I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Just Say No! to vending machine orange juice.

Seriously. I had my poptart so I got a bottle of orange juice from the vending machine and spent the day drowning out the taste with Dr. Pepper and gum. Gross. Bitter Central. Yikes.

So, I've found that working in public service has killed my phone-talking skills. Not that I had any to begin with, but like parents will call with questions about camp and I'll say something like "Can I help you with anything else" which just sounds awkward and geeky over the phone, but I'm so used to saying it at work that it just comes out. I guess it's better than "Can I help you find anything else?" which wouldn't really make sense over the phone. There's a reason I keep my phone conversations between my family and Sketch. They already know I'm awkward and geeky.

Speaking of awkward and geeky:
"Where you'll see....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Because Carmen stole all 162 stones that make up this ancient ruin known as Stonehenge!" Where On Earth is Carmen San Diego isn't as good as the regular series/game aka Where in the World is... Mostly because the Chief is a dude instead of you know, Lynne Thigpen.

She's my definition of the Chief. Other than my best friend growing up. Who I still call Chief. But that's another story.
"Things are getting yucky in Kentucky!" I got the TV series from the library because I like the game. But, much like any of the Super Mario Bros. movies, it's just not the same. It'll go back tomorrow, along with all the other movies I finally watched this weekend.
Now all that's left are "Justified" "Heathers" "The Match Game" "Andy Richter..." and of course "The Wizard of Oz." But, I have tomorrow night as well. Think I'll stick in Warehouse 13 season two instead. I always get distracted with my own stuff.

Today I was all day at the same place and the same for tomorrow. After that is my day off! Which means Camp central aka emailing dude about t-shirt designs, going over new registrations, printing out more forms cause I ran out, printing off all the nametags and shoving them into the lanyards which we'll have to clean out....what else? Oh, going through the trailer. Cause we keep putting that off. Technically we were going to do it last time but we couldn't find the key. Oh and I have to figure out a second lifeguard. Cause one member of the dynamic duo can't make it. Fun times. Oh and the skits. Which of course I haven't started. Who writes those things in advance? I mean, seriously? I think best at 2AM night before. You know, when I'm already there and freaking out because I haven't done them yet. Maybe if I write them beforehand and they don't suck I will post them on here. But don't be surprised if they do suck.

Last year I wrote a decent one - which I would post but it's too long - called "Rapunzel: The Early Years" and it kind of demands a sequel. But I don't know. I'll ask M and see if she'd be interested in seeing it continued as it was her cabin that did it. They got pretty into it, it was amusing actually. "Oh no, I've been sabotaged by a Demon Radish!" This year I only have 3 8th grade girls, so I'd either have to pilfer some of the 7th graders or make the teen helpers do it. We'll see. That got pretty long. And "The Later Years" would be even longer cause you'd have to do the highlights version of "The Early Years" all over again. Like "Previously on Rapunzel, The Life and Times"...

Father - Let’s melt her with water!
Ogre - Good idea!
Mother - Take your squirt gun.
*Sneak to Witch’s house*
Ogre - Singing telegram!
Witch - Singing telegram for me?
*Squirt witch with water*
Witch - You fools! Water does nothing to me! That only works in the movies! There’s nothing you can do! A deal is a deal! Once it’s born, your child will be mine! Mwahahaha!
Human - Oh no! She can’t get the child! What kind of ending is that?!
All - Tune in next year for Rapunzel: The Later Years

and then it'd be what like

"19 years later..."

What exactly did Rapunzel do in that tower? I mean, she could only brush her hair for so long... and she couldn't reach all of it, right? So...maybe the Witch became her teacher or something. Tried to teach her the ways of evil but she resisted. She was just too good to do any evil. That's why she locked her in tower!!! No, that's dumb. Umm.... I'm stuck. Email me ideas. You're clever.

And I can't even use my trick! I freaking sabotaged myself! Stupid Demon Radish! Not you M. You're awesome. Just the, you know the, essence of De- I don't know. Curses, foiled again.
See, I have this trick for Writer's Block that goes like this.
It's called "Firsts" - you take the characters and write their First something. Like their first meeting, or their first date, or their first time on a rollercoaster, etc.
But it has to be a First because when you think about it, all good stories are about some sort of First. If people only wrote about what people do everyday with no variation or first time for something or sense of not knowing what's going to happen then all the stories would suck. There has to be some element of "First" in every good story. Which sounds semi-cheesy, I know. But it works for me. Cause it sparks story ideas.

BUT! In this case! I can't use it! Because I already wrote the ultimate freakin' First for this story. I guess I could do like the First time they visited the tower. Or the first time the witch left her alone inside of it. The First time some dude tried to climb up her hair. Okay, plenty of firsts. Maybe one of them will spark something permanent. Off I go. Trying to write while watching Warehouse in the background. One of those won't last very long. Wow. check out the W's in that sentence. write while watching warehouse...okay.
I've lost it.
I need to sign out and start on the freakin' skits.
Or the apartment thing. If you have no idea what I'm talking about go here: My Life in Closed Captions: Choot 'em LizBet!
Oh, I thought up more fun tenants.
And one of them is an assassin. So that's exciting. That was another part of the original inspiration, besides the Exotic Dancers next door jokes. We read this story in Fiction Writing about this office building and it bounced from person to person and one of them is a serial killer. They all know but he hasn't killed any of them so they're fine with it.

this is starting to get super long. if you're still around here are you music rec's for the night:

Just because I can. Don't hurt me tomorrow.

"Spice Up Your Life" - Spice Girls

"We've got a deal!" I love 0:26 and 2:15. Yes that is MeatLoaf dancing at 1:12, and Alan Cumming at 2:11 and James Bond at 2:19.

"I Want You Back" - NSync

90's must have been a space craze - the music video for the song above also involves space ships.

Goodnight Gumshoes!

PS - Oldest Sister started a blog. Wonder where she got that idea? I think I'm toast.

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