I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Can I Keep You - Some Assembly Required

Class today flew by pretty quickly. One of my colleagues in the library system gave a talk on some good young adult books so it was cool to see her in action.

I got some more Library Goddess-isms, and there are more than usual this time because I haven't posted any for the past couple classes.
LG: "They call it the highrise because it's the only building there with 2 stories." LG: "Support a para-professional a year, pay your library fines!"
LG: "Death by detail"
LG: "Hoarders...one time's all you need."
LG: "He didn't pay taxes, but neither did Ford Motor Company."
LG: "Maybe they were sick the day they covered Verbs."
LG: "Death by guidelines."
LG: "I get burnin' needs...is that a song?"
LG: "I don't care if it's 2041, email me!"
LG reading book: "I'm worried the lady's gonna be a hooker and you're worried she's gonna be Betty Crocker!"
LG: "Practice in your car, they'll just think you're singing."
LG: "I've been booktalking since dirt!"
LG: "I've read that book four times and I still don't know what happens!"
LG: "Like we'd know if you mess up...if it falls apart just lie!"
LG: "Big plastic fish thing." Jaws, she was talking about Jaws.

After class I came back and watching some more Covert Affairs...even though I own it and not the DVDs I have checked out and are due soon. That's my problem, I always get distracted by something I own already then run out of time.

Then I went to see one of the most rockingest bands here in Lincoln play at a bar downtown. The awesomeness that is "Some Assembly Required". AND there was yet another instance for the "My Boss is Cooler Than Your Boss" series mentioned here: My Life in Closed Captions: Here's a little segment called: "My boss is cooler... cause Superwoman totally bought me a drink. But apparently now I'm down to 95 points. Which is super depressing cause I was up to 129! Man. I'm gonna have to start bringing her cookies or something cause Space Cadet is kickin' my butt in points.

Song for the night:

"Can I Keep You" by Some Assembly Required

Okay, so this is my favorite of their songs. They play a lot of covers so when they started this one and I loved it I had to google the lyrics on my phone. They now give me crap about that but it's just a great song. I hope you guys enjoy it too. Anyway, two drinks and numerous jokes about the exotic dancers next door later I'm back at the apartment.

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