Why are the pockets always sewn shut in dress pants? Do men have that problem? Are your pockets sewn shut too or is that just another "let's torture the woman-kind thing"?
Like, "Ha! We will give them something that looks suspiciously like a pocket but when they try to use it...EPIC FAIL!"
Why are they giving you a pocket in the first place if you have no access to it? Is that some sort of style thing? Like, "These pants would look awkward without pockets. Let's give them fake ones." Cause you know, real ones would be just too functional.
And then, if you try to cut your way into it, you cut a hole in the pants. And really, how can you explain that at something like camp when you're surrounded by 100 kids?
"Um, I needed a pocket."
"So you made one yourself?"
"Well, sort of. Not that it's functional. But it's more of a pocket than the one they gave me."
And then they'd look at me funny.
Well, moreso than usual.
I know if I didn't add that Oldest Sister would.
No, I didn't cut a hole in my pants. I did buy new capri-type whatevers for camp but then realized that army green would look really bad with tangerine camp t-shirts - not that I aim for fashion, but since there will be parents and I'm supposed to look semi-adult and you know director-ish...I have no idea where I was going with that. Long story short the pants are staying here not only because it's super hot and I won't wear them anyway, but also because the pockets just make me mad. Or lack of pockets. Seriously. It's like the taunt you.
"Haha, you thought you could use us, but no!"
Yes, I know, this is very ranty and when I read that last line outloud it came with a French accent... I will try to tone it down a bit.
Was grandpa left-handed? Cause I have one of his shirts and the buttons are on the wrong side. I put it on when I'm stressed. Or cleaning. Which usually means I'm stressed anyway cause really the only way my apartment gets cleaned is if I'm avoiding doing something else. Like, oh! I have to write 8 skits by Friday morning! I'm gonna clean the apartment. Or, hey, isn't that paper due tomorrow? Nope, gonna clean the apartment. So, if you come to my apartment and it's actually cleaned and not just things thrown in the back closet with the door closed, BEWARE!
I'm freaked. Directors are dropping like flies - one of the tri-directors bailed, another has kidney stones, Jim is gone, Liz won't be there 'til Saturday night so the 6-headed monster is just down to me and Pastor. and Jayne. Who's a miracle worker in the kitchen. Plus Cherie for crafts. But music is me with 3 teen help and Nic. Because we're making her come. For Friday anyway. Then it's Becca on Saturday and I'm assuming Sunday.
And, if you took any part of that beginning rant seriously, you'd realize that no, I haven't written/found skits yet. Well, I started. You know, looking through a website and tagging a few. But they suck. Cause they're not mine. But I think mine always suck anyway. So maybe they're okay.
Jim says we should do "tankety-tank-tank" again. Think I'll save that for next year maybe since the boys that did it 5th grade year are only 8th graders now. After they're teen help and/or gone enough time will have passed to use it again.
It's my favorite so far. I'll post it later. Along with the list of others I use. Or used. As this is my last post for like a week. Yeah, Wednesday night I come back. Then work 9-6 Thursday.
But I love my job. And my boss. Who gave me 3 points today for Food Drive related statements. Basically what I learned by co-chairing it leadership-wise. I came up with some oddball stuff, I think there were 13 things I'd learned that I listed and maybe 2 of them were serious. Like how to get to all the branches and how much the Food Bank does with so little support. The others were more like if you text Fearless Leader *invisible milkjug dance* *invisible milkjug dance* over and over she'll remember to pick up empty milkjugs after work. Or Remember to grab your apartment keys out of your vehicle if you're switching with someone or you'll get locked out of your apartment for 8 hours. And if I mention the words "Food" and "Drive" to the Cool Aunt she'll drive over and donate. Oh, btw - if you're reading this, we won the competition. Downtown had the most total but per person we dominated. Mostly because there's only 7 of us.
Woops, did I just let that slip. Well, I'm e-mailing the announcement tomorrow during work anyway. So for those of you reading this before like 1PM...ish maybe 2 or 3, congrats. You've got the...what do you call it when you get the news before everyone else? Dish? or like Inside Scoop? Whatever. I can't even think of real words how am I supposed to write skits?
WHO PUT ME IN CHARGE OF THIS ANYWAY?! I was volunteered! I honestly don't know how this happened. But I'm here. And I love it. Mostly. So I should probably get back to it. Or clean my apartment.
But speaking of work, SHE'S SAFE! Well, for now anyway. Unless they really do plan to fire me - they're going to have to do it over the phone. That'll be pleasant. Budget cuts at work suck.
Oh, btw, I'm thinking of making my 7th/8th grade boys do this:
Seriously. Or like a series of them between skits. I found a bunch of others. Maybe I'll make them do it between each grade or something. But getting an older boy to sing is like bloody murder. Especially when the girls are around. But I got Jeffrey. He's brave. I'll make him be lead. Or his sister will since she's my teen helper. He was the victim of tankety-tank-tank too.
Okay, I was literally singing that refrain over and over and over while shelving this morning. Drove me bananas. So, gonna blast it out with this one, find skits, shower, finish packing...or maybe I'll just clean my apartment. And watch Warehouse 13.
Watch this.
Everyone loves H.G. Wells.
"You were covetting my grappler."
"It's a little old fashioned."
"Well, it wasn't when I invented it."
See, and now I've lost all motivation again. Okay, kicking myself off of here.
I'll post next week, in the meantime enjoy this little vacation. You put up with all my crap all the time, take some time off. You deserve it.
Tonight, Tonight - Hot Chelle Rae
Summer song makes another appearance because I'm clueless as to anything other than Where Oh Where's theme of the day.
I could write a blog. I have thoughts.
Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I have the magic ingredient, it's called Splenda.
Freakin' H.G. Wells. Seriously. The woman is a mystery. But the finale was fantastic, and sad. Gonna have to find the first episode of season three online cause duuude...cliffhanger.
So yes, you'd think that after a hard day of moving 12 bins all over the place that were overflowing with food and weighed about 100 pounds each, plus collecting all the change, taking it to the bank to figure out the winner, and then coming back to work after all that - AND did I mention that I left my apartment keys in my car back at the farmhouse so I was locked out all day plus I took a detour to visit Oldest Sister's house to take care of their animals - that all I'd want to do is come back and write skits for camp. Write skits and plan and freak out about how I'm not ready and Skits & Worship is going to be a disaster without Liz because we only have 1 guitar... I have no idea for new skits I'll have to find some online because I don't have time or inspiration - i hate writer's block.
But no, instead I crashed on my bed and turned on season two of Warehouse 13 and watched the last disc. H.G. Wells is tricky. Is she good? Is she bad? Yes, that H.G. Wells, they turned him into a her and her into a mystery. I won't say anything more in case someone else on earth actually watches this show other than me. But yeah, the last disc, including when Claudia Donovan guest stars on Eureka in a big crossover episode.
"I came to Eureka and I got was this stupid fence?"
I tried that series but couldn't get into it, even though it's basically the same kind of story except in Eureka, Oregon instead of podunk South Dakota. And-
OH MY GOD that's a giant bug and it crawled across my wall. Gotta find a shoe.....
Or a dealer's license plate, that works as well. Dude. giant bug.
Now I'm just starving and exhausted. But my fridge is empty. Maybe I have something in the freezer.
Alright, I started packing. I'd upload a picture of my bedroom right now but it's probably enough to make even the messiest person scream in terror. And speaking of screaming in terror - I live in fear of opening my mailbox because every day I get more application forms for camp. I just love it when I get them on the 26th when camp is on the 29th and the deadline was the 1st. AKA 25 days ago.
Okay, food. Then crash. Long day tomorrow. Work all day then need to write all my skits - 9 of them btw...just throwing that out there. any ideas email me - then pack my car cause I'm leaving straight after work on Thursday.
Clip of the day:
The BAU does horoscopes
one of my favorite scenes.
Song of the night:
Blackbird - Glee Cast Version
So yes, you'd think that after a hard day of moving 12 bins all over the place that were overflowing with food and weighed about 100 pounds each, plus collecting all the change, taking it to the bank to figure out the winner, and then coming back to work after all that - AND did I mention that I left my apartment keys in my car back at the farmhouse so I was locked out all day plus I took a detour to visit Oldest Sister's house to take care of their animals - that all I'd want to do is come back and write skits for camp. Write skits and plan and freak out about how I'm not ready and Skits & Worship is going to be a disaster without Liz because we only have 1 guitar... I have no idea for new skits I'll have to find some online because I don't have time or inspiration - i hate writer's block.
But no, instead I crashed on my bed and turned on season two of Warehouse 13 and watched the last disc. H.G. Wells is tricky. Is she good? Is she bad? Yes, that H.G. Wells, they turned him into a her and her into a mystery. I won't say anything more in case someone else on earth actually watches this show other than me. But yeah, the last disc, including when Claudia Donovan guest stars on Eureka in a big crossover episode.
"I came to Eureka and I got was this stupid fence?"
I tried that series but couldn't get into it, even though it's basically the same kind of story except in Eureka, Oregon instead of podunk South Dakota. And-
OH MY GOD that's a giant bug and it crawled across my wall. Gotta find a shoe.....
Or a dealer's license plate, that works as well. Dude. giant bug.
Now I'm just starving and exhausted. But my fridge is empty. Maybe I have something in the freezer.
Alright, I started packing. I'd upload a picture of my bedroom right now but it's probably enough to make even the messiest person scream in terror. And speaking of screaming in terror - I live in fear of opening my mailbox because every day I get more application forms for camp. I just love it when I get them on the 26th when camp is on the 29th and the deadline was the 1st. AKA 25 days ago.
Okay, food. Then crash. Long day tomorrow. Work all day then need to write all my skits - 9 of them btw...just throwing that out there. any ideas email me - then pack my car cause I'm leaving straight after work on Thursday.
Clip of the day:
The BAU does horoscopes
one of my favorite scenes.
Song of the night:
Blackbird - Glee Cast Version
camp j,
criminal minds,
food drive,
h.g. wells,
warehouse 13
Monday, July 25, 2011
Dear Roseanne Roseannadanna
Highlights of today:
-Slept 'til noon. I know! I was shocked! That never happens here. Dad thinks 8AM is sleeping in.
-12-5 was putting up corn - Increments of every 10 bags of corn required a Woohoo! That's how we kept track.
It was Mom, Dad, me, Brother and Sister-In-Law and their kids plus Sister-in-law's mom so it didn't take too long. The kiddos were pretty helpful as well, shucking corn - well, the oldest one helped, the boy played angry birds on my ipod and the youngest refused to stay in the shop - which is where we did all the cleaning and stuff now that it has air conditioning - so I was chasing after her while trying to keep her away from the hot water.
Me: "What's on your shirt?"
Abbers: "A Donut!"
it was a monkey.
Mom: "Did you do that to my phone? It's like that card. You could reprogram my phone to Spanish and I wouldn't know how to change it back."
i put a picture of a knocked over pivot as her background.
-Dropped off lyrics and corn at my mentor's bank for her to look over. She's the one who writes the songs every year but this year she left it up to us. She gave us the thumbs up.
-Finally sat down and turned on last week's episode of The Closer cause the new one was on next and I was like, "Should we watch last week's?" and Mom was like "Sure, I watched it already." The thing starts and literally 30 seconds later she bombards me with questions about what's happening in the episode.
"I thought you said you saw this one."
"I forgot it already."
-And Dad of course, after I had watched all of Swamp People, forced me to watch Hee Haw. And the only thing that ever makes that bearable is when one of these pops up.
Where O Where
the refrain is always the same but the verses vary. love it.
Song of the day:
Cool Rider - Grease 2 Soundtrack
Sketch dared me to walk/dance like that past the cafeteria. Fortunately it was during winter time so it was too dangerous for me to agree.
Clip of the day:
Roseanne Roseannadanna
My hero. Final clip of her doing this ever. Sad day.
I love Gilda Radner, Roseanne Roseannadanna is my favorite, along with Emily Litella, but you should check out her Best Of SNL DVD. It's fantastic.
Tomorrow's gonna be super long even though it doesn't start until noon.
Food Drive central. Pick up all the barrels and drop them off at the two libraries plus go to bank to count change and switch out with bills plus figure out the winner to the branch competition and a prize for that winner. And I suck at all things baking so I think I might leave that one for Fearless Leader when she gets back. Dunno if I can do all that plus camp at this time. But I'll figure it out.
Keep you posted. Out!
-Slept 'til noon. I know! I was shocked! That never happens here. Dad thinks 8AM is sleeping in.
-12-5 was putting up corn - Increments of every 10 bags of corn required a Woohoo! That's how we kept track.
It was Mom, Dad, me, Brother and Sister-In-Law and their kids plus Sister-in-law's mom so it didn't take too long. The kiddos were pretty helpful as well, shucking corn - well, the oldest one helped, the boy played angry birds on my ipod and the youngest refused to stay in the shop - which is where we did all the cleaning and stuff now that it has air conditioning - so I was chasing after her while trying to keep her away from the hot water.
Me: "What's on your shirt?"
Abbers: "A Donut!"
it was a monkey.
Mom: "Did you do that to my phone? It's like that card. You could reprogram my phone to Spanish and I wouldn't know how to change it back."
i put a picture of a knocked over pivot as her background.
-Dropped off lyrics and corn at my mentor's bank for her to look over. She's the one who writes the songs every year but this year she left it up to us. She gave us the thumbs up.
-Finally sat down and turned on last week's episode of The Closer cause the new one was on next and I was like, "Should we watch last week's?" and Mom was like "Sure, I watched it already." The thing starts and literally 30 seconds later she bombards me with questions about what's happening in the episode.
"I thought you said you saw this one."
"I forgot it already."
-And Dad of course, after I had watched all of Swamp People, forced me to watch Hee Haw. And the only thing that ever makes that bearable is when one of these pops up.
Where O Where
the refrain is always the same but the verses vary. love it.
Song of the day:
Cool Rider - Grease 2 Soundtrack
Sketch dared me to walk/dance like that past the cafeteria. Fortunately it was during winter time so it was too dangerous for me to agree.
Clip of the day:
Roseanne Roseannadanna
My hero. Final clip of her doing this ever. Sad day.
I love Gilda Radner, Roseanne Roseannadanna is my favorite, along with Emily Litella, but you should check out her Best Of SNL DVD. It's fantastic.
Tomorrow's gonna be super long even though it doesn't start until noon.
