Another day, another marathon of Swamp People.
Plus some HeeHaw.
But that's what happens when you don't visit the farmhouse for two months, your father has shows lined up for you to watch.
And then hits his head and winds up in the emergency room.
Quote of the night:
Mom: "Guess where I am?"
Me: "Where?"
Mom: "The hospital."
Me: "Seriously? I leave for five minutes..."
He needed stitches and apparently the doc started stitching him before the numbing took effect. I asked if he socked him in the face. After all the crap this past year with the white walls and sterylized equipment I would have been tempted to.
But he's always been a great doc to me so...
He's probably used to the after hours calls from us by now. As a kid I went over there multiple nights to get my arm put back into socket. Apparently that happened a lot, it got pulled out or something. Then he taught my brother how to do it. Sounds painful, must have blocked it out. I'm not good with that stuff, makes me cringe.
Anyway, aside from watching Liz kick some major gator butt, I took my car for an oil change at my favorite mechanic's aka the boyfriend's house. He's handy like that. It was highly entertaining.
Mom has invited him for Easter. We'll see if he is brave enough to face the crazy. Church, dinner then a massive egg hunt. I told him there would probably be a lot of card playing after, as has become tradition at family gatherings. Or maybe we'll switch it up for some Apples to Apples but that's highly doubtful.
Will have to teach him how to play, as seems to be the tradition when siblings bring in significant others. It's like a rite of passage or something.
Moving on.
What kind of hats do they wear at the North Pole?
Ice caps.
Or that's what my popsicle stick says.
Popsicle sticks, I hate popsicles sticks.
SuperHumann used to use them in high school when no one would raise their hand. They'd be numbered so whoever got pulled had to answer.
Though I remember it backfired one time during government class. She also used them to assign partners, this time she partnered me with my boyfried of the time. The look on her face was priceless. So we were loud and obnoxious and lived it up. She was not amused.
Pretty sure that came around the same class as:
SH: "What's unique about the word equal."
no one answers...raise hand
Me: "It has a q in it?"
red marker flies passed my head.
We had a lot of fun in that class. Speaking of, Jessica and I used to drive around York when dropping Smo off for PT and we came across Iowa Avenue with lots of hills and a sign that says "Dip". We told SuperHumann about the "dip"s and she replied,
"Well, there's two of them in the car."
So tonight when I drove passed the Iowa Avenue roadsign I had to laugh.
The joys of small town Nebraska and class with SuperHumann.
Alright, I'm out for the night. Class tomorrow means I should get some sleep, that way I can actually understand all the numbers and data entries they'll be explaining tomorrow.
"Whiskey Lullaby" Brad Paisley
well that was depressing.
"She Said Yes" Chad Brock
the boyfriend and i had a debate about the lyrics on this one. he says it "he said why" while i say "he said wow" cause it makes more sense and rhymes better.
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
She's been living in her white bread world...
The library may be a dangerzone at the moment, but at least we're still us.
I enjoy us.
We're quite humorous.
Especially when we jump in on the big money lottery together.
And we're too nice to pull a cut-throat Jersey construction worker move...or at least I think we are.
Administration actually has their own pool going too, which makes me laugh that there's two of us.
Public service is gonna dominate.
Just saying.
Even if by chance we did win - you know that 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000.... chance - I'd probably still stick around.
Library has become my life.
Not sure what else I would do.
Before I was lazy. Not like super lazy, but I would have been content to do nothing, lay around watch TV and all that.
Now on my day off I go crazy. Force myself to take a nap or something. I know, my life is so rough whatever.
I got the weekend off for the first time this month so I headed out to the farmhouse. Granted I have class on Sunday so it's not completely stress-free.
Speaking of, should probably have finished my homework tonight but got caught up in Swamp People.
Yes, that Swamp People.
Dad keeps calling and leaving me messages about Swamp People and all these episodes he's taping.
So, when I get the chance for a weekend off and decide to come home for the first time in months I'm bombarded with the awesomeness that is cajun accents and humor.
I enjoy that now Liz has her own boat and a female partner, that's fantastic. They make me laugh. She's my favorite, loved her with Troy. "Choot 'em, Lizbet!"
Mom bought me a shirt with her on it.
And got Dad one with Willy on it.
Cause apparently that's his favorite.
Which makes me laugh.
If you've seen the show you'll know what I'm talking about.
Though he is good with a treble hook.
Pics of the day:

we have little magnets that label the sections of the nonfiction. this one's a little questionable. actually led to a humorous debate this morning. i said it's a verb but not a noun. one of the awesome aides argued that it could be different groups of fish so that would make them fishes. hmm.
it's always amusing when you get a bunch of english majors together and debate about something completely pointless in the AM.
the plural of deer is deer.
the plural of moose is moose.
the plural of goose is geese.
the plural of mouse is mice.
the plural of fish is....
love it.
that is one bigass bag of popcorn. compare it to the size of the chair or the fridge in the background. sometimes there are random snacks in the staffroom. i'm guessing this one made an appearance because of the destruction area that we call the second floor. and sections of the first.
this whole painting thing plus the shift is crazy and never ending. but at least we get to work on our limbo skills whilest maneuvering crime scene tape.

and the dish ran away with the spoon....or the cat ran away with the string...same thing.
Song of the day:
"Uptown Girl" Billy Joel
gonna say, the dancing right away at 2:35 kinda freaked me out, though i did immensely enjoy the leg kicks at 2:45
or you could go with this version:
I'm all for Billy Joel. We remixed We Didn't Start the Fire to match up with our Camp J highlights.
though the original version is much better. will have to find it and upload it.
I enjoy us.
We're quite humorous.
Especially when we jump in on the big money lottery together.
And we're too nice to pull a cut-throat Jersey construction worker move...or at least I think we are.
Administration actually has their own pool going too, which makes me laugh that there's two of us.
Public service is gonna dominate.
Just saying.
Even if by chance we did win - you know that 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000.... chance - I'd probably still stick around.
Library has become my life.
Not sure what else I would do.
Before I was lazy. Not like super lazy, but I would have been content to do nothing, lay around watch TV and all that.
Now on my day off I go crazy. Force myself to take a nap or something. I know, my life is so rough whatever.
I got the weekend off for the first time this month so I headed out to the farmhouse. Granted I have class on Sunday so it's not completely stress-free.
Speaking of, should probably have finished my homework tonight but got caught up in Swamp People.
Yes, that Swamp People.
Dad keeps calling and leaving me messages about Swamp People and all these episodes he's taping.
So, when I get the chance for a weekend off and decide to come home for the first time in months I'm bombarded with the awesomeness that is cajun accents and humor.
I enjoy that now Liz has her own boat and a female partner, that's fantastic. They make me laugh. She's my favorite, loved her with Troy. "Choot 'em, Lizbet!"
Mom bought me a shirt with her on it.
And got Dad one with Willy on it.
Cause apparently that's his favorite.
Which makes me laugh.
If you've seen the show you'll know what I'm talking about.
Though he is good with a treble hook.
Pics of the day:
we have little magnets that label the sections of the nonfiction. this one's a little questionable. actually led to a humorous debate this morning. i said it's a verb but not a noun. one of the awesome aides argued that it could be different groups of fish so that would make them fishes. hmm.
it's always amusing when you get a bunch of english majors together and debate about something completely pointless in the AM.
the plural of deer is deer.
the plural of moose is moose.
the plural of goose is geese.
the plural of mouse is mice.
the plural of fish is....
love it.
that is one bigass bag of popcorn. compare it to the size of the chair or the fridge in the background. sometimes there are random snacks in the staffroom. i'm guessing this one made an appearance because of the destruction area that we call the second floor. and sections of the first.
this whole painting thing plus the shift is crazy and never ending. but at least we get to work on our limbo skills whilest maneuvering crime scene tape.
and the dish ran away with the spoon....or the cat ran away with the string...same thing.
Song of the day:
"Uptown Girl" Billy Joel
gonna say, the dancing right away at 2:35 kinda freaked me out, though i did immensely enjoy the leg kicks at 2:45
or you could go with this version:
I'm all for Billy Joel. We remixed We Didn't Start the Fire to match up with our Camp J highlights.
though the original version is much better. will have to find it and upload it.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
I'm a man of means by no means, King of the Road.
10-4 Good Buddy.
That was the theme of the day.
Oversize integration.
Did a lot of shifting.
Also sang a lot of Roger Miller with John Boy. It was highly amusing.
They painted - well they're painting - the walls at the library. One of the walls is purple which brought to his mind the line "They say roses are red and violets are purple, Sugar is sweet and so is maple surple."
Which led us to a discussion about Skating in Buffalo Herds, Chugging a lot of Lug, Danging ourselves and being Royalty of the Road.
And then we started singing King of the Road.
It was a slow day.
Which was actually quite convenient for oversize shifting purposes. The whole upstairs area is kind of a dangerzone as mentioned earlier. There's shelves all over the place, carts with loads of books, stuff out of order... I'll be glad when everything's painted, but there's still the matter of integrating what's left of the oversize along the walls and on the carts. We're only at 617.8ish.
And I mean, we have a serious amount of material, but some of other branches have more...that must have been even more stressful.
I'm just glad I got to jam out with the New Guy. They have us working in pairs for the most part. We found new shifting techniques that work wonders, aka one person on both sides of the shelf and then just pushing it through to the other side and putting them in order. Quite helpful. We did a lot in a little amount of time.
Then re-arranged some shelves so they could make more progress tomorrow.
There were a lot of 10-4 Good Buddy's.
I just do what I'm told really. They have enough going on, just give me a task and I'll go with it.
I did enough shifting at the home branch to get the techniques down.
And get used to books falling on my head.
That's how you could tell where I was in the building at the home branch, you'd hear a bunch of 'thump's and then one big 'ahhh!!' and you'd be able to pin-point my exact location.
All-in-all I'd call it a productive day.
After that got to jam with the boyfriend. He gave me a massage cause my back hurts. Best boyfriend ever. We watched Tower Heist and Mission Impossible.
Totally called it man.
Biggest named actor, I'm telling you. That's how it works.
But I figured it was time I watched the series since the 4th??? one is coming out of DVD. I'm on the list for that but I was told to watch them in order. 1 down. 3 to go.
Anyway, I should probably crash and burn soon. I haven't looked at tomorrow's schedule but I'm guessing it's more of the same. Though I do have Saturday off, woohoo!
"King of the Road" plus some impromptu song writing - Roger Miller and Johnny Cash
this was basically our attitude throughout the day, love it.
That was the theme of the day.
Oversize integration.
Did a lot of shifting.
Also sang a lot of Roger Miller with John Boy. It was highly amusing.
They painted - well they're painting - the walls at the library. One of the walls is purple which brought to his mind the line "They say roses are red and violets are purple, Sugar is sweet and so is maple surple."
Which led us to a discussion about Skating in Buffalo Herds, Chugging a lot of Lug, Danging ourselves and being Royalty of the Road.
And then we started singing King of the Road.
It was a slow day.
Which was actually quite convenient for oversize shifting purposes. The whole upstairs area is kind of a dangerzone as mentioned earlier. There's shelves all over the place, carts with loads of books, stuff out of order... I'll be glad when everything's painted, but there's still the matter of integrating what's left of the oversize along the walls and on the carts. We're only at 617.8ish.
And I mean, we have a serious amount of material, but some of other branches have more...that must have been even more stressful.
I'm just glad I got to jam out with the New Guy. They have us working in pairs for the most part. We found new shifting techniques that work wonders, aka one person on both sides of the shelf and then just pushing it through to the other side and putting them in order. Quite helpful. We did a lot in a little amount of time.
Then re-arranged some shelves so they could make more progress tomorrow.
There were a lot of 10-4 Good Buddy's.
I just do what I'm told really. They have enough going on, just give me a task and I'll go with it.
I did enough shifting at the home branch to get the techniques down.
And get used to books falling on my head.
That's how you could tell where I was in the building at the home branch, you'd hear a bunch of 'thump's and then one big 'ahhh!!' and you'd be able to pin-point my exact location.
All-in-all I'd call it a productive day.
After that got to jam with the boyfriend. He gave me a massage cause my back hurts. Best boyfriend ever. We watched Tower Heist and Mission Impossible.
Totally called it man.
Biggest named actor, I'm telling you. That's how it works.
But I figured it was time I watched the series since the 4th??? one is coming out of DVD. I'm on the list for that but I was told to watch them in order. 1 down. 3 to go.
Anyway, I should probably crash and burn soon. I haven't looked at tomorrow's schedule but I'm guessing it's more of the same. Though I do have Saturday off, woohoo!
"King of the Road" plus some impromptu song writing - Roger Miller and Johnny Cash
this was basically our attitude throughout the day, love it.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
"I've had marriages shorter than that story."
So I'm back to Just Shoot Me.
Sometimes you gotta go back to the classics.
Jack: "Muffins aren't breakfast they're cake in a doily!"
Same night as Friends and Will and Grace. Back when NBC dominated. Not so much anymore. Though it does have The Voice which has gotten my attention as of late.
If you don't know the premise this is it in a nutshell.
Maya Gallo (Laura San Giacomo) is broke. She was fired from her TV newsjob after making an anchorwoman cry by sabotaging her telepromter. In order to keep her apartment she is forced to talk to her father a rich businessman and owner of Blush Magazine.
He hires her and she basically is the only normal one in the bunch. You've got Jack the boss and her dad played by George Segal, Elliot (Enrico Colantoni) the photographer who sleeps with all the models, Finch (David Spade) Jack's personal assistant and professional womanizer then Nina Van Horn an middle-aged former model still fighting for the spotlight played by Wendie Malick.
Originally the show didn't have Finch, but the network said it was missing something so they went back, added him in, rewrote the script and added the new scenes in. David makes up a lot of the material himself so it was a good call.
Maya: This picture sends the wrong message.
Elliot: What message are you trying to send?
Maya: "My name is Maya Gallo, and I'm a professional."
Elliot: And this says?
Maya: "My name is Maya Gallo, and my naughty girlfriends and I are waiting for your calls."
At first the show was all about Maya adjusting and the others resenting her but by the end of first season she's in and they've bonded and it's more about complications or hijinks at work that turn comedic. Finch and Elliot pulling pranks on Nina.
The show ran from 1997-2003 when the network decided they needed to add a new character who was supposed to be this rising star. However this caused too much tension so they ended it. It was Rena Sofer who you probably know Colonel Bell's lawyer on NCIS.
Jack: [to Hannah, over the phone] Hi, Hannah. Daddy's going to sing a song about... his desk. Oh, markers and pencils and pens And keys to my Mercedes Benz A cup and an empty green bottle...
Nina barges in about something unrelated: Damnit, Jack!
Jack: Oh, look, it's a grumpy ex-model.
On the scale of awesome I rate it a 10/10. It's got a great cast and it's one of those shows that you know they really get along off set as well and that's been said by all of them in interviews.
The characters are well written and very different from each other, the writing is great, storylines are realistic for the most part as they work for a fashion magazine.
Nina: [looking at Maya's ID photo] This picture captures the real you.
Dennis: Yeah, someone should, for science.
This is when I first realized how great of an actress Wendie Malick is. She plays the snarky ex-model fighting to stay young, much like her current role on Hot in Cleveland.
It's funny that I gravitate to the bitch character. Nina. Sue Sylvestor, Karen Darling, the list goes on though they're all from comedies. I don't think I could handle a serious bitch, at least these are funny.
Elliot DiMauro about breast implants: Do you have a permit for those?
Nina Van Horn: Don't you just love'em? They say, "Here I am!"
Elliot DiMauro: Actually, they say, "Moo, I hope some frat guy doesn't tip me over."
my brother and i sing this.
it's 5 seconds you know you want to.
Maya: That's fired with a "ph" it's gangsta rap for "you're doing swell!"
Out for the night.
Sometimes you gotta go back to the classics.
Jack: "Muffins aren't breakfast they're cake in a doily!"
Same night as Friends and Will and Grace. Back when NBC dominated. Not so much anymore. Though it does have The Voice which has gotten my attention as of late.
If you don't know the premise this is it in a nutshell.
Maya Gallo (Laura San Giacomo) is broke. She was fired from her TV newsjob after making an anchorwoman cry by sabotaging her telepromter. In order to keep her apartment she is forced to talk to her father a rich businessman and owner of Blush Magazine.
He hires her and she basically is the only normal one in the bunch. You've got Jack the boss and her dad played by George Segal, Elliot (Enrico Colantoni) the photographer who sleeps with all the models, Finch (David Spade) Jack's personal assistant and professional womanizer then Nina Van Horn an middle-aged former model still fighting for the spotlight played by Wendie Malick.
Originally the show didn't have Finch, but the network said it was missing something so they went back, added him in, rewrote the script and added the new scenes in. David makes up a lot of the material himself so it was a good call.
Maya: This picture sends the wrong message.
Elliot: What message are you trying to send?
Maya: "My name is Maya Gallo, and I'm a professional."
Elliot: And this says?
Maya: "My name is Maya Gallo, and my naughty girlfriends and I are waiting for your calls."
At first the show was all about Maya adjusting and the others resenting her but by the end of first season she's in and they've bonded and it's more about complications or hijinks at work that turn comedic. Finch and Elliot pulling pranks on Nina.
The show ran from 1997-2003 when the network decided they needed to add a new character who was supposed to be this rising star. However this caused too much tension so they ended it. It was Rena Sofer who you probably know Colonel Bell's lawyer on NCIS.
Jack: [to Hannah, over the phone] Hi, Hannah. Daddy's going to sing a song about... his desk. Oh, markers and pencils and pens And keys to my Mercedes Benz A cup and an empty green bottle...
Nina barges in about something unrelated: Damnit, Jack!
Jack: Oh, look, it's a grumpy ex-model.
On the scale of awesome I rate it a 10/10. It's got a great cast and it's one of those shows that you know they really get along off set as well and that's been said by all of them in interviews.
The characters are well written and very different from each other, the writing is great, storylines are realistic for the most part as they work for a fashion magazine.
Nina: [looking at Maya's ID photo] This picture captures the real you.
Dennis: Yeah, someone should, for science.
This is when I first realized how great of an actress Wendie Malick is. She plays the snarky ex-model fighting to stay young, much like her current role on Hot in Cleveland.
It's funny that I gravitate to the bitch character. Nina. Sue Sylvestor, Karen Darling, the list goes on though they're all from comedies. I don't think I could handle a serious bitch, at least these are funny.
