Speaking of Bourne, am I the only one looking forward to the new Bourne movie? I love Jeremy Renner.
I know he's not Jason Bourne! But that's the point!! He's a different agent entirely, stop freaking out! They'll bring Matt Damon back when he's ready to do another movie. Geez crazies.
Sorry, where was I? Oh right, Scarlett Johansson is quickly rising in the Scale of Awesome meter of you know awesomeness and she's like serious zookeeper woman in this who has no outside life cause she's always there. And then you've got Thomas Haden Church as the protective accountant brother, a bunch of crazy staff members, plus the two kids who couldn't be more different from each other and it's all based on a true story! With a book to go with it!
And the line in the trailer about him having more hair than the other dads is a joke since the actual Benjamin Mee is in fact bald.
I love his line about 20 seconds of insane courage, great life motto.
So go watch it. Rent it, buy it, check it out, whatever, just do it cause it's fantastic.
I'm excited, I get to semi-sleep in tomorrow. Sort of. I start late cause I'm off late, helping out with a middle school visit that isn't actually a school visit, it sounds a bit like a school carnival or end of the year event thing, so we're going to promote library stuff I guess. I've never done one before so I guess I'll find out.
But I've got the awesomeness that is Girlscout with me so she'll get me through it. Plus I think the intern is going which is cool as she's in the same masters program I'm in. Seems pretty cool so far so it should be fun.
Things on my to-do-list:
Yes the ever-growing and never disappearing to-do-list.
-Finish editing friends stories, making that a priority as it took me like 5 months to get through one and that's awful. Usually it's more like 2 weeks but apparently library life keeps me pretty busy.
-Format Camp J songbook, how long has that been on the list that I've been putting off? Seriously? Just do it woman, the stuff is already uploaded all you have to do is space out the notes to match the lyrics.
-Buy 200 juice boxes. Okay that one's a little more complicated, but it's for the kickoff, and I also need to buy more candycorn while I'm at it. Also for the kickoff, don't ask I'm sure I'll ramble plenty about it when it comes around. Target man, Target. Screw HyVee I tried that already. Go here: Sharkey walks the plank
-Come up with Camp J application form that one I also have a deadline for since the meeting is on Saturday afternoon. I'm stoked! We're thinking of driving out to camp to check out the new digs. They built a new cafeteria/craft building with storm shelters and air conditioning. Now everyone's gonna wanna work in the kitchen and that never happens.
I'm sure there's more but I'm totally blanking.
I should sleep, as exciting as sleeping in sounds you have to actually fall asleep for it to take place.
"Yesterday" Adam Levine and Tony Lucca
love it.
"Killing Me Softly" Katrina Parker
he picked tony anyway, but i thought katrina was great, really grew on me throughout the competition.
but i'm all for the underdogs.
But still inspired.
Today marked my two year employment with the library.
Originally I was at one, then two, now back to one but it's the other one, if that makes sense.
I started as an Aide at the home branch exactly two years ago today, so it was a happy coincidence that I got to spend all day there today with my former bosses, one scheduled (Glee-Loving Boss) and one that stopped by (Sensei).
Took me back a bit, I still remember my first big assignment on the new job. Three hole punching the bottoms of plastic library bags because that way if a kid puts one over their head they'll still be able to breathe.
It was some sort of legal issue I guess.
I can still picture the look on Glee-Loving Boss's face when he said and I quote, "I know this is ridiculous but..." So I spent the majority of the day in the backroom poking holes into bags and more of the same the next day, except it was me and the other aide - the kid who's no longer a kid - and this time we put bookmarks in the bags.
So you know, if they decided to put it over their head they'd at least be able to look at something pretty whilst still being able to breathe because there are holes for that.
After that it was sorting carts, well items on carts, cause if you put them in the right order on the cart you can put them on the right order on the shelf.
And even if you couldn't do that they all had orange tags in them so they'd be easy to find on the shelves when the boss made the rounds.
But I got to find my purpose in life in the process and meet some pretty great people along the way.
So I brought cookies for the backroom. Half of them are gone by now, and with Space Cadet and her carb addiction who knows if there will be any left by the morning. HA!
I know this post should be doubly long as I skipped out last night.
To be fair I konked out at like 10, and this is even after the boyfriend came to visit.
I was zonked, for serious.