Food Drive central. Pick up all the barrels and drop them off at the two libraries plus go to bank to count change and switch out with bills plus figure out the winner to the branch competition and a prize for that winner. And I suck at all things baking so I think I might leave that one for Fearless Leader when she gets back. Dunno if I can do all that plus camp at this time. But I'll figure it out.
Keep you posted. Out!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
good times never seemed so good
The time has come. Swamp People is officially over for the season. Sad day. But they tagged out so it's okay.
I love Troy and Elizabeth. Plus Jacob. They're my favorite team. Troy's the comic relief while Liz and Jacob are more sane.
"Lochness must have had a twin brother. Cause we just caught him." Good god, their boat is gonna sink. Tons of pounds of gator filling a boat in a storm. There's like 4 inches of boat over the water. Stupid.
"It's the only bad habit I got and I'm going with it." Junior's wife about smoking. Someone on the boat is always smoking. Doesn't matter which boat.
Today was a full day and actually pretty busy. Plus media central now that Amy Winehouse died. Total sad day that she joins the Forever 27 Club. True thing too. Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, all died at 27. So apparently there's some sort of club. I don't know. Google it. Sounds like a curse to me.
Also, Lady Gaga shot a music video in a bean field here in the awesomeness that is Nebraska. We're assuming it's for her new song written about her Nebraska-born boyfriend.
So I was all excited because I get tomorrow off and I could do camp stuff. But my partner in crime is gone, and Nic is gone so it's just gonna be me. And I was like yay! I get to sleep in! I can stay around the house and work at my own pace, I'll get stuff done...but I walk in the door and Mom's like "we're doing corn tomorrow."
The phrase "doing corn" means picking 80 million ears of corn, shucking them all, cleaning them all, then cutting them up and putting the pieces of corn in ziplock bags that are measured out. The process sucks. And it's disgusting cause you get all wet and sticky.
They better let me sleep in. I moved out for a reason.
Should'a stayed at my apartment.
Okay, why would someone who was put in a hospital because of a snakebite, be out during a full moon voluntarily catching snakes with his barehands for extra cash? Seriously?
With a long sleeve shirt and some gloves. Crazy.
But I like Willie. He's the one with one of his front teeth missing. Not the most school-smart hunter, but he's got some strength and swamp-smarts. yeah, swamp-smarts. I'm going with it. He usually hunts gators with his Dad.
Songs for tonight = Puck's greatest hits
Fat-Bottomed Girls - Glee version
love it.
Sweet Caroline - Glee version
Alright, out for the night. Have a good one.
I love Troy and Elizabeth. Plus Jacob. They're my favorite team. Troy's the comic relief while Liz and Jacob are more sane.
"Lochness must have had a twin brother. Cause we just caught him." Good god, their boat is gonna sink. Tons of pounds of gator filling a boat in a storm. There's like 4 inches of boat over the water. Stupid.
"It's the only bad habit I got and I'm going with it." Junior's wife about smoking. Someone on the boat is always smoking. Doesn't matter which boat.
Today was a full day and actually pretty busy. Plus media central now that Amy Winehouse died. Total sad day that she joins the Forever 27 Club. True thing too. Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, all died at 27. So apparently there's some sort of club. I don't know. Google it. Sounds like a curse to me.
Also, Lady Gaga shot a music video in a bean field here in the awesomeness that is Nebraska. We're assuming it's for her new song written about her Nebraska-born boyfriend.
So I was all excited because I get tomorrow off and I could do camp stuff. But my partner in crime is gone, and Nic is gone so it's just gonna be me. And I was like yay! I get to sleep in! I can stay around the house and work at my own pace, I'll get stuff done...but I walk in the door and Mom's like "we're doing corn tomorrow."
The phrase "doing corn" means picking 80 million ears of corn, shucking them all, cleaning them all, then cutting them up and putting the pieces of corn in ziplock bags that are measured out. The process sucks. And it's disgusting cause you get all wet and sticky.
They better let me sleep in. I moved out for a reason.
Should'a stayed at my apartment.
Okay, why would someone who was put in a hospital because of a snakebite, be out during a full moon voluntarily catching snakes with his barehands for extra cash? Seriously?
With a long sleeve shirt and some gloves. Crazy.
But I like Willie. He's the one with one of his front teeth missing. Not the most school-smart hunter, but he's got some strength and swamp-smarts. yeah, swamp-smarts. I'm going with it. He usually hunts gators with his Dad.
Songs for tonight = Puck's greatest hits
Fat-Bottomed Girls - Glee version
love it.
Sweet Caroline - Glee version
Alright, out for the night. Have a good one.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
This was no boating accident!
"Use the hair tie, it's on my right arm."
"I just thought it was an ugly bracelet."
Pete and Myka switch bodies. Laura Harris is a guest star in this one and guess what! It has commentary! Huzzah! Apparently she has a massive native american tattoo on her shoulder. I told you, nerd when it comes to WMC. Although I guess I can't blame that completely on WMC.
I love my boss. Just so you know, if you hadn't figured that out already. I text her in the morning to tell her I'm double scheduled and she lets me sleep in. Just another instance of My Boss is Cooler Than Your Boss mentioned here: My Life in Closed Captions: Here's a little segment called: "My boss is cooler... continued here: My Life in Closed Captions: Can I Keep You - Some Assembly Required and added to here.
12-6 then dinner/jam out session with Slim Shady. total relaxation. Now it's back to the Warehouse and then I'll crash. Fun fact, they have some sort of zodiac symbol in each episode of second season.
PS - there are Star Wars cookbooks at the library. I'm stoked. Although in order to use it would mean that I would actually have to cook something. We'll see.
I'm out. I know, I'm boring. Totally exhausted even though got to sleep in.
Never Going Back Again - Fleetwood Mac
been down two times
I don't understand how he can play that all by himself.
"I just thought it was an ugly bracelet."
Pete and Myka switch bodies. Laura Harris is a guest star in this one and guess what! It has commentary! Huzzah! Apparently she has a massive native american tattoo on her shoulder. I told you, nerd when it comes to WMC. Although I guess I can't blame that completely on WMC.
I love my boss. Just so you know, if you hadn't figured that out already. I text her in the morning to tell her I'm double scheduled and she lets me sleep in. Just another instance of My Boss is Cooler Than Your Boss mentioned here: My Life in Closed Captions: Here's a little segment called: "My boss is cooler... continued here: My Life in Closed Captions: Can I Keep You - Some Assembly Required and added to here.
12-6 then dinner/jam out session with Slim Shady. total relaxation. Now it's back to the Warehouse and then I'll crash. Fun fact, they have some sort of zodiac symbol in each episode of second season.
PS - there are Star Wars cookbooks at the library. I'm stoked. Although in order to use it would mean that I would actually have to cook something. We'll see.
I'm out. I know, I'm boring. Totally exhausted even though got to sleep in.
Never Going Back Again - Fleetwood Mac
been down two times
I don't understand how he can play that all by himself.
Friday, July 22, 2011
10 points for Gryffindor!
Subtitle: Shenanigans ensued.
Theme of the day: "Put on some music, it'll make her look less crazy."
I learned a lot things today.
1. Everything tastes better when you're drinking it out of a funky glass from your cool aunt. For instance - we made Butterbeer today, which sounds disgusting, but it was surprisingly delightful.
2. Beware when filming your Smart Cousin while she sings karaoke. I threatened to play it at her wedding and she threatened my life. "I will murder you at my wedding. I'm not above that."
3. Voldemort could have thought of much better/safer options for his horcruxes. "Old dirty underwear in a dump. No one would look for that." "That would be the best horcrux ever."
4. Gryffindor is the best house. Seriously. I kicked ass in Harry Potter trivia today. I was actually the first of our group to be sorted. Mostly because the Smart One would yell out trivia and I would answer it or finish her quote and she would respond with "Ten points for Gryffindor!" She ended up in Slytherin - sidenote, we would not be surprised if she turns out to be the next dark lord. She kind of has it all planned out already. Anagram'd name included. Watch out PotterMore! My Vegan cousin + Justoooone were in Ravenclaw, and the Young One - aka the youngest of all the cousins together, not just this group of us - voluntarily chose Hufflepuff. He said he's bringing it back. When you think about it, who is from Hufflepuff even other than Cedric Diggory who doesn't come around until the 4th movie and Susan Bones...who gets mentioned during the sorting hat scene in the first movie. At least Ravenclaw has Luna and Cho.
It was a very HP day. Cool Aunt made themed cookies, we watched 7A until the end when we ran out of time and they did a fast/comedic summary, then we played HP 20 questions which is actually really fun and difficult cause it's not just people you're guessing it's objects and places included. Vegan cousin chose Mad Eye Moody's eyeball, and Smart one and me went back and forth for like half an hour with that as our top choice but we kept hypothesizing because we didn't have many questions left.
And we saw HP7B in 3D which was awesome. and ran into one of our tech guys from work which is ironic because when I went to see the 2D version he was coming out as I was going in and the same with this one. Out of all the theaters and days and showings...
5. I finally understand why our family is so crazy and gets thrown out of places. I mean, I already knew we were crazy, but now I understand why. When you get all of us together our energy like builds until we're just this endless ball of adrenaline. Seriously. Plus, there is usually some amount of alcohol at these family gatherings/reunions/dinner whatever's and that just adds to it until we get loud and obnoxious and they kick us out.
6. I feel like an awful granddaughter. I freakin' live in the same town as Grams and I don't make enough time to go over there. We went over today to see her and she was so happy and so surprised that she just kept telling us how happy she was. Like I was all emotional about that which hopefully she didn't notice but I feel like crap. Cause I should go over there more often. I lived with the woman for months for crying out loud. Then went back to school and it was like complete life change. I don't know how to explain it. Other than I should go over there more.
and speaking of - totally feels weird going back to a house you used to live in, letting yourself in with the code and seeing all the furniture/setup different. My cousin is taking up residence there now so we jammed out there for a while.
Decisions made today include:
We need to start a cousin band named "Marvin Gardens" and write themed songs about Monopoly. And then others about Harry Potter. We all play different instruments so we could make it work.
Cousin roadtrip - this is always mentioned and thought about but it never actually takes place. We used to go all over the place - Florida, California, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon... us girl cousins are thinking Vegas. Last time we were there we were too young to get the whole experience of it. Maybe for like a weekend. But like I said, always just an idea.
Soak Up The Sun - Sheryl Crow
"maybe I am crazy too."
one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite artists. and a good theme for the day as well. her greatest hits is definitely in the running for most listened to CD in my collection.
and with that i leave you. i'm not sure about my schedule for tomorrow, it's conflicting which isn't unusual. I'll probably just go to one branch in the morning even though I'm not scheduled to go until 11 and then go to the other at 12 because yeah, overlapping and unlike the Smart One I'm not talented enough to be in two places at once.
Theme of the day: "Put on some music, it'll make her look less crazy."
I learned a lot things today.
1. Everything tastes better when you're drinking it out of a funky glass from your cool aunt. For instance - we made Butterbeer today, which sounds disgusting, but it was surprisingly delightful.
2. Beware when filming your Smart Cousin while she sings karaoke. I threatened to play it at her wedding and she threatened my life. "I will murder you at my wedding. I'm not above that."
3. Voldemort could have thought of much better/safer options for his horcruxes. "Old dirty underwear in a dump. No one would look for that." "That would be the best horcrux ever."
4. Gryffindor is the best house. Seriously. I kicked ass in Harry Potter trivia today. I was actually the first of our group to be sorted. Mostly because the Smart One would yell out trivia and I would answer it or finish her quote and she would respond with "Ten points for Gryffindor!" She ended up in Slytherin - sidenote, we would not be surprised if she turns out to be the next dark lord. She kind of has it all planned out already. Anagram'd name included. Watch out PotterMore! My Vegan cousin + Justoooone were in Ravenclaw, and the Young One - aka the youngest of all the cousins together, not just this group of us - voluntarily chose Hufflepuff. He said he's bringing it back. When you think about it, who is from Hufflepuff even other than Cedric Diggory who doesn't come around until the 4th movie and Susan Bones...who gets mentioned during the sorting hat scene in the first movie. At least Ravenclaw has Luna and Cho.
It was a very HP day. Cool Aunt made themed cookies, we watched 7A until the end when we ran out of time and they did a fast/comedic summary, then we played HP 20 questions which is actually really fun and difficult cause it's not just people you're guessing it's objects and places included. Vegan cousin chose Mad Eye Moody's eyeball, and Smart one and me went back and forth for like half an hour with that as our top choice but we kept hypothesizing because we didn't have many questions left.
And we saw HP7B in 3D which was awesome. and ran into one of our tech guys from work which is ironic because when I went to see the 2D version he was coming out as I was going in and the same with this one. Out of all the theaters and days and showings...
5. I finally understand why our family is so crazy and gets thrown out of places. I mean, I already knew we were crazy, but now I understand why. When you get all of us together our energy like builds until we're just this endless ball of adrenaline. Seriously. Plus, there is usually some amount of alcohol at these family gatherings/reunions/dinner whatever's and that just adds to it until we get loud and obnoxious and they kick us out.
6. I feel like an awful granddaughter. I freakin' live in the same town as Grams and I don't make enough time to go over there. We went over today to see her and she was so happy and so surprised that she just kept telling us how happy she was. Like I was all emotional about that which hopefully she didn't notice but I feel like crap. Cause I should go over there more often. I lived with the woman for months for crying out loud. Then went back to school and it was like complete life change. I don't know how to explain it. Other than I should go over there more.
and speaking of - totally feels weird going back to a house you used to live in, letting yourself in with the code and seeing all the furniture/setup different. My cousin is taking up residence there now so we jammed out there for a while.
Decisions made today include:
We need to start a cousin band named "Marvin Gardens" and write themed songs about Monopoly. And then others about Harry Potter. We all play different instruments so we could make it work.
Cousin roadtrip - this is always mentioned and thought about but it never actually takes place. We used to go all over the place - Florida, California, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon... us girl cousins are thinking Vegas. Last time we were there we were too young to get the whole experience of it. Maybe for like a weekend. But like I said, always just an idea.
Soak Up The Sun - Sheryl Crow
"maybe I am crazy too."
one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite artists. and a good theme for the day as well. her greatest hits is definitely in the running for most listened to CD in my collection.
and with that i leave you. i'm not sure about my schedule for tomorrow, it's conflicting which isn't unusual. I'll probably just go to one branch in the morning even though I'm not scheduled to go until 11 and then go to the other at 12 because yeah, overlapping and unlike the Smart One I'm not talented enough to be in two places at once.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Sushi for lunch + Fajitas/Margaritas for Supper = Best Food Day Ever
Today was mass craziness/awesomeness.