Elliot DiMauro about breast implants: Do you have a permit for those?
Nina Van Horn: Don't you just love'em? They say, "Here I am!"
Elliot DiMauro: Actually, they say, "Moo, I hope some frat guy doesn't tip me over."
my brother and i sing this.
it's 5 seconds you know you want to.
Maya: That's fired with a "ph" it's gangsta rap for "you're doing swell!"
Out for the night.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Highway to the Danger Zone
It's actually amusing to walk into work and see the floor covered in crime scene tape.
Sections of the library are basically off limits cause we're painting at the same time as we're integrating the oversize with the regular.
It's a mess.
I remember when we did this at the home library, but it was so much easier and less time consuming. They boxed everything up and put it in the middle of the room, came over the holiday weekend and it was done.
But with the work library there are 4 floors. They did 4 then 3 now they're on 1 which gives us more time to finish shifting on 2.
It'll be worth it.
Aside from that I used my new blender for the first time.
It's fantastic.
As are fruit smoothies. I'm tempted to take one to work with me tomorrow but they would probably make fun of me.
Oh well, what else is new? Used to getting it with the family as I'm the nerd. But I'm okay with that.
"Danger Zone" Kenny Loggins
with all the tape definitely a dangerzone at work. but staff can still go to restricted stuff so it's amusing when patrons want stuff from like the picture book room cause i'm like ducking the tape, climbing over a couch, watching out for boxes grabbing the item then doing that in reverse all without hurting myself in the process. good workout for coordination.
Do we need another season of Celebrity Apprentice? Do people still watch that? Oh Trump.
Makes me want to watch Just Shoot Me. Jack the boss used to have competitions with Trump trying to lose the most weight or whatever and the loser had to golf in a dress. Funny stuff.
Alright, out for the night.
Sections of the library are basically off limits cause we're painting at the same time as we're integrating the oversize with the regular.
It's a mess.
I remember when we did this at the home library, but it was so much easier and less time consuming. They boxed everything up and put it in the middle of the room, came over the holiday weekend and it was done.
But with the work library there are 4 floors. They did 4 then 3 now they're on 1 which gives us more time to finish shifting on 2.
It'll be worth it.
Aside from that I used my new blender for the first time.
It's fantastic.
As are fruit smoothies. I'm tempted to take one to work with me tomorrow but they would probably make fun of me.
Oh well, what else is new? Used to getting it with the family as I'm the nerd. But I'm okay with that.
"Danger Zone" Kenny Loggins
with all the tape definitely a dangerzone at work. but staff can still go to restricted stuff so it's amusing when patrons want stuff from like the picture book room cause i'm like ducking the tape, climbing over a couch, watching out for boxes grabbing the item then doing that in reverse all without hurting myself in the process. good workout for coordination.
Do we need another season of Celebrity Apprentice? Do people still watch that? Oh Trump.
Makes me want to watch Just Shoot Me. Jack the boss used to have competitions with Trump trying to lose the most weight or whatever and the loser had to golf in a dress. Funny stuff.
Alright, out for the night.
Monday, March 26, 2012
"Why would anyone want to eat something so PINK?!"
a volunteer exclaimed today when confronted with some Peeps.
I'm with ya.
Never really been a fan. Our family is more about the cadbury eggs. We barter for them.
-I'll trade you three twix bars plus one snickers for your cadbury egg.
-Nope. Not worth it.
It's serious business man.
Speaking of serious business, I have a serious problem.
I know, that for some people, this may be too shocking to read about.
Some may have to avert their eyes.
But it's become such a serious problem that I've just gotta say it.
So here we go.
Someone is stealing my spoons.
For serious.
I mean, I don't think a person would actually come in off the street and steal a spoon and leave.
Unless they're really twisted.
But the thing is, they go from the drawer, to the living room, to the dishwasher. So where the heck are they getting lost in between?
I have plenty replacements - I have boxes, literally boxes, of silverware so you don't need to buy me new ones.
I'm just really confused.
Where are they going?
I mean, they're not stuck in the dishwasher.
Or are they?
It's like that elusive sock vs. dryer thing.
Can an appliance really swallow something whole just to spite you?
Maybe the dishwasher is trying to tell me something.
Like that I need to stop cooking.
That something bad is going to happen and I need to stick with takeout.
Cause, I mean, what kind of takeout do you eat with a spoon? Really?
Maybe, the dishwasher is doing this for the good of the nation.
Yes, the NATION!
Not really.
Stupid spoons.
Where the heck are you going?
Like I said, serious problem.
But if that's my serious problem at the moment then I'm thinking life is good.
Today was especially good. Slept in, went to work for a couple of hours, took Squirt to her soccer game, then jammed with the family afterward.
Castle was excellent. Big episode. Did not see that ending coming. And the preview for next week's looks...interesting...but it is getting closer to the end of the season so I guess it's about time they brought this to the front.
And we missed half of The Voice so I'm gonna watch it now.
"What Makes You Beautiful" One Direction
so, the funny part about this song is that last week when I was driving Squirt back from the library this song started playing on the radio. at the same time - without conferring with each other - we both soundhound/shazam'd it to figure out what it was and who sang it. then realized that we both did it at the same time.
i'm digging it. they were on the x factor apparently, and they're british so if you don't know them that's probably why.
Tomorrow's a long day so I'm gonna watch The Voice and crash...
hahahaha, i'm sorry i have to laugh at the tags for this post. it looks like some kind of bad experiment or something.
I'm with ya.
Never really been a fan. Our family is more about the cadbury eggs. We barter for them.
-I'll trade you three twix bars plus one snickers for your cadbury egg.
-Nope. Not worth it.
It's serious business man.
Speaking of serious business, I have a serious problem.
I know, that for some people, this may be too shocking to read about.
Some may have to avert their eyes.
But it's become such a serious problem that I've just gotta say it.
So here we go.
Someone is stealing my spoons.
For serious.
I mean, I don't think a person would actually come in off the street and steal a spoon and leave.
Unless they're really twisted.
But the thing is, they go from the drawer, to the living room, to the dishwasher. So where the heck are they getting lost in between?
I have plenty replacements - I have boxes, literally boxes, of silverware so you don't need to buy me new ones.
I'm just really confused.
Where are they going?
I mean, they're not stuck in the dishwasher.
Or are they?
It's like that elusive sock vs. dryer thing.
Can an appliance really swallow something whole just to spite you?
Maybe the dishwasher is trying to tell me something.
Like that I need to stop cooking.
That something bad is going to happen and I need to stick with takeout.
Cause, I mean, what kind of takeout do you eat with a spoon? Really?
Maybe, the dishwasher is doing this for the good of the nation.
Yes, the NATION!
Not really.
Stupid spoons.
Where the heck are you going?
Like I said, serious problem.
But if that's my serious problem at the moment then I'm thinking life is good.
Today was especially good. Slept in, went to work for a couple of hours, took Squirt to her soccer game, then jammed with the family afterward.
Castle was excellent. Big episode. Did not see that ending coming. And the preview for next week's looks...interesting...but it is getting closer to the end of the season so I guess it's about time they brought this to the front.
And we missed half of The Voice so I'm gonna watch it now.
"What Makes You Beautiful" One Direction
so, the funny part about this song is that last week when I was driving Squirt back from the library this song started playing on the radio. at the same time - without conferring with each other - we both soundhound/shazam'd it to figure out what it was and who sang it. then realized that we both did it at the same time.
i'm digging it. they were on the x factor apparently, and they're british so if you don't know them that's probably why.
Tomorrow's a long day so I'm gonna watch The Voice and crash...
hahahaha, i'm sorry i have to laugh at the tags for this post. it looks like some kind of bad experiment or something.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
You're my brown eyed girl.
So the wedding.
Oldest Sister dragged me dress shopping last week.
I got multiple. She did a victory dance.
But I'm not the girliest girl - which you have probably figured out by now - so I made Smo choose.
And the bride approved so she chose well.
Though I think my favorite moment was probably the boyfriend's facial expression when he saw me in the dress. Made me laugh.
Told him not to get used to it.
He says maybe it'll grow on me.
Highly doubtful, but a guy can dream.
The wedding was great. I told Beej I was proud she made it through without crying. She said she about lost it walking down the aisle.
I'm like, that's when you lean over and say "Dad, slow down, I need a minute!!"
As fun as the wedding was, the reception was 10 times as awesome.
And I gotta throw this out there. It was like a freakin' reunion. So many NELHS alum that one of our recruiters - the one who recruited me - made us take a group picture. We'll see where that one ends up. Highly likely it'll make its way to Facebook eventually.
Which reminds me that I need to upload my pictures...from the wedding and I still haven't put up the Alumni vs. Called Worker game pictures either. Woops.
Anyway, it's highly amusing now that everyone I went to high school with is old enough to drink. Needless to say many hijinks ensued. And most of them either won't be remembered and shouldn't be repeated so I'll leave it at that.
Though I do have to repeat this one.
The boyfriend was telling us a tale of a girl who thought that the song "Strawberry Wine" was some sort of reference to Jesus.
Smo looks over, serious as ever, and yells over the music, "But, it's about wine!!"
It was a great night. I had a lot of fun dancing, and chatting with some old high school friends - got to jam with Smo and Shel and Frizzy, yeah Sideburns!! and Sloan - I forgot how much fun these people were. There's a reason I loved high school. Even the boyfriend hit it off with some former college classmate who was randomly there.
So it was all about old friends making new memories and all that jazz.
Today, on the other hand, as much fun as it is to take over the library with a big shot of estrogen - there were 5 of us there today and we're all female - the majority us were dead on our feet. So I was glad it was relatively slow.
After work it was homework and then I finally got around to watching The Whistleblower.
Dark. And scary. And depressing. And more depressing.
But based on a true story, about a NEBRASKA cop turned peace-officer in Bosnia who uncovers a human trafficking ring. It's interesting watching the interviews with the real Kathryn Bolkovac. She literally wasn't trying to be a hero, she was just trying to do her job. It's completely fascinating but totally depressing.
Scale of Awesome says about a 7/10 I watched all the way through, couldn't leave until I knew how it ended. Not completely what I expected, but it definitely had its moments. And I mean how can you turn down Rachel Weisz and Nebraska? Really?
Alright, on the music:
"Brown Eyed Girl" Everclear
almost good as the original but it's hard to beat a classic
"What I Like About You" The Romantics
love the original and the remake by lillix. and the show. the show was fabulous.
Extra fun fact I learned today at work. The song "Over the Rainbow" by Judy Garland is considered a love song. From the 60's.
Which is ironic. Because it's neither a love song nor from the 60's.
And yet it made a 60's love songs compilation CD.
Oldest Sister dragged me dress shopping last week.
I got multiple. She did a victory dance.
But I'm not the girliest girl - which you have probably figured out by now - so I made Smo choose.
And the bride approved so she chose well.
Though I think my favorite moment was probably the boyfriend's facial expression when he saw me in the dress. Made me laugh.
Told him not to get used to it.
He says maybe it'll grow on me.
Highly doubtful, but a guy can dream.
The wedding was great. I told Beej I was proud she made it through without crying. She said she about lost it walking down the aisle.
I'm like, that's when you lean over and say "Dad, slow down, I need a minute!!"
As fun as the wedding was, the reception was 10 times as awesome.
And I gotta throw this out there. It was like a freakin' reunion. So many NELHS alum that one of our recruiters - the one who recruited me - made us take a group picture. We'll see where that one ends up. Highly likely it'll make its way to Facebook eventually.
Which reminds me that I need to upload my pictures...from the wedding and I still haven't put up the Alumni vs. Called Worker game pictures either. Woops.
Anyway, it's highly amusing now that everyone I went to high school with is old enough to drink. Needless to say many hijinks ensued. And most of them either won't be remembered and shouldn't be repeated so I'll leave it at that.
Though I do have to repeat this one.
The boyfriend was telling us a tale of a girl who thought that the song "Strawberry Wine" was some sort of reference to Jesus.
Smo looks over, serious as ever, and yells over the music, "But, it's about wine!!"
It was a great night. I had a lot of fun dancing, and chatting with some old high school friends - got to jam with Smo and Shel and Frizzy, yeah Sideburns!! and Sloan - I forgot how much fun these people were. There's a reason I loved high school. Even the boyfriend hit it off with some former college classmate who was randomly there.
So it was all about old friends making new memories and all that jazz.
Today, on the other hand, as much fun as it is to take over the library with a big shot of estrogen - there were 5 of us there today and we're all female - the majority us were dead on our feet. So I was glad it was relatively slow.
After work it was homework and then I finally got around to watching The Whistleblower.
Dark. And scary. And depressing. And more depressing.
But based on a true story, about a NEBRASKA cop turned peace-officer in Bosnia who uncovers a human trafficking ring. It's interesting watching the interviews with the real Kathryn Bolkovac. She literally wasn't trying to be a hero, she was just trying to do her job. It's completely fascinating but totally depressing.
Scale of Awesome says about a 7/10 I watched all the way through, couldn't leave until I knew how it ended. Not completely what I expected, but it definitely had its moments. And I mean how can you turn down Rachel Weisz and Nebraska? Really?
Alright, on the music:
"Brown Eyed Girl" Everclear
almost good as the original but it's hard to beat a classic
"What I Like About You" The Romantics
love the original and the remake by lillix. and the show. the show was fabulous.
Extra fun fact I learned today at work. The song "Over the Rainbow" by Judy Garland is considered a love song. From the 60's.
Which is ironic. Because it's neither a love song nor from the 60's.
And yet it made a 60's love songs compilation CD.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Happy Hunger Games and May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor
IDK, my BFF Katniss?
Don't read if you don't want to be spoiled.
Not that there are massive spoilers, but minor ones.
Okay, so after work myself, Slim Shady, Fearless Leader and BossLady - not to be confused with BossWoman aka SuperWoman - hit up an opening day showing of The Hunger Games.
With all the hype and build-up we're major nerds so we just hoped it wouldn't suck. That was the common thought throughout the week. Along with Oh it's gonna be great, I wonder how they'll do this, or how he'll play this, but the major one was I hope it doesn't suck.
It didn't suck.
It wasn't uber-fantastic.
But I think at moments it was worth the hype.
I don't know, I'm going back and forth.
I did a poll after the movie, cause I'm the biggest nerd apparently, Fearless Leader gave it a 5-6 on the Scale of Awesome, BossLady said 6, and Slim Shady and myself said 7/10.
So overall we'll call it a strong 6.5
Which is mildly depressing.
I don't know, like I said I'm going and forth.
It definitely had its moments where I was on edge, and I jumped a few times, but it wasn't spectacular the whole was through. The beginning was slow but that's okay cause you need to know why they're fighting and all the background stuff. It picked up during the prep and actual games.
I'm wondering if maybe I hadn't read the book that they would have made it better?
Since I knew everything beforehand, yes I understood things more clearly than people who hadn't, but still I already knew what was going to happen next.
With the last Harry Potter it was the only one I didn't read and it was nice that way cause I didn't know what was happening. I had read the others beforehand and was frustrated they include certain elements from the book so for the last one it was like all I need are the highlights.
Besides it's a lot of pages to cover in 2.5 hours.
I'd explain the missing stuff but I'm guessing half of you ignored the spoiler warning at the top and plan on seeing this in the near-distant future so I'll shutup.
The cast was perfect in their roles, Lenny Kravitz included. and Jennifer Lawrence played Katniss so well that I actually belived it. I really loved that Laser from The Kids Are Alright played Peeta. Since I haven't read the last two I'm interested to see how that turns out.
Yes, I know I'm a horrible librarian. I recommend the series all the time but still haven't read the last two.
What else?
Costumes were great. The Capitol looking about like Lady Gaga's home planet.
It was action-packed, I'm actually surprised it was only rated PG:13 as it was so violent.
But well-deserved. I hope people get intersted in the rest of the stories. Right not there are about 100 holds on the first one.
I was glad we got our tickets in advance. Not that it was too crazy, but it was easier this way. And we got lucky finding four seats in a row.
We did have to laugh because I'm pretty sure the girl behind us hadn't read the books. There's a super serious part where someone dies and the chick started crying. Slim Shady and I looked at each other and just laughed. Inappropriate for the moment, but still.
Alright, I'm out for the night. Tomorrow is the wedding and I have to wear a dress. Sunday is work and homework and then Monday I'm half off, woohoo!
Don't read if you don't want to be spoiled.
Not that there are massive spoilers, but minor ones.
Okay, so after work myself, Slim Shady, Fearless Leader and BossLady - not to be confused with BossWoman aka SuperWoman - hit up an opening day showing of The Hunger Games.
With all the hype and build-up we're major nerds so we just hoped it wouldn't suck. That was the common thought throughout the week. Along with Oh it's gonna be great, I wonder how they'll do this, or how he'll play this, but the major one was I hope it doesn't suck.
It didn't suck.
It wasn't uber-fantastic.
But I think at moments it was worth the hype.
I don't know, I'm going back and forth.
I did a poll after the movie, cause I'm the biggest nerd apparently, Fearless Leader gave it a 5-6 on the Scale of Awesome, BossLady said 6, and Slim Shady and myself said 7/10.
So overall we'll call it a strong 6.5
Which is mildly depressing.
I don't know, like I said I'm going and forth.
It definitely had its moments where I was on edge, and I jumped a few times, but it wasn't spectacular the whole was through. The beginning was slow but that's okay cause you need to know why they're fighting and all the background stuff. It picked up during the prep and actual games.
I'm wondering if maybe I hadn't read the book that they would have made it better?
Since I knew everything beforehand, yes I understood things more clearly than people who hadn't, but still I already knew what was going to happen next.
With the last Harry Potter it was the only one I didn't read and it was nice that way cause I didn't know what was happening. I had read the others beforehand and was frustrated they include certain elements from the book so for the last one it was like all I need are the highlights.
Besides it's a lot of pages to cover in 2.5 hours.
I'd explain the missing stuff but I'm guessing half of you ignored the spoiler warning at the top and plan on seeing this in the near-distant future so I'll shutup.
The cast was perfect in their roles, Lenny Kravitz included. and Jennifer Lawrence played Katniss so well that I actually belived it. I really loved that Laser from The Kids Are Alright played Peeta. Since I haven't read the last two I'm interested to see how that turns out.
Yes, I know I'm a horrible librarian. I recommend the series all the time but still haven't read the last two.
What else?
Costumes were great. The Capitol looking about like Lady Gaga's home planet.
It was action-packed, I'm actually surprised it was only rated PG:13 as it was so violent.