But today I was actually awake and coherent the whole day.
Which was good because at around 4:30 all hell broke loose.
No seriously, we went from 5 people to around 60 all needing help at once. It was ridiculously busy and Glee-Loving Boss and myself envisioned our recovery shift getting there at 6 and them seeing us flee the building for the sake of sanity.
But we stuck it out. We're tough like that. Besides it all calmed down by the time they got there and I got to tell Space Cadet all about life at its current state, aka meeting the parentals, Vegas... apparently the fact that I have a boyfriend and the fact that he's still around is widely appealing.
I shall have to tell him that later.
Unless of course he reads this, then I'm telling him now.
So if you're reading this, congratulations, people like you and are glad you're still around.
If not then I'm talking to myself, which really wouldn't be a shock factor.
Scale of Awesome time.
So I watched We Bought A Zoo.
Simply fantastic.
Real heart-warmer and all that, but it was comedic and real and just a really good root for the underdogs kind of story.
Basically his wife dies and everything around the house and around town reminds him of her so when his son is expelled they go house shopping and find this house that's perfect, only catch is that it's a zoo. And by buying the land he is also buying the zoo. So he decides to reinstate it to its former glory and all that with a lot of bumps along the road.
I'm gonna give it about a 9/10, and I highly recommend it. Matt Damon is great, showing he can do comedy, drama and action - not action in this but you know you've got Bourne and all that.
Speaking of Bourne, am I the only one looking forward to the new Bourne movie? I love Jeremy Renner.
I know he's not Jason Bourne! But that's the point!! He's a different agent entirely, stop freaking out! They'll bring Matt Damon back when he's ready to do another movie. Geez crazies.
Sorry, where was I? Oh right, Scarlett Johansson is quickly rising in the Scale of Awesome meter of you know awesomeness and she's like serious zookeeper woman in this who has no outside life cause she's always there. And then you've got Thomas Haden Church as the protective accountant brother, a bunch of crazy staff members, plus the two kids who couldn't be more different from each other and it's all based on a true story! With a book to go with it!
And the line in the trailer about him having more hair than the other dads is a joke since the actual Benjamin Mee is in fact bald.
I love his line about 20 seconds of insane courage, great life motto.
So go watch it. Rent it, buy it, check it out, whatever, just do it cause it's fantastic.
I'm excited, I get to semi-sleep in tomorrow. Sort of. I start late cause I'm off late, helping out with a middle school visit that isn't actually a school visit, it sounds a bit like a school carnival or end of the year event thing, so we're going to promote library stuff I guess. I've never done one before so I guess I'll find out.
But I've got the awesomeness that is Girlscout with me so she'll get me through it. Plus I think the intern is going which is cool as she's in the same masters program I'm in. Seems pretty cool so far so it should be fun.
Things on my to-do-list:
Yes the ever-growing and never disappearing to-do-list.
-Finish editing friends stories, making that a priority as it took me like 5 months to get through one and that's awful. Usually it's more like 2 weeks but apparently library life keeps me pretty busy.
-Format Camp J songbook, how long has that been on the list that I've been putting off? Seriously? Just do it woman, the stuff is already uploaded all you have to do is space out the notes to match the lyrics.
-Buy 200 juice boxes. Okay that one's a little more complicated, but it's for the kickoff, and I also need to buy more candycorn while I'm at it. Also for the kickoff, don't ask I'm sure I'll ramble plenty about it when it comes around. Target man, Target. Screw HyVee I tried that already. Go here: Sharkey walks the plank
-Come up with Camp J application form that one I also have a deadline for since the meeting is on Saturday afternoon. I'm stoked! We're thinking of driving out to camp to check out the new digs. They built a new cafeteria/craft building with storm shelters and air conditioning. Now everyone's gonna wanna work in the kitchen and that never happens.
I'm sure there's more but I'm totally blanking.
I should sleep, as exciting as sleeping in sounds you have to actually fall asleep for it to take place.
"Yesterday" Adam Levine and Tony Lucca
love it.
"Killing Me Softly" Katrina Parker
he picked tony anyway, but i thought katrina was great, really grew on me throughout the competition.
but i'm all for the underdogs.
Monday, May 14, 2012
When all your promises are gone, I'm the only one...
I never realized how much easier my life would be if I drank Diet Coke instead of Diet Dr. Pepper.