9-11 as an LA2 plus 11-12 as an Aide, then sushi with Second Sister and her kiddos - I have so many freaking leftovers it's insane - then stopped by work ON MY DAY OFF CAUSE I'M CRAZY! to do some Food Drive stuff. It actually worked out well because I got to get skit material. Now I can have the inspiration that I keep putting off. After that it was cleaning my apartment - couch included, then jalapeno margaritas!! with the cousins, then they came and hung out for a while and now I'm off to bed.
Sushi was fun, we ordered far too much but that's usual. Gotta love those leftovers. They're best at 2AM. We also hit up the candyshop as well. Little KJ was excited about his gummy spiders and BekBek had her Hello Kitty marshmallow thing so they were all over it.
Cleaning was an expedition. Seriously. I want the place clean so when I come back from camp it won't be nightmare-esque. But I was vacuuming and I'm like I should vacuum the couch. And yeah, don't think anyone has ever done that to this couch before. And I got it from Grams house and yeah. Found some interesting stuff. Lots of pens and spare change and all that, also some post-its, a magnetic O - Grams had this magnet board thing with all the letters that you could spell stuff out with - and then some sort of knitting thing that actually belonged to my cousin who I saw tonight! So that worked out well. She lived with Grams after I lived with her and I knew it wasn't mine so... yeah. But now it's clean! As is my apartment. For now. We'll see how long that lasts with my cat.
I love my family. Seriously. They're fantastic. We hit up our favorite mexican place and got some jalapeno margaritas for the table! minus those under 21, talked about lots of movie/tv stuff and all that and tomorrow!! we're gonna go see Harry Potter 7B in 3D! Huzzah! Cause I love it. And the Cool Aunt and Justooooone haven't seen it yet. So that's tomorrow. and Justooooone has a cape. That they bought. So we'll see if he's gonna be brave enough to wear it.
And yeah, they came over for a while and we watched a bunch of youtube clips while they played with my big fat cat. Harry Potter Musical clips on youtube are awesome. Darren Criss as Harry Potter is amusing.
But I'm gonna work in the morning, we're gonna meet up after that and go see Grams then watch Harry Potter 7A and then go see Harry Potter 7B in 3D. sorry, that's funny to me. I love it! "I've always to use that spell!"
song for the night then I'm out:
The video seems more like someone's drug-addled visions put on tape. But whatever.
This song was one of the first songs I ever uploaded onto iTunes. However, I didn't know the title. It was filed under SONG THAT IS ALWAYS STUCK IN MY HEAD. I'm pretty sure it would have stayed filed that way until Arizona senior year when I finally got tired of not knowing the title and had to google the lyrics. We were down there for a basketball tournament - btw, there is such a town as Corn On The Cob, Arizona. We gave Smo crap for it. We were driving to their high school and suddenly she was like "Did that sign say Corn On The Cob 6 Miles?!" We were like you're imagining things. Are you on something? Who would name a town Corn on the Cob? Seriously? And yeah, on the way back we saw the sign and had to take pictures under it. Corn On The Cob, Arizona. I don't remember where I was going with this. Oh, right, iTunes. Yeah, had to google it cause it was driving me nuts. But we're good now.
9-11 as an LA2 plus 11-12 as an Aide, then sushi with Second Sister and her kiddos - I have so many freaking leftovers it's insane - then stopped by work ON MY DAY OFF CAUSE I'M CRAZY! to do some Food Drive stuff. It actually worked out well because I got to get skit material. Now I can have the inspiration that I keep putting off. After that it was cleaning my apartment - couch included, then jalapeno margaritas!! with the cousins, then they came and hung out for a while and now I'm off to bed.
Sushi was fun, we ordered far too much but that's usual. Gotta love those leftovers. They're best at 2AM. We also hit up the candyshop as well. Little KJ was excited about his gummy spiders and BekBek had her Hello Kitty marshmallow thing so they were all over it.
Cleaning was an expedition. Seriously. I want the place clean so when I come back from camp it won't be nightmare-esque. But I was vacuuming and I'm like I should vacuum the couch. And yeah, don't think anyone has ever done that to this couch before. And I got it from Grams house and yeah. Found some interesting stuff. Lots of pens and spare change and all that, also some post-its, a magnetic O - Grams had this magnet board thing with all the letters that you could spell stuff out with - and then some sort of knitting thing that actually belonged to my cousin who I saw tonight! So that worked out well. She lived with Grams after I lived with her and I knew it wasn't mine so... yeah. But now it's clean! As is my apartment. For now. We'll see how long that lasts with my cat.
I love my family. Seriously. They're fantastic. We hit up our favorite mexican place and got some jalapeno margaritas for the table! minus those under 21, talked about lots of movie/tv stuff and all that and tomorrow!! we're gonna go see Harry Potter 7B in 3D! Huzzah! Cause I love it. And the Cool Aunt and Justooooone haven't seen it yet. So that's tomorrow. and Justooooone has a cape. That they bought. So we'll see if he's gonna be brave enough to wear it.
And yeah, they came over for a while and we watched a bunch of youtube clips while they played with my big fat cat. Harry Potter Musical clips on youtube are awesome. Darren Criss as Harry Potter is amusing.
But I'm gonna work in the morning, we're gonna meet up after that and go see Grams then watch Harry Potter 7A and then go see Harry Potter 7B in 3D. sorry, that's funny to me. I love it! "I've always to use that spell!"
song for the night then I'm out:
The video seems more like someone's drug-addled visions put on tape. But whatever.
This song was one of the first songs I ever uploaded onto iTunes. However, I didn't know the title. It was filed under SONG THAT IS ALWAYS STUCK IN MY HEAD. I'm pretty sure it would have stayed filed that way until Arizona senior year when I finally got tired of not knowing the title and had to google the lyrics. We were down there for a basketball tournament - btw, there is such a town as Corn On The Cob, Arizona. We gave Smo crap for it. We were driving to their high school and suddenly she was like "Did that sign say Corn On The Cob 6 Miles?!" We were like you're imagining things. Are you on something? Who would name a town Corn on the Cob? Seriously? And yeah, on the way back we saw the sign and had to take pictures under it. Corn On The Cob, Arizona. I don't remember where I was going with this. Oh, right, iTunes. Yeah, had to google it cause it was driving me nuts. But we're good now.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Oh no, the babysitter exploded!
I'm stoked! They're bringing back "All That"! Well, re-running it anyway. If you've never heard of it it's like the kids version of SNL. It ran on Nickelodeon from '94 to about 2005. Basically launched the careers of Kenan Thompson, Amanda Bynes, Nick Cannon, etc. I find it awesome that Kenan is now on SNL.
Now they're bringing it back from like midnight to 4 along with a bunch of other awesome 90's shows and calling it "The 90's Are All That" with the All That logo. It'll be like "the Amanda Show" - "court dismissed! bring in the dancin' lobsters!", Clarissa Explains it All, Kenan & Kel, Doug, ROCKET POWER! Which I'm stoked for! I was a total skater nerd because of that show. I sucked but I was still a skater nerd. Hence the "hawk" in erynhawk.
Anyway, All That - they did this one spoof of Harry Potter called OHMYGOD I found it!!! I've been looking for this clip for years!!! Sorry, did I mention stoked?
Spoof of Harry Potter called Harry Bladder and he battled Lord Moldyshorts. And then there was Re-Ron and HerHiney as his best friends. And it was hysterical.
just ignore the first sketch.
"Look what you've done to HerHiney!"
I remember it being less awkward. But dude! I've like googled this skit in so many ways that I'd given up. But it lives! It lives!
Episode was hosted by Melissa Joan Hart with Usher as the musical guest.
But yeah, it's like mini-SNL with all the sketches and all that. That particular one has haunted me for years. I can remember where I was and who I was with when I saw it the first time. Seriously. I have no idea why. But I do.
And yeah, stoked. It's supposed to start on the 25th then of course I'll be at camp so I'll miss a lot of them. I don't know how long it's gonna last. I'll watch them online.
Okay, gotta zen myself out. Songs for the night:
You Were Meant For Me - Jewel
love her.
Who Will Save Your Save - Jewel
i find her intro completely fascinating. kermit the frog. hilarious. love the variations of her voice.
did i mention i was a nerd.
Okay, gonna Warehouse it up. Yes, nerd. Get it out. Just say it. I know you want to. I'm a nerd. But you're the one still reading this.
Judge Trudy from The Amanda Show
because i know my uncle is such a big fan of foreign subtitles.
"Look, we can but-hey all day but you're still gonna lose!"
Now they're bringing it back from like midnight to 4 along with a bunch of other awesome 90's shows and calling it "The 90's Are All That" with the All That logo. It'll be like "the Amanda Show" - "court dismissed! bring in the dancin' lobsters!", Clarissa Explains it All, Kenan & Kel, Doug, ROCKET POWER! Which I'm stoked for! I was a total skater nerd because of that show. I sucked but I was still a skater nerd. Hence the "hawk" in erynhawk.
Anyway, All That - they did this one spoof of Harry Potter called OHMYGOD I found it!!! I've been looking for this clip for years!!! Sorry, did I mention stoked?
Spoof of Harry Potter called Harry Bladder and he battled Lord Moldyshorts. And then there was Re-Ron and HerHiney as his best friends. And it was hysterical.
just ignore the first sketch.
"Look what you've done to HerHiney!"
I remember it being less awkward. But dude! I've like googled this skit in so many ways that I'd given up. But it lives! It lives!
Episode was hosted by Melissa Joan Hart with Usher as the musical guest.
But yeah, it's like mini-SNL with all the sketches and all that. That particular one has haunted me for years. I can remember where I was and who I was with when I saw it the first time. Seriously. I have no idea why. But I do.
And yeah, stoked. It's supposed to start on the 25th then of course I'll be at camp so I'll miss a lot of them. I don't know how long it's gonna last. I'll watch them online.
Okay, gotta zen myself out. Songs for the night:
You Were Meant For Me - Jewel
love her.
Who Will Save Your Save - Jewel
i find her intro completely fascinating. kermit the frog. hilarious. love the variations of her voice.
did i mention i was a nerd.
Okay, gonna Warehouse it up. Yes, nerd. Get it out. Just say it. I know you want to. I'm a nerd. But you're the one still reading this.
Judge Trudy from The Amanda Show
because i know my uncle is such a big fan of foreign subtitles.
"Look, we can but-hey all day but you're still gonna lose!"
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Aye Aye, Captain Bligh
Jammin' on my couch. Eatin' corn. Watchin' Warehouse 13.
"We interrupt this concert to bring you your regularly scheduled job."
I want Claudia's headphones. Oh! Look! She's from Firefly! Jewel Staite, she plays Kaylee. And she guest starred on Dead Like Me. With Laura Harris aka Jill. Who also guest starred on Warehouse. But she'll forever be Jill. Yeah, yeah, WMC. Moving on.
Today went pretty fast even though it was pretty long. 9-1, 2-4, 6-8.
Mom brought my cellphone so I'm back with the world! I had to actually set an alarm alarm on a clock clock instead of just my alarm on my cell. Was afraid I would sleep through it but it worked. I set two separate ones actually.
And Cool Aunt stopped by today with stuff for the Food Drive, huzzah! She rocks. And on Thursday it'll be jalapeno margaritas!
So, got Warehouse 13 Season Two from Target and I watched the first episode because of the major cliffhanger from last season but I haven't seen any of the others yet. Which of course I'm choosing to watch even though I have movies due back to the library next week. Eh. I'll get to them.
It's Super Myka!
pretty much the cheesiest dialogue in the show and she's dressed like catwoman. She doesn't usually look like that. I mean, she's a badass but she's like a secret service badass. In a suit. With a Tesla.
As badass as Myka can be, Claudia Donovan is still my hero.
Boom Goes The Dynamite
love the look from Artie there at the end.
Disturbia music video to Warehouse clips
cause i'm a nerd. don't worry i didn't make it.
Basically the premise is that Myka and Pete were secret service agents who protect the president and one day they're mysteriously reassigned to guard this warehouse in podunk South Dakota. But! The Warehouse - number 13 after the previous 12 burnt to the ground or exploded etc - is filled with mysterious artifacts from all over the world. Artie calls it America's Attic.
But there's stuff like Sylvia Plath's typewriter which makes you completely depressed,
Harriet Tubman's thimble which changes your appearance,
the disco ball from Studio 54 makes people dance,
H.G. Wells' Time Machine that allows you to be someone from the past, etc. But H.G. Wells is a chick. In this anyway.
and Nikola Tesla's pistol which stuns people instead of you know killing them with bullets. It's cool.
But yeah, so these artifacts all over the world start causing trouble and problems and stuff so they go snag them, bag them, and tag them then bring them back to the Warehouse.
Yes I'm a nerd. Get over it.
Okay, eating, watching, and soon will be crashing. So, I'll throw these at you and give you a break for the night.
"Juicy" Better Than Ezra
family song.
"Birds of a Feather" The Rosenbergs
castle song. love it.
"We interrupt this concert to bring you your regularly scheduled job."
I want Claudia's headphones. Oh! Look! She's from Firefly! Jewel Staite, she plays Kaylee. And she guest starred on Dead Like Me. With Laura Harris aka Jill. Who also guest starred on Warehouse. But she'll forever be Jill. Yeah, yeah, WMC. Moving on.
Today went pretty fast even though it was pretty long. 9-1, 2-4, 6-8.
Mom brought my cellphone so I'm back with the world! I had to actually set an alarm alarm on a clock clock instead of just my alarm on my cell. Was afraid I would sleep through it but it worked. I set two separate ones actually.
And Cool Aunt stopped by today with stuff for the Food Drive, huzzah! She rocks. And on Thursday it'll be jalapeno margaritas!
So, got Warehouse 13 Season Two from Target and I watched the first episode because of the major cliffhanger from last season but I haven't seen any of the others yet. Which of course I'm choosing to watch even though I have movies due back to the library next week. Eh. I'll get to them.
It's Super Myka!
pretty much the cheesiest dialogue in the show and she's dressed like catwoman. She doesn't usually look like that. I mean, she's a badass but she's like a secret service badass. In a suit. With a Tesla.
