I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Yeah... still gonna call it Rosenblatt. + 0-6, 0-6, 0-0-0-6!

Yesterday. OMG. Woke up 6:50 AM went to bed 1:30 AM.

Started off completely awesome, had my iced coffee and even though it was raining the weather turned out perfect. The breeze kept us cool and the clouds covered up the sun. Plus Cool Aunt got us awesome seats! George W! Bush threw out the first pitch for the new stadium. That's right, opening game of the college world series in the new stadium! Vanderbilt vs. North Carolina, we went for Vandy since they're the underdogs. I think I'm going to pick them as winner overall. Or at least cheer for them. Virginia will be fun to watch as well and I'm looking forward to watching A&M tonight to see if they're any good.

But we went early enough to enjoy breakfast, hit up all the giftshops, find out seats, explore the new stadium - even got a commemorative coin which is super cool. After the game/more shopping we headed back here. I took a shower, and Smo and I hit up our 5 year class reunion for some high school fun. Soo much fun. Pizza and beverages galore.

Lots and lots of quotes from yesterday. I'll divide them up.

Cool Aunt: I like pasty eggs.

this was at breakfast, we went to a brewery and enjoyed mimosas... yes it was only 9AM but it's never to early to drink when you're celebrating.

Cool Aunt: Just sitting here, enjoying my hummus.
yeah, K caught a foul ball before the game even started. it was coming straight for us and I yelled ball! it bounced and he caught it. it was awesome. but Cool Aunt was not paying attention at all as she was enjoying her hummus on pita. yes, they have hummus on pita at the college world series. they also have an entire booth dedicated to gluten-free food, i was impressed. anyway, we decided then that we needed a codeword for when a foul ball was headed straight for us. after a few suggestions we went with Rosenblatt! or...
for short. we yelled it many times.

Cool Aunt: This snow cone is very enjoyable.
she was really diggin' it.

Crowd: "BLACK!" "GOLD!" "BLACK!" "GOLD!"
cheering for vandy. we decided we could yell out other colors with them and they wouldn't notice. RED! BLUE! GREEN! WHITE! but we all went for Vandy so we were glad they won.

Me: You're the tar to my heels.
that's all i could come up with for the tar heels. cause really, what kind of a mascot is tar heels? commodores? totally cooler. i'm going Vandy all the way!

then there was a reference question:
Where in the Sam Hill did the phrase "What in the Sam Hill" originate?
wikipedia lists many theories. i want the truth!

Overheard at the class reunion:
Smo: I could have taken off my clothes and no one would have noticed!

that's more of a long story. gotta love a small town with no traffic.

Smo: You're younguns! I own this song!
smo to her kids about baby got back.

Smo: Show me your T-Magic!
taylor martinez was at the bar we went to and she debated running after him.

Em: You cook when you get married. They forgot to tell me that.
em's response to me asking how married life was. so funny to have a reunion and half our class is married or engaged.

Juwanna: That's why I don't know anything about babies, I ran after you!
okay, so basically, i'm the queesiest person on the planet. if i even hear you talk about blood i run to the bathroom, pass out, hit my head on the sink and wake up in the dorm mom's apartment. proven fact. so, when our teacher decided to show us a video on birthing during Life Skills class, I ran to the bathroom, and though most people are just used to it, my roommate decided to run after me to see if I was okay. now she blames me for her lack of birthing knowledge.

Morning after was all Smo:
-Where's my toe nail?... Well, it's better than where's my pants.
-I have frogs in my purse.
-Why is your car hood up?

Work today was good, and flew by, but I'm thinking I'm going to nap/watch CWS for the rest of the day so I can be back to 100% tomorrow. Even though I'm done with grad school and don't have to spend every other minute reading I still gotta get going on camp stuff. So today I sleep, the rest of the week is going to be skits, schedules, volunteers, assignments, and more skits.

Songs for this weekend are from the game:

"Boogie Shoes" KC and the Sunshine Band

totally jammin.

"Sweet Caroline" Glee version, go Puck!

love it. they also did some sort of glee at the white house thing so here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YputDVO0ywY&NR=1 you can see michelle obama dancing to it with the girls. awesome.

Alright, out for the weekend. Gonna watch the game and take lots of naps.

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