Hear me out, so the Target I go to doesn't carry a 24 pack of Diet Dr. Pepper, but they do of Diet Coke.
So, if I wanted 24, which would last me a heck of a lot longer than 12, I'd need to get 2 packs of the 12.
Which would be fine.
Except I then have to carry them up multiple flights of stairs.
Along with all the other crap I just bought.
So two of those equals both hands full meaning I take two trips, whilst if I drank Diet Coke I could carry that in only one hand and everything else in other.
It's the little things in life man.
Speaking of little things, I had some great ones today.
Little thing #1: Sleeping in. Until 1PM as I didn't have to go in until 4. It was fantastic.
Little thing #2: Friday Night Lights season one on DVD. I keep hoping that it will start to suck and I can stop watching it. Because I don't have time to get hooked on yet another series I will have to see all the way through. I've got a pile of series' I need to get through aka Necessary Roughness, Fairly Legal, Suits, Chuck, Burn Notice, White Collar, Heroes, CSI, Covert Affairs, SVU... I figured once it sucks I can give up and move on to another, but it just keeps getting better so that's screwing over my plan.
Little thing #3: Frozen lemonade with strawberries from the place across the street. Normally I'm not really a fan of lemonade cause it's too bitter, but this was fantastic and a great kick in the butt to keep me awake for the rest of the day.
Little thing #4: Great coworkers. It's not every day you can go up to a supervisor and say, "wow you really are a clown" and they don't get offended. Cause she is a clown. Part-time anyway. And it's always nice to have someone back your play when a patron attempts to break the rules just because they think they can get away with it.
Little thing #5: Night service. The church here has this brilliant thing called Monday night service since some people work on Sundays. And as cheesy as it sounds I feel like I get a lot more out of this than regular Sunday service because it's more like one-on-one as there is rarely more than 10 people there plus he's in the crowd not behind the pulpit.
Little thing #6: One stop shopping. Can I just say how much I love Target? Cause you've got everything you need all in one place. So I got my fruit, popcorn, carpet cleaner, Burn Notice season 4, dress shirt, dress shoes, pop, plus some chocolate all in one trip. Then it was just about carrying it up the stairs to the apartment.
Little thing #7: A cat that loves me. Sure he bites every once in a while, but then he falls asleep on my lap or on my stomach at night and I forgive him.
There are more little things, but I'll stop there. Besides, tomorrow is another day and I'm sure I'll come up with plenty to add then.
Word Of The Day:
So I found this great book - at the library of course - called "Weird and Wonderful Words" by Erin McKean and it's basically a dictionary of the obscure. While being highly amusing it is also highly educational so I'm going to start doing a Word of the Day because I'm an English major and a writer and a library service associate and a skits and worship leader so words are kind of my thing.
Here's the premiere: "Aquamanile: a bowl or jug made in the form of an animal or bird."
Well that's an interesting definition. Are they saying that birds aren't animals? Guess I'll find out tomorrow as I try to include it in a conversation.
"I'm The Only One" Melissa Etheridge
there is no smoke and mirrors with this woman, just her and her guitar. and she can pull it off. that's what makes her a great artist.
"Let Me Love You" Glee Cast
okay I must be way behind cause I don't recognize like half those kids. But I haven't watched a single episode this season as the storylines have turned to crap. Will have to catch up on this one when it comes out on DVD.
that's all she wrote.
Hear me out, so the Target I go to doesn't carry a 24 pack of Diet Dr. Pepper, but they do of Diet Coke.
So, if I wanted 24, which would last me a heck of a lot longer than 12, I'd need to get 2 packs of the 12.
Which would be fine.
Except I then have to carry them up multiple flights of stairs.
Along with all the other crap I just bought.
So two of those equals both hands full meaning I take two trips, whilst if I drank Diet Coke I could carry that in only one hand and everything else in other.
It's the little things in life man.
Speaking of little things, I had some great ones today.
Little thing #1: Sleeping in. Until 1PM as I didn't have to go in until 4. It was fantastic.
Little thing #2: Friday Night Lights season one on DVD. I keep hoping that it will start to suck and I can stop watching it. Because I don't have time to get hooked on yet another series I will have to see all the way through. I've got a pile of series' I need to get through aka Necessary Roughness, Fairly Legal, Suits, Chuck, Burn Notice, White Collar, Heroes, CSI, Covert Affairs, SVU... I figured once it sucks I can give up and move on to another, but it just keeps getting better so that's screwing over my plan.