As badass as Myka can be, Claudia Donovan is still my hero.
Boom Goes The Dynamite
love the look from Artie there at the end.
Disturbia music video to Warehouse clips
cause i'm a nerd. don't worry i didn't make it.
Basically the premise is that Myka and Pete were secret service agents who protect the president and one day they're mysteriously reassigned to guard this warehouse in podunk South Dakota. But! The Warehouse - number 13 after the previous 12 burnt to the ground or exploded etc - is filled with mysterious artifacts from all over the world. Artie calls it America's Attic.
But there's stuff like Sylvia Plath's typewriter which makes you completely depressed,
Harriet Tubman's thimble which changes your appearance,
the disco ball from Studio 54 makes people dance,
H.G. Wells' Time Machine that allows you to be someone from the past, etc. But H.G. Wells is a chick. In this anyway.
and Nikola Tesla's pistol which stuns people instead of you know killing them with bullets. It's cool.
But yeah, so these artifacts all over the world start causing trouble and problems and stuff so they go snag them, bag them, and tag them then bring them back to the Warehouse.
Yes I'm a nerd. Get over it.
Okay, eating, watching, and soon will be crashing. So, I'll throw these at you and give you a break for the night.
"Juicy" Better Than Ezra
family song.
"Birds of a Feather" The Rosenbergs
castle song. love it.
Monday, July 18, 2011
By the time that we get through the world will never ever be the same and you're to blame.
I left my phone at the farmhouse. I called Mom from my sister's house. "Yes, I have your phone. It was in my chair." So if you've been trying to get in touch with me and I haven't answered that's why. You can text my mother if you're so inclined. I'm not sure if she knows how to answer it on my phone though.
You could be like Superwoman. Work people kept calling my mother when they were trying to get a hold of me because they had that number on my record. Then mom would have to call me to relay the message so I gave my boss my cell to switch it out and she says, "Maybe we like talking to your mother." She is quite enjoyable.
Today: yes, we wrote the song posted below but also we did get a lot done, talked to the tshirt dude, cleaned out the trailer - Ahh!! and finished the actual song. Well, it's more like a verse, we're adding a verse to an existing song. Chicken strips of awesomeness for lunch.
I hate making nametags. I don't know how the program works, I can't use it. I hate it. I hate Vista. Stupid Vista. We blame everything we don't like on Vista even if it had nothing to do with computers. It works well for us. Even made the song two years ago. Which I think was the last time the program worked. And that's only because my Delayed...Reaction partner worked a miracle as he was in charge of them.
I filled out the whole database with everything but then when I went to print nothing showed up. But it was there. I know it was cause I saw it, just not when I printed it. Stupid Vista.
But we made an icecream run. They basically melted all over Nicole in the passenger seat. Madness.
My cousins are in town! I have a lot of cool cousins but these ones are actually my age! so that's nice. The Cool Aunt called and says she's taking us out for jalapeno margaritas later this week. Huzzah!
"Hey There Delilah" Plain White T's
"Banana Pancakes" Jack Johnson
love him and this
You could be like Superwoman. Work people kept calling my mother when they were trying to get a hold of me because they had that number on my record. Then mom would have to call me to relay the message so I gave my boss my cell to switch it out and she says, "Maybe we like talking to your mother." She is quite enjoyable.
Today: yes, we wrote the song posted below but also we did get a lot done, talked to the tshirt dude, cleaned out the trailer - Ahh!! and finished the actual song. Well, it's more like a verse, we're adding a verse to an existing song. Chicken strips of awesomeness for lunch.
I hate making nametags. I don't know how the program works, I can't use it. I hate it. I hate Vista. Stupid Vista. We blame everything we don't like on Vista even if it had nothing to do with computers. It works well for us. Even made the song two years ago. Which I think was the last time the program worked. And that's only because my Delayed...Reaction partner worked a miracle as he was in charge of them.
I filled out the whole database with everything but then when I went to print nothing showed up. But it was there. I know it was cause I saw it, just not when I printed it. Stupid Vista.
But we made an icecream run. They basically melted all over Nicole in the passenger seat. Madness.
My cousins are in town! I have a lot of cool cousins but these ones are actually my age! so that's nice. The Cool Aunt called and says she's taking us out for jalapeno margaritas later this week. Huzzah!
"Hey There Delilah" Plain White T's
"Banana Pancakes" Jack Johnson
love him and this
2G's version of Oh Lord of Light
So, we decided to write a song for Camp J this year since our usual songwriter can't. It started out serious...but then, of course with our 2G Gang at the wheel, it got wacked out along the way.
To the tune of "Oh, Lord of Light"
"We went to Dairy Delite.
It was quite a sight.
Jim passed a kidney stone,
Through his parietal bone.
He was wearing too much cologne
While playing a very loud trombone.
And Adam & Eve sat down to laugh
While drawing a double-bar graph.
Nicole ordered a blizzard
And cut it up with scissors.
Then it started to melt
So the side of the building she pelt
With such great force we were kicked out
And sat on the sidewalk to pout.
Threw our icecream down a spout
And out flopped a rainbow trout.
Pastor shmoozed and they let us back in.
Said we belong in the looney bin.
He ordered a parfait,
Approved by the USDA.
Next he wanted to have a drink
Saying it was the missing link.
He swallowed it whole, losing all control,
And out the door he did stroll."
Nicole: "Why don't you have a verse?"
Verse Four:
"We followed him back to the school,
Riding on a mule.
Carrie said 'It's too freaking hot!'
Jim said 'That's right, I forgot!'
When we got to the school we all konked out,
And were woken up by a Boy Scout.
He said 'Come with me under the sea'
So we sign off as 2G."
Nicole: "I'm not quite sure what the accident was but the guy was wearing a sweater!"
pastor is wearing his sweater driving home cause he doesn't want to carry it. he says he might faint while driving.
To the tune of "Oh, Lord of Light"
"We went to Dairy Delite.
It was quite a sight.
Jim passed a kidney stone,
Through his parietal bone.
He was wearing too much cologne
While playing a very loud trombone.
And Adam & Eve sat down to laugh
While drawing a double-bar graph.
Nicole ordered a blizzard
And cut it up with scissors.
Then it started to melt
So the side of the building she pelt
With such great force we were kicked out
And sat on the sidewalk to pout.
Threw our icecream down a spout
And out flopped a rainbow trout.
Pastor shmoozed and they let us back in.
Said we belong in the looney bin.
He ordered a parfait,
Approved by the USDA.
Next he wanted to have a drink
Saying it was the missing link.
He swallowed it whole, losing all control,
And out the door he did stroll."
Nicole: "Why don't you have a verse?"
Verse Four:
"We followed him back to the school,
Riding on a mule.
Carrie said 'It's too freaking hot!'
Jim said 'That's right, I forgot!'
When we got to the school we all konked out,
And were woken up by a Boy Scout.
He said 'Come with me under the sea'
So we sign off as 2G."
Nicole: "I'm not quite sure what the accident was but the guy was wearing a sweater!"
pastor is wearing his sweater driving home cause he doesn't want to carry it. he says he might faint while driving.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
How many farmers does it take to change a lightbulb?
Currently there are two in my closet. I should snap a picture and upload it later. But then they might not change it and then I would be screwed.
Lunch at 3PM roughly translates to peanut butter crackers from the vending machine and Angry Birds on my ipod. Both were enjoyable. I blame my obsession with that game on Superwoman who got me started with it in the first place. But I'm totally kickin' butt.
Sent out mass amounts of emails about the Food Drive - 8 days and counting. I still have no idea how I'm going to collect all that food, collaborate all the barrels and deliver them all by myself. Yikes. I'll have to split the branches up cause they're going to pick them up at two locations. Gonna have to borrow a truck. Last time I had a panic call to my brother in law. Who's awesome. And let me borrow his truck. This time I will be more prepared.
Tomorrow means the inevitable cleaning of the trailer. First we put it off. Then we couldn't find the key. Now we have no choice. Clean it out, count supplies, search for craft/game stuff, stuff it all back in. Plus paperwork. We sent out the majority of the mailings, assigned people to cabins and stations, now all that's left is coming up with a schedule, double checking on t-shirts, finding a second lifeguard, writing skits, checking the budget, and....I'm forgetting something. But did I mention writing skits? Which of course I didn't do last night. Cause I don't know where to start. Will have to do an internet search or look through books at the library for ideas.
Slim Shady gave me an idea about the apartment story saying two tenants should be in love. You know, like the movie "Adam", minus the cleaning windows in a Space Suit... go here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1185836/
I'll put one apartment on top of the other and they can have their own balcony scene.
"Sitting Waiting Wishing" Jack Johnson feat. Ben Harper
Lunch at 3PM roughly translates to peanut butter crackers from the vending machine and Angry Birds on my ipod. Both were enjoyable. I blame my obsession with that game on Superwoman who got me started with it in the first place. But I'm totally kickin' butt.
Sent out mass amounts of emails about the Food Drive - 8 days and counting. I still have no idea how I'm going to collect all that food, collaborate all the barrels and deliver them all by myself. Yikes. I'll have to split the branches up cause they're going to pick them up at two locations. Gonna have to borrow a truck. Last time I had a panic call to my brother in law. Who's awesome. And let me borrow his truck. This time I will be more prepared.
Tomorrow means the inevitable cleaning of the trailer. First we put it off. Then we couldn't find the key. Now we have no choice. Clean it out, count supplies, search for craft/game stuff, stuff it all back in. Plus paperwork. We sent out the majority of the mailings, assigned people to cabins and stations, now all that's left is coming up with a schedule, double checking on t-shirts, finding a second lifeguard, writing skits, checking the budget, and....I'm forgetting something. But did I mention writing skits? Which of course I didn't do last night. Cause I don't know where to start. Will have to do an internet search or look through books at the library for ideas.
Slim Shady gave me an idea about the apartment story saying two tenants should be in love. You know, like the movie "Adam", minus the cleaning windows in a Space Suit... go here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1185836/
I'll put one apartment on top of the other and they can have their own balcony scene.
"Sitting Waiting Wishing" Jack Johnson feat. Ben Harper
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Just Say No! to vending machine orange juice.
Seriously. I had my poptart so I got a bottle of orange juice from the vending machine and spent the day drowning out the taste with Dr. Pepper and gum. Gross. Bitter Central. Yikes.
So, I've found that working in public service has killed my phone-talking skills. Not that I had any to begin with, but like parents will call with questions about camp and I'll say something like "Can I help you with anything else" which just sounds awkward and geeky over the phone, but I'm so used to saying it at work that it just comes out. I guess it's better than "Can I help you find anything else?" which wouldn't really make sense over the phone. There's a reason I keep my phone conversations between my family and Sketch. They already know I'm awkward and geeky.
Speaking of awkward and geeky:
"Where you'll see....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Because Carmen stole all 162 stones that make up this ancient ruin known as Stonehenge!" Where On Earth is Carmen San Diego isn't as good as the regular series/game aka Where in the World is... Mostly because the Chief is a dude instead of you know, Lynne Thigpen.
She's my definition of the Chief. Other than my best friend growing up. Who I still call Chief. But that's another story.
"Things are getting yucky in Kentucky!" I got the TV series from the library because I like the game. But, much like any of the Super Mario Bros. movies, it's just not the same. It'll go back tomorrow, along with all the other movies I finally watched this weekend.
Now all that's left are "Justified" "Heathers" "The Match Game" "Andy Richter..." and of course "The Wizard of Oz." But, I have tomorrow night as well. Think I'll stick in Warehouse 13 season two instead. I always get distracted with my own stuff.
Today I was all day at the same place and the same for tomorrow. After that is my day off! Which means Camp central aka emailing dude about t-shirt designs, going over new registrations, printing out more forms cause I ran out, printing off all the nametags and shoving them into the lanyards which we'll have to clean out....what else? Oh, going through the trailer. Cause we keep putting that off. Technically we were going to do it last time but we couldn't find the key. Oh and I have to figure out a second lifeguard. Cause one member of the dynamic duo can't make it. Fun times. Oh and the skits. Which of course I haven't started. Who writes those things in advance? I mean, seriously? I think best at 2AM night before. You know, when I'm already there and freaking out because I haven't done them yet. Maybe if I write them beforehand and they don't suck I will post them on here. But don't be surprised if they do suck.
Last year I wrote a decent one - which I would post but it's too long - called "Rapunzel: The Early Years" and it kind of demands a sequel. But I don't know. I'll ask M and see if she'd be interested in seeing it continued as it was her cabin that did it. They got pretty into it, it was amusing actually. "Oh no, I've been sabotaged by a Demon Radish!" This year I only have 3 8th grade girls, so I'd either have to pilfer some of the 7th graders or make the teen helpers do it. We'll see. That got pretty long. And "The Later Years" would be even longer cause you'd have to do the highlights version of "The Early Years" all over again. Like "Previously on Rapunzel, The Life and Times"...
Father - Let’s melt her with water!
Ogre - Good idea!
Mother - Take your squirt gun.
*Sneak to Witch’s house*
Ogre - Singing telegram!
Witch - Singing telegram for me?
*Squirt witch with water*
Witch - You fools! Water does nothing to me! That only works in the movies! There’s nothing you can do! A deal is a deal! Once it’s born, your child will be mine! Mwahahaha!
Human - Oh no! She can’t get the child! What kind of ending is that?!
All - Tune in next year for Rapunzel: The Later Years
and then it'd be what like
"19 years later..."
What exactly did Rapunzel do in that tower? I mean, she could only brush her hair for so long... and she couldn't reach all of it, right? So...maybe the Witch became her teacher or something. Tried to teach her the ways of evil but she resisted. She was just too good to do any evil. That's why she locked her in tower!!! No, that's dumb. Umm.... I'm stuck. Email me ideas. You're clever.
And I can't even use my trick! I freaking sabotaged myself! Stupid Demon Radish! Not you M. You're awesome. Just the, you know the, essence of De- I don't know. Curses, foiled again.
See, I have this trick for Writer's Block that goes like this.
It's called "Firsts" - you take the characters and write their First something. Like their first meeting, or their first date, or their first time on a rollercoaster, etc.
But it has to be a First because when you think about it, all good stories are about some sort of First. If people only wrote about what people do everyday with no variation or first time for something or sense of not knowing what's going to happen then all the stories would suck. There has to be some element of "First" in every good story. Which sounds semi-cheesy, I know. But it works for me. Cause it sparks story ideas.