But well-deserved. I hope people get intersted in the rest of the stories. Right not there are about 100 holds on the first one.
I was glad we got our tickets in advance. Not that it was too crazy, but it was easier this way. And we got lucky finding four seats in a row.
We did have to laugh because I'm pretty sure the girl behind us hadn't read the books. There's a super serious part where someone dies and the chick started crying. Slim Shady and I looked at each other and just laughed. Inappropriate for the moment, but still.
Alright, I'm out for the night. Tomorrow is the wedding and I have to wear a dress. Sunday is work and homework and then Monday I'm half off, woohoo!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
"I added some garlic for pizazz!"
Okay, have you ever had one of those mornings where you wake up to someone pounding on your door, look at the clock and freak out, check your phone and see missed calls, and think oh crap I'm late for work and Superwoman sent the landlord to make sure I'm not dead?
I think I watch too many crime shows.
Fortunately, when I frantically ran to the door to assure the landlord that I'm not dead I opened the door and found my mother and Oldest Sister who had come to measure my curtains.
Then realized I didn't set an alarm cause I didn't have to go in until 4.
So I'm allowed to sleep until 12:30!! No judgments!! I was up until 4:30 the night before!!
Anyway, people are starting to think I'm dead on here as well. I'm not dead, but Sketch was here so here are some highlights from that past three? four? days:
-Ralph Nader is coming to Nebraska on Monday. I find this highly amusing, but not for political reasons. Basically in high school we took a government course and it was an election year. While everyone was making George Bush campaign posters and slogans we chose Ralph Nader and would shout "Go Green Party!" up and down the halls.
We were nerds.
Not much has changed.
But no I won't be going and shouting that up and down the halls there. I'm working cause I work and then I work some more. And some more.
-Fairly Legal Season One on DVD. I'm intrigued. It's not what I'm used to actually. She was a lawyer at her father's firm then he died and she rethought her life and became a mediator instead. Good cast of characters (including cousin Bobby from Sweet Home Alabama but I still see him as Preston from Can't Hardly Wait "Prestooooon! Yeah I like that guy!") that are semi-3 dimensional so it could turn out okay. I'll give it a 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome for now.
-Sketch coming means rest and relaxation. We're semi-lame. or I am at least. So we watch lots of movies and jam out and all that. Though it probably wasn't the best timing as I had to work all week. Totally forgot to give her the copies of the new Sketch and Edit's and if I post them on here first she will kill me.
-TAB kids fix all. I was freaked out about stuff all day, then we had our repurposing project where we took withdrawn books and turn them into crafts and I was completely relaxed. We talked about many things. One of the crafts was to make an apple out of a book like cut the edges so when you stood it up it would be an 3D apple. So I said we could make some other fruit and turn it into a hat like the Chiquita Banana Lady. And we don't joked about the Chiquita Banana Lady, she means serious business.
So then we said we should put together a vegetable one, but it would smell. I said I'd throw in some "garlic for pizazz!" to add some flair. Maybe scare some creepers off.
-When Oldest Sister is determined to take you dress shopping she will take you dress shopping. No excuses allowed. I got more than one. She did some victory dancing and cheering. Said she'd text mom.
Speaking of, dresses weren't the only thing I got tonight. Opened my mail and got a Choot 'em Lizbet!! Swamp People shirt from Mom I'm stoked!! I'd wear it tomorrow but I can't, wearing my District 12 shirt instead Hunger Games!!
-Going to Hunger Games tomorrow night. Hopefully it won't be totally packed, though I might be disappointed if it isn't. I hope it does well. And I really hope it doesn't suck.
Remember how we're nerds?
Yeah, we're all totally stoked.
-Finished my Booklist and got it published, check this: If You Like the Hunger Games
-Apparently, the requirements for becoming a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader are you must be over 18 and a high school graduate, dance experience is recommended, must be available during all games and my personal favorite you must be available to travel to Florida for annual swimsuit calendar shoot in May, June or July 2012. I love reference.
-They've started the shift at work. Basically they shelved the oversize books from the regular ones because they wouldn't fit on the shelf, so now they're changing the shelves and integrating them in with the regular size books. Which is fantastic because we don't have to lead people to two different places.
and that's that. completely random i'm aware. there are more but at the moment i'm totally blanking.
tune in tomorrow for some hunger games thoughts.
I think I watch too many crime shows.
Fortunately, when I frantically ran to the door to assure the landlord that I'm not dead I opened the door and found my mother and Oldest Sister who had come to measure my curtains.
Then realized I didn't set an alarm cause I didn't have to go in until 4.
So I'm allowed to sleep until 12:30!! No judgments!! I was up until 4:30 the night before!!
Anyway, people are starting to think I'm dead on here as well. I'm not dead, but Sketch was here so here are some highlights from that past three? four? days:
-Ralph Nader is coming to Nebraska on Monday. I find this highly amusing, but not for political reasons. Basically in high school we took a government course and it was an election year. While everyone was making George Bush campaign posters and slogans we chose Ralph Nader and would shout "Go Green Party!" up and down the halls.
We were nerds.
Not much has changed.
But no I won't be going and shouting that up and down the halls there. I'm working cause I work and then I work some more. And some more.
-Fairly Legal Season One on DVD. I'm intrigued. It's not what I'm used to actually. She was a lawyer at her father's firm then he died and she rethought her life and became a mediator instead. Good cast of characters (including cousin Bobby from Sweet Home Alabama but I still see him as Preston from Can't Hardly Wait "Prestooooon! Yeah I like that guy!") that are semi-3 dimensional so it could turn out okay. I'll give it a 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome for now.
-Sketch coming means rest and relaxation. We're semi-lame. or I am at least. So we watch lots of movies and jam out and all that. Though it probably wasn't the best timing as I had to work all week. Totally forgot to give her the copies of the new Sketch and Edit's and if I post them on here first she will kill me.
-TAB kids fix all. I was freaked out about stuff all day, then we had our repurposing project where we took withdrawn books and turn them into crafts and I was completely relaxed. We talked about many things. One of the crafts was to make an apple out of a book like cut the edges so when you stood it up it would be an 3D apple. So I said we could make some other fruit and turn it into a hat like the Chiquita Banana Lady. And we don't joked about the Chiquita Banana Lady, she means serious business.
So then we said we should put together a vegetable one, but it would smell. I said I'd throw in some "garlic for pizazz!" to add some flair. Maybe scare some creepers off.
-When Oldest Sister is determined to take you dress shopping she will take you dress shopping. No excuses allowed. I got more than one. She did some victory dancing and cheering. Said she'd text mom.
Speaking of, dresses weren't the only thing I got tonight. Opened my mail and got a Choot 'em Lizbet!! Swamp People shirt from Mom I'm stoked!! I'd wear it tomorrow but I can't, wearing my District 12 shirt instead Hunger Games!!
-Going to Hunger Games tomorrow night. Hopefully it won't be totally packed, though I might be disappointed if it isn't. I hope it does well. And I really hope it doesn't suck.
Remember how we're nerds?
Yeah, we're all totally stoked.
-Finished my Booklist and got it published, check this: If You Like the Hunger Games
-Apparently, the requirements for becoming a Tennessee Titans Cheerleader are you must be over 18 and a high school graduate, dance experience is recommended, must be available during all games and my personal favorite you must be available to travel to Florida for annual swimsuit calendar shoot in May, June or July 2012. I love reference.
-They've started the shift at work. Basically they shelved the oversize books from the regular ones because they wouldn't fit on the shelf, so now they're changing the shelves and integrating them in with the regular size books. Which is fantastic because we don't have to lead people to two different places.
and that's that. completely random i'm aware. there are more but at the moment i'm totally blanking.
tune in tomorrow for some hunger games thoughts.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
She's got the moon in her eyes.
We were musically serenaded at work today. A quartet turned sextet, or were there seven of them?
Anyway they played on first floor this afternoon so we got to jam to classical music for an hour.
It was pretty much me and John Boy paired up all day. We had a lot of fun, we always talk comics and music and movies and all that.
But I felt bad today cause with all the music and stuff on the first floor I couldn't like distract from the performance so I stayed behind the desk the whole time. Felt semi-lazy. And then of course Boss's Boss's Boss is there in the audience. But it's not like I can walk in front of them to put out new books and fix the displays.
So I stayed at the desk and helped people there. Trying not to go stir-crazy as it's slow on Sundays. But I learned a lot. Cause they played something from Beauty and the Beast I guess - Wordie explained it - which led me to Charles Perrault (even though it wasn't one of his) - which led me to other random history stuff.
Things I learned about today at work:
-The Labyrinth of Versailles - apparently before Perrault became Perrault the awful and gruesome fairytale author he was some sort of advisor to the king. Anyway, he once advised the king who had recently built this giant labyrinth - the whole maze deal with giant hedges and everything - that instead of having it just shrubs that he should include fountains. He said they should dedicate a fountain to each of Aesop's Fables and then put an inscription on each and they could use it as a way to teach the king's son aka the dauphin to read. So they had 39 statues plus two in the entry. And it sounds super cool! And I'd go visit it but then like a few years later they destroyed the whole thing!! and replaced it with some sort of exotic forest thing instead. Now only pieces of those fountains are left and they put them in the museum.
But isn't that cool?
Or am I just giving you another example of how big of a nerd I am?
If so here's another.
Anyway, so Beauty and the Beast led me to Charles Perrault which led me to the Labyrinth of Versailles which led me to the Affair of the Diamond Necklace - sounds like a cheesy romance novel right? No, but you're close - because the incident happened in the labyrinth.
Keep in mind that history isn't really my strongpoint so if you know this already just roll with it.
The story behind this one is that there's this necklace that was made for one of the king's mistresses and by the time it's finished the king is dead and his mistress is banished and now there's a new king. The jeweler is going broke cause the necklace was so expensive to make so he wants the new king aka Louis XVI to buy it from him and give it to his queen aka Marie Antoinette, but he refuses. So in comes a con-artist named Jeanne de Saint-Rémy de Valois and she basically had it out for Marie Antoinette. She decided that she was going to get the necklace for herself and use it to make lots of money and hopefully tarnish the queen's name in the process.
She became the mistress of a Cardinal named Rohan - I know right?! - who was not so high on the queen's favorite people in the world list. So, Jeanne, knowing this, convinced him she was friends with the queen and he could use her to his advantage to get back in the queen's good graces. Jeanne, who was obviously not friends with the queen, convinced him to write the queen letters, and then Jeanne intercepted them and sent them to a forger named Rétaux de Villette who responded to the letters in what Jeanne convinced him was the queen's handwriting. Eventually he began to believe the queen was in love with him - cause Rétaux was very persuasive in his letters - and he told Jeanne he wanted to meet the queen privately.
Jeanne, who has vast amounts of resources apparently but hey she's a con artist, hires a prostitute (Nicole Lequay d'Oliva) who looks like the queen and has her pretend to be Marie Antoinette and meet up with the Cardinal IN THE LABYRINTH OF VERSAILLES - see how it ties together?
He fell for it and so Jeanne kicked it up a notch. She started borrowing large amounts of money from the Cardinal claiming it was for one of the queen's charities and became very rich very quickly. She then convinced the jewelers that she could help convince Marie Antoinette to buy the necklace and save them from going completely broke.
In the meantime Rétaux is still writing letters back to the Cardinal as the queen so in one of them Jeanne makes him ask Rohan to get the necklace for her, claiming it would look bad in this time of poverty if Marie Antoinette was to buy lavish jewelry herself. He then goes and shows the jewelers the letters convincing them that the queen will pay for it, takes the necklace and gives it to who he thinks is one of the queen's lackeys but is actually Jeanne's real husband - who was secretly in on this whole thing. The husband took it to London and hawked it getting the money for himself and Jeanne.
When the jewelers came looking for payment they showed him the letters again but they said it wouldn't do so they talked to the real queen aka Marie Antoinette who obviously had no idea what the hell they were talking about. The king and queen summoned Rohan the Cardinal and he showed them the letters, which again Marie Antoinette didn't know about, so they arrested Rohan and sent him to the Bastille. On his way to prison he got word to Jeanne to destroy the rest of the letters which she did.
Soonafter Jeanne is arrested, as is Nicole and the forger Rétaux and then there's this giant trial. The Cardinal is eventually aquitted along with Nicole, Rétaux is banished, Jeanne's husband is sent to sail off on some ship for life, and Jeanne is sentenced to be beaten and sent to the prostitute's prison.
BUT! She's a con artist, so she escapes FROM PRISON!! dressed as a boy of all things. Again, this chick has some serious resources man. I really want to hate her, I do, but I'm just in awe. She hides out in London and writes her memoirs.
This whole trial thing was supposed to fix the royal's image but it just made it worse. For some reason people accused Marie Antoinette of being behind the whole plot because she hated Rohan. They thought she hired Jeanne and her husband to take down the Cardinal. And, since Jeanne is a con artist and very convincing, many people believed it!
Which I think is crap, but hey the queen wasn't exactly a gentle and innocent person.
This whole extravanganza inspired multiple novels including one by Alexandre Dumas aka "The Three Musketeers" author (amongst other works) and a movie starring Hillary Swank as Jeanne.
Which flopped, sad day.
And that's your history lesson for the day.
If you knew it already congratulations! But you still read the whole thing cause you're reading this.
So there!
I still had to laugh though, for my birthday I got the funniest card ever from the Cool Aunt. It has a picture of Marie Antoinette on the cover and says "All I said was Let's have cake! or Let's eat cake! or something like that and suddenly everyone got all pissy!" then you open it and it says, "Don't party with peasants. They ruin everything."
It's true, you know? Us simple folk? We're just lame.
Anyway, I found the whole thing fascinating as I have become interested - as of late - in the French Revolution. I blame this fact entirely on the Library Goddess. And I'm sure she'd own up to it. Cause she made us read this book by Jennifer Donnelly called "Revolution" for her young adult literature class.
Read it.
It will change your outlook on life!
Or maybe not, but it certainly shook up my life for two days, I couldn't put it down!! but had to cause you know I had to work and all that.
It was like the Hunger Games - though there were no similarities in the storyline other than a strong female protagonist - in that my life revolved around that book when I was reading it. Nothing else mattered, I just wanted to finish the damn book cause I had to know what happened.
At the moment I'm pretty sure it's at Smo's apartment, perhaps I can steal it back from her this weekend.
And I want to re-read the Hunger Games this week but I don't know if that will happen or not.
This week is pretty busy. For starters, Sketch is coming tomorrow, woohoo! and staying for a few days, then Friday is the Hunger Games with Slim Shady, Fearless Leader and our yet-to-be-nicknamed newest awesome Supervisor, who happens to be our age.
And Saturday! is an old friend's wedding and it will be party central. She was one of the bridesmaids in my college roommate's cowboy boot wedding - we all went to high school together. I'm dragging the boyfriend along, he seems thrilled let me tell you, though I did give him an out on multiple occasions and he took none of them.
I told him he didn't have to wear a tie, though I'm sure I will have to wear something of extravagance more than jeans because my sisters would kill me.
That has yet to be decided. The wardrobe choice I mean, not that they'd kill me we already know that for sure.
Anyway, I don't have to be awake until like 3 tomorrow cause I don't start until 4 so I'm gonna go back to editing cause I'm sure no more work will get done this week. Sketch is good with the whole distraction thing, I don't get a lot accomplished if she's here or we're on the phone.
Song of the night:
I felt "Witchy Woman" was appropriate for Jeanne's story and found this version...
I'm still debating on what I think about that.
Anyway they played on first floor this afternoon so we got to jam to classical music for an hour.
It was pretty much me and John Boy paired up all day. We had a lot of fun, we always talk comics and music and movies and all that.
But I felt bad today cause with all the music and stuff on the first floor I couldn't like distract from the performance so I stayed behind the desk the whole time. Felt semi-lazy. And then of course Boss's Boss's Boss is there in the audience. But it's not like I can walk in front of them to put out new books and fix the displays.
So I stayed at the desk and helped people there. Trying not to go stir-crazy as it's slow on Sundays. But I learned a lot. Cause they played something from Beauty and the Beast I guess - Wordie explained it - which led me to Charles Perrault (even though it wasn't one of his) - which led me to other random history stuff.
Things I learned about today at work:
-The Labyrinth of Versailles - apparently before Perrault became Perrault the awful and gruesome fairytale author he was some sort of advisor to the king. Anyway, he once advised the king who had recently built this giant labyrinth - the whole maze deal with giant hedges and everything - that instead of having it just shrubs that he should include fountains. He said they should dedicate a fountain to each of Aesop's Fables and then put an inscription on each and they could use it as a way to teach the king's son aka the dauphin to read. So they had 39 statues plus two in the entry. And it sounds super cool! And I'd go visit it but then like a few years later they destroyed the whole thing!! and replaced it with some sort of exotic forest thing instead. Now only pieces of those fountains are left and they put them in the museum.
But isn't that cool?
Or am I just giving you another example of how big of a nerd I am?
If so here's another.
Anyway, so Beauty and the Beast led me to Charles Perrault which led me to the Labyrinth of Versailles which led me to the Affair of the Diamond Necklace - sounds like a cheesy romance novel right? No, but you're close - because the incident happened in the labyrinth.
Keep in mind that history isn't really my strongpoint so if you know this already just roll with it.
The story behind this one is that there's this necklace that was made for one of the king's mistresses and by the time it's finished the king is dead and his mistress is banished and now there's a new king. The jeweler is going broke cause the necklace was so expensive to make so he wants the new king aka Louis XVI to buy it from him and give it to his queen aka Marie Antoinette, but he refuses. So in comes a con-artist named Jeanne de Saint-Rémy de Valois and she basically had it out for Marie Antoinette. She decided that she was going to get the necklace for herself and use it to make lots of money and hopefully tarnish the queen's name in the process.
She became the mistress of a Cardinal named Rohan - I know right?! - who was not so high on the queen's favorite people in the world list. So, Jeanne, knowing this, convinced him she was friends with the queen and he could use her to his advantage to get back in the queen's good graces. Jeanne, who was obviously not friends with the queen, convinced him to write the queen letters, and then Jeanne intercepted them and sent them to a forger named Rétaux de Villette who responded to the letters in what Jeanne convinced him was the queen's handwriting. Eventually he began to believe the queen was in love with him - cause Rétaux was very persuasive in his letters - and he told Jeanne he wanted to meet the queen privately.
