I could write a blog. I have thoughts.

Life at the library, adventures with friends and other hysterics...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

sickness, bee stings, greek mythology, zombies, unicorns, evil woman, sheryl crow.....cough medicine.

I'm sick. I have a cold. And it sucks. I've spent the day in bed - yes my actual bed Sketch - drowning myself in cough medicine and surrounding myself with kleenex's. Which made me laugh...but that's more of a long story.

Work today was a bit of a blur. I only had to get into the bookdrop for less than a minute this time. Which was exciting...until I saw the bees. Because apparently spiders and ants weren't enough. I have to admit I had kind of a sister-in-law reaction, grabbed the cart and ran back to the building once it was full. She's deathly afraid of bees. I've only been stung once. Of course it was while I was moving pipe with my brother. I screamed and dropped the pipe. Then while I was bent over in pain he stared and said, "ready yet?" But I love him. Especially when he serenades me with "Rooooooxaaaaaannnnne." Because in the morning that's super funny...My full-grown brother singing...on the particular morning I'm remembering it followed his rendition of some Whitney Houston song, can't remember which one, and we were sitting in the truck waiting for dad because the wheel had fallen off the pipe trailer a whole 3 times already. So yeah, we were done for the day. I almost cheered as he swore up a storm. Cause that meant I got to go back home, take a shower, and go back to bed. Early mornings really aren't my thing. In case you haven't noticed already.

But I guess it was a good day to be sick as I get to spend it in bed, reading/listening to my books for class and finishing the homework. I'm motivated to be done because then I get to konk out and turn on "Covert Affairs" season one, then go out to dinner tomorrow night with the cool aunt for sushi.

And, maybe it's the cough medicine, but I seriously feel like I should ramble about these books. Cause oh my god. Seriously.

Okay so book #7 was "The Lost Hero" by Rick Riordan and we had to listen to the audio format. It was actually pretty good, I'm thinking about reading the sequel after class is over and I have time. I love the Greek Mythology aspect as I'm kind of a nerd about that stuff and ancient Egypt.
But the thing about audio books is that they're good and bad.
Audio book Pro #1 - You can take and listen to them anywhere.
Audio book Con #1 - You feel like you must take and listen to them anywhere. Then you forget you left disc whatever in the car so instead of running out to get it you feel like jumping to the next one but you can't because you're already so lost in all of the backstory you're hoping that the end of the disc in the car will explain something!

Pro #2 - You can multitask while listening, like clean and unpack your apartment, make food, take a shower, clean your apartment, play with your cat, attempt to take a nap, clean your apartment...
Con #2 - The dude reads at a slower pace then what I'm used to so it takes forever to get through a disc! 16+ hours...man.

...there were more pros and cons in my head when I started typing but now I can't remember them. Cough medicine. I'll add them in later.

And okay, here-in comes the oh my god. "Zombies vs. Unicorns". Fun fact #1, actually shelved in the nonfiction section...but that's cause it's a collection of short stories by different authors. Still funny.
Anyway, the stories alternate between being about zombies and unicorns. Except for this one dude who tried to do a cross-over and failed epically. But it's by several authors and two editors who kind of have this running commentary and it's hilarious!
Question though, is it weird that I'm totally more freaked out by the stories about unicorns than the ones about zombies? I'm serious. There's some messed up stuff in there. Like you're thinking rainbows and stickers and flowers and stuff, and while there is a bit of that, duuuude. There's a lot more gore and killing and just disgusting stuff in these ones than in the zombie ones! And zombies eat brains! I'm gonna have nightmares about some killer unicorn coming to eat me and then having some weird zombie guy with half his face avenge me. Freaking cough medicine.
I've totally taken the zombie side in this whole debate. And if you haven't you should read the book. Then you will as well. Just, oh my god. But if you do read it, be warned. It's graphic. Like seriously graphic.

And now I'm going to go read the last few pages of ZvsU, then turn on Covert Affairs and crash. I can finish the rest of the homework tomorrow night after sushi with the cool aunt.

oh right, music recs. cough medicine. ummm... turning ipod on shuffle. which reminds me about my summer songs thing.
Remember how I'm a nerd? and I have all this music on my ipod? Well, every summer after school got out for like the past 4 years I have this thing called a "summer song" which is basically the first song that plays on my ipod (i put it on shuffle) when i'm released from school that year. and I have to listen to it every time it comes up on my ipod without skipping it for the entire summer. Cause I'm a nerd. and have a lot of music. so I skip a lot. But yeah, have been holding off on that since I'm still technically in school til mid June.

oh yay, more family stuff.
"Evil Woman" Electric Light Orchestra

my sisters and i sing this song quite often. delayed...reaction has also murdered this song during a karaoke party a long time ago. fun times.

"First Cut is the Deepest" Sheryl Crow

okay, is it me, or do both of these titles seem to fit in with the whole ZvsU theme? or maybe it's the cough medicine.

I'm gonna sleep now. or turn on Covert Affairs. I hit "play all" last night and don't remember anything past the camera taking pictures of something in the first frame of the series....don't even remember what it's taking pictures of.

...mmmm sleep.

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