I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Poetry in Motion

Okay, gonna keep this short as Ziva is turning against me, even as we speak. I can feel the time ticking before she'll restart this window. Ugh. It's making homework really frustrating. Will fix it later. But I did finish both books and do all the homework associated with them. All that's left is the paper reviewing the teen program. And I already went to the program so I just have to go over my notes and figure out strengths and weakenesses and all that jazz. Another fun thing to think about tomorrow when I'm shelving. Other than the Dewey Decimal System I mean. Actually I find being a shelver very helpful when I work at the other branch because I know the call numbers/authors to most of the sections/books. It makes things easy to find.

So, tomorrow I'll write/post the paper and hit you with my summer song. Which I'm really hoping doesn't suck. Cause once it plays it can't be skipped for the rest of the summer. Like I said, I'm a nerd. go here and scroll down to the paragraph about the music recs for the full story: My Life in Closed Captions: sickness, bee stings, greek mythology, zombies, un...

I finished book #12. I read 12 books in 6 weeks. Went to classes, did homework to go along with them. Went to a teen program, interviewed teens... I should feel accomplished. Right? But all I feel is like this just... headspace. I feel awful. That last book was completely depressing. Complete buzzkill to my joy of being 99% done with homework until August. I can't even like ugh.

But today was fun. Hysterical at moments.
Me: Does the coffee machine in the staff room actually work?
Fearless Leader: DON'T DRINK IT!
i almost fell over laughing. apparently it's bad. good to know.

Little boy: Is there a baby in your belly?
John Boy: Nope, just fat.
Little boy to his father: Dad, are you fat?
i was laughing about this one for a while. mostly because he asked john boy and as john boy is actually a boy boy i'm not sure that's possible. unless he was like arnold schwartz-howeveryouspellit in Junior. or that dude on grey's who was having a hysterical pregnancy. "Psych!" "Surgical!" just for you sketch.

Songs for the night:
I'm in a very Evanescence kinda mood but as I used Amy Lee's theme for yesterday I will have to hit shuffle and find something else for tonight...hmm...

"She's a Bad Mama Jama" Carl Carlton

yes that is his real name. and i think i'm going to claim Aquarius during this video and not participate. that's the joy of being born on the crossover between that and pisces. although i do enjoy his dance moves on the catwalk.

"Play that Funky Music, White Boy" Wild Cherry

funking out in every way huh?

There. Anti-Headspace music. Much better. Now I can sleep.

and usually the whole book changing your state of mind thing can be a good thing - like revolution was totally awesome and i felt all smart cause of the history stuff. zombies vs unicorns was a little wacky but still amusing. the depressing ones are the ones that totally cling to you the longest though. messers-of-minds. seriously.

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