Jeanne, who has vast amounts of resources apparently but hey she's a con artist, hires a prostitute (Nicole Lequay d'Oliva) who looks like the queen and has her pretend to be Marie Antoinette and meet up with the Cardinal IN THE LABYRINTH OF VERSAILLES - see how it ties together?
He fell for it and so Jeanne kicked it up a notch. She started borrowing large amounts of money from the Cardinal claiming it was for one of the queen's charities and became very rich very quickly. She then convinced the jewelers that she could help convince Marie Antoinette to buy the necklace and save them from going completely broke.
In the meantime Rétaux is still writing letters back to the Cardinal as the queen so in one of them Jeanne makes him ask Rohan to get the necklace for her, claiming it would look bad in this time of poverty if Marie Antoinette was to buy lavish jewelry herself. He then goes and shows the jewelers the letters convincing them that the queen will pay for it, takes the necklace and gives it to who he thinks is one of the queen's lackeys but is actually Jeanne's real husband - who was secretly in on this whole thing. The husband took it to London and hawked it getting the money for himself and Jeanne.
When the jewelers came looking for payment they showed him the letters again but they said it wouldn't do so they talked to the real queen aka Marie Antoinette who obviously had no idea what the hell they were talking about. The king and queen summoned Rohan the Cardinal and he showed them the letters, which again Marie Antoinette didn't know about, so they arrested Rohan and sent him to the Bastille. On his way to prison he got word to Jeanne to destroy the rest of the letters which she did.
Soonafter Jeanne is arrested, as is Nicole and the forger Rétaux and then there's this giant trial. The Cardinal is eventually aquitted along with Nicole, Rétaux is banished, Jeanne's husband is sent to sail off on some ship for life, and Jeanne is sentenced to be beaten and sent to the prostitute's prison.
BUT! She's a con artist, so she escapes FROM PRISON!! dressed as a boy of all things. Again, this chick has some serious resources man. I really want to hate her, I do, but I'm just in awe. She hides out in London and writes her memoirs.
This whole trial thing was supposed to fix the royal's image but it just made it worse. For some reason people accused Marie Antoinette of being behind the whole plot because she hated Rohan. They thought she hired Jeanne and her husband to take down the Cardinal. And, since Jeanne is a con artist and very convincing, many people believed it!
Which I think is crap, but hey the queen wasn't exactly a gentle and innocent person.
This whole extravanganza inspired multiple novels including one by Alexandre Dumas aka "The Three Musketeers" author (amongst other works) and a movie starring Hillary Swank as Jeanne.
Which flopped, sad day.
And that's your history lesson for the day.
If you knew it already congratulations! But you still read the whole thing cause you're reading this.
So there!
I still had to laugh though, for my birthday I got the funniest card ever from the Cool Aunt. It has a picture of Marie Antoinette on the cover and says "All I said was Let's have cake! or Let's eat cake! or something like that and suddenly everyone got all pissy!" then you open it and it says, "Don't party with peasants. They ruin everything."
It's true, you know? Us simple folk? We're just lame.
Anyway, I found the whole thing fascinating as I have become interested - as of late - in the French Revolution. I blame this fact entirely on the Library Goddess. And I'm sure she'd own up to it. Cause she made us read this book by Jennifer Donnelly called "Revolution" for her young adult literature class.
Read it.
It will change your outlook on life!
Or maybe not, but it certainly shook up my life for two days, I couldn't put it down!! but had to cause you know I had to work and all that.
It was like the Hunger Games - though there were no similarities in the storyline other than a strong female protagonist - in that my life revolved around that book when I was reading it. Nothing else mattered, I just wanted to finish the damn book cause I had to know what happened.
At the moment I'm pretty sure it's at Smo's apartment, perhaps I can steal it back from her this weekend.
And I want to re-read the Hunger Games this week but I don't know if that will happen or not.
This week is pretty busy. For starters, Sketch is coming tomorrow, woohoo! and staying for a few days, then Friday is the Hunger Games with Slim Shady, Fearless Leader and our yet-to-be-nicknamed newest awesome Supervisor, who happens to be our age.
And Saturday! is an old friend's wedding and it will be party central. She was one of the bridesmaids in my college roommate's cowboy boot wedding - we all went to high school together. I'm dragging the boyfriend along, he seems thrilled let me tell you, though I did give him an out on multiple occasions and he took none of them.
I told him he didn't have to wear a tie, though I'm sure I will have to wear something of extravagance more than jeans because my sisters would kill me.
That has yet to be decided. The wardrobe choice I mean, not that they'd kill me we already know that for sure.
Anyway, I don't have to be awake until like 3 tomorrow cause I don't start until 4 so I'm gonna go back to editing cause I'm sure no more work will get done this week. Sketch is good with the whole distraction thing, I don't get a lot accomplished if she's here or we're on the phone.
Song of the night:
I felt "Witchy Woman" was appropriate for Jeanne's story and found this version...
I'm still debating on what I think about that.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
You should've apologized to my horse.
So I watched The Three Musketeers on DVD today as it came out Tuesday. "was it 40 or 400?" "just the 40. it was an off day."
Awesome special features with extended scenes and interviews on set with the actors and crew.
The awesomeness demands a sequel - especially since Orlando is headed to France to start a war - and he travels by ship but no pirates in sight.
But it's one of those movies that needs a sequel because of the ending or lack there of. But then I'm not sure of its ratings or viewer numbers which would answer the question of would there be any interest in a sequel if it were made in the first place? But this one needs it! You know? Just like I Am Number Four.
Major cliffhanger.
Sequel in the works? No idea. Though the novel is offically published. And I own it. Sitting on the shelves in front of me.
Now I just need the motivation to read it.
And about 20 others sitting right next to it.
I'll stick to the editing in the meantime. Made a lot of progress tonight was proud. I find it relaxing, but then again I'm a nerd. But it gives me a chance to use my English major skills.
Cause you know knowing things about classical literature quirks, rhyming structures, grammatical trends, or being able to name the author or title doesn't help me at all at my day job.
A Library Service Associate who knows things about literature? What is the world coming to?
Sequels, that's where I was going.
Know what does have a sequel? and a third installment this upcoming summer? Men In Black. "This definitely rates about a 9.0 on my weird-shit-o-meter." Apparently I'm way behind cause I had no idea they were bringing it back. Wasn't the second one a disaster? I mean I love Rosario Dawson but she's the only thing I remember from the entire movie. And I don't even remember how she was involved in the plot it's been so long. She was probably the killer monster or something.
There are a lot of good movies coming out this summer aside from that you've got The Avengers. The Dark Knight Rises. The new GI Joe. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Bourne Legacy. That should be especially good as it ended the way it ended.
But enough about all that. I was actually productive today. Well semi-productive. The majority of my work I can't do until Monday.
Today was good though. Flew by pretty quickly, though I was expecting a weirder day aside from being the "in charge but not actually in charge" person cause I had worked there the longest out of the employees that weren't at lunch during that hour. Which never happens ever cause I still consider myself a new employee even though I've been there almost 2 years. Though I still am pretty much the youngest of the bunch.
Of course that's when all the killer reference questions came in. But no, I was waiting for bizarre crazy stuff cause this morning I made every single light. And that never happens. So something was off.
Falling asleep as I write. I've been staring at this screen for too long, even my cat thinks I'm overduing it. He's konked out next to me about an hour ago. How do you spell overduing? or is it overdueing? or is it even a word at all? Like I said, sleep is near. And nearer. and nearer. and nearer. I don't think nearer's a word either.
You know what's a weird word? Fork. Sorry Drew reference there. That would've been a good one on nitrous. But I probably would have laughed and then he would have sliced my tongue off.
yes i realize this post went absolutely nowhere.
nearer and nearer. Okay, I'm out of here. Have a good one!
"Americano" Lady Gaga
Awesome special features with extended scenes and interviews on set with the actors and crew.
The awesomeness demands a sequel - especially since Orlando is headed to France to start a war - and he travels by ship but no pirates in sight.
But it's one of those movies that needs a sequel because of the ending or lack there of. But then I'm not sure of its ratings or viewer numbers which would answer the question of would there be any interest in a sequel if it were made in the first place? But this one needs it! You know? Just like I Am Number Four.
Major cliffhanger.
Sequel in the works? No idea. Though the novel is offically published. And I own it. Sitting on the shelves in front of me.
Now I just need the motivation to read it.
And about 20 others sitting right next to it.
I'll stick to the editing in the meantime. Made a lot of progress tonight was proud. I find it relaxing, but then again I'm a nerd. But it gives me a chance to use my English major skills.
Cause you know knowing things about classical literature quirks, rhyming structures, grammatical trends, or being able to name the author or title doesn't help me at all at my day job.
A Library Service Associate who knows things about literature? What is the world coming to?
Sequels, that's where I was going.
Know what does have a sequel? and a third installment this upcoming summer? Men In Black. "This definitely rates about a 9.0 on my weird-shit-o-meter." Apparently I'm way behind cause I had no idea they were bringing it back. Wasn't the second one a disaster? I mean I love Rosario Dawson but she's the only thing I remember from the entire movie. And I don't even remember how she was involved in the plot it's been so long. She was probably the killer monster or something.
There are a lot of good movies coming out this summer aside from that you've got The Avengers. The Dark Knight Rises. The new GI Joe. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Bourne Legacy. That should be especially good as it ended the way it ended.
But enough about all that. I was actually productive today. Well semi-productive. The majority of my work I can't do until Monday.
Today was good though. Flew by pretty quickly, though I was expecting a weirder day aside from being the "in charge but not actually in charge" person cause I had worked there the longest out of the employees that weren't at lunch during that hour. Which never happens ever cause I still consider myself a new employee even though I've been there almost 2 years. Though I still am pretty much the youngest of the bunch.
Of course that's when all the killer reference questions came in. But no, I was waiting for bizarre crazy stuff cause this morning I made every single light. And that never happens. So something was off.
Falling asleep as I write. I've been staring at this screen for too long, even my cat thinks I'm overduing it. He's konked out next to me about an hour ago. How do you spell overduing? or is it overdueing? or is it even a word at all? Like I said, sleep is near. And nearer. and nearer. and nearer. I don't think nearer's a word either.
You know what's a weird word? Fork. Sorry Drew reference there. That would've been a good one on nitrous. But I probably would have laughed and then he would have sliced my tongue off.
yes i realize this post went absolutely nowhere.
nearer and nearer. Okay, I'm out of here. Have a good one!
"Americano" Lady Gaga
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thoughts from my Nitrous-addled brain…plus the GCB
Apparently, if my six-year-old nephew can get cavities filled I can get cavities filled.
Or so said my mother in her pep talk on the way to the dentist this morning.
Made me feel semi-pathetic but it worked. I can get cavities filled. As long as there is nitrous involved.
Dude, that stuff is wicked awesome. And I was on it for over an hour so there were a lot of random thoughts that went through my mind.
Thoughts that came to mind while I was on Nitrous:
-Dude. What if like people didn’t have noses. That would suck. Then we’d always have to breathe through our mouths. And then if something happened to your mouth you couldn't breathe. And then you'd be dead. All cause you had no nose.
-Dude. If I flinch is he going to slice off my tongue?
-Dude. That freakin’ repurposing project is this week. How am I gonna finish all those crafts, pilfer a mass amount of withdrawn books, and act semi-crafty in front of the kids? Granted I’ve started on some but they are questionable. But that’s what Squirt and Mentor are for.
-Dude. How awful of an editor am I? I’ve had her stories for over two months and they’re still not finished. How did I used to have time to do all this stuff plus write my own before? Oh right, that was college. Who studied in college? Joe Studley doesn’t like it when I say I guessed or rambled about stuff and got a 4.0 for two semesters.
-Dude. I’m running out of time on my DVR. I need to watch some of those shows so I can delete them and add more.
-Dude. I have so many useless fact books checked out that I should probably make an attempt at reading. Or the one Wordie gave me. A year ago. That’s still sitting on my endtable. But I don’t read books I check out from the library. I think they’re a good idea, so I check them out. And then ultimately I get distracted. However, if I buy the book then I don’t have to worry about due dates or if I’m in the mood to read in this three week period. And then I read.
-Dude. I’m gonna take a monster nap after this.
-Dude. My freakin’ curtains have yet to be hung up in the living room. I hate napping in the light.
-Dude. How does this crap stay in your mouth? If I eat something is it gonna come out. I will puke. Or pass out. Or puke and then pass out.
-Dude. Puking and passing out is not pleasant.
There were a few more Dude’s, but I’ll move on, you get the point.
My dentist rocks. And my hygenist sits with me to make sure I don't pass out.
And they let me wear headphones. Though no singing, sorry Sensei. I was competent enough to control that.
And it wasn't so bad. I made them laugh when I told them my sibling's story. Basically Second Sister was like,
"why does the dentist pinch you when you have a cavity?" and my brother was like,
"that's not a pinch you idiot that's a shot."
and she didn't believe him so he said to keep her eyes open when she's there, then she saw the needle and hated my brother for that.
So after the joy that was nitrous and the fact that I couldn't feel anything or swallow anything for like hours I took a nap. It was wicked awesome. Except it's light out so I really need to hang up these curtains. They've been sitting on my foosball table for like a year.
After my wicked awesome nap with my cat I caught up on some DVR. I don't think he knows what to do when I'm home during the day. He just stares at me. Or bites me cause I'm on his couch.
Anyway, DVR. So I watched Missing. Fantastic. Ashley Judd is a badass. Which I don't think I've said since Double Jeopardy.
Caught up on Bones, it was very creepy at the beginning which was exciting cause it's always so comedic and that's a change of pace. Reminded me of the Gormagon episodes, which were awesome. But then this one ended randomly - it was like is this a cliffhanger or not? Cause I mean are they going to pursue him next episode or is this just another one of those they'll come back to later. There was no big moment at the end to explain. I wish it was a bigger cliffhanger, you know? Something that would make me start watching it live time again? It's not as exciting anymore now that they're finally together. Sorry, ramble-nation.
The GCB is fabulous. I'm in love with it already and there's only been two episodes. BUT IT'S SO FUNNY!
Leslie Bibb is great as ever it's good to see her back in a starring role, Kristin Chenowith is always fantastic, plus you throw in a bunch of other actresses that I know from all these other shows and it's like I KNOW YOU! But how the hell do I know you? Like the chick that plays Heather, took me until the second episode to realize what she was from. I just kept seeing her dancing and hanging out of a limo. And then it hit me, VEGAS VACATION!
Anyway, I love it because it's original and it has fantastic one-liners.
Here are a few of my favorites:
-My bible's in my other purse.
-Why would anyone in their right mind leave Dallas for southern California? We’ve got the same weather without the liberals!
-She’s a yo-yo’er, right now the yo is up.
-Oh darlin’ you were a bitch with teeth.
-You reap what you sow – that’s Texan for karma.
-Onward you christian soldier.
-Got a job at a booby bar. - think that's my favorite cause she says it so blase in her opening narrative
-My husband just died, I’m still mourning the bastard for god’s sake!
-...or I’m gonna move me and the kids to a refrigerator box under the interstate, understood?
-As long as it’s the I-20, nobody we know ever rides that road.
-God she’s such a Pharisee.
-Well, someone’s been reading her New Testament.
-No I just googled hypocrisy.
-You have two guns? Mother what are you afraid of?
-*pulls out a shotgun* Not a damn thing.
So yes, you should watch it. It's fantastic. And now I'm stoked for Scandal. Though it doesn't start until like Mid-April.
Alright, DVR is updated, homework is done and posted, tomorrow is 9-6 so I'm out!
"Moves Like Jagger" Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera
awesome jam song.
Or so said my mother in her pep talk on the way to the dentist this morning.
Made me feel semi-pathetic but it worked. I can get cavities filled. As long as there is nitrous involved.
Dude, that stuff is wicked awesome. And I was on it for over an hour so there were a lot of random thoughts that went through my mind.
Thoughts that came to mind while I was on Nitrous:
-Dude. What if like people didn’t have noses. That would suck. Then we’d always have to breathe through our mouths. And then if something happened to your mouth you couldn't breathe. And then you'd be dead. All cause you had no nose.
-Dude. If I flinch is he going to slice off my tongue?
-Dude. That freakin’ repurposing project is this week. How am I gonna finish all those crafts, pilfer a mass amount of withdrawn books, and act semi-crafty in front of the kids? Granted I’ve started on some but they are questionable. But that’s what Squirt and Mentor are for.
-Dude. How awful of an editor am I? I’ve had her stories for over two months and they’re still not finished. How did I used to have time to do all this stuff plus write my own before? Oh right, that was college. Who studied in college? Joe Studley doesn’t like it when I say I guessed or rambled about stuff and got a 4.0 for two semesters.
-Dude. I’m running out of time on my DVR. I need to watch some of those shows so I can delete them and add more.
-Dude. I have so many useless fact books checked out that I should probably make an attempt at reading. Or the one Wordie gave me. A year ago. That’s still sitting on my endtable. But I don’t read books I check out from the library. I think they’re a good idea, so I check them out. And then ultimately I get distracted. However, if I buy the book then I don’t have to worry about due dates or if I’m in the mood to read in this three week period. And then I read.
-Dude. I’m gonna take a monster nap after this.
-Dude. My freakin’ curtains have yet to be hung up in the living room. I hate napping in the light.
-Dude. How does this crap stay in your mouth? If I eat something is it gonna come out. I will puke. Or pass out. Or puke and then pass out.
-Dude. Puking and passing out is not pleasant.
There were a few more Dude’s, but I’ll move on, you get the point.
My dentist rocks. And my hygenist sits with me to make sure I don't pass out.
And they let me wear headphones. Though no singing, sorry Sensei. I was competent enough to control that.
And it wasn't so bad. I made them laugh when I told them my sibling's story. Basically Second Sister was like,
"why does the dentist pinch you when you have a cavity?" and my brother was like,
"that's not a pinch you idiot that's a shot."
and she didn't believe him so he said to keep her eyes open when she's there, then she saw the needle and hated my brother for that.
So after the joy that was nitrous and the fact that I couldn't feel anything or swallow anything for like hours I took a nap. It was wicked awesome. Except it's light out so I really need to hang up these curtains. They've been sitting on my foosball table for like a year.
After my wicked awesome nap with my cat I caught up on some DVR. I don't think he knows what to do when I'm home during the day. He just stares at me. Or bites me cause I'm on his couch.
Anyway, DVR. So I watched Missing. Fantastic. Ashley Judd is a badass. Which I don't think I've said since Double Jeopardy.