BUT! In this case! I can't use it! Because I already wrote the ultimate freakin' First for this story. I guess I could do like the First time they visited the tower. Or the first time the witch left her alone inside of it. The First time some dude tried to climb up her hair. Okay, plenty of firsts. Maybe one of them will spark something permanent. Off I go. Trying to write while watching Warehouse in the background. One of those won't last very long. Wow. check out the W's in that sentence. write while watching warehouse...okay.
I've lost it.
I need to sign out and start on the freakin' skits.
Or the apartment thing. If you have no idea what I'm talking about go here: My Life in Closed Captions: Choot 'em LizBet!
Oh, I thought up more fun tenants.
And one of them is an assassin. So that's exciting. That was another part of the original inspiration, besides the Exotic Dancers next door jokes. We read this story in Fiction Writing about this office building and it bounced from person to person and one of them is a serial killer. They all know but he hasn't killed any of them so they're fine with it.
this is starting to get super long. if you're still around here are you music rec's for the night:
Just because I can. Don't hurt me tomorrow.
"Spice Up Your Life" - Spice Girls
"We've got a deal!" I love 0:26 and 2:15. Yes that is MeatLoaf dancing at 1:12, and Alan Cumming at 2:11 and James Bond at 2:19.
"I Want You Back" - NSync
90's must have been a space craze - the music video for the song above also involves space ships.
Goodnight Gumshoes!
PS - Oldest Sister started a blog. Wonder where she got that idea? I think I'm toast.
So, I've found that working in public service has killed my phone-talking skills. Not that I had any to begin with, but like parents will call with questions about camp and I'll say something like "Can I help you with anything else" which just sounds awkward and geeky over the phone, but I'm so used to saying it at work that it just comes out. I guess it's better than "Can I help you find anything else?" which wouldn't really make sense over the phone. There's a reason I keep my phone conversations between my family and Sketch. They already know I'm awkward and geeky.
Speaking of awkward and geeky:
"Where you'll see....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Because Carmen stole all 162 stones that make up this ancient ruin known as Stonehenge!" Where On Earth is Carmen San Diego isn't as good as the regular series/game aka Where in the World is... Mostly because the Chief is a dude instead of you know, Lynne Thigpen.
She's my definition of the Chief. Other than my best friend growing up. Who I still call Chief. But that's another story.
"Things are getting yucky in Kentucky!" I got the TV series from the library because I like the game. But, much like any of the Super Mario Bros. movies, it's just not the same. It'll go back tomorrow, along with all the other movies I finally watched this weekend.
Now all that's left are "Justified" "Heathers" "The Match Game" "Andy Richter..." and of course "The Wizard of Oz." But, I have tomorrow night as well. Think I'll stick in Warehouse 13 season two instead. I always get distracted with my own stuff.
Today I was all day at the same place and the same for tomorrow. After that is my day off! Which means Camp central aka emailing dude about t-shirt designs, going over new registrations, printing out more forms cause I ran out, printing off all the nametags and shoving them into the lanyards which we'll have to clean out....what else? Oh, going through the trailer. Cause we keep putting that off. Technically we were going to do it last time but we couldn't find the key. Oh and I have to figure out a second lifeguard. Cause one member of the dynamic duo can't make it. Fun times. Oh and the skits. Which of course I haven't started. Who writes those things in advance? I mean, seriously? I think best at 2AM night before. You know, when I'm already there and freaking out because I haven't done them yet. Maybe if I write them beforehand and they don't suck I will post them on here. But don't be surprised if they do suck.
Last year I wrote a decent one - which I would post but it's too long - called "Rapunzel: The Early Years" and it kind of demands a sequel. But I don't know. I'll ask M and see if she'd be interested in seeing it continued as it was her cabin that did it. They got pretty into it, it was amusing actually. "Oh no, I've been sabotaged by a Demon Radish!" This year I only have 3 8th grade girls, so I'd either have to pilfer some of the 7th graders or make the teen helpers do it. We'll see. That got pretty long. And "The Later Years" would be even longer cause you'd have to do the highlights version of "The Early Years" all over again. Like "Previously on Rapunzel, The Life and Times"...
Father - Let’s melt her with water!
Ogre - Good idea!
Mother - Take your squirt gun.
*Sneak to Witch’s house*
Ogre - Singing telegram!
Witch - Singing telegram for me?
*Squirt witch with water*
Witch - You fools! Water does nothing to me! That only works in the movies! There’s nothing you can do! A deal is a deal! Once it’s born, your child will be mine! Mwahahaha!
Human - Oh no! She can’t get the child! What kind of ending is that?!
All - Tune in next year for Rapunzel: The Later Years
and then it'd be what like
"19 years later..."
What exactly did Rapunzel do in that tower? I mean, she could only brush her hair for so long... and she couldn't reach all of it, right? So...maybe the Witch became her teacher or something. Tried to teach her the ways of evil but she resisted. She was just too good to do any evil. That's why she locked her in tower!!! No, that's dumb. Umm.... I'm stuck. Email me ideas. You're clever.
And I can't even use my trick! I freaking sabotaged myself! Stupid Demon Radish! Not you M. You're awesome. Just the, you know the, essence of De- I don't know. Curses, foiled again.
See, I have this trick for Writer's Block that goes like this.
It's called "Firsts" - you take the characters and write their First something. Like their first meeting, or their first date, or their first time on a rollercoaster, etc.
But it has to be a First because when you think about it, all good stories are about some sort of First. If people only wrote about what people do everyday with no variation or first time for something or sense of not knowing what's going to happen then all the stories would suck. There has to be some element of "First" in every good story. Which sounds semi-cheesy, I know. But it works for me. Cause it sparks story ideas.
BUT! In this case! I can't use it! Because I already wrote the ultimate freakin' First for this story. I guess I could do like the First time they visited the tower. Or the first time the witch left her alone inside of it. The First time some dude tried to climb up her hair. Okay, plenty of firsts. Maybe one of them will spark something permanent. Off I go. Trying to write while watching Warehouse in the background. One of those won't last very long. Wow. check out the W's in that sentence. write while watching warehouse...okay.
I've lost it.
I need to sign out and start on the freakin' skits.
Or the apartment thing. If you have no idea what I'm talking about go here: My Life in Closed Captions: Choot 'em LizBet!
Oh, I thought up more fun tenants.
And one of them is an assassin. So that's exciting. That was another part of the original inspiration, besides the Exotic Dancers next door jokes. We read this story in Fiction Writing about this office building and it bounced from person to person and one of them is a serial killer. They all know but he hasn't killed any of them so they're fine with it.
this is starting to get super long. if you're still around here are you music rec's for the night:
Just because I can. Don't hurt me tomorrow.
"Spice Up Your Life" - Spice Girls
"We've got a deal!" I love 0:26 and 2:15. Yes that is MeatLoaf dancing at 1:12, and Alan Cumming at 2:11 and James Bond at 2:19.
"I Want You Back" - NSync
90's must have been a space craze - the music video for the song above also involves space ships.
Goodnight Gumshoes!
PS - Oldest Sister started a blog. Wonder where she got that idea? I think I'm toast.
Friday, July 15, 2011
"I've always wanted to use that spell!"
Scale of Awesome says 10/10. Cause really, the end of an era demands a high rating. Plus it deserves it. I'll definitely go see it again. Professor McGonagall stole the show. Joking. But she was hilarious. Maggie Smith is awesome. This role and then her in First Wives Club are my favorites.
And honestly, I know this makes me a bad library person, I hadn't read the book beforehand but I loved going in blind because I didn't know how it ended or who killed who. I do like reading the book beforehand because then you're able to understand more about why the characters are doing the things they do but sometimes knowing everything just kills the movie.
We went to the 3PM showing, got there at 2 and read our magazines and all that. First in line so awesome seats. It wasn't as packed as it will probably be tonight. I was glad that there was humor in this one - not like overwhelming but still there - cause the last one was so dark all the time it was hard to watch.
It's sad that it's over. But alas, she's writing again.
After that - well before that was work 9-1, shelved everything there was to shelve, then hit up the movie after getting lunch and wandering barnes and noble. After the movie we ordered pizza and watched True Grit - "I'm a foolish old man who's been drawn into a wild goose chase by a harpy in trousers and a nincompoop!" hysterical another 10/10 - and Burlesque 7/10 - it's like Coyote Ugly but in Los Angeles instead of New York - We finally just turned off the Best of Match Game 9/10 because I have to work all day tomorrow.
So I'm out.
And honestly, I know this makes me a bad library person, I hadn't read the book beforehand but I loved going in blind because I didn't know how it ended or who killed who. I do like reading the book beforehand because then you're able to understand more about why the characters are doing the things they do but sometimes knowing everything just kills the movie.
We went to the 3PM showing, got there at 2 and read our magazines and all that. First in line so awesome seats. It wasn't as packed as it will probably be tonight. I was glad that there was humor in this one - not like overwhelming but still there - cause the last one was so dark all the time it was hard to watch.
It's sad that it's over. But alas, she's writing again.
After that - well before that was work 9-1, shelved everything there was to shelve, then hit up the movie after getting lunch and wandering barnes and noble. After the movie we ordered pizza and watched True Grit - "I'm a foolish old man who's been drawn into a wild goose chase by a harpy in trousers and a nincompoop!" hysterical another 10/10 - and Burlesque 7/10 - it's like Coyote Ugly but in Los Angeles instead of New York - We finally just turned off the Best of Match Game 9/10 because I have to work all day tomorrow.
So I'm out.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Now you're gonna hear the second part and that's exactly the same.
Work 9-5 went super fast, beat some levels on angry birds during lunch break, went to oldest sister's to watch Red Riding Hood - it was pretty intense, had to watch whole thing just to figure out who the wolf was, Scale of Awesome says 7/10 - then they went out for sushi and I went with. Now I'm back the apartment cleaning cause Nic is coming tomorrow. We're gonna go see Harry Potter! Got the tickets online, huzzah!
Quote of the Day:
Oldest Brother-in-law: "Getting burned like that would make you bitter."
about anakin skywalker right before he turns into a metal suit.
Okay, so my own family doesn't believe that this is a real thing. So I'm posting it.
Victor Borge is awesome. Seriously.
Anyway, because of inflation he inflates the numbers that are in words. My favorite is lieutenant going to "lieutelevenant".
Another fun one:
Phonetic Punctuation
But my favorite is this:
"and she comes in in a single pile."
pretty sure i posted this recently. i know it made favorites week. but that was a while ago.
yes, that's where the mozart quote i say all the time comes from. "now the chorus comes in. nobody knows why except mozart and he's dead."
give them a chance uncle steve. they are funny stuff.
okay, out for the night. tomorrow is a halfday then harry potter then movie night or something to that effect. girls night. there. awesomeness. girls night of awesomeness.
Quote of the Day:
Oldest Brother-in-law: "Getting burned like that would make you bitter."
about anakin skywalker right before he turns into a metal suit.
Okay, so my own family doesn't believe that this is a real thing. So I'm posting it.
Victor Borge is awesome. Seriously.
Anyway, because of inflation he inflates the numbers that are in words. My favorite is lieutenant going to "lieutelevenant".
Another fun one:
Phonetic Punctuation
But my favorite is this:
"and she comes in in a single pile."
pretty sure i posted this recently. i know it made favorites week. but that was a while ago.
yes, that's where the mozart quote i say all the time comes from. "now the chorus comes in. nobody knows why except mozart and he's dead."
give them a chance uncle steve. they are funny stuff.
okay, out for the night. tomorrow is a halfday then harry potter then movie night or something to that effect. girls night. there. awesomeness. girls night of awesomeness.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
No such number, no such zone.
Okay, you can call off your grid-search. I'll be back on the radar for the next couple weeks. After that who knows.
Last night was hands down the worst night I've spent in this apartment. Everything was fine, I fell asleep watching Justified but then my freaking cat woke me up at 4 and for reasons that will go unexplained I couldn't fall back asleep until 6. I was up at 8 for work at 9 where I shelved until 12. By then I was awake and alert and all that. I had my juice. There I stayed until 6 then took a random trip to the farmhouse because I'm stupid at 8 and now I'm finally back here at my apartment at 11:30.
I really have no explanation for today. I worked a lot. Shelved all morning cause there were carts everywhere then was all about the Food Drive in the afternoon whilst working public service. Things are going good, even though Fearless Leader is on vacation. I only ran panic-y and flailing to the basement twice today with questions for last year's co-chair who is seriously awesome and my hero every time I have to try find something in that basement. Boss's Boss's Boss said I was doing good so that's a bonus.
I should really go to bed now. But last night, amongst the awful, were some of the weirdest dreams I've had in a while. I remember cause I wrote them in my phone - as is practice with me. Anyway, one was about Christina Aguilera and Eminem singing "Like a Virgin" together, then in another I got a text message at 3AM from the Library Goddess saying "Reality Sucks" end of message with no explanation, and then in a third something must have really wonked out my brain because I typed
"Gedma thold onto yardsti"
and that was the end of that.
So, if you can translate my sleep-addled brain let me know. I'm curious.
Hahahaha, reading dream log from this day last year, it says "There are two dead bodies under the bed." "It was your bed."
Songs of the Day: Let's go with a throwback.
Leader of the Pack - The Shangri-Las
yeah, he's a total badass. I love her complete lack of emotion at 1:57. fantastic.
I love the description of the video: "They combined an innocent adolescent charm with more than a hint of darkness, singing about dead bikers, teenage runaways, and doomed love affairs as well as ebullient high-school crushes." nice.
Return to Sender - Elvis
Ummm....what's with 1:37? anyone?
Last night was hands down the worst night I've spent in this apartment. Everything was fine, I fell asleep watching Justified but then my freaking cat woke me up at 4 and for reasons that will go unexplained I couldn't fall back asleep until 6. I was up at 8 for work at 9 where I shelved until 12. By then I was awake and alert and all that. I had my juice. There I stayed until 6 then took a random trip to the farmhouse because I'm stupid at 8 and now I'm finally back here at my apartment at 11:30.
I really have no explanation for today. I worked a lot. Shelved all morning cause there were carts everywhere then was all about the Food Drive in the afternoon whilst working public service. Things are going good, even though Fearless Leader is on vacation. I only ran panic-y and flailing to the basement twice today with questions for last year's co-chair who is seriously awesome and my hero every time I have to try find something in that basement. Boss's Boss's Boss said I was doing good so that's a bonus.
