I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Okay, so you're a rocket scientist.

Only 11 and all homework is done and posted. Pictures are printed, bag is packed, clothes are laid out, shower is taken, now all that's left is the sleeping part. Did I mention I wasn't a morning person?

Oh! and I figured out what the camera was taking pictures of in the beginning of Covert Affairs (scroll down to previous post) she's taking a polygram test and they're filming it.

Work went pretty fast, I felt kind of special today since I got to train one of the workers coming back for the summer. Big potatoes.

Dinner with the cool aunt was wicked awesome. She let me keep the leftovers. I've been practicing self-control and finished my homework instead of devouring them while watching Covert Affairs. That's next on my list. But she never lets me pay for anything. It's like a knock-down drag-out fight when you get all the women in our family together and they want to figure out the bill. Seriously.

So, Zombies vs. Unicorns is officially finished and I'm still in this weird altered mind state right now, even without the cough medicine! It just got weirder and weirder. But it was good. Not something I'm going to read over and over but it'll go on my shelf instead of being boxed in my closet or donated to the library. Which is an honor actually. I meant the shelf part, but yes, donating to the library is an honor as well.

Quotes of the night:
-"The scared in my eyes" what my dad said when he gave me driving lessons and held on for dear life.
-"Layers of candy wrappers" cause you should see the equipment when my brother's done with it for the year
-"All candy lunch" apparently, on the last day of school each year my parents would pack us an all candy lunch. i have no recollection of this.
-"Oh, go write a book!" other awesome aunt's comeback to something snarky said to her

pretty sure there were more but the cough medicine is taking effect. affect? effect? yep, definitely working. i'm gonna crash now.

Music Recs in my aunts honor:

Mary Chapin Carpenter "Shut up and Kiss Me"

I remember listening to a lot of her music on our family vacations. gotta love it.

Shania Twain "Don't Impress Me Much"

pretty sure we listened to this song about 50 times within a couple hours. smart cousin and me were totally jamming the whole time...especially to the "just in case" line.

tomorrow is class then go watch friend's band play... once i figure out where the place they're playing is located.

out like trout in a drout filled with clout. .... i'll explain that when i try to interpret it tomorrow. it was funny, i read through yesterday's post and there were multiple times when i said, "umm where was i going with this again?" and then i remembered more stuff. which now of course i've forgotten. so i'm gone like the song about donkey kong in a tho-whoa! done.

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