Caught up on Bones, it was very creepy at the beginning which was exciting cause it's always so comedic and that's a change of pace. Reminded me of the Gormagon episodes, which were awesome. But then this one ended randomly - it was like is this a cliffhanger or not? Cause I mean are they going to pursue him next episode or is this just another one of those they'll come back to later. There was no big moment at the end to explain. I wish it was a bigger cliffhanger, you know? Something that would make me start watching it live time again? It's not as exciting anymore now that they're finally together. Sorry, ramble-nation.
The GCB is fabulous. I'm in love with it already and there's only been two episodes. BUT IT'S SO FUNNY!
Leslie Bibb is great as ever it's good to see her back in a starring role, Kristin Chenowith is always fantastic, plus you throw in a bunch of other actresses that I know from all these other shows and it's like I KNOW YOU! But how the hell do I know you? Like the chick that plays Heather, took me until the second episode to realize what she was from. I just kept seeing her dancing and hanging out of a limo. And then it hit me, VEGAS VACATION!
Anyway, I love it because it's original and it has fantastic one-liners.
Here are a few of my favorites:
-My bible's in my other purse.
-Why would anyone in their right mind leave Dallas for southern California? We’ve got the same weather without the liberals!
-She’s a yo-yo’er, right now the yo is up.
-Oh darlin’ you were a bitch with teeth.
-You reap what you sow – that’s Texan for karma.
-Onward you christian soldier.
-Got a job at a booby bar. - think that's my favorite cause she says it so blase in her opening narrative
-My husband just died, I’m still mourning the bastard for god’s sake!
-...or I’m gonna move me and the kids to a refrigerator box under the interstate, understood?
-As long as it’s the I-20, nobody we know ever rides that road.
-God she’s such a Pharisee.
-Well, someone’s been reading her New Testament.
-No I just googled hypocrisy.
-You have two guns? Mother what are you afraid of?
-*pulls out a shotgun* Not a damn thing.
So yes, you should watch it. It's fantastic. And now I'm stoked for Scandal. Though it doesn't start until like Mid-April.
Alright, DVR is updated, homework is done and posted, tomorrow is 9-6 so I'm out!
"Moves Like Jagger" Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera
awesome jam song.
ashley judd,
kristin chenoweth,
maroon 5,
moves like jagger,
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Jaywalking, Coworkers, Margaritas, Hunger Games, Dentists, and Sketch & Edit
Things I've learned over the past couple of days:
-When you decide to jaywalk, make sure no one you know is approaching in a large vehicle.
Slim Shady and I walked to work from the parking lot this morning and walked across the road as no one was coming. Suddenly there's a big silver vehicle headed in our direction and the second we make it to the other side there's this big HOOONK! Yep. Superwoman.
So I guess I should change that to, if you're going to jaywalk make sure not to do it in front of your supervisor. She will give you crap.
-It's good to work with a group of people who get your references. My coworkers rock, I can pull out lines like "You changed it to Latrine?" and reference the "Hug and roll" technique and they know exactly what I'm talking about. They're fantastic. I'm loving this new supervisor even more. She knows Men in Tights and Holy Grail. Impressive. Plus she's gonna hit up The Hunger Games with us.
-The jalapeno resides in the foam. Or so it seems when that's the first thing of the margarita you taste and it kicks you in the ass. Jalapeno margaritas rock. Though Slim Shady does not agree. I told her we were going there tonight to which she replied,
"Are you going to order a disgusting margarita?"
"Maybe I should ask for one and see what they bring me."
"A jalapeno margarita."
Thanks Slim Shady, you faith in the jalapeno margaritas man, ouch.
-Making a Hunger Games booklist is fun, until it comes to describing them and you haven't read the majority of them. But that's what reviews are for. And granted you don't need to describe them, but I think it's more useful cause then they know why it's similar. I got to do a read-a-like display on it today at work - got to make a sign and everything - and they'll officially advertise the list closer to the movie. I'll give you the link. Stoked for the movie, already bought the tickets.
The boyfriend is currently giving me advice about the dentist. Everyone I've talked to today is just making it worse, I'm freakin' out! I don't do well at dentists okay. I have qualified professionals to back me up when I say that! I'm freakin' famous at the old office! Even based a freakin' Sketch and Edit on the thing.
Maybe I'll repost it. It's been so long since I've finished one of those that it's getting ridiculous. Perhaps if I bring them back it will give me motivation.
I do have a bunch of unfinished ones, but they're missing something. You know? Like this one. I'm not happy with it, and want to go back and change things, which I will in the future. But here's what it is for now.
Sketch and Edit Sit in the Waiting Room originally posted here
E – “I hate waiting rooms. They always make me feel so nervous.”
S – “Remind me why I’m here again.”
E – “Every time I go to the dentist something always goes wrong.”
S – “And I’m here because…”
E – “I need the moral support. You should know I’m famous here for bad things happening. Didn’t you notice the hygienists laughing and giving me funny looks when I checked in?”
S – “I just figured that was a normal reaction for people around you. Why are you famous at your dentist’s office?”
E – “Just traumatic events… I kicked him once.”
S – “The dentist?”
E – “No, Janet Reno, yes the dentist!”
S – “What happened?”
E – “He told me all he needed to do was pull out one of my baby teeth and it wouldn’t take long but ended up cutting it into four pieces.”
S – “Ouch, but that’s not that bad.”
E – “And I passed out, it was embarrassing.”
S – “Lots of people pass out at their dentist’s.”
E – “Do they also freak out over having too much Novacaine, run to the lobby, smack their heads on the main desk, conk out cold and then wake up in their dentist’s arms?”
S – “All that here?”
E – “Yeah, last time I was here they asked if they should put a big red x in front of the desk. Apparently I made number three on their list of top five highlights in this office. I bet it’s down to number four now though since he got arrested this summer.”
S – “What?”
E – “Thought you might like that one. He was giving illegal prescriptions over the phone of something like that.”
S – “Your dentist is a felon?!”
E – “Say it again but louder, I don’t think the mailman heard you. And my orthodontist committed suicide a while ago too.”
S – “Are your teeth really that bad?” *Edit glares* “So, basically I’m here to…?”
E – “Keep me from getting violent and/or passing out in the lobby…or just generally embarrassing myself.”
S – “Sounds like a full-time job.”
Dentist – “We’re ready for you now.” *leaves*
S – “Was that the felon?”
E – “Yes.”
S – “Aw, no felons have the right to be that good looking…”
E – “Slow down there cowgirl. I’ll be back soon…hopefully.”
S – “Okay, I’ll just be here, building up my tolerance for heedless celebrity gossip. Look, it’s Brad and Jennifer!”
E – “I always was Team Aniston. I bet if you dig deep enough in those piles you’ll find some about Hugh Grant and Elizabeth Hurley…” *leaves, comes back twenty minutes later to find a red-marker-colored taped ‘x’ in front of the desk* “Oh, You’re dead.” *Sketch smiles and makes a run for it*
Oh my god, so sad it's been so long that when I went to find it I realized I had like 5 sitting at the bottom that I've completely forgotten about altogether. And they actually don't suck! Like this one.
So that's exciting and depressing at the same time. Exciting because they don't suck, but depressing because I've changed so much that I don't even have time to write anymore.
I'm supposed to be editing two stories for a friend, granted I'm almost done with one of them, but I've had them for like 2 months. Worst editor ever.
Where was I before all this?
Appointment to get cavaties filled tomorrow. Mom is taking me cause they're getting me all drugged up. Am taking my headphones, I'll try to remember not to sing. Or do anything embarrassing. But if you're drugged up you really don't care about that anyway.
Alright, out for the night. Not gonna be fun tomorrow cause after all that - I'll sleep it off hopefully - I get to do all my homework and get it posted as it's due at some point this weekend, I should probably figure out what date exactly. But it's just reading articles and posting my opinion. But first sleep will be required to think properly. Both now and after the appointment.
"Every Other Time" LFO
-When you decide to jaywalk, make sure no one you know is approaching in a large vehicle.
Slim Shady and I walked to work from the parking lot this morning and walked across the road as no one was coming. Suddenly there's a big silver vehicle headed in our direction and the second we make it to the other side there's this big HOOONK! Yep. Superwoman.
So I guess I should change that to, if you're going to jaywalk make sure not to do it in front of your supervisor. She will give you crap.
-It's good to work with a group of people who get your references. My coworkers rock, I can pull out lines like "You changed it to Latrine?" and reference the "Hug and roll" technique and they know exactly what I'm talking about. They're fantastic. I'm loving this new supervisor even more. She knows Men in Tights and Holy Grail. Impressive. Plus she's gonna hit up The Hunger Games with us.
-The jalapeno resides in the foam. Or so it seems when that's the first thing of the margarita you taste and it kicks you in the ass. Jalapeno margaritas rock. Though Slim Shady does not agree. I told her we were going there tonight to which she replied,
"Are you going to order a disgusting margarita?"
"Maybe I should ask for one and see what they bring me."
"A jalapeno margarita."
Thanks Slim Shady, you faith in the jalapeno margaritas man, ouch.
-Making a Hunger Games booklist is fun, until it comes to describing them and you haven't read the majority of them. But that's what reviews are for. And granted you don't need to describe them, but I think it's more useful cause then they know why it's similar. I got to do a read-a-like display on it today at work - got to make a sign and everything - and they'll officially advertise the list closer to the movie. I'll give you the link. Stoked for the movie, already bought the tickets.
The boyfriend is currently giving me advice about the dentist. Everyone I've talked to today is just making it worse, I'm freakin' out! I don't do well at dentists okay. I have qualified professionals to back me up when I say that! I'm freakin' famous at the old office! Even based a freakin' Sketch and Edit on the thing.
Maybe I'll repost it. It's been so long since I've finished one of those that it's getting ridiculous. Perhaps if I bring them back it will give me motivation.
I do have a bunch of unfinished ones, but they're missing something. You know? Like this one. I'm not happy with it, and want to go back and change things, which I will in the future. But here's what it is for now.
Sketch and Edit Sit in the Waiting Room originally posted here
E – “I hate waiting rooms. They always make me feel so nervous.”
S – “Remind me why I’m here again.”
E – “Every time I go to the dentist something always goes wrong.”
S – “And I’m here because…”
E – “I need the moral support. You should know I’m famous here for bad things happening. Didn’t you notice the hygienists laughing and giving me funny looks when I checked in?”
S – “I just figured that was a normal reaction for people around you. Why are you famous at your dentist’s office?”
E – “Just traumatic events… I kicked him once.”
S – “The dentist?”
E – “No, Janet Reno, yes the dentist!”
S – “What happened?”
E – “He told me all he needed to do was pull out one of my baby teeth and it wouldn’t take long but ended up cutting it into four pieces.”
S – “Ouch, but that’s not that bad.”
E – “And I passed out, it was embarrassing.”
S – “Lots of people pass out at their dentist’s.”
E – “Do they also freak out over having too much Novacaine, run to the lobby, smack their heads on the main desk, conk out cold and then wake up in their dentist’s arms?”
S – “All that here?”
E – “Yeah, last time I was here they asked if they should put a big red x in front of the desk. Apparently I made number three on their list of top five highlights in this office. I bet it’s down to number four now though since he got arrested this summer.”
S – “What?”
E – “Thought you might like that one. He was giving illegal prescriptions over the phone of something like that.”
S – “Your dentist is a felon?!”
E – “Say it again but louder, I don’t think the mailman heard you. And my orthodontist committed suicide a while ago too.”
S – “Are your teeth really that bad?” *Edit glares* “So, basically I’m here to…?”
E – “Keep me from getting violent and/or passing out in the lobby…or just generally embarrassing myself.”
S – “Sounds like a full-time job.”
Dentist – “We’re ready for you now.” *leaves*
S – “Was that the felon?”
E – “Yes.”
S – “Aw, no felons have the right to be that good looking…”
E – “Slow down there cowgirl. I’ll be back soon…hopefully.”
S – “Okay, I’ll just be here, building up my tolerance for heedless celebrity gossip. Look, it’s Brad and Jennifer!”
E – “I always was Team Aniston. I bet if you dig deep enough in those piles you’ll find some about Hugh Grant and Elizabeth Hurley…” *leaves, comes back twenty minutes later to find a red-marker-colored taped ‘x’ in front of the desk* “Oh, You’re dead.” *Sketch smiles and makes a run for it*
Oh my god, so sad it's been so long that when I went to find it I realized I had like 5 sitting at the bottom that I've completely forgotten about altogether. And they actually don't suck! Like this one.
So that's exciting and depressing at the same time. Exciting because they don't suck, but depressing because I've changed so much that I don't even have time to write anymore.
I'm supposed to be editing two stories for a friend, granted I'm almost done with one of them, but I've had them for like 2 months. Worst editor ever.
Where was I before all this?
Appointment to get cavaties filled tomorrow. Mom is taking me cause they're getting me all drugged up. Am taking my headphones, I'll try to remember not to sing. Or do anything embarrassing. But if you're drugged up you really don't care about that anyway.
Alright, out for the night. Not gonna be fun tomorrow cause after all that - I'll sleep it off hopefully - I get to do all my homework and get it posted as it's due at some point this weekend, I should probably figure out what date exactly. But it's just reading articles and posting my opinion. But first sleep will be required to think properly. Both now and after the appointment.
"Every Other Time" LFO
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
"Would you think I was pushy if I asked why you were shooting at me?"
Pretty coherent for someone running on only three hours of sleep.
Made a lot of progress on the booklist and summer reading stuff during the day. Plus I finished one of those repurposing crafts for the TAB kids as an example and I'm not crafty at all so that was interesting.
Though I did make myself sick twice tonight cause I'm freaking out, which means I should probably go to bed immediately.
You know when you feel something so strongly that it actually makes you want to fight for it? And the thought of it not working literally makes you sick?
That's where I'm at right now.
So, as a way of distraction I fell back to my usual as of late, Charlie's Angels. On the last disc of season one and I'm excited cause it has one of my favorite episodes, aka "Angels at Sea".
Though I like it primarily because it has some of my favorite quotes,
Sabrina: "I love you, I'll prove it, You won't like it, I don't care."
Yes some of my favorites, meaning there are more than one, meaning I probably do watch it too often.
Jill: "My guess is he's the murderer. How else would he know that Charlie called us 'Angels'?"
Sabrina: "Well it just could have been a coincidence. He was trying to come on to all three of us and needed a collective noun. Or is 'Angels' a pronoun?"
Kelly: "Any time I'm stuck I call everything an adverbial phrase. Yep it's an adverbial phrase."
Bosley: "Look first, 'Angels' is a noun, and second..."
But it's classic!
Kelly: "You move it Turkey, we were here first!" Apparently she was the jive-talking angel. But that's season two. The circus episode. Like the fourth one into the season but the first one filmed. You can tell by the tension between the actors, it was Cheryl Ladd's first episode filmed to replace Farrah Fawcett. For some reason they filmed that and then the second season premiere episode.
Okay. I'm crazy. And I need to go to bed.
Falling back on another comfort classic.
She & Him, let's go for some remakes.
"Dream a Little Dream of Me"
"I Put a Spell on You"
Made a lot of progress on the booklist and summer reading stuff during the day. Plus I finished one of those repurposing crafts for the TAB kids as an example and I'm not crafty at all so that was interesting.
Though I did make myself sick twice tonight cause I'm freaking out, which means I should probably go to bed immediately.
You know when you feel something so strongly that it actually makes you want to fight for it? And the thought of it not working literally makes you sick?
That's where I'm at right now.
So, as a way of distraction I fell back to my usual as of late, Charlie's Angels. On the last disc of season one and I'm excited cause it has one of my favorite episodes, aka "Angels at Sea".
Though I like it primarily because it has some of my favorite quotes,
Sabrina: "I love you, I'll prove it, You won't like it, I don't care."
Yes some of my favorites, meaning there are more than one, meaning I probably do watch it too often.
Jill: "My guess is he's the murderer. How else would he know that Charlie called us 'Angels'?"
Sabrina: "Well it just could have been a coincidence. He was trying to come on to all three of us and needed a collective noun. Or is 'Angels' a pronoun?"
Kelly: "Any time I'm stuck I call everything an adverbial phrase. Yep it's an adverbial phrase."
Bosley: "Look first, 'Angels' is a noun, and second..."
But it's classic!
Kelly: "You move it Turkey, we were here first!" Apparently she was the jive-talking angel. But that's season two. The circus episode. Like the fourth one into the season but the first one filmed. You can tell by the tension between the actors, it was Cheryl Ladd's first episode filmed to replace Farrah Fawcett. For some reason they filmed that and then the second season premiere episode.
Okay. I'm crazy. And I need to go to bed.
Falling back on another comfort classic.
She & Him, let's go for some remakes.
"Dream a Little Dream of Me"
"I Put a Spell on You"
Monday, March 12, 2012
"Who throws a shoe? Honestly?"
"You fight like a woman!"
Just another Manic Monday.
Though I did get to jam for a few hours with the new super awesome supervisor. Who I have yet to nickname.
I'm working on it.
8 hours of public service later and I'm home.
And that was pretty much my day.
Mom brought me green socks.
Squirt came to volunteer. Showed off her crafty skills, made some crafty stuff for TAB.
Mentor came back from her vacation, I think I actually made her proud. The Underdog rises.
Speaking of Underdogs, we watched Austin Powers tonight - after the Voice. I haven't seen the movie in years.
The first time I saw it was with my cousins. We actually watched it literally 4 times in a row. Maybe more.
Same movie.
Over and over.
So much so that I memorized the entire first half, so it was amusing quoting it in my head. Though I've lost quite a bit of it, I still have the best lines memorized.
"That was a pre-emptive 'sh!' Just know I have a whole bag of 'sh!' with your name on it."
But I remember us in my aunt's basement all spread out on the floor watching it over and over. Then playing Street Fighter. I called the blonde chick Hoku - even though that wasn't her name, but that's who she reminded me of. Then proceeded to get my butt wooped as they were good and I was not.
"Well they should, those filthy buggers, they go from port to port."
The second one I don't really have any memories of, but I saw the third movie in theaters with my sisters, and I'll never forget this because I remember they both went to the bathroom in the middle of the movie.
But like, Second Sister left and then Oldest Sister left, and in the meantime Second Sister came back and she was wearing these flipflops that we had made fun of her for. And apparently some chick in the next stall to Oldest Sister was also wearing flipflops and she was tempted to say, (but thankfully didn't as that would have been super awkward), "Are those your damn flipflops?"