I should really go to bed now. But last night, amongst the awful, were some of the weirdest dreams I've had in a while. I remember cause I wrote them in my phone - as is practice with me. Anyway, one was about Christina Aguilera and Eminem singing "Like a Virgin" together, then in another I got a text message at 3AM from the Library Goddess saying "Reality Sucks" end of message with no explanation, and then in a third something must have really wonked out my brain because I typed
"Gedma thold onto yardsti"
and that was the end of that.
So, if you can translate my sleep-addled brain let me know. I'm curious.
Hahahaha, reading dream log from this day last year, it says "There are two dead bodies under the bed." "It was your bed."
Songs of the Day: Let's go with a throwback.
Leader of the Pack - The Shangri-Las
yeah, he's a total badass. I love her complete lack of emotion at 1:57. fantastic.
I love the description of the video: "They combined an innocent adolescent charm with more than a hint of darkness, singing about dead bikers, teenage runaways, and doomed love affairs as well as ebullient high-school crushes." nice.
Return to Sender - Elvis
Ummm....what's with 1:37? anyone?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
T-shirts, Justified, Karen Darling, and Human Candyland
Forgot a quote from yesterday -
Nic: "What do we want to focus on - our complete lack of skills or our ability to have a good time?"
Me: "Both."
we're making t-shirts for the golf tournament and were figuring out nicknames to put on the back of them. i love it. cause yeah, we suck. well, pastor is good. but the rest of us are lacking in....something. but we have a lot of fun. we came in last year and everyone was like "we could hear you across the course!" everyone wants to be on our team.
Today was good. Worked the split shift plus actually got to take a nap between. It was fantastic. Also started watching Justified. I'm liking it. I thought it was gonna be a show about dirty cops because I can't see Timothy Olyphant as anything but a bad guy - except when he was in Hitman which is ironic since he was a Hitman - so it was new seeing him as the protagonist cop transferred from Miami back to his home state of Kentucky. Also new, Natalie Zea's role as his ex-wife. I'm so used to seeing her as the awesomeness that was Karen Darling and to watch her as this like weak female I almost thought it was a different actress. It's like if Jane Lynch as Sue Sylvester suddenly had no opinions of her own and just did what people told her to do. Just proves Natalie Zea is that talented. But I'm only two episodes in, so maybe that will change and she'll have some sort of Ugly-Duckling/Beautiful Swan transformation. Or in this case a Winona Hawkins/Karen Darling one.
I'm used to the yelling, strong, slapping people Natalie Zea.
"When I first proposed to you I didn't love you." "Oh, that's okay."
I'd give the show a 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome but I've just started it. Maybe that will change. Still I have to finish Andy Richter Controls the Universe and The Wizard of Oz since those are due soon. I might just order ARCTU off Amazon. Paget is hysterical.
No, I still haven't watched The Closer or Rizzoli and Isles and when I walked in this morning that was the first thing Sensei asked me. I was going to watch them today between shifts but wanted to nap instead. Today was madhouse because it was gameday so there were kids everyone. Super cool because my Glee-loving boss set up Human Candyland. Like with squares and everything. I was super jealous. They drew their card and would go to that color square on the floor - he used colored paper and taped them to the floor all over the library weaving in and out of the aisles. Totally awesome idea.
Songs for the night:
"One Love" Glee
zenned out.
"Angel" Sarah McLachlan
favorite song from high school. feel like i go back to it whenever i'm in one of those moods. like when brenda leigh wears her brown sweater on the closer. security blanket. I love 3:02-3:03 on this version.
I may go off the radar for a few days if tomorrow goes how I think it's going to go. Just a heads up. It's gonna be a full day tomorrow so I'm out. Watch some more ARCTU before I crash. My cat is giving me a massage. He's not gonna like that I have to get up to turn on the TV.
Nic: "What do we want to focus on - our complete lack of skills or our ability to have a good time?"
Me: "Both."
we're making t-shirts for the golf tournament and were figuring out nicknames to put on the back of them. i love it. cause yeah, we suck. well, pastor is good. but the rest of us are lacking in....something. but we have a lot of fun. we came in last year and everyone was like "we could hear you across the course!" everyone wants to be on our team.
Today was good. Worked the split shift plus actually got to take a nap between. It was fantastic. Also started watching Justified. I'm liking it. I thought it was gonna be a show about dirty cops because I can't see Timothy Olyphant as anything but a bad guy - except when he was in Hitman which is ironic since he was a Hitman - so it was new seeing him as the protagonist cop transferred from Miami back to his home state of Kentucky. Also new, Natalie Zea's role as his ex-wife. I'm so used to seeing her as the awesomeness that was Karen Darling and to watch her as this like weak female I almost thought it was a different actress. It's like if Jane Lynch as Sue Sylvester suddenly had no opinions of her own and just did what people told her to do. Just proves Natalie Zea is that talented. But I'm only two episodes in, so maybe that will change and she'll have some sort of Ugly-Duckling/Beautiful Swan transformation. Or in this case a Winona Hawkins/Karen Darling one.
I'm used to the yelling, strong, slapping people Natalie Zea.
"When I first proposed to you I didn't love you." "Oh, that's okay."
I'd give the show a 7/10 on the Scale of Awesome but I've just started it. Maybe that will change. Still I have to finish Andy Richter Controls the Universe and The Wizard of Oz since those are due soon. I might just order ARCTU off Amazon. Paget is hysterical.
No, I still haven't watched The Closer or Rizzoli and Isles and when I walked in this morning that was the first thing Sensei asked me. I was going to watch them today between shifts but wanted to nap instead. Today was madhouse because it was gameday so there were kids everyone. Super cool because my Glee-loving boss set up Human Candyland. Like with squares and everything. I was super jealous. They drew their card and would go to that color square on the floor - he used colored paper and taped them to the floor all over the library weaving in and out of the aisles. Totally awesome idea.
Songs for the night:
"One Love" Glee
zenned out.
"Angel" Sarah McLachlan
favorite song from high school. feel like i go back to it whenever i'm in one of those moods. like when brenda leigh wears her brown sweater on the closer. security blanket. I love 3:02-3:03 on this version.
I may go off the radar for a few days if tomorrow goes how I think it's going to go. Just a heads up. It's gonna be a full day tomorrow so I'm out. Watch some more ARCTU before I crash. My cat is giving me a massage. He's not gonna like that I have to get up to turn on the TV.
Monday, July 11, 2011
They did the mash.
Wow camp filled day. Started around 10:30 ended around 8:30. Granted we did get distracted a time or two, but we talked to her our tshirt dude sent him the numbers, assigned counselors and campers to cabins, printed out and stuffed all the return letters into envelopes. He'll mail them later. So yeah, pretty productive.
We did take a break to order our golf tshirts. We are the 2G, don't ask, and our shirts are gonna be bright orange with our nicknames on the back. I'm still working on mine. Nothing can really beat Blackstone or Dash Riprock. If you have any suggestions send them my way.
Tomorrow is back to the split shift. Think I'll nap between. I'm exhausted and I sat in the air conditioning all day!
Quotes today:
Dad: "And! If that fails! We'll put Mom out there with a shotgun!"
dad is determined to keep the racoons away from the corn.
Mom: "Tell him he's wonderful for staying to work on that so late. Oh, and you're great too."
Me: "Thanks Mom."
thanks mom.
And...Just because I can.
"Locomotion" Kylie Minogue
probably my favorite video ever. cause i'm a nerd. at least its my favorite that i've posted. i listened to it pretty much every night for the whole summer i lived with grams. again, i'm a nerd. no idea why.
"Monster Mash" Bobby "Boris" Pickett
We did take a break to order our golf tshirts. We are the 2G, don't ask, and our shirts are gonna be bright orange with our nicknames on the back. I'm still working on mine. Nothing can really beat Blackstone or Dash Riprock. If you have any suggestions send them my way.
Tomorrow is back to the split shift. Think I'll nap between. I'm exhausted and I sat in the air conditioning all day!
Quotes today:
Dad: "And! If that fails! We'll put Mom out there with a shotgun!"
dad is determined to keep the racoons away from the corn.
Mom: "Tell him he's wonderful for staying to work on that so late. Oh, and you're great too."
Me: "Thanks Mom."
thanks mom.
And...Just because I can.
"Locomotion" Kylie Minogue
probably my favorite video ever. cause i'm a nerd. at least its my favorite that i've posted. i listened to it pretty much every night for the whole summer i lived with grams. again, i'm a nerd. no idea why.
"Monster Mash" Bobby "Boris" Pickett
bobby pickett,
camp j,
kylie minogue,
monster mash
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Choot 'em LizBet!
Wow. A day off. So this is what that feels like.
It was an awesome one, hung around the apartment, ate breakfast for lunch/dinner, watched a Harry Potter marathon. Carter and I jammed out and napped on the couch. Plus I did some writing. I've started on a new story and am thinking about linking it to one of my old ones that I'm stuck on.
Basically, the idea is to write a group of short stories or one long story about an apartment building. Not like the physical building but the people who live in it. Like one story will be about one apartment and the next will be about their neighbors and just move on and then somehow bring them together in the end. Maybe it'll be crap but it's just an idea. And I'm blaming it on Superwoman since the idea originated from all the "Exotic Dancers next door" jokes from when we went to see our friend's band play at a bar.
Go here for my favorite of their songs: My Life in Closed Captions: Can I Keep You - Some Assembly Required plus a list of a bunch of library goddess quotes. Ha!
Anyway, there were exotic dancers in the bar next door so we made jokes and it just makes me wonder about my neighbors. Maybe I do have exotic dancers next door. Cause really, what do you really know about your neighbors? I've talked to maybe one of them. And I've been here over a year.
I'm still debating if I want to link it to my old story. I mean, I could, cause they live in an apartment and it's a story all about them. So I could start on one about their neighbors. Maybe. I don't know. But it's kind of cool mapping out an apartment and deciding who lives in the building and what might be going on in their lives. Or maybe it'll be dumb. I'll keep you posted. I still have no idea how I'll bring them all together in the end. Maybe I'll burn the place down. No, that'd just be mean.
I'm watching Swamp People with Dad. It's sad, I'm hooked. What's more sad?...I've seen all the episodes on the DVR. Now I'm re-watching them. It's just so like just whoa. You know? Like, I could never do that. Ever. And I know that the show is ridiculous, but I still can't help but stare.
Music of the day:
when all else fails do the time warp again.
Glee does the Time Warp from Rocky Horror
and Damnit Janet
quits halfway thru but is still hysterical.
love the three in the background, almost as good as the original. janet....janet....janet....awesome.
Alright, gonna hit the sack soon since tomorrow's gonna be camp central. Forms, assignments, t-shirts and possibly cleaning out the trailer.
It was an awesome one, hung around the apartment, ate breakfast for lunch/dinner, watched a Harry Potter marathon. Carter and I jammed out and napped on the couch. Plus I did some writing. I've started on a new story and am thinking about linking it to one of my old ones that I'm stuck on.
Basically, the idea is to write a group of short stories or one long story about an apartment building. Not like the physical building but the people who live in it. Like one story will be about one apartment and the next will be about their neighbors and just move on and then somehow bring them together in the end. Maybe it'll be crap but it's just an idea. And I'm blaming it on Superwoman since the idea originated from all the "Exotic Dancers next door" jokes from when we went to see our friend's band play at a bar.
Go here for my favorite of their songs: My Life in Closed Captions: Can I Keep You - Some Assembly Required plus a list of a bunch of library goddess quotes. Ha!
Anyway, there were exotic dancers in the bar next door so we made jokes and it just makes me wonder about my neighbors. Maybe I do have exotic dancers next door. Cause really, what do you really know about your neighbors? I've talked to maybe one of them. And I've been here over a year.
I'm still debating if I want to link it to my old story. I mean, I could, cause they live in an apartment and it's a story all about them. So I could start on one about their neighbors. Maybe. I don't know. But it's kind of cool mapping out an apartment and deciding who lives in the building and what might be going on in their lives. Or maybe it'll be dumb. I'll keep you posted. I still have no idea how I'll bring them all together in the end. Maybe I'll burn the place down. No, that'd just be mean.
I'm watching Swamp People with Dad. It's sad, I'm hooked. What's more sad?...I've seen all the episodes on the DVR. Now I'm re-watching them. It's just so like just whoa. You know? Like, I could never do that. Ever. And I know that the show is ridiculous, but I still can't help but stare.
Music of the day:
when all else fails do the time warp again.
Glee does the Time Warp from Rocky Horror
and Damnit Janet
quits halfway thru but is still hysterical.
love the three in the background, almost as good as the original. janet....janet....janet....awesome.
Alright, gonna hit the sack soon since tomorrow's gonna be camp central. Forms, assignments, t-shirts and possibly cleaning out the trailer.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Andy Richter Controls the Universe
Andy: "The imaginary dead guy was right."
DVD review of Andy Richter Controls the Universe- it's fantastic. Scale of Awesome says 8/10 I'm seriously dying from laughter. ...Yeah, you've probably never heard of it. Go here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0307716/
Jessica: "I have never been so alert. Coffee should be drinking me!"
Andy Richter plays Andy Richter who's a writer working for this huge company. He writes manuals and he goes to his office one morning and there's another dude in there, claiming it's his office. Turns out this dude is going to illustrate the manuals and at first Andy plots on how to get this guy fired so he can get his office back but then they become friends so that doesn't last long.
Wendy: "She's like the terminator except she's not from the future and she likes to dance!"
Paget Brewster plays Jessica Green, which of course, is the reason that I picked it up in the first place, well, ordered it through interlibrary loan. Pure awesomeness.
Jessica: "Oh yeah, I, I meant to erect a monument to that conversation but I couldn't find a grate of marble boring enough."
Anyway, it's fantastic. Paget is their boss, well, their supervisor Jessica. Also important are Keith, the good-looking best friend of Andy's played by James Patrick Stewart, and Andy's love interest Wendy, the new receptionist, aka actress Irene Molloy, who's in a relationship with Keith. So that's awkward. But only lasts like the first two episodes. The illustrator who he wants to get fired but then turns out to be okay is named Byron, and he's played by Jonathan Slavin who's pretty much a pro at the whole awkward dude role. Oh right, and the imaginary dead dude mentioned earlier is the founder of Andy's company. He's been dead for like years...and I have no idea who plays him so I'd have to look that one up.
Wendy: Where's your lipstick?