Little thing #3: Frozen lemonade with strawberries from the place across the street. Normally I'm not really a fan of lemonade cause it's too bitter, but this was fantastic and a great kick in the butt to keep me awake for the rest of the day.
Little thing #4: Great coworkers. It's not every day you can go up to a supervisor and say, "wow you really are a clown" and they don't get offended. Cause she is a clown. Part-time anyway. And it's always nice to have someone back your play when a patron attempts to break the rules just because they think they can get away with it.
Little thing #5: Night service. The church here has this brilliant thing called Monday night service since some people work on Sundays. And as cheesy as it sounds I feel like I get a lot more out of this than regular Sunday service because it's more like one-on-one as there is rarely more than 10 people there plus he's in the crowd not behind the pulpit.
Little thing #6: One stop shopping. Can I just say how much I love Target? Cause you've got everything you need all in one place. So I got my fruit, popcorn, carpet cleaner, Burn Notice season 4, dress shirt, dress shoes, pop, plus some chocolate all in one trip. Then it was just about carrying it up the stairs to the apartment.
Little thing #7: A cat that loves me. Sure he bites every once in a while, but then he falls asleep on my lap or on my stomach at night and I forgive him.
There are more little things, but I'll stop there. Besides, tomorrow is another day and I'm sure I'll come up with plenty to add then.
Word Of The Day:
So I found this great book - at the library of course - called "Weird and Wonderful Words" by Erin McKean and it's basically a dictionary of the obscure. While being highly amusing it is also highly educational so I'm going to start doing a Word of the Day because I'm an English major and a writer and a library service associate and a skits and worship leader so words are kind of my thing.
Here's the premiere: "Aquamanile: a bowl or jug made in the form of an animal or bird."
Well that's an interesting definition. Are they saying that birds aren't animals? Guess I'll find out tomorrow as I try to include it in a conversation.
"I'm The Only One" Melissa Etheridge
there is no smoke and mirrors with this woman, just her and her guitar. and she can pull it off. that's what makes her a great artist.
"Let Me Love You" Glee Cast
okay I must be way behind cause I don't recognize like half those kids. But I haven't watched a single episode this season as the storylines have turned to crap. Will have to catch up on this one when it comes out on DVD.
that's all she wrote.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
i says "let them truckers roll, 10-4."
Okay, words to describe today...there are a few.
Tiring: slept in, gonna go to church tomorrow night as I did not sleep well last night at all. stupid cat.
Relaxing: work on Sundays is mostly slow, think it's the lowest circulation of the week so it's mostly monitoring the computer lab and checking out at the front desk.
Crazy: impromptu mother's day dinner at oldest sister's house means family/small children galore. but it was fun as usual. and i got steak. i gave mom her present last week - a margarita set complete with four glasses, mix and salt. the rest of them got her lighting for her house as we've had the same lighting since they bought the place. or maybe a few years after.
Amusing: "it's mother's day and they give us Avatar?!" yeah. not a great movie to be playing on mother's day FX. and really, not a great movie to be playing any other day of the year. i'm sorry james cameron, i know that you changed the face of cinema or whatever but i really was not so impressed with that movie.
Contemplative: we also watched some youtube clips. squirt agrees about my camp j theory. i'm thinking of making my teen helpers do the perfect cheer. thoughts?
Dominating: bubby challenged me to some SSX Tricky on the PS3. i told him he was going down and he didn't believe me. i mean, i only beat the boy by a couple hundred thousand points each time. no big deal really. but i let him win the last one, kept biting the dust on purpose. well, snow. cause you gotta keep hope alive. otherwise he won't play me anymore.
But that's the first game I owned for PS2, got it Christmas of like...oh god, I'm thinking like 2002? 2003 Maybe? Whenever it first came out. Cause I got a PS2 for Christmas and a racing game to go with it. They rocked.
But then we all got DDR/Rockband Fever so I haven't played SSX in a while.
Still dominated.
Now it's back to Relaxing. Get to sleep in as I don't have to go in until 4. Basically gotta make up the 2 hours that we don't get on Sundays cause it's 12-6 instead of 10-6. And you gotta have five 8 hour days for 40.