It kind of became a one-liner in our family, though we haven't said it in a while. I'll bring it back.
There are a lot of one-liners in my family.
Another famous one includes, "People are EATING here!" I was little and obnoxious and either singing or dancing or perhaps both, and Oldest Sister and her husband used to take me places. We were at some resteraunt and I was singing/dancing whatever, being obnoxious, and my brother in law looks over and says, "People are EATING here!"
I think you had to be there for that one.
But it has evolved now to people are sleeping here, people are studying here, people are etc. here.
Though another great one - most of our one-liners do come from him - was, okay I was little - again - and he was like my bestest friend in the whole entire world. And we used to play "bestest treasure" in which he would find like a rock or pinecone or something and claim it was his bestest treasure and I couldn't have it. And then I'd con him into giving it to me - though now that I'm old I realize that he was con artist - and then it would be my bestest treasure, and he had to find a new one.
Anyway, so the one-liner kind of evolved from that. I used to have a lot of cats, well at the farm there were a lot of random cats. And I loved them, cause they were my random cats. And so he said that the cats were his.
And I yelled "everything on the ground is mine!"
And then he pointed to one that was in the tree, and I yelled "everything on the ground and in the trees is MINE!"
And he asked what if they were jumping from the tree to the ground, which led me to change my theory to "everything on the ground and in the trees and in the sky is MINE!"
And yeah, that stuck.
But I was little and cute.
So deal with it.
"They are mutated sea bass."
Alright, I'm out. Exhausted. Long day tomorrow.
Clip of the night:
Why don't I take the stairs?
It's amusing how much Elizabeth Hurley reminds me of Jaime Murray as HG Wells. Though HG has much better fighting skills, sorry Vanessa.
"What kind of shell has a nut like this?"
Song of the night, go here: Ming Tea's "BBC" BBC Seven! BBC Heaven!aka Austin Powers' fake band
They also perform "Daddy Wasn't There" in the third movie.
Just another Manic Monday.
Though I did get to jam for a few hours with the new super awesome supervisor. Who I have yet to nickname.
I'm working on it.
8 hours of public service later and I'm home.
And that was pretty much my day.
Mom brought me green socks.
Squirt came to volunteer. Showed off her crafty skills, made some crafty stuff for TAB.
Mentor came back from her vacation, I think I actually made her proud. The Underdog rises.
Speaking of Underdogs, we watched Austin Powers tonight - after the Voice. I haven't seen the movie in years.
The first time I saw it was with my cousins. We actually watched it literally 4 times in a row. Maybe more.
Same movie.
Over and over.
So much so that I memorized the entire first half, so it was amusing quoting it in my head. Though I've lost quite a bit of it, I still have the best lines memorized.
"That was a pre-emptive 'sh!' Just know I have a whole bag of 'sh!' with your name on it."
But I remember us in my aunt's basement all spread out on the floor watching it over and over. Then playing Street Fighter. I called the blonde chick Hoku - even though that wasn't her name, but that's who she reminded me of. Then proceeded to get my butt wooped as they were good and I was not.
"Well they should, those filthy buggers, they go from port to port."
The second one I don't really have any memories of, but I saw the third movie in theaters with my sisters, and I'll never forget this because I remember they both went to the bathroom in the middle of the movie.
But like, Second Sister left and then Oldest Sister left, and in the meantime Second Sister came back and she was wearing these flipflops that we had made fun of her for. And apparently some chick in the next stall to Oldest Sister was also wearing flipflops and she was tempted to say, (but thankfully didn't as that would have been super awkward), "Are those your damn flipflops?"
It kind of became a one-liner in our family, though we haven't said it in a while. I'll bring it back.
There are a lot of one-liners in my family.
Another famous one includes, "People are EATING here!" I was little and obnoxious and either singing or dancing or perhaps both, and Oldest Sister and her husband used to take me places. We were at some resteraunt and I was singing/dancing whatever, being obnoxious, and my brother in law looks over and says, "People are EATING here!"
I think you had to be there for that one.
But it has evolved now to people are sleeping here, people are studying here, people are etc. here.
Though another great one - most of our one-liners do come from him - was, okay I was little - again - and he was like my bestest friend in the whole entire world. And we used to play "bestest treasure" in which he would find like a rock or pinecone or something and claim it was his bestest treasure and I couldn't have it. And then I'd con him into giving it to me - though now that I'm old I realize that he was con artist - and then it would be my bestest treasure, and he had to find a new one.
Anyway, so the one-liner kind of evolved from that. I used to have a lot of cats, well at the farm there were a lot of random cats. And I loved them, cause they were my random cats. And so he said that the cats were his.
And I yelled "everything on the ground is mine!"
And then he pointed to one that was in the tree, and I yelled "everything on the ground and in the trees is MINE!"
And he asked what if they were jumping from the tree to the ground, which led me to change my theory to "everything on the ground and in the trees and in the sky is MINE!"
And yeah, that stuck.
But I was little and cute.
So deal with it.
"They are mutated sea bass."
Alright, I'm out. Exhausted. Long day tomorrow.
Clip of the night:
Why don't I take the stairs?
It's amusing how much Elizabeth Hurley reminds me of Jaime Murray as HG Wells. Though HG has much better fighting skills, sorry Vanessa.
"What kind of shell has a nut like this?"
Song of the night, go here: Ming Tea's "BBC" BBC Seven! BBC Heaven!aka Austin Powers' fake band
They also perform "Daddy Wasn't There" in the third movie.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
"Why don't you fly down to the maternity ward and scare some children?!"
To Dodge and back twice in two days.
Not my favorite place, but I'll bear with it for my family.
Though yesterday's was mostly by mistake, long story.
Today was interesting.
Squirt is an accomplished volleyball player and today her team won the championship.
Though it wasn't her regular team, it was like a combination of the best players from random teams put together to dominate and they succeeded.
And keep in mind, she's 14 and was asked to play in a 17-year-old tournament.
Just saying.
I'm proud.
After that we hit up Dragon Palace for some Chinese buffet and "suspicious" egg-drop soup that they said was more like pudding. That's what made it suspicious.
And now I'm home, exhausted and lying on the couch.
I'm starting to agree with Girlscout's theory of mono instead of strep.
Which is crap cause I've already had it once.
Shouldn't I be immune to it by now?
Will have to talk to the Second Sister about that as she's the doctor in the family.
All I know is I'm still exhausted, and I shouldn't still be exhausted cause it's been like weeks.
At work I can fake being fine, but here I just crash.
So, I'm going to bed.
Yes, I'm aware it's like 8:30.
And that makes me completely lame, but I can't miss anymore work. I have a lot of stuff to do this week. Mostly Summer Reading-related, plus Mentor comes back this week and I have a lot of dumb questions that she'll have the smart answers to.
You know, actually, Farrah Fawcett and Cheryl Ladd look/act semi-similar. I could see them as sisters. So the show is semi-believable. Right?
I mean, aside from the fact that it's not whatsoever.
I lost count on the exploding cars tally, there are too many of them to keep track of.
Though the random banter and fake stunts is still highly entertaining.
Especially in this episode, Bosley is in the hospital with a roommate who might be the criminal they're after and their nurse is kind of a take-no-prisoners kind of lady.
Bosley: "Are you suggesting that I expose my posterior to a total stranger?"
Nurse: "Well, once you've done it we won't be total strangers, will we?"
Bosley: "Madam, you are a sadist."
One of the best shows in history, you can hate it but its legacy lives on!
Off to bed for me.
Here's some music for you.
"Who Are You?" The Who
oh my god, i love this video. super retro, and keith dancing whilest playing drums makes me laugh. i enjoy his monogrammed shirt and the tape on his headphones.
Nurse: "You know if I was around you much more I would give you poison."
Bosley: "If you were around oftener HE'D TAKE IT!"
Not my favorite place, but I'll bear with it for my family.
Though yesterday's was mostly by mistake, long story.
Today was interesting.
Squirt is an accomplished volleyball player and today her team won the championship.
Though it wasn't her regular team, it was like a combination of the best players from random teams put together to dominate and they succeeded.
And keep in mind, she's 14 and was asked to play in a 17-year-old tournament.
Just saying.
I'm proud.
After that we hit up Dragon Palace for some Chinese buffet and "suspicious" egg-drop soup that they said was more like pudding. That's what made it suspicious.
And now I'm home, exhausted and lying on the couch.
I'm starting to agree with Girlscout's theory of mono instead of strep.
Which is crap cause I've already had it once.
Shouldn't I be immune to it by now?
Will have to talk to the Second Sister about that as she's the doctor in the family.
All I know is I'm still exhausted, and I shouldn't still be exhausted cause it's been like weeks.
At work I can fake being fine, but here I just crash.
So, I'm going to bed.
Yes, I'm aware it's like 8:30.
And that makes me completely lame, but I can't miss anymore work. I have a lot of stuff to do this week. Mostly Summer Reading-related, plus Mentor comes back this week and I have a lot of dumb questions that she'll have the smart answers to.
You know, actually, Farrah Fawcett and Cheryl Ladd look/act semi-similar. I could see them as sisters. So the show is semi-believable. Right?
I mean, aside from the fact that it's not whatsoever.
I lost count on the exploding cars tally, there are too many of them to keep track of.
Though the random banter and fake stunts is still highly entertaining.
Especially in this episode, Bosley is in the hospital with a roommate who might be the criminal they're after and their nurse is kind of a take-no-prisoners kind of lady.
Bosley: "Are you suggesting that I expose my posterior to a total stranger?"
Nurse: "Well, once you've done it we won't be total strangers, will we?"
Bosley: "Madam, you are a sadist."
One of the best shows in history, you can hate it but its legacy lives on!
Off to bed for me.
Here's some music for you.
"Who Are You?" The Who
oh my god, i love this video. super retro, and keith dancing whilest playing drums makes me laugh. i enjoy his monogrammed shirt and the tape on his headphones.
Nurse: "You know if I was around you much more I would give you poison."
Bosley: "If you were around oftener HE'D TAKE IT!"
charlie's angels,
the who,
who are you
Friday, March 9, 2012
Chocolate Fixes Everything
Queen of the Known Universe is really the queen.
We had this massive update of our ILS system last night and it has some glitches. So there were a lot of frantic moments, mostly this morning.
So, when our Assistant Director comes down to check on us and asks how it’s going she says something to the effect of, “you know what would make it better? Chocolate.”
Jokingly of course.
He goes to lunch.
Comes back with bags of chocolate.
For serious.
Made my day.
I totally busted out laughing cause it was oh my god, he actually brought us chocolate!
And it helped man. We were stoked. Chocolate really does fix all.
I figured that out in high school. An old friend of mine and myself had this theory that just kept getting expanded on.
Originally it was chocolate fixes all. Then it was chocolate and Moulin Rouge fixes all. Then it was chocolate, Moulin Rouge, and apple juice fixes all. And I think it ended with chocolate, Moulin Rouge, apple juice and Carrie’s broken chair fixes all.
Yes I had a broken chair.
And it was awesome.
It was a recliner that stabbed you if you walked by too closely cause the footrest was broken.
My parents hated it cause I brought it home with me from the dorms.
Shortly after I moved out it mysteriously disappeared.
Hmmm…much like my Titans hat that I wore every day…
I’m lucky I escaped with my tearaways! Though I’m sure people are proud that I rarely wear them anymore. As I don’t really have a chance.
Didn’t we just have this conversation? I’m a workaholic? Right? Yeah, we figured that out a couple days ago.
Not that it wasn’t apparent before then.
But this whole chocolate thing is killing my good behavior for the dentist. Apparently I drink too much pop and chew too much gum. Now Mom wants to buy me a water pik, whatever that is, but it would probably be useful. Then maybe I wouldn't have to give up the pop and gum. Cause that's clearly not happening.
Tonight was fun. Had sushi and a movie with Oldest Sister and family. We watched Tower Heist - which I took the kids to see in theaters - and it had alternate endings. They were both good and should have been added, cause you could have the original and both the additions. They should have them.
Oh well, guess more people will have to watch the DVD to see them.
"If you get shot in your head, it's over. If you get shot in your face, the bullet will go through your cheek and come out the other side!"
We still died, actually Squirt and I kept going, it's almost to the best part, sh it's coming up!
Then the maid went rogue, ran into the FBI guy with the cart and said into the radio, "he was allergic to chocolate, i had to beat him" and we both died.
Best part of the whole movie, though the whole thing is good.
It's hard to have a bad movie when you have so many good actors in it. Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy, Matthew Broderick, Casey Affleck, Gabourey Sidibe, Alan Alda, even Téa Leoni was pretty badass in it. Though the last movie I saw with her in it was Fun With Dick and Jane...which wasn't too fantastic.
Guess what?!
I get to sleep in tomorrow! So don't call me tomorrow morning! Cause I'm sleeping passed noon.
I'm still exhausted. Girlscout says maybe I have mono. I went NOOO!! Don't even say it!!!
I had that once before and it was not cool.
But I'm tired all the time. Oldest Sister says I just haven't caught up on sleep yet. Which is true, I haven't been sleeping much lately.
Tonight I will. Gonna put in some Charlie's Angels season one and crash with my big fat cat.
I'm still counting car crashes, I bet I can reach double digits by disc 4!
"Elephant Love Medley" Moulin Rouge
because everyone should have someone to scream at in a giant elephant.
We had this massive update of our ILS system last night and it has some glitches. So there were a lot of frantic moments, mostly this morning.
So, when our Assistant Director comes down to check on us and asks how it’s going she says something to the effect of, “you know what would make it better? Chocolate.”
Jokingly of course.
He goes to lunch.
Comes back with bags of chocolate.
For serious.
Made my day.
I totally busted out laughing cause it was oh my god, he actually brought us chocolate!
And it helped man. We were stoked. Chocolate really does fix all.
I figured that out in high school. An old friend of mine and myself had this theory that just kept getting expanded on.
Originally it was chocolate fixes all. Then it was chocolate and Moulin Rouge fixes all. Then it was chocolate, Moulin Rouge, and apple juice fixes all. And I think it ended with chocolate, Moulin Rouge, apple juice and Carrie’s broken chair fixes all.
Yes I had a broken chair.
And it was awesome.
It was a recliner that stabbed you if you walked by too closely cause the footrest was broken.
My parents hated it cause I brought it home with me from the dorms.
Shortly after I moved out it mysteriously disappeared.
Hmmm…much like my Titans hat that I wore every day…
I’m lucky I escaped with my tearaways! Though I’m sure people are proud that I rarely wear them anymore. As I don’t really have a chance.
Didn’t we just have this conversation? I’m a workaholic? Right? Yeah, we figured that out a couple days ago.
Not that it wasn’t apparent before then.
But this whole chocolate thing is killing my good behavior for the dentist. Apparently I drink too much pop and chew too much gum. Now Mom wants to buy me a water pik, whatever that is, but it would probably be useful. Then maybe I wouldn't have to give up the pop and gum. Cause that's clearly not happening.
Tonight was fun. Had sushi and a movie with Oldest Sister and family. We watched Tower Heist - which I took the kids to see in theaters - and it had alternate endings. They were both good and should have been added, cause you could have the original and both the additions. They should have them.
Oh well, guess more people will have to watch the DVD to see them.
"If you get shot in your head, it's over. If you get shot in your face, the bullet will go through your cheek and come out the other side!"
We still died, actually Squirt and I kept going, it's almost to the best part, sh it's coming up!
Then the maid went rogue, ran into the FBI guy with the cart and said into the radio, "he was allergic to chocolate, i had to beat him" and we both died.
Best part of the whole movie, though the whole thing is good.
It's hard to have a bad movie when you have so many good actors in it. Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy, Matthew Broderick, Casey Affleck, Gabourey Sidibe, Alan Alda, even Téa Leoni was pretty badass in it. Though the last movie I saw with her in it was Fun With Dick and Jane...which wasn't too fantastic.
Guess what?!
I get to sleep in tomorrow! So don't call me tomorrow morning! Cause I'm sleeping passed noon.
I'm still exhausted. Girlscout says maybe I have mono. I went NOOO!! Don't even say it!!!
I had that once before and it was not cool.
But I'm tired all the time. Oldest Sister says I just haven't caught up on sleep yet. Which is true, I haven't been sleeping much lately.
Tonight I will. Gonna put in some Charlie's Angels season one and crash with my big fat cat.
I'm still counting car crashes, I bet I can reach double digits by disc 4!
"Elephant Love Medley" Moulin Rouge
because everyone should have someone to scream at in a giant elephant.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Give up the funk
Today mostly sucked.
I'm having a bit of a "life sucks and then you die" kind of day.
Went to the dentist at 8AM.
First time there as I usually go to their other office - it was closer to my hometown and I know everyone and all that.
I have never had a cavity in my life. Now apparently I have four.
They run a bunch of different tests at this one, measuring gums and doing something with lasers. Made me late to work, though I had given my boss notice in advance.
I have to go back next week to get them filled.
So, because I'm apparently a total pathetic loser I called my mom freaking out, and she's gonna take me.
But you don't understand, the last time they had to numb me for something I woke up in the dentists arms...go here: Sketch and Edit Sit in the Waiting Room
Not exactly one of my finer moments, but it did make their top five.
And I know this sounds trivial for you, cavities and all that, but anything that involves needles, or even the thought of them makes me pass out. Or at least freak out, hit my head on a desk, konk out for a few minutes then wake up in my dentists arms.
So I told him that. He said he'd give me that laughing gas stuff instead.
John Boy said I needed to take a recorder with me in case I said something worthy of blackmail.
Anyway, the fact that I was emotional and anything could set me off made me avoid coworkers and stay away from conversations and all that.
That just put me in a funk for the rest of the day, but I have great coworkers so it didn't last long.
Plus an old high school friend stopped by so I was alright by mid-afternoon.
It was just one of those days you know?
But I was productive after work, finished my takehome quiz, added to my group wiki, next step is to read some articles and post on a discussion board, then comment on 2 other peoples's posts. Should be interesting.
And I finally got to talk to Sketch about anything and everything. Which was way overdue.
At the moment I am literally about to pass out, feeling light-headed and all that so I'll post this and be off.
As I was in one for most of the day - though still had that damn billy ocean song stuck in my head - here are some great funk numbers to jam to.
"Give Up the Funk" Parliament
"Let it Whip" Dazz Band
heard this one on the new guy and laughed
I'm having a bit of a "life sucks and then you die" kind of day.
Went to the dentist at 8AM.