Jessica: In my purse.
Wendy: Where's your purse?
Jessica: I don't know. All around my lipstick.
But the great thing about Andy is that he's a writer, so half the show is like all these scenarios kind of like, I could have done this...but what I really did was this.
Wendy: "Puppies, yeah, I think they're great!"
Wait....Is that Kirk? Oh my god, he's everywhere!! Gilmore Girls Kirk makes an appearance as Andy's neighbor and old frat buddy from college. That's interesting.
Jessica Green: Do not ask her out.
Andy Richter: Why not?
Jessica Green: Because you're gonna go out a few times, then you'll break up. She'll feel hurt, you'll feel guilty and I'll feel dirty because no one will be cleaning my apartment.
That's my favorite episode so far because it has Lola Glaudini in it as the maid. Lola was in Criminal Minds before Paget came on, she played Elle Greenaway - actually Paget came in to replace her mid-second season after Elle went off the reservation and shot Jason London....who was also in Out Cold with AJ Cook aka the AJ of AJ/JJ in Criminal Minds... Sorry, I watch too many movies/tv shows.
SQUARE!: It's funny to see Paget and Lola in a comedy together instead of like two dramatic cops.
Okay, here's part two of the "Best of" cause it's funnier than part one.
"......i sent a memo....." "Yeah, Tim Stalin in accounting...that was the worst Stalin I could think of."
A lot more second season than first though. I got the complete series from ILL. gonna have to buy it off amazon.
love it.
Oh right, today, so I worked 9-6 all at the small branch. And the cool thing about working with Sensei is that she's a cool boss. Sometimes you know if you're one on one with a boss you're like under pressure to do everything right but I feel none even though technically I'm at the bottom of the totem pole there. Well, the top of the totem pole I guess since that phrase is actually inaccurate.
Okay, gonna watch more now. Cause I'm hooked. And I'm free. For tomorrow and Monday. Free like a bird. Be free! Be free birds! I don't know where I was going with that. Maybe to drive a bus or something. I'm still sad about Jack the Pigeon. Totally depressing. I killed a bird. Sort of. I mean, I didn't physically kill it. But it did ride with me from work to my apartment where it died in my parking lot. So, it's partially my fault. Cause he's dead. And that's sad.
Wendy: "Jessica...harrassment has the word 'ass' right in the middle of it...it's like the guys who made it up were trying to give you a big clue..."
Okay, life is good. Have Sunday and Monday off. Sunday is vacation time cause I don't get that ever and Monday is all about camp. Huzzah! I'm out.
Oh right, music. Um. Right.
Bills, Bills, Bills - Glee Cast Version
pretty sure the last time I posted this somebody was mad at me the next day cause it was stuck in their head. so i'm sorry. hope it doesn't happen again.
now i'm out.
haha, i'm diggin it.
DVD review of Andy Richter Controls the Universe- it's fantastic. Scale of Awesome says 8/10 I'm seriously dying from laughter. ...Yeah, you've probably never heard of it. Go here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0307716/
Jessica: "I have never been so alert. Coffee should be drinking me!"
Andy Richter plays Andy Richter who's a writer working for this huge company. He writes manuals and he goes to his office one morning and there's another dude in there, claiming it's his office. Turns out this dude is going to illustrate the manuals and at first Andy plots on how to get this guy fired so he can get his office back but then they become friends so that doesn't last long.
Wendy: "She's like the terminator except she's not from the future and she likes to dance!"
Paget Brewster plays Jessica Green, which of course, is the reason that I picked it up in the first place, well, ordered it through interlibrary loan. Pure awesomeness.
Jessica: "Oh yeah, I, I meant to erect a monument to that conversation but I couldn't find a grate of marble boring enough."
Anyway, it's fantastic. Paget is their boss, well, their supervisor Jessica. Also important are Keith, the good-looking best friend of Andy's played by James Patrick Stewart, and Andy's love interest Wendy, the new receptionist, aka actress Irene Molloy, who's in a relationship with Keith. So that's awkward. But only lasts like the first two episodes. The illustrator who he wants to get fired but then turns out to be okay is named Byron, and he's played by Jonathan Slavin who's pretty much a pro at the whole awkward dude role. Oh right, and the imaginary dead dude mentioned earlier is the founder of Andy's company. He's been dead for like years...and I have no idea who plays him so I'd have to look that one up.
Wendy: Where's your lipstick?
Jessica: In my purse.
Wendy: Where's your purse?
Jessica: I don't know. All around my lipstick.
But the great thing about Andy is that he's a writer, so half the show is like all these scenarios kind of like, I could have done this...but what I really did was this.
Wendy: "Puppies, yeah, I think they're great!"
Wait....Is that Kirk? Oh my god, he's everywhere!! Gilmore Girls Kirk makes an appearance as Andy's neighbor and old frat buddy from college. That's interesting.
Jessica Green: Do not ask her out.
Andy Richter: Why not?
Jessica Green: Because you're gonna go out a few times, then you'll break up. She'll feel hurt, you'll feel guilty and I'll feel dirty because no one will be cleaning my apartment.
That's my favorite episode so far because it has Lola Glaudini in it as the maid. Lola was in Criminal Minds before Paget came on, she played Elle Greenaway - actually Paget came in to replace her mid-second season after Elle went off the reservation and shot Jason London....who was also in Out Cold with AJ Cook aka the AJ of AJ/JJ in Criminal Minds... Sorry, I watch too many movies/tv shows.
SQUARE!: It's funny to see Paget and Lola in a comedy together instead of like two dramatic cops.
Okay, here's part two of the "Best of" cause it's funnier than part one.
"......i sent a memo....." "Yeah, Tim Stalin in accounting...that was the worst Stalin I could think of."
A lot more second season than first though. I got the complete series from ILL. gonna have to buy it off amazon.
love it.
Oh right, today, so I worked 9-6 all at the small branch. And the cool thing about working with Sensei is that she's a cool boss. Sometimes you know if you're one on one with a boss you're like under pressure to do everything right but I feel none even though technically I'm at the bottom of the totem pole there. Well, the top of the totem pole I guess since that phrase is actually inaccurate.
Okay, gonna watch more now. Cause I'm hooked. And I'm free. For tomorrow and Monday. Free like a bird. Be free! Be free birds! I don't know where I was going with that. Maybe to drive a bus or something. I'm still sad about Jack the Pigeon. Totally depressing. I killed a bird. Sort of. I mean, I didn't physically kill it. But it did ride with me from work to my apartment where it died in my parking lot. So, it's partially my fault. Cause he's dead. And that's sad.
Wendy: "Jessica...harrassment has the word 'ass' right in the middle of it...it's like the guys who made it up were trying to give you a big clue..."
Okay, life is good. Have Sunday and Monday off. Sunday is vacation time cause I don't get that ever and Monday is all about camp. Huzzah! I'm out.
Oh right, music. Um. Right.
Bills, Bills, Bills - Glee Cast Version
pretty sure the last time I posted this somebody was mad at me the next day cause it was stuck in their head. so i'm sorry. hope it doesn't happen again.
now i'm out.
haha, i'm diggin it.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Circles, Squares and Ugly Women, Oh My!
I was told today that I'm "social". Yuck! That's just mean. And they wouldn't take it back! But it got me thinking, in that building I'm a totally different person. It's funny, Superwoman told me once that being in public service is a lot like being an actress. And it's so true. I get it now. Me, outside the library, totally different than the "actress" on the inside. Not that I'm a bad person. I'm just...antisocial. I prefer being by myself at my apartment not talking to people. I mean, I like my friends and I like hanging out with my friends and my family they're fun. But being told that I'm suddenly this extraverted social person is like a slap in the face. Like a big wake up call. I don't know how else to describe it and I know that sounds ridiculous, but it just proves how much I've changed. In college I had like 3 main friends. And they were pretty much the only people I talked to until senior year. Everyone else was a friend from high school. Then again I hated college so maybe that was a part of it.
And now I'm just rambling in a big circle that really has no point. Cause that's what a circle is. A never ending round thing with absolutely no point. So I should jump out of the circle and into a square. Cause that has like, four points. Yeah, didn't see that coming did you? Neither did I, moving on.
None of this post is going to make any sense whatsoever, just so you know. You should probably just skip down to the bottom right now.
So, a supervisor at work, who I didn't know before we switched to the new system but now I think is awesome - the supervisor, not the system but I'll get there - anyway, I follow her around with applause literally because she's saved me on multiple occasions. But yeah, she told me today I "done good." I was like super excited. Cause I'm a nerd. And social apparently, but mostly a nerd. She said she knows she can count on me to test stuff with the new system. And this week I've decided that I'm going to stop complaining about the new system. Because, guess what, we're not going back to the old one. So either you can whine and complain because of the change or you can just go with it. I've decided to just go with it and find out any shortcuts I can and pass them on. Which is why the supervisor likes me. Cause I don't complain about the system. Or I've stopped complaining about the system, let's go with that. More rambling, freaking circle.
Our security guard asked me for gum and while I went to get it I said to cover for me. So she came around and sat at the desk - decked out in her security uniform - and pretended to work. I snapped a picture and sent it to Superwoman. Her response was Quote "Damn the place is going to the cops." End Quote. I died.
Maintenance people came over to put curtains up today but could only do the ones in the bedroom cause the brackets weren't long enough to cover the blinds in the living room. Then, I went over to Oldest Sister's place and we got new brackets and then pizza and beer and all that stuff then they came back here and we watched Match Game while oldest brother-in-law attempted to put up the curtains with the new brackets...which were now too small. So first too short, and now too small...and now I just have a bunch of brackets that don't work. So hopefully oldest-brother-in-law will be able to return the ones we got tonight. Cause yeah, brackets, what am I gonna do with brackets... freaking circle.
Pretty sure it was Jack the pigeon dead in the parking lot last night but the cool aunt says that Jack simply left because he wanted a hot dog or to go and drive a bus. I was proud of her Mo Willems references. Made me smile.
Oh crap! I gotta email a chick about camp forms. And text mom about the curtains cause I forgot. Circle! Geez!
This is like another one of those write as you go along ones like I did with the booktalk writing. Usually I have things planned out. Not tonight. Circle.
Hey look, four SQUARE points. I should really just end this post now. Cause it's not gonna go anywhere else. We watched the boobs episode of Match Game tonight while they were here. It's funny. And yes, that's the only way I can name that episode, I'm pretty sure I posted that clip yesterday...or the day before but you should watch it if you haven't already. Fannie is awesome. "I said berries" I died.
Okay, before I ring around the circle again I'll hit you with a music rec and get the heck offa this keyboard before I say something stupid...er... than I've said earlier.
hmmm.... music.... oh!
I've heard this song like five times in the past couple weeks. And before this week I haven't heard it in like years. I mean, I have it on my computer cause it's from a soundtrack I own. But yeah, today brought it all back yet again this week.
"If you wanna be happy" Jimmy Soul
this song is just mean. but funny. but still really mean. I like the screaming part from 1:38-the end. "YOUR LIFE!.....YOUR WIFE!....OF VIEW!....get an ugly girl to marry you...."
Name that soundtrack. I'll give you a hint.
"The moment I wake up.........before I put on my makeup........"
And now I'm just rambling in a big circle that really has no point. Cause that's what a circle is. A never ending round thing with absolutely no point. So I should jump out of the circle and into a square. Cause that has like, four points. Yeah, didn't see that coming did you? Neither did I, moving on.
None of this post is going to make any sense whatsoever, just so you know. You should probably just skip down to the bottom right now.
So, a supervisor at work, who I didn't know before we switched to the new system but now I think is awesome - the supervisor, not the system but I'll get there - anyway, I follow her around with applause literally because she's saved me on multiple occasions. But yeah, she told me today I "done good." I was like super excited. Cause I'm a nerd. And social apparently, but mostly a nerd. She said she knows she can count on me to test stuff with the new system. And this week I've decided that I'm going to stop complaining about the new system. Because, guess what, we're not going back to the old one. So either you can whine and complain because of the change or you can just go with it. I've decided to just go with it and find out any shortcuts I can and pass them on. Which is why the supervisor likes me. Cause I don't complain about the system. Or I've stopped complaining about the system, let's go with that. More rambling, freaking circle.
Our security guard asked me for gum and while I went to get it I said to cover for me. So she came around and sat at the desk - decked out in her security uniform - and pretended to work. I snapped a picture and sent it to Superwoman. Her response was Quote "Damn the place is going to the cops." End Quote. I died.
Maintenance people came over to put curtains up today but could only do the ones in the bedroom cause the brackets weren't long enough to cover the blinds in the living room. Then, I went over to Oldest Sister's place and we got new brackets and then pizza and beer and all that stuff then they came back here and we watched Match Game while oldest brother-in-law attempted to put up the curtains with the new brackets...which were now too small. So first too short, and now too small...and now I just have a bunch of brackets that don't work. So hopefully oldest-brother-in-law will be able to return the ones we got tonight. Cause yeah, brackets, what am I gonna do with brackets... freaking circle.
Pretty sure it was Jack the pigeon dead in the parking lot last night but the cool aunt says that Jack simply left because he wanted a hot dog or to go and drive a bus. I was proud of her Mo Willems references. Made me smile.
Oh crap! I gotta email a chick about camp forms. And text mom about the curtains cause I forgot. Circle! Geez!
This is like another one of those write as you go along ones like I did with the booktalk writing. Usually I have things planned out. Not tonight. Circle.
Hey look, four SQUARE points. I should really just end this post now. Cause it's not gonna go anywhere else. We watched the boobs episode of Match Game tonight while they were here. It's funny. And yes, that's the only way I can name that episode, I'm pretty sure I posted that clip yesterday...or the day before but you should watch it if you haven't already. Fannie is awesome. "I said berries" I died.
Okay, before I ring around the circle again I'll hit you with a music rec and get the heck offa this keyboard before I say something stupid...er... than I've said earlier.
hmmm.... music.... oh!
I've heard this song like five times in the past couple weeks. And before this week I haven't heard it in like years. I mean, I have it on my computer cause it's from a soundtrack I own. But yeah, today brought it all back yet again this week.
"If you wanna be happy" Jimmy Soul
this song is just mean. but funny. but still really mean. I like the screaming part from 1:38-the end. "YOUR LIFE!.....YOUR WIFE!....OF VIEW!....get an ugly girl to marry you...."
Name that soundtrack. I'll give you a hint.
"The moment I wake up.........before I put on my makeup........"