But I like it this way, get to sleep in, run some errands, go in for two hours, go to church then come home and crash just to work 8 hours the next day.
I like my job so I have no complaints.
Songs of the day:
Okay, so here were the exact versions of the 2 songs stuck in my head all day.
Folsom Prison Blues - Jamie Lono
"cause i eat sandwiches..."
Santa Clause is Coming To Town
not kidding.
on repeat.
in my head.
all day.
drove me nuts.
make it stop.
gotta find something else to make it go away.
oh my god, you gotta watch this. the story of Hanukkah as told through song.
i think my favorite is moves like jagger.
freakin' youtube, it's like yesterday with the train of thoughts. let me find an actual music rec...
Convoy - CW McCall
cause it's a family holiday, gotta throw in one of these. family classic. lip-sync central. i just love that he's so serious through this whole thing.
Alright, I'm off to read and/or watch some Friday Night Lights. the series is pretty good so far but I'm only a couple discs into the first season, we'll see if it entices me enough to put a hold on the second season.
Tiring: slept in, gonna go to church tomorrow night as I did not sleep well last night at all. stupid cat.
Relaxing: work on Sundays is mostly slow, think it's the lowest circulation of the week so it's mostly monitoring the computer lab and checking out at the front desk.
Crazy: impromptu mother's day dinner at oldest sister's house means family/small children galore. but it was fun as usual. and i got steak. i gave mom her present last week - a margarita set complete with four glasses, mix and salt. the rest of them got her lighting for her house as we've had the same lighting since they bought the place. or maybe a few years after.
Amusing: "it's mother's day and they give us Avatar?!" yeah. not a great movie to be playing on mother's day FX. and really, not a great movie to be playing any other day of the year. i'm sorry james cameron, i know that you changed the face of cinema or whatever but i really was not so impressed with that movie.
Contemplative: we also watched some youtube clips. squirt agrees about my camp j theory. i'm thinking of making my teen helpers do the perfect cheer. thoughts?
Dominating: bubby challenged me to some SSX Tricky on the PS3. i told him he was going down and he didn't believe me. i mean, i only beat the boy by a couple hundred thousand points each time. no big deal really. but i let him win the last one, kept biting the dust on purpose. well, snow. cause you gotta keep hope alive. otherwise he won't play me anymore.
But that's the first game I owned for PS2, got it Christmas of like...oh god, I'm thinking like 2002? 2003 Maybe? Whenever it first came out. Cause I got a PS2 for Christmas and a racing game to go with it. They rocked.
But then we all got DDR/Rockband Fever so I haven't played SSX in a while.
Still dominated.
Now it's back to Relaxing. Get to sleep in as I don't have to go in until 4. Basically gotta make up the 2 hours that we don't get on Sundays cause it's 12-6 instead of 10-6. And you gotta have five 8 hour days for 40.
But I like it this way, get to sleep in, run some errands, go in for two hours, go to church then come home and crash just to work 8 hours the next day.
I like my job so I have no complaints.
Songs of the day:
Okay, so here were the exact versions of the 2 songs stuck in my head all day.
Folsom Prison Blues - Jamie Lono
"cause i eat sandwiches..."
Santa Clause is Coming To Town
not kidding.
on repeat.
in my head.
all day.
drove me nuts.
make it stop.
gotta find something else to make it go away.
oh my god, you gotta watch this. the story of Hanukkah as told through song.
i think my favorite is moves like jagger.
freakin' youtube, it's like yesterday with the train of thoughts. let me find an actual music rec...
Convoy - CW McCall
cause it's a family holiday, gotta throw in one of these. family classic. lip-sync central. i just love that he's so serious through this whole thing.
Alright, I'm off to read and/or watch some Friday Night Lights. the series is pretty good so far but I'm only a couple discs into the first season, we'll see if it entices me enough to put a hold on the second season.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
bang she shot you, karma tastes so...
Joe Studley calling in sick means me at the home branch all day, jamming out with my big brother coworker.
He's a cool guy so the day flew by fairly quickly.
Was amusing to go back to old habits, though he got the bookdrop I still went straight to routine with the holds list/expired/cancelled/counting money/checking in delivery/etc.
Hit up Arby's for lunch, that rocked.
And basically just jammed around all day.