First time there as I usually go to their other office - it was closer to my hometown and I know everyone and all that.
I have never had a cavity in my life. Now apparently I have four.
They run a bunch of different tests at this one, measuring gums and doing something with lasers. Made me late to work, though I had given my boss notice in advance.
I have to go back next week to get them filled.
So, because I'm apparently a total pathetic loser I called my mom freaking out, and she's gonna take me.
But you don't understand, the last time they had to numb me for something I woke up in the dentists arms...go here: Sketch and Edit Sit in the Waiting Room
Not exactly one of my finer moments, but it did make their top five.
And I know this sounds trivial for you, cavities and all that, but anything that involves needles, or even the thought of them makes me pass out. Or at least freak out, hit my head on a desk, konk out for a few minutes then wake up in my dentists arms.
So I told him that. He said he'd give me that laughing gas stuff instead.
John Boy said I needed to take a recorder with me in case I said something worthy of blackmail.
Anyway, the fact that I was emotional and anything could set me off made me avoid coworkers and stay away from conversations and all that.
That just put me in a funk for the rest of the day, but I have great coworkers so it didn't last long.
Plus an old high school friend stopped by so I was alright by mid-afternoon.
It was just one of those days you know?
But I was productive after work, finished my takehome quiz, added to my group wiki, next step is to read some articles and post on a discussion board, then comment on 2 other peoples's posts. Should be interesting.
And I finally got to talk to Sketch about anything and everything. Which was way overdue.
At the moment I am literally about to pass out, feeling light-headed and all that so I'll post this and be off.
As I was in one for most of the day - though still had that damn billy ocean song stuck in my head - here are some great funk numbers to jam to.
"Give Up the Funk" Parliament
"Let it Whip" Dazz Band
heard this one on the new guy and laughed
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
the one where things get all mushy and weird
Think I’m gonna start counting how many cars crash and burn in this series.
I’m up to at least 5 and I’m only three discs into the first season.
Next up is the Beamish episode – which I always dread cause it’s weird. Pretty sure that’s true for all Die-hard Angel fans, you just mention Beamish and they all groan.
But when I watch a season I watch the whole season so I’ll try to get through it without giggling or referencing Citizen Kane again, don’t ask.
This whole sick thing is turning me into a social leaper.
I haven’t talked to my best friend in days, I haven’t seen my boyfriend in weeks...a fact that both of them at this very moment are none-too-pleased about.
But I’m a crap communicator. Always have been.
Take this blog for instance, sure I post every night but when is the last time I had a serious entry of any kind?
I will pay you money if you can find an entry on this thing that’s completely serious with no quotes or cheesy references at all.
To me that just sounds completely awkward and boring. I mean, who wants to read something by someone who whines all the time, it’d be like nonstop Meredith narrations on Grey’s.
Not that she doesn’t have her own moments of comedy.
But that’s my theory on life: keep your head down, then when in doubt make them laugh. It’s just easier to keep everything bottled up, then you don’t have to deal with it.
Apparently, thinking like that gets me in trouble with my friends and family.
Working in public service hasn’t helped with this attitude.
And it’s not that I don’t like my job. I love it. But that’s the problem. I’ve become what people refer to as a work-a-holic, so much so that when I get home I’m so exhausted that I don’t want to talk to anyone or deal with drama of any kind.
Which makes me a really crappy best friend and a really boring girlfriend.
So, for those of you out there who are still reading this, here are real words from a very crappy communicator.
I’m grateful for all of you. You are both fantastic and crazy for putting up with my endless amounts of crap.
I may not say it enough, but when I do I mean it. Thanks for sticking with me.
See what I mean about awkward and boring? Though it was and is sincere.
And now, to detract from the seriousness of the moment which I feel is necessary in life both virtual and real, here are some things I learned today:
-In Utah, birds have the right of way on all highways, do keep in mind that these are from the internet so they could be complete crap
-A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 foot tall child inside, how they figured that one out i do not want to know
-If a lobster loses an eye it will grow another one, see that's just not natural
-The powder on chewing gum is finely-ground marble, seriously? that can't be healthy.
-The 7-11 Extreme Gulp is 50% bigger than the volume of the human stomach, bet that don't put that on the label.
-L. Frank Baum named Oz after a file cabinet in his office, one cabinet was labed A-N, and the second was labeled O-Z, i enjoy how macguire used his name as inspiration for Elphaba
-The famous Casanova (Giacomo Casanova) was a librarian for many years before he died, yeah i bet he put the service in public service
-Since 1978, at least 37 people have died as a result of shaking vending machines in an attempt to get free merchandise. More than 100 people have been injured, which is ironic cause i read this one outloud literally five minutes before the New Guy came in and was talking about shaking the thing to get something unstuck.
Alright, that's all for tonight. Dentist appointment tomorrow morning and then a staff meeting, plus a whole day of joy at the library.
"Bend Me Shape Me" The American Breed
i enjoy that they sway in a choreographed manner.
I’m up to at least 5 and I’m only three discs into the first season.
Next up is the Beamish episode – which I always dread cause it’s weird. Pretty sure that’s true for all Die-hard Angel fans, you just mention Beamish and they all groan.
But when I watch a season I watch the whole season so I’ll try to get through it without giggling or referencing Citizen Kane again, don’t ask.
This whole sick thing is turning me into a social leaper.
I haven’t talked to my best friend in days, I haven’t seen my boyfriend in weeks...a fact that both of them at this very moment are none-too-pleased about.
But I’m a crap communicator. Always have been.
Take this blog for instance, sure I post every night but when is the last time I had a serious entry of any kind?
I will pay you money if you can find an entry on this thing that’s completely serious with no quotes or cheesy references at all.
To me that just sounds completely awkward and boring. I mean, who wants to read something by someone who whines all the time, it’d be like nonstop Meredith narrations on Grey’s.
Not that she doesn’t have her own moments of comedy.
But that’s my theory on life: keep your head down, then when in doubt make them laugh. It’s just easier to keep everything bottled up, then you don’t have to deal with it.
Apparently, thinking like that gets me in trouble with my friends and family.
Working in public service hasn’t helped with this attitude.
And it’s not that I don’t like my job. I love it. But that’s the problem. I’ve become what people refer to as a work-a-holic, so much so that when I get home I’m so exhausted that I don’t want to talk to anyone or deal with drama of any kind.
Which makes me a really crappy best friend and a really boring girlfriend.
So, for those of you out there who are still reading this, here are real words from a very crappy communicator.
I’m grateful for all of you. You are both fantastic and crazy for putting up with my endless amounts of crap.
I may not say it enough, but when I do I mean it. Thanks for sticking with me.
See what I mean about awkward and boring? Though it was and is sincere.
And now, to detract from the seriousness of the moment which I feel is necessary in life both virtual and real, here are some things I learned today:
-In Utah, birds have the right of way on all highways, do keep in mind that these are from the internet so they could be complete crap
-A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 foot tall child inside, how they figured that one out i do not want to know
-If a lobster loses an eye it will grow another one, see that's just not natural
-The powder on chewing gum is finely-ground marble, seriously? that can't be healthy.
-The 7-11 Extreme Gulp is 50% bigger than the volume of the human stomach, bet that don't put that on the label.
-L. Frank Baum named Oz after a file cabinet in his office, one cabinet was labed A-N, and the second was labeled O-Z, i enjoy how macguire used his name as inspiration for Elphaba
-The famous Casanova (Giacomo Casanova) was a librarian for many years before he died, yeah i bet he put the service in public service
-Since 1978, at least 37 people have died as a result of shaking vending machines in an attempt to get free merchandise. More than 100 people have been injured, which is ironic cause i read this one outloud literally five minutes before the New Guy came in and was talking about shaking the thing to get something unstuck.
Alright, that's all for tonight. Dentist appointment tomorrow morning and then a staff meeting, plus a whole day of joy at the library.
"Bend Me Shape Me" The American Breed
i enjoy that they sway in a choreographed manner.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Leave the pieces when you go
I'm cooked like a lobster.
Which is Italian for exhausted.
I got this great book - from the library of course - called "I'm not hanging noodles on your ears" and it's filled with ridiculous idioms from across the world.
It's highly amusing.
Here are some of my highlights so far:
-"to show the peacock" to vomit - polish
-"thighs shaped like banana trees" compliment to an attractive woman - bengali
-"swallowed like a postman's sock" hopelessly in love - spanish
-"reheated cabbage" an attempt to revive a lapsed love affair - italian
-"to throw mothers" to curse, swear at - spanish
-"the son of a duck is a floater" like father like son - arabic
-"ducks are falling already roasted" it's scorching hot - spanish
-"here the donkey falls" the important part - italian
-"to drown the fish" to lose by deliberate confusion - french
There's more, but I'll leave you with those for now.
Today was good, led my first TAB meeting, not as many were there so we finished early and went to jam out in the courtyard. It was nice out.
And more dead birds. That's two in two days. Same girl found it too, I think she actually looks for them.
Dead birds aren't really my thing so I called the guard.
Pretty sure he loves me for that.
Mom brought me more fruit. And I think I'm set for life in lightbulbs.
I don't remember the apartment ever being this bright.
And I'm stoked for the fruit. But I'm a nerd like that.
I was gonna buy lightbulbs myself tonight but she was there. I went anyway cause I had to get birthday presents. There's a lot of birthdays in March. Two of my nieces, plus my mother's, plus one of my old friend's as well. We gave her crap cause she was born on the Ides of March.
Though I think it's me that's the jinx. Yesterday while jamming with Queen of the Known Universe she flails out of her chair. I told her I'd give her more points if she would have screamed. I know I would have.
But then today the new supervisor, that I still haven't come up with a proper nickname for, slams her finger in the cash register for the first time in seven years.
I think it's me.
I'm already klutzy on my own, but now it's contageous.
What else from today...
Superwoman and I made an E-books display today in the main entryway. Hung up some pictures of e-readers and all that. It turned out pretty cool. But it's National Read an E-book week. We turned it into a month since we were late - I was sick and she was busy. Will have to find some flyers or something.
Joyful and triumphant.
She took away a point today so I'm down to 141.5 cause I had my feet up on the table. Apparently that's not what a librarian is supposed to do. She's grooming me into the perfect librarian apparently. Between her and the Library Goddess I'm toast.
Tomorrow is more of the same, all day but minus the meetings. And hopefully the klutzy drama, but with me it's inevitable.
On to the music:
I had Billy Ocean's "get out of my dreams get into my car" stuck in my head all day. Was singing it all over the building - boss's office, basement, front desk, backroom while doing display - drove me nuts.
Info-Man says there are worse songs that could be stuck in my head. He's right, last time I told John Boy about a song being stuck in my head he started singing the song that never ends.
I replaced that one with "it's a small world afterall" and believe me, that's even worse.
So, in hopes of this one erasing all of those let's pick a good one. Hmmm...
"Leave the Pieces" The Wreckers
it's official. this is my favorite of all time. it was a toss up before between this one, tracy chapman's "give me one reason" and aaliyah's "are you that somebody" but somehow it always comes back to this one.
i'm still a farmgirl at heart.
Which is Italian for exhausted.
I got this great book - from the library of course - called "I'm not hanging noodles on your ears" and it's filled with ridiculous idioms from across the world.
It's highly amusing.
Here are some of my highlights so far:
-"to show the peacock" to vomit - polish
-"thighs shaped like banana trees" compliment to an attractive woman - bengali
-"swallowed like a postman's sock" hopelessly in love - spanish
-"reheated cabbage" an attempt to revive a lapsed love affair - italian
-"to throw mothers" to curse, swear at - spanish
-"the son of a duck is a floater" like father like son - arabic
-"ducks are falling already roasted" it's scorching hot - spanish
-"here the donkey falls" the important part - italian
-"to drown the fish" to lose by deliberate confusion - french
There's more, but I'll leave you with those for now.
Today was good, led my first TAB meeting, not as many were there so we finished early and went to jam out in the courtyard. It was nice out.
And more dead birds. That's two in two days. Same girl found it too, I think she actually looks for them.
Dead birds aren't really my thing so I called the guard.
Pretty sure he loves me for that.
Mom brought me more fruit. And I think I'm set for life in lightbulbs.
I don't remember the apartment ever being this bright.
And I'm stoked for the fruit. But I'm a nerd like that.
I was gonna buy lightbulbs myself tonight but she was there. I went anyway cause I had to get birthday presents. There's a lot of birthdays in March. Two of my nieces, plus my mother's, plus one of my old friend's as well. We gave her crap cause she was born on the Ides of March.
Though I think it's me that's the jinx. Yesterday while jamming with Queen of the Known Universe she flails out of her chair. I told her I'd give her more points if she would have screamed. I know I would have.
But then today the new supervisor, that I still haven't come up with a proper nickname for, slams her finger in the cash register for the first time in seven years.
I think it's me.
I'm already klutzy on my own, but now it's contageous.
What else from today...
Superwoman and I made an E-books display today in the main entryway. Hung up some pictures of e-readers and all that. It turned out pretty cool. But it's National Read an E-book week. We turned it into a month since we were late - I was sick and she was busy. Will have to find some flyers or something.
Joyful and triumphant.
She took away a point today so I'm down to 141.5 cause I had my feet up on the table. Apparently that's not what a librarian is supposed to do. She's grooming me into the perfect librarian apparently. Between her and the Library Goddess I'm toast.
Tomorrow is more of the same, all day but minus the meetings. And hopefully the klutzy drama, but with me it's inevitable.
On to the music:
I had Billy Ocean's "get out of my dreams get into my car" stuck in my head all day. Was singing it all over the building - boss's office, basement, front desk, backroom while doing display - drove me nuts.
Info-Man says there are worse songs that could be stuck in my head. He's right, last time I told John Boy about a song being stuck in my head he started singing the song that never ends.
I replaced that one with "it's a small world afterall" and believe me, that's even worse.
So, in hopes of this one erasing all of those let's pick a good one. Hmmm...
"Leave the Pieces" The Wreckers
it's official. this is my favorite of all time. it was a toss up before between this one, tracy chapman's "give me one reason" and aaliyah's "are you that somebody" but somehow it always comes back to this one.
i'm still a farmgirl at heart.
Monday, March 5, 2012
"It's funny cause it's true"
How much crap can I have accumulated in two years?
I moved from my makeshift desk upstairs, to an actual desk downstairs and it took like three whole carts back and forth to get it all moved.
But it's not my fault!
Cause it's all the supplies and TAB stuff!!
None of it was mine!!
The snack-age was mine.
Gotta have some girlscout cookies in the drawer.
Maybe some animal crackers.
But the rest was all library!!
Not that it's a problem, though it was interesting making everything fit into three drawers and then improvising with some TAB stuff to get it all jammed into a box under the desk.
I miss my shelves.
But I'll live.
I like it down there actually, it's quiet and there's space.
Plus I'm right next to Slim Shady, across from Fearless Leader and Mentor, and cady-corner to the Queen of the Known Universe.
So how can you go wrong there?
Though, if all of us were down there at once I don't know how much work would get done, they are highly entertaining.
Even when they're falling out of chairs.
Slim Shady and I have decided to deck out our area with our random signage.
It will live eternally.
Joyful and triumphant.
But you gotta make your desk your own.
Today felt a bit like my first day back, as I was sick and/or out of it most of last week.
I was even professional, making two different very professional phone calls that I've been putting off and can't any longer. AND THE ONE DUDE ANSWERED!
Which is crap, and totally threw me off.
Cause he never answers.
And I enjoy leaving him a voicemail cause it's quick and painless.
I can't say that about the second dude though.
Summer Reading is quickly approaching and I still haven't heard anything since initial contact.
But I'm a nerd.
And I get nervous.
Fearless Leader said I was very professional leaving a message for the Summer Reading dude.
Gonna have to leave another if he doesn't get in touch with me tomorrow. I'm running out of time.
Plus Mentor is out of town.
Speaking of, TAB meeting tomorrow. Those kids are gonna eat me alive, but I'm giving them snacks. So that should help. Plus I have it all planned out.
Sort of.
I mean, she came up with the agenda, I just have to stick to it plus add in the stuff we forgot.
Squirt got started on some of the projects - the kids want to refurbish the library, basically take old books that are going to be withdrawn and make them into these craft things.
She was in today making a wreath thing, I told her she would most likely get funny looks cause she was tearing pages out of a book.
I'd actually worry more if she didn't get funny looks.
I think she secretly enjoyed ripping up a copy of Twilight.
I know I would have.
Have you read the thing?! We had to in college. I'm sorry, she knows the guy for like 2 days and already she belongs to him and can't live without him?! Seriously?!
Couldn't do the sequels.
My brother drug me to the movies.
And please keep in mind that he's fifteen years older than I am.
But that's okay, I enjoy going to movies with him. We saw those, RED, Narnia, Max Payne, etc. Random mix but enjoyable.
He's a good brother.
Speaking of family, yes another segue, tonight was fun.
Monday nights have developed into a routine of sorts. Since Squirt volunteers on Mondays I take her home, and Oldest Sister cooks dinner, then we watch The Voice and Castle. It's fun and relaxing. Plus the kids are really funny.
"You made me snot my water."
don't ask, please.
"It's a noun and a verb, it's a triple threat."
no it's a double threat.
And I've learned that "your face" is the new "your mom". So if Bubby asks you, "guess what?" don't answer.
He was telling us blonde jokes. The most memorable being the red head asking her mother why she named her petal.
Her mother replies that a petal fell on her head when she was born.
The brunette asks her mother why she was named Rose.
Her mother replied that a rose fell on her head when she was born.
The blonde said, "my favorite color is potatoes!"
Her mother yelled "Shutup Brick!"
and that was my day. Another one just like it tomorrow, working but this time I'll come home to homework instead.
I did register for my classes though, huzzah!
"Let's Dance" Chris Montez
we'll do the twist, the stomp the mashed potato too.... i always wondered how they came up with the name mashed potato. doesn't sound like a dance move. but i'm diggin' it anyway.
I moved from my makeshift desk upstairs, to an actual desk downstairs and it took like three whole carts back and forth to get it all moved.
But it's not my fault!
Cause it's all the supplies and TAB stuff!!
None of it was mine!!
The snack-age was mine.
Gotta have some girlscout cookies in the drawer.
Maybe some animal crackers.
But the rest was all library!!
Not that it's a problem, though it was interesting making everything fit into three drawers and then improvising with some TAB stuff to get it all jammed into a box under the desk.
I miss my shelves.
But I'll live.
I like it down there actually, it's quiet and there's space.