Thursday, July 7, 2011
that's your horoscope for today.
There's a dead bird in my parking lot. I'm too scared to go see if it's Jack. Is that a bad omen? The bird that rides home with you on your car turns up dead in your parking lot the next day? I mean, it can't be a good sign. What does that signify exactly? Maybe I should read my horoscope and see what it says.
"Thursday, Jul 7th, 2011 -- You reserve the right to be different today as spacey Uranus activates beautiful Venus in your 5th House of Romance. You aren't interested in being just like everyone else, so show off the twinkle in your eyes and enjoy the bounce in your step. Don't be afraid to move to the rhythm of music that no one but you can hear."
Well....that was helpful. Although I do dance, mostly while shelving, randomly.
"That's Your Horoscope For Today" Weird Al
Harry Potter version. Love it. Until the end prediction thing, creepy.
or here's another
awesome video, wish I was that talented.
So I did it. Wore the cowboy boots the whole day without tripping or falling. I was proud of myself. Oldes Sister showed up to work and took a pic then sent it to Second Sister so there's visual proof. Huzzah!
Went over to Oldest Sister's house for dinner, we watched Date Night and CaddyShack plus finally uploaded all my camp stuff. She made salmon. It was fantastic.
Now I'm gonna watch Warehouse 13 - watching the bloopers Laura Harris has one! Huzzah! But no matter who she plays she'll always be Jill to me. Look it up.
Tomorrow the maintenance people will hopefully be here to put up my curtains. Oldest Sister is gonna jam out here while I'm gone. Should be fun.
Alright, I'm outta here!
"Thursday, Jul 7th, 2011 -- You reserve the right to be different today as spacey Uranus activates beautiful Venus in your 5th House of Romance. You aren't interested in being just like everyone else, so show off the twinkle in your eyes and enjoy the bounce in your step. Don't be afraid to move to the rhythm of music that no one but you can hear."
Well....that was helpful. Although I do dance, mostly while shelving, randomly.
"That's Your Horoscope For Today" Weird Al
Harry Potter version. Love it. Until the end prediction thing, creepy.
or here's another
awesome video, wish I was that talented.
So I did it. Wore the cowboy boots the whole day without tripping or falling. I was proud of myself. Oldes Sister showed up to work and took a pic then sent it to Second Sister so there's visual proof. Huzzah!
Went over to Oldest Sister's house for dinner, we watched Date Night and CaddyShack plus finally uploaded all my camp stuff. She made salmon. It was fantastic.
Now I'm gonna watch Warehouse 13 - watching the bloopers Laura Harris has one! Huzzah! But no matter who she plays she'll always be Jill to me. Look it up.
Tomorrow the maintenance people will hopefully be here to put up my curtains. Oldest Sister is gonna jam out here while I'm gone. Should be fun.
Alright, I'm outta here!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Welcome to Earth, third rock from the sun...pigeons, work, match game and cowboy boots
I drove a pigeon home with me today. Literally. He was on my car when I got in it at work and literally rode on my hood/windshield all the way to my apartment. I called him Jack. He had some serious balancing skills. When I got in I honked, you know expecting that would scare him off, but no. Then I turned on my windshield wipers - but no matter how many times I honked, windshield-wiped, and sprayed him with that water stuff that goes along with the windshield wipers he wouldn't leave. So I drove home. And yeah, he stayed. And, of course, when I got here I expected him to jump off then, but no. He was still on my car when I went back out to go to Target like an hour later. But yeah, as cool as Jack was, that wasn't happening again so I pushed him off. He landed okay and walked away. Headed toward a black bird. No idea what type it was. But I know this one was a pigeon cause I got up close and personal with it. Took pictures and everything. Oh, I should upload one.

Yes, Jack rocked the ride. I wonder if he'll still be in my parking lot tomorrow morning.
Today was good. Superwoman called this morning asking if I could work all day Saturday, then called again half an hour later telling me I work too much and made me take Sunday and Monday off. Apparently I spend too much time there. or there(s) since I work at two branches. I don't know, that didn't make any sense to me either and I wrote it. Anyway, I was thinking today - that's new, I know - that I used to be like the laziest person ever. I was content to stay on the farm, live with my parents and move pipe for a living. Because it was like a month in the summer. Maybe. And then I was done. Now, if I were to have to go back to that I would go nuts with boredom. I like staying busy. And while 2 jobs, taking classes for my master's and directing a kids camp - plus other random kid-directing-related jobs aka plays, VBS, etc. - may sound daunting, I've adjusted and I like it.
Clips of the Day:
Yay for more Match Game!
Okay, so this is my favorite moment in all of Match Game. We watched this episode right before my Delayed...Reaction partner and I went to Scaryoke dressed as Charles Nelson Reilly and Brett Somers.
He went around all night calling himself an actor of the "legitimate theatre." I laughed.
Fannie's answer is my favorite, seriously hysterical, I died on the spot. But when we asked that question to the people at Scaryoke this one dude said "baskets" and I lost it then too.
"Third Rock From The Sun" Joe Diffie
apparently their label made this giant globe to promote the video and a bunch of college kids stole it and rolled it down the street...haha.
Okay, so it's on. Tomorrow I'm wearing the boots to work. It's a short day so I'm going all in. Because SOME people don't think I can do it. And now they demand pictures as proof. So, if I see some of you tomorrow and you catch me pointing my phone at my feet there is a reason! well, this time there's a reason, but anyway I'm doing it! And I'll post the pics tomorrow as proof as well. I'm sure some of you have faith in me.
Alright, gonna watch some more Match Game and work on some of these camp application. They're coming in hoards now that we're past the due date. Which is usually what happens.
Have a good one!
Yes, Jack rocked the ride. I wonder if he'll still be in my parking lot tomorrow morning.
Today was good. Superwoman called this morning asking if I could work all day Saturday, then called again half an hour later telling me I work too much and made me take Sunday and Monday off. Apparently I spend too much time there. or there(s) since I work at two branches. I don't know, that didn't make any sense to me either and I wrote it. Anyway, I was thinking today - that's new, I know - that I used to be like the laziest person ever. I was content to stay on the farm, live with my parents and move pipe for a living. Because it was like a month in the summer. Maybe. And then I was done. Now, if I were to have to go back to that I would go nuts with boredom. I like staying busy. And while 2 jobs, taking classes for my master's and directing a kids camp - plus other random kid-directing-related jobs aka plays, VBS, etc. - may sound daunting, I've adjusted and I like it.
Clips of the Day:
Yay for more Match Game!
Okay, so this is my favorite moment in all of Match Game. We watched this episode right before my Delayed...Reaction partner and I went to Scaryoke dressed as Charles Nelson Reilly and Brett Somers.
He went around all night calling himself an actor of the "legitimate theatre." I laughed.
Fannie's answer is my favorite, seriously hysterical, I died on the spot. But when we asked that question to the people at Scaryoke this one dude said "baskets" and I lost it then too.
"Third Rock From The Sun" Joe Diffie
apparently their label made this giant globe to promote the video and a bunch of college kids stole it and rolled it down the street...haha.
Okay, so it's on. Tomorrow I'm wearing the boots to work. It's a short day so I'm going all in. Because SOME people don't think I can do it. And now they demand pictures as proof. So, if I see some of you tomorrow and you catch me pointing my phone at my feet there is a reason! well, this time there's a reason, but anyway I'm doing it! And I'll post the pics tomorrow as proof as well. I'm sure some of you have faith in me.
Alright, gonna watch some more Match Game and work on some of these camp application. They're coming in hoards now that we're past the due date. Which is usually what happens.
Have a good one!
Monday, July 4, 2011
I love the smell of gunpowder in the evening.
Huzzah for too many fireworks.
Okay, so not a full post tonight, just a quick update to let you know that I made it through both the wedding and the 4th. And I'll post tomorrow all about the shenanigans involved in both. Lots of fun.
And, just so you know, I would totally wear those cowboy boots to work tomorrow if it wasn't going to be such a long day. I'm proud of those calluses.
So yeah, this week it'll be wedding/4th/warped central. And I'll even post some pics because some of you *cough*uncletheartist*cough* don't have Facebook and won't see them there.
Hope you all had a happy and safe 4th!
Okay, so not a full post tonight, just a quick update to let you know that I made it through both the wedding and the 4th. And I'll post tomorrow all about the shenanigans involved in both. Lots of fun.
And, just so you know, I would totally wear those cowboy boots to work tomorrow if it wasn't going to be such a long day. I'm proud of those calluses.
So yeah, this week it'll be wedding/4th/warped central. And I'll even post some pics because some of you *cough*uncletheartist*cough* don't have Facebook and won't see them there.
Hope you all had a happy and safe 4th!
banjos duel as grandma has an unfortunate encounter with a reindeer.
I love my job. Just gonna put that out there. Today the Queen of Awesome brought me super hero crazy bands so I went around today with Iron Man, Captain America and Spiderman.
And it was super funny this morning because it was our Post-4th-of-July party and my Glee-Loving Boss made a bracelet out of pipe-cleaner and beads, hands it to me and says, "Here, you can't say I never gave you jewelry."
Another thing I love about my job - interlibrary loan. Currently I'm watching Best of Match Game. The pilot isn't as funny but it has Brett Somers' husband on it. He agreed to do it if they let Brett join the show as well. Every answer he has he makes fun of his wife. Funny stuff.
Okay, so if you haven't seen the pictures on Facebook that I was tagged in - I haven't posted mine yet - for the love of God do it now. That way we can get over it and move on faster. Yes, I wore a dress. No, that's not happening again anytime soon. I will, however, wear the cowboy boots to work. I'm thinking Thursday since it's my shorter day.
The wedding was awesome. Outdoor on a ranch, seriously pretty. There was a slight rain delay but it was a baseball wedding so they're used to those. Well, not like a baseball themed wedding but the groom is a baseball coach and their family is linked to the SF Giants. The bride was super calm the whole time, no bridezilla moments even when he sat around in the basement for like 4 hours.
After I got back it was fireworks central. And me and my niece and nephew are pretty goofy so Oldest Sister took a lot of pictures of us posing. There's a super awesome one of me and M holding confetti guns and looking like we're gonna peek around the corner of it and attack. Definitely one to post on here. It's my profile pic on Facebook. Plus Charlie's Angels with J. "It's Bubby's Angels. Who the heck is Charlie?" This is second general CA, I went as Dylan with my two friends as the other angels. We had shirts made and everything. Love it.
Other fun quotes:
-"Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water." I had this neverending fountain in the road and a car pulled up and sat there for like five minutes then when it looked like the fountain was done he passed it and right at that moment it started shooting a bunch of stuff again right as he was passing it. Awesomeness.
-"Not as comfortable with strobes up your butt?" I sat down to watch the finale and the chair was super uncomfortable.... yeah forgot to take the bag of strobe lights out of my back pocket. After that it was much better.
-"I feel bad drinking out of this. But Jesus drank wine! So its okay." Sister-In-Law and I got koozies at the parade and they had religious stuff on them. We used them to hold our alcohol.
How does one "Watch their language". Just curious.
Songs from the weekend
"Dueling Banjos." Deliverance
A dedication for Beej who spent an hour trying to think of the title of this movie. We knew it was one word so we kept guessing titles that sounded western.
That kid is awesome.
"Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" - Dr. Elmo
was stuck in my head all day today. I have no idea why or where it came from. No grandma or reindeer books at all.
I swear it sounds like he's saying Grandpa got run over and not Grandma but I'm going with it.
I love 0:58. Pause. Turn. Sing. SEND THEM BACK!
Alright, all for tonight. Today was 9-12, 1-5 and 6-8 so I'm gonna was MG and crash.
And it was super funny this morning because it was our Post-4th-of-July party and my Glee-Loving Boss made a bracelet out of pipe-cleaner and beads, hands it to me and says, "Here, you can't say I never gave you jewelry."
Another thing I love about my job - interlibrary loan. Currently I'm watching Best of Match Game. The pilot isn't as funny but it has Brett Somers' husband on it. He agreed to do it if they let Brett join the show as well. Every answer he has he makes fun of his wife. Funny stuff.
Okay, so if you haven't seen the pictures on Facebook that I was tagged in - I haven't posted mine yet - for the love of God do it now. That way we can get over it and move on faster. Yes, I wore a dress. No, that's not happening again anytime soon. I will, however, wear the cowboy boots to work. I'm thinking Thursday since it's my shorter day.
The wedding was awesome. Outdoor on a ranch, seriously pretty. There was a slight rain delay but it was a baseball wedding so they're used to those. Well, not like a baseball themed wedding but the groom is a baseball coach and their family is linked to the SF Giants. The bride was super calm the whole time, no bridezilla moments even when he sat around in the basement for like 4 hours.
After I got back it was fireworks central. And me and my niece and nephew are pretty goofy so Oldest Sister took a lot of pictures of us posing. There's a super awesome one of me and M holding confetti guns and looking like we're gonna peek around the corner of it and attack. Definitely one to post on here. It's my profile pic on Facebook. Plus Charlie's Angels with J. "It's Bubby's Angels. Who the heck is Charlie?" This is second general CA, I went as Dylan with my two friends as the other angels. We had shirts made and everything. Love it.
Other fun quotes:
-"Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water." I had this neverending fountain in the road and a car pulled up and sat there for like five minutes then when it looked like the fountain was done he passed it and right at that moment it started shooting a bunch of stuff again right as he was passing it. Awesomeness.
-"Not as comfortable with strobes up your butt?" I sat down to watch the finale and the chair was super uncomfortable.... yeah forgot to take the bag of strobe lights out of my back pocket. After that it was much better.
-"I feel bad drinking out of this. But Jesus drank wine! So its okay." Sister-In-Law and I got koozies at the parade and they had religious stuff on them. We used them to hold our alcohol.
How does one "Watch their language". Just curious.
Songs from the weekend
"Dueling Banjos." Deliverance
A dedication for Beej who spent an hour trying to think of the title of this movie. We knew it was one word so we kept guessing titles that sounded western.
That kid is awesome.
"Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" - Dr. Elmo
was stuck in my head all day today. I have no idea why or where it came from. No grandma or reindeer books at all.
I swear it sounds like he's saying Grandpa got run over and not Grandma but I'm going with it.
I love 0:58. Pause. Turn. Sing. SEND THEM BACK!
Alright, all for tonight. Today was 9-12, 1-5 and 6-8 so I'm gonna was MG and crash.
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