Though for some reason I'm exhausted, which makes no sense cause while the work branch is constantly busy, the home branch is more relaxed. So it doesn't make sense.
Maybe it's a state of mind thing. Zenned out.
I'm tired.
And waking up early tomorrow morning so will probably konk out within the next few minutes.
Clips of the night were basically from - you know how you can go on youtube to find one video and you end up finding like eight you weren't planning to find?
It's like a train of thought thing like, "hey, i'm gonna look for culps seminar videos."
"it's really inspiring that all of you decided to attend this mandatory drug awareness assembly..."
"i love will ferrell and ana gasteyer, let's do a search for the perfect cheer." "oh my god, why has no one uploaded videos of the perfect cheer?" "i bet i can find some amateurs."
"oh my god, if you could hear them speak they are dead on!" "those were some killer moves. let's look for some videos on breakdancing."
"oh my god that's ridiculously cool. let's find something else ridiculously cool." "who's ridiculously cool and her music is stuck in my head? kelly clarkson of course."
"well that was....interesting." "what's the name of that song from her new CD?" "oh, that's right." "wow, his cover is really cool, let's post that version."
"I Forgive You" Kelly Clarkson cover by Ben Mallare
"very impressive. almost better than the original." "who else has a killer voice?" "oh yeah..."
"Bang Bang Bang" Christina Perri
"oh my god, she's fantastic live. i wanna go." "you know who else is great live?"
"speaking of having a new hairstyle and outfit practically every time she walks through a door..."
"though when i hear gaga i think of this"
"oh my god, i love sue sylvester. she needs a 'best of' video." "bet i could find one."
"aww, she's so cool. i want one. a sue sylvester that is. guess i should attempt to be more badass in the future." "speaking of badasses..."
there were more, but i'm cutting myself and you off.
cause we need a break.
okay now i'm done.
gotta sleep.
like now.
early morning + long day tomorrow.
He's a cool guy so the day flew by fairly quickly.
Was amusing to go back to old habits, though he got the bookdrop I still went straight to routine with the holds list/expired/cancelled/counting money/checking in delivery/etc.
Hit up Arby's for lunch, that rocked.
And basically just jammed around all day.
Though for some reason I'm exhausted, which makes no sense cause while the work branch is constantly busy, the home branch is more relaxed. So it doesn't make sense.
Maybe it's a state of mind thing. Zenned out.
I'm tired.
And waking up early tomorrow morning so will probably konk out within the next few minutes.
Clips of the night were basically from - you know how you can go on youtube to find one video and you end up finding like eight you weren't planning to find?
It's like a train of thought thing like, "hey, i'm gonna look for culps seminar videos."
"it's really inspiring that all of you decided to attend this mandatory drug awareness assembly..."
"i love will ferrell and ana gasteyer, let's do a search for the perfect cheer." "oh my god, why has no one uploaded videos of the perfect cheer?" "i bet i can find some amateurs."
"oh my god, if you could hear them speak they are dead on!" "those were some killer moves. let's look for some videos on breakdancing."
"oh my god that's ridiculously cool. let's find something else ridiculously cool." "who's ridiculously cool and her music is stuck in my head? kelly clarkson of course."
"well that was....interesting." "what's the name of that song from her new CD?" "oh, that's right." "wow, his cover is really cool, let's post that version."
"I Forgive You" Kelly Clarkson cover by Ben Mallare
"very impressive. almost better than the original." "who else has a killer voice?" "oh yeah..."
"Bang Bang Bang" Christina Perri
"oh my god, she's fantastic live. i wanna go." "you know who else is great live?"
"speaking of having a new hairstyle and outfit practically every time she walks through a door..."
"though when i hear gaga i think of this"
"oh my god, i love sue sylvester. she needs a 'best of' video." "bet i could find one."
"aww, she's so cool. i want one. a sue sylvester that is. guess i should attempt to be more badass in the future." "speaking of badasses..."
there were more, but i'm cutting myself and you off.
cause we need a break.
okay now i'm done.
gotta sleep.
like now.
early morning + long day tomorrow.
bad romance,
bang bang bang,
ben mallare,
big brother,
carrie fisher,
christina perri,
culps seminar,
i forgive you,
kelly clarkson,
lady gaga,
perfect cheer,
sue sylvester,
Friday, May 11, 2012
If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.
Met the family.