Plus I'm right next to Slim Shady, across from Fearless Leader and Mentor, and cady-corner to the Queen of the Known Universe.
So how can you go wrong there?
Though, if all of us were down there at once I don't know how much work would get done, they are highly entertaining.
Even when they're falling out of chairs.
Slim Shady and I have decided to deck out our area with our random signage.
It will live eternally.
Joyful and triumphant.
But you gotta make your desk your own.
Today felt a bit like my first day back, as I was sick and/or out of it most of last week.
I was even professional, making two different very professional phone calls that I've been putting off and can't any longer. AND THE ONE DUDE ANSWERED!
Which is crap, and totally threw me off.
Cause he never answers.
And I enjoy leaving him a voicemail cause it's quick and painless.
I can't say that about the second dude though.
Summer Reading is quickly approaching and I still haven't heard anything since initial contact.
But I'm a nerd.
And I get nervous.
Fearless Leader said I was very professional leaving a message for the Summer Reading dude.
Gonna have to leave another if he doesn't get in touch with me tomorrow. I'm running out of time.
Plus Mentor is out of town.
Speaking of, TAB meeting tomorrow. Those kids are gonna eat me alive, but I'm giving them snacks. So that should help. Plus I have it all planned out.
Sort of.
I mean, she came up with the agenda, I just have to stick to it plus add in the stuff we forgot.
Squirt got started on some of the projects - the kids want to refurbish the library, basically take old books that are going to be withdrawn and make them into these craft things.
She was in today making a wreath thing, I told her she would most likely get funny looks cause she was tearing pages out of a book.
I'd actually worry more if she didn't get funny looks.
I think she secretly enjoyed ripping up a copy of Twilight.
I know I would have.
Have you read the thing?! We had to in college. I'm sorry, she knows the guy for like 2 days and already she belongs to him and can't live without him?! Seriously?!
Couldn't do the sequels.
My brother drug me to the movies.
And please keep in mind that he's fifteen years older than I am.
But that's okay, I enjoy going to movies with him. We saw those, RED, Narnia, Max Payne, etc. Random mix but enjoyable.
He's a good brother.
Speaking of family, yes another segue, tonight was fun.
Monday nights have developed into a routine of sorts. Since Squirt volunteers on Mondays I take her home, and Oldest Sister cooks dinner, then we watch The Voice and Castle. It's fun and relaxing. Plus the kids are really funny.
"You made me snot my water."
don't ask, please.
"It's a noun and a verb, it's a triple threat."
no it's a double threat.
And I've learned that "your face" is the new "your mom". So if Bubby asks you, "guess what?" don't answer.
He was telling us blonde jokes. The most memorable being the red head asking her mother why she named her petal.
Her mother replies that a petal fell on her head when she was born.
The brunette asks her mother why she was named Rose.
Her mother replied that a rose fell on her head when she was born.
The blonde said, "my favorite color is potatoes!"
Her mother yelled "Shutup Brick!"
and that was my day. Another one just like it tomorrow, working but this time I'll come home to homework instead.
I did register for my classes though, huzzah!
"Let's Dance" Chris Montez
we'll do the twist, the stomp the mashed potato too.... i always wondered how they came up with the name mashed potato. doesn't sound like a dance move. but i'm diggin' it anyway.
blonde joke,
chris montez,
fearless leader,
let's dance,
slim shady,
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Get out of my dreams, get into my car.
I love it how the second the bad guys get run off the road, in Charlie's Angels, their car explodes.
You know what I'm talking about?
Like, in the chained-together episode ("i'm not a yo-yo!") when they're driving a farm truck and being chased by cops, then decide to start unloading the potatoes in the back of the truck on to the road, and the bad guys swerve - cause you know, potatoes are apparently deadly for cars - and end up in the ditch where the car bursts into flames?
Mom finds my obsession with this show amusing.
Apparently even she thinks it's cheesy with the fake stunts and all that.
But hey! My ex's mom was Kate Jackson's stunt double, so I'm just supporting her, really!
No, I love it, with its cheesy action scenes and ridiculous dialogue, it makes my day.
And it's actually been a pretty good one.
Slept in, huzzah to that! Met up with my carpool buddy and headed to Cataloging where we got to learn all about fixed fields - actually this is like cake compared to last class's tag central - and I gave my presentation on cataloging non-print material.
Shaking hands, rambled tangents, 5 minutes and 46 seconds later I'm done!
For that class session anyway. Now it's all about updating the group wiki cause they gave us books to catalog together, then updating my own records, plus there's an open book quiz due this weekend. Oh well, I'm not too worried. Open-book is pretty low-maintenance.
And will surprisingly be my first quiz in all of grad school so far.
I'm four classes in.
That's actually why I like it. It's all about papers and projects that I actually remember, rather than studying for a test I'll forget the answers to an hour after I take it.
Registration is tomorrow. I added some classes to my wishlist, now I just have to remember to officially add them tomorrow after work. That'll plan my life at least through December.
And the summer class that I want to take is just in June so I'll be able to focus time and effort to camp in July.
You know, outside of the 40 hours a week that I work my actual job.
Not that camp isn't an actual job.
It's very actual.
It's very time-consuming.
It's a very actual and time-consuming job.
Which reminds me I still need to format that uploaded music.
Back to the to-do-list, I forgot I have a dentist appointment this week as well, so add that to the ever-growing list.
Tomorrow I gotta finish that TAB spreadsheet for the paperback books they want added to the collection, and figure out what I'm gonna say during the meeting on Tuesday that I have to lead without Mentor - that should be paralyzingly scary - and after the spreadsheet is done and sent in I'll focus on the Summer Reading stuff that this whole being sick thing has forced me to put off over and over.
One day at a time, for now I'm going to bed.
Hope you had a good one, I'm off to watch more Angels.
Oh good, the one with the assassin in specialized shoes.
I don't know what you're talking about, this show is totally believable.
Music Rec's
"Get Out of My Dreams, Get Into My Car" Billy Ocean
the amateur video actually highly amuses me as he dances them to death, but also because they're dancing in front of a carmen sandiego backdrop which is another one of my nerdy obsessions...go here My Life in Closed Captions: Just Say No! to vending machine orange juice.
"Lola" The Kinks
c-o-l-a, cola.
You know what I'm talking about?
Like, in the chained-together episode ("i'm not a yo-yo!") when they're driving a farm truck and being chased by cops, then decide to start unloading the potatoes in the back of the truck on to the road, and the bad guys swerve - cause you know, potatoes are apparently deadly for cars - and end up in the ditch where the car bursts into flames?
Mom finds my obsession with this show amusing.
Apparently even she thinks it's cheesy with the fake stunts and all that.
But hey! My ex's mom was Kate Jackson's stunt double, so I'm just supporting her, really!
No, I love it, with its cheesy action scenes and ridiculous dialogue, it makes my day.
And it's actually been a pretty good one.
Slept in, huzzah to that! Met up with my carpool buddy and headed to Cataloging where we got to learn all about fixed fields - actually this is like cake compared to last class's tag central - and I gave my presentation on cataloging non-print material.
Shaking hands, rambled tangents, 5 minutes and 46 seconds later I'm done!
For that class session anyway. Now it's all about updating the group wiki cause they gave us books to catalog together, then updating my own records, plus there's an open book quiz due this weekend. Oh well, I'm not too worried. Open-book is pretty low-maintenance.
And will surprisingly be my first quiz in all of grad school so far.
I'm four classes in.
That's actually why I like it. It's all about papers and projects that I actually remember, rather than studying for a test I'll forget the answers to an hour after I take it.
Registration is tomorrow. I added some classes to my wishlist, now I just have to remember to officially add them tomorrow after work. That'll plan my life at least through December.
And the summer class that I want to take is just in June so I'll be able to focus time and effort to camp in July.
You know, outside of the 40 hours a week that I work my actual job.
Not that camp isn't an actual job.
It's very actual.
It's very time-consuming.
It's a very actual and time-consuming job.
Which reminds me I still need to format that uploaded music.
Back to the to-do-list, I forgot I have a dentist appointment this week as well, so add that to the ever-growing list.
Tomorrow I gotta finish that TAB spreadsheet for the paperback books they want added to the collection, and figure out what I'm gonna say during the meeting on Tuesday that I have to lead without Mentor - that should be paralyzingly scary - and after the spreadsheet is done and sent in I'll focus on the Summer Reading stuff that this whole being sick thing has forced me to put off over and over.
One day at a time, for now I'm going to bed.
Hope you had a good one, I'm off to watch more Angels.
Oh good, the one with the assassin in specialized shoes.
I don't know what you're talking about, this show is totally believable.
Music Rec's
"Get Out of My Dreams, Get Into My Car" Billy Ocean
the amateur video actually highly amuses me as he dances them to death, but also because they're dancing in front of a carmen sandiego backdrop which is another one of my nerdy obsessions...go here My Life in Closed Captions: Just Say No! to vending machine orange juice.
"Lola" The Kinks
c-o-l-a, cola.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
But that train keeps a-rollin' on down to San Antone...
And I'm DONE!
For this weekend anyway.
Powerpoint is researched, finished and posted. It's on cataloging non-print items so I basically gave examples of some, some stuff to watch out for when cataloging them, and then notable tag numbers.
Now I just gotta figure out what to say along with it. But I do that best on the fly.
Plus I'll have time before class cause we're going early. There's a meeting about choosing classes and all that. I have my plan all set out but it'll be interesting to hear what they have to say.
So, you know when you finish a series and you're looking for something to start next, and even though you have a mass amount of tv shows to pick from, you automatically go with something familiar?
Is that just me?
Like, I can literally choose anything to watch, but then I see Charlie's Angels and I'm like, heck yeah!
Sabrina Duncan: I love you, I'll prove it, You won't like it, I don't care.
(favorite quote from the entire series and I use it frequently)
I'm talking the original series, not the remake. No matter how much I love Drew I couldn't watch the new series all the way through.
The movies rocked though, we went as the angels for Halloween my junior year of high school, that was highly amusing.
It goes in spurts with that show, like once a year I get all obsessive and crazy then drop it after about a season and a half.
Original cast is the best, but I actually kind of like Cheryl Ladd, so secondary cast was good as well. I have yet to force myself to watch fourth season, even though I own it. I'll start with 1 and go from there.
It always amuses me to see Tommy Lee Jones in the pilot.
I blame the sudden return on my powerpoint.
I needed something running in the background that wasn't going to distract me and I've seen every episode from seasons 1-3 multiple times.
I work better when there's noise.
Hence the headphones.
For some reason I find silence more distracting than noise. I think it's because if it's silent my mind runs 80 miles per minute and goes off on all these different tangents, whereas if there's a noise to distract me I actually have to focus all my energy on one tangent in particular.
And it works.
Did that make sense?
Perhaps not, I did just take that couch medicine stuff and that makes everything fuzzy.
Oh yeah, some chick told The New Boy "bless your fuzzy heart".
Is that a compliment?
Yes, he's The New Boy, cause there's already a New Guy, and he's older than the New Boy.
I'm gonna blame that nickname on the fuzzyness as well.
I'll fix it later.
I actually almost got to work at the home library today, but I had so much crap to do at the work library that I needed to get done there that I sacrificed the opportunity.
This whole extra responsibilities thing is kickin' my butt.
But in a good way.
Cause it gives me something to do, like today I switched out my "All's Fair in Love and War" display one with one entitled "Teen Scenes in Green" which basically consists of books with green covers.
Also today I made some progress on my spreadsheet - we took the TAB kids to Barnes and Noble and now I get to make a spreadsheet of all the titles they want added to the collection and send it on to my supervisor.
That, of course, is due Monday but since I've been gone the majority of the week, and I'm not supposed to work on work stuff outside of work, I will be finishing it on Monday and hopefully getting it sent in before I get another reminder e-mail.
Speaking of TAB. I was told today that Mentor is going on vacation. And there's a TAB meeting on Tuesday. Which I get to lead. By myself.
No pressure.
Actually, haha and this actually makes me laugh, the only part of the meeting that I'm actually dreading is taking role for volgistics, because I'm still learning their names.
The rest of the meeting will be cake!!
Which sounds backwards, right?
But there are a lot of them, and outside of the meetings I've interacted with about 5 of them. My niece included.
It'll be fine. I will give them snacks and we'll discuss the Barnes and Noble thing, plus talk about our refurbishing idea - basically we're gonna take old books and make them into crafty stuff and decorate the library. They were excited so I'm going with it.
And then review Summer Reading Kickoff duties and then we'll be good.
Yep, good.
Not gonna freak.
Cause that would be loser-y.
Plus I have more to freak about in the meantime.
Starting with tomorrow.
After that comes my next week's To-Do-List
-Finish that spreadsheet, send it in, and get started on example crafts for refurbishing project.
-I've uploaded all my camp music but I still need to format it and send it out.
Plus pimp out the camp date and theme on Facebook, plus update the website. Or send updates to our webmaster. For some reason there's always something camp-related on my to-do-list no matter what time of year it is.
-Finish editing my friend's stories. I'm almost through with one, but still have to get started on the second, then send those back.
-Summer Reading stuff at work - make sure my program planning sheet got cleared for the forensics presentation, plus get in touch with the other presenter since he still hasn't said anything since his initial e-mail. Gonna have to break down and call him, that should be a fun conversation.
-Plus do whatever homework is due for next weekend.
-And insert some sort of social-life into the process, I haven't actually seen my boyfriend in like weeks cause last Friday didn't really count.
"Wonderful World" Herman's Hermits
good god, they look fifteen! love the random go-go dancers.
"Folsom Prison Blue" Johnny Cash
but i shot a man in reno, just to watch him die. when i hear that whistle blowin' i hang my head and cry
"I am a Man of Constant Sorrow" The Soggy Bottom Boys
For this weekend anyway.
Powerpoint is researched, finished and posted. It's on cataloging non-print items so I basically gave examples of some, some stuff to watch out for when cataloging them, and then notable tag numbers.
Now I just gotta figure out what to say along with it. But I do that best on the fly.
Plus I'll have time before class cause we're going early. There's a meeting about choosing classes and all that. I have my plan all set out but it'll be interesting to hear what they have to say.
So, you know when you finish a series and you're looking for something to start next, and even though you have a mass amount of tv shows to pick from, you automatically go with something familiar?
Is that just me?
Like, I can literally choose anything to watch, but then I see Charlie's Angels and I'm like, heck yeah!
Sabrina Duncan: I love you, I'll prove it, You won't like it, I don't care.
(favorite quote from the entire series and I use it frequently)
I'm talking the original series, not the remake. No matter how much I love Drew I couldn't watch the new series all the way through.
The movies rocked though, we went as the angels for Halloween my junior year of high school, that was highly amusing.
It goes in spurts with that show, like once a year I get all obsessive and crazy then drop it after about a season and a half.
Original cast is the best, but I actually kind of like Cheryl Ladd, so secondary cast was good as well. I have yet to force myself to watch fourth season, even though I own it. I'll start with 1 and go from there.
It always amuses me to see Tommy Lee Jones in the pilot.
I blame the sudden return on my powerpoint.
I needed something running in the background that wasn't going to distract me and I've seen every episode from seasons 1-3 multiple times.
I work better when there's noise.
Hence the headphones.
For some reason I find silence more distracting than noise. I think it's because if it's silent my mind runs 80 miles per minute and goes off on all these different tangents, whereas if there's a noise to distract me I actually have to focus all my energy on one tangent in particular.
And it works.
Did that make sense?
Perhaps not, I did just take that couch medicine stuff and that makes everything fuzzy.
Oh yeah, some chick told The New Boy "bless your fuzzy heart".
Is that a compliment?
Yes, he's The New Boy, cause there's already a New Guy, and he's older than the New Boy.
I'm gonna blame that nickname on the fuzzyness as well.
I'll fix it later.
I actually almost got to work at the home library today, but I had so much crap to do at the work library that I needed to get done there that I sacrificed the opportunity.
This whole extra responsibilities thing is kickin' my butt.
But in a good way.
Cause it gives me something to do, like today I switched out my "All's Fair in Love and War" display one with one entitled "Teen Scenes in Green" which basically consists of books with green covers.
Also today I made some progress on my spreadsheet - we took the TAB kids to Barnes and Noble and now I get to make a spreadsheet of all the titles they want added to the collection and send it on to my supervisor.
That, of course, is due Monday but since I've been gone the majority of the week, and I'm not supposed to work on work stuff outside of work, I will be finishing it on Monday and hopefully getting it sent in before I get another reminder e-mail.
Speaking of TAB. I was told today that Mentor is going on vacation. And there's a TAB meeting on Tuesday. Which I get to lead. By myself.
No pressure.
Actually, haha and this actually makes me laugh, the only part of the meeting that I'm actually dreading is taking role for volgistics, because I'm still learning their names.
The rest of the meeting will be cake!!
Which sounds backwards, right?
But there are a lot of them, and outside of the meetings I've interacted with about 5 of them. My niece included.
It'll be fine. I will give them snacks and we'll discuss the Barnes and Noble thing, plus talk about our refurbishing idea - basically we're gonna take old books and make them into crafty stuff and decorate the library. They were excited so I'm going with it.
And then review Summer Reading Kickoff duties and then we'll be good.
Yep, good.
Not gonna freak.
Cause that would be loser-y.
Plus I have more to freak about in the meantime.
Starting with tomorrow.
After that comes my next week's To-Do-List
-Finish that spreadsheet, send it in, and get started on example crafts for refurbishing project.
-I've uploaded all my camp music but I still need to format it and send it out.
Plus pimp out the camp date and theme on Facebook, plus update the website. Or send updates to our webmaster. For some reason there's always something camp-related on my to-do-list no matter what time of year it is.
-Finish editing my friend's stories. I'm almost through with one, but still have to get started on the second, then send those back.
-Summer Reading stuff at work - make sure my program planning sheet got cleared for the forensics presentation, plus get in touch with the other presenter since he still hasn't said anything since his initial e-mail. Gonna have to break down and call him, that should be a fun conversation.
-Plus do whatever homework is due for next weekend.
-And insert some sort of social-life into the process, I haven't actually seen my boyfriend in like weeks cause last Friday didn't really count.
"Wonderful World" Herman's Hermits
good god, they look fifteen! love the random go-go dancers.
"Folsom Prison Blue" Johnny Cash
but i shot a man in reno, just to watch him die. when i hear that whistle blowin' i hang my head and cry
"I am a Man of Constant Sorrow" The Soggy Bottom Boys
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