"Blister in the Sun" Violent Femmes
and then one more mellow as that's my mental state at the moment. which is good since i should be sleeping.
"Go On" Jack Johnson
Okay, so usually, I'm the type of girl that guys can take home to meet the parents.
I'm a christian, well-educated, family-friendly, full-time library service associate, master's student, youth camp director, etc.
So I wasn't completely nervous.
Okay, I'm lying, was totally freaked.
But in the end, it went really well.
I actually like his family, they were great. His siblings were funny, his aunts had great stories, plus I got some dirt on him - not as much as I would like - but still a substantial amount.
Though the biggest thing I learned was basically, okay, I thought that my dad was head over heels about trains. And he is. But hanging around with my boyfriend and his father...pretty sure they have him beat.
So it wasn't worth the whole freak-out moment I had driving out there.
His siblings especially were great, the sister and I bonded over the boyfriend being handy, hence the title.
Though I do think he's handsome.
And that show is a classic.
Included in the freak out moment came me asking for some tips from some family. Here are the highlights:
His siblings especially were great, the sister and I bonded over the boyfriend being handy, hence the title.
Though I do think he's handsome.
And that show is a classic.
Included in the freak out moment came me asking for some tips from some family. Here are the highlights:
- "Be yourself, ask them questions about him as a young lad."
- "Don't worry, you're a lovely woman. Just don't say 'whats up with the fat kid.' ... wear makeup."
- "My intentions are..."
and then my favorite
- "They will like you. You ate a delightful woman." she meant to say "are" but "ate" was better. Then she called and we discussed how when you swallow someone delightful their delightfulness absorbs onto you.
Seemed to work out pretty well and now the dreaded fear is gone. So I look forward to hanging out with them again.
Though my favorite moment was probably when they asked me about school and I told them I was getting my master's in library science. Jaws dropped. Think I impressed them.
Aside from that, a day off, I didn't know what to do with myself! Slept in, of course, watched some SVU season 12 though disc three was cracked so that bit the dust. Will have to find another copy. I meant to clean my apartment, like clean clean it but that didn't happen. Was too busy napping and watching SVU, it was fantastic.
But having Friday off means I have to go in tomorrow and Sunday.
Which is fine, pretty sure Slim Shady and possibly Fearless Leader will be around.
I rarely see her anymore, pretty sure she's a figment of my imagination. Same with my trainee. I have to poke her to make sure she's real.
and then one more mellow as that's my mental state at the moment. which is good since i should be sleeping.
"Go On" Jack Johnson
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Notes from the blender
So I'm a magnet.
For creepers.
This week has been no exception.
A guy came up to me at the desk with a "psychology question" for a class he's taking.
First it was "if someone asked you if you wanted to hang out would you say yes, no, or maybe?"
To which I didn't answer.
So then he changed it to, "do you like music?"
To which I said "sure".
And then he came at me with, "so if someone asked you if you wanted to hang out and listen to music, would you say yes, no, or maybe?"
I said it would depend on the relationship I had with that person.
"Well, you're both single." and that's when he got the ring.
Basically, when I get hit on I hold up my left hand, aka the one with the fake wedding ring, and they back off.
There's a reason I wear it every day.
And this way I'm not technically lying, they just assume I'm taken and they back off.
But it's not like this is irregular, it happens quite frequently.
But I'm too nice, so lately I've been shutting them off entirely.
I don't need another "likes ass or jazz" fiasco mentioned here: This Magnet Moment
Anyway, so I showed him the ring and he kept talking! So I looked over at John Boy who then turned to Queen of the Known Universe and she came to my rescue calling me away from the desk and saying something about going to the basement for a YA question.
So I did and ended up in cataloging talking to the New Girl and grabbing a YA item just in case I went back up there and he was still at the desk. That way I could claim the item was re-cataloged and fixed or something to that matter, but he was gone by the time I got back there.
She and I save each other frequently, though the most memorable was when this guy nearly invited himself over to my house for November so she walked out into the stacks and called the extension and told me I needed to go to the basement and get something. So I left the desk and she came back to it. Then, as I hung out in the stacks, I noticed he wasn't leaving her alone. So I called her extension with my cellphone claiming I needed her in the basement. Then we basically ended up hiding out in the stacks waiting for him to leave the desk.
Which he actually stood at for about five more minutes.
Then there was another guy who was like 30, living with his brother and said he was ready to settle down and get married.
I told him I don't date patrons.
He attempted to find a way to work around it.
Didn't work.
Speaking of the Queen of the Known Universe, she ties for first in the Quote of the Day selection.
-"I don't want to cougar him." turned it into a verb, i like it.
When our library director, aka my boss's boss's boss, is notified about a change coming from the mayer's office she responds with "what the hell are you thinking?"
What else...
Tomorrow is "meet the parents" night.
His dad's birthday party, should be interesting.
I'll keep you posted.
Have tomorrow off to run errands, clean my apartment, but most importantly sleep in.
So don't call me before noon.
I'm out. Exhausted.
American Pie - Don McLean
but something touched me deep inside the day the music died.
he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye, saying soon i'm gonna be a jedi, soon i'm gonna be a jedi.
if you haven't already heard this next version you are seriously missing out on life. check it out.
Star Wars Epic Saga - Weird Al
PS - I checked out the book that I got from cataloging. "Notes from the Blender" which reminds me of my newest obsession.
Got a blender from Second Sister for my birthday. I'm hooked. Started making a lot of fruit smoothies with random fruit, pineapple, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, rasberries, all that. I like it. And it's healthy, so THERE!
For creepers.
This week has been no exception.
A guy came up to me at the desk with a "psychology question" for a class he's taking.
First it was "if someone asked you if you wanted to hang out would you say yes, no, or maybe?"
To which I didn't answer.
So then he changed it to, "do you like music?"
To which I said "sure".
And then he came at me with, "so if someone asked you if you wanted to hang out and listen to music, would you say yes, no, or maybe?"
I said it would depend on the relationship I had with that person.
"Well, you're both single." and that's when he got the ring.
Basically, when I get hit on I hold up my left hand, aka the one with the fake wedding ring, and they back off.
There's a reason I wear it every day.
And this way I'm not technically lying, they just assume I'm taken and they back off.
But it's not like this is irregular, it happens quite frequently.
But I'm too nice, so lately I've been shutting them off entirely.
I don't need another "likes ass or jazz" fiasco mentioned here: This Magnet Moment
Anyway, so I showed him the ring and he kept talking! So I looked over at John Boy who then turned to Queen of the Known Universe and she came to my rescue calling me away from the desk and saying something about going to the basement for a YA question.
So I did and ended up in cataloging talking to the New Girl and grabbing a YA item just in case I went back up there and he was still at the desk. That way I could claim the item was re-cataloged and fixed or something to that matter, but he was gone by the time I got back there.
She and I save each other frequently, though the most memorable was when this guy nearly invited himself over to my house for November so she walked out into the stacks and called the extension and told me I needed to go to the basement and get something. So I left the desk and she came back to it. Then, as I hung out in the stacks, I noticed he wasn't leaving her alone. So I called her extension with my cellphone claiming I needed her in the basement. Then we basically ended up hiding out in the stacks waiting for him to leave the desk.
Which he actually stood at for about five more minutes.
Then there was another guy who was like 30, living with his brother and said he was ready to settle down and get married.
I told him I don't date patrons.
He attempted to find a way to work around it.
Didn't work.
Speaking of the Queen of the Known Universe, she ties for first in the Quote of the Day selection.
-"I don't want to cougar him." turned it into a verb, i like it.
When our library director, aka my boss's boss's boss, is notified about a change coming from the mayer's office she responds with "what the hell are you thinking?"
What else...
Tomorrow is "meet the parents" night.
His dad's birthday party, should be interesting.
I'll keep you posted.
Have tomorrow off to run errands, clean my apartment, but most importantly sleep in.
So don't call me before noon.
I'm out. Exhausted.
American Pie - Don McLean
but something touched me deep inside the day the music died.
he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye, saying soon i'm gonna be a jedi, soon i'm gonna be a jedi.
if you haven't already heard this next version you are seriously missing out on life. check it out.
Star Wars Epic Saga - Weird Al
PS - I checked out the book that I got from cataloging. "Notes from the Blender" which reminds me of my newest obsession.
Got a blender from Second Sister for my birthday. I'm hooked. Started making a lot of fruit smoothies with random fruit, pineapple, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, rasberries, all that. I like it. And it's healthy, so THERE!
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